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The chemical composition of all Western Rift valley lakes is controlled by emanations of saline and metalliferous hydrothermal solutions. Center of present day activity is Lake Kivu. Sediments of the last 15,000 years carry the distinct chemical fingerprint of hydrothermal springs in the form of stratiform ore deposits. The geological record reveals periods of volcanic and hydrothermal activity and quiescence which coincide with the African climatic sequence of pluvials and interpluvials. It is concluded that the hydrothermal solutions are meteoric waters which on passage through the volcanic wall rock have derived their metal and salt load. Presence of volcanic CO2 has enforced the leaching process.
Zusammenfassung Die chemische Zusammensetzung der großen Seen im Bereich des Western Rift ist maßgeblich durch Einschüttungen salziger und metallhaltiger hydrothermaler Lösungen bestimmt. Zentrum heutiger hydrothermaler Tätigkeit ist der Kivusee. Sedimente der letzten 15 000 Jahre weisen einen deutlichen hydrothermalen Fingerabdruck in der Form schichtgebundener Erzlagen auf. Die Sedimentabfolge zeigt einen mehrfachen Wechsel von Perioden vulkanisch-hydrothermaler Tätigkeit und Stille. Diese stimmen zeitlich überein mit Pluvial- bzw. Interpluvialzeiten. Wir vermuten, daß die hydrothermalen Lösungen ehemalige Regenwässer sind, die beim Durchfluß durch das vulkanische Nebengestein Salze und Metalle aufgenommen haben. Die Anwesenheit von vulkanischem CO2 hat die Auslaugungsprozesse verstärkt.

Résumé La composition chimique des lacs de la vallée du «Western Rift» est contrôlée par des émanations de solutions hydrothermales salines et métallifères. Le centre de l'activité actuelle est le lac Kivu. Dans les sédiments des derniers 15000 ans ces émanations hydrothermales ont formé des enrichissements minéralisés stratiformes. Les annales géologiques indiquent des périodes d'activité et de quiétude volcaniques et hydrothermales qui coïncident avec la séquence climatique africaine d'époques pluviales et interpluviales. On conclût que les solutions hydrothermales sont des eaux météoriques qui ont dérivé leur charge de métal et de sel en traversant les roches volcaniques encaissantes. La présence du CO2 volcanique a facilité cet enrichissement.

肖文申  王汝建  叶瑛 《地球科学》2006,31(2):143-150
热带东太平洋8001柱状样晚第四纪以来放射虫标志种Buccinospharea invaginata和Collosphaera tuberosa的研究发现, 它们的初现面(FAD) 出现于柱深22cm和45cm处, 年龄分别为0.21Ma和0.42Ma.它们的初现面年龄与SPECMAP氧同位素记录结合为该柱建立了地层框架.该柱放射虫丰度、生源蛋白石和有机碳含量、粒度的分析显示, 大约在氧同位素11、9~8.4、5~3和1期, 高的放射虫总丰度、第四纪常见种丰度和始新世-渐新世种丰度大致对应于高的中值粒径和平均粒径, 以及大约氧同位素5期以来增加的有机碳含量, 表明此期间贸易风增强, 搬运的陆源颗粒增大, 北赤道洋流加强, 导致上升流增强, 表层水生产力提高, 同时, 南极底层流的活动也加强.大约在氧同位素10、8.3~6和2期, 低的放射虫总丰度、第四纪常见种丰度和始新世-渐新世种丰度大致对应于减小的中值粒径和平均粒径, 反映此期间贸易风减弱, 搬运的陆源颗粒减小, 北赤道洋流减弱, 导致上升流消失, 表层水生产力降低, 同时, 南极底层流的活动也减弱.   相似文献   

为了揭示东昆仑阿拉克湖地区早更新世的气候环境演化,利用X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜以及古地磁对位于东昆仑山系东段的阿拉克湖断陷盆地早更新世沉积物样品进行了分析.结果表明,黏土矿物的成分主要为伊利石和绿泥石,含有少量的高岭石.伊利石结晶度在0.280~0.513°之间,反映伊利石结晶度存在明显的差别.古地磁分析结果显示,磁化率介干14.85×10-6~214.20×10-6SI之间,平均为68.41×10-6SI,也存在着明显的变化.ω(Kao)/ω(I Ch)比值在0.11~0.22之间,反映不同时期沉积物中高岭石与伊利石、绿泥石之间相对含量的变化.ω(Kao)/ω(I Ch)比值、伊利石结晶度以及古地磁分析结果的变化特征,均反映了东昆仑阿拉克湖的古气候经过了从冷干到温湿的气候变化,而沉积物以伊利石和绿泥石为主以及相对较高的伊利石结晶度和偏低的磁化率值则说明早更新世阿拉克湖地区的气候总体以冷干为主.  相似文献   

Dynamics of the East African climate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Results of studies on regional climatic trends and the factors controlling the regional climate have been discussed in this paper. Potential impact of impending climatic change on the natural resources and socio-economic activities has also been projected. Well-recognised systems which control the space-time variation of rainfall and temperature over the region include the space time characteristics of (i) Intertropical convergence Zone (ITCZ), (ii) Monsoonal wind systems (iii) Subtropical anticyclones (iv) Tropical cyclones (v) Jetstreams (vi) Easterly/Westerly wave perturbations (vii) Extra-tropical weather systems (viii) Quasi-biennial oscillations and ENSO events with their telelinks. No statistically significant trends have been observed in the inter-annual characteristics of rainfall at most of the locations. Apart from urbanization signals from the large urban centres, no statistically significant trends have been observed in the temporal temperature patterns over the region. Inter-annual variation of temperature is seen to be inversely associated with rainfall which in turn is also associated with ENSO signals. However, data of mountain glaciers has shown depletion of glaciers but, the river flow data has not shown any decreasing trend so far. The lake levels also reflect only the inter-annual variations attributable to wet and dry conditions.  相似文献   

巴尔喀什湖是中亚干旱区最大的湖泊生态系统之一,其保护对中亚地区具有重要意义,但同时对相关区域也产生了较大的水资源压力.分析其水量平衡,对提出合理的保障措施具有重要的理论与实践价值.根据巴尔喀什湖形态、水文特征,在分析识别其水量平衡主要影响因素与作用机制的基础上,根据水量平衡原理与东西湖分治的思想,反演了1936-200...  相似文献   

This paper made an end-member analysis of particle size data collected from 150 samples based on the continuous Holocene Loess-Paleosol profile (Yaohecun profile) in east Guanzhong, Shaanxi Province. Wavelet analysis was also performed for the EMs along the time scale of depth.The result shows that three end members can be separated from different sediment particle sizes. Based on comparative analysis of magnetic susceptibility and geochemical index, it was considered that the End-member 1 might indicate the weathering and pedogenic remoulding after sediment deposition under the east Asian summer monsoon. The End-member 2 might indicate dynamic effect of dust storm accumulation under the influence of northwest monsoon, representing typical component characteristics of aeolian loess.The End-member 3 indicated the stronger transporting force for coarse components, which should belong to the northeasterly winds for the coarse-grained near-source sediments from the Yellow River flood plain. Results of wavelet analysis show that each EM has different periodic characteristics at 1.5 ka, 3.0 ka and 4.5 ka scales.The End-element analysis method has a good effect in indicating the sedimentary environment and provenance characteristics of sediments. The combination characteristics of each End-member can reflect the characteristics of sedimentary dynamics combination and can well reflect the Holocene dynamic change course. At the same time, it hasreference significance to reconstruct the paleoclimate on the longer time scale.The wavelet analysis method provides significant results in terms of inversion cycles and trends of dynamics change of sedimentary particle size within each EM.  相似文献   

希夏邦马峰东坡冰川与冰川湖泊变化遥感监测   总被引:21,自引:9,他引:12  
车涛  李新  P K Mool  许建初 《冰川冻土》2005,27(6):801-805
1977-2003年的遥感影像显示,希夏邦马峰东坡的冰川在迅速退缩,而其相应的冰川湖泊在迅速增大.南部的吉葱普冰川每年的退缩速度57099 m2,冰舌退缩48 m·a-1,相应的卢姆池米冰湖面积增加速度大约为79048 m2·a-1;北面的热强冰川退缩速度在63224 m2·a-1,冰舌退缩71 m·a-1,相应的扛西错冰湖面积增加约73 425 m2·a-1.从这两个冰湖的类型和变化分析,认为其具有发生冰川湖泊溃决洪水的潜在危险.  相似文献   

During recent humid episodes, stromatolites were built along paleolake margins, some 60 m above the modern water level of Lakes Natron and Magadi (southern Gregory Rift Valley). Three generations of stromatolites are observed, the more recent ones frequently covering pebbles and boulders eroded from the older ones. The youngest one yielded 14C ages ranging from approximately 12,000 to 10,000 yr B.P. Their δ13C values (≥2.6%) suggest isotopic equilibrium between the paleolake total inorganic dissolved carbon and the atmospheric CO2, thereby lending credence to the reliability of the 14C. An initial 230Th/232Th ratio in the detrital component was determined by Th/U measurements on the 14C dated stromatolites. Using this value a 230Th/234U chronology for the older stromatolites was calculated. Ages of ≥240,000 and 135,000 ± 10,000 yr were obtained for the first and second generations, respectively. A humid episode apparently characterized eastern Africa during each glacial-interglacial transition. 18O and 13C measurements on stromatolites, when compared to values on modern waters and carbonates, provide paleohydrological information. Long residence time of the paleolake waters and less seasonally contrasted regimes are inferred.  相似文献   

The field of mechanical energy transfer from the atmosphere to the ocean is computed for the first time. The numerical simulation of waves within the Indian Ocean (IO) water area for the period of 1998?C2009 is used. Mechanical energy transfer is described by two integrated parameters calculated per area unit: the speed of complete energy flux from wind to waves, I E (x, t), and the speed of complete losses in the energy of wind waves, D E (x, t). In order to solve this problem, the wind field W(x, t) (the NCEP/NOAA data) is used; the I E (x, t) and D E (x, t) fields are calculated on the basis of the WAM numerical model containing a modified source function. The results obtained allow us, first, to assess the characteristic spatial distribution of zones ??pumped?? by the wind with mechanical energy for both the wave field and the upper layer of the ocean by seasons, years, and the whole period discussed, second, to determine the extreme and average zonal values of I E (x, t) and D E (x, t), the degree of their shift spacing and balance B E = (I E + D E ); and third, to define the characteristic time scales of variations in the wind field and wave field energies, caused by energy transfer from the wind to waves in the zones and within the Indian ocean as a whole. These results significantly specify the climatic estimates obtained earlier.  相似文献   

Though the East African monsoons may be considered as mere extensions of the South Asian monsoonal system, they possess a number of characteristics which make them unique amongst the world's monsoons. The most important of these is the relative dryness of both the North and the South monsoon, caused by a prevalent low-level divergence over eastern Africa. Most rainfall in the region therefore occurs during the intermediate seasons between the monsoons, when this divergence is temporarily replaced by more convergent flow patterns. As a result, total rainfall in East Africa is relatively low. Over most of the region it is strongly concentrated during two short seasons and it is highly variable from year to year, both in total amount and in time of occurrence.As in most parts of the tropics, rainfall is the main limiting factor in agricultural production in East Africa. The relations between rainfall and agriculture can be illustrated by the usual water balances, but an alternative method, employing the Agricultural Rainfall Indicator, is more useful for planning purposes. Drought frequencies, based on a simple relation between actual and average rainfall, also represent the effects of the monsoons on East African agriculture very clearly.  相似文献   

A review of seismological data on the crustal structure of the East African Rift zone is presented. The only refraction line is that along the Gregory Rift, which indicates a 7.5 km/sec refractor which is presumed to be the Moho. The bulk of data is provided by surface-wave dispersion studies. Some preliminary measurements of crustal and sub-Moho velocities using the University of Durham array at Kaptagat in Kenya are included.

There is now a growing body of evidence that the crust is generally of shield type over the whole rift zone. The exception is along the axis of the Gregory Rift, where a low-velocity Moho and some crustal modification is apparent. This is presumably the result of magma intrusions and suggests some crustal separation along this section of the rift. Sub-Moho velocities are probably normal outside the rifts themselves, though anomalously low upper-mantle velocities are to be associated with rifting. There is firm evidence for thinning of the lithosphere along the eastern branch of the rift. A cross-section of the Gregory Rift which is consistent with the current data is presented.  相似文献   

Cape Kalamba oil seeps occur at the south end of the Ubwari Peninsula, at the intersection of faults controlling the morphology of the northern basin of the Tanganyika Rift, East Africa. Oil samples collected at the surface of the lake 3-4 km offshore from Cape Kalamba have been studied. The aliphatic hydrocarbon and biomarker compositions, with the absence of the typical suite of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, indicate an origin from hydrothermal alteration of immature microbial biomass in the sediments. These data show a similarity between a tar sample from the beach and the petroleum from the oil seeps, and confirm that the source of these oils is from organic matter consisting mainly of bacterial and degraded algal biomass, altered by hydrothermal activity. The compositions also demonstrate a < 200 degrees C temperature for formation/generation of this hydrothermal petroleum, similar to the fluid temperature identified for the Pemba hydrothermal site located 150 km north of Cape Kalamba. The 14C age of 25.6 ka B.P. obtained for the tar ball suggests that Pleistocene lake sediments could be the source rock. Hydrothermal generation may have occurred slightly before 25 ka B.P., during a dry climatic environment, when the lake level was lower than today. These results also suggest that the Cape Kalamba hydrothermal activity did not occur in connection with an increased flux of meteoric water, higher water tables and lake levels as demonstrated in the Kenya Rift and for the Pemba site. Hydrothermal petroleum formation is a facile process also in continental rift systems and should be considered in exploration for energy resources in such locales.  相似文献   

大兴安岭南部巴林右旗幸福之路苏木查干布拉格村老龙头组(原幸福之路组模式)剖面首次发现孢粉化石18属21种,以Cyclogranisporites sp.,Alisporites parvus De Jersey,Alisporites circulicorpus Clarke,Sulcatisporites rhombicus Qu,Lueckisporites virkkiae R.Potonie et Klaus,Piceites sp.为主。通过典型属种对比,结合已发现的动植物化石、孢粉组合及同位素测年结果分析,确定幸福之路地区老龙头组的时代为晚二叠世-早三叠世,即二叠系-三叠系界限存在于这套陆相连续沉积内部。孢粉化石的亲缘母体以发育种子蕨纲和松柏纲的针叶植物为主,指示当时研究区处于暖温带的干旱-半干旱的古气候环境。  相似文献   

正The East African Rift System(EARS)is located in East Africa,separating into two main branches,the eastern branch and the western branch.It is considered as an intracontinental ridge system,which meets the Red Sea and  相似文献   

Climatic reconstruction of glacial to interglacial episodes from oxygen isotopes in sediment cores from the Nordic seas is complicated by strong local meltwater contributions to the oxygen isotope changes. Combination of benthic and planktic foraminiferal isotope data with foraminiferal abundances and ice-rafted debris (IRD) allows separation of local and global effects and subdivision of the marine oxygen isotope events 6.2–5.4, which include the last interglaciation, into: (1) a meltwater phase after glacial stage 6, recorded by large amounts of IRD and low foraminiferal abundance, indicating surface water warming; (2) an IRD-free period with high deposition rates of subpolar foraminifera and other CaCO3pelagic components, recognized here as the “full” interglaciation; and (3) a phase with the recurrence of IRD and the demise of subpolar species. Comparison of ice-core records and marine data implies that the global climate during the last full interglaciation and that during the postdeglacial Holocene were similar. The records show no significantly different variations in the proxy data. In contrast, the oxygen isotopes of planktic foraminifera and ice cores indicate significant differences during each of the deglacial transitions (Terminations I and II) that preceded these two interglaciations. These suggest that during Termination II the climatic evolution in the Nordic seas was less affected by abrupt changes in ocean–atmosphere circulation than during the last glacial to interglacial transition.  相似文献   

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