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Foraminiferal biostratigraphy, stable isotopes and amino-acid diagenesis have been investigated in a 125 m (+ 1 to — 124 m a.s.l.) long core from Jæren, southwestern Norway. Two marine units, the 42 m thick Grødeland Sand and the 8 m thick Sunde Sand, were found between till beds. Based on the biostratigraphic data, nine foraminiferal assemblage zones are defined. The Grødeland Sand shows a development from an ice-proximal glacial environment in the lower part, through an arctic, possibly shallow-water, environment, into a full interglacial open-shelf regime (the Grødeland Interglacial). The Grødeland Interglacial sediments (zone 6 Cassidulina laevigata-Cibicides zone) were deposited at a water depth of 20 m, in an open, high-energy shelf environment with temperature conditions similar to those prevailing in the northern North Sea today. The interglacial sediments are followed by deposits characteristic of an arctic environment which become more ice proximal upwards. Superimposed on the Grødeland Sand is a diamicton interpreted as till. Above the till is the upper marine unit (the Sunde Sand), which in the lower part yielded a shallow-water arctic fauna replaced upwards by an ice-proximal facies. The upper part of the Sunde Sand is barren of foraminifera and is superimposed by an upper till. The Sunde Interstadial is defined as a climatostratigraphic event resulting in deglaciation of western Norway and deposition of the Sunde Sand. Based on amino acid geochronology and inferences from the biostratigraphy, the Grødeland Interglacial is assigned to oxygen-isotope stage 7, whereas the Sunde Interstadial is assigned to the Early Weichselian. Combined with existing data from the North Sea region and the Norwegian Sea, it is concluded that for stage 7, in addition to stages 1 and 5e, there must have been a strong influx of Atlantic water into the Norwegian Sea north of the British Isles. This circulation created a similar north-south gradient in water masses in the North Sea to that which occurred during the Eemian and the Holocene. In the Nordic Seas, however, the stage 7 warm influx was probably restricted to the eastern part of the basin, unlike the later warm periods. This led to the development of fully interglacial conditions in the North Sea region, even though the palaeoceanographic data from the central part of the Nordic Seas suggest relatively cooler conditions for oxygen-isotope stage 7.  相似文献   

New multiproxy marine data of the Eemian interglacial (MIS5e) from the Norwegian Sea manifest a cold event with near-glacial surface ocean summer temperatures (3–4 °C). This mid-Eemian cooling divided the otherwise relatively warm interglacial climate and was associated with widespread expansions of winter sea-ice and polar water masses due to changes in atmospheric circulation and ocean stability. While the data also verify a late rather than early last interglacial warm peak, which is in general disharmony with northern hemisphere insolation maximum and the regional climatic progression of the early Holocene, the cold event itself was likely instrumental for delaying the last interglacial climate development in the Polar North when compared with regions farther south. Such a ‘climatic decoupling’ of the Polar region may bear profound implications for the employment of Eemian conditions to help evaluate the present and future state of the Arctic cryosphere during a warming interglacial.  相似文献   

The coastal cliff section at Kås Hoved in northern Denmark represents one of the largest exposures of marine interglacial deposits in Europe. High‐resolution analyses of sediments, foraminifera, ostracods, and stable isotopes (oxygen and carbon) in glacial‐interglacial marine sediments from this section, as well as from two adjacent boreholes, are the basis for an interpretation of marine environmental and climatic change through the Late Elsterian‐Holsteinian glacial‐interglacial cycle. The overlying glacial deposits show two ice advances during the Saalian and Weichselian glaciations. The assemblages in the initial glacier‐proximal part of the marine Late Elsterian succession reveal fluctuations in the inflow of sediment‐loaded meltwater to the area. This is followed by faunal indication of glacier‐distal, open marine conditions, coinciding with a gradual climatic change from arctic to subarctic environments. Continuous marine sedimentation during the glacial‐interglacial transition is presumably a result of a large‐scale isostatic subsidence caused by the preceding extended Elsterian glaciation. The similarity of the climatic signature of the interglacial Holsteinian and Holocene assemblages in this region indicates that the Atlantic Ocean circulation was similar during these two interglacials, whereas Eemian interglacial assemblages indicate a comparatively high water temperature associated with an enhanced North Atlantic Current. The foraminiferal zones are correlated with other Elsterian‐Holsteinian sites in Denmark, as well as those in the type area for the Holsteinian interglacial in northern Germany and the southern North Sea. Correlation of the NW European Holsteinian succession with the marine isotope stages MIS 7, 9 or 11 is still unresolved.  相似文献   

Synoptically mapped faunal abundance and faunal composition data, derived from a suite of 24 Norwegian Sea cores, were used to derive sea-surface temperatures for the last glacial maximum (18,000 B.P.), the last interglacial (120,000 B.P.), and isotope stage 5a (82,000 B.P.). Surface circulation and ice cover reconstructions for these three times, deduced from the sea-surface temperatures, suggest the following conclusions: (1) During glacial periods, Norwegian Sea surface circulation formed a single, sluggish, counterclockwise gyre that was caused by wind drag on the ubiquitous sea ice cover; (2) the last interglacial was characterized by a circulation pattern similar to that of today except that the two counterclockwise gyres were displaced toward the east and were more vigorous than they are today. This circulation pattern forced the Norwegian Current into a position close to the coast of Norway and permitted formation of a strong east-west temperature gradient close to the Scandinavian landmass; (3) interglacial periods prior to 120,000 B.P. had similar climatic conditions to the 82,000 B.P. level and were characterized by a weak two-gyre circulation pattern. The southern gyre, driven by wind stress in summer months, was ice covered in winters. The northern gyre had little open water even in summers and was primarily formed by wind drag on sea ice. Atmospheric modifications resulting from these circulation patterns and sea ice conditions produced varying climatic conditions in Scandinavia during interglacials prior to the Holocene. The climate was probably warmer and moister during the last interglacial (Eemian) than it is today. Other interglacials during the last 450,000 years, but prior to the Eemian, were probably colder and drier as the Norwegian Sea was not an important source of heat and moisture.  相似文献   

The response of summer precipitation in the western United States to climate variability remains a subject of uncertainty. For example, palaeoclimate records indicate the North American Monsoon (NAM) was stronger and spatially more extensive during the Holocene, whereas recent modelling suggests a weakened NAM response to increasing temperatures. These illustrate diverging pictures of the NAM response to warming. Here, we examine summer precipitation in the southwestern US related to Last Interglacial insolation forcing. Using a high-resolution climate model, we find that Eemian insolation forcing results in overall wetter conditions throughout most of the southwestern US, but significantly drier than present conditions over Arizona. The overall wetter conditions are associated with a northward shift of the anticyclonic circulation aloft and increased moisture in the lower and mid-troposphere during the Eemian. Increased advection of Gulf of Mexico moisture is responsible for increasing precipitation in New Mexico and the northern edges of the NAM region. Drier conditions over Arizona are likely related to reduced local convection associated with reduced vertical moisture transport. These results highlight the spatial complexity of the NAM response to increasing radiative forcing and allow a better understanding of monsoon dynamics and variability in response to a warming climate.  相似文献   

Sejrup, Hans Petter 1987 03 01: Molluscan and foraminiferal biostratigraphy of an Eemian-Early Weichselian section on Karmøy, southwestern Norway. Boreas , Vol. 16, pp. 27–42. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
At Karmøy, southwestern Norway, a section with marine sediments from the last interglacial (the Avaldsnes Interglacial) and from two ice-free periods (the Torvastad and Bø Interstadial) in the Weichselian have been examined for molluscs and foraminifera. The following conclusions concerning the depositional environments of these sediments can be drawn: (1) The Avaldsnes Interglacial was a high-energy environment with a sea level 20 to 50 m higher than at present, regressing towards the end of the interglacial. Sea temperatures were as in the area today or slightly warmer. (2) During the Torvastad Interstadial (71–85 ka) the sea level was between 0 and c . 20 m higher than at present, and sea temperatures were as between Svalbard and northern Norway today. (3) The Bø Interstadial (40–64 ka) shows a complete interstadial cycle, with changing sea level and temperatures. Its optimum was close to the conditions prevailing in North Norway today or slightly colder. By comparison with other sites, a total of at least four interstadial episodes through the Weichselian in southwestern Norway is proposed. These date to c . 30 ka, 40–64 ka, 71–85 ka and 87–101 ka. The episodes and the glacial advances between them do not directly correlate with published interpretations of changes in surface circulation in the Norwegian Sea through the Weichselian. It is suggested that the nourishment of the southern part of the Scandinavian ice sheet might be more related to sea surface conditions in the North Atlantic than to those of the Norwegian Sea.  相似文献   

The till-covered clay and silt deposits at Mertuanoja, Pohjanmaa (Ostrobothnia), western Finland, have been investigated in great detail. The Eemian interglacial environment is reconstructed here on the basis of pollen, diatom and dinoflagellate analyses. The pollen stratigraphy shows an interglacial vegetational succession reflecting stable climatic conditions typical of the Eemian Stage in the Pohjanmaa area. The initial Betula forests were followed by Pinus-Betula forests with Quercus. The next successional phase was dominated by Betula, Pinus and Alnus; temperate deciduous trees and Corylus also grew in the area. Later, Picea advanced and temperate deciduous trees declined. Some Corylus was, however, still present and thermophilous Osmunda thrived in wet places. The diatom record indicates that the sediments were deposited first in a freshwater basin, then in the Eemian Baltic Sea, and finally in a freshwater basin once more. The presence of dinoflagellates demonstrates that the Eemian Baltic Sea, when at its maximum extent, was connected to the Atlantic Ocean, which brought northern cool-temperate surface waters to Finland as far north as Mertuanoja. Mertuanoja is the first interglacial site at which numerous dinoflagellate cysts were encountered in Finnish Quaternary sediments.  相似文献   

The Quaternary of the Kattegat area, Scandinavia: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Quaternary sedimentary history and its relations to the pre-Quaternary in the Kattegat region are reviewed. The Quaternary in the area is restricted to relatively young sediments, including scattered findings of Saalian deposits and more continuous occurrences from the Eemian, the Weichselian and the Holocene. Glacial and interglacial palaeoenvironmental reconstructions, including Holocene changes in oceanographic circulation, are reviewed, and the recent sedimentary processes and the present hydrographic regime are outlined. Furthermore, Quaternary and present tectonic activity in connection with some of the pre-Quaternary fault zones is discussed.  相似文献   

In the lower part of sections at Skilvika and Linneelva, western Svalbard, marine silts and sands characterized by infinite radiocarbon ages (<40,000 BP) on shells are found. These sediments are covered by at least one basal till of Late Weichselian age. The till is overlain by marine sediments from the last deglaciation (12,800-10,000 BP) which contain shallow-water, subarctic foraminiferal assemblages, similar to modern near-glacial faunas from western Svalbard. The most common foraminifera in all zones in the sub-till sediments are Cassidulina reniforme, Astrononion gallowayi and/or Elphidium excavatum . The richest zones at both localities are found in the sub-till units and contain more than 20 foraminiferal species, including some boreal-arctic species. These faunal assemblages are similar to the living faunas on the west coast of Svalbard. Faunas from the postglacial climatic optimum are not yet described. We suggest that the foraminiferal assemblages in the sub-till sediment reflect Early or Middle Weichselian interstadial environments, although an Eemian interglacial cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Isoleucine epimerization (alle/Ue) ratios in the pelecypod Mya truncata and benthic foraminifer Cibicides lobalulus from emerged marine units in western Norway allow construction of a regional relative chronostratigraphy for the Ecmian and Weichselian. Two in situ interglacial sections are considered correlative by the similar biostratigraphy and alle/Ile ratios in C. lobalulus. Overlying sediments at the two sites are of both marine and glacial origin. Neither site contains a complete Weichselian record, but allelic ratios, lithostratigraphy and fauna! changes suggest at least four stadial and three interstadial events occurred along the western Norwegian coast during Early and Middle Weichselian time. Kinetic data defining the relationship between the isoleucine epimerization rate constant and temperature for the species studied allow the estimation of paleotemperatures for samples of known age. Accepting published age estimates for the Eemian interglacial beds, the average Weichselian temperature in western Norway is calculated to have been ca. 4°C below the average Holocene temperature, whereas the last interglacial was 1 to 2°C warmer that the Holocene. The limited temperature depression over this region during the Weichselian implies that coastal western Norway was ice-covered only about 30% of this period, and that Atlantic water, although not necessarily in a warm surface current as today, entered the Norwegian Sea during much of marine isotope stage 5 and intermittently during stage 3. Interpolated amino acid ages date interstadial events at ca. 94 ka, 78 ka and 52 ka, B.P., whereas glacial events are dated ca. 103 ka and bracketed by limiting dates between 78 and 89 ka, between 52 and 63 ka and less than 36 ka B.P.  相似文献   

Bińka, K., Nitychoruk, J. & Dzier?ek, J. 2010: Climate stability during the Eemian – new pollen evidence from the Nidzica site, northern Poland. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00179.x. ISSN 0300‐9483 Interglacial sediments at Nidzica, northern Poland were investigated by means of pollen and isotope analysis. These deposits accumulated in an extensive basin through most of the Eemian and Early Weichselian, practically without stratigraphic gaps. Continuous subsidence of the basin floor has resulted in the accumulation of a great thickness of lacustrine sediments, consisting mostly of calcareous gyttja. The course of pollen and isotope curves in the interglacial interval does not indicate the abrupt climatic shifts reported from some other continental climatic archives. Particularly important has been the reconstruction of the final stages of the Eemian, a potential analogue for future climatic change in the late Holocene. At Nidzica, this period is registered as a gradual modification of forest composition, devoid of any pulsations in which temperate forest is followed by terminal, boreal pine–birch communities.  相似文献   

A complete interglacial cycle, named the Fjøsangerian and correlated with the Eemian by means of its pollen stratigraphy, is found in marine sediments just above the present day sea level outside Bergen, western Norway. At the base of the section there are two basal tills of assumed Saalian ( sensu lato ) age in which the mineralogy and geochemistry indicate local provenance. Above occur beds of marine silt, sand and gravel, deposited at water depths of between 10 and 50 m. The terrestrial pollen and the marine foraminifera and molluscs indicate a cold-warm-cold sequence with parallel development of the atmospheric and sea surface temperatures. In both environments the flora/fauna indicate an interglacial climatic optimum at least as warm as that during the Holocene. The high relative sea level during the Eemian (at least 30 m above sea level) requires younger neotectonic uplift. The uppermost marine beds are partly glaciomarine silts, as indicated by their mineralogy, drop stones and fauna, and partly interstadial gravels. The pollen indicates an open vegetation throughout these upper beds, and the correlation of the described interstadial with Early Weichselian interstadials elsewhere is essentially unknown. The section is capped by an Early Weichselian basal till containing redeposited fossils, sediments, and weathering products. Several clastic dikes injected from the glacier sole penetrate the till and the interglacial sediments. Radiocarbon dates on wood and shells gave infinite ages. Amino acid epimerization ratios in molluscs support the inferred Eemian age of the deposit. The Fjøsangerian is correlated with the Eemian and deep sea oxygen isotope stage 5e; other possible correlations are also discussed.  相似文献   

Past environmental changes in the Baltic area are discussed on the basis of foraminifera and ostracods as well as pollen and spores in marine sediments in cliff sections at Ristinge Klint, Langeland, southern Denmark. The sediment succession represents Jessen & Milthers' (1928) pollen zones d-g or Andersen's (1961, 1975) zones E2-E5, and a correlation with the annually laminated Bispingen sequence indicates that the sequence spans about 3400 years. Marine conditions seem to have occurred at c. 300-365 years after the beginning of the Eemian Interglacial, close to fully marine conditions developing by c. 2500 years. This early date of the marine ingression pre-dates that of most previous studies in the region by several hundred years, but it post-dates the initial marine ingression in the easternmost Baltic. A marked change in salinity at c. 650 years after the beginning of the Eemian was presumably caused by an opening of the Danish Belts. An indication of a major alteration in current activity is registered at c. 3000 years after the beginning of the interglacial. The recognition of the relative timing of these events may be significant for the understanding of the opening of connections between the North Sea, the Baltic and the White Sea.  相似文献   

Marine ash zones from the last interglacial period have been described from cores from the North Atlantic and an ash zone from the middle part of the interglacial has been observed in connection with a major cooling event. Here we present evidence for a coeval ash zone in a terrestrial site on the Faroe Islands. The investigated sediments are correlated with the upper part of oxygen isotope stage 5e and the beginning of stage 5d. The Eemian climatic optimum is represented in the lower part of the sequence close to the first occurrence of the ash zone. A tephra-based correlation suggests that the climatic optimum was synchronous with the marine record from the Norwegian Sea, but several thousand years later than in Eemian sections of west central Europe. However, many questions on the chronological relationship between the Eemian and oxygen isotope stage 5e still remain to be answered.  相似文献   

Studies of interglacial successions are critical to our understanding of the environmental history of an area. Analyses of macrofossil remains of plants and invertebrates from Eemian sediments exposed in a coastal cliff section at Borðoyarvík near Klaksvík, Bordoy, northeastern Faroe Islands, indicate that the sediments accumulated in a coastal lagoon. The fossil flora comprises tree birch Betula sect. Albae and we suggest that birch forests were found locally at sheltered sites in the area. Tree birch also occurred on the islands during the mid‐Holocene. The only other woody plant recovered from the Eemian deposit is the dwarf‐shrub Empetrum nigrum, which is common on the islands today. Remains of herbaceous plants are rare but include Viola, Ajuga, Myosotis, Urtica dioica and Ranunculus. The bryophyte flora is species‐rich and most of the fragments belong either to stream species or to species of humid or wet habitats. The fossil flora and fauna also comprise a number of freshwater species that probably lived in an oligotrophic lake and in streams in the catchment of the lagoon. The climate during deposition of the lagoonal sediments was similar to the Holocene oceanic climate of the Faroe Islands. The study adds to our understanding of Eemian environments in the North Atlantic region and helps to fill a knowledge gap about the history of the flora and fauna of the Faroe Islands, which is of biogeographical importance.  相似文献   

Several till-covered organic deposits, principally lake gyttja, in Finnish Lapland have been correlated with the last (i.e. Eemian) interglacial on the basis of their lithostratigraphic position and pollen stratigraphy. Most of the sequences are short, but together with three longer sequences from Finnish Lapland and one from Swedish Lapland (Leveäniemi) they provide a complete picture of Eemian vegetational and climatic development. The Tepsankumpu site was revisited, and the till-covered thick freshwater gyttja deposit was studied in detail for pollen in order to search for signals of rapid climatic fluctuations postulated for the earlier part of the Eemian on the basis of Greenland ice core studies. The Eemian pollen stratigraphy in Finnish Lapland closely resembles the Holocene pollen stratigraphy of the area. The abundance of spruce and alder pollen suggests, however, more northerly limits for forest vegetation zones during the Eemian than during the Holocene. Oak also grew closer to Lapland, indicating a wanner climate than during the Holocene climatic optimum. The Tepsankumpu pollen stratigraphy indicates climatic stability over the entire time-span it covers, i.e. the major part of the interglacial. This finding is in conflict with results from Greenland GRIP ice core studies and interpretations of some Continental European Eemian pollen diagrams.  相似文献   

The history of sea level within the Red Sea basin impinges on several areas of research. For archaeology and prehistory, past sea levels of the southern sector define possible pathways of human dispersal out of Africa. For tectonics, the interglacial sea levels provide estimates of rates for vertical tectonics. For global sea level studies, the Red Sea sediments contain a significant record of changing water chemistry with implications on the mass exchange between oceans and ice sheets during glacial cycles. And, because of its geometry and location, the Red Sea provides a test laboratory for models of glacio-hydro-isostasy. The Red Sea margins contain incomplete records of sea level for the Late Holocene, for the Last Glacial Maximum, for the Last Interglacial and for earlier interglacials. These are usually interpreted in terms of tectonics and ocean volume changes but it is shown here that the glacio-hydro-isostatic process is an additional important component with characteristic spatial variability. Through an iterative analysis of the Holocene and interglacial evidence a separation of the tectonic, isostatic and eustatic contributions is possible and we present a predictive model for palaeo-shorelines and water depths for a time interval encompassing the period proposed for migrations of modern humans out of Africa. Principal conclusions include the following. (i) Late Holocene sea level signals evolve along the length of the Red Sea, with characteristic mid-Holocene highstands not developing in the central part. (ii) Last Interglacial sea level signals are also location dependent and, in the absence of tectonics, are not predicted to occur more than 1–2 m above present sea level. (iii) For both periods, Red Sea levels at ‘expected far-field’ elevations are not necessarily indicative of tectonic stability and the evidence points to a long-wavelength tectonic uplift component along both the African and Arabian northern and central sides of the Red Sea. (iv) The observational evidence is consistent with tectonic and isostatic processes both operating over the past 300,000 years without requiring changes in the time averaged (over a few thousand years) tectonic rates. (v) Recent bathymetric data for the Bab al Mandab region have been compiled to confirm the location and depth of the sill controlling flow in and out of the Red Sea. Throughout the last 400,000 years the Red Sea has remained open to the Gulf of Aden with cross sectional areas at times of glacial maxima about 2% of that today. (vi) The minimum channel widths connecting the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden at times of lowstand occur south of the Hanish Sill. The channels are less than 4 km wide and remain narrow for as long as local sea levels are below ?50 m. This occurs for a number of sustained periods during the last two glacial cycles and earlier. (vii) Periods suitable for crossing between Africa and Arabia without requiring seaworthy boats or seafaring skills occurred periodically throughout the Pleistocene, particularly at times of favourable environmental climatic conditions that occurred during times of sea level lowstand.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in benthic foraminiferal faunas over the last 130,000 yr in four piston cores from the Norwegian Sea are correlated with the standard worldwide oxygen-isotope stratigraphy. One species, Cibicides wuellerstorfi, dominates in the Holocene section of each core, but alternates downcore with Oridorsalis tener, a species dominant today only in the deepest part of the basin. O. tener is the most abundant species throughout the entire basin during periods of particularly cold climate when the Norwegian Sea presumably was ice covered year round and surface productivity lowered. Portions of isotope Stages 6, 3, and 2 are barren of benthic foraminifera; this is probably due to lowered benthic productivity, perhaps combined with dilution by ice-rafted sediment; there is no evidence that the Norwegian Sea became azoic. The Holocene and Substage 5e (the last interglacial) are similar faunally. This similarity, combined with other evidence, supports the presumption that the Norwegian Sea was a source of dense overflows into the North Atlantic during Substage 5e as it is today. Oxygen-isotope analyses of benthic foraminifera indicate that Norwegian Sea bottom waters warmer than they are today from Substage 5d to Stage 2, with the possible exception of Substage 5a. These data show that the glacial Norwegian Sea was not a sink for dense surface water, as it is now, and thus it was not a source of deep-water overflows. The benthic foraminiferal populations of the deep Norwegian Sea seem at least as responsive to near-surface conditions, such as sea-ice cover, as they are to fluctuations in the hydrography of the deep water. Benthic foraminiferal evidence from the Norwegian Sea is insufficient in itself to establish whether or not the basin was a source of overflows into the North Atlantic at any time between the Substage 5e/5d boundary at 115,000 yr B.P. and the Holocene.  相似文献   

The Mommark sequence represents a nearly complete record of sedimentation in the Eemian (MIS 5e), and the diatom succession covers almost the entire interglacial. A floating chronology of the deposits is based on correlation of the local pollen stratigraphy with annually laminated sequences in northern Germany. The diatom succession starts with a short freshwater stage followed by a similarly episodic transitional brackish phase, which began c. 300 years after the beginning of the Eemian interglacial. A few hundred years later, simultaneously with the start of deposition of the shallow marine sediment, Cyprina Clay, the flora turns almost fully marine, suggesting salinities clearly higher than at present. The culmination of the marine transgression occurs close to the climatic optimum of the Eemian interglacial, c. 3000 years after the beginning of the interglacial. In the several metres thick Cyprina Clay, only marginal changes in the composition of diatom taxa are noticed. According to the diatom stratigraphy and chronostratigraphy based on regional pollen zones, the total duration of the Eemian Sea phase with brackish/marine conditions was c. 10 500 years. As the sedimentation of the Cyprina Clay ends, the proportions of diatom species thriving in freshwater increase, but the marine taxa remain common. The mixture of species with non-compatible ecological requirements suggests allochthonous input from freshwater and/or tidal estuary environment. The results of this study are consistent with studies of other aquatic fossil assemblage data from this site.  相似文献   

Foraminifera from four boreholes through Quaternary deposits at Roar, Skjold and Dan in the central North Sea have been examined. Shallow marine Eemian deposits were represented over the whole area, and at Roar marine deposits from an older glacial period were found below the Eemian. A glaciolacustrinc sequence occurred above the Eemian in all the boreholes, and at Roar this unit was succeeded by marine sediments containing arctic to boreo-arctic foraminiferal faunas. Both the non-marine and overlying marine units are referred to the Weichselian. Marine Flandrian deposits occur in the upper part of the borings and the faunal succession through this sequence is described.  相似文献   

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