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1Introduction Seaiceplaysanimportantroleinmoderating heatandmoistureexchangesbetweentheatmosphere andtheoceanathighlatitudes.Seaicealsointeracts withthebroaderclimatesystembythepositiveice albedofeedback(Curryetal.,1995),whichamplifies projectedclimatewarmingatthehighlatitudes,andby theoceanicfeedbackinvolvingicegrowthandmelt, whichinfluencesglobalthermohalinecirculation(i.e., theNorthAtlanticDeepWaterandtheAntarcticBot- tomWater)(Walsh,1983;Barryetal.,1993). Recently,theimplementationofas…  相似文献   

1 IntroductionA landfalltropicalcyclone (TC) alwaysbringsaboutsevere weathersuch as heavy rain and strong-wind.Currently,predictionofsuch severeweatherde-pendsheavilyontheforecasters’experience, whichisgenerally qualitative and cannotm eetthe demandsofop…  相似文献   

根据平面二维非恒定流运动方程和连续方程推导出模型相似比尺,从而进行模型设计。模型上边界选在老盐仓,下边界定在金山,模拟总水域面积约2200km2;模型先按1998年实测的准1∶50000水下地形制作,并利用1998年大范围水文资料作初步验证,再运用2000年9月杭州湾实测水下地形及大范围同步水文测验资料对模型进行正式验证。验证结果表明,模型沿程潮位、模型测点流速、流向等均与水文测验资料吻合良好,达到了较高的验证精度,为杭州湾跨海大桥建成后对周围水域变化情况的预测和桥轴线与桥孔布设合理性论证奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

象山港围隔生态系水质模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在美国环保局开发的WASP(the water quality analysis simulation program,水质分析模拟程序)中的概念模型基础上,运用系统动力学软件Stella9.0.2建立了适用于海洋围隔生态系水质动力学模型.模型包括浮游植物、磷循环、氮循环、碳生化需氧量-溶解氧4个模块,涉及叶绿素a、有机磷、无机磷、有机氮、氨氮、硝酸-亚硝酸盐氮、生化需氧量、溶解氧8个水质指标.利用2010年10月初象山港围隔生态实验数据进行了模型验证和参数率定工作,成功模拟了不同水温条件下围隔水质情况,并确定了30余个模型参数,展现了系统动力学模拟的优势,为揭示象山港海域生态系统的动力学机制,模拟和预测他的变化提供科学依据.  相似文献   

A nitrogen and phosphorus dynamic model of mesocosm pelagic ecosystem was established according to the summary and synthesis of the models available, in which seven state variables (DIN, PO4-P, DON, DOP, phytoplankton, zooplankton and detritus) were included. Logically it had five modules--phytoplankton, zooplankton, dissolved inorganic nutrients, dissolved organic nutrients and detritus. The results showed that this model could simulate the variations of DIN, PO4-P, DON, DOP, POC and phytoplankton biomass in pelagic ecosystem in mesocosm properly, based on the site experiment data in the Jiaozhou Bay in the autumn of 1999 and the summer of 2000. Not only the logical structure but also the model parameters were feasible, and about 20 parameters were made to fit for the Jiaozhou Bay during the simulation. All of these are necessary to study the control mechanism of nutrients biogeochemical cycling in the Jiaozhou Bay and other China' s coastal waters.  相似文献   

利用已经过验证的高分辨率三维海洋动力模型FVCOM,根据1984—2014年内伶仃洋的围填海变化情况,结合情景模拟案例,研究分析围填海对伶仃洋水流动力的影响,探究截流式和顺流式围填海对伶仃洋不同季节的水平余流场、垂向环流结构以及潮汐变化过程的影响。研究结果表明,围填海对伶仃洋的余流流向没有明显影响,但对余流速有较大的影响。在水平方向上,截流式围填海使得周边海域的余流速明显增大,增幅在0.02~0.25 m/s不等,其中口门区域受到的影响最大;相较于底层流场,表层流场受围填海的影响相对更大,围填海以南的较远海域在表层出现一条强度逐渐减弱的流速减小带,减幅在0.02~0.15 m/s不等,且影响范围与流场的分布密切相关,在夏季向南延伸,在冬季向西南延伸。顺流式围填海的影响则主要分布在伶仃洋两侧沿岸,并且不同季节的影响特点有一定区别,在夏季使得内伶仃洋东岸海域流速增大,但在冬季使其流速减小,变化幅度均在0.02 m/s以上。在垂直方向上,围填海使口门区域余流的纵向流速梯度增加,并且改变了伶仃洋余流的垂向分布情况,总体表现为远离围填海的海域表、底层余流的流速减小,中上层余流的流速增大;与此同时,围填海大幅度改变了周边海域的横向流速,并且在伶仃水道、矾石水道等区域产生了新的横向环流。围填海使得河口至围填海的余水位明显上升,使得伶仃洋海域的余水位下降,余水位梯度的增大是围填海周边余流速增大的主要原因。另外,围填海影响了伶仃洋的潮汐变化过程。在大潮期间,围填海改变了伶仃洋海域涨落潮时的潮流流速,使得周边海域落急流速增加,较远海域落急流速减小,而涨急流速都减小;同时,围填海使得海域涨落潮时的潮位受到一定影响。围填海最终使得伶仃洋的潮汐相位提前了20~35 min。  相似文献   

数据稀缺生态系统中多种类质量谱模型的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多种类生态模型已经被广泛应用于渔业活动影响应预测和管理措施效果评估。质量谱模型是一种基于生理过程构建的生态模型,该模型为描述鱼类群落在个体摄食变异和随个体发生的生态位迁移提供了一个可行的方法。尽管生态模型在增进生态系统认识上具有重要意义,其应用在数据稀缺的渔业中受到很大限制。作为实践基于生态系统渔业管理(EBFM)的第一步,本研究构建了海州湾鱼类群落的质量谱模型。本研究详述了数据收集和模型参数化的过程,以促进该模型在数据稀缺的生态系统中未来的应用。作为一个范例,研究展示了不同捕捞努力量对生态系统的影响,并采用一套生态指标监测其动态。群落生物量、多样性指数、W指数,大鱼指数(LFI),平均体重和群落质量谱斜率对捕捞压力的响应呈非线性,最大的捕捞强度并非总是对鱼类群落产生最强的影响。本文强调了构建谱模型在生态研究中的的价值和可行性,并讨论了模型的局限性和改进的可能。本研究旨在促进质量谱模型的广泛应用以更好地支持基于生态系统的渔业管理。  相似文献   

A coupled wave–tide–surge model has been established in this study in order to investigate the effect of tides, storm surges, and wind waves interactions during a winter monsoon on November 1983 in the Yellow Sea. The coupled model is based on the synchronous dynamic coupling of a third-generation wave model, WAM-Cycle 4, and the two-dimensional tide–surge model. The surface stress generated by interactions between wind and waves is calculated using the WAM-Cycle 4 directly based on an analytical approximation of the results obtained from the quasi-linear theory of wave generation. The changes of bottom friction factor generated by waves and current interactions are calculated by using simplified bottom boundary layer model. The model simulations showed that bottom velocity and effective bottom drag coefficient induced by combination of wave and current were increased in shallow waters of up to 50 m in the Yellow Sea during the wintertime strong storm conditions.  相似文献   

渤海湾风浪场的数值模拟   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
采用SWAN模型对渤海湾在定常风和非定常风作用下的波浪场进行了模拟,并利用黄骅港附近波浪统计资料对模拟结果进行了验证。结果表明:SWAN模型较好地模拟了渤海湾在定常风和非定常风作用下风浪成长和传播过程。此外,还应用ADCIRC潮流模型,初步探讨了潮流对波浪要素的影响:(1)无流存在时,波高的成长和波周期的变化是一条光滑的曲线,但当有流加入时,由于其流速和水位在一个潮周期内随时间的变化足不均匀的,其对波浪成长产生影响,使波高和周期呈不规则变化;(2)波浪成长初期,流对波高增长的影响并不明显,但当波高增大到一定程度时,流的存在对波高的影响是很明显的。  相似文献   

基于OASIS耦合器,发展了一套具有较高分辨率并行化的海-陆-气耦合模式,并进行了30年以上的耦合积分。为了评估模式中海洋分量的基本性能,首先考察了耦合模式对"气候漂移"的控制,然后对比分析了耦合与未耦合海洋环流模式模拟温度和盐度的气候态特征和季节变化,结果显示耦合模式的模拟结果中没有出现明显的"气候漂移现象",同时能较好的模拟全球大洋温盐分布的基本特征和季节变化。  相似文献   

孟加拉湾上层环流研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邱云  李立 《海洋科学进展》2006,24(4):593-603
综述了孟加拉湾上层环流研究的主要成果并指出,研究海区环流与季风转换不完全同步。在西南季风期间,南、北海区各有一气旋式环流;在秋季季风过渡期间,出现海湾尺度的气旋式环流;在东北季风期间,气旋式环流减弱北移,南部则为一反气旋式环流控制;春季与秋季的情形相反,整个湾出现一海湾尺度的反气旋式环流。研究海区环流的变异主要受季风、赤道远地作用和浮力通量等复杂外源作用的影响。东印度沿岸流的季节变化与季风转换也不同步,局地风、内部Ekman抽吸、远地沿岸风及赤道远地作用的影响对沿岸流周年变化有重要作用。孟加拉湾上层环流年际变化显著,此年际变化主要受赤道风场的影响。  相似文献   

李志  孟强  薛亮 《海洋科学进展》2020,38(2):199-210
孟加拉湾与其他热带海盆不同,在季风影响下,该地区热带气旋具有双气旋季的独特结构(4—5月的春季转换期和10—11月的秋季转换期)。虽然孟加拉湾气旋频数在10—11月较多,但是4—5月超强气旋(Saffir-Simpson 4,5级)的生成率却远高于10—11月。1981—2016年,春季转换期内孟加拉湾超强气旋都与第一支北传季节内振荡(First Northward-propagating Intra-Seasonal Oscillation,FNISO)相应而生,然而并不是所有伴随FNISO发生的气旋都能发展成为超强气旋。因此本研究以气旋生成指数为基础,利用气旋最佳轨道数据以及NCEP的海气参量数据,诊断指出孟加拉湾夏季风形成的强垂直风速剪切配合低层大气旋度和气旋潜在强度抵消夏季风期间水汽对气旋生成的促进作用,造成双峰分布,而中层大气相对湿度差异双峰不对称的主因。FNISO强度的不同与深对流中心与气旋中心的相对位置的差异,使得部分气旋受季节内振荡影响更大,强深对流的超越作用导致更显著的高低层大气温差,促使气旋具有且达到更大的潜在强度。在年际尺度上大气高低层温差的不同也是引起气旋潜在强度不同的主要原因。当季节内尺度和年际尺度共同作用,使得部分气旋发展成为超强气旋。  相似文献   

The Coupling of three model components, WRF/PCE (polar climate extension version of weather research and forecasting model (WRF)), ROMS (regional ocean modeling system), and CICE (community ice code), has been implemented, and the regional atmosphere-ocean-sea ice coupled model named WRF/PCE- ROMS-CICE has been validated against ERA-interim reanalysis data sets for 1989. To better understand the reasons that generate model biases, the WRF/PCE-ROMS-CICE results were compared with those of its components, the WRF/PCE and the ROMS-CICE. There are cold biases in surface air temperature (SAT) over the Arctic Ocean, which contribute to the sea ice concentration (SIC) and sea surface temperature (SST) biases in the results of the WRF/PCE-ROMS-CICE. The cold SAT biases also appear in results of the atmo- spheric component with a mild temperature in winter and similar temperature in summer. Compared to results from the WRF/PCE, due to influences of different distributions of the SIC and the SST and inclusion of interactions of air-sea-sea ice in the WRF/PCE-ROMS-CICE, the simulated SAT has new features. These influences also lead to apparent differences at higher levels of the atmosphere, which can be thought as responses to biases in the SST and sea ice extent. There are similar atmospheric responses in feature of distribution to sea ice biases at 700 and 500 hPa, and the strength of responses weakens when the pressure decreases in January. The atmospheric responses in July reach up to 200 hPa. There are surplus sea ice ex- tents in the Greenland Sea, the Barents Sea, the Davis Strait and the Chukchi Sea in winter and in the Beau- fort Sea, the Chukchi Sea, the East Siberian Sea and the Laptev Sea in summer in the ROMS-CICE. These differences in the SIC distribution can all be explained by those in the SST distributions. These features in the simulated SST and SIC from ROMS-CICE also appear in the WRF/PCE-ROMS-CICE. It is shown that the performance of the WRF/PCE-ROMS-CICE is determined to a l  相似文献   

乐清湾生态系统脆弱性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着海洋经济的开发与发展,海洋生态环境被破坏的问题日益突出,生态系统变得越来越脆弱.从浙江典型海湾乐清湾入手,分析了乐清湾生态系统脆弱性形成的机制,即自然和人为多种复杂动力因素形成的相互耦合作用下导致生态系统出现了脆弱性,其脆弱性可分为固有脆弱性和特殊脆弱性两类.固有脆弱性主要由陆海动力作用形成的,包括径流、气温、降水、波浪、潮流等环境因素.特殊脆弱性由人类开发活动作用形成的,主要包括海岸工程、滩涂围垦、水产养殖、污染等非环境因素.综合以上原因,指出了乐清湾生态系统处于亚健康状态,并已接近不健康边缘,生态系统极其脆弱,虽然生态系统的主要服务功能尚能发挥,但已不能满足海洋功能区划的要求,严重影响到海洋经济的可持续发展.乐清湾生态系统脆弱性具体表现在以下几个方面:(1) 水体受无机氮和活性磷酸盐污染严重,富营养化程度显著,氮磷比失衡,春季全湾水质为劣四类,夏季76%的海域水质为四类或劣四类;(2) 海湾自然水域实际面积缩小近四分之一,纳潮量相应减少了近5.79%;(3) 生物多样性降低,总生物量和物种数逐年下降,海洋食物链已经遭到严重破坏,生物群落结构发生明显改变;(4) 养殖区沉积物质量下降,在水动力作用下易造成"二次污染";(5) 周边的渔业经济下滑,捕捞鱼类个体偏小,且低值鱼类较多.最后对乐清湾生态系统脆弱性修复提出了对策和建议,主要应落实海洋环境目标管理责任制、加强入海污染物控制、运用生态学原理和技术防治海水养殖污染、利用大型海藻修复水域富营养化以及建立海洋生态环境监测预报和执法管理体系,使海洋生态系统重新进入良性循环,为海洋资源可持续利用提供发展空间.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWith the development of economy and the exploitation of coastal resources, the coastal en-vironment of the northern part of China was seriously damaged, especially in the Jiaozhou Bay.More attention was paid to this phenomenon. Five comprehensive investigations on theecological dynamics of the Jiaozhou Bay were carried out from March to November of 1995. Theaim is to study the annual variation characteristics of the ecosystem dynamics of the Jiaozhou Bay.Yu Guangyao et al.…  相似文献   

为探讨渤海沉积物中重金属的生物毒性,采集了渤海湾和莱州湾共72个站点的表层沉积物,测定了酸可挥发性硫化物(AVS)、同步萃取金属(SEM)、有机碳(TOC)等参数,应用平衡分配模型(EqP Model)评价了沉积物中重金属的潜在生物毒性。研究显示,有8个站点超过了EqP Model的毒性阈值,显示潜在生物毒性,而61%的站点应无生物毒性。本研究同时测定了沉积物的总含量,应用几种常用的沉积物质量基准进行了评价虽然有部分站点的Cu、Ni、Cr超过了基准值,但与渤海的背景值比较,这些基准值可能并不适用于评价渤海沉积物。研究显示,EqP Model可以更有效的评价沉积物中重金属的活性和生物毒性,尤其针对我国近岸海域的沉积物,TOC和AVS含量偏低而重金属生物毒性偏高的情况可能普遍存在,更应积极考虑应用EqP Model进行重金属生物毒性的评价。  相似文献   

A mesoscale coupled atmosphere–ocean model has been developed based on the GRAPES(Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction System) regional typhoon model(GRAPES_TYM) and ECOM-si(estuary, coast and ocean model(semi-implicit)). Coupling between the typhoon and ocean models was conducted by exchanging wind stress, heat, moisture fluxes, and sea surface temperatures(SSTs) using the coupler OASIS3.0. Numerical prediction experiments were run with and without coupling for the case of Typhoon Muifa in the western North Pacific. To investigate the impact of using more accurate SST information on the simulation of the track and the intensity of Typhoon Muifa, experiments were also conducted using increased SST resolution in the initial condition field of the control test. The results indicate that increasing SST resolution in the initial condition field somewhat improved the intensity forecast, and use of the coupled model improved the intensity forecast significantly, with mean absolute errors in maximum wind speed within 48 and 72 h reduced by 32% and 20%, respectively. Use of the coupled model also resulted in less pronounced over-prediction of the intensity of Typhoon Muifa by the GRAPES_TYM. Moreover, the effects of using the coupled model on the intensity varied throughout the different stages of the development of Muifa owing to changes in the oceanic mixed layer depth. The coupled model had pronounced effects during the later stage of Muifa but had no obvious effects during the earlier stage. The SSTs predicted by the coupled model decreased by about 5–6°C at most after the typhoon passed, in agreement with satellite data. Furthermore, based on analysis on the sea surface heat flux, wet static energy of the boundary layer, atmospheric temperature, and precipitation forecasted by the coupled model and the control test, the simulation results of this coupled atmosphere–ocean model can be considered to reasonably reflect the primary mechanisms underlying the interactions between tropical cyclones and oceans.  相似文献   

以西北太平洋一次"双台风"共同影响下的台风浪为例,针对模式中风摄入和白帽耗散、底摩擦、波破碎、波-波非线性相互作用等海浪物理过程对台风浪预报的影响进行了敏感性试验分析。在此基础上,基于各物理过程最优参数化方案探讨了耦合模式和单独海浪模式的海浪预报性能,分析了耦合模式的海浪预报场分布特征。结果表明:不同海浪物理过程参数化对于波高预报的准确性是有所差异的。在相对最优的海浪各参数化方案组合下,无论耦合模式还是单独海浪模式都能较好地反映波高的变化和分布趋势。相比而言,耦合模式对于台风浪大值区的浪高预报要比单独海浪模式的更接近观测,且可以很好地刻画出双台风影响下浪的分布演变特征,对于西太平洋台风浪的预报具有很好的适用性。  相似文献   

围填海工程对渤海湾风浪场的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵鑫  孙群  魏皓 《海洋科学》2013,37(1):7-16
为了深入了解围填海工程对波浪场特别是风浪场的影响,针对10 a 围填海工程对渤海湾地形岸线的改变,将 SWAN(Simulating Waves Nearshore)海浪数值模式应用到渤海湾,讨论了人类大工程对渤海湾风浪场的影响.采用欧洲气象中心每天4次的风场资料作为驱动,模拟渤海湾2000年和2010年的风浪场,着重分析岸线变化显著的3个港口工程(曹妃甸、天津港和黄骅港)附近海域的波浪要素变化.研究结果表明,工程建筑物存在后,有效波高呈减小趋势,港池和潮汐通道内的有效波高减小幅度较大.港口地理位置和海底地形也与岸线变化共同影响着港口附近海域的波浪场分布.围填海工程对波浪有效波高及周期影响的程度不大,有效波高减小值在0.2 m 以下,周期几乎不变.  相似文献   

Physical forcing plays a major role in determining biological processes in the ocean across the full spectrum of spatial and temporal scales. Variability of biological production in the Bay of Bengal (BoB) based on basin-scale and mesoscale physical processes is presented using hydrographic data collected during the peak summer monsoon in July–August, 2003. Three different and spatially varying physical processes were identified in the upper 300 m: (I) anticyclonic warm gyre offshore in the southern Bay; (II) a cyclonic eddy in the northern Bay; and (III) an upwelling region adjacent to the southern coast. In the warm gyre (>28.8 °C), the low salinity (33.5) surface waters contained low concentrations of nutrients. These warm surface waters extended below the euphotic zone, which resulted in an oligotrophic environment with low surface chlorophyll a (0.12 mg m−3), low surface primary production (2.55 mg C m−3 day−1) and low zooplankton biovolume (0.14 ml m−3). In the cyclonic eddy, the elevated isopycnals raised the nutricline upto the surface (NO3–N > 8.2 μM, PO4–P > 0.8 μM, SiO4–Si > 3.5 μM). Despite the system being highly eutrophic, response in the biological activity was low. In the upwelling zone, although the nutrient concentrations were lower compared to the cyclonic eddy, the surface phytoplankton biomass and production were high (Chl a – 0.25 mg m−3, PP – 9.23 mg C m−3 day−1), and mesozooplankton biovolume (1.12 ml m−3) was rich. Normally in oligotrophic, open ocean ecosystems, primary production is based on ‘regenerated’ nutrients, but during episodic events like eddies the ‘production’ switches over to ‘new production’. The switching over from ‘regenerated production’ to ‘new production’ in the open ocean (cyclonic eddy) and establishment of a new phytoplankton community will take longer than in the coastal system (upwelling). Despite the functioning of a cyclonic eddy and upwelling being divergent (transporting of nutrients from deeper waters to surface), the utilization of nutrients leading to enhanced biological production and its transfer to upper trophic levels in the upwelling region imply that the energy transfer from primary production to secondary production (mesozooplankton) is more efficient than in the cyclonic eddy of the open ocean. The results suggest that basin-scale and mesoscale processes influence the abundance and spatial heterogeneity of plankton populations across a wide spatial scale in the BoB. The multifaceted effects of these physical processes on primary productivity thus play a prominent role in structuring of zooplankton communities and could consecutively affect the recruitment of pelagic fisheries.  相似文献   

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