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Transport and Biological Fate of Toluene in Low-Permeability Soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of simultaneous sorption, diffusion, and biodegradation on the fate and transport of toluene in low-permeability soil formations was examined. A transport model accounting for vapor and liquid sorption, vapor diffusions, and first-order biodegradation was developed to describe the movement of volatile solute in unsaturated soils. Modeling studies were followed with laboratory batch and column studies on fine-grained soil samples obtained from a gasoline-contaminated site. Batch experiments yielded the sorption and diffusion coefficients for generating theoretical solute transport profiles. Column studies were conducted to examine toluene sorption, diffusion, and biodegradation under aerobic and denitrifying conditions. Results from the column studies indicated that vapor sorption onto the soil was minimal due to the high moisture content of the soil. Comparison of model predictions with experimental results indicated that the SASK model, which is based on the resistivity theory, provided a more accurate prediction of the vapor phase tortuosity than the frequently used Millington-Quirk equation. Laboratory results of toluene concentration profiles matched well with the model predictions and yielded degradation rates comparable to those obtained in the field. Column studies, examining toluene biodegradation under aerobic and denitrifying conditions in low-permeability soils, indicated that the presence of excess nitrate in aerobic environments yielded higher solute degradation rates than those observed under exclusively aerobic systems.  相似文献   

Purging influence on soil‐gas concentrations for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), as affected by sampling tube inner diameter and sampling depth (i.e., system volume) for temporary probes in fine‐grained soils, was evaluated at three different field sites. A macro‐purge sampling system consisted of a standard, hollow, 3.2‐cm outer diameter (OD) drive probe with a retractable sampling point attached to an appropriate length of 0.48‐cm inner diameter (ID) Teflon® tubing. The macro‐purge sampling system had a purge system volume of 24.5 mL at a 1‐m depth. In contrast, the micro‐purge sampling systems were slightly different between the field sites and consisted of a 1.27‐cm OD drive rod with a 0.10‐cm ID stainless steel tube or a 3.2‐cm OD drive rod with a 0.0254‐cm inner diameter stainless steel tubing resulting in purge system volumes of 1.2 and 7.05 mL at 1‐m depths, respectively. At each site and location within the site, with a few exceptions, the same contaminants were identified in the same relative order of abundances indicating the sampling of the same general soil atmosphere. However, marked differences in VOC concentrations were identified between the sampling systems, with micro‐purge samples having up to 27 times greater concentrations than their corresponding macro‐purge samples. The higher concentrations are the result of a minimal disturbance of the ambient soil atmosphere during purging. The minimal soil‐gas atmospheric disturbance of the micro‐purge sampling system allowed for the collection of a sample that is more representative of the soil atmosphere surrounding the sampling point. That is, a sample that does not contain an atmosphere that has migrated from distance through the geologic material or from the surface in response to the vacuum induced during purging soil‐gas concentrations. It is thus recommended that when soil‐gas sampling is conducted using temporary probes in fine‐grained soils, the sampling system use the smallest practical ID soil‐gas tubing and minimize purge volume to obtain the soil‐gas sample with minimal risk of leakage so that proper decisions, based on more representative soil‐gas concentrations, about the site can be made.  相似文献   

Data requirements for assessing the significance of the soil vapor intrusion pathway are evolving, and the collection and interpretation of subslab and near-slab soil-gas samples are under discussion. The potential for different assessment paradigms for aerobically biodegradable and recalcitrant chemicals is also frequently debated. In this work, the soil-gas distribution beneath and around a slab-on-grade building overlying shallow (0.5 to >1.5 m below ground surface) petroleum hydrocarbon–impacted coarse alluvial soils was studied. The study spanned about 12 months, including the sampling of soil-gas hydrocarbon and oxygen concentrations, subslab soil vs. building pressure differentials and included weather conditions. Three-dimensional soil-gas concentration "snapshots" using samples from 79 soil-gas sampling points are presented here. Significant spatial variability was observed with hydrocarbon and oxygen concentrations ranging from about <0.01 to 200 mg/L and 0 to 21% v/v, respectively. The presence of oxygen and the depth to petroleum-impacted soils appeared to be the dominant factors in controlling the soil-gas distribution; the depletion of hydrocarbons over short lateral and vertical distances (<2 m) was observed in the well-oxygenated regions. Composition data suggest preferential biodegradation of lighter compounds at some points, as reflected in the ratio of the masses of chemicals eluting on the gas chromatography between methane and pentane (C1 and C5) and all others after pentane (>C5).  相似文献   

Pumped waters from 14 Pennsylvania wells, located in shallow sandstone, siltstone and shale aquifers, were continuously monitored for dissolved oxygen (D. O.), nitrate (NO3), pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and water temperature in a discharge manifold at the well head. The amount of pumping or purging required to stabilize these parameter readings varied by well site and parameter being analyzed. However, the purging required was generally greatest for D. O. and least for water temperature where: D. O. < NO3 pH < EC < water temperature. Wells located near the siltstone-shale interface generally required far more purging than did wells located elsewhere. Although parameter stability was often achieved within purging one bore volume, the complexity, diversity, and variability in the data and these well-ground water systems, suggest that no single purging rule is appropriate. Instead, the extent of purging required before sampling these shallow aquifers should be determined by incorporating on-site monitoring of target or related parameters into the purging process.
From a sampling perspective, the relationship between NO3 and D. O. concentrations during purging were analyzed relative to aquifer type. For most wells located in sandstone or siltstone, NO3 concentrations remained relatively constant during purging irrespective of changes in D. O. For most wells located in shale, these two were positively and similarly correlated, suggesting that a general relationship exists.  相似文献   

利用全自动多功能三轴仪进行了粉土场地的液化后变形试验,探讨了粉粒含量对液化后应力应变关系的影响.试验时施加动加载使试样达到设定的液化程度,然后立即施加单调荷载,以模拟地震现场发生强震时初始液化到液化后变形的整个过程.研究发现,不同粉粒含量粉土场地发生液化后变形得到的液化后应力应变关系可采用推导的同一理论关系式表示,其系数的差异表明了粉粒含量对粉土液化后变形的影响.验证结果表明该关系式能较好地模拟粉粒含量对粉土场地液化后应力-应变的影响,为同一地区或相似地区粉粒含量变化的粉土场地液化评估提供依据.  相似文献   

本文报告了一例颅骨尤文瘤,患者22岁,男,因左颞部痛一月有余。后加剧十天入院。体格检查:神清,反应敏捷,双瞳孔圆形等大,光反应灵敏,双眼底水肿,无面瘫,舌瘫,颈软,心肺,腹无异常。经CT显示左额中位性病变。病灶周围有商密度的环影,中间大片低密度,混杂有少量高密度病灶。术前诊断左额颞部巨大占位性病变:(1)胶质瘤;(2)脑脓肿不能排除。治疗:行左额颞骨瓣开颅手术,钻孔时发现骨质疏松,翻瓣时见骨瓣中心  相似文献   

The screened auger is a laser-slotted, hollow-stem auger through which a representative sample of ground water is pumped from an aquifer and tested for water-quality parameters by appropriate field-screening methods. Screened auger sampling can be applied to ground water quality remedial investigations, providing:(1) a mechanism for determining a monitoring well's optimal screen placement in a contaminant plume; and (2) data to define the three-dimensional configuration of the contaminant plume.
Screened auger sampling has provided an efficient method for investigating hexavalent chromium and volatile organic compound contamination in two sandy aquifers in Cadillac, Michigan. The aquifers approach 200 feet in thickness and more than 1 square mile in area. A series of screened auger borings and monitoring wells was installed, and ground water was collected at 10-foot intervals as the boreholes were advanced to define the horizontal and vertical distribution of the contaminant plumes. The ability of the screened auger to obtain representative ground water samples was supported by the statistical comparison of field screening results and subsequent laboratory analysis of ground water from installed monitoring wells.  相似文献   

震害预测中抽样方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述了在震害预测中采用分块抽样方法的一般原理,对于确定抽样样本总额的方法和样本总额在分块抽样中的理想分配进行了讨论,文中以乌鲁木齐市钢筋混凝土房屋的震害预测为对象,说明了分块抽样法的实际应用及其对于随机抽样法的优越性。文中对逐栋调查和分块抽样调查所得到的震害预测结果进行了对比,论述了这一抽样方法的可行性。  相似文献   

海洋粉质土因沉积环境的差异,在动应力作用下的液化特性与陆上粉土略有不同。以杭州湾原状粉质土为研究对象,进行特别设计的动三轴液化试验,研究粉质土液化后的强度和变形特性。研究表明:杭州湾粉质土液化后的应力-应变关系相似,应变与砂性土的变化规律相似,可分为低强度段和强度恢复段两阶段,振动频率、围压和前期最大轴向应变对液化后应力-应变都有影响。提出粉质土液化后二阶段本构模型能较好地反映粉质土液化后的应力-应变关系。  相似文献   

利用振动三轴仪和共振柱仪对原状和重塑海洋粉土的动强度、动剪切模量和阻尼比进行试验研究,并对原状和重塑样所表现出的动力特性的差异进行对比分析。试验结果表明:在相同工况下,原状海洋粉土的动剪切模量和参考剪应变均大于重塑样,阻尼比与重塑样比较接近;归一化的G/Gmax-γ/γr和λ-γ/γr关系曲线可以很好地消除重塑样的扰动性所引起的影响;原状海洋粉土的液化应力比和动强度比在相同工况下的重塑样小,原状和重塑样在相同等效循环振次下的动强度的差异性随着固结比的增大而减小;在试样即将破坏时,重塑样的孔压急剧增大,原状样的孔压趋于稳定值。  相似文献   

本文介绍1例罕见的发生于鼻咽部的颈部坏死性筋膜炎(CNF)。该患者以顽固性慢性化脓性中耳炎就诊,进行包括CT、MRI及PET/CT在内的影像学检查,均误诊为鼻咽癌。最终该患者通过鼻咽肿物活检术确诊为CNF。本文通过回顾性分析该患者的影像学表现及误诊原因,总结出CT、MRI、PET/CT在CNF早期诊断中的特征和要点,为其临床精准诊断提供重要的帮助。   相似文献   

Pore water collected from piezometers installed in a thick clay-rich till were used to compare and evaluate four techniques for obtaining δD and δ18O values in these media. The techniques included mechanical squeezing, centrifugation, azeotropic distillation, and a direct soil-water equilibration technique. Direct CO2-core equilibration yielded sufficiently accurate and reproducible δ18O results of pore water in clay-rich tills. In addition, this method eliminated the need for labor-intensive complete extraction of water from the geologic media. Mechanical squeezing and centrifugation produced results similar to direct equilibration. However, both of these methods exhibited a greater degree of variability and were laborious and more time consuming. Small differences in δ18O values between piezometer water and equilibrated, squeezed, and centhfuged samples suggested that each method collected different fractions of the clay-water reservoir. Although these subtle differences were not conclusive, they did suggest the presence of weakly bound water and highlighted the difference between these three techniques for determining the stable isotopic composition of pore water in clay-rich aquitards. Azeotropic distillation produced a high level of discrepancy in δD andδ18O results compared to the other methods. Incomplete extraction was considered the most probable cause of this error. The results of this study suggested that direct equilibration is the best method for determining detailed δD and δ18O values of pore water in clay-rich aquitards.  相似文献   

采用平均土骨架应力代替Bishop的非饱和土的有效应力,基于分析体积变形连续性条件建立了简化的一维非饱和土固结方程,分析计算了非饱和土在固结过程中孔隙压力、平均土骨架应力、饱和度的变化情况。同时建立了耦合水力特性的非饱和土本构模型和屈服方程。算例计算结果表明本文提出的非饱和土简化固结理论和耦合水力特性的非饱和土应力应变本构模型的有效性。  相似文献   

房屋面积数据是地震灾害损失评估的重要参数,也是地震应急数据库基础数据。数据库要求每年及时更新,但数据更新周期较长,达不到更新要求。本研究主要从乌鲁木齐统计年鉴中提取2001—2018年房屋基础数据,建立乌鲁木齐住宅建筑总面积及人均住宅面积数据增长模型,利用GM(1,1)预测模型和多元线性回归模型预测未来2年乌鲁木齐住宅建筑总面积和人均住宅面积。本研究得到的住宅建筑总面积及人均住宅面积数据可作为应急数据库中相关基础数据更新的补充手段,也可作为未来几年震害预测的参考基础数据。  相似文献   

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