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Geophysical monitoring and evaluation of coastal plain aquifers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) soundings to monitor ground water conditions beneath the coastal plain in eastern North Carolina. The TDEM method measures the earth's response to an induced electromagnetic field. The resulting signal is converted, through a complex inversion process, to apparent resistivity values, which can be directly correlated to borehole resistivity logs. TDEM soundings are used to map the interface between fresh and salt water within coastal aquifers, and estimate depth to basement when siting new monitoring wells. Focused TDEM surveys have identified areas of salt water encroachment caused by high volumes of discharge from local supply wells. Electromagnetic sounding, when used in tandem with the state's network of monitoring wells, is an accurate and inexpensive tool for evaluating fresh water/salt water relationships on both local and regional scales within coastal plain aquifers.  相似文献   

In the dune area of the Westhoek Nature Reserve, situated in the western Belgian coastal plain, two artificial tidal inlets were made aiming to enhance biodiversity. The infiltration of salt water in these tidal inlets was carefully monitored because a fresh water lens is present in the phreatic dune aquifer. This forms an important source of fresh water which is for instance exploited by a water company. The infiltration was monitored over a period of two years by means of electromagnetic borehole measurements (EM39) and by measurements of fresh water heads and temperature using a large number of observation wells. EM39 observations point to aquifer heterogeneity as a determining factor in the movement of the salt infiltration water. It is shown that part of the infiltration water moves further in the dunes instead of towards the sea. On the long term run, possibility exists that salt water enters the extraction’s capture zone. This issue needs further monitoring and study. Fresh water head and temperature data illustrate that the main period of infiltration is confined to spring tide when large amounts of salt water enter the tidal inlets.  相似文献   

Electrical resistivity survey is conducted in the Khanasser Valley, considered as a semi-arid region in Northern Syria, to guide and control fresh water well drilling. Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) are carried out near the existing wells, which were also used to measure salinity and conductivity of water samplings. Resistivity and hydrogeological data combination made it possible to establish empirical relationships between earth resistivity, water resistivity, and the amount of total dissolved solids (TDS). These relationships are used in the present research in order to follow the TDS salinity variations, both in lateral and depth directions, along the longitudinal profile LP3, located in Khanasser Valley. Apparent salinity map under this profile is established for Quaternary and Paleogene deposits, and boundaries of suitable areas for fresh water well drilling in the totality of the Khanasser Valley are drawn. It was shown that excessive fresh-water depletion may affect the groundwater quality by upward seepage of saline water. Therefore, it is important to keep the fresh-salt water interface in a stationary situation. The geoelectrical methods widely contribute in determining the position of such interface, and can be easily applied in similar arid areas.  相似文献   

Water from the San Joaquin Delta, having chloride concentrations up to 3590 mg/L, has intruded fresh water aquifers underlying Stockton, California. Changes in chloride concentrations at depth within these aquifers were evaluated using sequential electromagnetic (EM) induction logs collected during 2004 through 2007 at seven multiple‐well sites as deep as 268 m. Sequential EM logging is useful for identifying changes in groundwater quality through polyvinyl chloride‐cased wells in intervals not screened by wells. These unscreened intervals represent more than 90% of the aquifer at the sites studied. Sequential EM logging suggested degrading groundwater quality in numerous thin intervals, typically between 1 and 7 m in thickness, especially in the northern part of the study area. Some of these intervals were unscreened by wells, and would not have been identified by traditional groundwater sample collection. Sequential logging also identified intervals with improving water quality—possibly due to groundwater management practices that have limited pumping and promoted artificial recharge. EM resistivity was correlated with chloride concentrations in sampled wells and in water from core material. Natural gamma log data were used to account for the effect of aquifer lithology on EM resistivity. Results of this study show that a sequential EM logging is useful for identifying and monitoring the movement of high‐chloride water, having lower salinities and chloride concentrations than sea water, in aquifer intervals not screened by wells, and that increases in chloride in water from wells in the area are consistent with high‐chloride water originating from the San Joaquin Delta rather than from the underlying saline aquifer.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic (EM) logging provides an efficient method for high-resolution, vertical delineation of electrically conductive contamination in glacial sand-and-gravel aquifers. LM. gamma, and lithologic logs and specific conductance data from sand-and-gravel aquifers at five sites in the northeastern United States were analyzed to define the relation of KM conductivity to aquifer lithology and water quality. Municipal waste disposal, septic waste discharge, or highway deicing salt application at these sites has caused contaminant plumes in which the dissolved solids concentration and specific conductance of ground water exceed background levels by as much as 10 to 20 limes.
The major hydrogeologic factors that affected KM log response at the five sites were the dissolved solids concentration of the ground water and the silt and clay content in the aquifer. KM conductivity of sand and gravel with uncontaminated water ranged from less than 5 to about 10 millisiemens per meter (mS/m); that of silt and clay zones ranged from about 15 to 45 mS/m: and that of the more highly contaminated zones in sand and gravel ranged from about 10 to more than 80 mS/m. Specific conductance of water samples from screened intervals in sand and gravel at selected monitoring well installations was significantly correlated with KM conductivity.
CM logging can be used in glacial sand-and-gravel aquifer investigations to (1) determine optimum depths for the placement of monitoring well screens: (2) provide a nearly continuous vertical profile of specific conductance to complement depth-specific water quality samples; and (3) identify temporal changes in water quality through sequential logging. Detailed lithologic or gamma logs, preferably both, need to be collected along with the F.M logs to define zones in which elevated EM conductivity is caused by the presence of sill and clay beds rather than contamination.  相似文献   

Five inorganic geochemical data sets with ion balances less than or equal to 5% (for different hydrogeologic basins in Mexico) were used to construct specific conductance (SC) vs. total dissolved solids (TDS) curves for each aquifer. These curves allow one to proxy the specific conductance for inorganic water quality. The data from these five curves were integrated to form a "global" curve for Mexico. The equation that defines the line is SC = 1.40 TDS + 18. We propose that, in addition to allowing ground water monitoring, establishing a SC vs. TDS curve may be implemented to monitor drinking water supplies such as wells and reservoirs. If anomalously high values are observed, this would warrant detailed geochemical sampling.  相似文献   

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's Technical Regulations require the horizontal and vertical delineation of contamination. Monitor wells screened at increasingly deeper intervals are used to delineate vertical contamination. In New Jersey, the open interval in a bedrock well cannot exceed 7.6 m. Since contamination has been found at depths as great as 91.4 m in a production well in the study area, it would be prohibitively expensive to install monitor wells with 7.6 m open holes at ever-increasing depths until no contamination was found. Isolation of discrete zones in boreholes using pneumatic packers was implemented at a site in north central New Jersey. Ground water samples were collected from selected 6.1 m sections of boreholes drilled into fractured bedrock at three locations on the property and one offsite location. The ground water samples were analyzed in a field laboratory. The analytical results were used to determine the vertical extent of gasoline-related compounds dissolved in the ground water on the property and offsite. These compounds include benzene, ethylbenzene, methyl tertiary butyl ether, toluene, and xylenes. The four boreholes were converted into bedrock monitor wells. The intake interval for each of the wells was selected through evaluation of the vertical distribution of contaminants as determined from analytical results obtained from a field laboratory located onsite. Three wells are used for the recovery of contaminated ground water. The recovered water will be treated at the onsite air-stripping unit. The fourth well is used to chemically and hydraulically monitor the progress of the ground water recovery program.  相似文献   

High groundwater salinity has become a major concern in the arid alluvial plain of the Dunhuang Basin in northwestern China because it poses a significant challenge to water resource management. Isotopic and geochemical analyses were conducted on 55 water samples from springs, boreholes and surface water to identify potential sources of groundwater salinity and analyse the processes that control increasing salinity. The total dissolved solid (TDS) content in the groundwater ranged from 400 to 41 000 mg/l, and high TDS values were commonly associated with shallow water tables and flow‐through and discharge zones in unconfined aquifers. Various groundwater contributions from rainwater, agricultural irrigation, river water infiltration and lateral inflows from mountains were identified by major ions and δD and δ18O. In general, HCO3? and SO42? were the dominant anions in groundwater with a salinity of <2500 mg/l, whereas Cl? and SO42? were the dominant anions in groundwater with a salinity of >2500 mg/l. The major ion concentrations indicated that mineral weathering, including carbonate and evaporite dissolution, primarily affected groundwater salinity in recharge areas. Evapotranspiration controlled the major ion concentration evolution and salinity distribution in the unconfined groundwaters in the flow‐through and discharge areas, although it had a limited effect on groundwater in the recharge areas and confined aquifers. Agricultural irrigation increased the water table and enhanced evapotranspiration in the oasis areas of the basin. TDS and Cl became more concentrated, but H and O isotopes were not enriched in the irrigation district, indicating that transpiration dominated the increasing salinity. For other places in the basin, as indicated by TDS, Cl, δD and δ18O characteristics, evaporation, transpiration and water–rock interactions dominated at different hydrogeological zones, depending on the plant coverage and hydrogeological conditions. Groundwater ages of 3H, and δD and δ18O compositions and distributions suggest that most of the groundwaters in Dunhuang Basin have a paleometeoric origin and experienced a long residence time. These results can contribute to groundwater management and future water allocation programmes in the Dunhuang Basin. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In recent times, velocity surveys at marine well locations have been performed using non-explosive energy sources such as air-guns and gas guns. In addition, surveys in land wells have been successfully carried out using a modified version of the air-gun. This paper illustrates some of the characteristics of these devices and compares the data obtained from typical surveys with conventional dynamite surveys. Since data obtained from well velocity surveys using non-explosive sources are now commonly recorded on tape, they lend themself to further digital processing and interpretation techniques that were not previously so conveniently available. Some examples of these processes, e.g. the examination of attenuation, frequency and energy content of the recorded well geophone signals, are given in the paper. Examples of some other digital processes, using calibrated Acoustic logs, whether recorded digitally in the field or subsequently converted from analogue recordings, are also given in the paper. These include the construction of an Acoustic log in the vertical axis from logs obtained in deviated wells.  相似文献   


On the basis of the degree of mineralization, the groundwater of Apan-Tochac sub-basin may be considered as fresh (TDS < 500 ppm). However, chlorination is necessary to make it fit for human consumption. Major ion analyses of over 235 water samples reveal a striking relationship between hydrochemical evolution and the groundwater flow system. A high content of total dissolved solids, and low values of the Ca:Mg ratio are present in wells located on the plain (discharge zone), whereas opposite conditions are associated with wells located in higher regions (recharge zone). Statistical data analysis using the method of principal components allowed to differentiation of two hydrochemical families: (a) low mineralization corresponding to the recharge zone, and (b) high mineralization corresponding to the discharge zone. Waters of the Ca + Mg + HCO3, and Na + Mg + HCO3 hydrochemical fades are present and the former is dominant. The water is slightly alkaline, having slight problems of salinity during the year owing mainly to Ca2+HCO3 ? and Na+Cl? salts. The hydrochemistry of the groundwater reflects the pattern of local groundwater flow for this sub-basin.  相似文献   

盐分是参与湖泊物质循环的重要成分之一,湖泊盐度增加对湖泊生态系统健康造成了严重的威胁.乌梁素海总溶解性固体(TDS)和盐度均处于较高的水平,为揭示盐分在冰-水-沉积物中的分布及迁移规律,冰封期在乌梁素海7个采样点采集冰、冰下水和不同深度沉积物样品,分析样品的TDS、Na+和Cl-浓度,得到各自在冰-水间浓度的比值,即分配系数K,并对水-沉积物界面Na+和Cl-的扩散通量进行估算.结果显示,TDS、Na+和Cl-在冰-水中分配系数K的均值分别为0.02、0.03和0.01,表明在湖水结冰形成冰盖的过程中,随着冰晶的析出,TDS、Na+和Cl-逐渐在水体中浓缩,水体中Na+和Cl-在浓度梯度驱动力作用下,向沉积物间隙水中扩散,估算其扩散通量均值分别为-229和-676 mg/(m2·d).总之,湖水在冻结过程中,由于冰晶的析出,盐分向冰下水体中迁移,使得盐分浓度在冰下水体中浓缩增加,继而向沉积物中迁移,对湖泊水生态环境构成胁迫.  相似文献   

Cross-well seismic reflection data, acquired from a carbonate aquifer at Port Mayaca test site near the eastern boundary of Lake Okeechobee in Martin County, Florida, are used to delineate flow units in the region intercepted by two wells. The interwell impedance determined by inversion from the seismic reflection data allows us to visualize the major boundaries between the hydraulic units. The hydraulic (flow) unit properties are based on the integration of well logs and the carbonate structure, which consists of isolated vuggy carbonate units and interconnected vug systems within the carbonate matrix. The vuggy and matrix porosity logs based on Formation Micro-Imager (FMI) data provide information about highly permeable conduits at well locations. The integration of the inverted impedance and well logs using geostatistics helps us to assess the resolution of the cross-well seismic method for detecting conduits and to determine whether these conduits are continuous or discontinuous between wells. A productive water zone of the aquifer outlined by the well logs was selected for analysis and interpretation. The ELAN (Elemental Log Analysis) porosity from two wells was selected as primary data and the reflection seismic-based impedance as secondary data. The direct and cross variograms along the vertical wells capture nested structures associated with periodic carbonate units, which correspond to connected flow units between the wells. Alternatively, the horizontal variogram of impedance (secondary data) provides scale lengths that correspond to irregular boundary shapes of flow units. The ELAN porosity image obtained by cokriging exhibits three similar flow units at different depths. These units are thin conduits developed in the first well and, at about the middle of the interwell separation region, these conduits connect to thicker flow units that are intercepted by the second well. In addition, a high impedance zone (low porosity) at a depth of about 275 m, after being converted to ELAN porosity, is characterized as a more confined low porosity structure. This continuous zone corresponds to a permeability barrier in the carbonate aquifer that separates the three connected conduits observed in the cokriging image. In the zones above and below this permeability barrier, the water production is very high, which agrees with water well observations at the Port Mayaca aquifer.  相似文献   

Chahardouly basin is located in the western part of Iran and is characterized by semi‐arid climatic conditions and scarcity in water resources. The main aquifer systems are developed within alluvial deposits. The availability of groundwater is rather erratic owing to the occurrence of hard rock formation and a saline zone in some parts of the area. The aquifer systems of the area show signs of depletion, which have taken place in recent years due to a decline in water levels. Groundwater samples collected from shallow and deep wells were analysed to examine the quality characteristics of groundwater. The major ion chemistry of groundwater is dominated by Ca2+ and HCO3?, while higher values of total dissolved solids (TDS) in groundwater are associated with high concentrations of all major ions. An increase in salinity is recorded in the down‐gradient part of the basin. The occurrence of saline groundwater, as witnessed by the high electrical conductivity (EC), may be attributed to the long residence time of water and the dissolution of minerals, as well as evaporation of rainfall and irrigation return flow. Based on SAR values and sodium content (%Na), salinity appears to be responsible for the poor groundwater quality, rendering most of the samples not suitable for irrigation use. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Grout continuity and the location of the bentonite seal and sand pack in PVC-cased monitoring wells can be evaluated with cased-hole geophysical density logs. This method relies upon density contrasts among various completion conditions and annular materials. Notably, the lack of annular material behind pipe (i.e., void space) creates a low-density zone that is readily detected by borehole density measurements.
Acoustic cement bond logging has typically been applied to the evaluation of cement in the annular space of completed oil and gas production wells, and in some cases to ground water monitoring wells. These logs, however, can only be obtained in the fluid-filled portion of the borehole, and their interpretation is severely hindered by the presence of the micro-annulus between casing and cement. The influence of the micro-annulus on cement bond logs can be mitigated in steel-cased wells by pressurizing the wellbore during acquisition of the log, but this procedure is not feasible in PVC-cased monitoring wells. The micro-annulus does not affect cased-hole density logs or their interpretation.
Empirical measurements made in the laboratory with density probes provide information on their depths of investigation and response to specific completion conditions. These empirical data, and general knowledge of the density of annular completion materials (sand, bentonite, cement), are used to support interpretations of cased-hole density logs acquired in the field. Three field examples demonstrate the applicability of geophysical density logs to the evaluation of PVC-cased monitoring well completions.  相似文献   

To advance and optimize secondary and tertiary oil recovery techniques, it is essential to know the areal propagation and distribution of the injected fluids in the subsurface. We investigate the applicability of controlled‐source electromagnetic methods to monitor fluid movements in a German oilfield (Bockstedt, onshore Northwest Germany) as injected brines (highly saline formation water) have much lower electrical resistivity than the oil within the reservoir. The main focus of this study is on controlled‐source electromagnetic simulations to test the sensitivity of various source–receiver configurations. The background model for the simulations is based on two‐dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data gathered across the oil field and calibrated with resistivity logs. Three‐dimensional modelling results suggest that controlled‐source electromagnetic methods are sensitive to resistivity changes at reservoir depths, but the effect is difficult to resolve with surface measurements only. Resolution increases significantly if sensors or transmitters can be placed in observation wells closer to the reservoir. In particular, observation of the vertical electric field component in shallow boreholes and/or use of source configurations consisting of combinations of vertical and horizontal dipoles are promising. Preliminary results from a borehole‐to‐surface controlled‐source electromagnetic field survey carried out in spring 2014 are in good agreement with the modelling studies.  相似文献   


A real-life problem involving pumping of groundwater from a series of existing wells along a river flood plain underlain with geologically saline water is examined within a conceptual framework. Unplanned pumping results in upconing of saline water. Therefore, it is necessary to determine optimal locations of fixed capacity pumping wells in space and time from a set of pre-selected candidate wells that minimize total salinity concentration in space and time. The nonlinear, non-convex, combinatorial problem involving zero—one decision variables is solved in a simulation—optimization (S/O) framework. Optimization is accomplished by using simulated annealing (SA)—a search algorithm. The computational burden is primarily managed by replacing the numerical model with a surrogate simulator—artificial neural network (ANN). The computational burden is further reduced through intuitive algorithmic guidance. The model results suggest that the skimming wells must be operated from optimal locations such that they are staggered in space and time to obtain least saline water.  相似文献   

An integrated approach of geoelectrical and hydrochemical investigation surveys was proposed for indicating contact regions between saline and fresh groundwater in the Khanasser valley region, northern Syria. The qualitative and quantitative interpretations of 34 vertical electrical soundings (VES) enable to characterize the salt water intrusion laterally and vertically. The established iso-apparent resistivity maps for different AB/2 spacings obviously indicate the presence of a lowresistivity (less than 4 Ohm·m) zone related to the salt water intrusion in the Quaternary and Paleogene deposits. The different hydrochemical and geophysical parameters, such as electrical resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS) and major ions concentrations used to characterize the salt water intrusion gave almost similar results in locating and mapping the different boundaries of the groundwater salinity. The proposed approach is useful for mapping the interface between different groundwater qualities, and can be therefore used to successfully characterize the salt water intrusion phenomenon in other semi-arid regions. The application of such an approach is a powerful tool and can be used for water resource management in the water scarce areas.  相似文献   

The spontaneous potential log was used to compute the thickness and distribution of groundwater with a total dissolved solids (TDS) of less than 1000 mg l?1 for Carter County, Oklahoma. To compute accurate salinities from the spontaneous potential in high-resistivity zones, empirical correction factors had to be developed and applied. For the formations present equivalent water resistivity vs. water resistivity curves were developed from chemical analyses and digitized. Water resistivity vs. TDS curves were also developed and digitized. The existing empirical thin-bed corrections were curve-fit with equations and applied to each zone. Except in beds less than 3.65 m thick they had little effect.It was found that after applying the thin-bed corrections used by logging companies, the computed TDS was a function of resistivity of the mud filtrate at 24°C. An empirical relationship was developed between spontaneous potential and resistivity of the mud filtrate at 24°C, using well logs of beds with known water chemistry. This relationship was entered as a correction equation into a computer program developed by the author. The correction is necessary since the voltage drop in a freshwater formation is greater than predicted by earlier electric analog modeling, and the spontaneous potential is less than the static spontaneous potential. Testing of the correction factors shows that in a formation with TDS of ~750 mg l?1 the average error decreases from ~37% to 10%.A data set of 704 well logs was built with data from each freshwater zone from the base of the regolith to a depth where the TDS was greater than 10,000 mg l?1. The TDS was computed for each zone. Two maps were prepared from the results; an isopach of the formations with TDS of less than 1000 mg l?1, and a depth to the base of the water with TDS of 1000 mg l?1.  相似文献   

Arsenic concentrations can be managed with a relatively simple strategy of grouting instead of completely destroying a selected interval of well. The strategy of selective grouting was investigated in Antelope Valley, California, where groundwater supplies most of the water demand. Naturally occurring arsenic typically exceeds concentrations of 10 µg/L in the water produced from these long-screened wells. The vertical distributions of arsenic concentrations in intervals of the aquifer contributing water to selected supply wells were characterized with depth-dependent water-quality sampling and flow logs. Arsenic primarily entered the lower half of the wells where lacustrine clay deposits and a deeper aquifer occurred. Five wells were modified by grouting from below the top of the lacustrine clay deposits to the bottom of the well, which reduced produced arsenic concentrations to less than 2 µg/L in four of the five wells. Long-term viability of well modification and reduction of specific capacity was assessed for well 4-54 with AnalyzeHOLE, which creates and uses axisymmetric, radial MODFLOW models. Two radial models were calibrated to observed borehole flows, drawdowns, and transmissivity by estimating hydraulic-conductivity values in the aquifer system and gravel packs of the original and modified wells. Lithology also constrained hydraulic-conductivity estimates as regularization observations. Well encrustations caused as much as 2 µg/L increase in simulated arsenic concentration by reducing the contribution of flow from the aquifer system above the lacustrine clay deposits. Simulated arsenic concentrations in the modified well remained less than 3 µg/L over a 20-year period.  相似文献   

利用地震数据反演海水温盐结构   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用地震剖面获取海水层温度、盐度、密度等物理参数成为地震海洋学研究的一个重要问题.本文提出了以CTD(Conductivity-Temperature-Depth)温盐深剖面仪观测资料为约束的波阻抗、温-盐结构反演方法.该方法包括两个步骤:首先把少量的CTD作为"约束井"进行地震数据的波阻抗反演;然后利用从CTD资料获得的研究海区的温-盐关系式,结合波阻抗数据反演得到温度和盐度剖面.通过合成数据的试算表明,基于少量的CTD资料控制,利用地震数据可以反演得到高分辨率的二维温度、盐度结构.基于地震数据的温-盐结构反演方法有望弥补传统物理海洋学观测方法的不足,为海洋学研究提供大量的基础数据,有广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

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