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Deep‐marine deposits provide a valuable archive of process interactions between sediment gravity flows, pelagic sedimentation and thermohaline bottom‐currents. Stratigraphic successions can also record plate‐scale tectonic processes (e.g. continental breakup and shortening) that impact long‐term ocean circulation patterns, including changes in climate and biodiversity. One such setting is the Exmouth Plateau, offshore NW Australia, which has been a relatively stable, fine‐grained carbonate‐dominated continental margin from the Late Cretaceous to Present. We combine extensive 2D (~40,000 km) and 3D (3,627 km2) seismic reflection data with lithologic and biostratigraphic information from wells to reconstruct the tectonic and oceanographic evolution of this margin. We identified three large‐scale seismic units (SUs): (a) SU‐1 (Late Cretaceous)—500 m‐thick, and characterised by NE‐SW‐trending, slope‐normal elongate depocentres (c. 200 km long and 70 km wide), with erosional surfaces at their bases and tops, which are interpreted as the result of contour‐parallel bottom‐currents, coeval with the onset of opening of the Southern Ocean; (b) SU‐2 (Palaeocene—Late Miocene)—800 m‐thick and characterised by: (a) very large (amplitude, c. 40 m and wavelength, c. 3 km), SW‐migrating, NW‐SE‐trending sediment waves, (b) large (4 km‐wide, 100 m‐deep), NE‐trending scours that flank the sediment waves and (c) NW‐trending, 4 km‐wide and 80 m‐deep turbidite channel, infilled by NE‐dipping reflectors, which together may reflect an intensification of NE‐flowing bottom currents during a relative sea‐level fall following the establishment of circumpolar‐ocean current around Antarctica; and (c) SU‐3 (Late Miocene—Present)—1,000 m‐thick and is dominated by large (up to 100 km3) mass‐transport complexes (MTCs) derived from the continental margin (to the east) and the Exmouth Plateau Arch (to the west), and accumulated mainly in the adjacent Kangaroo Syncline. This change in depositional style may be linked to tectonically‐induced seabed tilting and folding caused by collision and subduction along the northern margin of the Australian plate. Hence, the stratigraphic record of the Exmouth Plateau provides a rich archive of plate‐scale regional geological events occurring along the distant southern (2,000 km away) and northern (1,500 km away) margins of the Australian plate.  相似文献   

The formation processes of the late Neogene sedimentary basins in Northern Hokkaido have been investigated on the basis of rock magnetism, structural geology and numerical modelling. Untilted site‐mean directions of remanent magnetization of the Wakkanai Formation, obtained from oriented core samples in Horonobe, suggest remarkable counterclockwise block rotation (ca. 70°) since the late Neogene. Uniform microscopic fabric of the siliceous sediments was inferred from the alignment of the principal axes of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS). After correction for tectonic rotation, the maximum axis of AMS, which reflects the sedimentary fabric of the dominant paramagnetic minerals, is in an E‐W direction, which is concordant with the influx direction of diatomaceous particles into the N‐S elongate sedimentary basins. The difference in the bulk initial magnetic susceptibility of the siliceous sediments of the Wakkanai Formation between the depocenter of the basin and its peripheral part implies that terrigenous non‐magnetic fraction has been sorted out during transportation of the detrital grains as gravity flows. As for the development mechanism of the N‐S elongate late Neogene basins in Northern Hokkaido, their depocenter arrangement and subsidence pattern indicates dextral motions upon a longitudinal fault zone along the Eurasian convergent margin. Dislocation modelling was adopted to explain vertical displacement and rotational motion around the study area and successfully restored the deformation pattern based on the assumption of dextral slip at a left‐stepping part of a strand of the transcurrent fault.  相似文献   

钟巍  王立国  李偲 《地理研究》2005,24(1):98-104
本文研究表明,塔里木盆地南缘湖沼相沉积物质量磁化率与碳酸盐δ13C呈正相关关系,与粒度参数中056~3557μm各组分呈显著负相关,其中同1783~3170μm部分负相关性最为显著;与5637~2244μm之间各组分显著正相关,其中与7096~200μm各组分正相关性最为显著。其气候环境背景与意义表现为:在寒冷期中,δ13C偏轻,相对湿度和植被盖度增加,地表侵蚀减弱,只有较细物质才能向湖泊沼泽搬运加积,地表氧化环境减弱,磁化率减小;而在温暖期中,则相反。在区域对比基础上,根据上述指标将近40ka以来此地区气候环境变化划分了8个阶段。本文的各种指标(特别是粒度指标)与GreenlandGISP2冰芯δ18O记录之间有很好的吻合,表明研究区近40ka以来的气候与环境变化可能具有全球背景。  相似文献   

The propagation of the deformation front in foreland systems is typically accompanied by the incorporation of parts of the basin into wedge‐top piggy‐back basins, this process is likely producing considerable changes to sedimentation rates (SR). Here we investigate the spatial‐temporal evolution of SR for the Tremp–Jaca Basin in the Southern Pyrenees during its evolution from a wedge‐top, foreredeep, forebulge configuration to a wedge‐top stage. SR were controlled by a series of tectonic structures that influenced subsidence distribution and modified the sediment dispersal patterns. We compare the decompacted SR calculated from 12 magnetostratigraphic sections located throughout the Tremp–Jaca Basin represent the full range of depositional environment and times. While the derived long‐term SR range between 9.0 and 84.5 cm/kyr, compiled data at the scale of magnetozones (0.1–2.5 Myr) yield SR that range from 3.0 to 170 cm/kyr. From this analysis, three main types of depocenter are recognized: a regional depocenter in the foredeep depozone; depocenters related to both regional subsidence and salt tectonics in the wedge‐top depozone; and a depocenter related to clastic shelf building showing transgressive and regressive trends with graded and non‐graded episodes. From the evolution of SR we distinguish two stages. The Lutetian Stage (from 49.1–41.2 Ma) portrays a compartmentalized basin characterized by variable SR in dominantly underfilled accommodation areas. The markedly different advance of the deformation front between the Central and Western Pyrenees resulted in a complex distribution of the foreland depozones during this stage. The Bartonian–Priabonian Stage (41.2–36.9 Ma) represents the integration of the whole basin into the wedge‐top, showing a generalized reduction of SR in a mostly overfilled relatively uniform basin. The stacking of basement units in the hinterland during the whole period produced unusually high SR in the wedge‐top depozone.  相似文献   

In this study, we integrate 3D seismic reflection, wireline log, biostratigraphic and core data from the Egersund Basin, Norwegian North Sea to determine the impact of syn‐depositional salt movement and associated growth faulting on the sedimentology and stratigraphic architecture of the Middle‐to‐Upper Jurassic, net‐transgressive, syn‐rift succession. Borehole data indicate that Middle‐to‐Upper Jurassic strata consist of low‐energy, wave‐dominated offshore and shoreface deposits and coal‐bearing coastal‐plain deposits. These deposits are arranged in four parasequences that are aggradationally to retrogradationally stacked to form a net‐transgressive succession that is up to 150‐m thick, at least 20 km in depositional strike (SW‐NE) extent, and >70 km in depositional dip (NW‐SE) extent. In this rift‐margin location, changes in thickness but not facies are noted across active salt structures. Abrupt facies changes, from shoreface sandstones to offshore mudstones, only occur across large displacement, basement‐involved normal faults. Comparisons to other tectonically active salt‐influenced basins suggest that facies changes across syn‐depositional salt structures are observed only where expansion indices are >2. Subsidence between salt walls resulted in local preservation of coastal‐plain deposits that cap shoreface parasequences, which were locally removed by transgressive erosion in adjacent areas of lower subsidence. The depositional dip that characterizes the Egersund Basin is unusual and likely resulted from its marginal location within the evolving North Sea rift and an extra‐basinal sediment supply from the Norwegian mainland.  相似文献   

The geodynamic setting along the SW Gondwana margin during its early breakup (Triassic) remains poorly understood. Recent models calling for an uninterrupted subduction since Late Palaeozoic only slightly consider the geotectonic significance of coeval basins. The Domeyko Basin initiated as a rift basin during the Triassic being filled by sedimentary and volcanic deposits. Stratigraphic, sedimentological, and geochronological analyses are presented in order to determine the tectonostratigraphic evolution of this basin and to propose a tectonic model suitable for other SW Gondwana‐margin rift basins. The Domeyko Basin recorded two synrift stages. The Synrift I (~240–225 Ma) initiated the Sierra Exploradora sub‐basin, whereas the Synrift II (~217–200 Ma) reactivated this sub‐basin and originated small depocentres grouped in the Sierra de Varas sub‐basin. During the rift evolution, the sedimentary systems developed were largely controlled by the interplay between tectonics and volcanism through the accommodation/sediment supply ratio (A/S). High‐volcaniclastic depocentres record a net dominance of the syn‐eruptive period lacking rift‐climax sequences, whereas low‐volcaniclastic depocentres of the Sierra de Varas sub‐basin developed a complete rift cycle during the Synrift II stage. The architecture of the Domeyko Basin suggests a transtensional kinematic where N‐S master faults interacted with ~NW‐SE basement structures producing highly asymmetric releasing bends. We suggest that the early Domeyko Basin was a continental subduction‐related rift basin likely developed under an oblique convergence in a back‐arc setting. Subduction would have acted as a primary driving mechanism for the extension along the Gondwanan margin, unlike inland rift basins. Slab‐induced dynamic can strongly influence the tectonostratigraphic evolution of subduction‐related rift basins through controls in the localization and style of magmatism and faulting, settling the interplay between tectonics, volcanism, and sedimentation during the rifting.  相似文献   

In this paper, modelled hydrological data are used to quantify the effects of regulation on the flow regime of the lower Murrumbidgee River in the period 1970–1998. Although other studies report historical changes in flood frequency and duration, this study uses modelled natural daily flow data rather than pre-regulation records or aggregated modelled monthly data. The comparison of modelled natural and regulated daily flows shows the magnitude of changes to mean and seasonal flows, flood peaks and flow duration. At gauges upstream of major irrigation off-takes, mean flows have been increased by approximately 10 per cent, flood peaks have been reduced by 21–46 per cent, and there has been a seasonal redistribution such that flows in summer and autumn have been increased at the expense of those in winter and spring. At gauges downstream of the major irrigation off-takes, mean flows have been reduced by 8–46 per cent, flood peaks have been reduced by 16–61 per cent, and flows have been decreased in all seasons.  相似文献   

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