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海洋调查船是专门进行海洋调查研究的工具,涉及船舶设计、建造、海洋调查技术、航海管理和海洋调查实验管理等领域,是我国海洋强国战略和"一带一路"战略构想顺利实施的重要保障。文章梳理欧美自大航海时代以来海洋调查船的发展历程,选取各时期具有代表性的船舶,总结其特点和最新发展趋势,以期为我国海洋调查船的设计建造思路提供启示。  相似文献   

为提高我国海洋调查船的使用和管理水平,文章根据相关评估报告和统计数据,概述美国UNOLS船队和我国海洋调查船的营运成本情况,分析海洋调查船日均营运成本的计算和应用。研究结果表明:UNOLS船队将海洋调查船按级别管理,同时对研究项目和船舶使用实行独立核算,从而在保障海洋调查任务的前提下有效控制和降低船舶营运成本,值得我国海洋调查船队借鉴;通过计算海洋调查船的日均营运成本,可用于船舶技术经济论证、船舶年度标准可用天数确定和相同级别船舶对比,具有实际应用意义。  相似文献   

海洋科学的发展和海洋战略重要性的日益凸显对海洋调查船的业务化运行提出了新的要求。从国内外海洋调查船运行和关键技术两方面的发展现状和趋势出发,提出了我国"十三五"期间海洋调查船业务化运行保障关键技术的发展建议。为解决海洋调查船需求不断增大与船舶建造运行成本限制的矛盾,世界各主要海洋国家均采取措施提高调查船的使用效率,组建海洋调查船队,实行船时统一调配。另一方面,多学科多任务的海洋调查方式的发展,以及新型调查观测设备的应用,促使调查船运行保障关键技术趋向于普适性和更强的现场支持功能。据此,在我国海洋调查船业务化运行发展原则、关键技术发展方向等方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

实现我国海洋调查船舶的科学、高效管理是顺利开展海洋调查工作的重要保障。文章通过梳理国外海洋调查船舶服务质量评价方法,研究我国海洋调查船舶使用服务质量评估方式,基于国家海洋调查船队船舶的数据信息,从船舶服务质量的角度对海洋调查船的管理使用现状进行分析,并对我国海洋调查工作的开展提出几点建议。  相似文献   

国际新一代海洋综合调查船的建设和管理特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 前言80年代末到90年代,世界海洋科学有了重要的进展,海洋各学科领域之间的界限逐渐弥合,适应于研究海洋资源与环境可持续发展的海洋大科学正在形成,与此相呼应的是全球范围内的海洋合作观测研究迅速发展,世界各海洋国家纷纷以拓展和加强人类探索海洋的手段,促进对海洋资源与环境的可持续发展的研究为旗帜,建造和正在建造新一代的海洋科学调查船,这些调查船无论是船舶自身的设计还是承载的海洋科学设备都充分保证了现在和今后一段时间内海上科学调查研究的需要。2 新一代海洋调查船的船舶特点90年代以来,传统的海洋科学…  相似文献   

海洋调查船是海洋科研能力建设的重要组成部分,它的整体性能直接影响国家海洋事业的发展.文章回顾新中国成立以来我国海洋调查船的发展阶段,依据我国海洋调查船的现状,总结其在数量、吨位以及科考能力等方面的特点,并针对我国海洋调查船的建设发展,提出5点建议  相似文献   

海洋调查船是进行科学调查的平台和必要工具,它的建设、管理与一个国家海洋事业的发展密切相关。文章通过对美国调查船以及调查船管理机构的调研,分析其海洋调查船的基本特征、发展趋势以及调查船队的管理经验,提出值得我国海洋调查船学习和借鉴的建议。  相似文献   

海洋调查船是了解认知与开发利用海洋的关键基础设施。欧洲海洋调查船运作组织(ERVO)推动这一关键基础设施协同的努力颇具代表性。它面对欧洲海洋调查船多元化且无权威主体的境地,通过会员制构建协同平台,明晰了业务主导、可持续发展的协作目标;它通过年会聚焦海洋调查船及相关仪器装备,交流运行管理,研讨技术创新、改造更新以及与海洋调查船相关的共性话题,以促进欧洲海洋调查船和相关装备具有最佳的运行成效;它与相关海洋调查与研究组织机构联动,跻身于欧洲海洋调查船发展战略层,推动欧洲海洋调查船在项目层面组队共享。文章解析了欧洲海洋调查船运作组织的背景和运作模式,同时针对我国海洋调查船协作多头发力缺乏合纵连横的状况,提议发起中国海洋调查船协同论坛,组建联合工作组做好长期务实的基础性工作,筹划中国及关系国调查船协调计划,以建立我国海洋调查船协同机制并逐步跻身国际海洋调查船战略协同层。  相似文献   

海洋调查船是开展海洋调查观测的必需工具,是中国"建设海洋强国"、"一带一路"战略实施的重要保障。实行海洋调查船分级制度对于提高中国海洋调查船管理水平,合理安排调查船航次并有效指导国家海洋调查船新建规划具有积极意义。欧美均有系统完善的海洋调查船分级制度,而中国目前还没有。文中在借鉴美国调查船分级制度的基础上,结合中国地理位置以及调查船参数将,中国调查船分为全球级、大洋级、区域级和近岸级4个级别。分级依据选取船舶注册总吨、续航力、自持力、科考定员和实验室面积。在此基础上采用该分级方法对中国现有调查船进行了等级划分,得到了较好的结果。另外,还探讨了选取船舶满载排水量和续航力进行调查船分级的可能,为今后完善调查船分级方法提供了更多的思路。  相似文献   

美国海军T-AGS60级新型多功能海洋调查船张勐宁译郭纪捷校美国海军对海洋调查的要求不断变化,以及传感器、处理器、数据库和数字成果制作系统等技术领域的迅速发展,给美国海军海洋调查船队带来了新的局面。美国海军最新的海洋调查船T-AGOS60“探索者”级...  相似文献   

In this paper a numerical approach to the grounding problem takes place. It aims to show the contribution of the energy dissipated in the structure due to elasto-plastic deformation. The analytical methods developed until now, neglect this amount of energy, since they are simulating the vessel as a rigid beam. A tanker vessel is modelled with the Finite Element Package ABAQUS and energy conservation during a grounding scenario on rigid slope takes place. The results are presented both analytically and numerically and comparison in the energy quantities is shown and discussed.  相似文献   

Due to the shipping industry's international legal framework, there are loopholes in the system, which can increase the risk of incidents with high economic costs due to the substandard operation of vessels. This article uses duration analysis and through the creation of ship life cycles provides insight into the effectiveness of inspections on prolonging ship lives. The analysis accounts for fluctuations in the relevant economic environment and the (possibly time-varying) ship particulars. It is based on a unique dataset containing information on the timing of accidents, inspections and ship particular changes of more than 50,000 vessels over a 29-year time period (1978–2007). The results reveal that the shipping industry is a relatively safe industry but there is a possible over-inspection of vessels. The effect of inspections varies across ship types and the prevention of incidents with high economic costs can be improved by a coordinated approach of all types of inspections that are performed which allows the decrease of unnecessary inspections. Further, more emphasis should be placed on the rectification and follow-up of deficiencies and the implementation of the ISM code. Another added benefit for the industry would be to improve transparency related to class withdrawals and class transfers for all classification societies. Another interesting finding is that for the majority of ship types, an increase in earnings decreases the incident rate. This is in contrast to the industry perception of the impact of earnings.  相似文献   

In this paper a discussion of three failure criteria during a tanker collision takes place. The ‘Fracture Criterion’ developed recently [Glykas, A., Samouelides, E., Das, P.K. (1996) Energy absorption capacity of plates under lateral loading. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Offshore and Polar Engineers, Los Angeles '96, Vol. IV, pp. 502–509.], deals with the amount of energy required so that arbitrary crack propagation originates from microscopic material flaws of the steel structure, in areas of high strain concentration during large deflections. This fracture criterion is applied in critical areas of a tanker bow structure during head-on collision with a vertical rigid body and its validity is examined in comparison to other two state of the art failure criteria. The penetration of the tanker vessel as well as the time to rest from the initiation of the collision are determined in relation to the failure criteria.  相似文献   

On the parametric rolling of ships using a numerical simulation method   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
B.C. Chang   《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(5-6):447-457
This paper has shown a numerical motion simulation method which can be employed to study on parametric rolling of ships in a seaway. The method takes account of the main nonlinear terms in the rolling equation which stabilize parametric rolling, including the nonlinear shape of the righting arm curve, nonlinear damping and cross coupling among all 6 degrees of freedom. For the heave, pitch, sway and yaw motions, the method uses response amplitude operators determined by means of the strip method, whereas the roll and surge motions of the ship are simulated, using nonlinear motion equations coupled with the other 4 degrees of freedom. For computing righting arms in seaways, Grim's effective wave concept is used. Using these transfer functions of effective wave together with the heave and pitch transfer functions, the mean ship immersion, its trim and the effective regular wave height are computed for every time step during the simulation. The righting arm is interpolated from tables, computed before starting the simulation, depending on these three quantities and the heel angle. The nonlinear damping moment and the effect of bilge keels are also taken into account. The numerical simulation tool has shown to be able to model the basic mechanism of parametric rolling motions. Some main characteristics of parametric rolling of ships in a seaway can be good reproduced by means of the method. Comprehensive parametric analyses on parametric rolling amplitude in regular waves have been carried out, with that the complicated parametric rolling phenomena can be understood better.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of ergodicity of stochastic processes starting from a theoretical point of view, with the aim of obtaining a deeper understanding for practical applications. The problem is tackled bearing in mind the concept of ‘practical ergodicity’, that is, the possibility of obtaining reliable information about ensemble averages by using temporal averages. Some general analytical tools are given to address the problem of accuracy of temporal averages and an example of their use in a possible design of experiments is given. A series of Monte Carlo numerical simulations are performed by means of an analytical non-linear 1.5-DOF model of parametrically excited roll motion. The outcomes of such simulations are analysed to show the effect of ship speed and sea spectrum shape. The effect of wave grouping phenomenon is discussed with particular attention to the Doppler effect. Qualitative indications given by the numerical simulations are then compared with experimental tests showing a good agreement. Practical ergodicity of generated sea in towing tank is also briefly addressed.  相似文献   

The ship routing problem can be known as a multi-objective problem. Since the operation strategy is influenced by ocean environments, e.g. wind, waves or ocean currents, it is therefore weather routed. In this study, the three-dimensional modified isochrone (3DMI) method utilizing the recursive forward technique and floating grid system for the ship tracks is applied to globally search for the optimum route. The proposed method considers two types of routing strategies, i.e. ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) routing and FUEL (FUEL-saving) routing, with different constraints, such as land boundaries, significant wave heights, engine revolution speeds and roll responses. As a result, it is verified that the robustness of the proposed method appears to be a practical tool by adjusting the safety threshold for the trade-off of ship efficiency and economics.  相似文献   

Estimation of ship motions using closed-form expressions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A semi-analytical approach is used to derive frequency response functions for the wave-induced motions for monohull ships. The results are given as closed-form expressions and the required input information for the procedure is restricted to the main dimensions: length, breadth, draught, block coefficient and water plane area together with speed and heading. The formulas make it simple to obtain quick estimates of the wave-induced motions and accelerations in the conceptual design phase and to perform a sensitivity study of the variation with main dimensions and operational profile.  相似文献   

Most of the large scaled casualties are caused by loss of structural strength and stability due to the progressive flooding and the effect of waves and wind. To prevent foundering and structural failure, it is necessary to predict the motion of the damaged ship in waves.This paper describes the motion of damaged ship in waves resulting from a theoretical and experimental study. A time domain theoretical model, which can be applied to any type of ship or arrangement, for the prediction of damaged ship motion and accidental flooding has been developed considering the effects of flooding of compartments. To evaluate the accuracy of the model, model tests are carried out in ship motion basin for three different damaged conditions: engine room bottom damage, side shell damage and bow visor damage of Ro–Ro ship in regular and irregular waves with different wave heights and directions.  相似文献   

Increasing propulsion efficiency, safety, comfort and operability are of the great importance, especially for small ships operating on windy sites like the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Seakeeping performance of ships and offshore structures can be analysed by different methods and the one that is becoming increasingly important is CFD RANS. The recent development of simulation techniques together with rising HPC accessibility enables performance of advanced seakeeping simulations for ships in a full scale. The paper presents CFD seakeeping analysis for a case study vessel in two variants: V-shaped bulbous bow hull form (as built) and innovative hull form (X-bow type). The study presents the influence of redesigning the ship on selected seakeeping aspects. The advanced CFD model, with the application of overset mesh technique, was described in detail. Selected numerical results were validated on the basis of experimental testing in a towing tank and showed good agreement. The approach demonstrated here of performing the CFD seakeeping simulations for the analysis of ship performance in a full scale and close to real loading conditions has direct application to the design process as well as in determination of optimal operational parameters of any ship.  相似文献   

Ship berthing and mooring monitoring system by using pneumatic-type fenders has been proposed. This system consists of present berth monitoring system including a mooring line load monitoring system, and a fender load monitoring system. The fender loads such as fender deflection and reaction force are calculated by measuring inner air pressure of the pneumatic fenders, which have unique characteristics in performance. Furthermore both loads for the mooring lines and the fenders can be used to estimate moored ship motions simultaneously. Total ship monitoring system at jetty can be achieved and contributes safe ship berthing and mooring.  相似文献   

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