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硬X射线能带(20KeV-1MeV)是我们了解天体物理中高能辐射过程的一个好窗口。成像硬X射线望远镜可以提供更好的分辨率和灵敏度来研究硬X射线天体物理学。本文介绍了成像硬X射线望远镜在美国和欧洲的发展,这包括:1)EXITE2,由美国哈佛-史密松林天体物理中心设计和运行的一个光电开关成像硬X射线望远镜;2)EXIST,一个成像硬X射线全天巡天望远镜,将于2010年由ULDB(EXIST-LINE)或国际空间站(EXIST-ISS)承载;3)HERO,由NASA/MSFC建造的一个新的硬X射线光学仪器。  相似文献   

介绍了基于傅立叶变换成像技术的硬X射线成像望远镜,利用双层平行光栅对天体X射线源发出的光进行调制编码,调制后的光由闪烁晶体探测器捕捉并进行光电转换,最后由电子学系统读出.调制准直器型望远镜分为空间调制和时间调制两种类型,时间调制系统要求探测器系统的扫描运动,而空间调制系统不需要运动.对光栅制作工艺进行了研究,给出了准直器的基本结构设计,成功制作了空间调制方式硬X射线成像望远镜原型机所需的关键部件,包括8个碘化铯晶体的探测器模块(含光电倍增管PMT)、8通道成型放大器(其中两套为实验备份)和数据获取系统.对这些部件的设计作了介绍,并给出了电子学系统的测试结果.  相似文献   

太阳硬X射线成像望远镜模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滕藤  伍健  常进 《天文学报》2011,52(4):339-351
调制准直器型太阳硬X射线成像望远镜是目前较为通用的太阳观测设备.空间调制望远镜是基于中心轴不旋转的望远镜,适用于3轴稳定的卫星.针对我国可能的太阳观测计划,给出并比较了两组空间调制望远镜的配置方案,然后利用GEANT4高能物理通用软件模拟实际光子的计数情况,使用MATLAB实现图像重建.比较模拟光子计数得到的重建图与几...  相似文献   

调制成像γ射线望远镜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李惕碚  吴枚 《天文学报》1994,35(1):105-108
调制成像γ射线望远镜李惕碚,吴枚,陆柱国,王建中,张春生,马宇蒨,孙学军,沈培若,林宝军,李延国,张承模(中国科学院高能物理研究所,北京100039)主题词空间仪器-γ天文-成像从~20keV至~1MeV的低能γ射线成像是空间天文的一个困难问题,对低...  相似文献   

人类最新的X射线空间望远镜是2012年6月发射的“核光谱望远镜阵”(NuclearSpectroscopicTelescopeArray,简称NuSTAR,图1),它的参与方包括美国宇航局(NASA),加州理工大学,意大利空间局(ItalianSpaceAgency),丹麦科技大学(DanlshTechnicalUniversity)等单位。  相似文献   

Comptonγ射线望远镜的直接解调成像   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Comptonγ射线望远镜COMPTEL/CGRO工作于0.75-30MeV能区,本应用直接解调方法分析了CGRO#1观测的COMPTEL数据,准确定出Carabγ射线源的位置,在10-30MeV能区,分辨开最大似然法所不能完全分辨的Crabγ射线源和类星体PKS0528+134,得出优于传统成像方法所得的成像结果。  相似文献   

在对太阳软X射线研究与技术调研的基础上,本初步讨论未来中国空间太阳软X射线望远镜的框架,包括谱线选取,技术指标和方案,技术可行性及难点,以及可能的解决途径。  相似文献   

硬X射线成像仪(Hard X-ray Imager, HXI)是先进天基太阳天文台(Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory, ASO-S)的3大载荷之一, 其中量能器作为其重要组成部分, 承担着观测30--200keV能段的太阳硬X射线的任务. 在卫星发射之前, 需要开展大量的测试工作, 以确保HXI量能器的各项功能和性能满足设计需求. HXI量能器通道数众多, 内含99个溴化镧探测器, 分别由8块相同的前端电子学板控制. 除了对各个通道的性能进行测试外, 地检系统还需模拟量能器在轨面对不同太阳活动时的运行情况, 对量能器进行全面完备的测试. 此外, 地检系统还需足够稳定, 能满足量能器在单机测试、环境试验、热真空与振动等多个不同测试项目的长时间测试需求. 为此, 设计了地检板与上位机软件, 结合放射源、直流电源、高压模块等组成一套HXI量能器的地检系统, 对8块前端电子学板实现同步配置与管理, 能高效完成指令发送与数据接收, 满足量能器最大数据输出带宽400Mbps的需求. 利用该系统, 在地面完成了HXI量能器的功能、性能验证, 获得了量能器的线性、死时间、能量分辨率等各项性能指标, 为HXI量能器的在轨高性能运行提供了保障.  相似文献   

如果你有一双能够看到×射线、甚至伽玛射线的眼睛,宇宙看起来会是什么样?你一定会为看到宇宙中不断发生的最最激烈的事件而惊叹不已!但事实上,要想探测到波长这样短的电磁波,我们必须要将望远镜发射到太空中去。虽然X射线与伽玛射线天文学的研究历史还很短,但也正因为此,在今后还会出现更加惊人的新发现!  相似文献   

作为未来中国空间太阳望远镜的一个组成部分,太阳软X射线望远镜正在酝酿之中。本是对这方面的一个初步调研报告,共分三个部分:软X射线高分辨观测的课题意义和简史;软X射线谱及其研究的一般性背景;软X射线望远镜及成像技术。在此基础上,下篇章将论及未来中国空间太阳软X射线望远镜的几点考虑。  相似文献   

The hard X-ray imaging telescope based on the Fourier transform imaging technique is introduced. The double-layer parallel gratings are used to make the modulation and coding on the light emerging from a celestial X-ray source, the modulated light is acquired, to make the optoelectronic conversion by scintillation crystal detectors, and ?nally read out by the electronic system. The modulation collimator X-ray telescopes can be divided into two types: the spatial modulation and temporal modulation. The temporal modulation system requires the scanning motion of the detector system, but the spatial modulation system requires no motion. The technology of grating fabrication is investigated, and the basic structure design of the collimators is given. The principal compo- nents of the prototype hard X-ray imaging telescope of spatial modulation type are successfully developed, including the 8 CsI crystal detector modules (contain- ing photomultipliers or PMTs), 8-channel shaping ampli?ers (two of them are prepared for experiments), and the data acquisition system. And the preliminary test results of the electronic system are also given.  相似文献   

InFOCμS is a new generation balloon-borne hard X-ray telescope with focusing optics and spectroscopy. We had a successful 22.5-hour flight from Fort Sumner, NM on September 16,17, 2004. In this paper, we present the performance of the hard X-ray telescope, which consists of a depth-graded platinum/carbon multilayer mirror and a CdZnTe detector. The telescope has an effective area of 49 cm2 at 30 keV, an angular resolution of 2.4 arcmin (HPD), and a field of view of 11 arcmin (FWHM) depending on energies. The CdZnTe detector is configured with a 12 × 12 segmented array of detector pixels. The pixels are 2 mm square, and are placed on 2.1 mm centers. An averaged energy resolution is 4.4 keV at 60 keV and its standard deviation is 0.36 keV over 128 pixels. The detector is surrounded by a 3-cm thick CsI anti coincidence shield to reduce background from particles and photons not incident along the mirror focal direction. The inflight background is 2.9 × 10−4 cts cm−2 sec−1 keV−1 in the 20–50 keV band.  相似文献   

一个巨型望远镜方案   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出一个有特色的巨型望远镜(FGT)方案.其主镜口径为30米,主焦比为1.2,由1095块圆环形子镜构成.采用地平式装置.光学系统包括Nasmyth系统、折轴(Coude)系统和一个大视场系统.提出一个由4个镜面组成的新的Nasmyth系统,在约10′的视场范围内像斑小于爱里斑,达到衍射极限.比传统的Nasmyth系统的衍射极限视场大得多.可在这样的大视场内同时作好几个小区域的衍射极限的观测.当由Nasmyth系统转换到折轴系统和大视场系统时,采用主动光学技术改变子镜的面形、倾斜和平移,产生一个新的主镜面形,使折轴系统和大视场系统都能得到很好的像质.大视场系统的视场直径25′,场曲轻微,并有可能校正大气色散.给出了子镜面形和位置的公差,并讨论了望远镜的装置和结构,方案中的特色和创新对未来大望远镜的研制有普遍意义.  相似文献   

The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) aboard the Solar-B satellite (Hinode) is designed to perform high-precision photometric and polarimetric observations of the Sun in visible light spectra (388 – 668 nm) with a spatial resolution of 0.2 – 0.3 arcsec. The SOT consists of two optically separable components: the Optical Telescope Assembly (OTA), consisting of a 50-cm aperture Gregorian with a collimating lens unit and an active tip-tilt mirror, and an accompanying Focal Plane Package (FPP), housing two filtergraphs and a spectro-polarimeter. The optomechanical and optothermal performance of the OTA is crucial to attain unprecedented high-quality solar observations. We describe in detail the instrument design and expected stable diffraction-limited on-orbit performance of the OTA, the largest state-of-the-art solar telescope yet flown in space.  相似文献   

PRONAOS is a balloon-borne system dedicated to astronomical observations in the submillimeter range (180µm - 1050µm) based on the use of a 2m Cassegrain telescope. The primary mirror consists of six CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic) panels, each being positioned by three actuators. The rotation angles of the panels have been measured in the visible range with the help of a CCD and digital centroiding techniques that were necessary because of the light scattering on the CFRP mirror. The translation movements (along the optical axis) of the panels have been measured with an interference technique in the submillimeter range. Both visible and submillimeter measurements were also necessary to determine the alignment of the telescope - focal instrument system with the star sensor. The whole alignment process leads to a precision of ±8 for the rotation angles and ±7µm for the translation of each panel, sufficient for a qualification of the system.  相似文献   

EIT: Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope for the SOHO mission   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) will provide wide-field images of the corona and transition region on the solar disc and up to 1.5 R above the solar limb. Its normal incidence multilayer-coated optics will select spectral emission lines from Fe IX (171 ), Fe XII (195 ), Fe XV (284 ), and He II (304 ) to provide sensitive temperature diagnostics in the range from 6 × 104 K to 3 × 106 K. The telescope has a 45 x 45 arcmin field of view and 2.6 arcsec pixels which will provide approximately 5-arcsec spatial resolution. The EIT will probe the coronal plasma on a global scale, as well as the underlying cooler and turbulent atmosphere, providing the basis for comparative analyses with observations from both the ground and other SOHO instruments. This paper presents details of the EIT instrumentation, its performance and operating modes.  相似文献   

The fifth Japaniese X-ray astronomy satellite, Astro-E, following Hakucho, Tenma, Ginga, and ASCA is scheduled for launch in the year 2000 by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) with an M-V rocket. The satellite will be put into an approximately circular orbit with an altitude of ∽550 km and an inclination of ∽31°. There will be three experiments on board Astro-E: an X-ray micro-calorimeter array, four X-ray CCDs and a hard X-ray detector. All three experiments combined, Astro-E will become a spectrometer facility covering a wide energy band from 0.5 keV to 600 keV.  相似文献   

The hard X-ray imaging telescope of the modulation collimator type is widely used in current solar observations. The spatial modulation telescope is the telescope which keeps its central axis not rotate, suitable for the satellite of 3-axis attitude stabilization. For the possible Chinese solar mission in the near future, we make a design of hard X-ray imaging telescope, and simulate the photon counting using the common simulation software GEANT4. Then we implement the image reconstruction with MATLAB, and compare the reconstructed image of the photons simulated by GEANT4 with that of the photons calculated by the geometric algorithm. The results show that the simulated one by GEANT4 is more closer to the reality than that obtained by the geometric algorithm. An executable design is also proposed at last.  相似文献   

ASO-S卫星HXI量能器探测单元的标定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
先进天基太阳天文台卫星(Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory, ASO-S)是中国科学院第2批空间科学先导专项之一,其主要目标是同时观测太阳磁场、耀斑和日冕物质抛射,并对3者之间的相互关系和内在联系进行研究.硬X射线成像仪(HXI)是ASOS卫星的3大载荷之一,它通过对太阳活动发射的硬X射线进行傅里叶调制成像,实现高空间分辨率和高时间分辨率的太阳能谱成像观测.量能器单机是HXI的关键单机之一,其主要任务是精准测量通过每对光栅后太阳硬X射线的能量和通量.主要介绍了量能器单机的工作原理及其关键指标要求、标定设备及标定方案,最后给出了标定结果,从而验证了量能器单机方案设计的合理性.  相似文献   

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