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《Chemical Geology》2002,182(2-4):513-528
The Northern Taiwan Volcanic Zone (NTVZ) is a Late Pliocene–Quaternary volcanic field that occurred as a result of extensional collapse of the northern Taiwan mountain belt. We report here mineral compositions, major and trace element and Sr/Nd isotope data of high-Mg basaltic andesites from the Mienhuayu, a volcanic islet formed at ∼2.6 Ma in the central part of the NTVZ. The rocks are hypocrystalline, showing porphyritic texture with Mg-rich olivine (Fo≈81–80), bronzite (En≈82–79) and plagioclase (An≈66–58) as major phenocryst phases. They have uniform whole-rock compositions, marked by high magnesium (MgO≈5.9–8.1 wt.%, Mg value≈0.6) relative to accompanying silica contents (SiO2≈52.8–54.5 wt.%). The high-Mg basaltic andesites contain the highest TiO2(∼1.5 wt.%) and lowest K2O (∼0.4 wt.%) among the NTVZ volcanic rocks. In the incompatible element variation diagram, these Mienhuayu magmas exhibit mild enrichments in large ion lithophile (LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE), coupled with an apparent Pb-positive spike. They do not display depletions in high field strength elements (HFSE), a feature observed universally in the other NTVZ volcanics. The high-Mg basaltic andesites have rather unradiogenic Nd (εNd≈+5.1–7.2) but apparently elevated Sr (87Sr/86Sr≈0.70435–0.70543; leached values) isotope ratios. Their overall geochemical and isotopic characteristics are similar to mid-Miocene (∼13 Ma) high-Mg andesites from the Iriomote-jima, southern Ryukyus, Japan. Despite these magmas have lower LILE and LREE enrichments and Pb positive spike, their “intraplate-type” incompatible element variation patterns are comparable to those of extension-induced Miocene intraplate basalts emplaced in the Taiwan–Fujian region. Therefore, we interpret the Mienhuayu magmas as silica-saturated melts derived from decompression melting of the ascended asthenosphere that had been subtly affected by the adjacent Ryukyu subduction zone processes. This interpretation is consistent with the notion that in the northern Taiwan mountain belt post-orogenic lithospheric extension started in Plio–Pleistocene time.  相似文献   

The island of St. Paul in the Indian Ocean is located on the axis of the southeastern branch of the Indian Ocean Rise, as is the similar volcano of Amsterdam, 80 km to the north. Both volcanoes and possibly part of the local ridge are formed of a high-alumina plagioclase tholeiite making this a distinctive volcanic province. Lavas with Al2O2 contents of 12 to 22% are directly related by plagioclase fractionation. Residual rocks are a distinctive low silica, low alumina, potassic andesite with andesine and even olligoclase feldspar. Parallel lines of evolution exist in the sea floor plagioclase tholeiites, which differ only in slightly lower tenor of Sr and potassium group elements, and in the Steens Mountain tholeiites of Oregon, which differ in their significantly higher Sr and K group elements  相似文献   

Primitive chemical characteristics of high-Mg andesites (HMA) suggest equilibration with mantle wedge peridotite, and they may form through either shallow, wet partial melting of the mantle or re-equilibration of slab melts migrating through the wedge. We have re-examined a well-studied example of HMA from near Mt. Shasta, CA, because petrographic evidence for magma mixing has stimulated a recent debate over whether HMA magmas have a mantle origin. We examined naturally quenched, glassy, olivine-hosted (Fo87–94) melt inclusions from this locality and analyzed the samples by FTIR, LA-ICPMS, and electron probe. Compositions (uncorrected for post-entrapment modification) are highly variable and can be divided into high-CaO (>10 wt%) melts only found in Fo > 91 olivines and low-CaO (<10 wt%) melts in Fo 87–94 olivine hosts. There is evidence for extensive post-entrapment modification in many inclusions. High-CaO inclusions experienced 1.4–3.5 wt% FeOT loss through diffusive re-equilibration with the host olivine and 13–28 wt% post-entrapment olivine crystallization. Low-CaO inclusions experienced 1–16 wt% olivine crystallization with <2 wt% FeOT loss experienced by inclusions in Fo > 90 olivines. Restored low-CaO melt inclusions are HMAs (57–61 wt% SiO2; 4.9–10.9 wt% MgO), whereas high-CaO inclusions are primitive basaltic andesites (PBA) (51–56 wt% SiO2; 9.8–15.1 wt% MgO). HMA and PBA inclusions have distinct trace element characteristics. Importantly, both types of inclusions are volatile-rich, with maximum values in HMA and PBA melt inclusions of 3.5 and 5.6 wt% H2O, 830 and 2,900 ppm S, 1,590 and 2,580 ppm Cl, and 500 and 820 ppm CO2, respectively. PBA melts are comparable to experimental hydrous melts in equilibrium with harzburgite. Two-component mixing between PBA and dacitic magma (59:41) is able to produce a primitive HMA composition, but the predicted mixture shows some small but significant major and trace element discrepancies from published whole-rock analyses from the Shasta locality. An alternative model that involves incorporation of xenocrysts (high-Mg olivine from PBA and pyroxenes from dacite) into a primary (mantle-derived) HMA magma can explain the phenocryst and melt inclusion compositions but is difficult to evaluate quantitatively because of the complex crystal populations. Our results suggest that a spectrum of mantle-derived melts, including both PBA and HMA, may be produced beneath the Shasta region. Compositional similarities between Shasta parental melts and boninites imply similar magma generation processes related to the presence of refractory harzburgite in the shallow mantle.  相似文献   




内蒙古东部马鞍山地区发育早石炭世高镁安山岩,其LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果为346.4±1.4Ma,指示其形成于早石炭世。马鞍山高镁安山岩属于钙碱性岩石系列,SiO_2含量为53.22%~54.22%,MgO为7.21%~10.03%,Al_2O_2为14.37%~15.94%,CaO为4.81%~5.94%,富Na、贫K(Na_2O为3.87%~4.34%、K_2O为0.49%~0.93%)、低TFeO/MgO(1.5)、高Cr(364×10~(-6)~429×10~(-6))、Ni(204×10~(-6)~211×10~(-6))。所有样品均显示轻稀土元素富集,具轻微的负Eu异常,富集大离子亲石元素Rb、K、Ba、Sr,亏损高场强元素Nb、Zr、Ti、Y、Yb、Lu等,地球化学特征与赞岐岩相似。由此可知,马鞍山地区早白垩世高镁安山岩是由地幔橄榄岩与消减洋壳板片部分熔融产生的富Si质熔体平衡反应的产物,暗示其形成于与俯冲消减有关的构造背景,是古亚洲洋闭合过程中洋陆转化的产物。  相似文献   

The petrogenesis of high-Mg andesites (HMA) in subduction zones involves shallow melting of refractory mantle sources or, alternatively, the interaction of ascending slab-derived melts with mantle peridotite. To unravel the petrogenesis of HMA, we report major, trace element and Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotope data for a newly found occurrence of HMA in the New Georgia group, Solomon Islands, SW-Pacific. Volcanism in the Solomon Islands was initiated by subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the Indian–Australian plate until a reversal of subduction polarity occurred ca. 10 Ma ago. Currently, the Indian–Australian plate is subducted northeastwards along the San Cristobál trench, forming the younger and still active southwestern Solomon island arc. However, a fossil slab of Pacific crust is still present beneath the arc. The edifice of the active volcano Simbo is located directly in the San Cristobál trench on top of the subducting Indian–Australian plate. Simbo Island lies on top of a strike-slip fault of the adjacent Woodlark spreading centre that is subducted beneath the Pacific plate. Geochemical and petrological compositions of volcanic rocks from Simbo are in marked contrast to those of volcanic rocks from islands north of the trench (mostly arc basalts). Simbo-type rocks are opx-bearing HMA, displaying 60–62 wt% SiO2 but rather primitive Mg–Ni–Cr characteristics with 4–6 wt% MgO, up to 65 ppm Ni, up to 264 ppm Cr and Mg# from 67 to 75. The compositions of the Simbo andesites are explained by a binary mixture of silicic and basaltic melts. Relict olivine phenocrysts with Fo88–90 and reaction-rims of opx also support a mixing model. The basaltic endmember is similar to back-arc basalts from the Woodlark Ridge. A slab melt affinity of the silicic mixing component is indicated by Gd(N)/Yb(N) of up to 2.2 that is higher if compared to MORB and other arc basalts from the Solomon Islands. 87Sr/86Sr, ɛNd and ɛHf values in the analysed rocks range from 0.7035 to 0.7040, +6.4 to +7.9 and +12 to +14.4, respectively. These values reveal the presence of the Indian–Australian mantle domain beneath Simbo (i.e. the Indian–Australian plate) and also beneath all other volcanic islands of the New Georgia group, which are located north of the San Cristobál trench. 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb values (18.43–18.52, 15.49–15.55 and 18.13–18.34, respectively) confirm the presence of slab melts from the subducted Pacific plate beneath southern Simbo where the highest Gd(N)/Yb(N) ratios are reported. A spatial shift towards an Indian–Australian slab signature is observed when approaching the active San Cristobál trench on northern Simbo, reflecting the decreasing influence of slab melts from the old subducted Pacific plate.  相似文献   

Geochemical and isotopic data from Mesozoic lavas from the Jianguo, Niutoushan, Wulahada, and Guancaishan volcanic fields on the northern margin of the North China Craton provide evidence for secular lithospheric evolution of the region. Jianguo lavas are alkaline basalts with LILE- and LREE-enrichment ((La/Yb)N=12.2-13.2) and MORB-like Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic ratios ((87Sr/86Sr)i<0.704; εNd=3.9-4.8; (206Pb/204Pb)i≈18). Niutoushan basalts are similar but show evidence of olivine fractionation. Wulahada lavas are high-Mg andesites (Mg#∼67) with EM1 Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic signatures. Geochemical data suggest that the basalts originated from MORB-type asthenosphere whereas the high-Mg andesites were derived an EM1 mantle source, i.e., a refractory lithospheric mantle modified by a previously subducted slab. The result, combined with the available data of the Mesozoic basalts from the southern portion of the NCC (Zhang et al., 2002), manifests a vast secular evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern NCC from the Paleozoic refractory continental lithosphere to this Mesozoic modified lithosphere. Compared with the cratonic margin, the lithospheric mantle beneath the center of the craton was less extensively modified, implying the secular evolution was related to the subduction processes surrounding the NCC. Therefore, we suggest that the interaction of the slab-derived silicic melt with the old refractory lithospheric mantle converted the Paleozoic cratonic lithospheric mantle into the late Mesozoic fertile mantle, which was also different from the Cenozoic counterpart. A geodynamic model is proposed to illustrate such a secular lithosphere evolution.  相似文献   

One-atmosphere, melting experiments, controlled at the fayalite-magnetite-quartz oxygen buffer, on mildly alkalic and transitional basalts from Iceland show that these begin to crystallize Fe-Ti oxide minerals (magnetite and/or ilmenite) at 1105±5°C, apparently independently of bulk composition and the order of silicate and oxide mineral crystallization. Most samples crystalline plagioclase and olivine as the first two crystalline phases, augite as the third phase, and an Fe-Ti oxide mineral as the fourth phase. The main effects of Fe-Ti oxide crystallization are a marked decrease in FeO and TiO2 in the liquid, and a notable increase in SiO2 and Al2O3, and the minor oxides K2O and P2O5, with decreasing temperature. The most silicic glasses are compositionally mugearitic and shoshonitic basaltic andesites. Because the smallest amount of glass that could be analyzed with the microprobe represents 20–55 percent liquid remaining, it can be expected that more silicic liquids will occur at lower temperatures. On normative, pseudoternary projections, the general effect of Fe-Ti oxide crystallization for mildly alkalic and transitional basalts is a marked increase in normative quartz. This is caused by a strong systematic convergence, with the appearance of Fe-Ti oxides, of the bulk solid precipitates toward the liquid compositions, as projected on the triangle plagioclase-diopside-olivine. For alkalic basalts, the bulk solid precipitate shows an increase in normative diopside with falling temperature and Fe-Ti oxide crystallization. This causes the liquids to move toward decreasing normative diopside and relatively little variation in nepheline. The experimental observations imply that mildly alkalic and transitional magmas, without stabilizing a Fe-Ti oxide mineral, will not evolve toward early silica saturation.  相似文献   

吉林色洛河地区发育高镁安山岩类,SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年结果表明它们形成于晚二叠世(252±5Ma).色洛河高镁安山岩类(SiO259.08%~65.67%)具有富MgO(3.68%~5.30%),高Mg#值(0.62~0.68,平均0.66),高Cr(203.17×10^-6~379.70×10^-6,平均258.79×10^-6)、Ni(98.13×10^-6~249.35×10^-6,平均137.00×10^-6)含量;富集大离子亲石元素(如Cs、K、Pb、Rb和Ba),亏损高场强元素(如Ta、Ti、Nb、P);富集LREE(Ce39.14×10^-6~48.74×10^-6),强烈亏损HREE(Yb 0.95×10^-6~1.27×10^-6,Y 10.80×10^-6~13.13×10^-6,(La/Yb)N13.27~16.66);但它们含有较低的Sr(158.62×10^-6~369.77×10^-6,平均258.52×10^-6).它们属于中钾、钙碱性系列,具有明显的结晶分异和同化混染特征.上述地球化学特征表明它可能与消减沉积物流体交代形成富集地幔的部分熔融有关,其后又经历了分异和混染作用.这揭示它们形成于活动陆缘的构造背景,表明晚古生代末期古亚洲洋板块仍在消减,华北地块和佳木斯-兴凯地块(中亚造山带)最终的拼合时间可能在二叠纪之后.  相似文献   

The South China Block (SCB) consists of the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks which, in the northeast, are separated from each other by the Jiangnan Orogen. The southward continuation of the Jiangnan Orogen into the Youjiang Basin remains much debated. Here, we present detailed petrological, chemical and isotope evidence from the Late Jurassic (~159 Ma) Yangtun and Liuliang high-Mg andesites (HMA), eastern Youjiang Basin, to place important constraints on an ancient subduction event. These HMA are enriched in large ion lithophile elements and depleted in Nb-Ta-Ti, with negative whole-rock εNd(t) and zircon εHf(t) values, similar to Neoproterozoic high-Mg rocks that occur in the eastern Yangtze Block. Considering the distance of our study areas to penecontemporaneous Pacific or Tethyan trenches, we infer that these HMA derived from a metasomatised lithospheric mantle preserved beneath the eastern Yangtze Block, which was associated with a Neoproterozoic subduction event. The Late Jurassic HMA in the eastern Youjiang Basin provide potential clues for the southward continuation of the Jiangnan Orogen into the basin.  相似文献   

Large sections of the Abitibi volcanic belt of Archean age are covered by thick glacial and glacio-lacustrine overburden. To increase our knowledge of the geology and the economic potential of the basement, approximately 5000 ground-water samples were collected from wells, springs and drill holes over an area of about 20 000 km2. Samples were collected at intervals varying from 150 to 500 m in settled areas. They were analysed for: Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Co, Cd, Cr, Mn, Fe, Mo, Hg, As, U, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Li, F, and Cl and pH.Several types of regional and local geochemical patterns were identified. However, since the apparent dispersion distance of trace elements from a point source is usually less than 1 km in ground waters, the local zones of geochemical activity having an area less than 15 km2 are considered of greatest interest for exploration. The large regional patterns and geochemical complexes which consist of clusters of grouped, overlapping, and superimposed regional and local patterns are presumed to be related to particular geological or metallogenic contexts.The elements with the highest frequency of occurrence in the 240 identified local zones of geochemical activity are As, Ni and U which occur in more than 30% of these zones; they are closely followed by the groups Co, Cu, Mo and Zn, Hg, Pb, F which occur respectively in more than 25% and 20% of the zones. Element associations in these zones can be broken down into three major groups: the trace metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Co, Cd, Mo), the major and associated elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Li, F, Cl) and the elements As, U and Ni which occur with elements of either of the first two groups.Ground-water samples were also collected in 21 mines. The results of this study suggest that the best indicator elements for base metal deposits are As, Mo and F, whereas As, Ni, F or Cl and Mn are the best indicators of gold deposits.The results of the ground-water survey have identified numerous new areas to explore. Anomalous concentrations of at least two of the best indicators occur in more than 33% of the 240 local zones of geochemical activity.  相似文献   

Arenal volcano is nearly unique among arc volcanoes with its 42 year long (1968–2010) continuous, small-scale activity erupting compositionally monotonous basaltic andesites that also dominate the entire, ~7000 year long, eruptive history. Only mineral zoning records reveal that basaltic andesites are the result of complex, open-system processes deriving minerals from a variety of crystallization environments and including the episodic injections of basalt. The condition of the mafic input as well as the generation of crystal-rich basaltic andesites of the recent, 1968–2010, and earlier eruptions were addressed by an experimental study at 200 MPa, 900–1,050 °C, oxidizing and fluid-saturated conditions with various fluid compositions [H2O/(H2O + CO2) = 0.3–1]. Phase equilibria were determined using a phenocryst-poor (~3 vol%) Arenal-like basalt (50.5?wt% SiO2) from a nearby scoria cone containing olivine (Fo92), plagioclase (An86), clinopyroxene (Mg# = 82) and magnetite (Xulvö = 0.13). Experimental melts generally reproduce observed compositional trends among Arenal samples. Small differences between experimental melts and natural rocks can be explained by open-system processes. At low pressure (200 MPa), the mineral assemblage as well as the mineral compositions of the natural basalt were reproduced at 1,000 °C and high water activity. The residual melt at these conditions is basaltic andesitic (55 wt% SiO2) with 5 wt% H2O. The evolution to more evolved magmas observed at Arenal occurred under fluid-saturated conditions but variable fluid compositions. At 1,000 °C and 200 MPa, a decrease of water content by approximately 1 wt% induces significant changes of the mineral assemblage from olivine + clinopyroxene + plagioclase (5 wt% H2O in the melt) to clinopyroxene + plagioclase + orthopyroxene (4 wt% H2O in the melt). Both assemblages are observed in crystal-rich basalt (15 vol%) and basaltic andesites. Experimental data indicate that the lack of orthopyroxene and the presence of amphibole, also observed in basaltic andesitic tephra units, is due to crystallization at nearly water-saturated conditions and temperatures lower than 950 °C. The enigmatic two compositional groups previously known as low- and high-Al2O3 samples at Arenal volcano may be explained by low- and high-pressure crystallization, respectively. Using high-Al as signal of deeper crystallization, first magmas of the 1968–2010 eruption evolved deep in the crust and ascent was relatively fast leaving little time for significant compositional overprint by shallower level crystallization.  相似文献   

Petrological, geochemical, and isotope geochronological aspects of the evolution of calc-alkaline magmatism were investigated in the Western Okhotsk flank zone, the Okhotsk segment, and the Eastern Chukchi flank zone of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt (OCVB). The OCVB is a tectonotype of continental margin volcanic belts comprising much greater volumes of felsic ignimbritic volcanics compared with mature island arcs (MIA, Kuril-Kamchatka and Aleutian) and the Andean continental margin. The volcanic rocks of continental margin volcanic belts (OCVB and Andean belt) are enriched in K, Ti, and P compared with the rocks of MIA and show a trend toward the field of high-potassium calc-alkaline series. Primitive andesite varieties (Mg# > 0.6) were not yet found in the OCVB, but there are relatively calcic varieties unknown in Andean-type structures and a significant fraction of moderately alkaline rocks, which are not typical of MIA. Variations in trace and major element characteristics in the basalts and andesites of the OCVB were interpreted as reflecting the competing processes of assimilation/mixing and fractional crystallization during the evolution of the parental basaltic magma. Significant lateral variations were established in the composition of the mantle sources of calc-alkaline magmas along the OCVB over more than 2500 km. The initial isotopic ratios of Sr, Nd, and Pb in the volcanics of the Okhotsk segment are relatively depleted and fall near the mixing line between PREMA and BSE. The magma source of the Western Okhotsk flank zone is most enriched and approaches EMI, whereas that of the central and eastern Chukchi zones contains an admixture of the EMII component. The geochronological characteristics of all the main stages of OCVB magmatism were comprehensively studied by U-Pb SHRIMP and ID-TIMS zircon dating (86 samples) and 40Ar/39Ar analysis (73 samples). In general, a discontinuous character was established for the OCVB magmatism from the middle Albian to the early Campanian (106–77 Ma). The volcanism is laterally asynchronous. There are several peaks of volcanism with modes at approximately 105, 100, 96, 92.5, 87, 82, and 77 Ma. The Coniacian-Santonian peaks correspond to the most extensive stages of the middle and late cycles of felsic volcanism. A decreases and a hiatus in magmatic activity were reconstructed for the end of the Cenomanian and the beginning of the Turonian. The volcanism was terminated by plateau basalts with ages of 76–78 Ma, which mark a change in the geodynamic setting from frontal subduction to the regime of a transform margin with local extension in zones normal to the slip direction. A catastrophic character of eruptions with rather narrow ranges of volcanism (<2 Myr) were established taking into account new reliable age estimates for some individual large calderas. The accumulation rate of volcanic materials in such structures was up to 0.15–0.36 km3/yr and even higher.  相似文献   

本文报导了位于金沙江-哀牢山断裂带中段6个暗色超基性-基性火山岩的岩石学特征与稀土微量及Sr-Nd-Pb同位素地球化学数据,并对其成因和起源条件等进行了讨论。研究表明这6个暗色超基性-基性火山岩属于钾质碱性-钙碱性系列,依SiO2含量包括超基性、基性(或中基性)岩类。岩石的Mg#值较高(54.53~79.81),属于高镁火山岩。所有岩石样品具有富集轻稀土和大离子亲石元素,亏损高场强元素的特征。Sr-Nd-Pb同位素显示,源区具有具有较明显的Dupal异常和EMⅡ型富集地幔端元的特征。火山岩的岩石学与地球化学一致表明,本区多数暗色基性火山岩具有原生岩浆性质,其成因与富集地幔的部分熔融有关。源区显著的EMII富集地幔端元可能是扬子古陆和古特提斯洋的双向俯冲及俯冲的下地壳物质和古特提斯洋壳沉积物的再循环的物质记录。这套岩石形成于印度-欧亚大陆碰撞后的剪切和拉张构造环境,软流层地幔的上涌与俯冲的古特提斯洋壳沉积物和扬子古陆壳物质的混合,是诱发源区发生部分熔融的主要原因。金沙江-哀牢山断裂带强烈的剪切和拉张,使这些岩浆直接快速喷发至地表,因此形成具有原生岩浆性质的火山岩。  相似文献   

准噶尔古大洋作为古亚洲洋北部的重要分支及阶段性演化产物,其洋盆的俯冲、闭合时限以及盆地基底属性一直存在分歧。本文选取准噶尔盆地东北缘(乌伦古地区)石炭系火山岩来说明其岩浆来源及成因机制,通过主微量元素、Sr-Nd同位素分析结果,进一步阐明准噶尔洋盆在晚古生代的闭合时限。本次研究包括玄武岩、玄武质安山岩和安山岩三类火山岩,岩体显示低TiO2(0.60%~0.84%)、较高的全碱K2O+Na2O含量(1.18%~8.59%),玄武岩为岛弧拉斑系列,安山岩类的钙碱元素含量高,具有火山弧火山岩特征。中-低87Sr/86Sr(i)(0.703 250~0.704 559)、相对亏损的Nd同位素(+4.8~+6.8)以及tDM2(483~625 Ma)值表明玄武岩、玄武质安山岩和安山岩同为亏损地幔熔融岩浆分异结晶的产物,安山岩为地幔熔融岩浆后期分离结晶形成;微量元素与同位素地球化学示踪暗示玄武岩、玄武质安山岩和安山岩含有洋壳俯冲过程的脱水流体交代上覆地幔楔的消减组分,安山岩在深部岩浆房经历了壳-幔混合作用,受地壳成分的混染程度更大。大离子亲石元素(LILE)Ba、Sr和轻稀土元素、不相容元素(Th、U、K)相对富集,高场强元素(HFSE)Nb、Ta相对亏损,以及Pb、Zr、Hf的富集,说明该区属于与俯冲消减带相关的构造背景;结合本套火山岩高Ba/La(30.14~208.86)值、低TiO2(0.60%~0.84%)值,以及Ce/Nb比(8.71~12.05)、Th/Nb比(0.93~1.74)等,表明准噶尔洋盆于石炭纪沿着大陆板块下部持续俯冲,洋壳板片的俯冲脱水流体交代地幔楔后增生岛弧。该套中-基性火山岩建造佐证了准噶尔洋盆闭合时限为晚石炭世(ca. 305.5±4.4 Ma),结合区域地质资料分析,提出与俯冲带有关的岩浆通过岛弧拼贴增生到大陆地壳上,进一步为准噶尔盆地基底的岛弧拼贴成因提供了新依据。  相似文献   

吐哈盆地南缘荒草坡群大柳沟组火山岩出露于大草滩断裂以北的彩霞山、土屋铜矿北和卡拉塔格地区。该组火山岩主要为基性、中酸性熔岩及火山碎屑岩组合。LA-ICP MS锆石U-Pb分析获得安山岩和英安岩的年龄分别为434.8±3.8Ma和438.4±4.9Ma,表明大柳沟组火山岩形成于早志留世。安山岩Si O2含量为54.35%~60.70%;Al2O3含量为11.8%~16.3%,Mg O含量为4.94%~8.27%,Ti O2含量为0.38%~0.52%,Na2O和K2O的含量分别为0.50%~3.83%和0.08%~1.26%,铝饱和指数(A/CNK)为0.77~1.37,低ΣREE(43×10-6~70×10-6),为具有亏损源区特征的高镁安山岩。英安岩较安山岩Si O2含量高(63.74%~75.35%),具有相似的Al2O3(12.3%~16.0%%)和Ti O2(0.32%~0.52%)含量;Na2O和K2O含量分别为2.01%~5.53%和0.16%~2.19%,ΣREE含量较安山岩略高(61×10-6~84×10-6),铝饱和指数(A/CNK)为0.77~5.74。安山岩和英安岩均轻重稀土分异明显,具有中等的Eu负异常;富集大离子亲石元素(LILE),亏损高场强元素(HFSE),具有明显的Nb-Ta-Ti负异常。相似的岩石地球化学特征表明安山岩和英安岩可能为同源岩浆,英安岩是安山质岩浆经过角闪石等矿物结晶分异作用形成的,安山岩的母岩岩浆很可能来自亏损大洋岩石圈地幔。基于该组岩石组合、地球化学特征和区域地质资料,推测研究区高镁安山岩可能形成于洋内弧环境,这表明东天山吐哈盆地南缘卡拉塔格地区在早古生代已经存在古亚洲洋的俯冲。  相似文献   

五大连池火山岩带的地幔富集作用   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
邵济安  张文兰  张聪 《岩石学报》2008,24(11):2485-2494
小古里河-科洛-五大连池-二克山新生代火山岩带是一条富钾火山岩带,本文选择科洛荡子山新近纪的白榴碧玄岩和其中的方辉橄榄岩地幔包体和白榴霓霞岩岩浆包体为重点研究对象,通过岩相学和地球化学研究发现大量地幔交代的证据,从而认识到以方辉橄榄岩代表的岩石圈地幔在来自软流圈富含不相容元素的流体交代作用下,形成了富集地幔,白榴霓霞岩包体和富钾的火山岩则来自这类交代型地幔不同阶段部分熔融的岩浆,因此火山岩具有低Nd、低Pb和高Sr的同位素特征。富钾火山岩带的K2O/Na2O等值线图表明长400km,宽50km的幔源富钾的火山岩带是受新生代陆内NNW走向的裂谷控制。  相似文献   

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