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Measured Pb-Pb whole meteorite data for the Bruderheim L6 chondrite scatter slightly about a line passing above Can?on Diablo lead and yielding an age of 4.482 + 0.017 Ga, using the terrestrial238U/235U ratio of 137.88. The measured U isotopic composition for Bruderheim, using the dissolution procedures employed for these U-Pb studies, is near the terrestrial composition. In the concordia diagram the U-Pb data chiefly plot above the concordia curve and define a line which intersects the concordia curve at 4.536 + 0.006 Ga and 0.495 Ga, but the data for Bruderheim cannot be understood at all in terms of the more usual two- or three-stage episodic U-Pb models involving a fixed μ-value in the first stage. Most samples show an apparent excess of radiogenic lead for single-stage (closed system) evolution when Can?on Diablo troilite is used for the initial lead composition. Evidence is presented to show that the apparent excess radiogenic lead cannot be explained by terrestrial contamination alone.A different U-Pb model is presented which describes qualitatively and quantitatively most features of the U-Pb data for Bruderheim. If this model correctly describes the U-Pb evolution of Bruderheim then the “formation” age is given as 4.536 Ga by both U-Pb and Pb-Pb data, the meteorite U-Pb system was disturbed by a later (shock?) event at about 500 Ma ago, and the data are consistent with (though do not require) a Can?on Diablo initial lead composition. This interpretation suggests that the classical phenomenon of apparent excess radiogenic lead reflects the application of a single-stage model to a meteorite that has evidently experienced at least a two-stage history. The explanation of the observation that in the concordia diagram most meteorite samples (corrected for Can?on Diablo lead) plot in the lead excess region remains obscure, though this may be due to the wrong choice of initial lead for Bruderheim.  相似文献   

207Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb whole meteorite isochrons for Richardton (H5) and Farmington (L5) are presented and give Pb-Pb ages of 4.545 ± 0.010 and 4.620 ± 0.010 Ga respectively (errors ± 2σ). The Pb-Pb isochron for Farmington passes below the Can?on Diablo troilite composition, which may therefore not be the initial Pb composition for this meteorite.All samples show an apparent excess radiogenic lead for single-stage (closed-system) evolution when Can?on Diablo troilite is used for the initial lead composition. Evidence is presented to show that the apparent excess Pb cannot be explained by terrestrial contamination. There is no unique isotopic composition for initial lead that yields concordant ages at 4.55 Ga for all samples for either meteorite. The data likewise cannot be reconciled to Can?on Diablo initial lead through any of the conventional two- and three-stage evolution models.The apparent excess Pb, with respect to a Can?on Diablo troilite composition and a single-stage closed-system history, and the apparent inhomogeneous initial Pb isotopic compositions, appear to be real. This may be an indication that the U-Pb systems in these meteorites are disturbed, but this disturbance cannot be described consistently by any of the conventional episodic evolution models.  相似文献   

Two new δ18O time scales have been developed for the Brunhes Epoch using equatorial Pacific core V28-238. The first is based on a constant accumulation rate of aluminum, an assumption which has been shown to be acceptable for the last 360,000 years of the record by comparison with 230Th ages determined via the continuous strip-sample technique. The aluminum scale yields an age of 138,000 years for termination II and 693,000 years for the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal. Spectral and cross spectral analysis of the δ18O records of V28-238 and a detailed composite Indian Ocean record, using the aluminum time scale as well as two earlier time scales, indicates that the Pleistocene climate has been forced by periodic fluctuations of the earth's obliquity and precession. Based on this result, the second new time scale (TWEAQ) has been derived by tuning the δ18O record of V28-238 to the record of the earth's obliquity. TWEAQ yields an age of 127,000 years for termination II and 728,000 years for the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal. Spectral analysis of the δ18O record dated by TWEAQ indicates that 30% of the variance of the ice volume record can be ascribed to linear forcing by the earth's orbital parameters, but the trend of the data is consistent with a stochastic model.  相似文献   

The Sulitjelma Gabbro situated at 67.2°N, 15.4°E was intruded close to the Late Ordovician climax of regional metamorphism in the northern Scandinavian Caledonides. Magnetic properties have been examined from samples collected at seven localities in the south western part of this body. Total NRM directions show a tendency to be aligned near the present earth's magnetic field direction in this region. Stability to a.f. demagnetisation is low and commensurate with low Koenigsberger ratios (0.001–0.16) and the presence of unoxidised magnetite as the principal remanence carrier. After cleaning the site mean directions no longer show an alignment near the present earth's field and of six statistically significant sites three are approximately reversed with respect to remainder. The combined mean direction after cleaning isD = 195°,I = 15° (precision parameterk = 6) and the derived virtual geomagnetic pole is at 0°E, 14°S (α95 = 23°). This pole is close to poles of comparable age from the British Isles and suggests that Britain and Norway were part of the same crustal plate in Ordovician times. Discrepancies between Siluro-Devonian results from the two regions may be due to inadequate age coverage of present results.  相似文献   

The pluri-annual variations of the earth's magnetic field in France increase their range of influence from East to West. This leads to presume a discontinuity of electric conductivities at the transition from the continental to the oceanic area.  相似文献   

The observation of oil inclusions trapped prior to 2.0 Ga in Palaeoproterozoic rocks and the ability to obtain detailed molecular geochemical information from them provide a robust way for understanding the early biogeochemical evolution of the Earth. Oil-bearing fluid inclusions (FI) in ca. 2.45 Ga fluvial metaconglomerate of the Matinenda Formation at Elliot Lake, Canada were trapped in quartz and feld-spar during diagenesis and early metamorphism of the host rock, probably before ca. 2.2 Ga. The 2.1 Ga FA Formation sandstone of the Franceville Basin in Gabon that hosts the Oklo natural fission reactors has also been discovered to contain abundant Palaeoproterozoic oil-bearing FIs. This oil occurs within H2O and CO2-dominated inclusions trapped in syntaxial quartz overgrowths and intragranular and transgranular microfractures in detrital quartz, and was most likely trapped 2.1–1.98 Ga. Molecular geochemical analyses of both FI oils reveal a wide range of compounds, including n-alkanes, isoprenoids, monomethylalkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons, and trace amounts of complex multi-ring biomarkers including terpanes, hopanes, methylhopanes, steranes and diasteranes. To ensure a reliable interpretation of oil inclusions, a comprehensive series of outside-rinse blanks and procedural system blanks was analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; quantitative amounts of the hydrocarbons in these blanks were compared to the FI extracts, so as to provide confidence limits on the experimental integrity of each compound class. Maturity ratios based on reliably detected compound classes show that the FI oils were generated in the oil window, with no evidence of extensive thermal cracking. The presence of biomarkers for cyanobacteria and eukaryotes derived from and trapped in rocks deposited prior to 2.0 Ga is consistent with early evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis and suggests that some aquatic settings had become sufficiently oxygenated for sterol biosynthesis by this time. The extraction of biomarker molecules from Palaeoproterozoic oil-bearing FIs thus establishes a new method, using low detection limits and system blank levels, to trace evolution through Earth’s early history that avoids the potential contamination problems affecting shale-hosted hydrocarbons. Supported by the ARC Discovery Grant, which includes a QEII Fellowship to A.D., the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Grant to D.M., and by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Astrobiology Institute (R.B.)  相似文献   

Recent revisions of geodetic and astronomical constants by the International Association of Geodesy and the International Astronomical Union lead to improved values for the earth's mass and moment of inertia. Corrections to be applied to these values before they are used as constraints in the inversion of seismic data are discussed.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic and/or micropaleontological studies have been carried out on approximately 28 sedimentary cores of latest Pleistocene age from the Gulf of Mexico. Sedimentation rates range from 9 cm to 20 cm/1000 yr. A distinct excursion in the earth's magnetic field occurs in the upper parts of 8 of 15 cores for which paleomagnetic studies were conducted and is independently correlated with planktonic foraminiferal zones. An inclination change to zero or negative inclination is often associated with a declination change. The age of the excursion was determined by extrapolation of sedimentation rates from the Z-Y paleontological boundary which is dated at 11,000 B.P. The magnetic excursion occurred between 12,500 and 17,000 yr ago within the upper part of zone Y. This falls within the age range of the Laschamp Event as originally defined.  相似文献   

Our investigation of deep-sea climatic and magnetic records showing that high eccentricity of the earth's orbit, low magnetic field intensity and warm climate occur together indicates the relative importance of eccentricity as perhaps the phenomenon which has most consistently modulated both climate and magnetism for at least the past 2,000,000 years. A speculative hypothesis regarding the mechanism which may be responsible for a relationship between the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, geomagnetism, and climate is suggested.  相似文献   

Metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks from the Archaean of West Greenland have been examined for evidence of crustal components greater than 3.8 Ga in age and for their compatibility with the presently adopted bulk Earth Sm-Nd parameters. Sm-Nd isotopic data have been obtained for the garbenschiefer metagabbro unit, metasediments from the Isua supracrustal belt, gneisses interior to the Isua belt and metasediments from the Malene supracrustal belt.Using estimates of emplacement age (T) of between 3.77 and 3.67 Ga for the parental volcanics to the garbenschiefer unit, initial143Nd/144Nd ratios yield positiveεNdT values between +1.0 and +3.1 (relative to the CHUR parameters) for seven out of eight samples. Model Sm-Nd ages for the Isua gneisses and metasediments are only compatible with their estimated stratigraphic ages if their sources were ca.+2εNd relative to CHUR at those times. Similarly, model Sm-Nd ages for the Malene samples are only compatible with stratigraphic age constraints when based on a source evolution with positiveεNdT. Implications of these results for the early development of the Earth's mantle are discussed.  相似文献   

Tongaporutuan Stage (Late Miocene, 11-6 Myr) sedimentary rocks at two localities within the axial tectonic belt of New Zealand have a direction of magnetisation in which the declination is 020 ± 11° and 030 ± 8° (D ± Δ95). The directions of magnetisation in rocks of similar age outside the belt have a declination like that of the earth's present axial dipole, 360°. The clockwise deviation of the declination is inferred to indicate bending of the rocks within the zone of deformation between the Pacific and Indian plates due to the oblique convergence of these plates.  相似文献   

With the compelling evidence for orthorhombic perovskite ABO3 structures in a major part of the earth's mantle, the question of whether any of these are ferroelectric (FE) or antiferroelectric should be of supreme importance. To answer this question the authors have conducted dielectric property studies at pressures up to 5.5 GPa on single crystals and polycrystalline aggregates of BaTiO3 as well as other FE materials representing FE polarization mechanisms. The results indicate that: (1) h.p.-induced FE phases are indeed likely to play an important part in the earth's mantle; and (2) existing FE state, occuring as elastic and dielectric inhomogeneities, can persist to much higher pressures than expected on the basis of the pressure dependence of isolated and unclamped FE crystals. It is suggested that the presence of FE states in the earth's mantle may be responsible for some of its anomalous elastic and dielectric features, especially its attenuating properties. It is conjectured that effects of FE states on properties of the Jovian planets might even be more prominant, especially those involving dielectric constant and polarization.  相似文献   

The methods of global geomagnetic sounding and the results obtained by these techniques are examined. The principles and limitations of modelling methods, exact inversion methods, and heuristic (Backus-Gilbert) methods are discussed. The evolution of our picture of the earth's overall radial electrical conductivity distribution with successive improvements in data and mathematical techniques is described. The prospects for improving this picture are also discussed.  相似文献   

The continental crust is exposed in cross-section at numerous sites on the earth's surface. These exposures, which appear to have formed by obduction along great faults during continental collision, may be recognized by exposures of deep crustal rocks exhibiting asymmetric patterns of metamorphic grade and age across the faults and by distinctive Bouguer anomaly patterns reflecting dipping basement structure and an anomalously deep mantle. From an examination of five complexes which meet these criteria, it is concluded that the most prominent layering in the crust is not compositional but metamorphic. The lower crust consists of granulite facies rocks of mafic to intermediate composition while the intermediate and shallow levels consist predominantly of amphibolite facies gneisses and greenschist facies supracrustal rocks, respectively. Post-metamorphic granitic intrusions are common at intermediate to shallow levels. Position of discontinuities in refraction velocity, where present, commonly correspond to changes in composition or metamorphic grade with depth. The continental crust is characterized by lateral and vertical heterogeneities of varying scale which are the apparent cause of the complex seismic reflections recorded by COCORP. Field observations, coupled with geochemical data, indicate a complex evolution of the lower crust which can include anatexis, multiple deformation, polymetamorphism and reworking of older crustal material. The complexity of the crust is thus the result of continuous evolution by recycling and metamorphism through time in a variety of tectonic environments.  相似文献   

This activation volume ΔV for creep may be derived from Keyes's elastic strain energy model or from Weertman's empirical relationship between viscosity and the melting temperature. These formulations are shown to be equivalent if the anharmonic Grüneisen parameters γ of all acoustic modes are equal and if the pressure dependence of the melting temperature follows Lindemann's law, both of which assumptions are valid for the close-packed mineral structure of the lower mantle. The pressure derivative of ΔV depends only on the bulk modulus and the acoustic γ, both of which are directly available from seismic models. Using the data of Brown and Shankland, we show that ΔV decreases by almost 50% between the top and the bottom of the lower mantle, which makes it easier to maintain a constant viscosity in this region. The isoviscous temperature profile can be adiabatic in the deep lower mantle only below 1700 km depth; it is super-adiabatic in the top 1000 km of the lower mantle.  相似文献   

Linear inference theory is used to compute upper and lower bounds for lead isotope growth curves. The bounds are consistent with lead isotopes extracted from a single, isotopically uniform source characterized byU/Pb andTh/Pb ratios which are non-decreasing functions of time. Uncertainties in model ages are determined directly from the bound curves. For world-wide stratiform deposits an uncertainty of less than 100 Ma is attainable and for shale-hosted lead deposits of the Canadian Cordillera the uncertainties can be less than 200 Ma.  相似文献   

Recent observations of core phases made at conventional stations and seismograph arrays are summarized and evaluated to produce a series of conclusions concerning the P-wave velocity structure of the earth's core. Limits are suggested for allowable variations in P velocity in various parts of the core. The prime conclusion is that observations that previously demanded velocity discontinuities in the lower part of the outer core may now be explained adequately on a scattering hypothesis, and that in models where parametric simplicity is desired, the earth's core may be approximated by a two-layered model, with the P-wave velocity varying continuously in each layer.  相似文献   

Measurements of traveltimes and traveltime gradients for PKP phases recorded at the Warramunga seismic array from distances between 113° and 176° provide evidence for a two-layer transition zone in the earth's core. The basic data consist of paper recordings played out at 40 mm/sec from analog magnetic tape with amplitude gain control and narrow bandpass filters. Measured values of dT are perturbed by structure beneath the array and it is necessary to correct for this effect by an empirical approach. On the basis of the dT values and traveltimes, two precursor branches to PKPDF for Δ < 143° are identified consistently. These continue as branches intermediate to PKPDF and PKPAB for Δ > 145°. The corrected dT values of all phases are smoothed and used to derive a velocity model for the core. The preferred model includes two velocity discontinuities of less than 0.1 km/sec each in the core transition zone to generate the two additional PKP branches. Together with the velocity jump at the outer-inner core boundary, these discontinuities define two layers each a few hundred kilometers thick. It is argued that recent proposals concerning inhomogeneities at the base of the mantle or within the transition zone as the source of PKP precursors do not agree with our observations nor those of other researchers. Inhomogeneities are not excluded but are considered a secondary effect for PKP phases, the primary effect being due to two discontinuous velocity increases in the transition zone.  相似文献   

The Niutangjie tungsten deposit is a bedded skarn-type scheelite deposit and is located at the junction between Ziyuan and Xingan counties in the north of Guangxi,China.The deposit is genetically related to a fine-grained two-mica granite within the orefield.Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of the granite yielded a Silurian(Caledonian)age of 421.8±2.4 Ma,which is contemporaneous with the adjacent Yuechengling batholith.Mineralization within the skarn is associated with a quartz,garnet,and diopside gangue,and scheelite is present in a number of different mineral assemblages,such as quartz-scheelite and quartz-sulfide-scheelite;these assemblages correspond to oxide and sulfide stages of mineralization.Sm-Nd isotope analysis of scheelite yielded an isochron age of 421±24 Ma.Although the uncertainty on this date is high,this age suggests that the scheelite mineralization formed during the Late Caledonian,at a similar time to the emplacement of the Niutangjie granite.Zircons within the granite have?Hf(t)values and Hf two-stage model ages of?6.5 to?11.6,and 1.79 to 2.11 Ga,respectively.These data suggest that the magma that formed the granite was derived from Mesoproterozoic crustal materials.Scheelite?Nd(t)values range from?13.06 to?13.26,also indicative of derivation from ancient crustal materials.Recent research has identified Caledonian magmatism in the western Nanling Range,indicating that this magmatism may be the source of contemporaneous tungsten mineralization.  相似文献   

The processing of magnetotelluric data involves concepts from electromagnetic theory, time series analysis and linear systems theory for reducing natural electric and magnetic field variations recorded at the earth's surface to forms suitable for studying the electrical properties of the earth's interior.The electromagnetic field relations lead to either a scalar transfer impedance which couples an electric component to an orthogonal magnetic component at the surface of a plane-layered earth, or a tensor transfer impedance which couples each electric component to both magnetic components in the vicinity of a lateral inhomogeneity.A number of time series spectral analysis methods can be used for estimating the complex spectral coefficients of the various field quantities. These in turn are used for estimating the nature of the transfer function or tensor impedance. For two dimensional situations, the tensor impedance can be rotated to determine the principal directions of the electrical structure.In general for real data, estimates of the apparent resistivity are more stable when calculated from the tensor elements rather than from simple orthogonal field ratios (Cagniard estimates), even when the fields are measured in the principal coordinates.  相似文献   

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