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A number of basalt samples containing titanomagnetites, with varying degrees and modes of oxidation, have been collected from 13 sites in northern Bulgaria, the degree of oxidation being determined from Curie point and lattice parameter determination. The stability of natural remanent magnetization and artificially induced thermoremanences (TRM) has been studied in an attempt to determine whether the oxidized rocks carry a TRM inherited from their original, unoxidized state. From the samples studied, it appears that the intensity and direction of the original TRM's are retained, but that there is some loss in stability.  相似文献   

A wide range of rock magnetic properties have been determined from two collections of mid-Cretaceous basalts; one from Israel, the other from the Rajmahal traps in northeast India. Deuteric oxidation is rare in both collections, with titanium-rich titanomagnetite being the principal remanence carrier in most cases. There are a number of differences in rock magnetic properties between the two groups. Some of these seem to be primary, whereas others appear to be caused by hydrothermal alteration and weathering, which are more prevalent in the Indian rocks. These rocks are being used in palaeointensity experiments, from which it is hoped to determine the strength of the Earth's magnetic field during the long period of normal polarity in the mid-Cretaceous. Thellier palaeointensity experiments have been performed on two samples from each site. The degree of agreement between the two results is highly variable. The low blocking temperatures and the presence of secondary viscous components in many samples make Thellier palaeointensity experiments very difficult. A further problem is that of thermal alteration, two main types of which are observed. The first manifests itself as a large and sudden increase in partial thermoremanent magnetization (pTRM) capacity, and the second as a steady decrease in the size of pTRM with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

Summary Systematic and extensive investigations on the magnetic and mineralogical properties of samples from basaltic lavas and doleritic dykes have been made. The results obtained lead to several interesting conclusions. Rocks giving Curie temperatures of around 250°C exhibit a high degree of magnetic stability, yield largeQn values (>40) and often contain ore minerals possessing skeletal crystal structure. Also, such rocks can be saturated in low fields of the order of 1000 Oe, and give a value of around 0.5 for the ratioR of saturation remanence to the saturation intensity of magnetization. In contrast to this, rocks giving Curie temperatures of about 580°C are comparatively less stable, give smaller values ofQn, require higher fields for saturation and yield values ofR less than 0.2. Rocks with Curie temperatures ranging from 250°C to 550°C show general magnetic properties intermediate to those of the above two categories.  相似文献   

Specimens of Kapiti phonolite from sixteen sites were treated in an alternating field up to 900 Oe peak. Four sites were discarded on the basis of Watson's Criterion for randomness. Variations in various magnetic parameters along a vertical section of the rock indicate that a hard secondary component of magnetization of high coercive force is present in the surface samples of the rock — a possible cause for the poor grouping of directions of the remaining sites. Weathering may have introduced this component in the surface samples.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic data from late Lower Jurassic sediments from Dorset, Gloucestershire and Yorkshire confirm the existence of at least one interval of reversed geomagnetic polarity in Upper Toarcian time (about 175 m.y. ago). The mean pole position calculated from these data lies at 50°N, 37°E, but the field represented by this pole is believed to have been non-axial because of its incompatibility with Mesozoic faunal, palaeoclimatic and palaeomagnetic evidence throughout western Europe.Unstable remanent magnetization found in a large number of samples of various lithologies is shown to have originated during drilling. It is tentatively identified as partial TRM acquired during dissipation of heat from the drill tip. Alternative causes such as superficial contamination and vibration do not explain the majority of the observations.  相似文献   

Summary Hysteresis curves of Rajmahal Trap basalts in Bihar are drawn and their coercivities obtained. The experimental arrangements and the procedure are described. The initial remanent magnetisation curves of the specimens are also drawn with the help of the same arrangement. Coercive forces of the rock specimens tested range from 70 to 237 oersteds. The values of saturation magnetisation and remanent magnetisation of two typical specimens are also given.  相似文献   

Relative directions of magnetization have been measured within individual pillow basalts collected from the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea. The angle between the magnetic directions was determined and is referred to as the directional difference. Although one pillow contained a directional difference of 44°, the remaining ten pillows had differences less than 14°. The maximum orientation and measurement error was 7°. Dispersion on the scale found in these fine-grained pillow basalts would not appreciably affect the magnetic anomaly pattern on the sea floor. We detected no reversals of magnetization despite the sometimes large and variable low-temperature oxidation. Comparison of directions within homogeneous segments of the pillow, viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) acquisition experiments, and alternating field (AF) demagnetization indicate a large portion of the dispersion was due to the acquisition of a viscous component in the larger grained, less oxidized portion of the pillows. Evidence from one variably weathered pillow suggests that extreme low-temperature oxidation may lead to the acquisition of a secondary component with high coercivities (20–80 mT). We could not determine whether this was a chemical remanent magnetization (CRM) or a VRM acquired by single domain grains near the superparamagnetic threshold. Hysteresis properties confirmed by microscopic examination indicated that the magnetic grain size in all the pillows was at least as small as pseudo-single domain.  相似文献   

Malwa plateau is composed mainly of basalt traps. The basalt flows are of uniform character and the total thickness varies from 50 m to 135 m. A number of flows have been identified, indicating breaks in the continuity of the eruptions. The breaks were of shorter nature as evidenced by the presence of thin discontinuous bands of intertrappean sediments. The trap maintains a uniform horizontal attitude with well developed joints and is sometimes scoriaceous. Petrographically, these basalts are divisible into porphyritic, massive and vesicular types. The rock types are composed essentially of plagioclase, pyroxene, iron ore and glass. Stray occurrences of olivine have been noted from the lower section of the flows. The plagioclase ranges in composition between An 59 and An 68 and the pyroxene is diopsidic augite. The rocks are fine grained, aphanitic showing porphyritic, glomeroporphyritic, intergranular, micro-ophitic and flow textures. It is concluded that the lava flowed out quietly, in some cases through fissures, and that the area is away from the main centres of differentiation.  相似文献   

The validity of magnetic granulometric estimates relies heavily on the ability to distinguish ultrafine particles from coarser grains. For example, populations with dominantly superparamagnetic (SP) or multidomain (MD) grains both are characterized by low remanence and coercivity, and distinguishing these endmembers may provide valuable clues to the origin of magnetization in the intervening stable single domain (SD) size range. The natural grain size variations associated with variable cooling rates in submarine lavas provide a rare opportunity for examining progressive changes in average magnetic grain size, from SP–SD mixtures in submarine basaltic glass to SD–MD mixtures in flow interiors. Based on microanalysis and rock magnetic measurements on pillow basalt samples dredged from the flanks of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (ages <1 Ma to 70 Ma), a model of preferential dissolution with time of the finest-grained titanomagnetites has recently been suggested as the major process contributing to long-term temporal changes in remanent intensity of mid-ocean ridge basalts. We evaluated the local and long-term temporal trends in effective magnetic grain size predicted by this model using hysteresis data from a large number of submarine basalt samples which span a range of ages from 0 to 122 Ma. Specimens were systematically taken along transects perpendicular to the chilled margin of each sample. The large number of data (750 loops) and the inferred progressive change in grain size approaching the chilled margin allow recognition of mixing trends between MD and SD grains and between SD and SP grains on a Day-plot. These trends in hysteresis parameters are crucial to resolving the inherent, but frequently overlooked, ambiguity in inferring grain size from hysteresis parameters. We illustrate that two additional rock magnetic tests (warming of a low-temperature isothermal remanence and hysteresis loop shapes) often used to address these ambiguities are inconclusive, requiring some independent knowledge of whether SP or MD grains are likely to be present. Even with a considerably larger data set the substantial intrasample variability in oceanic basalts precludes recognition of any systematic trend in magnetic grain size with age.  相似文献   

This study presents rock magnetic properties along with magnetic field measurements of different stratigraphic and lithologic basalt units from Reykjanes, the southwestern promontory of the Reykjanes peninsula, where the submarine Reykjanes Ridge passes over into the rift zone of southwestern Iceland. The basaltic fissure eruptions and shield lava of tholeiitic composition (less than 11500 a old) show a high natural remanent magnetization (NRM, Jr) up to 33.6 A/m and high Koenigsberger ratio (Q) up to 52.2 indicating a clear dominance of the NRM compared to the induced part of the magnetization. Pillow basalts and picritic shield lava show distinctly lower Jr values below 10 A/m. Magnetic susceptibility (κ) ranges for all lithologies from 2.5 to 26×10−3 SI.  相似文献   

A variety of lacustrine sediments from the Devonian Caithness Flagstone Group in northern Scotland has been subjected to palaeomagnetic and mineralogical analysis. In general, the sediments show little evidence of a Devonian magnetization although this is partly seen in the Spital Flagstones. The magnetization seems to be dominated by Mesozoic overprints of normal and reversed polarity. The different sub-components of the magnetizations cannot be resolved thermally because of the difficulty of applying thermal demagnetization techniques above 400°C. At and above this temperature, sulphide oxidation results in laboratory magnetizations which obscure the NRM.Mineralogical studies show that the overprint is carried by Fe hydroxides in association with pyrite and marcasite grains (dolostones) or hematite in association with Cr-spinels (Achanarras Limestone). In the Spital Flagstones the relict Devonian magnetization and the normal Mesozoic overprint appears to be carried by magnetite. Our results show the importance of mineralogical studies in making realistic interpretation of the origin of magnetizations in ancient sediments.  相似文献   

The nature of magnetic grains in basalts obtained from different parts of the world has been investigated. Results indicate that magnetic behaviour attributable to cation-deficient magnetite is common in basalts younger than Cretaceous, while that due to multidomain magnetite is widespread in much older rocks. Superparamagnetic grains occur in basalts more abundantly than originally presumed, which seem to be mainly responsible for the viscous remanent magnetization of such samples. Basalts which are inferred to contain predominantly optimum single-domain grains are found to be most suitable for palaeomagnetic work. However, many samples generally contain a wide range of grain sizes and this can account for the observed variation in their magnetic stability. One possible mechanism for the formation of such magnetic grains in basalts and its implications to palaeomagnetism is presented. Basalts whose magnetic behaviour is completely reversible on heating and cooling are very rare and because of this fact the reliability of palaeointensity determinations, involving heating of the samples even for one time, may be reduced to a considerable extent.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of bulk magnetic properties, including the natural remanent magnetization (NRM), susceptibility and the Königsberger ratio, on over 250 samples of Tertiary basalts from Disko and Nûgssuaq, West Greenland are reported.The NRM intensities in basalts (geometric mean value 3.3 A/m in SI units) were on average three to four times as large as the induced magnetization intensities. The susceptibilities (geometric mean value 2.1×10–2 SI units) were much more uniform than the NRM intensities. In the majority of samples, the NRM was predominantly of reverse (R) polarity, but samples from a few sites showed a remanence of normal (N) polarity.The NRM of both polarity classes (N, R) was very stable against alternating field (AF) demagnetization with median destructive fields of the order of 20,000–30,000 A/m (250–350 Oe), comparable to those for many stable continental and oceanic basalts. The viscous remanence intensity, as studied by storage tests on some specimens, was found to be an insignificant fraction of the original NRM, except in few cases.The low field hysteresis loops (Rayleigh loops) were studied for some specimens. A qualitative association was noted between wide hysteresis loop and relatively low AF stability, but no correlation was apparent between the loop type and the Königsberger ratio (Q n) of a specimen.Contribution no. 6 Institute of Geophysics, University of Copenhagen.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the mineralogical, textural and chemical features of the dunite, peridotite, pyroxenite and gabbroic inclusions present in the Quaternary basalts of the Canary Islands. The mineralogical composition, structure and texture of the inclusions show that most of them have been formed as crystal cumulates from a nonalkaline basaltic magma in the earlier stages of its fractional crystallization. There are no co-genetic relationships between the inclusions and the host basalts, since the latter have a very strong alkaline-olivine character, although there are also some types with tholciitic aflinities. The study of the data leads to the conclusion that these inclusions can be considered as xenoliths from the basic and ultrabasic complexes that form the substratum and which outcrop in some of the Canary Islands. Attention is called to the fact that in many other volcanic zones of the world there has been a previous emplacement of basic and ultramafic layered complexes and is the question opened whether the association between stratiform-complexes and active basaltic volcanism is more frequent than has been assumed up to now.  相似文献   

The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) has been determined for 81 samples from eleven horizontal columnar segments from two Icelandic near-vertical dikes. Near-vertical orientation of short AMS axes and corresponding long-axis horizontal orientations in most columns represents alignments consistent with compactive effects due to vertically directed forces exerted by overlying columns. These data are inconsistent with primary orientations resulting from thermal contractive stresses, but such stresses may be responsible for the secondary orientations observed.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic and mineral magnetism measurements have been carried out on two cores from Lake Vuokonjarvi in Finnish Karelia. The sediment probably covers 5000 years of continuous deposition at a mean sedimentation rate of about 0.8 mm/yr.The magnetic declination exhibits fluctuations of similar amplitude(~20°) and character to those recorded in northern England and northern Ireland. Magnetic inclination variations are of higher amplitude(~15°) than those found in Britain. Matching the palaeomagnetic patterns with the dated British master curves permits an estimate of the rate of deposition of the Finnish sediments, which is suggested to be more reliable than estimates from radiocarbon dating of the Vuokonjarvi sediment.The stable natural remanence is shown to be carried by fine-grained magnetite and titanomagnetite grains and to have grown by post-depositional alignment during a period of the order of 100 years. Laboratory dehydration of the sediment results in loss of around 40% of the stable natural remanence. Such behaviour is also found in lake sediments from central and southern Europe and should be considered in interpreting palaeomagnetic data from dried out lake sections and ocean cores.  相似文献   

The Apollo 17 KREEPy basalt is a unique lunar volcanic rock, observed only as clasts in the light friable breccia matrix (72275) of Boulder 1, Station 2 at Taurus-Littrow. Its status as a volcanic rock is confirmed by the absence of any meteoritic contamination, a lack of cognate inclusions or xenocrystal material, and low Ni contents in metal grains.The basalt was extruded 4.01 ± 0.04 b.y. ago, approximately contemporaneously with the high-alumina mare basalts at Fra Mauro; shortly afterwards it was disrupted, probably by the Serenitatis impact, and its fragments emplaced in the South Massif. The basalt, which is quartz-normative and aluminous, is chemically and mineralogically intermediate between the Apollo 15 KREEP basalts and the high-alumina mare basalts in most respects. It consists mainly of plagioclase and pigeonitic pyroxene in approximately equal amounts, and 10–30% of mesostatis. Minor phases outside of the mesostatis are chromite, a silica mineral, Fe-metal, and rare olivine; the mesostatis consists primarily of ilmenite, Fe-metal, troilite, and ferroaugite, set in a glassy or microcrystalline Si-rich base.Chemical and isotopic data indicate that an origin by partial melting of a distinct source region is more probable than hybridization or contamination of magmas, and is responsible for the transitional composition of the basalt. The moon did not produce two completely distinct volcanic groups, the KREEP basalts and the mare/mare-like basalts; some intermediate rock types were generated as well. A corresponding spectrum of source regions must exist in the interior of the moon.  相似文献   

Summary Using four samples of basaltic rocks from the Bohemian Massif, Nos 201, 202, 206 and 218, the curves of rotational moments in a magnetic field of 4 × 105 A/m were studied as a function of the degree of oxidation of titanomagnetites. The amplitudes of the individual harmonics were determined by harmonic analysis for samples oxidized to various degrees. It was found that the proportion of the harmonic A 1 withsin increases with the degree of oxidation. Simultaneously, the anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility changes in a field of 60 A/m and the structure changes from linearly parallel to plane parallel.  相似文献   

Petrographic and geochemical data are given for some basaltic rocks from the Koynaghat, Ambaghat and Panvel sections of the western Deccan volcanic province. This study confirms geochemical features established earlier for the Deccan basalts but brings out minor additional characters. Mineralogical and major-element compositions of the basaltic flows from the Koyna and Panvel sections indicate tholeiitic affinity; the Ambaghat flows exhibit a slight affinity towards alkali basalt. Rare earth element (REE) distribution patterns and trace-element abundances suggest minor fractionation of olivine and plagioclase during the evolution of the flows. The general similarity of chemical and mineralogical features over a wide area and the lack of conspicuous inter-element relationships suggest that the flows reflect the combined effects of partial melting, minor mineral fractionation and selective crustal contamination.  相似文献   

The Early Arenig Slockenray Formation within the Ballantrae Ophiolite, southwest Scotland, displays a multivectorial magnetisation structure. Two components (S and M) are identified delineated by differing blocking temperature/ coercivity spectra. Component S is removed around 200°C/10 mT, and is regarded to be of recent viscous origin. Component M forms the characteristic formation magnetisation and resides in both magnetite and haematite. Extensive sampling of all exposed lithologies reveals an (in situ) non-Fisherian distribution of the characteristic magnetisation defining an envelope from SE moderate positive to SW shallow negative directions. A negative infra-formation conglomerate test identifies this component as a pervasive overprint.

A second conglomerate test performed in the overlying Benan Conglomerate of Llandeilo age, reveals dispersely directed magnetisation with a stability range equivalent to that of component M. This field test therefore defines a maximum remagnetisation window of 30 million years for the characteristic remanence. “Hard” viscous magnetisations are identified both in the Benan Conglomerate and at some sites within the Slockenray Formation.

Structurally corrected site mean results from the Slockenray Formation define a non-Fisherian distribution and form a small circle partial arc centred on a vertical axis (NW moderate positive to SW moderate positive directions). A combined palaeomagnetic fold and fault test suggests that acquisition of component M pre-dates both folding and faulting.

The resulting palaeolatitude of remanence acquisition (28.8°S) implies a tectonic position close to the southern Laurentian margin for the Ballantrae ophiolite in Arenig times.  相似文献   

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