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Preservation/exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure subduction complexes   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
W.G. Ernst   《Lithos》2006,92(3-4):321-335
Ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terranes reflect subduction of continental crust to depths of 90–140 km in Phanerozoic contractional orogens. Rocks are intensely overprinted by lower pressure mineral assemblages; traces of relict UHP phases are preserved only under kinetically inhibiting circumstances. Most UHP complexes present in the upper crust are thin, imbricate sheets consisting chiefly of felsic units ± serpentinites; dense mafic and peridotitic rocks make up less than  10% of each exhumed subduction complex. Roundtrip prograde–retrograde PT paths are completed in 10–20 Myr, and rates of ascent to mid-crustal levels approximate descent velocities. Late-stage domical uplifts typify many UHP complexes.

Sialic crust may be deeply subducted, reflecting profound underflow of an oceanic plate prior to collisional suturing. Exhumation involves decompression through the PT stability fields of lower pressure metamorphic facies. Scattered UHP relics are retained in strong, refractory, watertight host minerals (e.g., zircon, pyroxene, garnet) typified by low rates of intracrystalline diffusion. Isolation of such inclusions from the recrystallizing rock matrix impedes back reaction. Thin-aspect ratio, ductile-deformed nappes are formed in the subduction zone; heat is conducted away from UHP complexes as they rise along the subduction channel. The low aggregate density of continental crust is much less than that of the mantle it displaces during underflow; its rapid ascent to mid-crustal levels is driven by buoyancy. Return to shallow levels does not require removal of the overlying mantle wedge. Late-stage underplating, structural contraction, tectonic aneurysms and/or plate shallowing convey mid-crustal UHP décollements surfaceward in domical uplifts where they are exposed by erosion. Unless these situations are mutually satisfied, UHP complexes are completely transformed to low-pressure assemblages, obliterating all evidence of profound subduction.  相似文献   

The metamorphic rocks of the Kuekvun uplift are gneisses and schists that developed after Mid-Paleozoic sedimentary sequences, which consist mostly of terrigenous rocks with minor amounts of intermediate to mafic igneous rocks and subordinate carbonates. Two plagiogneiss samples that were selected for detailed analysis were taken from the axial part and flanks of the uplift. The mineral paragenesis and composition of coexisting garnet, biotite, and staurolite indicate a metamorphic temperature of 560–600°C and pressure of 2.5–4 kbar, corresponding to a depth of 8–12 km. These conditions suggest a relatively high geothermal gradient (about 60°C/km), approaching that for contact metamorphic aureoles. Garnets from the axial zone and flanks of the uplift display a similar zoning pattern. The difference is the presence of compositionally contrasting Ca-rich rims in garnets from the axial zone. These rims may be either the result of zoning within the entire metamorphic complex or a late local overprint, e.g., crystallization of granitic plutons, which are common within the study area.  相似文献   

The eastern peninsulas of Kamchatka are mostly composed of tectonostratigraphic complexes, which were formed within the Late Cretaceous-Eocene Kronotskii-Kamchatka arc. The accretion of this paleoarc to the Kamchatka margin of northeastern Asia in the terminal Cenozoic represented the last collisional event in the formation of the present-day structure of Kamchatka. The article presents new data on the age, composition, and structure of the tectonostratigraphic complexes constituting the southern segment of the Kronotskii-Kamchatka paleoarc. It is shown that the oldest rocks of these complexes are the Campanian in age and represented by volcano-sedimentary rocks that were formed in different geodynamic environments. The investigated igneous rocks are attributed to two types: (1) the tholeiite series of a mid-oceanic ridge (MOR) (Vetlovaya Complex); (2) tholeiite and calc-alkaline series of island arcs (Shipunskii Sequence of the Kronotskii Group).  相似文献   

Investigation of Miocene foraminifers in Karaginsky Island allowed recognition of 13 complexes. In all, three complexes were recognized in the Variegated Formation, eight complexes were found in the Plosky Cape Formation, and three were recorded in the Yunyun’vayam Creak Formation. The changes in their nature were related to changes in paleoenvironments. The composition of complexes indicates their accumulation under conditions of the outer shelf and continental slope. The recognized foraminifer complexes allow correlating successions in Karaginsky Island with Lower-Upper Miocene successions of the Northern Pacific.  相似文献   

前人已经对西天山及邻区以及阿尔金断裂带进行了大量中—新生代隆升-剥露的研究工作,但对东天山地区的研究工作很少。天山造山带中—新生代期间的隆升-剥露过程是否具有均一性,目前仍没有确切的认识。为了获得东天山地区中生代以来的隆升-剥露信息,对吐哈盆地东南缘雅满苏地区磷灰石裂变径迹进行了研究。研究表明,在不同构造位置采集的花岗岩、砂岩、火山岩样品年龄集中分布在81~53Ma,样品年龄记录了东天山地区晚白垩世—古新世发生的冷却事件。磷灰石裂变径迹平均长度为13.60~14.36μm,接近于磷灰石初始径迹长度约14.5μm,表明径迹形成后没有发生过明显的退火作用。根据地温梯度计算得到东天山晚白垩世以来的平均隆升速率约为4.31×10-2 mm/a。进一步的热史模拟表明,晚白垩世—古新世(80~50Ma)期间东天山地区经历了一次隆升-剥露事件;始新世以后(50 Ma),东天山地区地壳处于稳定状态,东天山隆起带现在的构造面貌基本继承了中生代的特征。  相似文献   

In the Kokchetav ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) massif in northern Kazakhstan, diamond-bearing UHP rocks occur exclusively in a western, rhomb-shaped domain, that differs from an eastern transpressional domain with coesite-bearing remnants indicating highest UHP conditions. Different mechanisms may have contributed to the early ascent of the UHP Kokchetav massif. The geometry and structure of the diamond-bearing domain are interpreted as a sheath-like fold, coeval with early stage melting. In contrast, the coesite-bearing domain has a sheet-like geometry. At mid-crustal level this early difference in the ascending UHP wedge is reflected in a western rhomb-horst and an eastern transpression structure, respectively. The latter extends to the east (Borovoye) where the uppermost sequences of the UHP massif were defined by others. Sheath folding is postulated as a suitable mechanism contributing to the early buoyancy-driven ascent of the subducted rocks, and explains the selective spatial distribution of diamond-and coesite-bearing sequences preserved in the wedge.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2005,173(1-4):53-89
Three related basins in southern Turkey, the Ecemiş Basin, the Karsanti Basin and the Aktoprak Basin, document the Neogene-Recent regional exhumation and surface uplift history of the Central Taurus Mountains. The regional tectonic framework was established by a Late Eocene phase of compressional deformation that ended Tethys-related marine deposition. During the Oligocene–Early Miocene non-marine sedimentation was dominantly from braided rivers flowing from the nascent Taurus Mountains and from the Niğde metamorphic massif further north. During this period erosion more or less kept pace with exhumation and the topography remained subdued, allowing a marine incursion (probably eustatically controlled) into the Karsanti Basin in the east during Early Oligocene time. Regional exhumation was possibly controlled by thermal uplift of an actively extending area located behind the subducting S-Neotethys in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. During exhumation, largely ophiolitic rocks were eroded, revealing the deformed Mesozoic Tauride carbonate platform beneath. The area was affected by a short-lived pulse of compressional deformation/transpression, probably in Mid-Miocene time, but extensional exhumation then resumed, as indicated by the presence of metamorphic-derived clasts from the adjacent Niğde Massif. Late Miocene deposition was dominated by large inward-draining lakes, consistent with regional evidence of a humid climate during this time. Strong surface uplift took place during Plio-Quaternary time. Drainage to the Mediterranean became established, allowing river valleys to incise deeply into the flanks of the Taurus Mountains. Palaeo-valleys were successively infilled with coarse alluvial sediments. This deposition was influenced by NE–SW trending extensional faults. In addition, the sedimentary evolution of the area was strongly influenced by the NNE–SSW trending Ecemiş Fault Zone, which has experienced ca. 60 km of left-lateral strike-slip since the Late Eocene. An important pulse of normal faulting/transtension in latest Miocene–early Pliocene time generated large fault scarps. These acted as sources for large Plio-Quaternary alluvial fans, which prograded across active strike-slip faults. The morphology of these fans was influenced by a combination of Quaternary climatic change, axial-fluvial downcutting and active strike-slip tectonics. In general, the Plio-Quaternary regional uplift of the Taurus Mountains may relate to underplating of material derived from the African plate during progressive collision with the Anatolian (Eurasian) plate in the vicinity of the easternmost Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

The petrographic, petrochemical, and mineralogical compositions of the Kuvalorog Ni-bearing cortlandite-norite intrusion and endocontact leucodiorites hosting pyrope-almandine garnet are considered. Lamprophyre dikes with scarce pyrope-almandine garnet, first discovered in the massif, and plagioclase-pyroxene symplectites in garnet porphyroblast areas are studied. Judging from the petrography of rocks and the composition of inclusions rich in incompatible elements in the garnet, the mineral was produced by the reaction of orthopyroxene with the anorthite component of plagioclase at the subsolidus stage of formation of endocontact diorites. This reaction was probably favored by the fluid phase abundant in the parental magma of the Kuvalorog intrusion and, especially, in the zones near its contact with relics of terrigenous rocks, where it was produced as a result of the rock dehydration under the thermal effect of the intrusion.  相似文献   

黑龙江省东部佳木斯隆起是佳木斯地块重要组成部分,经历了多期板块碰撞闭合事件的影响,对其隆升剥露历史的热年代学研究有助于加深对东北各地块的碰撞拼贴历史以及古亚洲洋东端构造演化的认识。本文通过对黑龙江省东部佳木斯隆起老平岗花岗岩岩体中的锆石LA-ICP-MS、独居石Th-U-Pb化学法(CHIME)以及(钾长石、黑云母)~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar法同位素年龄的测定,恢复了佳木斯隆起多期隆升剥露的构造热演化历史。研究结果显示佳木斯隆起晚三叠世之前主要存在三个隆升阶段,分别为早古生代早期(511~494Ma)和晚二叠世-中三叠世早期(260~240Ma)的快速隆升阶段以及期间的相对慢速隆升阶段。511~494Ma快速隆升阶段,冷却速率为11.76℃/Myr,隆升速率为0.294mm/a,17Myr隆升总幅度达5.00km,代表了佳木斯地块与松嫩地块的碰撞拼贴事件;494~260Ma相对慢速隆升阶段,冷却速率为1.51℃/Myr,隆升速率为0.038mm/a,234Myr隆升总幅度仅有8.80km;260~240Ma快速隆升阶段,冷却速率平均为8.44℃/Myr,隆升速度平均为0.211mm/a,20Myr隆升幅度平均达4.22km,该事件应与佳木斯地块与华北板块在晚二叠世-中三叠世的碰撞拼接事件有关。  相似文献   

The sequence of hydrothermal shale from the East Pauzhet thermal field within the Pauzhet hydrothermal system (South Kamchatka) was studied in detail. It was established that the formation of shale resulted from argillization of an andesitic lava flow under the influence of an acidic sulfate vapor condensate. The horizons with radically different compositions and physical properties compared to those of the overlying homogeneous plastic shale were distinguished at the base of the sequence. These horizons are characterized by high (up to two orders of magnitude in comparison with average values in hydrothermal shale) concentrations of F, P, Na, Mg, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Cu, and Zn. We suggested a geological–geochemical model, according to which a deep metal-bearing chloride–hydrocarbonate solution infiltrated into the permeable zone formed at the root of the andesitic lava flow beneath plastic shale at a certain stage of evolution of the hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

作为地质历史时期深俯冲作用产物的超高压变质岩,尽管有不同的形成演化历史,但其最终的折返作用无不是在逆冲扩展过程中完成的。因此,逆冲扩展作用及其数值模拟的研究对完整认识苏鲁高压-超高压变质带的折返机制和折返过程具有重要意义。逆冲扩展作用最显观的构造效应是不同层次构造界面和应力场的变化,对于地壳尺度的逆冲扩展作用而言,陆表面和Moho是最重要的活动性构造界面,陆表面的变化导致山体抬升和滞后伸展盆地的形成,出现盆-山相间的构造格局。初步的模拟计算表明,山体的抬升量、滞后伸展盆地的坳陷量和Moho的上拱量与逆冲地块的平移速度和逆冲扩展速度成正相关关系,而且随着时间的推移,山体的抬升速度、滞后伸展盆地的坳陷速度和Moho的上拱速度都有逐渐增大趋势。逆冲扩展过程中,构造应力场的变化总的表现为随着平移速度和逆冲扩展速度的增大和逆冲扩展作用的持续进行,逆冲块体内部由挤压应力状态逐渐向拉张应力状态转化。地块的平移速度是构造强度的一个重要标量,当高压-超高压变质带以仰冲块体为运动载体,沿断裂带向陆壳浅部折返时,构造界面的移动规律基本反映了高压-超高压变质带的折返过程,可见,构造作用的强度和性质应该是制约高压-超高压变质带折返的重要因素之一,在岩石密度差相同的条件下,拉张构造应力场更有利于折返作用的进行。苏鲁高压-超高压变质带的折返是通过多期构造作用完成的,根据数值模拟结果可以推测,每期构造作用都伴随有折返速度由慢到快的变化,在整个折返过程中,构造运动性质和强度的差异导致了折返速度的不均一,总体上,折返速度将随着逆冲地块由挤压向拉张状态的转化和拉张强度(构造作用强度)的不断增强而逐渐增大,最终在以拉张为主导的构造应力场中完成了高压-超高压变质带折返的全过程。  相似文献   

The metamorphic complexes of eastern Kamchatka exposed on the Khavyven Highland and Karaginsky Island, as well as on the Kamchatka and Ozernoi peninsulas, compose large (up to 1.5 km) elongated blocks spatially associated with ophiolitic peridotite and gabbroic rock bodies (the Khavyven Highland and Karaginsky Island) or make up isolated fragments and blocks among serpentinite melange (the Ozernoi and Kamchatka peninsulas). The degree of metamorphism of the primary rocks varies from the greenschist/amphibolite boundary facies (Karaginsky Island and the Khavyven Highland) to the high-pressure amphibolite facies (the Ozernoi and Kamchatka peninsulas).  相似文献   

The results of the study of unfrozen water in frozen volcanic ashes of different ages and mineral compositions from Kamchatka are discussed. The results of thermal analysis of chemical and granulometric composition are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The Sierra de Pie de Palo located between 67°30′–68°30′ W and 31°00′–32°00′ S in the Argentine Western Sierras Pampeanas in Argentina is a distinct basement range, which lacks thermochronological data deciphering its exhumation and uplift history below 200 °C. Integrated cooling histories constrained by apatite fission-track data as well as (U–Th)/He measurements of zircon and apatite reveal that the structural evolution of this mountain range commenced during the Late Paleozoic and was mainly controlled by tectonically triggered erosion. Following further erosional controlled exhumation in a more or less extensional regime during the Mesozoic, the modern topography was generated by denudation in the Paleogene during the early stage of the Andean deformation, whereupon deformation propagated towards the west since the Late Mesozoic to Paleogene. This evolution is characterised by a total of 3.7–4.2 km vertical rock uplift and by 1.7–2.2 km exhumation with a rate of 0.03–0.04 mm/a within the Sierra de Pie de Palo since ca. 60 Ma. Onset of uplift of peak level is also referred to that time resulting in a less Pliocene amount of uplift than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Apatite fission-track analyses along a W–E-orientated transect across northern Corsica indicate an important episode of crustal exhumation in late early Miocene time. Samples taken from the Alpine orogenic wedge, from the adjacent foreland basin and from the crystalline basement complex flooring the basin are completely reset. This implies that a ≥ 2.0–2.3-km-thick crustal section made of thrust sheets and/or autochthonous foreland deposits has been removed by erosion since early Miocene time. A geometric projection of this lost cover towards the west indicates that all of northern Corsica was covered either by Alpine nappes or middle Eocene foreland deposits. Fission-track ages are the same across the main boundary fault system separating the Alpine orogenic wedge and the foreland, indicating the absence of significant differential vertical displacement between upper and lower plates during Neogene unroofing.  相似文献   

胶东郭家岭岩体固结冷却轨迹与隆升剥蚀   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
豆敬兆  付顺  张华锋 《岩石学报》2015,31(8):2325-2336
胶东郭家岭岩体位于华北克拉通东南缘,其详细的冷却固结条件缺乏系统研究,而对岩体形成与金矿之间的关系也存在争议。本文利用岩浆锆饱和温度计、角闪石全铝压力计、角闪石-斜长石温度计、角闪石-黑云母温压计、二长石温度计,结合已有的锆石U-Pb年龄和角闪石、黑云母40Ar-39Ar同位素年龄,探讨郭家岭岩体的冷却固结史及其隆升机制。花岗岩QAb-Or标准矿物共结压力图解、角闪石全铝压力计及角闪石-黑云母压力计均得到岩体就位压力约4~5kbar。锆饱和温度计、角闪石-斜长石温度计、角闪石-黑云母温度计、二长石温度计所获得温度分别为726~800℃、657~717℃、650~700℃、570~580℃,结合角闪石、黑云母的40Ar-39Ar封闭温度确定了郭家岭岩体最有可能的冷却轨迹。郭家岭岩体(130~126Ma)侵位深度约13±1.6km,侵入郭家岭岩体的艾山岩体(116±2Ma)侵位压力在1kbar左右,对应深度约2.7km,表明郭家岭岩体在约10Myr内,隆升剥蚀量达10km左右。这种快速剥蚀的机制可能与华北东部中生代岩石圈减薄导致的地壳浅部隆升有关。  相似文献   

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