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《Marine pollution bulletin》2013,66(10-12):453-462
Bivalve larvae and hydrographic parameters were sampled over a range of spatio-temporal scales in a deep atoll lagoon. Bivalve larvae abundances were very high throughout the year: 18,550 m−3 in average. Larvae were (i) concentrated at mid-depth with nocturnal ascent and diurnal descent, (ii) heterogeneously dispersed at the lagoon scale, (iii) subject to day-to-day variation in abundance and (iv) transferred between different parts of the lagoon providing evidence of intra-lagoonal connectivity. The primacy of physical factors was seen on large spatial scale with the diluting effect of water renewal and transfers by hydrodynamics. On smaller spatial scale, the primacy of biological processes was recognised, with larval swimming activity leading to dial vertical migration correlated with food concentration. Variations in larval abundance were driven by bivalve reproductive activity correlated with meteorological conditions (i.e. windy periods). Finally, relationship between bivalve larvae patterns and pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) settlement structuring is discussed.  相似文献   

Bivalve larvae and hydrographic parameters were sampled over a range of spatio-temporal scales in a deep atoll lagoon. Bivalve larvae abundances were very high throughout the year: 18,550 m(-3) in average. Larvae were (i) concentrated at mid-depth with nocturnal ascent and diurnal descent, (ii) heterogeneously dispersed at the lagoon scale, (iii) subject to day-to-day variation in abundance and (iv) transferred between different parts of the lagoon providing evidence of intra-lagoonal connectivity. The primacy of physical factors was seen on large spatial scale with the diluting effect of water renewal and transfers by hydrodynamics. On smaller spatial scale, the primacy of biological processes was recognised, with larval swimming activity leading to dial vertical migration correlated with food concentration. Variations in larval abundance were driven by bivalve reproductive activity correlated with meteorological conditions (i.e. windy periods). Finally, relationship between bivalve larvae patterns and pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) settlement structuring is discussed.  相似文献   

Pearl oyster aquaculture is a major activity in French Polynesia atoll lagoons. After the economic decline that characterized the last decade, concerns recently rose about discarded installations and materials that supported aquaculture practices and by facilities abandoned after they had to close their activities. In May 2013, a first inventory of the type and amount of pearl farms derelict gear (PFDG) was achieved on 47 sites in Ahe lagoon. Surveys were conducted within and outside the boundaries of aquaculture concessions. Twenty types of PFDG littered the lagoon floor and the water column. The most impacted areas were near abandoned grafting houses with up to nine types of PFDG. Forty-five percent of the sites were impacted, including outside concessions. While management authorities are fully aware of the problem, this first assessment is a wake-up call to stimulate the cleaning of lagoons, enhance awareness among farmers, and identify potential ecological consequences on lagoon ecosystems.  相似文献   

Metazooplankton abundance, biomass (<80μm, 200-500μm and >500μm) and community structure in the Ahe atoll were studied together with their relationships with environmental factors (temperature, salinity, wind) and trophic factors (phytoplankton, bacteria, heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) and ciliates) during three periods in 2008-2009. Meroplankton, mainly bivalve and gastropod larvae, was dominant. Holoplankton was dominated by copepods, the main species being Oithona spp., Paracalanus parvus, Clausocalanus spp., Corycaeus spp., Acartia fossae and Undinula vulgaris. The results suggest a clear wind influence on the structure and horizontal distribution of the zooplankton communities. The metazooplankton appeared to be controlled mainly by food resources, suggesting a bottom-up control. The low nanophytoplankton biomass in contrast to the high abundance of picophytoplankton, HNF and nano-particle grazers (mainly Oithona spp., Paracalanus and bivalve larvae) highlighted the importance of the microbial loop in the food web.  相似文献   

In atoll lagoons of French Polynesia, growth and reproduction of pearl oysters are mainly driven by plankton concentration. However, the actual diet of black-lip pearl oysters Pinctada margaritifera in these lagoons is poorly known. To fill this gap, we used the flow through chamber method to measure clearance rates of P. margaritifera in Ahe atoll lagoon (Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia). We found: (i) that pearl oysters cleared plankton at a rate that was positively related to plankton biovolume, (ii) that nanoflagellates were the main source of carbon for the pearl oysters, and (iii) that the quantity and origin of carbon filtrated by pearl oysters was highly dependent on the concentration and composition of plankton. These results provide essential elements for the comprehension of growth and reproduction variability of pearl oysters in atoll lagoons of French Polynesia.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic functioning and water circulation of the semi-closed deep lagoon of Ahe atoll (Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia) were investigated using 1year of field data and a 3D hydrodynamical model. Tidal amplitude averaged less than 30cm, but tide generated very strong currents (2ms(-1)) in the pass, creating a jet-like circulation that partitioned the lagoon into three residual circulation cells. The pass entirely flushed excess water brought by waves-induced radiation stress. Circulation patterns were computed for climatological meteorological conditions and summarized with stream function and flushing time. Lagoon hydrodynamics and general overturning circulation was driven by wind. Renewal time was 250days, whereas the e-flushing time yielded a lagoon-wide 80-days average. Tide-driven flush through the pass and wind-driven overturning circulation designate Ahe as a wind-driven, tidally and weakly wave-flushed deep lagoon. The 3D model allows studying pearl oyster larvae dispersal in both realistic and climatological conditions for aquaculture applications.  相似文献   

Many cultured pearl farms are located in areas of the Pacific that have thriving, highly diverse fish communities but the impacts of farming on these communities are poorly understood. We studied the effects of pearl oyster farming on shore fish abundance and diversity in the lagoon of Ahe, French Polynesia by adapting roving diver census methods to the coral reef bommies of the lagoon and compared 16 sites with high pearl farming impact to others with no direct impact. Pearl farming has a slightly positive effect on reef fish abundance (N) and no significant impact on fish diversity (H) or community composition. This is important when considering the ecological sustainability of pearl farming in French Polynesia and suggests that a potential synergy between pearl farms and marine conservation should be further explored.  相似文献   

Pearl culture industry represents one of the dominant business sector of French Polynesia. However, it still entirely relies on unpredictable spat collection success. Our aim was to assess the influence of natural plankton concentration fluctuations on maturation and spawning of the black lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera, during a 4months survey conducted in Ahe atoll lagoon. Plankton concentration was assessed by chlorophyll a extraction and by microscope counts while gonadic index, gonado-visceral dry weights and histology were used to measure pearl oysters reproduction activity. We found that (i) plankton concentration fluctuations were mainly related to wind regime, (ii) gametogenesis rate was mainly related to plankton concentration, (iii) spawning occurred when maximal gonad storage was reached, (iv) plankton concentration was the main spawning synchronizing factor. These results contribute explaining P. margaritifera spat collection variability in French Polynesian atoll lagoon.  相似文献   

Samples from five islands of the Marquesas Island chain (southeast Pacific Ocean) have been dated by the K-Ar method and exhibit a northwest to southeast volcanic migration rate of 9.9 cm/yr. This movement is in the same direction but of intermediate magnitude to results from the Austral Island chain (lower rate) and the Hawaiian Island chain (considerably higher rate). The rate of migration of volcanism in the Marquesas Islands is consistent with the model of rigid Pacific plate movement over a fixed “hot spot” or mantle “plume” provided that the pole of rotation for the Pacific plate for the last 5 my is located near 55°S, 170°E.  相似文献   

In a sewage pollution experiment in the lagoon system at Strunjan, Yugoslavia, an artificially polluted lagoon showed significantly lower chlorophyll a biomass and cell density, and the relationship between these two variables was altered.  相似文献   

We present a review of the principal methods used for the seismic detection and identification of active underwater volcanism, based on our experience in French Polynesia. In particular, we descrobe the 5-year activity in the Tahiti-Mehetia area, during which more than 32000 earthquakes were detected by the Polynesian network. We discuss the use of the following three types of seismic waves: conventional (mostly body waves), seismic tremor, andT waves propagated in the low-velocity acoustic channel of the ocean. For each of these waves, we discuss the principal characteristics of the signals, their spectral content, the type of information they provide on the activity of the volcano, and the various limitations faced by their use in detection or monitoring of underwater volcanic edifices. We present a review of the principal swarms monitored by the Polynesian network, and discuss their characterization as either volcanic or tectonic.  相似文献   

—?From a data set of 150 digital records of T phases from 71 sources obtained on seismometers of the Polynesian Seismic Network, we define a discriminant separating earthquake and explosion sources, which uses the maximum amplitude of recorded ground velocity, measured on its envelope, e Max (in μm/s), and the duration of the phase measured at 1/3 of maximum amplitude, τ1/3 (in seconds). Earthquake sources and man-made explosions are effectively separated in a log-log space by the straight line ¶¶log10 e Max = 4.9 log10τ1/3 - 4.1 .¶¶Other criteria in both the time and frequency domains fail to reliably separate the populations of the various kinds of events. The application of this technique to analog records of large-scale man-made explosions carried out in the 1960s confirms that it provides an adequate discriminant over 3.5 orders of magnitude of ground velocity.  相似文献   

Patterns of bivalve larvae dispersal in the deep Ahe atoll lagoon was studied by using a numerical 3D transport model (MARS3D) coupled with a vertical swimming sub-model, forced mainly by tide and wind-induced currents. The simulations were validated against observations of larval dispersal monitored several days throughout the lagoon. Connectivity matrices describing larval exchanges inside the lagoon were inferred. Larvae displayed a significant dispersal capacity at the lagoon scale, especially with dominant eastern winds. With southeastern winds, larvae mostly remained in their origin sector. The total export rate of the larvae, toward the ocean through the pass and shallow lagoon borders, was independent of the wind conditions, with 1% of the total concentration exported per day. However, the tide-driven currents efficiently flushed larvae in sectors close to the pass. Connectivity matrices suggest that the south and west sectors were more suitable for spat collecting and that central sectors would be efficient sanctuaries if genitors were accumulated.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal variability of prokaryotic water column communities inside and outside a Polynesian tropical lagoon subjected to pearl oysters farming was assessed in terms of abundance by quantitative PCR and diversity by DGGE. Communities and operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were analysed according to dry/rainy seasons and free-living/particle-attached state. Bacterial density was higher in the lagoon compared to ocean and a seasonal trend was observed. No influence of the localisation within lagoon or of the planktonic/attached states was noticed on bacterial abundance and diversity. The OTUs belonged to Cyanobacteria, to heterotrophic groups in Proteobacteria and Flavobacteria. Archaeal abundance showed seasonal tendency and particle-prevalence, but no effect of lagoon or oceanic location was observed. Lagoon and oceanic archaeal diversity were different and Euryarchaeota (MG-II, MBG, and Halobacteria) were detected. During the dry season, planktonic and particle-associated community differed, whereas at rainy season, both communities were similar and included members usually associated with coral.  相似文献   

The Society Islands of French Polynesia (south-central Pacific Ocean) are formed predominatly by basaltic lavas of alkaline affinities. These intraplate rocks are either Ne- or Hy-normative. Ne-normative basaltic lavas are lower in Si and heavy rare earth elements and higher in Ti, V and Sr than Hy-normative. The differences are attributed to the contrasting behaviour of amphibole during melting of the upper mantle, which, in turn, may be related to the variation in the depth of melting. Compared to pyrolite, the upper mantle source of the lavas was enriched in incompatible elements.  相似文献   

We present a detailed timeline of the warning procedures as they unfolded at the Laboratoire de Géophysique in Papeete, Tahiti, during the nights of 26–27 February 2010 (Maule, Chile tsunami) and 10–11 March 2011 (Tohoku tsunami). In particular, we discuss how the flow of information available to the warning center (including seismic evaluations obtained both locally and from other warning centers, as well as maregraph and DART buoy data) built up and eventually led to red alerts, which the local authorities used in both cases to impose an evacuation of low-lying areas on 68 islands. While the alerts were successful in Polynesia, a difficulty arose in 2011 when the alert had to be reinstated immediately as the all clear was being declared, since the maximum amplitude was carried by the fourth wave packet. We also present a complete dataset of 119 values of run-up and inundation surveyed in the aftermath of the two tsunamis, principally in the Marquesas Islands where their effects were maximal, and on Tahiti and Moorea for the 2011 event. The highest run-up (4.45 m) was observed in 2011 in the Bay of Taipivai on Nuku Hiva, where seven houses were flooded. We find no clear correlation between run-up values at the same locations in 2010 and 2011, suggesting that local responses are controlled by details specific to each tsunami. In 2010, in the village of Puamau on Hiva Oa (Marquesas), a delayed harbor response, probably due to resonance of the bay upon arrival of short-period components dispersed outside the shallow-water approximation, flung a launch onto a wharf, 7 h after the first arrivals, and 2.5 h after issuance of the all clear.  相似文献   

This study examined the distribution of virioplankton and bacterioplankton in two coral reef systems (Ahe and Takaroa atolls) in the Tuamotu Archipelago, in comparison with the surrounding oligotrophic ocean. Mean concentrations of 4.8×10(5) and 6.2×10(5)cellsml(-1) for bacteria and 8.1×10(6) and 4.3×10(6)VLP(virus-like particle) ml(-1) were recorded in Ahe and Takaroa lagoons, respectively. Chlorophyll-a concentrations and dissolved organic matter were higher in Ahe whereas (3)H thymidine incorporation rates were higher in Takaroa. First data on lytic and lysogenic strategies of phages in coral reef environments were discussed in this paper. The fraction of visibly infected cells by viruses was negligible regardless of the lagoon station (mean=0.15%). However, the fraction of lysogenic cells ranged between 2.5% and 88.9%. Our results suggest that the distribution patterns of virioplankton are apparently not coupled to the spatial dynamics of the bacterioplankton communities.  相似文献   

During the 2005 Layered Organization in the Coastal Ocean (LOCO) field program in Monterey Bay, California, we integrated intensive water column surveys by an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) with satellite and mooring data to examine the spatiotemporal scales and processes of phytoplankton thin-layer development. Surveying inner to outer shelf waters repeatedly between August 18 and September 6, the AUV acquired 6841 profiles. By the criteria: [(1) thickness ≤3 m at the full-width half-maximum, (2) peak chlorophyll at least twice the local background concentrations, and (3) a corresponding peak in optical backscattering], thin layers were detected in 3978 (58%) of the profiles. Average layer thickness was 1.4 m, and average intensity was 13.5 μg l?1 above (3.2x) background. Thin layers were observed at depths between 2.6 and 17.6 m, and their depths showed diurnal vertical migration of the layer phytoplankton populations. Horizontal scales of thin-layer patches ranged from <100 m to>10,000 m. A thin-layer index (TLI), computed from layer frequency, intensity and thinness, was highest in mid-shelf waters, coincident with a frontal zone between bay waters and an intrusion of low-salinity offshore waters. Satellite observations showed locally enhanced chlorophyll concentrations along the front, and in situ observations indicated that phytoplankton may have been affected by locally enhanced nutrient supply in the front and concentration of motile populations in a convergence zone. Minimum TLI was furthest offshore, in the area most affected by the intrusion of offshore, low-chlorophyll waters. Average thin-layer intensity doubled during August 25–29, in parallel with warming at the surface and cooling within and below the thermocline. During this apparent bloom of thin-layer populations, density oscillations in the diurnal frequency band increased by an order of magnitude at the shelfbreak and in near-bottom waters of the inner shelf, indicating the role of internal tidal pumping from Monterey Canyon onto the shelf. This nutrient transport process was mapped by the AUV. Peak TLI was observed on August 29 during a nighttime survey, when phytoplankton were concentrated in the nutricline. Empirical orthogonal function decomposition of the thin-layer particle size distribution data from this survey showed that throughout the inner to outer shelf survey domain, the layers were dominated by phytoplankton having a cross-section of ~50 μm. This is consistent with the size of abundant Akashiwo sanguinea cells observed microscopically in water samples. During a subsequent and stronger intrusion of low-salinity offshore waters, spatially-averaged vertical density stratification decreased by > 50%, and phytoplankton thin layers disappeared almost completely from the AUV survey domain.  相似文献   

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