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We report speckle interferometric observations of Pluto and its moon (1978 P1) Charon obtained on 5 June 1980 with a single 1.8-m mirror of the Multiple Mirror Telescope. Our observations yield a separation of 0″.31 (±0″.05) between Pluto and Charon at position angle 285° (±7°) for JD 2444395.75. This result and other direct observations indicate an adjustment of +4.0 hr to the orbital epoch of R. S. Harrington and J. W. Christy [Astron.J.86, 442–443 (1981)]. Our observation, which represents the first resolution of the system near minimum separation, also suggests that the inclination of the orbit to the plane of the sky should be increased by 3°; this will delay the onset of the predicted eclipsee season by one apparition to 1984 or 1985. Our data are consistent with Pluto diameter 0″.14 (±0″.02) = 3000 (±400) km and Charon diameter 0″..05 (±0″.03) = 1100 (±600) km.  相似文献   

We suggest that Pluto and Charon are immersed in a tenuous dust cloud. The cloud consists of ejecta from Pluto and—especially—Charon, released from their surfaces by impacts of micrometeoroids originating from Edgeworth-Kuiper belt objects. The motion of the ejected grains is dominated by the gravity of Pluto and Charon, which determines a pear-shape of the densest part of the cloud. While the production rates of escaping particles from both sides are comparable, the lifetimes of the Charon particles inside the Hill sphere of Pluto-Charon with respect to the Sun are much longer than of the Pluto ejecta, so that the cloud is composed predominantly of Charon grains. The dust cloud is dense enough to be detected with an in situ dust detector onboard a future space mission to Pluto. The cloud's maximum optical depth of τ≈3×10−11 is, however, too low to allow remote sensing observations.  相似文献   

We present new photometric and spectroscopic observations of the Pluto–Charon system carried out at the VLT-ESO (Chile) with two 8-m telescopes equipped with the FORS2, ISAAC and SINFONI instruments. The spectra were obtained in the 0.6–2.45 μm range with a spectral resolution from 300 to 1500. The SINFONI data were obtained using adaptive optics, allowing a complete separation of the two bodies. We derive both objects’ magnitudes in the near infrared and convert them into albedo values. These first near infrared photometric data allow to adjust the different parts of Pluto’s spectrum, provided by the three instruments. We run spectral models in order to give chemical and physical constraints on the surface of Pluto and Charon. We discuss the dilution properties of the methane ice and its implications on Pluto’s surface. The heterogeneities of the pure and diluted methane ice on Pluto’s surface is also investigated. The high signal-to-noise level of the data and our analyses may support the presence of ethane ice on the surface of Pluto, which is one of the main products of the methane irradiation and photolysis. The analyses of the spectra of Charon suggest that the water ice is almost completely in its crystalline form and that the ammonia compound is hydrated on the surface of this satellite.  相似文献   

Images of the Pluto-Charon system were obtained with the Faint Object Camera (FOC) of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) with the aim of determination of radii, fluxes, and albedos. The resolution of the already diffraction limited images was further improved by image restoration, yielding indications of surface albedo distributions which are qualitatively consistent with models derived from observations of Pluto-Charon mutual eclipses.Based on Observations with the NASA-ESA Hubble Space Telescope, which is operated by AURA, Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5-26555.  相似文献   

C.B Olkin  L.H Wasserman  O.G Franz 《Icarus》2003,164(1):254-259
The mass ratio of Charon to Pluto is a basic parameter describing the binary system and is necessary for determining the individual masses and densities of these two bodies. Previous measurements of the mass ratio have been made, but the solutions differ significantly (Null et al., 1993; Young et al., 1994; Null and Owen, 1996; Foust et al., 1997; Tholen and Buie, 1997). We present the first observations of Pluto and Charon with a well-calibrated astrometric instrument—the fine guidance sensors on the Hubble Space Telescope. We observed the motion of Pluto and Charon about the system barycenter over 4.4 days (69% of an orbital period) and determined the mass ratio to be 0.122±0.008 which implies a density of 1.8 to 2.1 g cm−3 for Pluto and 1.6 to 1.8 g cm−3 for Charon. The resulting rock-mass fractions for Pluto and Charon are higher than expected for bodies formed in the outer solar nebula, possibly indicating significant postaccretion loss of volatiles.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of orientation-dependent selection effects on galaxy clustering in redshift space. It is found that if galaxies are aligned by large-scale tidal fields, then these selection effects give rise to a dependence of the observed galaxy density on the local tidal field, in addition to the well-known dependences on the matter density and radial velocity gradient. This alters the galaxy power spectrum in a way that is different for Fourier modes parallel to and perpendicular to the line of sight. These tidal galaxy alignments can thus mimic redshift space distortions (RSD), and thus result in a bias in the measurement of the velocity power spectrum. If galaxy orientations are affected only by the local tidal field, then the tidal alignment effect has exactly the same scale and angular dependence as the RSDs in the linear regime, so it cannot be projected out or removed by masking small scales in the analysis. We consider several toy models of tidal alignments and orientation-dependent selection, normalize their free parameter (an amplitude) to recent observations, and find that they could bias the velocity amplitude   f ( z ) G ( z )  by 5–10 per cent in some models, although most models give much smaller contamination. We conclude that tidal alignments may be a significant systematic error in RSD measurements that aim to test general relativity via the growth of large-scale structure. We briefly discuss possible mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

The effect of a gravitating ring or torus on the central figure of relative equilibrium of a rotating liquid or gaseous mass is studied in the tidal approximation. A formula is derived for the increment in the square of the angular velocity of the central figure. Three models for wide rings are examined and one, for circular tori. The effects of rings on the oblateness of the planet Saturn or on the figure of the sun lie beyond the limits of modern measurements; however, the effect of a gravitating torus is already comparable to the effect of the star’s rotation in the case of the red supergiant WOH G64 in the LMC. The method is modified for galaxies; it then describes the effect of rings both on the stellar subsystem and, separately, on the diffuse subsystem. The well known NGC 4594 “Sombrero” galaxy is introduced as an example. This method may also be useful for estimating the dark mass surrounding giant E-galaxies.  相似文献   

The observations leading to, and confirming the discovery of, 1978 P 1 (Charon) are reviewed. The original interpretation of these observations remains valid. The circular orbit with synchronous revolution and rotation is in agreement with both observation and theory. The expectation that eclipse events are imminent is supported by our recent data.  相似文献   

The polarization of Pluto has been measured for a range of solar phase angles from 0.8 to 1.8°. A mean linear polarization of 0.29 ± 0.01% (error of the mean) was found. No dependence of both the amount of polarization and position angles with rotational phase or solar phase angle could be detected. The positional angles of polarization agree with calculated position angles of the defect of illumination and are therefore parallel to the scattering plane. The observed polarization cannot be explained as resulting purely from a surface material which is similar to asteroidal surfaces. A hypothesis of polarization from a thin atmosphere, in addition to the surface polarization, is advanced.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate numerical solutions of third-order Clairaut theory, under the boundary conditions given in our previous work (El-Shaarawy, 1974). This solution gives an explicit form of the shape and rotational distortion, due to third-order sectorial harmonic terms, of the equipotential surfaces of the two rapidly rotating planets, Jupiter and Saturn at the different levels inside these planets owing to a certain internal density distribution model (Zharkov, 1975). We considered each of them as a heterogeneous self-gravitating fluid mass in hydrostatic equilibrium.  相似文献   

Kopal's method of representing the inner structure of a rotationally and tidally-distorted star by a rotationally-and tidally-distorted Roche model has been used in conjunction with an averaging concept introduced by Kippenhahn and Thomas of representing the equipotential surfaces of a rotationally and tidally distorted stellar model by the equipotential surfaces of an equivalent spherical model to determine the combined effects of rotation and tidal distortion on the periods of small adiabatic oscillations of a stellar model.  相似文献   

The limited period of observational data and the long orbital period have limited the accuracy of the Pluto ephemerides. This condition will continue for some time. Ephemerides of Pluto are compared with the observational data.  相似文献   

Images of Pluto which were obtained with a charge-coupled device (CCD) detector show an elongation caused by its satellite, Charon. Analysis of these images separates the planet and satellite components, and yields a Pluto/Charon brightness ratio of 5.5.  相似文献   

Pluto's obliquity (the angle between its spin axis and orbit normal) varies between ~102 and ~126° over a period of about 3 million years. These oscillations are nearly sinusoidal and quite stable, leading to only modest changes in the insolation regime. Thus, Pluto's rotation has been slightly retrograde ever since its current orbit and rotation rate were established.  相似文献   

Infrared photometric observations (1–4 μm) of Pluto have been made using broadband (Δλ/λ ~ 0.3) and narrowband (Δλ/λ ~ 0.05–0.1) filters. We confirm the probable presence of methane in some form, though, in detail the match between the spectrum of Pluto and the laboratory spectrum of methane frost is poor.  相似文献   

We report the results of searches for outer satellites of Pluto and Mars, carried out with the Hale 5-m telescope in 1999 and 2001, respectively. No new satellites were found down to limiting magnitudes of mR=25.0 at Pluto and mV∼22 at Mars, corresponding to diameters of 35 and 1 km, respectively, for an assumed geometric albedo of 0.07. A faint trans-neptunian object, 1999 LB37, was discovered in the Pluto fields; given the depth of our survey, discovery of one such object in the background Kuiper belt is in reasonable agreement with expectations.  相似文献   

A modified periodic orbit of the third kind is introduced that is closely related to periodic orbits of the third kind as defined by Poincaré. It is shown that Pluto librates about the periodic orbit with apparent stability. This further explains the librational motion of the resonant argument of Pluto and the avoidance of a Pluto-Neptune close approach as found by Cohen and Hubbard and the long-term motion of Pluto and the librational motion of the perihelion as found by Williams and Benson. With libration about a periodic orbit, the numerical solution of Williams and Benson can be extrapolated to longer times in the past and future.  相似文献   

Five outer planets are numerically integrated over five million years in the Newtonian frame. The argument of Pluto's perihelion librates about 90 degrees with an amplitude of about 23 degrees. The period of the libration depends on the mass of Pluto: 4.0×106 years forM pluto=2.78×10–6 M sun and 3.8×106 years forM pluto=7.69×10–9 M sun, which is the newly determined mass. The motion of Neptune's perihelion is more sensitive to the mass of Pluto. ForM pluto=7.69×10–9 M sun, the perihelion of Neptune does circulate counter-clockwise and forM pluto=2.78×10–6 M sun, it does not circulate and the Neptune's eccentricity does not have a minimum. With the initial conditions which do not lie in the resonance region between Neptune and Pluto, a close approach between them takes place frequently and the orbit of Pluto becomes unstable and irregular.  相似文献   

Absolute spectrophotometry of Pluto in the wavelength range of 5600 to 10,500 Å was obtained on 4 nights covering lightcurve phases of 0.18, 0.35, 0.49, and 0.98. The four phases included minimum light (0.98) and one near maximum light (0.49). The spectra reveal significant variations in the absorption depths of the methane bands at 6200, 7200, 7900, 8400, 8600, 8900, and 10,000 Å. The minimum amount of absorption was found to occur at minimum light. This variation would imply a 30° change in the column abundance of methane within 3 days. A model employing an anisotropic surface distribution of methane frost and a clear layer of CH4 gas was developed to explain the variation in absorption strength with rotational phase. The fit to the overall spectrum requires the presence of a frost with particle sizes on the order of a few millimeters. An upper limit of 5.5 m-am is derived for the one-way column abundance of CH4 gas. An equally good fit to the variation of the 7200-Å band is obtained if the atmosphere is removed from the model entirely.  相似文献   

Pluto and the chaotic satellite system of Neptune may have originated from a single encounter of Neptune with a massive solar system body. A series of numerical experiments has been carried out to try to set limits on the circumstances of such an encounter. These experiments show that orbits very much like those of Pluto, Triton, and Nereid can result from a single close encounter of such a body with Neptune. The implied mass range and encounter velocities limit the source of the encountering body to a former trans-Neptunian planet in the 2- to 5-Earth-mass range.  相似文献   

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