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Constant M.G. van den Berg 《Marine Chemistry》1984,15(1):1-18
A new method is proposed for the determination of complexing capacities and conditional stability constants for complexes of copper(II) with dissolved organic ligands in seawater. This method is based on ligand competition by the added ligand catechol for free metal ions. The concentration of copper-catechol complex ions is measured with great sensitivity by cathodic stripping voltammetry. The concentration of the free copper ion is calculated from the concentration of copper-catechol complex ions. Ligand concentrations and conditional stability constants are obtained from a titration of the ligands with copper. Two techniques for treatment of the data are compared. A seawater sample, originating from open oceanic conditions, is analysed and two complexing ligands were detected, having concentrations of 1.1 × 10?8 and 3.3 × 10?8 M, and conditional stability constants (log K′CuL) of 12.2 and 10.2, respectively. 相似文献
An ultraviolet spectroscopic study at 25°C is used to determine the stoichiometric stability constant of CuCO30 (βCuCO30) over a range of ionic strengths; extrapolation to zero ionic strength provides a thermodynamic constant (log β0CuCO30 = 6.89). At 0.69 m ionic strength, log βCuCO30) is 6.33.This study provides the first experimental evidence for the existence of CuHCO3+. At 0.69 m ionic strength, log βCuHCO3+ is 2.77.The ultraviolet molal absorptivity spectra for the two complexes are also determined. The spectrum for CuCO30 consists of a single band centered at 276.5 nm and was described well by a Gaussian function. The spectrum of CuHCO3+ consists of at least two overlapping bands.Side reactions which might affect the data interpretation were included in the analysis of the results. The effects of the Cu(II) hydrolysis reactions were accounted for by using data from previous work, and possible effects due to copper-organic species were eliminated by a subtraction procedure. 相似文献
The fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in seawater 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
A total of 28 vertical profiles of seawater fluorescence was measured in the Sargasso Sea, the Straits of Florida, the Southern California Borderlands, and the central Pacific Ocean. In all cases, surface seawater fluorescence was low as a result of photochemical bleaching which occurs on the timescale of hours. Fluorescence of deep water was 2–2.5 times higher than that of surface waters, and was constant, implying a long residence time for fluorescent organic matter, possibly of the order of thousands of years. Fluorescence correlates well with nutrients (NO3−, PO43−) in mid-depth waters (100–1000 m) in the Sargasso Sea and the central North Pacific, consistent with results in the central Pacific and the coastal seas of Japan. This suggests that regeneration or formation of fluorescent materials accompanies the oxidation and remineralization of settling organic particles.The various sources and sinks of fluorescent organic matter in the global oceans are assessed. The major sources are particles and in situ formation; rivers, rain, diffusion from sediments, and release from organisms are minor sources. The major sink is photochemical bleaching. 相似文献
David J. Carlson Lawrence M. Mayer Mary Louise Brann Timothy H. Mague 《Marine Chemistry》1985,16(2):141-153
Several monomeric organic compounds, including amino acids, sugars, and fatty acids, were found to bind abiologically to dissolved macromolecular materials in particle-free seawater at natural substrate concentrations. The binding primarily occurred in ocean surface waters, at rates slower than in situ biological utilization rates of most of the compounds. Seasonal patterns of binding in Gulf of Maine waters may have been related to seasonal variations in macroalgal exudation of polyphenolic materials. Enhanced reactivity of relatively hydrophobic monomers implicated hydrophobic effects as potentially important in marine organic condensations. The resultant condensates showed high particle reactivity, consistent with low concentrations of dissolved condensed materials in seawater. 相似文献
George T.F Wong 《Marine Chemistry》1980,9(1):13-24
An oxidation state diagram was used to study the relative stability of inorganic iodine species in an aqueous system. It is shown that although iodate is the most stable form, iodide may exist as a metastable form in a basic solution. Molecular iodine may undergo disproportionation to form iodide and iodate. Results from laboratory studies suggest that molecular iodine is rapidly taken up by seawater, and hypoiodite is probably formed. Hypoiodite is also unstable in seawater, and may react with organic matter or undergo autodecomposition. Direct reactions between molecular iodine and organic matter were not observed. 相似文献
C.M.G Van Den Berg 《Marine Chemistry》1982,11(4):323-342
The MnO2 adsorption method combined with voltammetry is proposed for the direct determination of metal complexation in seawater of various salinities as a more satisfactory alternative to direct voltammetric measurements and bioassay methods. A small quantity of MnO2 is equilibrated with copper ions in filtered seawater. Natural organic ligands in the seawater compete for copper with the MnO2. Total dissolved copper is measured by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry after filtration and acidification of the sample. Preconcentration of natural water samples is unnecessary and measurement is performed at the natural equilibrium pH of the aerated sample. The analytical limit of detection of the method depends on contamination from the filtration step, and for copper complexation a ligand concentration of 5 × 10?8 M was obtained. The sensitivity can be increased by use of radioisotopes as tracers. The method is very versatile in that complexation of various metals may be determined by any analytical method that measures total dissolved metal concentrations. Neither organic ligands nor their complexes with copper adsorb on the MnO2 at pH8, but at pH 1.8 MnO2 is an efficient scavenger for electroactive organic material.Samples of surface water from the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean were found to contain ligand concentrations of 1.7 × 10?7 and 1.1 × 10?7 M, with conditional stability constants (log values) of 9.84 ± 0.13 and 9.86 ± 0.23, respectively, at pH 8.0. 相似文献
C.M.G. Van Den Berg 《Marine Chemistry》1982,11(4):307-322
The theory is discussed which describes the distribution of copper ions between a weak ion exchanger, as exemplified by MnO2, and natural organic complexing material in seawater. Application of this theory and experimental procedures are outlined in part II of this series. It is apparent from the theory that titration with Cu2+ of one or more organic complexing ligands can be graphically represented by straight lines; slope and y-axis intercept provide information on the conditional stability constants and the ligand concentrations. Model calculations show that measurement of metal complexation at ligand concentrations higher than normally present in seawater may produce erroneous results because of possible changes in the metal to ligand ratio in the complexes. It is therefore advisable to measure metal complexation in the original, unaltered, water sample. 相似文献
Reverse-phase liquid chromatography was used for the isolation of dissolved organic matter and dissolved copper-organic complexes from the estuarine waters of Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. The procedure isolates 10–30% of the organic matter and up to 50% of the total dissolved copper from various bay samples. Chromatograms obtained by high-performance liquid chromatography of the isolated organic matter showed qualitative differences between sampling stations progressing from the Providence River in the upper bay to the lower bay. 相似文献
Gordon T. Wallace 《Marine Chemistry》1982,11(4):379-394
Significant fractions of copper (6–30%), lead (3–12%) and mercury (4–50%) were associated with surface-active dissolved or colloidal organic matter isolated from the water column of a controlled experimental ecosystem. Changes in the concentration of surface-active forms of these metals were attributed to release of surface-active metal-binding organic matter during the collapse of a phytoplankton bloom and early diagenesis of settled detritus. Naturally occurring surface-active organic matter can be expected to significantly influence the chemical speciation and transfer of metals across air-water and solid-water interfaces in the marine environment. 相似文献
A modified procedure has been proposed for the colorimetric determination of dissolved oxygen in seawater to improve its precision and accuracy. When a pickled sample is acidified, iodine liberated in the iodometric reaction is measured by direct spectrophotometry at 456 nm. Loss of molecular iodine by volatilization is eliminated by transferring the sample to a flow cuvette without contact with air. The method was calibrated for oxygen by spiking known amounts of potassium iodate. Precision was found at better than 0.2% r.s.d. (full scale). Evaluation of accuracy was made by comparison with calculated oxygen solubilities, which shows a relative bias of no more than 0.5% for oxic waters. The analytical throughput was much faster than that of the standard titration procedure. 相似文献
Norio Ogura Akiyoshi Kamatani Nobutada Nakamoto Masaki Funakoshi Shizuo Iwata 《Journal of Oceanography》1975,31(1):43-47
Fluctuation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was studied during 1971–1972 at monthly intervals in surface layers of Sagami Bay. Concentration of DOC varied from 0.8 to 1.7 mgC/l in surface water (0 m). Maximum concentration of 1.7 mgC/l was observed in July 1971 and after then DOC decreased gradually to a minimum of 0.8 mgC/l in May 1972. The fluctuation of DOC during the observation periods seems to have close relations with those of water temperature and salinity. High DOC concentration found in summer months may be associated with bloom of phytoplankton or intrusion of seawater from Tokyo Bay and/or inland water containing high DOC. 相似文献
尽管铁为地壳中丰度位居第4的元素,但它在海水中的浓度却很低,浓度一般为0.05~2.0 nmd/dm3[1]。近年来,国内外的海洋科学家在进行海洋生态系统初级生产力、碳循环等重要生态过程及其对全球气候变化影响的研究中发现,海洋中的铁对浮游植物的生长、初级生产力的水平有着十分重要的影响甚至成为了“限制性因子”,在多个“高营养盐、低叶绿素(HNLC)”海区所实施的富铁实验的结果很好地印证了铁元素在海洋生态系统中的重要作用[2]。最新的研究成果表明近岸海水中的铁可能对浮游植物的种类组成起到决定性的作用,进而对包括氮、磷、硅在内的其他元素的生物地球化学行为产生深远的影响[3]。 相似文献
A sensitive and rapid method for analysis of dissolved mono- and polysaccharides in seawater 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
A spectrophotometric method is described for the determination of dissolved mono- and polysaccharides in seawater. It is based upon the well known alkaline ferricyanide reaction, but uses the reagent 2,4,6-tripyridyl-s-triazine (TPTZ) to give a strongly colored complex with the reduced iron. The method has been tested on model carbohydrates and other compounds, and also on natural samples of coastal and oceanic waters. Total carbohydrate content of the natural samples ranged from 5.2 to 25.1 μmol glucose-Cl−1. The coefficient of variation was typically below 6% for values near 17 μmol Cl−1 and approximately 10% for values near 3.5 μmol Cl−1. 相似文献
长江口外海水中有色溶解有机物(CDOM)的光吸收特性 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于2008年5、11月2次调查数据,研究了长江口邻近海域水体有色溶解有机物(CDOM)的光吸收特性及其时空分布特征,探讨了CDOM含量、光谱斜率Sg值及其与特征波长下吸收系数a(440)的关系.结果表明,春季该海域有色溶解有机物的吸收系数a(440)的范围为2.232~8.671 m-1,平均值为4.523 m-1;秋季其吸收系数a(440)的变化范围为0.390~6.135 m-1,平均值为2.209 m-1.该水体CDOM吸收曲线基本呈指数衰减趋势.在400~440 nm波段内,春季其光谱斜率Sg值范围为0.002 0~0.014 2 nm-1,平均值为0.008 7 nm-1秋季的介于0.020 8~0.052 6 nm-1之间.平均值为0.037 5 nm-1.同时有色溶解有机物吸收系数a(440)与Sg值存在着较显著的负相关关系. 相似文献
David J. Carlson Mary Louise Brann Timothy H. Mague Lawrence M. Mayer 《Marine Chemistry》1985,16(2):155-171
Most of the dissolved organic materials (DOM) in coastal Maine, Gulf of Maine, and North Atlantic seawaters had molecular weights (MW), determined by ultrafiltration, less than 1000. Only 34% of the DOM had MW greater than 1000, only 6% had MW greater than 30 000, and only 1% was of MW greater than 100 000. The majority of ultrafilter-derived MW data are consistent with patterns shown here; earlier reports of high-MW DOM in seawater were apparently exaggerated due to procedural and ultrafilter artifacts. It is also shown that most ultrafiltration data do not clearly indicate loss of high-MW DOM during estuarine mixing, and that apparent removal could result from decreased retention as ionic strength increases. 相似文献
A detailed examination of a high-temperature catalytic oxidation method for liquid samples in the analysis of total nitrogen dissolved in seawater is reported. The nitrogenous compounds in liquid samples are oxidized on a platinum catalyzer at 680°C under oxygen atmosphere and the generated NO2 is absorbed into a chromogenic reagent, followed by a spectrophotometric determination. The results of this method are much higher than those of wet oxidation methods. Molecular size dependency of the results clearly indicates that the above discrepancy is caused by the low oxidation capacity of the wet oxidation method against high-polymer organic matter dissolved in seawater. The results revealed that the concentration of total nitrogen in seawater is nearly constant from surface to bottom, ranging from 30 to 40 μM 1?1, which organic nitrogen concentration higher in the surface layer, and a rapid decrease with depth. An examination of molecular size distribution indicates that the concentration of high-polymer organic nitrogen decreases rapidly from surface to deeper layers, with molecular sizes ranging from 5 × 103 to 3 × 104. Because of the well-defined principle of the oxidation process, its reliability, ease of sample handling and of analytical procedure on board or in the land laboratory, the present method is much more suitable for the marine analytical chemistry of total and organic nitrogen than the other previous methods. 相似文献
Patrick Raimbault Wilfried Pouvesle Frdric Diaz Nicole Garcia Richard Sempr 《Marine Chemistry》1999,66(3-4)
We developed a simple and reliable method which allows simultaneous determination of organic forms of carbon (DOC), nitrogen (DON) and phosphorus (DOP) dissolved in seawater. Conversion of dissolved organic matter (DOM) to inorganic products (carbon dioxide, nitrate+nitrite and soluble reactive phosphate) is performed by a persulfate wet-oxidation in low alkaline condition. After oxidation, the concentration of the inorganic products dissolved in the sample was measured automatically by colorimetry using a 3-channel Technicon AutoAnalyzer system. A number of pure organic compounds were tested in the concentration range encountered in coastal and open ocean, indicating a high efficiency of the digestion procedure. The recovery range is similar to that obtained by other wet-oxidation procedures and by high-temperature catalytic oxidation techniques. Direct comparisons with usual methods used for separate determination of DOC, DON and DOP indicated a high efficiency of the procedure. Reproducibility tests demonstrated a very good precision (around 5%) for lagoonal and coastal waters, while precision was sometimes around 10–25% in oligotrophic oceanic waters, especially for DOP where values approached limits of detection for measuring phosphate. This method is highly suitable for routine analysis and especially appropriate for shipboard work. 相似文献
Dissolved oxygen in seawater has been determined by using the Winkler's reaction scheme for decades. An interference in this reaction scheme that has been heretofore overlooked is the presence of naturally occurring iodate in seawater. Each mole of iodate can result in an apparent presence of 1.5 mol of dissolved oxygen. At the concentrations of iodate in the surface and deep open ocean, it can lead to an overestimation of 0.52 ± 0.15 and 0.63 ± 0.05 μmol kg− 1 of oxygen in these waters respectively. In coastal and inshore waters, the effect is less predictable as the concentration of iodate is more variable. The solubility of oxygen in seawater was likely overestimated in data sources that were based on the Winkler's reaction scheme for the determination of oxygen. The solubility equation of García and Gordon [Garcia H.E., Gordon, L.I., 1992. Oxygen solubility in seawater: Better fitting equations. Limnol. Oceanogr. 37, 1307–1312] derived from the results of Benson and Krause [Benson, F.B., Krause, D. Jr., 1984. The concentration and isotopic fractionation of oxygen dissolved in freshwater and seawater in equilibrium with the atmosphere. Limnol. Oceanogr. 29, 620–632] is free from this source of error and is recommended for general use. By neglecting the presence of iodate, the average global super-saturation of oxygen in the surface oceans and the corresponding efflux of oxygen to the atmosphere both have been overestimated by about 8%. Regionally, in areas where the degree of super-saturation or under-saturation of oxygen in the surface water is small, such as in the tropical oceans, the net air–sea exchange flux can be grossly under- or overestimated. Even the estimated direction of the exchange can be reversed. Furthermore, the presence of iodate can lead to an overestimation of the saturation anomaly of oxygen in the upper ocean attributed to biological production by 0.23 ± 0.07%. AOU may have been underestimated by 0.52 ± 0.15 and 0.63 ± 0.05 μmol kg− 1 in the surface mixed layer and deep water, while preformed phosphate and preformed nitrate may have been overestimated by 0.004 ± 0.001 and 0.06 ± 0.02 μmol kg− 1 in the surface mixed layer, and 0.005 ± 0.0004 and 0.073 ± 0.006 μmol kg− 1 in the deep water. These are small but not negligible corrections, especially in areas where the values of these parameters are small. At the increasing level of sophistication in the interpretation of oxygen data, this source of error should now be taken into account. Nevertheless, in order to avoid confusion, an internationally accepted standard needs to be adopted before these corrections can be applied. 相似文献