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地面站点观测数据代表性评价方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在遥感产品真实性检验中,地面站点网络的连续观测数据是进行算法及产品验证的重要数据来源。通常站点观测的空间范围有限,测量数据直接与产品像元值比较会存在尺度误差。因此,分析与评价站点观测在多大尺度上具有代表性,对有效利用观测数据进行算法与产品精度评价具有重要意义。目前全球地面观测站点类型繁多,虽有一定的代表性评价方法,但各类方法的优缺点及适用参数、适用条件各异。因此,为使站点观测代表性评价方法广泛的应用于地面站点观测,进而开展更加有效的遥感产品真实性检验,有必要对当前站点代表性评价方法进行系统的综述及梳理。本文首先阐述遥感产品真实性检验对站点连续观测数据的需求以及站点观测代表性评价的必要性。其次,分析站点观测代表性的评价指标特征,包含点面特征比较以及空间异质性两种评价指标。基于不同评价指标,综述了各种研究方法在站点观测数据代表性评价中的应用,即对点面特征比较评价的物理模型法、站点与区域分布图统计评价法和多站点多时相联合评价法,以及对空间异质性进行评价的一阶统计法和半方差函数法,总结不同代表性评价方法的原理及优缺点。然后,介绍了目前站点数据及代表性评价方法在蒸散、反照率和地表温度等遥感产品真实性检验中的应用,并且以黑河中游农田区观测LAI为例,分析了基于不同评价指标的不同评价方法的特点。最后,针对当前观测代表性评价方法面临的问题提出了下一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

遥感尺度效应问题的存在已经严重限制了定量遥感应用的发展,制约了定量遥感反演精度的提高,成为定量遥感研究中亟待解决的热点问题之一。总体而言,对尺度效应从数学上的泰勒级数展开规律分析的理论较多,然而从遥感数据直观模拟的角度较少。为此,本文从叶面积指数出发,利用机载航空WIDAS数据,引入洛仑兹曲线表达了地表变量的异质性。结合不同非线性程度的LAI反演模型及尺度上推聚合方法分析了尺度效应的成因,结果发现,尺度效应是空间异质性和反演函数非线性的综合体现,空间异质性和反演函数非线性程度的增加均会造成尺度效应的增大。  相似文献   

本文从三生空间功能角度出发,融合多源地理数据建立了三生空间分类指标体系,并进一步顾及空间交互特征,建立了城市空间宜居性评价体系.以武汉市为例,对武汉市中心城区的三生空间格局进行了识别,并对该区域的宜居水平进行了评价分析.结果表明:①武汉市中心城区三生空间的总体配置不均匀,空间上呈现出生活空间中心聚集、生产空间四周分散、...  相似文献   

结合江苏省连续运行参考站网(以下简称JSCORS)徐州地区试点工程项目。对JSCORS系统做了简单的概括,总结该系统的创新点;从参考站网系统、系统控制中心系统、数据通信系统、用户数据中心系统、用户应用系统五个部分对JSCORS徐州子系统的系统组成做了的介绍;最后阐述了JSCORS徐州子系统的测试方法,并得出测试结果。  相似文献   

针对中低分辨率的遥感图像在表征空间异质性较大地区的土壤湿度空间格局存在较大误差问题,该文探讨了基于高分辨率影像在小尺度上分析土壤湿度空间分布及变异规律的可行性。首先利用高分一号WFV数据构建垂直干旱指数来反映秭归县土壤湿度干湿状况,然后进一步分析了该县土壤湿度在水平及垂直方向上的空间格局和分异规律。实验结果表明,野外同步土壤表层水含量测试数据同垂直干旱指数两者表现出较好的相关程度。  相似文献   

土地利用数据承载着人口分布的重要信息,基于土地利用/土地覆盖的人口数据空间化方法最为常见,但该方法未考虑地表覆盖的空间聚集性.本文以江苏省为例,以县级为研究单元,基于2010年全球地表覆盖数据(GlobeLand 30)中的人造地表数据,构建江苏省各县人口统计数据与各县人造地表面积之间的人口空间化模型.在此基础上,选用...  相似文献   

章文  李彦  张莉 《测绘通报》2015,(2):38-41
制造业和生产性服务业各自具有聚集特性,同时生产性服务业可不受制于空间约束,通过信息通信和交通运输使得与制造业在空间上具有可分性。现有产业空间可分性研究主要以定性分析为主,缺乏有效的测度指标。本文利用全局和局域Moran指数及其双变量变体,结合Moran散点图和LISA图,对深圳市的制造业和生产性服务业企业空间关联格局进行定量分析。研究表明,深圳市生产性服务业与制造业空间自相关性明显,且两者具有空间可分性,这为合理进行制造业和生产性服务业的空间规划布局提供了新思路。  相似文献   

以GIS空间数据处理为平台,在层次分析法的基础上对攀西矿区的矿山地质环境构建了评价指标体系,综合各评价指标所占权重对攀西矿区的地质环境作了评价分级,该评价分级结果反映出研究区的矿山地质环境状况并分析了问题原因,为攀西矿区的地质环境管理和恢复治理提供了依据。  相似文献   

空间粒度变化对景观格局指数的影响——以徐州地区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以TM遥感图像为数据源,选择徐州地区一块441km2的研究区,应用地理信息系统技术处理得到该研究区的景观遥感类型图,选取10个景观水平的景观格局指数,利用景观格局分析软件FRAGSTATS3.3进行计算,分析了不同粒度对景观格局指数计算结果的影响。结果表明:随着粒度值由30m到480m的逐渐增加,除丰富度外的景观指数均具有明显的粒度效应。从而对该地区景观格局特征的评价提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

近年来,土壤重金属污染日益严重,已造成农产品的质量安全问题,并危及人们的身体健康。因此,本文采用GIS技术与地统计学相结合的方法,应用ArcGIS软件对高陵县城镇化进展较快的通远镇农田土壤重金属进行空间分析与污染评价,为该区发展无公害蔬菜基地及国家级安全农产品生产示范区提供了科学的依据,为进一步做好城镇化工作提供有力的保障。  相似文献   

刘艳  王锦地  周红敏  薛华柱 《遥感学报》2014,18(6):1189-1198
遥感叶面积指数产品精度和不确定性需要通过地面测量的数据来验证。因为两者的空间尺度差异,验证前需要通过尺度转换方法将这两种数据的尺度统一。将泰勒级数展开模型进行改进后,可以用于解决叶面积指数遥感产品验证中地面测量数据与遥感产品尺度不匹配的问题,同时可以针对每个数据定量给出误差。将误差在阈值范围内的实测数据作为地面参考值对遥感产品进行验证。本文利用这种方法将黑河综合遥感联合实验数据集中的地面测量叶面积指数尺度上升到遥感像元尺度,并与MODIS,GLASS LAI遥感产品进行了比较。  相似文献   

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is largely used to estimate Leaf Area Index (LAI) using radiative transfer modeling (the “main” algorithm). When this algorithm fails for a pixel, which frequently occurs over Brazilian soybean areas, an empirical model (the “backup” algorithm) based on the relationship between the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and LAI is utilized. The objective of this study is to evaluate directional effects on NDVI and subsequent LAI estimates using global (biome 3) and local empirical models, as a function of the soybean development in two growing seasons (2004–2005 and 2005–2006). The local model was derived from the pixels that had LAI values retrieved from the main algorithm. In order to keep the reproductive stage for a given cultivar as a constant factor while varying the viewing geometry, pairs of MODIS images acquired in close dates from opposite directions (backscattering and forward scattering) were selected. Linear regression relationships between the NDVI values calculated from these two directions were evaluated for different view angles (0–25°; 25–45°; 45–60°) and development stages (<45; 45–90; >90 days after planting). Impacts on LAI retrievals were analyzed. Results showed higher reflectance values in backscattering direction due to the predominance of sunlit soybean canopy components towards the sensor and higher NDVI values in forward scattering direction due to stronger shadow effects in the red waveband. NDVI differences between the two directions were statistically significant for view angles larger than 25°. The main algorithm for LAI estimation failed in the two growing seasons with gradual crop development. As a result, up to 94% of the pixels had LAI values calculated from the backup algorithm at the peak of canopy closure. Most of the pixels selected to compose the 8-day MODIS LAI product came from the forward scattering view because it displayed larger LAI values than the backscattering. Directional effects on the subsequent LAI retrievals were stronger at the peak of the soybean development (NDVI values between 0.70 and 0.85). When the global empirical model was used, LAI differences up to 3.2 for consecutive days and opposite viewing directions were observed. Such differences were reduced to values up to 1.5 with the local model. Because of the predominance of LAI retrievals from the MODIS backup algorithm during the Brazilian soybean development, care is necessary if one considers using these data in agronomic growing/yield models.  相似文献   

在数量适度的情况下,合理布设高速公路交通量调查观测站点,使观测数据准确反映路网运行特征是高速公路交通量调查与信息服务体系构建的重要支撑。文中运用GIS空间网络分析技术,结合"两阶段"宏观布设法和OD反推布设法,开发交通量调查观测站布设软件。当缺少历史流量数据时,用"两阶段"宏观布设法以路段累计重要度代替路段流量,并进行累计重要度计算。最后以江苏省高速公路网一类调查观测站布设为例进行验证,结果表明,软件可基本实现科学、高效的高速公路一类调查观测站布设。  相似文献   

The validation study of leaf area index (LAI) products over rugged surfaces not only gives additional insights into data quality of LAI products, but deepens understanding of uncertainties regarding land surface process models depended on LAI data over complex terrain. This study evaluated the performance of MODIS and GLASS LAI products using the intercomparison and direct validation methods over southwestern China. The spatio-temporal consistencies, such as the spatial distributions of LAI products and their statistical relationship as a function of topographic indices, time, and vegetation types, respectively, were investigated through intercomparison between MODIS and GLASS products during the period 2011–2013. The accuracies and change ranges of these two products were evaluated against available LAI reference maps over 10 sampling regions which standed for typical vegetation types and topographic gradients in southwestern China.The results show that GLASS LAI exhibits higher percentage of good quality data (i.e. successful retrievals) and smoother temporal profiles than MODIS LAI. The percentage of successful retrievals for MODIS and GLASS is vulnerable to topographic indices, especially to relief amplitude. Besides, the two products do not capture seasonal dynamics of crop, especially in spring over heterogeneously hilly regions. The yearly mean LAI differences between MODIS and GLASS are within ±0.5 for 64.70% of the total retrieval pixels over southwestern China. The spatial distribution of mean differences and temporal profiles of these two products are inclined to be dominated by vegetation types other than topographic indices. The spatial and temporal consistency of these two products is good over most area of grasses/cereal crops; however, it is poor for evergreen broadleaf forest. MODIS presents more reliable change range of LAI than GLASS through comparison with fine resolution reference maps over most of sampling regions. The accuracies of direct validation are obtained for GLASS LAI (r = 0.35, RMSE = 1.72, mean bias = −0.71) and MODIS LAI (r = 0.49, RMSE = 1.75, mean bias = −0.67). GLASS performs similarly to MODIS, but may be marginally inferior to MODIS based on our direct validation results. The validation experience demonstrates the necessity and importance of topographic consideration for LAI estimation over mountain areas. Considerable attention will be paid to the improvements of surface reflectance, retrieval algorithm and land cover types so as to enhance the quality of LAI products in topographically complex terrain.  相似文献   

直方变差图理论在卫星产品质量检验空间配准中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘瑞霞  师春香  刘杰 《遥感学报》2009,13(2):307-312
将直方变差图中的"驻点"理论引入卫星产品质量验证中,用于解决不同资料对比中的空间配准问题.提出了直方变差图理论用于卫星资料质量检验中驻点、边界点的定义以及应用原理,以中国风云2号C星海面温度产品为例,对这种方法进行了应用试验,结果表明,可以减少卫星产品检验空间配准过程中由于降尺度(downscaling)或升尺度(upscaling)导致像元性质改变而引入的伪误差;通过卫星资料与离散常规观测资料的比对,可以不严格进行空间配准,也可得到相对准确的精度检验结果.  相似文献   

In the period 1999–2009 ten-day SPOT-VEGETATION products of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) at 1 km spatial resolution were used in order to estimate and forecast the wheat yield over Europe. The products were used together with official wheat yield statistics to fine-tune a statistical model for each NUTS2 region, based on the Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) method. This method has been chosen to construct the model in the presence of many correlated predictor variables (10-day values of remote sensing indicators) and a limited number of wheat yield observations. The model was run in two different modalities: the “monitoring mode”, which allows for an overall yield assessment at the end of the growing season, and the “forecasting mode”, which provides early and timely yield estimates when the growing season is on-going. Performances of yield estimation at the regional and national level were evaluated using a cross-validation technique against yield statistics and the estimations were compared with those of a reference crop growth model. Models based on either NDVI or FAPAR normalized indicators achieved similar results with a minimal advantage of the model based on the FAPAR product. Best modelling results were obtained for the countries in Central Europe (Poland, North-Eastern Germany) and also Great Britain. By contrast, poor model performances characterize countries as follows: Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Portugal, Romania and Hungary. Country level yield estimates using the PLSR model in the monitoring mode, and those of a reference crop growth model that do not make use of remote sensing information showed comparable accuracies. The largest estimation errors were observed in Portugal, Spain and Finland for both approaches. This convergence may indicate poor reliability of the official yield statistics in these countries.  相似文献   

Monitoring soil moisture with satellite sensors is an effective approach for agricultural drought assessment. Currently, large quantities of sensor-derived observation data with different observation metadata models exist, and they require efficient and accurate methods of discovery. In this study, an earth observation (EO) metadata ontology with a spatiotemporal-spectral-enhanced structure is designed to solve this problem. The ontology is based on the proposed EO metadata model, which is composed of nonfunctional and functional sub-modules and supports the Open Geospatial Consortium EO profile of observations and measurements. Using EO metadata ontology, an application for soil moisture monitoring in Hubei Province in China is tested. The results indicate that metadata retrieval with a spatiotemporal-spectral-enhanced method can efficiently achieve fine-grained discovery of qualified EO metadata and obtain soil moisture monitoring information from sensor images. In summary, the spatiotemporal-spectral semantics in the proposed ontology demonstrate the use of EO metadata in the context of a soil moisture monitoring application, improving the efficiency and accuracy of EO metadata discovery.  相似文献   

为了全面分析我国大陆及其周边GNSS连续站噪声的空间分布规律,该文基于陆态网络260个GNSS连续站和周边区域10个IGS站的观测数据,利用GAMIT/GLOBK软件进行解算,得到各站的坐标值及其N、E、U 3分量误差值,制定筛选标准,依据该标准剔除质量差的测站,剔除异常值;利用Matlab软件,按照东向(E分量)、北向(N分量)、垂向(U分量)3个方向进行拟合,并提取各测站单日解的最大误差值出现的年积日,绘制其在我国大陆的空间分布图,得到中国大陆GNSS连续站最大单日误差值的时空分布特性图。发现大部分GNSS连续站单日最大误差值集中在夏季(7月居多)并分析了原因。  相似文献   

Studies in transportation planning routinely use data in which location attributes are an important source of information. Thus, using spatial attributes in urban travel forecasting models seems reasonable. The main objective of this paper is to estimate transit trip production using Factorial Kriging with External Drift (FKED) through an aggregated data case study of Traffic Analysis Zones in São Paulo city, Brazil. The method consists of a sequential application of Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Kriging with External Drift (KED). The traditional Linear Regression (LR) model was adopted with the aim of validating the proposed method. The results show that PCA summarizes and combines 23 socioeconomic variables using 4 components. The first component is introduced in KED, as secondary information, to estimate transit trip production by public transport in geographic coordinates where there is no prior knowledge of the values. Cross-validation for the FKED model presented high values of the correlation coefficient between estimated and observed values. Moreover, low error values were observed. The accuracy of the LR model was similar to FKED. However, the proposed method is able to map the transit trip production in several geographical coordinates of non-sampled values.  相似文献   

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