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We report the first detection of an inverse Compton X-ray emission, spatially correlated with a very steep spectrum radio source (VSSRS), 0038-096, without any detected optical counterpart, in cluster Abell 85. The ROSAT PSPC data and its multiscale wavelet analysis reveal a large-scale (linear diameter of the order of 500 h −150 kpc), diffuse X-ray component, in addition to the thermal bremsstrahlung, overlapping an equally large-scale VSSRS. The primeval 3 K background photons, scattering off the relativistic electrons, can produce the X-rays at the detected level. The inverse Compton flux is estimated to be (6.5 ± 0.5) × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 in the 0.5–2.4 keV X-ray band. A new 327-MHz radio map is presented for the cluster field. The synchrotron emission flux is estimated to be (6.6 ± 0.90) × 10−14 erg s−1 cm−2 in the 10–100 MHz radio band. The positive detection of both radio and X-ray emission from a common ensemble of relativistic electrons leads to an estimate of (0.95 ± 0.10) × 10−6 G for the cluster-scale magnetic field strength. The estimated field is free of the 'equipartition' conjecture, the distance, and the emission volume. Further, the radiative fluxes and the estimated magnetic field imply the presence of 'relic' (radiative lifetime ≳ 109 yr) relativistic electrons with Lorentz factors γ ≈ 700–1700; this would be a significant source of radio emission in the hitherto unexplored frequency range ν ≈ 2–10 MHz.  相似文献   

We present a simple physical mechanism that can account for the observed stellar mass spectrum for masses M ∗≳0.5 M . The model depends solely on the competitive accretion that occurs in stellar clusters where each star's accretion rate depends on the local gas density and the square of the accretion radius. In a stellar cluster, there are two different regimes depending on whether the gas or the stars dominate the gravitational potential. When the cluster is dominated by cold gas, the accretion radius is given by a tidal-lobe radius. This occurs as the cluster collapses towards a ρ  ∝  R −2 distribution. Accretion in this regime results in a mass spectrum with an asymptotic limit of γ =−3/2 (where Salpeter is γ =−2.35) . Once the stars dominate the potential and are virialized, which occurs first in the cluster core, the accretion radius is the Bondi–Hoyle radius. The resultant mass spectrum has an asymptotic limit of γ =−2 with slightly steeper slopes ( γ ≈−2.5) if the stars are already mass-segregated. Simulations of accretion on to clusters containing 1000 stars show that, as expected, the low-mass stars accumulate the majority of their masses during the gas-dominated phase whereas the high-mass stars accumulate the majority of their masses during the stellar-dominated phase. This results in a mass spectrum with a relatively shallow γ ≈3/2 power law for low-mass stars and a steeper power law for high-mass stars −2.5≲ γ ≤−2 . This competitive accretion model also results in a mass-segregated cluster.  相似文献   

Although radio-quiet quasars (RQQs) constitute ≳ 90 per cent of optically identified quasar samples, their radio properties are only poorly understood. In this paper we present the results of a multi-frequency VLA study of 27 low-redshift RQQs. We detect radio emission from 20 objects, half of which are unresolved (≤ 0.24 arcsec). In cases where significant structure can be resolved, double, triple and linear radio sources on scales of a few kpc are found. The radio emission (typically) has a steep spectrum (α ∼ 0.7, where S  ∝ ν−α), and high brightness temperatures ( T B ≥ 105 K) are measured in some of the radio components. The RQQs form a natural extension to the radio luminosity–absolute magnitude distribution of nearby Seyfert 1s. We conclude that a significant fraction of the radio emission in RQQs originates in a compact nuclear source directly associated with the quasar. There are no significant differences between the radio properties of RQQs with elliptical hosts and those in disc galaxies within the current sample.  相似文献   

Observations of V404 Cyg performed using the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope at four frequencies, over the interval 1.4–8.4 GHz, have provided us with the first broad-band radio spectrum of a 'quiescent' stellar mass black hole. The measured mean flux density is of 0.35 mJy, with a spectral index  α=+0.09 ± 0.19  (such that   S ν∝να  ). Synchrotron emission from an inhomogeneous partially self-absorbed outflow of plasma accounts for the flat/inverted radio spectrum, in analogy with hard-state black hole X-ray binaries, indicating that a steady jet is being produced between a few 10−6 and a few per cent of the Eddington X-ray luminosity.  相似文献   

We have observed the energetic binary Cygnus X-3 in both quiescent and flaring states between 4 and 16 μm using the ISO satellite. We find that the quiescent source shows the thermal free–free spectrum typical of a hot, fast stellar wind, such as from a massive helium star. The quiescent mass-loss rate arising from a spherically symmetric, non-accelerating wind is found to be in the range (0.4–2.9)×10−4 M yr−1, consistent with other infrared and radio observations, but considerably larger than the 10−5 M yr−1 deduced from both the orbital change and the X-ray column density. There is rapid, large-amplitude flaring at 4.5 and 11.5 μm at the same time as enhanced radio and X-ray activity, with the infrared spectrum apparently becoming flatter in the flaring state. We believe that non-thermal processes are operating, perhaps along with enhanced thermal emission.  相似文献   

We present numerical investigations into the formation of massive stars from turbulent cores of density structure  ρ∝ r −1.5  . The results of five hydrodynamical simulations are described, following the collapse of the core, fragmentation and the formation of small clusters of protostars. We generate two different initial turbulent velocity fields corresponding to power-law spectra   P ∝ k −4  and   P ∝ k −3.5  , and we apply two different initial core radii. Calculations are included for both completely isothermal collapse, and a non-isothermal equation of state above a critical density  (10−14 g cm−3)  . Our calculations reveal the preference of fragmentation over monolithic star formation in turbulent cores. Fragmentation was prevalent in all the isothermal cases. Although disc fragmentation was largely suppressed in the non-isothermal runs due to the small dynamic range between the initial density and the critical density, our results show that some fragmentation still persisted. This is inconsistent with previous suggestions that turbulent cores result in the formation of a single massive star. We conclude that turbulence cannot be measured as an isotropic pressure term.  相似文献   

The single glitch observed in PSR B1821−24, a millisecond pulsar in M28, is unusual on two counts. First, the magnitude of this glitch is at least an order of magnitude smaller  (Δν/ν∼ 10−11)  than the smallest glitch observed to date. Secondly, all other glitching pulsars have strong magnetic fields with   B ≳ 1011 G  and are young, whereas PSR B1821−24 is an old recycled pulsar with a field strength of  2.25 × 109 G  . We have earlier suggested that some of the recycled pulsars could actually be strange quark stars. In this work, we argue that the crustal properties of such a strange pulsar are just right to give rise to a glitch of this magnitude, explaining the scarcity of larger glitches in millisecond pulsars.  相似文献   

Sakurai's object (V4334 Sgr) is a planetary nebula nucleus which is undergoing its final helium shell flash. This is the first of these rare and important events to be observable with non-optical instruments. We report the first radio detection, using a short (2-h) observation with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 4.86 GHz. The radio emission structure is coincident with the 34-arcsec diameter planetary nebula seen in optical emission lines. We find a statistical distance ∼ 3.8 ± 0.6 kpc, with a range of 1.9 <  D  < 5.3 kpc, depending on the planetary nebula (PN) mass. While we have no direct evidence for a new (post-flash) stellar wind, we estimate an upper limit to the mass-loss rate due to any such wind of 1.7 × 10−7 M⊙ yr−1. The number of emitting knots in the radio-visible nebula indicates an electron density of ∼ 2 × 108 m−3 in those knots, and a total emitting ionized mass of ∼ 0.15 M⊙, at an assumed distance of 3.8 kpc. The radio flux density indicates an Hβ flux of ∼ 6 × 10−16 W m−2, suggesting an extinction E ( B  −  V ) ∼ 1.15, comparable with reddening estimates in the direction of V4334 Sgr.  相似文献   

Recent ROSAT measurements show that the X-ray emission from isolated neutron stars is modulated at the stellar rotation period. To interpret these measurements, one needs precise calculations of the heat transfer through the thin insulating envelopes of neutron stars. We present nearly analytic models of the thermal structure of the envelopes of ultramagnetized neutron stars. Specifically, we examine the limit in which only the ground Landau level is filled. We use the models to estimate the amplitude of modulation expected from non-uniformities in the surface temperatures of strongly magnetized neutron stars. In addition, we estimate cooling rates for stars with fields B  ∼ 1015 − 1016 G, which are relevant to models that invoke 'magnetars' to account for soft γ-ray emission from some repeating sources.  相似文献   

In light of the recent suggestion that the nearby eclipsing binary star system V Puppis has a dark companion on a long orbit, we present the results of radio and X-ray observations of it. We find an upper limit on its radio flux of about 300 μJy and a detection of it in the X-rays with a luminosity of about  3 × 1031  erg s−1, a value much lower than what had been observed in some of the low angular resolution surveys of the past. These data are in good agreement with the idea that the X-ray emission from V Puppis comes from mass transfer between the two B stars in the system, but can still accommodate the idea that the X-ray emission comes from the black hole accreting stellar wind from one or both of the B stars.  相似文献   

In this paper we present chromospheric emission levels of the solar-type stars in the young open clusters IC 2391 and IC 2602. High-resolution spectroscopic data were obtained for over 50 F, G and K stars from these clusters over several observing campaigns using the University College London Echelle Spectrograph on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope. Unlike older clusters, the majority (28/52) of the solar-type stars in the two clusters are rapid rotators  ( v  sin  i > 20 km s−1)  with five of the stars being classified as ultra-rapid rotators  ( v  sin  i > 100 km s−1)  . The emission levels in the calcium infrared triplet lines were then used as a measure of the chromospheric activity of the stars. When plotted against the Rossby number ( N R), the star's chromospheric emission levels show a plateau in the emission for  log( N R) ≲−1.1  indicating chromospheric saturation similar to the coronal saturation seen in previously observed X-ray emission from the same stars. However, unlike the coronal emission, the chromospheric emission of the stars shows little evidence of a reduction in emission (i.e. supersaturation) for the ultra-rapid rotators in the clusters. Thus we believe that coronal supersaturation is not the result of an overall decrease in magnetic dynamo efficiency for ultra-rapid rotators.  相似文献   

We present BeppoSAX observations of Nova Velorum 1999 (V382 Vel), carried out in a broad X-ray band covering 0.1–300 keV only 15 d after the discovery and again after 6 months. The nova was detected at day 15 with the BeppoSAX instruments which measured a flux F x≃1.8×10−11 erg cm−2 s−1 in the 0.1–10 keV range and a 2 σ upper limit F x<6.7×10−12 erg cm−2 s−1 in the 15–60 keV range. We attribute the emission to shocked nebular ejecta at a plasma temperature kT ≃6 keV . At six months no bright component emerged in the 15–60 keV range, but a bright central supersoft X-ray source appeared. The hot nebular component previously detected had cooled to a plasma temperature kT <1 keV . There was strong intrinsic absorption of the ejecta in the first observation and not in the second, because the column density of neutral hydrogen decreased from N (H)≃1.7×1023 to N (H)≃1021 cm−2 (close to the interstellar value). The unabsorbed X-ray flux also decreased from F x=4.3×10−11 to F x≃10−12 erg cm−2 s−1 .  相似文献   

We have searched the archived, pointed ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter data for blazars by correlating the WGACAT X-ray data base with several publicly available radio catalogues, restricting our candidate list to serendipitous X-ray sources with a flat radio spectrum ( α r≤0.70, where S ν ∝ ν − α ). This makes up the Deep X-ray Radio Blazar Survey (DXRBS). Here we present new identifications and spectra for 106 sources, including 86 radio-loud quasars, 11 BL Lacertae objects, and nine narrow-line radio galaxies. Together with our previously published objects and already-known sources, our sample now contains 298 identified objects: 234 radio-loud quasars [181 flat-spectrum quasars: FSRQ ( α r≤0.50) and 53 steep-spectrum quasars: SSRQ], 36 BL Lacs and 28 narrow-line radio galaxies. Redshift information is available for 96 per cent of these. Thus our selection technique is ∼90 per cent efficient at finding radio-loud quasars and BL Lacs. Reaching 5-GHz radio fluxes ∼50 mJy and 0.1–2.0 keV X-ray fluxes a few ×10−14 erg cm−2 s−1, DXRBS is the faintest and largest flat-spectrum radio sample with nearly complete (∼85 per cent) identification. We review the properties of the DXRBS blazar sample, including redshift distribution and coverage of the X-ray-radio–power plane for quasars and BL Lacs. Additionally, we touch upon the expanded multiwavelength view of blazars provided by DXRBS. By sampling for the first time the faint end of the radio and X-ray luminosity functions, this sample will allow us to investigate the blazar phenomenon and the validity of unified schemes down to relatively low powers.  相似文献   

We investigate the molecular bands in carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), using the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope ( SST ) over the 5–38 μm range. All 26 low-resolution spectra show acetylene (C2H2) bands at 7 and 14 μm. The hydrogen cyanide (HCN) bands at these wavelengths are very weak or absent. This is consistent with low nitrogen abundances in the LMC. The observed 14 μm C2H2  band is reasonably reproduced by an excitation temperature of 500 K. There is no clear dilution of the 14 μm C2H2  band by circumstellar dust emission. This 14-μm band originates from molecular gas in the circumstellar envelope in these high mass-loss rate stars, in agreement with previous findings for Galactic stars. The C2H2 column density, derived from the 13.7 μm band, shows a gas mass-loss rate in the range 3 × 10−6 to 5 × 10−5 M yr−1. This is comparable with the total mass-loss rate of these stars estimated from the spectral energy distribution. Additionally, we compare the line strengths of the 13.7 μm C2H2  band of our LMC sample with those of a Galactic sample. Despite the low metallicity of the LMC, there is no clear difference in the C2H2  abundance among LMC and Galactic stars. This reflects the effect of the third dredge-up bringing self-produced carbon to the surface, leading to high carbon-to-oxygen ratio at low metallicity.  相似文献   

We present a catalogue of 147 serendipitous X-ray sources selected to have hard spectra ( α <0.5) from a survey of 188 ROSAT fields. Such sources must be the dominant contributors to the X-ray background at faint fluxes. We have used Monte Carlo simulations to verify that our technique is very efficient at selecting hard sources: the survey has 10 times as much effective area for hard sources as it has for soft sources above a 0.5–2 keV flux level of 10−14 erg cm−2 s−1. The distribution of best-fitting spectral slopes of the hard sources suggests that a typical ROSAT hard source in our survey has a spectral slope α ∼0. The hard sources have a steep number flux relation (d N /d S ∝ S − γ with a best-fitting value of γ =2.72±0.12) and make up about 15 per cent of all 0.5–2 keV sources with S >10−14 erg cm−2 s−1. If their N ( S ) continues to fainter fluxes, the hard sources will comprise ∼40 per cent of sources with 5×10−15< S <10−14 erg cm−2 s−1. The population of hard sources can therefore account for the harder average spectra of ROSAT sources with S <10−14 erg cm−2 s−1. They probably make a strong contribution to the X-ray background at faint fluxes and could be the solution to the X-ray background spectral paradox.  相似文献   

ISOPHOT has been used to perform high-resolution 60-μm scans of Vega, and these have been compared with those from γDra, to obtain a Gaussian width of 22±2 arcsec. The dust disc around Vega has been mapped, resolving it at 60 and 90 μm with ISOPHOT. At 90 μm a Gaussian width of 36±3 arsec has been derived. In addition, multi-filter photometry is presented, at 25, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150, 170 and 200 μm. The data are fitted by a modified blackbody with a temperature of 73 K [ Q (λ)∝1/λ1.1]. The dust disc has a luminosity L IR/ L *∼3×10−5. Using a distance of 7.8 pc, 22 arcsec corresponds to a distance of 86 au, and 36 arcsec to a distance of 140 au.  相似文献   

We calculate the expected mid-infrared (MIR) molecular hydrogen line emission from the first objects in the Universe. As a result of their low masses, the stellar feedback from massive stars is able to blow away their gas content and collect it into a cooling shell where H2 rapidly forms and IR roto-vibrational (as for example the rest-frame 2.12 μm) lines carry away a large fraction (up to 10 per cent) of the explosion energy. The fluxes from these sources are in the range 10−21–10−17 erg s−1 cm−2 . The highest number counts are expected in the 20-μm band, where about 105 sources deg−2 are predicted at the limiting flux of 3×10−18 erg s−1 cm−2. Among the planned observational facilities, we find that the best detection perspectives are offered by the Next Generation Space Telescope ( NGST ), which should be able to reveal about 200 first objects in one hour observation time at its limiting flux in the above band. Therefore, mid-IR instruments appear to represent perfect tools to trace star formation and stellar feedback in the high ( z ≳5) redshift Universe.  相似文献   

We present millimetre photometry and submillimetre imaging of the central core and two hotspots in the radio lobes of the galaxy Cygnus A. For both hotspots and the central core, the synchrotron spectrum continues smoothly from the radio to a frequency of 677 GHz. The spectral index of the hotspots is constant over our frequency range, with a spectral index of α ≈ −1.0 ( S ν ∝ να), which is steeper than at lower frequencies and represents the emission from an aged population of electrons. The core is significantly flatter, with α = −0.6 ± 0.1, suggestive of an injected spectrum with no ageing, but some evidence for steepening exists at our highest observing frequency. Although IRAS data suggest the presence of dust in Cygnus A, our 450-μm data show no evidence of cold dust, therefore the dust component must have a temperature lying between 85 and 37 K, corresponding to dust masses of 1.4 × 106 and 1.0 × 108 M respectively.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on neutron stars (NS) of the magnetar type inside massive binary systems. We determine the conditions under which the matter from the stellar wind can penetrate the inner magnetosphere of the magnetar. At a certain distance from the NS surface, the magnetic pressure can balance the gravitational pressure of the accreting matter, creating a very turbulent, magnetized transition region. It is suggested that this region provides good conditions for the acceleration of electrons to relativistic energies. These electrons lose energy due to the synchrotron process and inverse Compton (IC) scattering of the radiation from the nearby massive stellar companion, producing high-energy radiation from X-rays up to ∼TeV γ-rays. The primary γ-rays can be further absorbed in the stellar radiation field, developing an IC  e±  pair cascade. We calculate the synchrotron X-ray emission from primary electrons and secondary  e±  pairs and the IC γ-ray emission from the cascade process. It is shown that quasi-simultaneous observations of the TeV γ-ray binary system LSI +61 303 in the X-ray and TeV γ-ray energy ranges can be explained with such an accreting magnetar model.  相似文献   

We employ spectra of resolution 20–35000 of seven SC stars, four S stars, two Ba stars and two K–M stars to derive abundances of a variety of elements from Sr to Eu relative to iron. Special attention is paid to Rb and Tc, and to the ratio of the heavy s-process species to the light s-process elements. Abundances are derived in LTE, both by using model atmospheres in which the carbon and oxygen abundances are nearly equal and by using curves of growth. Spectrum synthesis is used for critical lines such as the 5924-Å line of Tc and the 7800-Å line of Rb. For most of the heavy-element stars the enhancement of the s-process elements is about a factor of 10. The ratio of the heavy to light s-process species is not far from solar, except for RR Her for which the same ratio is +0.45 dex. For Tc the blending by other lines is severe. While we have probably detected the 5924-Å line, we can only present abundances in the less-than-or-equal-to category. For Rb, whose abundance is sensitive to the 85Rb/87Rb ratio and hence to the neutron density during s-process production, we find a considerable range of abundances, indicating a neutron density from 106 to ≳108 cm−3 for the SC stars. For the four S stars the range is from 107 to ≳108 cm−3. Recent calculations by Gallino et al. show that neutron densities near 107 cm−3 favour the 13C source for neutrons, while densities greater than 108 cm−3 may be associated with neutrons from the 22Ne source.  相似文献   

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