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The nodal modulation of the diurnal (K1 and O1) and semi-diurnal (M2 and K2) tidal constituents at the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and the eastern Atlantic is estimated and its spatial variability mapped. Fourteen hourly tide gauge records each spanning more than 18 years are considered in this analysis. Ten tide gauges are located in the Mediterranean Sea and four in the Bay of Biscay. The nodal modulation of the most energetic tidal constituent (M2) reaches up to 5 cm at the eastern Atlantic coasts, while within the Mediterranean Sea its modulation is in general less than 1.1 cm. The largest K2 nodal modulation found is 3.7 cm in the eastern Atlantic coasts. In the Mediterranean Sea, smaller modulation amplitudes, ranging between 0.4 and 1.4 cm are found. The K1 tide constituent has the largest amplitude nodal modulation within the Mediterranean Sea of 1.9 cm in the north Adriatic Sea, which is also larger than the modulation of this constituent at the eastern Atlantic coasts. The O1 tide constituent has the highest amplitude nodal modulation (1.4 cm) at the eastern Atlantic coasts. In the Mediterranean Sea the maximum value is 1 cm in the north Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

大地震的18.6年周期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
将全球分为15个研究区,用1900~2009年MW≥7.0地震目录,统计分析了各区大地震与月球交点运动周期的关系,得出15个研究区中有10个区,大地震存在统计意义上的18.6 a周期:活跃段为12.4 a,平静段为6.2 a;环太平洋地震带北、南、西、东4大区的大地震,不仅有这样的周期,而且其地震活跃段的时间存在一定规律.用第6个18.6 a(1991~2009年)期间的大地震,检验据前5个18.6 a(1900~1990年)地震目录所得18.6 a 周期的稳定性和实用性,发现有这种周期的地区多数的周期性是稳定的.大地震18.6 a周期的可能成因有: (1)18.6 a潮波通过调制日潮和半日潮调制大地震; (2)上地幔内流体的潮汐(地内潮)作用; (3)18.6 a潮波通过影响地球自转变化调制大地震.  相似文献   

Spectrum analysis of 32 tree-ring chronologies from Argentina and Chile yields evidence for two peaks with periods 19.2±1.6 years (30 out of 32 records) and 10.5±0.4 years in 22 instances. Tests by thet-statistic show that the long-period peak is significant at a confidence level of 99%. This signal is identified as the luni-solar 18.6-year M n term reported earlier byCurrie (1983) in two treering chronologies from the same region, and later in tree-rings from North America, Tasmania, New Zealand, and South Africa (Currie, 1991a-c). Amplitude and phase of the M n signal are nonstationary with respect to both time and geography. In particular, abrupt 180° phase changes in wave polarity are often observed.  相似文献   

Horizontal winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere over the Antarctic have been measured by a meteor radar at Rothera (67.5°S, 68.0°W) and MF radar at Davis (68.6°S, 78.0°E). Data from Rothera recorded over a 20-month interval in 2005–2006 and data from Davis recorded over the 13-year interval 1994–2006 are examined to investigate the monthly mean behaviour of the lunar semidiurnal tide. Both data sets show a clear signal of the 12.42-h lunar semidiurnal (M2) tide. The amplitude reaches values as large as 8 m s−1. The vertical wavelengths of the tide vary seasonally from 10 to 65 km. Comparisons of the phase of the tide measured over the two sites reveals that it does not purely consist of a migrating wavenumber 2 mode. This suggests that other, non-migrating, modes are likely to be present.  相似文献   

A numerical model has been used to calculate the atmospheric response to forcing at periods in the region of 12-13.5 h. The results show that the response is enhanced in the neighbourhood of 13 h. These results have been compared with lunar tidal analyses of mesospheric wind data and geomagnetic variations at a number of stations. It is found that the N2 lunar tidal component (period 12.66 h) is significantly enhanced relative to the main lunar tidal component M2 (period 12.42 h) in both types of data, compared with what would be expected from the gravitational tidal potential. This supports the predictions of the numerical model. An appreciable phase shift is also found in the experimental data between the N2 and M2 tides, agreeing in sense with what would be expected for a resonance at a period around 13 h.  相似文献   

The Solomon Sea is a key region in the Pacific Ocean where equatorial and subtropical circulations are connected. The region exhibits the highest levels in sea level variability in the entire south tropical Pacific Ocean. Altimeter data was utilized to explore sea level and western boundary currents in this poorly understood portion of the ocean. Since the geography of the region is extremely intricate, with numerous islands and complex bathymetry, specifically reprocessed along-track data in addition to standard gridded data were utilized in this study. Sea level anomalies (SLA) in the Solomon Sea principally evolve at seasonal and interannual time scales. The annual cycle is phased by Rossby waves arriving in the Solomon Strait, whereas the interannual signature corresponds to the basin-scale ENSO mode. The highest SLA variability are concentrated in the eastern Solomon Sea, particularly at the mouth of the Solomon Strait, where they are associated with a high eddy kinetic energy signal that was particularly active during the phase transition during the 1997–1998 ENSO event. Track data appear especially helpful for documenting the fine structure of surface coastal currents. The annual variability of the boundary currents that emerged from altimetry compared quite well with the variability seen at the thermocline level, as based on numerical simulations. At interannual time scales, western boundary current transport anomalies counterbalance changes in western equatorial Pacific warm water volume, confirming the phasing of South Pacific western boundary currents to ENSO. Altimetry appears to be a valuable source of information for variability in low latitude western boundary currents and their associated transport in the South Pacific.  相似文献   

Summary Solar and lunar geomagnetic tides inH at Alibag have been determined by spectral analysis of discrete Fourier transforms following the method of Black and the well-known Chapman-Miller method. The seasonal variation inL 2(H) is opposite to that inL 2(D) with maximum in thed season and minimum in thej season. In bothH andD the enhancement due to sunspot activity is larger in lunar tide than in solar tide. Surprisingly, the enhancement due to magnetic activity is greater inL 2(H) than inS 1(H), while the contrary is true for declination. It is inferred that there is a local time component of the storm time variation contrary to the view expressed by Green and Malin. The enhancements in amplitudesL 2 andS 1 inH andD, due to sunspot activity and due to magnetic activity, have been separated. The results show that the amplitude at zero sunspot number increases with magnetic activity in all the four parameters, while the enhancement due to sunspot activity at different levels of magnetic activity decreases with increase ofK p. But if bothK p andR are increasing, whenK p increases enhancement due toR decreases and whenR increases enhancement due toK p decreases.  相似文献   


针对相对重力测量数据中存在的重力固体潮信号,本文提出将奇异谱分析方法(Singular Spectrum Analysis,SSA)应用到相对重力测量数据处理中,在不需要测站坐标等先验信息的条件下从相对重力数据中提取重力固体潮,提供了一种获取重力固体潮的新思路.采用模拟的相对重力数据进行实验,利用SSA方法和小波变换方法分别从模拟信号中提取重力固体潮并进行结果对比,SSA获取的重力固体潮与理论值残差RMS为0.3 μGal,小波方法获取的残差RMS为1.6 μGal.利用CG-5相对重力仪实测数据进行实验,提出一种利用SSA外推时间序列来削弱边界效应的新思路,实验结果显示采用这种方法后重力固体潮值与理论值残差序列的RMS和STD均有所减小.通过实验发现削弱边界效应后SSA提取的重力固体潮与采用Tamura潮波表计算的重力固体潮理论值残差RMS值为2.2 μGal.利用SSA提取的零点漂移值与最小二乘拟合得到的结果基本一致,十天内的差值小于0.4 μGal/d.


Non-linear tidal constituents, such as the overtide M4 or the compound tide MS4, are generated by interaction in shallow seas of the much larger astronomically forced “primary” tidal constituents (e.g., M2, S2). As such, errors in modeling these “secondary” shallow-water tides might be expected to be caused first of all by errors in modeling the primary constituents. Thus, in the context of data assimilation, observations of primary-constituent harmonic constants can indirectly constrain shallow-water constituents. Here we consider variational data assimilation for primary and secondary tidal constituents as a coupled problem, using a simple linearized perturbation theory for weak interactions of the dominant primary constituents. Variation of the resulting penalty functional leads to weakly non-linear Euler–Lagrange equations, which we show can be solved approximately with a simple two-stage scheme. In the first stage, data for the primary constituents are assimilated into the linear shallow water equations (SWE), and the resulting inverse solutions are used to compute the quadratic interactions in the non-linear SWE that constitute the forcing for the secondary constituents. In the second stage, data for the compound or overtide constituent are assimilated into the linear SWE, using a prior forced by the results of the first stage. We apply this scheme to assimilation of TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason altimetry data on the Northwest European Shelf, comparing results to a large set of shelf and coastal tide gauges. Prior solutions for M4, MS4 and MN4 computed using inverse solutions for M2, S2, and N2 dramatically improve fits to validation tide gauges relative to unconstrained forward solutions. Further assimilation of along-track harmonic constants for these shallow-water constituents reduces RMS differences to below 1 cm on the shelf, approaching the accuracy of the validation tide gauge harmonic constants.  相似文献   

月球影像数据是研究月球的地貌、地表形态,绘制全月地形图以及进行各种相关科学研究的基础.早期的Lunar orbiter,Apollo,Surveyor基本是以模拟影像格式传回地球,经过扫描后以照片形式发布.Clementine 的数据是通过PDS中心,以PDS的形式发布的.影像数据的保存与发布格式应遵循以下原则:数据格式要便于经常更新和补充;能够在各种平台和各不同目的使用人群中方便地使用;要符合国际标准,方便处理,能够与以前多次探测计划得到的数据结合使用.为中国嫦娥工程的影像数据格式提出建议.  相似文献   


月球深部断裂是研究月球早期应力场演化和动力机制的一类重要构造.本文基于GRAIL月球重力数据计算了全月布格重力梯度,在此基础上对月球深部断裂进行了全球绘制,共识别月球深部断裂226条.计算了断裂的长度和走向等基本参数,断裂总长度达到37137 km,平均长度为164 km.统计月球深部断裂在不同范围内的分布情况,发现多数断裂分布在月球的中低纬度地区,且北半球的断裂多于南半球.此外,大型月海集中区所在的纬向带断裂分布最多,断裂经向分布最多的区域为风暴洋的西侧.从全球尺度和不同经纬度带绘制断裂走向玫瑰花图,总体上月球全球尺度上的深部断裂表现出NE-SW和NW-SE的优势走向,不同经度带断裂的优势走向变化不明显,但在纬度带上有显著的变化.南北半球的中纬度带和高纬度带具有相同的优势走向,分别为NE-SW和NW-SE、E-W,在低纬度带的优势走向有所差异,分别是南半球的NE-SW和NW-SE以及北半球的N-S.


体应变潮汐观测资料信息提取与映震效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨林章 《地震》2003,23(1):48-52
根据体应变观测资料的特点, 研究了体应变观测资料的处理方法, 提出了在时间域分析的数学模型。在数学模型中, 将潮汐因子、气压系数、非潮汐应变速率和加速度一并考虑, 在资料处理结果中, 这些参数可同时取得。分别用时间域分析方法和频率域分析方法对观测数据进行了处理, 发现潮汐因子、气压系数、应变速率和加速度等参数在大同地震前均有大小不同、持续时间不等的异常, 这些参数可作为物理意义明确的地震中短期预测的指标。  相似文献   

With the launch of the TIMED satellite in December 2001, continuous temperature and wind data sets amenable to MLT tidal analyses became available. The wind measuring instrument, the TIMED Doppler Interferometer (TIDI), is operating since early 2002. Its day- and nighttime capability allows to derive tidal winds over a range of MLT altitudes. This paper presents climatologies (June 2002–June 2005) of monthly mean amplitudes and phases for six nonmigrating semidiurnal tidal components between 85 and 105 km altitude and between 45°S and 45°N latitude (westward propagating wave numbers 4, 3, 1; the standing oscillation s0; and eastward propagating wave numbers 1, 2) in the zonal and meridional wind directions.Amplitude errors are 15–20% (accuracy) and 0.8 m/s (precision). The phase error is 2 h. The TIDI analysis agrees well with 1991–1994 UARS results at 95 km. During boreal winter, amplitudes of a single component can reach 10 m/s at latitudes equatorward of 45°. Aggregate effects of nonmigrating tides can easily reach or exceed the amplitude of the migrating tide. Comparisons with the global scale wave model (GSWM) and the thermosphere–ionosphere–mesosphere–electrodynamics general circulation model (TIME-GCM) are partly inconclusive but they suggest that wave–wave interaction and latent heat release in the tropical troposphere both play an important role in forcing the semidiurnal westward 1, westward 3, and standing components. Latent heat release is the leading source of the eastward propagating components.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - Forecasts of 10-m wind (U10) and significant wave height (Hs) from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Ensemble Forecast System are evaluated using altimeter...  相似文献   

利用视线加速度数据恢复月球近区重力异常的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文阐述了利用分步最小二乘方法拟合视线加速度来确定月球重力异常的原理和计算步骤,并利用"Lunar Prospector"扩展任务实测的视线方向加速度数据计算了月球近区的重力异常.最后将计算结果和现今最高阶次的月球重力场模型LP165进行了比较和分析,得出标准差在纬度-75°~75°范围内为±27.354 mGal,75°~85°和-85°~-75°范围内为±61.965 mGal的精度,从而验证了该解算方法的可行性和可靠性.  相似文献   

 Mapping the mesoscale surface velocity stream function by combining estimates of surface height from satellite altimetry and surface currents from sequential infrared (sea-surface temperature) imagery using optimal interpolation is described. Surface currents are computed from infrared images by the method of maximum cross-correlations (MCC) and are combined with altimeter sea-level anomaly data from the TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS satellites. The analysis method was applied to 6 years of data from the East Australian Current region. The covariance of velocity and sea-level data is consistent with the statistical assumptions of homogeneous, isotropic turbulence, with typical length scales of order 220 km and time scales of 10 days in this region. Augmenting the analysis of altimeter data with MCC velocity observations improves the resolution of the surface currents, especially near the Australian coast, and demonstrates that the two data sources provide consistent and complementary observations of the surface mesoscale circulation. The volume of MCC data is comparable to that from a satellite altimeter, but with a more variable distribution of spatial and temporal resolution. In concert with altimetry, satellite radiometer velocimetry represents a technique useful for retrospective analysis of currents from high-resolution satellite radiometer data-sets. Received: 3 July 2001 / Accepted: 16 November 2001  相似文献   

Satellite altimetry and GRACE observations carry both the signature of ocean tides and have in general complementary potential to resolve tidal constituents. It is therefore straightforward to perform a combined estimation of a global ocean tide model based on these two data sources. The present paper develops and applies a three step procedure for generating such a combined ocean tide model. First, the processing of multi-mission altimetry data is described along with the harmonic analysis applied to derive initially a pure empirical ocean tide model. Then the capability of GRACE to sense particular tidal constituents is elaborated and an approach to estimate tidal constituents from GRACE is outlined. In a third step a combination strategy with optimal stochastic data treatment is developed and applied to the altimetry-only tide model EOT08a and four years of GRACE observations, leading to the combined model EOT08ag. The differential contributions of GRACE to EOT08ag remain small and are mainly concentrated to the Arctic Ocean, an area with little or poor altimetry data. In comparison with other tide models, EOT08ag is validated by K-band range residuals, the impact on gravity field modelling and on precise orbit determination and by variance reduction of crossover differences. None of these comparison exhibits a significant improvement over the altimetry-only tide model except for a few areas above 60°N. Overall the improvements of the combination remain small and appear to stay below the current GRACE baseline accuracy.  相似文献   

近海岸区域平均海面高在大地测量学、物理海洋学以及地球物理学研究中具有非常重要的意义.受各种条件的制约和限制,目前卫星测高技术主要应用于深海区域,在近海区域尤其是海岸线附近区域的应用几乎为空白.本文根据ERS-1测高卫星回波波形特征,采用五参数线性模型,由最小二乘拟合方法,对近海区域尤其是靠近海岸线附近的ERS-1测高波形数据进行波形重构.比较波形重构前、后解算平均海面高,表明波形重构技术不仅明显改善了解算近海海面高的精度,而且增加了近海测高海平面的分辨率,并使卫星测高有效观测延伸至海岸线附近.随后,本文利用波形重构后海面高数据构造了近海多年平均海平面,并对我国近海海平面特征进行了初步分析.  相似文献   

探月雷达作为嫦娥三号和嫦娥四号月球探测任务中最重要的科学载荷之一,其目标是探测月壤及地下结构信息.然而,嫦娥三号探月雷达的第二通道数据受到横向杂波的干扰,使得有用的反射信息被掩盖.这些杂波可以认为是影响数据质量的横向噪声,使得探月雷达数据信噪比低,影响数据解释.本文将利用shearlet变换对探月雷达数据进行信号分析与...  相似文献   

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