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何跟巧  常秋君 《内陆地震》1990,4(4):367-373
观测断层气体的动态,研究它的异常变化与地震的相关性,是一种新的短临预报方法。1990年青海茫崖6.7级地震、共和6.9级地震前,断层气Rn、Hg的异常变化特点是临震突变幅度大、异常反应范围广。  相似文献   

2012年8月30日张家口ML3.7地震前,怀来4井水汞出现明显高值变化,分析发现,该变化为张家口ML3.7地震震兆信息,是一起典型的短临异常变化.  相似文献   

汞断层气异常与活断层关系浅析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在探讨气汞异常与断层活动关系的基础上,通过具体工程实践,说明利用气体汞异常化探方法研究活动断层,可为预测预报地震活动提供信息。  相似文献   

断层带土壤气的映震效能与地震短期预报   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本文系统总结了首都圈地区(115.0°─117.5°E,39.5°─41.0°N)近3年来开展的断层带土壤气观测研究的结果,评价了断层气异常的映震效能,分析了映震特征,初步建立了地震短期预报的指标与方法。  相似文献   

断层土壤气的观测与地震短临预报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈华静  王基华  林元武 《地震》1999,19(1):81-89
地震前兆的干扰现象是无时不在的,各种因素的干扰是影响前兆异常定论的一个重要因素,只有在最大限度地降低人为干扰的基础上,进行自然因素的干扰排除,才有可能大大提高异常的可信度,以近十年发展起来的断层土壤气观测为研究对象,对断导土壤气的观测方法,干扰因素以及在地震短临预报中的作用等方面进行系统总结。  相似文献   

文章简要介绍夏县中心地震台断层气观测的基本概况,从断层观测气孔的设计、产出数据干扰的识别与分析、数据的映震效能三方面进行详细的研究。认为,痕量氢新测孔先进于旧测孔;痕量氢、气氡两测项产出数据的映震效能较好;断层气观测在夏县台取得了较为实用的震例,且干扰较容易识别,这种观测方法与技术应继续推广。  相似文献   

乌海4.6级地震前断层气CO2异常特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对乌海4.6级地震前CO2观测值处理,并应用“九五”攻关研究新成果中多种数学方法进行异常提取和分析,得到了滤波、比值、单点速率等分析计算结果,有效地在震前1个月提取到地震短临前兆异常,说明CO2这种新方法能在地震短临预报中发挥较好的作用。  相似文献   

刘家堡活动断层土壤气氡、 汞地球化学特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
张新基  张慧  苏鹤军  刘旭宙 《地震》2005,25(4):87-92
应用FD-3017RaA测氡仪和JM-4数字金膜测汞仪在兰州市进行了野外现场勘察, 结果表明: ① 刘家堡断层土壤气氡、 汞具有明显的异常显示。 与气氡相比, 土壤气汞具有更好的指示性, 与断层位置有很好的对应关系; ②土壤气氡、 汞的典型异常形态为低-较高-高-较高-低的峰值形态。 单点异常大多数为观测中的干扰因素造成; ③ 在断层带上方氡、 汞的峰值异常一般比背景值高出2倍以上, 且具有成组特征, 即在断层带上方超过背景值2倍以上的点2个以上。 根据断层带土壤气氡、 汞的变化特征, 确定了刘家堡活动断层在不同区段的具体位置。 探讨了利用土壤气氡、 汞浓度形态变化特征判断活断层性质及产状的可能性。  相似文献   

地震短临异常新指标的探索—汞浓度探测   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张炜  巫英富 《中国地震》1989,5(4):13-19
通过近年来在北京、京西和四川西部等地的汞测量发现,在正常情况下,汞的变化幅度小,背景稳定,干扰小;但在地震前其变化却十分突出,反映灵敏。多次震例表明,汞浓度异常超前地震活动出现,异常幅度大(一般为背景值的几十倍),异常持续时间随震级增大而变长,并大多在震前结束。可见作为短临异常的一项新指标——汞含量测量值得进一步探索和推广。  相似文献   

张毅光  樊晓玲 《内陆地震》1994,8(4):373-377
新疆19号水平断层仪短临前兆异常分析张毅光,樊晓玲(新疆维吾尔自治区呼图壁地震办公室,呼图壁)1地质概况新疆19.号水平断层仪安装在距呼图壁县大丰镇南16km处,其地理位置为东经86°32′05″,北纬44°04′38″,位于天山北缘一套中新生代地层...  相似文献   

蓟运河断裂是天津地区东北部的一条重要断裂,是张家口—渤海构造带的组成部分.由于未对蓟运河断裂的活动性进行过专门探测研究,其空间展布及第四纪活动性一直存在争议.经广泛收集资料确定蓟运河断裂的大致展布,并布设9条人工地震测线,采用可控震源对该断裂进行探测.结果表明:蓟运河断裂不是一条南北贯通的断裂,其大致分为北西段和南东段...  相似文献   

秦巴山区的大巴山断裂(镇巴-高川段)及周边地区实施了高精度磁力勘探,经过向上解析延拓、垂向不同阶导数及欧拉反褶积等新方法处理及其分析,结果表明研究区磁场特征具有明显的规律性:横向上分别显示出沉积区、挤压构造变形区及侵入岩区的磁性特征,这是研究区多样化构造特征的具体反映;纵向上,浅部磁场呈现方向性磁场,深部呈现稳定基底的特征,这种磁性差异分界面构成了北大巴山地区逆冲推覆构造的滑脱面.而大巴山主断裂在不同区段表现出不同磁性结构的多样化特征,也反映了不同挤压应力作用下变质程度的差异.  相似文献   

磁县断裂带的构造和地震活动特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
磁县断裂带是华北地震区中重要的断裂之一,1830年该断裂带发生了M7级地震.从分析该带的构造特征和地震活动特征出发,在结合历史地震活动和现今地震活动基础上,利用震级-时间模型对磁县断裂带未来强震活动进行预测,结果表明,未来该段中南的总体活动水平维持在5级左右.  相似文献   

浅层地震勘探和联合钻孔剖面综合探测是研究城市隐伏活动断裂的重要方法之一,为查明太原盆地田庄活动断裂的空间展布、活动性质及活动时代等地质特征,综合浅层地震勘探、联合钻孔剖面、测年方法对断裂全段空间展布进行了精确定位,对断裂活动性进行了精细分析,给出了断裂几何特征及活动性分段研究结果.研究表明田庄断裂全长33.5 km,断裂全段均发育北支及南支断裂,主断裂为北支断裂,断面近似呈"Y"及"N"字形结构特征.根据断裂几何特征及活动性差异可将断裂划分为四段,其中断裂中段及中-东转折段最新活动时代为晚更新世晚期,最小上断点埋深分别为39.3 m及37.4 m,晚更新世以来断裂平均滑动速率为0.0283~0.0292 mm/a,最大滑动速率为0.0326~0.0415 mm/a;断裂东段最小上断点埋深为63.5 m,最新活动时代为中更新世晚期,中更新世晚期以来最大滑动速率为0.0134 mm/a,平均滑动速率为0.0092 mm/a;断裂西段最新活动时代为中更新世中期;断裂中段及中-东转折段活动性明显大于断裂西段及东段.首次基于联合钻孔剖面及浅层地震勘探方法查明了田庄断裂中段、中-东段及东段的活动性...  相似文献   

The nearly EW-trending East Kunlun fault zone is the north boundary of the Bayan Har block.The activity characteristics and the position of the eastern end of its eastward extension are of great significance to probing into the dynamic mechanism of formation of the east edge of the Tibetan Plateau,and also lay the foundation for seismic risk assessment of the fault zone.The following results are obtained by analysis based on satellite image interpretation of landforms,surface rupture survey,terrace scarp deformation survey,and terrace dating data on the eastern part of the East Kunlun fault zone:(1)the Luocha segment is a Holocene active fault,where a reverse L-shape paleoearthquake surface rupture zone of about 50 km long is located;(2)the Luocha segment is characterized by left-lateral slip movement under the compression-shear condition since the later period of the Late Pleistocene,with a rate of 7.68–9.37 mm/a and a vertical slip rate of 0.7–0.9 mm/a,which are basically in accord with the activity rate of segments on its west side.The results indicate that it is a part of eastward extension of the East Kunlun fault zone;(3)the high-speed linear horizontal slip of the nearly EW-trending East Kunlun fault zone is blocked by the South China block at east,and transforms into the vertical movement of the nearly SN-NNE trending Minjiang fault zone and the Longmenshan fault zone,and the uplift of Longmenshan and Minjiang.The area where transform of the two tectonic systems occurred confines the position of the east end;(4)Luocha segment and Maqu segment constitute the"Maqu seismic gap",so,seismic risk at Maqu segment is higher than that at Luocha segment,which should attract more attention.  相似文献   

殿沟泉气氡浓度在汶川地震后经常出现成簇高频震荡异常.应用数据挖掘方法,采用正规化、聚类、特征值计算等方法对氡观测数据和地震目录进行预处理,提取气氡异常、震级、震源深度和地震分区等参数,在此基础上采用贝叶斯网络模型开展殿沟泉氡异常与周边区域地震活动统计关系研究.利用聚类开展的地震分区结果显示与构造分区基本吻合,反映出不同...  相似文献   

怀来地震台CO2异常变化特征与地震关系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了怀来后郝窑测点断层气CO2 1991~2006年的观测数据,研究其与地温的相关性,结果表明CO2与地温呈正相关,一元线性回归分析和傅立叶去年周期方法消除观测中的干扰,提取震前异常信息,在2002年8月3日怀来4.4、2006年7月4日河北文安5.1级地震前均提取到地震前兆异常信息;再结合2002年以前的震例,分析与探讨怀来后郝窑测点断层气CO2异常变化特征与地震关系.  相似文献   

In the paper, an exploration is made by the techniques of shallow seismic prospecting, borehole composite profile analysis, field morphological investigation, and new geological dating for the Laoyachen fault in Zhengzhou that was originally recognized as an active one. The result from shallow seismic prospecting indicates this fault only existed in the stratum prior to the Neogene, dislocations and activity traces of this fault could not be found in the Neogene stratum. At the same time, the surface morphological investigation reveals that the location of the so-called "fault scarp" is not consistent with that of Laoyachen fault. Moreover, seismic drilling and borehole composite profile analysis also indicate that the scarp only developed in Malan Loess. The stratum beneath it is gentle and no dislocation traces can be seen. Therefore, we propose that this scarp is not relevant to the Laoyachen fault, which might be resulted from the diverted course of Yellow River. Laoyachen fault is not an active one.  相似文献   

A seismic gap on the Anninghe fault in western Sichuan,China   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Through integrated analyses of time-varying patterns of regional seismicity, occurrence background of strong and large historical earthquakes along active faults, and temporal-spatial distribution of accu- rately relocated hypocenters of modern small earthquakes, this paper analyzes and discusses the im- plication of a 30-year-lasting seismic quiescence in the region along and surrounding the Anninghe and Zemuhe faults in western Sichuan, China. It suggests that the seismic quiescence for ML≥4.0 events has been lasting in the studied region since January, 1977, along with the formation and evaluation of a seismic gap of the second kind, the Anninghe seismic gap. The Anninghe seismic gap has the background of a seismic gap of the first kind along the Anninghe fault, and has resulted from evident fault-locking and strain-accumulating along the fault during the last 30 years. Now, two fault sections either without or with less small earthquakes exist along the Anninghe fault within the An- ninghe seismic gap. They indicate two linked and locked fault-sections, the northern Mianning section and the Mianning-Xichang section with lengths of 65 km and 75 km and elapsed time from the latest large earthquakes of 527 and 471 years, respectively. Along the Anninghe fault, characteristics of both the background of the first kind seismic gap and the seismicity patterns of the second seismic gap, as well as the hypocenter depth distribution of modern small earthquakes are comparable, respectively, to those appearing before the M=8.1 Hoh Xil earthquake of 2001 and to those emerging in the 20 years before the M=7.1 Loma Prieta, California, earthquake of 1989, suggesting that the Anninghe seismic gap is tending to become mature, and hence its mid- to long-term potential of large earthquakes should be noticeable. The probable maximum magnitudes of the potential earthquakes are estimated to be as large as 7.4 for both the two locked sections of the Anninghe fault.  相似文献   

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