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Seasonal observations on the nature and concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM) are presented for a cross-section of the English Channel, between the Isle of Wight (UK) and Cotentin peninsula (France) i.e. the western boundary of the eastern English Channel. The highest concentrations of suspended material are found adjacent to the English coastline, whereas the offshore waters are associated with low concentrations. Seasonal variations in the concentration and nature of suspended material are identified, with highest concentrations in winter. At this time, the suspended particles are characterised generally by peaked grain size spectra and an enrichment in coarse silt particles; in summer, the distributions are generally flat. The diatom communities found within the suspended matter indicate that material resuspended in the coastal zone and the estuarine environments is transported offshore. SPM fluxes (based upon the observed SPM concentrations and the output from a 2-D hydrodynamic model) from the western Channel through the Wight–Cotentin Section, ranged between 2 and 71×106 t a−1 with a mean of around 20×106 t a−1 over the period of the observations (1994–1995). These fluxes are comparable to the order of magnitude and mean value reported as output through the Dover Strait. Therefore, it is possible that the eastern English Channel may be characterised as an area of fine-grained sediment ‘bypass'. This interpretation is corroborated by: (a) the absence of fine-grained sediment deposits over the area; and (b) correlation between the potential resuspension time of the fine particles and the seabed sediment distribution.  相似文献   

Suspended particulate matter (SPM) fluxes and dynamics are investigated in the East Frisian Wadden Sea using a coupled modeling system based on a hydrodynamical model [the General Estuarine Transport Model (GETM)], a third-generation wave model [Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN)], and a SPM module attached to GETM. Sedimentological observations document that, over longer time periods, finer sediment fractions disappear from the Wadden Sea Region. In order to understand this phenomenon, a series of numerical scenarios were formulated to discriminate possible influences such as tidal currents, wind-enhanced currents, and wind-generated surface waves. Starting with a simple tidal forcing, the considered scenarios are designed to increase the realism step by step to include moderate and strong winds and waves and, finally, to encompass the full effects of one of the strongest storm surges affecting the region in the last hundred years (Storm Britta in November 2006). The results presented here indicate that moderate weather conditions with wind speeds up to 7.5 m/s and small waves lead to a net import of SPM into the East Frisian Wadden Sea. Waves play only a negligible role during these conditions. However, for stronger wind conditions with speeds above 13 m/s, wind-generated surface waves have a significant impact on SPM dynamics. Under storm conditions, the numerical results demonstrate that sediments are eroded in front of the barrier islands by enhanced wave action and are transported into the back-barrier basins by the currents. Furthermore, sediment erosion due to waves is significantly enhanced on the tidal flats. Finally, fine sediments are flushed out of the tidal basins due to the combined effect of strong erosion by wind-generated waves and a longer residence time in the water column because of their smaller settling velocities compared to coarser sediments.
Karsten A. LettmannEmail:

A scheme for the fractionation and concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM) from natural waters has been tested. This scheme involves the sequential use of three fractionation techniques—sieving, continuous flow centrifugation and tangential flow filtration to collect gram amounts of SPM over the entire particulate and colloidal size range. The separation scheme is able to process large samples (ca. 1001), within reasonable times (ca. 1 day) and the apparatus is portable. Reproducibility and potential artifacts introducing during the fractionation and concentration of SPM, particularly when tangential flow filtration is used, are discussed. It has been shown that there is a systematic increase in the content of organic carbon, Mg, Ca, Na, K, Cu and Zn with decreasing particle size, highlighting the importance of the colloidal ( < 1 μm) fraction.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to examine both spatial and temporal changes of particulate major elements and minor metals, as well as dissolved Mn and Cd, in the waters of Thermaikos Gulf. Collections of water and suspended particulate matter (SPM), as depth profiles (5–8 depths), were undertaken at 10 principal stations, essentially on a N–S traverse of the western side of the Gulf.One of the principal aims of the study was to observe if there was any change in the patterning of the elements between the three occupations of the stations: (a) in September 2001, immediately before the commencement of trawling; (b) in October 2001, whilst fishing was active; and (c) in winter/early spring conditions (February 2002), when fishing was still active, but after a change of river/atmospheric conditions.Bottom (20 m) waters were dominated by sediment resuspension; this was identified by concentration changes in the aluminosilicate elements (e.g. Al, Ti, K, Fe) of the SPM. A two- to three-fold increase occurred between September and October, caused probably by trawling; this was sustained at the offshore stations, in February. During February, the western inshore stations showed little sediment resuspension, caused by extreme winter cooling and the sinking of water. Consequently, a N–S density discontinuity existed at all water depths, which prevented the thermohaline cyclonic circulation from penetrating into the western seaboard of the Gulf. The distribution of dissolved and particulate Mn in the lower waters was due to redox cycling of the element at the benthic boundary; this was more intense in the north, where the organic supply was higher.Biogenic element concentrations and Ca/Al, Si/Al ratios showed no evidence that trawling activity promoted higher biological production. Strong correlations of Co, Cr, Ni and V, with Al and K, showed that these elements were associated strongly with detrital aluminosilicates. However, the variable association of Cd, Pb and Zn, with K (and Al), especially in the upper waters, implied an anthropogenic source derived from the rivers and the city of Thessaloniki. Examination of the Kd's of Cd showed a two-order of magnitude decrease with depth, caused by resuspension and possible advection of relatively unpolluted sediments, into the western Gulf.  相似文献   

A total of 1008 samples were collected from the eight major riverine runoff outlets in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) during 2005-2006 to estimate the fluxes of total organic carbon (TOC) to the coastal ocean off South China. The average dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration was 1.67 mg/L with a range of 1.38-2.13 mg/L. Concentrations of particulate organic carbon (POC) ranged from 2.66-4.12% of total suspended particulate matter (SPM). The fluxes of TOC and SPM from the PRD via the eight outlets were 9.2 x 10(5) and 2.5 x 10(7)tons/yr, respectively. Temporal variations in POC and DOC were observed at all outlets due to the large variability in runoff levels because of the seasonality of rainfall, and the riverine discharge amount was an important factor controlling TOC flux. The net contribution of organic carbon from the PRD to the coastal ocean represented approximately 0.1-0.2% of total organic carbon transported by rivers worldwide.  相似文献   

By analysis of the fatty acid profiles in mussel tissues and suspended particulate matter (SPM) in water, the present study showed a significant relationship of the trophic linkage between mussels and the SPM. At seven locations from inner to outer areas along the eutrophic Tolo Harbour and Tolo Channel, Hong Kong, the composition (as percentage of total fatty acids) of both monoenoic and polyunsaturated fatty acids in the tissues of green-lipped mussels Perna viridis and SPM in water had significant correlation (p<0.01). In particular, the composition of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n3) (as percentage of total fatty acids) in mussel tissues was statistically correlated with that in SPM (p<0.01), implying that mussels incorporate DHA, the biomarker of dinoflagellates. Principal component analysis further demonstrated that the fatty acid profiles of SPM were different among locations in the harbour, mid and outer channel of the study area, so were the mussel tissue fatty acid profiles. Cluster analysis of phytoplankton data also revealed the dominance of diatoms in the inner harbour and channel areas, whereas dinoflagellates were abundant in the outer channel waters. The possible implications of using benthic suspension feeders such as green-lipped mussels P. viridis for controlling phytoplankton abundance in coastal waters are discussed.  相似文献   


The seasonal distribution of metals (V, Cr, Co, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb, Mn, Fe, Al and Ti) in suspended and bottom sediments of four minor estuaries (Terekhol, Chapora, Sal and Talpona rivers) of Goa, India was investigated to understand the metal distribution process in the estuarine region. The highest particulate-metal concentrations were found in low-salinity regions of all the estuaries, in the wet season (e.g. in the Terekhol River, the averages in ppm were Co: 53, Ni: 197, Cu: 208, Zn: 212 and Pb: 65) compared to the dry season averages (Co: 27, Ni: 76, Cu: 105, Zn: 164 and Pb: 13 ppm). The estuarine-mixing diagrams showed non-conservative behaviour in both seasons. The Sal River had the highest particulate-metal concentration (Co: 106, Ni: 300 and Zn: 323 ppm), suggesting an anthropogenic input. The enrichment factor for suspended matter was higher than bottom sediments with extremely high enrichment for Mn (>10). The Geo-accumulation index displayed unpolluted to polluted class for all metals. The study highlights the important role played by small estuaries in seasonal metal release and accumulation along the coastal region.  相似文献   

The role of suspended particulate matter (SPM) as an important carrier of mercury (Hg) dispersed into the Gulf of Trieste and in the adjacent Grado lagoon (Northern Adriatic Sea) was studied during a high Isonzo River inflow and the resulting river plume formation. Despite the fact that extreme flood events are rare during the year, they account for most of the PHg influx (37-112 ngL(-1)) into the Gulf of Trieste. When the river plume is diverted to the SW under the influence of an E-NE wind, the tidal flux acts as a "transport belt" carrying the PHg, mostly inorganic, into the Grado lagoon. A preliminary estimation indicates that the amount of PHg entrapped in the lagoon basin following a tidal semi-cycle accounts for 1.4 kg/12h, which corresponds to about 49% of the total Hg carried by the tidal flow. These findings should be considered in future remediation strategies in the lagoon environment.  相似文献   

Based on three continuous in situ underwater light field measurement under different wind waves conditions in Longgan Lake, Meiliang Bay of Taihu Lake in July 2003 and littoral zone near TLLER in July 2004, respectively, the effects of sediment resuspension caused by wind waves on PAR diffuse attenuation, absorption coefficients and euphotic depths are analyzed. In Longgan Lake, PAR diffuse attenuation coefficients during small, middle and large wind waves were 1.74, 2.02 and 2.45 m-1, respectively, and the corresponding PAR spectral diffuse attenuations ranged from 0.98 to 2.97, 1.34 to 3.95 and 1.80 to 5.40 m-1, respectively. In Meiliang Bay, PAR diffuse attenuation coefficients were 2.63, 3.72, 4.37 m-1 during small, middle and large wind waves. PAR diffuse attenuation coefficients increased by 41% and 66% from small to middle, large wind waves, respectively. Absorption coefficients integrated over the range of PAR of CDOM, phytoplankton were 0.26, 0.28 m-1; 0.76, 0.49 m-1, respectively during middle and large wind waves. Absorption coefficients integrated over the range of PAR of non-algal particulate matter and total suspended particulate matter increased from 0.94 to 1.73 m-1, and from 1.70 to 2.22 m-1, respectively during middle and large wind waves. Relative contributions of absorption coefficients of non-algal particulate matter to total absorption coefficient integrated over the range of PAR were 44.14%, 65.05%, respectively, during middle and large wind waves. PAR euphotic depths decreased by 0.40, 0.19, 0.20 m from middle to large wind waves in Longganhu Lake, Meliang Bay and littoral zone near TLLER. Significant correlations were found between transparency, PAR diffuse attenuation coefficients, euphotic depths and total suspended paniculate matter, wind velocity, wave height. Most significant correlations were found between transparency, PAR diffuse attenuation coefficients, euphotic depths and inorganic suspended paniculate matter but low correlations for chlorophyll a, dissolved organic carbon. Increase of total suspended paniculate matter, especially inorganic suspended paniculate matter caused by wind waves was the dominant factor affecting underwater light field in shallow lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River based on observations at three stations.  相似文献   

Surface transects and vertical profiles of total and leachable particulate Fe, Mn, Al and P, along with dissolved and soluble Fe were obtained during August 2003 in the southeastern Bering Sea. High concentrations of leachable particulate Fe were observed in the bottom waters over the Bering Sea shelf with an unusually high percentage of the suspended particulate Fe being leachable. Leachable particulate Fe averaged 81% of total particulate Fe, and existed at elevated concentrations that averaged 23 times greater than dissolved Fe in the isolated cool pool waters over the mid shelf where substantial influence of sedimentary denitrification was apparent. The elevated leachable particulate Fe is suggested to be a result of sedimentary Fe reduction in surficial sediments, diffusion of Fe(II) from the sediments to the bottom waters, and subsequent oxidation and precipitation of reduced Fe in the overlying bottom waters. Eddies and meanders of the Bering Slope Current can mix this Fe-rich water into the Green Belt at the outer shelf-break front. Elevated levels of leachable particulate Fe were observed in surface waters near the Pribilof Islands where enhanced vertical mixing exists. Storm events and/or cooling during fall/winter with the resultant destruction of the thermally stratified two-layer system can also mix the subsurface water into surface waters where the elevated leachable particulate Fe is a substantial source of biologically available Fe.  相似文献   

After having estimated the patterns of flow to the ocean and found some seasonal and tidal differences, mainly with regard to the relative importance of dissolved and particulate fractions, mercury partitioning at the interface between a contaminated lagoon and the Atlantic Ocean was investigated during four tidal cycles in contrasting season and tidal regimes. Mercury was found to be located predominantely in the particulate fraction throughout the year, contributing to its retention within the system. Seasonal conditions, variations in marine and fluvial signals and processes affecting bed sediment resuspension influenced the character and concentration of suspended particulate matter in the water column. Variation in the nature, levels and partitioning of organic carbon in the particulate fraction affected levels of particulate mercury as well as mercury partitioning. These results highlight the dominant role of suspended particulate matter in the distribution of anthropogenic mercury and reinforce the importance of competitive behavior related to organic carbon in mercury scavenging.  相似文献   

The levels of selected organic markers, including 17 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 16 of which are classified as priority pollutants by the US-EPA and perylene, aliphatic hydrocarbons (total and linear alkanes) and petroleum biomarkers (hopanes and steranes), were measured in suspended particulate matter (SPM) of the Mundaú-Manguaba estuarine-lagoon system (MMELS) in northeastern Brazil and the Paraíba do Sul River (PSR) estuary in southeastern Brazil, both of which are affected by sugarcane agriculture and urbanization. A total of 33 surface water samples of SPM were collected (22 from the MMELS and 11 from the PSR). The ∑16PAH ranged from 221 to 1243 ng g−1 in the MMELS and from 228 to 1814 ng g−1 in the PSR. Hopane and sterane concentrations in the PSR were higher than in the MMELS due to the input from petrogenic sources in PSR. The contributions of higher plants were also observed by n-alkane analyses. The PAH isomeric ratios indicated that the SPM from MMELS showed characteristics of combustion from biomass or petroleum and PSR was associated to petrogenic input, either from combustion or from unburned petroleum. Three sampling sites located near to the sugarcane plant and mouth of the rivers showed higher PAH concentrations and may largely be considered as highly contaminated. However, levels of n-alkanes and petroleum biomarkers in both study areas were relatively low.  相似文献   

Suspended particulate matter (SPM) and colloidal matter (COM) in annual dry and wet deposition samples in urban Guangzhou were for the first time collected, and their trace metals were investigated by using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The deposition flux of SPM and of metal elements varied largely among the investigated seasons, and reached the maximum in spring. The correlation analysis indicated that significant correlations existed among some of the metal elements in the deposition samples. The enrichment factors (EF) of metals in COM in the deposition ranging from 79.66 to 130,000 were much higher than those of SPM ranging from 1.65 to 286.48, indicating the important role of COM. The factor analysis showed that emissions from street dust, non-ferrous metal production, and heavy fuel oil were major sources of the trace metals. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) model was used to quantitatively estimate anthropogenic source.  相似文献   

In order to measure the attenuation of light by periphyton a method has been developed which assures that natural periphyton architecture and therefore its optical characteristics remain preserved. This method has been applied to analyze the transmittance of periphyton of four lakes of different tropic states situated in the Osterseen Lake District (Upper Bavaria, Germany). The seasonal variation of the periphyton's transmittance has been studied using standard microscope glass slides exposed 1 m beneath the water surface within macrophyte beds. The study ran from February to November 1997 in two eutrophic lakes (Lake Waschsee, Lake Sengsee) and from May to November 1997 in the meso-oligotrophic Lake Eishaussee and in the oligotrophic Lake Herrensee.Generally the exposure-period, the seasonality, and the tropic state of the habitat affected the transmittance spectra of the periphyton. In all lakes the attenuation by periphyton increased with longer colonization times but at a different time scale. The periphyton of the nutrient-rich and the nutrient-poor lakes differed clearly in composition and architecture. The eutrophic lakes were characterized by a relatively thick but loosely attached, unstable periphyton community, which was translucent to a certain degree even at the end of the growth period. The transmittance of this periphyton fluctuated considerably and high percentages of filamentous green algae in this periphyton contributed to attenuation maxima within the range 400-500 nm and 650-700 nm due to photosynthetic pigments. By contrast, the periphyton of the meso-oligotrophic and of the oligotrophic lake was quite compact and nearly impervious to light.  相似文献   

During four surveys at spring and neap tides in July and November 2005, continuous observations were conducted at four stations adjacent to the Changjiang (Yangtze River) mouth. The observation times lasted for 26 h that covered two consecutive semidiurnal cycles. Resuspension events and subsequently enhancements of suspended particulate matter (SPM) were commonly observed within a tidal cycle. Although nutrients (SiO32−, NO3, and PO43−) were primarily governed by salinity, their statistically significant correlations with SPM could always be extracted after partial correlation analysis. Three parameter (salinity, SPM, nutrients) regressions generally produced better results of simulating nutrient concentrations than two parameter (salinity and nutrients) regressions, although compared to the latter, the former R2 values were elevated by no more than 13%. The partial correlation between SPM and a specific nutrient could be either positive or negative in different surveys, suggesting SPM influenced the nutrients in different ways under various conditions. The minor (albeit statistically significant) impacts of highly dynamic SPM on nutrients might be ascribed to the short duration time of resuspension events and estuarine mixing process, together with the complex nature of circulation in the Changjiang plume seawater.  相似文献   

Monitoring and modeling of the distribution of suspended particulate matter (SPM) is an important task, especially in coastal environments. Several SPM models have been developed for the North Sea. However, due to waves in shallow water and strong tidal currents in the southern part of the North Sea, this is still a challenging task. In general there is a lack of measurements to determine initial distributions of SPM in the bottom sediment and essential model parameters, e.g., appropriate exchange coefficients. In many satellite-borne ocean color images of the North Sea a plume is visible, which is caused by the scattering of light at SPM in the upper ocean layer. The intensity and length of the plume depends on the wave and current climate. It is well known that the SPM plume is especially obvious shortly after strong storm events. In this paper a quasi-3-D and a 3-D SPM transport model are presented. Utilizing the synergy of satellite-borne ocean color data with numerical models, the vertical exchange coefficients due to currents and waves are derived. This results in models that for the first time are able to reproduce the temporal and spatial evolution of the plume intensity. The SPM models consist of several modules to compute ocean dynamics, the vertical and horizontal exchange of SPM in the water column, and exchange processes with the seabed such as erosion, sedimentation, and resuspension. In the bottom layer, bioturbation via benthos and diffusion processes is taken into account.Responsible Editor: Jörg-Olaf Wolff  相似文献   

In order to assess the impact of natural and anthropogenic sediment resuspension on quantity, biochemical composition and bioavailability of particulate organic matter (POM), two field investigations were carried out in two shallow coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea. In the Gulf of Lions, we investigated the impact of a storm resuspension of sediment, whereas in the Thermaikos Gulf we investigated the impact of bottom trawling.Resuspension in the Gulf of Lions determined the increase of sedimentation rates, modified the composition of the organic fraction of settling particles and decreased the labile fraction of POM, as indicated by a drop in the enzymatically hydrolysable amino acid fraction. The increase in the refractory fraction, following short-term storm-induced resuspension, increased also the contribution of glycine and decreased the contribution of aspartic acid contents to the total amino acid pools.Trawling activities in Thermaikos Gulf determined a significant increase in suspended POM concentrations and important changes in its biochemical composition. After trawling, the protein to carbohydrate ratio decreased (as a result of a major input of sedimentary carbohydrates at the water–sediment interface) and the fraction of enzymatically hydrolysable biopolymeric C decreased by ≈30%, thus reducing the bioavailability of resuspended organic particles. Results of the present study indicate that changes in suspended POM, induced by storms and trawling activities, can have similar consequences on benthic systems and on food webs. In fact, the potential benefit of increased organic particle concentration for suspension feeders, is depressed by the shift of suspended food particles towards a more refractory composition.  相似文献   

Investigating the transport of suspended solids by water sampling usually leads to an underestimation of loads and an unrealistically high sampling frequency is required to properly characterize temporal trends. An alternative method is to use in situ optical turbidimeters to estimate the suspended solids concentration; however, the relationship between turbidity and suspended solids concentration is potentially confounded by variations in particle size, particle composition and water colour. Field measurements, and laboratory measurements using the type of natural material suspended in streamwater, were made to quantify the influences of these factors on nephelometric turbidity (Hach 2100A) and attenuance turbidity (Partech 7000 3RP MKII). The attenuance turbidity was approximately 2.5 times higher than nephelometric turbidity. The turbidity instruments were most sensitive to dispersions with a median diameter of 1.2-1.4γm. Particle size variation can cause the turbidity to vary by a factor of four for the same concentration of suspended solids. However, the numerous close correlations between turbidity and suspended solids concentration reported previously suggests that either the particle size variations are not usually great, or that particle size variations are often associated with variations in suspended solids concentration. For the same concentration and particle size, organic particles gave attenuance turbidity values two to three times higher than mineral particles. However, shortterm temporal variations from purely organic to purely mineral particle loads are rare in nature, so variations in the percentage of organic matter in the paniculate load will not confound turbidity to this extent. Coloured dissolved organic matter is unlikely to alter the turbidity reading by more than 10%. An adequate relationship between turbidity measured in the field and suspended solids concentration should be expected in most situations. Some variance can be tolerated because a continuous estimate of suspended solids concentration overcomes the problem of infrequent sampling, which is the greatest source of error in the estimation of stream sediment loads.  相似文献   

The effect of light on nitrate (NO3) and ammonium (NH4+) uptake by natural communities was investigated in relation to cell size (<10 and >10 μm) in the well-mixed coastal waters of the English Channel. Nitrogen (N) uptake kinetics as a function of irradiance were assessed using 15N tracer techniques, for a seasonal cycle of populations collected at 50% and 1% light penetration depth. The nitrogen uptake responses to irradiance can be represented by the formulation used to describe the photosynthesis versus irradiance relationships and modified by the addition of a dark uptake parameter. The response curves of two size fractions of phytoplankton collected at 50% and 1% of incident light did not differ significantly, which suggested that the physiological characteristics of N uptake were not affected by the light intensity at which the phytoplankton assemblages were sampled. The kinetics parameters indicated that the NO3 uptake system was more strongly dependent on light than the NH4+ uptake system. They also showed that N uptake was less limited by the light intensity in the small size fraction than it was in the large size fraction. At the mean light intensity in the water column, kinetics analysis predicted a NH4+ uptake that was on average 1.8 (±0.6) and 2.4 (±1.0) times greater than the NO3 uptake, for <10 and >10 μm size fractions, respectively. The kinetics also predicted, at the in situ mean light intensity, that the mean ability to take up nitrogen was twice as high (1.8±0.5) for the small than for the large cells when the N substrate was NH4+ and more than twice as high (2.6±1.5) when the substrate was NO3. These results added to our understanding of the light effect on N uptake processes in well-mixed waters, and can largely explain the phytoplankton production, mainly regenerated and dominated by small cells, that has been observed in these waters.  相似文献   

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