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At present, the mechanism research on glacial lake outburst mainly focuses on the ice quake and ice landslide, etc. To some glacial lakes, the seepage deformation is the dominant factor in outburst process. Taking the Yindapu Glacial Lake in Tibet as an example, using SEEP/W module of FEM software (GEO-STUDIO), the authors analyzed seepage stability of terminal moraine ridge dam. The leading role of seepage deformation in some glacial lake outburst mechanism is proposed and proved.  相似文献   

1OVERFLOWBURSTOFMORAINELAKEFloodwater and debris flow caused by glacial lake burst is an important land process and a serious moun-tain disaster in glacial area. Glacial lakes with burst can divided into the glacier-obstructed lake (ice dam lake) and the terminal moraine lake (XU and FENG, 1988). Typical burst of ice dam lake happens in the modern glacier area of the upper reaches of the Kele-qing River in Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang (WANG, 1990). But most of burst gla…  相似文献   

With the global warming,the disasters of Glacier Lake Outburst Flood(GLOF) have taken place frequently in Tibet in recent years and attracted more and more attention.A systematic survey was conducted on the 19 GLOFs in Tibet to study their two main mechanisms.Investigations indicated that all the events occurred in end-moraine lakes,and the outburst occurred partially and instantly.And the breach had the shape of an arc or a trapezoid in overflow outburst and its top width was 3-5 times more than the height.The two main mechanisms of GLOFs in Tibetan end-moraine Lake were overflow and piping,and the overflow mechanism caused by iceberg collapse was dominated in most cases.A formula was proposed to calculate the critical thickness of iceberg tongue that determines the collapse.Granular analysis of the moraine materials revealed that seepage deformation is crucial in the outburst process.Finally,we conducted a case study of the Guangxiecuo Lake to show its possible process of outburst and estimated the peak discharge of the resulted flood.  相似文献   

通过对藏北高原西北部结则茶卡湖泊及其沿岸地质地貌调查,发现其为一个富含硼、锂、钾、锶的封闭型盐湖,沿岸海拔4 850 m拔湖325 m有一条明显的高位湖岸线,该湖岸线到湖面之间有六级湖积阶地发育,六级以上阶地保存零星。沿湖岸不同高度上的湖积物U系年龄分别为(14.2±1.2)ka BP(T2)、(38.0±3.5)ka BP(T4)和(41.6±3.2)ka BP(T5)。湖面下降的幅度是藏北高原迄今所知最大。根据湖面平均下降速度推算高位湖岸线和高位湖积层的形成年龄在(120~90)ka BP,与东部的纳木错和西部的甜水海基本一致,说明藏北高原在晚更新世初期有一个明显的泛湖期。大约100 ka BP结则茶卡湖面开始下降,晚更新世以来湖泊演化是在封闭体系干旱环境下进行的,盐湖形成于14 ka BP左右,藏北高原在晚更新世以来气候变化可能为自西向东逐渐变为干寒。  相似文献   

该文在查明区域水文地质条件、湖区地下水的类型、分布、埋藏条件、含水层及隔水层特征、岩性结构以及地下水的补给、径流、排泄条件的基础上,通过现场试验,确定了天然状态下湖区各含水层之间的水力联系、黄河侧渗补给量及湖区向小清河的排泄量,结合数值模拟,预测了湖区维持设计蓄水位21.5m时黄河的侧渗补给量、湖区向小清河的排泄量及湖区对周边地下水位的影响。结果表明,天然状态下,黄河侧渗补给量为748.23m~3/d,湖区向小清河排泄量大约为52.03m~3/d,黄河侧渗补给量远大于湖区向小清河的排泄量。数值模拟结果表明,湖区维持设计蓄水位21.5m时,不同水文年湖区接受的侧渗补给量均大于湖区的渗漏量,且对周围地下水位的影响不超过1.5m,因此,湖区维持设计蓄水位21.5m时可不考虑防渗措施。  相似文献   

我国东部中低山区第四纪冰川的存在与否一直存在争议,但冰川必然对山体进行冰蚀作用形成冰蚀地貌。为了分析我国东部中低山区的山体地貌是否具有冰蚀特征,该文选取了现代冰川集中发育区-喜马拉雅山脉作为冰蚀地貌的研究对象,通过宏观分析,除了由缩口、三角脊、残弧组成的冰斗系统外,还发现冰蚀作用过程存在避谷、吞脊、切壁、穿梁等特殊习性。分析认为冰蚀过程主要受制于雪线高程、积雪高程与坡向坡角三方面因素的控制。以此为基础,对我国东部的江西庐山、山东蒙山、大兴安岭主峰黄岗梁三个地区的山体地貌进行对比分析,发现这些山区的山体地貌与喜马拉雅山脉的冰蚀地貌具有一致性。文章从冰蚀过程的角度确认了我国东部中低山区存在第四纪冰川的事实。  相似文献   

The present paper studies the sedimentary characteristics and mechanism of the shell ridges on the southwestern coast of Bohai Bay, which are the largest and have the highest shell (or shell fragment) content in the world. These shell ridges are composed of two sedimentary subfacies: the ridge subfacies and the ridge infill subfacies with different inner textures and sedimentary structures. The ridge subfacies primarily consists of fresh shells and/or shell fragments with parallel beddings and high-angle oblique beddings. The ridge infill subfacies consists of finer shell fragments and silty sand with parallel beddings oblique to land. The evolution of the shell ridge is controlled by the accumulation of substantial shell material,the relative slow erosion of shoreline, storm waves, winds and the shift of river routes. Wind tunnel tests indicate that the critical movement velocity of shell is lower than that of quartz sand of the same grain size. Deltaic progradation alternates with shell ridge growth. While the Yellow River empties into the sea through this area, accompanied by deltaic progradating, the shell material is scarce, which is unfavorable to the growth of the shell ridge. Conversely, erosion occurs along an abandoned delta coast where a shell ridge may develop, e.g. the shell ridge on the southwest of Bohai Bay.  相似文献   

东平湖老湖设计防洪水位为46.0m,2001年、2003年汛期,老湖水位只有44.38m,43.2m,遭遇了,较大的风浪,波浪已接近二级湖堤堤顶,出现了较大的险情.为分析出险原因,对二级湖堤的波浪因素进行了分析研究。通过有关理论分析和实际验证,1993年二级湖堤加高设汁时,堤顶超高、石护坡波浪要素计算采用前苏联西晓夫公式,不符合老湖的.实际情况,而现行规范推荐的莆田试验站公式更适合老湖波浪实际情况。采用莆田试验站公式计算,二级湖堤现状高度不足,欠高值为0.57~1.34m;部分堤段石护坡厚度不足,厚度差1~7cm。  相似文献   

STUDIESONWATERSTAGEFLUCTUATIONOFYAMZHOLAKEINXIZANGLiuTianchou(刘天仇)(TibetanBureauofWaterResourceandHydrologicalSurvey,Lhasa350...  相似文献   

Phosphorus speciation in sediments of Lake Hongfeng, China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study was conducted to evaluate the distribution characteristics of phosphorus and its species in 14 sediments samples collected from Lake Hongfeng based on sequential extraction. Lake Hongfeng, a major drinking-water source for Guiyang City in southwestern China, is one of the largest artificial reservoirs located in a typical karstic area of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. The results of this study indicate that the average percentages of DP, Al-P, Fe-P, Ca-P and OP in the lake sediments were 0.52, 6.59,...  相似文献   

罗布泊盐湖罗北区卤水主要离子平面分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
罗布泊盐湖罗北区有着丰富的地下卤水资源,通过野外采集样品,室内试验检测,研究了罗布泊盐湖罗北区表层卤水主要离子的分布特征。采集卤水样品46件,通过分析,表明该区卤水矿化度范围在18.169~389.253g/L,略有中间高四周低的趋势。卤水中的阳离子主要为K+,Na+,Ca2+,Sr2+,B3+;阴离子主要为Cl-,SO24-,HCO3-,Br-,I-。其中K+,Na+,Li+,Cl-,SO24-,B3+的分布及含量均与矿化度呈正相关关系,Ca2+,Sr2+的分布及含量与矿化度呈负相关关系。HCO3-,Li+,Br-,I-,Mg2+的分布及含量与矿化度关系不明显。  相似文献   

The detection of glacial lake change in the Himalayas, Nepal is extremely significant since the glacial lake change is one of the crucial indicators of global climate change in this area, where is the most sensitive area of the global climate changes. In the Himalayas, some of glacial lakes are covered by the dark mountains′ shadow because of their location. Therefore, these lakes can not be detected by conventional method such as Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), because the reflectance feature of shadowed glacial lake is different comparing to the ones which are located in the open flat area. The shadow causes two major problems: 1) glacial lakes which are covered by shadow completely result in underestimation of the number of glacial lakes; 2) glacial lakes which are partly identified are considered to undervalue the area of glacial lakes. The aim of this study is to develop a new model, named Detection of Shadowed Glacial Lakes (DSGL) model, to identify glacial lakes under the shadow environment by using Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data in the Himalayas, Nepal. The DSGL model is based on integration of two different modifications of NDWI, namely NDWIs model and NDWI she model. NDWIs is defined as integration of the NDWI and slope analysis and used for detecting non-shadowed lake in the mountain area. The NDWIshe is proposed as a new methodology to overcome the weakness of NDWIs on identifying shadowed lakes in highly elevated mountainous area such as the Himalayas. The first step of the NDWIshe is to enhance the data from ASTER 1B using the histogram equalization (HE) method, and its outcome product is named ASTER he . We used the ASTER he for calculating the NDWI he and the NDWIshe . Integrated with terrain analysis using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data, the NDWI she can be used to identify the shadowed glacial lakes in the Himalayas. NDWIs value of 0.41 is used to identify the glacier lake (NDWIs≥0.41), and 0.3 of NDWIshe is used to identify the shadowed glacier lake (NDWIshe≤0.3). The DSGL model was proved to be able to classify the glacial lakes more accurately, while the NDWI model had tendency to underestimate the presence of actual glacial lakes. Correct classification rate regarding the products from NDWI model and DSGL model were 57% and 99%, respectively. The results of this paper demonstrated that the DSGL model is promising to detect glacial lakes in the shadowed environment at high mountains.  相似文献   

随着区域经济的迅速发展,工业化程度加剧以及旅游开发等人为活动的影响,东平湖湖区景观格局发生了显著变化,威胁着湿地资源的可持续利用。该文在遥感和GIS技术的支持下,以东平湖1985年、1991年、1996年、2000年、2004年、2011年、2015年7期Landsat TM/OLI影像为数据源,对东平湖湿地景观类型进行了提取。同时利用Fragstats景观分析软件,选取景观多样性、景观优势度、景观均匀度、景观破碎度等指标,在景观水平上研究了1985—2015年近30年来东平湖湿地景观格局的动态变化特征。结果表明,近30年来,湿地与湿地、湿地与非湿地之间发生着景观类型的转化。其中,裸地面积显著减少,建筑用地面积显著增加,自然水面逐渐增大,各植被景观面积没有明显变化趋势。景观格局指数的计算结果表明,研究时段内东平湖湿地景观均匀度指数波动增加,景观多样性指数趋于减小,东平湖湿地景观破碎化程度较均衡,但有加剧趋势,景观类型波动中趋于简单。  相似文献   

微山湖二线船闸基坑涌水量计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以微山湖二线船闸基坑降水计算为例,把地表水发育地区、含水层和隔水层互层交错的水文地质条件,近似为无限均质含水层。基坑降水时基坑降水与均质含水层、设定降深、长期稳定开采时地下水资源计算雷同,理想大井法适用于基坑涌水量估算。  相似文献   

东平湖二级湖堤石护坡在2001,2003年洪水中发生大面积损坏,急需加固.通过对护坡一般结构形式特点的分析,初步选定砌石护坡、混凝土喷护、四脚空心体、扭工字体4种加固形式,在此基础上,通过波浪爬高计算分析,从技术、经济两方面进一步对四种护坡形式进行分析,四脚空心体、扭工字体消浪效果好,投资省,综合考虑群众生产等因素,二级湖堤石护坡加固四脚空心体加固方案最适宜.  相似文献   

Freshwater mussels are a major component of the zoobenthos and they therefore play an important role in freshwater ecosystems. The community composition and the standing crop of freshwater mussels in Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China and one of two lakes connected to the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, were investigated from February 2008 to May 2009. Mussels were sampled in hydrologically and geographically distinct sampling areas. A total of 42 species and 13 genera were identified, of which 32 species were endemic to China. Two species, Unio douglasiae and Lamprotula caveata, dominated all sampling areas. The number of genera and species, and the number of species within each genus, differed significantly among sampling areas. Freshwater mussels were very abundant, with an overall density of 0.28 ± 0.22 ind./m2 and biomass of 4.08 ± 3.96 g/m2. Significant variation observed among sampling areas and among genera was probably due to the variety of habitats among the areas sampled and to the adaptability of different freshwater mussels to environments. This study suggests that Poyang Lake and other freshwater lakes in the region are important sites of freshwater mussel biodiversity and conservation.  相似文献   

山东省南四湖湿地植被及其生物量初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过对南四湖湿地野外实地调查并结合已有资料,对南四湖湿地范围进行了重新界定,分析了湿地的植被状况。并对2006年6月的SPOT 5影像进行解译,绘制了湿地景观格局图并统计各种景观类型的面积。使用湿地植被生物量密度数据计算出整个南四湖湿地植被的生物量为623.37×103t,并与1983年资料对比发现南四湖湿地植被生物量已减少了4/5,表明南四湖湿地植被的初级生产能力已经明显减退。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONCiliates,alwaysdominatingalltheprotozoans,arethecommonandimportantmembersoffreshwaterzooplanktoncommunities.Asmainconsumersofbacteria,picoplanktonandnannoplankton(Finlay,1978;Porteretal.,1985;Taylor,1984,1987;Simeketal.,1996)compriseanimportanttrophiclinka…  相似文献   

张祖陆  孙庆义  宋印胜  王梅 《山东国土资源》2007,23(6):2007/3/14-2007/6/22
依据南四湖周边地区数十眼钻孔的数据资料,以岩性地层分析对比研究为基础,通过利用“C、热释光等年代测定和孢粉分析技术方法,对该地区第四纪地层的划分提出了初步认识。经研究认为,该区中南部的南四湖、北五湖的湖相沉积大约形成于全新世中晚期之后。根据区内松散岩层的沉积物岩性和岩层的组合特征可以划分出5个岩组段。  相似文献   

依据南四湖周边地区数十眼钻孔的数据资料,以岩性地层分析对比研究为基础,通过利用14C、热释光等年代测定和孢粉分析技术方法,对该地区第四纪地层的划分提出了初步认识。经研究认为,该区中南部的南四湖、北五湖的湖相沉积大约形成于全新世中晚期之后。根据区内松散岩层的沉积物岩性和岩层的组合特征可以划分出5个岩组段。  相似文献   

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