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Z. Shi  H. J. Zhou 《水文研究》2004,18(15):2877-2892
Theoretical and experimental studies were undertaken to gain insight into physical parameters controlling the flocculation and settling properties of mud flocs in the Changjiang Estuary, China. The Rouse equation is applied to vertical profiles of suspended sediment concentration to determine the bulk mean settling velocity (ws) of sediment suspended in the Changjiang Estuary. Both in situ point‐sampled and acoustically measured profiles of suspended mud concentrations were fit selectively. The calculated settling velocities ws mainly ranged from 0·4 to 4·1 mm s?1 for the point‐sampled data set, and from 1·0 to 3·0 mm s?1 for the acoustically measured data set. Furthermore, the settling velocities of mud flocs increased with mean concentration (C?) of mud flocs in suspension and were proportional to increasing bottom shear stress (τb) of tidal flow. The best equation for the field settling velocity of mud flocs in the Changjiang Estuary can be expressed by the power law: ws = mC?n (m, 1·14–2·37; n, 0·84–1·03). It is suggested that C? and τb were the dominant physical parameters controlling the flocculation and ws of mud flocs in suspension. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment is commonly considered as a source of phosphine, which is a highly toxic and reactive atmospheric trace gas. This study aims to investigate the seasonal and spatial distribution of matrix-bound phosphine (MBP) and its relationship with the environment in the Changjiang River Estuary. A total of 43 surface sediments were collected in four seasons of 2006, and concentrations of MBP and relative environmental factors were analyzed. MBP ranged from 1.93 to 94.86ngkg(-1) dry weight (dw) with an average concentration of 17.14ngkg(-1)dw. The concentrations of MBP in the upper estuary were higher than those in the lower estuary, which could be attributed to greater pollutant inputs in the upper estuary. The concentrations of MBP also varied with season, with November>August>May>February. Significant correlations existed between MBP and total phosphorus (TP), organic phosphorus (OP), inorganic phosphorus (IP), organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN), the grain size, and redox potential (Eh), suggesting that these sedimentary environmental characteristics played an important role in controlling the MBP levels in the sediments. Notably, there were positive linear relationships between the concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), TP, and chlorophyll a (Chl a) in bottom water and MBP in sediments. These relationships might be very complicated and need further exploration. This work is the first comprehensive study of the seasonal and spatial distribution of MBP in sediments and its relationships with environmental factors in a typical estuary, and will lead to deeper understanding of the phosphorus (P) biogeochemical cycle.  相似文献   

The single, long and narrow channel that usually connects choked coastal lagoons to the ocean can serve as a natural hydraulic low-pass filter that reduces or eliminates tidal and subtidal effects inside the lagoon. This study proposes an alternative method of estimating the attenuation of the tidal and subtidal oscillations throughout the Patos Lagoon estuary. The attenuation is estimated for conditions of contrasting river runoff and weather (summer and winter). A high-pass/low-pass filter (fast fourier transformation technique – FFT) is applied to time series of sea-surface elevation (SSE) measured at the mouth of the Patos Lagoon. The resulting high-frequency (tidal) and low-frequency (subtidal) signals are used in independent simulations to force the TELEMAC-2D model. Attenuation of the tidal and subtidal signals throughout the estuary is estimated by applying cross-spectral analysis between the model-generated SSE time series at different locations throughout the estuary and the filtered SSE time series measured at the mouth. Results from the proposed method suggest that: (1) the low-frequency (subtidal) oscillations are less attenuated and propagate further than the high-frequency (tidal) oscillations in the Patos Lagoon estuary; (2) the filtering capability of the Patos Lagoon estuary is expected to follow a seasonal pattern, although further investigations on an interannual time scale are recommended in order to confirm this hypothesis; (3) the influence of the oceanic boundary processes on the SSE dynamics of the lagoon is restricted to the lower estuary. Further inland, the local forcing generated by the wind and freshwater input is likely to be the main forcing effect controlling the dynamics of the system. The proposed method proved to be an efficient and alternative way of estimating the attenuation of energy in the tidal and subtidal bands throughout the access channel of a choked coastal lagoon located in an area of reduced tidal influence.Responsible Editor: Iris Grabemann  相似文献   

Sedimentary aliphatic (AH) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied in the Changjiang Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea. Total AH ranged from 2.20 to 11.82 μg g−1 and consisted of n-alkanes and a dominant petroleum-related unresolved complex mixture (UCM). Within the n-alkanes, terrestrial plant wax compounds prevailed at nearly all stations. Of the PAHs, biogenic perylene dominated at stations receiving riverine inputs. Anthropogenic PAHs originating from combustion/pyrolysis processes varied from 17 to 157 ng g−1, while fossil PAH concentrations ranged from 42 to 187 ng g−1. Both biogenic and anthropogenic hydrocarbons are primarily derived from riverine discharges and accumulate at shallow-water stations. Distinct phase associations lead, nevertheless, to different sedimentation patterns. Fossil PAHs are enhanced at offshore stations where they are introduced directly by shipping activities. Biomarker fingerprints ascribe their source to Chinese crude oils. The overall levels of anthropogenic hydrocarbons are low compared to relevant areas worldwide and reveal a low/moderate level of hydrocarbon pollution.  相似文献   

A numerical shelf circulation model was developed for the Scotian Shelf, using a nested-grid setup consisting of a three-dimensional baroclinic inner model embedded inside a two-dimensional barotropic outer model. The shelf circulation model is based on the Princeton Ocean Model and driven by three-hourly atmospheric forcing provided by a numerical weather forecast model and by tidal forcing specified at the inner model's open boundaries based on pre-calculated tidal harmonic constants. The outer model simulates the depth-mean circulation forced by wind and atmospheric pressure fields over the northwest Atlantic Ocean with a horizontal resolution of 1/12°. The inner model simulates the three-dimensional circulation over the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Scotian Shelf, and the adjacent slope with a horizontal resolution of 1/16°. The performance of the shelf circulation model is assessed by comparing model results with oceanographic observations made along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia and in the vicinity of Sable Island (on the Scotian Shelf) during two periods: October 2000–March 2001 and April–June 2002. Analysis of model results on Sable Island Bank indicates that tidal currents account for as much as ∼80% of the total variance of near-bottom currents, and currents driven by local winds account for ∼30% of the variance of the non-tidal near-bottom currents. Shelf waves generated remotely by winds and propagating into the region also play an important role in the near-bottom circulation on the bank.  相似文献   

A 3-D, time-dependent, baroclinic, hydrodynamic and salinity model was implemented and applied to the Danshuei River estuarine system and the adjacent coastal sea in Taiwan. The model forcing functions consist of tidal elevations along the open boundaries and freshwater inflows from the main stream and major tributaries in the Danshuei River estuarine system. The bottom friction coefficient was adjusted to achieve model calibration and verification in model simulations of barotropic and baroclinic flows. The turbulent diffusivities were ascertained through comparison of simulated salinity time series with observations. The model simulation results are in qualitative agreement with the available field data.  相似文献   

High-resolution hydrodynamic models are a common tool to simulate water dynamics in estuaries. Results from these models are, however, difficult to interpret without the aid of additional parameters to integrate the information. In this paper a methodology to understand the transport patterns in the Tagus Estuary is proposed. It is based on the computation of two renewal time scales: residence time and integrated water fraction. This last parameter is used to build a dependency matrix that gives the integrated influence of each region of the estuary at a selected point. The parameters are computed using a Lagrangian transport model coupled to the hydrodynamic model. Results show that Tagus Estuary has two different types of regions: the central part of the estuary, with low renewal efficiency, and three regions with higher renewal efficiency. Renewal mechanisms are, however, different for each region as shown by the dependency matrix. Comparison of renewal time scales with results from a water-quality model revealed that residence time is not a limiting parameter for primary production in the Tagus Estuary.Responsible Editor: Hans Burchard  相似文献   

During the last 7000 years since the Changjiang Delta was formed, how much sediment brought by the Changjiang River remained in the modern Changjiang Delta? And how much sediment was delivered into the sea and adjacent coasts? These are very important que…  相似文献   

The time domain electromagnetic method (TDEM) is applied to monitor, to delineate and to map the saltwater intrusion zones in the Mediterranean Plio‐Quaternary aquifer. Forty‐two TDEM soundings were carried out in the coastal plain of Nabeul–Hammamet region (NE Tunisia). TDEM resistivity data were correlated with the existing borehole logging data to assign them to a particular lithology and to provide information about the position of the freshwater–seawater transition zone. The geoelectric sections showing the vertical configuration of seawater intrusion, with the brackish‐salty‐saturated zones, have a resistivity ranging from ~0.1 to 5 Ω?m and are detected at a depth lower than 1.5 m. The salinized zones are located at Nabeul (Sidi Moussa, Sidi El Mahrsi, Al Gasba and Mrazgua) and at Hammamet (Touristic zone of Hammamet north and south, Baraket Essahel) and reached a distance of 4 km from the coastline, indicating a severe state for the aquifer in these zones. These TDEM results are confirmed by the increase of chloride concentration content in the analysed water samples of monitoring wells. Moreover, in the northeastern part, the presence of a saltwater front located far from the coast and along the NW–SE major surface fault can be explained by two hypothesis: (i) this fault seems to provide a conduit for seawater to move readily towards the water wells and (ii) the clay and gypsum infiltration of marine Messinian deposits through the fault plane leads to low resistivities. Finally, it comes out from this study that TDEM survey has successfully depicted salinized zones of this coastal aquifer. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

全新世初期气候的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文尝试用一个完全耦合的大气-海洋-植被模式(Atmosphere-Ocean-Vegetation General Circulation Model, AOVGCM)模拟全新世初期的地球气候.模拟结果表明,耦合模式成功地再现了全新世初期复杂气候条件下的基本特征,为研究这一时期的气候状况提供了重要的模型支持.就全球平均而言,11ka BP冬季地表气温比现代约低1.6 K,夏季比现代低约0.3 K;大气温度从低层到高层有不同的表现,高层反映了太阳辐射的重要作用,而低层气候对下垫面(如冰川、植被和海洋等)的影响比较敏感.从区域分布来看,11 ka BP冬季大部地区比现在偏干,但热带太平洋和南半球少部地区降水偏多;夏季大部地区比现在偏湿,亚洲和非洲季风偏强,主要的季风区降水偏多.  相似文献   

In order to optimize ship navigation in the macrotidal Gironde Estuary, a recent project funded by the port of Bordeaux aims at better understand and forecast hydrodynamic and fine sediment transport within the estuary. In the framework of this project, a two-dimensional hydro-sedimentary model is built. The model includes hydrodynamic forcings, mixed-sediment transport, and consolidation processes. The harmonic analysis of the astronomical tides reveals a strong distortion of the tidal wave inducing the growth of overtide constituents and the non-significant effect of tide-surge interactions in annual-scale prediction. Depending on hydrological conditions, river discharge can considerably alter the model accuracy due to the migration of the turbidity maximum zone modifying the bottom roughness. Comparison with measurements shows the ability of the model to reproduce suspended-sediment concentrations in the central Estuary. Sensitivity of the model to sediment features has also been discussed in regard of suspended-sediment concentrations and fluid mud deposits. The model will be further coupled with ship squat predictions and a morphodynamic model.  相似文献   

The phylum-level meta-analysis approach was applied to assess the status of disturbance of intertidal and subtidal macrobenthos in two estuaries in northeastern Brazil that are subject to different sources of pollution. Previously published estuarine data were included in the body of knowledge considered in the meta-analysis, to improve the reliability of the assessment of the Brazilian samples. Further multivariate and distributional techniques were applied to discriminate differences between estuaries and assess the pollution status of each. Phylum-level multivariate comparisons based on community attributes succeeded in discriminating the estuaries, and species distributions against abundance separated the estuaries in terms of pollution status. The meta-analysis indicated an almost indistinguishable moderate pollution status for both systems. Addition of new comparative data to the meta-analysis did not improve its sensitivity. Although the meta-analysis yielded satisfactory results in detecting disturbance in tropical estuaries, the method is not very sensitive to differences in sources of pollution.  相似文献   

From 1989 to 1992, the concentration of formaldehyde was measured along the Elbe estuary as well as at anchor stations. In mesocosm experiments, the turnover of formaldehyde could be investigated avoiding the variability caused by tidal advection of different water bodies. Formaldehyde concentrations in the Elbe estuary ranged from 0.5… 180 μg/L. As sources, a release by algae and microbial processes were identified. Three areas with different dominance of formaldehyde turnover processes were found in the estuary. In the limnic part of the estuary, a release of formaldehyde by algae was dominant. In the mixohaline zone and the turbidity maximum, bacterial degradation of organic matter increased the formaldehyde concentration. In the mouth of the estuary, the adjacent Wadden sea areas influenced the concentration due to formaldehyde-rich runoff from the tidal mud flats. In the other parts of the estuary, a fast degradation of formaldehyde kept the formaldehyde concentration at a low level. In sediment cores from the Elbe and a mesocosm, the formaldehyde concentrations were in the same range as in the water column. Mesocosms with and without sediment showed no significant differences in concentration levels which were similar to those measured in the Elbe at the same time. During the investigated period, no anthropogenic impacts of formaldehyde into the Elbe estuary could be detected.  相似文献   

The Changjiang diluted water (CDW) around Jeju Island between 2002 and 2006 in response to external forcings, such as wind, tidal forcing and low river discharge, is studied using a three-dimensional model. The model results suggest that wind largely determines spatial differences of CDW and the freshwater export toward Jeju Island between two years. In 2006, when northwestward wind blows during mid June to mid August, the wind-induced Ekman flow causes a broad northeastward extension of CDW and carries a significant amount of freshwater northeastward Jeju Island in August. On the other hand, in 2002 northward wind during mid July to early August drives the CDW to the southwest of Jeju Island, and thereafter the CDW is mainly advected northeastward along the Cheju Current during mid August when the wind becomes weak. Therefore, the amount of freshwater around Jeju Island increases in September, not in August. The response to tidal forcing shows that tide-induced vertical mixing tends to enhance a meander of CDW around Changjiang Bank and shift the CDW flowing into the Yellow Sea southeastward toward Jeju Island. As a result, the amount of freshwater toward Jeju Island becomes larger than that in no-tides case. The summer low river discharge as a flood control scenario has little influence on the spatial behavior of CDW around Jeju Island although the discharge contributes to the amount of freshwater around Jeju Island.  相似文献   

Earthquake swarms are often assumed to be caused by magmatic or fluid intrusions, where the stress changes in the vicinity of the intrusion control the position, strength and rate of seismicity. Fracture mechanical models of natural intrusions or man-made hydrofractures pose constraints on orientation, magnitude, shape and growing rate of fractures and can be used to estimate stress changes in the vicinity of the intrusions. Although the idea of intrusion-induced seismicity is widely accepted, specific comparisons of seismicity patterns with fracture models of stress changes are rarely done. The goal of the study is to review patterns of intrusion-induced earthquake swarms in comparison to the observations of the swarm in NW Bohemia in 2000. We analyse and discuss the theoretical 3D shape of intrusions under mixed mode loading and apparent buoyancy. The aspect ratio and form of the intrusion is used to constrain parameters of the fluid, the surrounding rock and stress. We conclude that the 2000 NW Bohemia swarm could have been driven by a magmatic intrusion. The intrusion was, however, inclined to the maximal principal stress and caused shear displacement additional to opening. We estimate that the density diference between magma and rock was small. The feeding reservoir was possibly much larger than the area affected from earthquakes and may be a vertical dike beneath the swarm region.  相似文献   

依据边界层梯度输送理论和能量守恒原理分析了蒸发皿蒸发量的物理意义,蒸发皿蒸发量是多环境因子共同非线性相互作用的结果,并利用我国有长期太阳辐射观测的62个常规气象站观测资料,通过蒸发皿蒸发量与环境气象因子的相关分析对其进行了验证. 分析了近40年蒸发皿蒸发量和环境气象因子的变化趋势,分析结果也表明只利用单个环境因子的变化来解释蒸发皿蒸发量的气候变化会产生偏颇,譬如将蒸发皿蒸发量的逐年减少归因于地表接收的太阳辐射减少的解释在中国东部比在中国西部较合理. 分析1983~2001年间国际卫星云气候计划观测的资料得出,我国大部分地区的总云量保持微小的减少趋势而总云水路径处于明显的增加趋势,这表明云变得更不透明了,它的物理属性发生了明显的变化;预示着大气可降水量有逐年增加的趋势, 地气系统变得更湿润. 结合水循环过程,利用大气环流模式用数值方法证明地气系统的水汽变化能引起陆地近地层大气相对湿度、地表接收的太阳总辐射和地表潜在蒸发量的明显变化.  相似文献   

The Boston Harbor, Massachusetts Bay and Cape Cod Bay system (MBS) is a semi-enclosed coastal embayment located in the western Gulf of Maine (GOM). The strength of the spring bloom in the MBS varies dramatically and the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. It has been hypothesized that the weak (or missing) 1998 spring bloom was due to increased zooplankton grazing pressure after a relatively warmer winter that led to earlier development of zooplankton populations. However, chlorophyll concentrations were low in the entire GOM region during the spring bloom period of 1998. These low chlorophyll waters would enter the MBS by persistent intrusion from the GOM and affect the MBS spring bloom by reducing the accumulation of phytoplankton biomass, suggesting an alternative explanation for the missing bloom. In this study, the influences of the intruding GOM waters on the MBS spring bloom are examined using numerical simulations and observations to compare two contrasting spring blooms (a weak bloom in 1998 versus a strong bloom in 2000). The results indicate that intruding waters from the GOM significantly reduced the strength of spring bloom in 1998, but enhanced the spring bloom in 2000. A theoretical analysis suggests that the influence of the intrusion on the MBS spring bloom is mostly limited to the northern portion of the MBS, and the impact area is determined by local net growth, velocity of intruding flow and horizontal mixing. The intrusion of GOM waters carries the signal of long-term variability in the GOM region and thus may be an important oceanic pathway for climate changes to impact the MBS ecosystem.  相似文献   

A bioaccumulation model was developed to simulate the PCB contamination in the sea bass food web from the Seine Estuary. The model relies upon a contaminant mass balance budget for each biological species. Biological processes determine the extent of bioaccumulation: respiration and feeding rates control the uptake of contaminants whereas excretion, spawning, and growth act on the chemicals removal. A step-by-step modelling approach was followed. A first version was a steady-state model validated for the bioaccumulation processes. In the second version seasonal variation was taken into account, and finally in the third version, the model was coupled with a population dynamics model to describe PCB contamination in each age class.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional, prognostic, wave–tide–circulation coupled numerical model is developed to study the effects of tidal mixing on the summertime vertical circulation in the Yellow Sea (YS). The distribution and mechanisms of upwelling are investigated by numerical means. Validated by historical tide gauge data, satellite sea surface temperature (SST) data, and cruise observation data, the model shows satisfactory performances in reproducing the dominant tidal system and three-dimensional sea temperature structure. Model results suggest that strong tidal mixing plays an important role in the formation of the vertical circulation in the YS. The Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM) is fringed by typical tidal mixing fronts (TMFs), which separate the cold, stratified water at the offshore side from the warm, well-mixed, shallow water at the other side. Considerable baroclinic gradient across the TMF makes the frontal zone the spot where the most active vertical circulation occurs; a secondary circulation is triggered with a distinct upwelling branch occurring mainly on the mixed side of the front. The numerical model produces systematic upwelling belts surrounding the YSCWM, and the upwelling is essentially induced by the TMF over sloping topography. The relative importance of tidal mixing and wind forcing for upwelling is further examined in numerical experiments. The southerly wind enhances the upwelling off the western coasts, but its overall influences in the whole YS are less important than tidal mixing. As shown by both satellite data and numerical modeling, the summertime SST field in the YS is featured by the stable existence of several site-selective surface cold patches (SCPs), most of which scatter in the waters off convex coastlines. One of the SCPs is found off Subei Bank, and the others are located off the eastern tip of Shandong Peninsula and off the three tips of Korean Peninsula. Two processes give rise to the SCP: on the one hand, TMF-induced upwelling supplies cold water from the deep layer; on the other hand, tidal mixing itself can stir the bottom water upward and homogenize the water column vertically. In the waters around the tips of peninsula in the YS, the tidal currents are extraordinarily strong, which provides a possible explanation for the site-selectivity of the SCPs.  相似文献   

Cao  Fang  Yang  Shouye  Yang  Chengfan  Guo  Yulong  Bi  Lei  Li  Yuze 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2021,64(10):1698-1708
As the key link connecting the earth's spheres, continental weathering plays an important role in regulating the global biogeochemical cycle and long-term climate change. Siliciclastic sediments derived from large river basins can record continental weathering and erosion signals, and are thus widely used to investigate weathering processes. However, sediment grain size, hydrodynamic sorting and sedimentary recycling complicate the interpretation of sediment weathering proxies. This study presents elemental and lithium isotope compositions of estuarine surface sediments(SS) and suspended particulate matters(SPM) collected from the Changjiang(Yangtze River) Estuary. Based on a simple mass balance model, the proportions of different end-members(i.e., igneous rocks, modern weathering products and inherited weathering products) in sediments were quantitatively calculated and thus the silicate weathering process can be estimated. Overall, the sediments in the Changjiang Estuary are mainly eroded from un-weathered rock fragments(60%), while modern weathering products account for less than40%. The fine-grained SPM contain more shale components(52–66%), and the modern weathering products account for 21–40%. Comparatively, the coarse-grained surface sediments contain more un-weathered igneous rock fragments(63–84%) and less modern weathering products(only 4–18%). The comparison of δ7 Li values with the weathering proxy(Chemical Index of Alteration, CIA) suggests that sediment weathering intensity declines with increasing proportion of un-weathered igneous rock fragments. Additionally, the occurrence of inherited weathering products(i.e., shale) in modern sediments makes it a challenge to simply use CIA and δ7 Li as indicators of weathering intensity. This study confirms that fine-grained particles are more suitable for tracing contemporary weathering process, albeit with the influence of sedimentary recycling. Lithium isotopes combining with the mass balance model can quantitatively constrain the continental weathering processes in large river basins.  相似文献   

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