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勘查地球化学是地质找矿的一种重要手段,而能否有效地提取地球化学异常决定了化探工作的成败。模糊决策树技术是近年来迅速发展的一种数据挖掘方法,笔者在系统总结前人研究成果的基础上提出了一种简单模糊决策树的思想来提取地球化学异常,以三江南段地区1∶20万水系沉积物测量数据为例验证了该技术在寻找多金属矿方面的可行性。结果表明:该方法提取的地球化学元素组合异常与现有矿点吻合程度好,明显优于使用元素累加和求取异常的做法。模糊决策树技术用于提取地球化学异常不仅具有理论价值,而且对三江南段地区的矿产勘查具有指导意义。  相似文献   

根据多年工作实践,总结了应用土壤地球化学资料解决基础地质问题的实例,其中包括判断下覆岩性、圈定构造、地层对比划分等问题,阐述了在解决地质问题中的地球化学原理和应用条件,介绍了如何利用残积晕在浅覆盖区、干旱草原区、热带雨林区扩大地质填图的基岩出露面积,识别推断下覆地层岩性;通过残积晕和上置晕推断隐伏构造;通过地球化学建造晕进行地层划分和对比。认为在矿产地质调查中充分利用地质调查区的化探资料,是可以提高地质填图质量的,并有助于解决常规地质工作中遇到的问题。地质与化探的结合也可以提高化探异常的地质解释能力。  相似文献   

For applications of data mining techniques in geosciences, through mining spatial databases which are constructed with geophysical and geochemical data measured in fields, critical knowledge, such as the spatial distribution of geological targets, the geophysical and geochemical characteristics of geological targets, the differentiation among the geological targets, and the relationship among geophysical and geochemical data, can be discovered. Due to the complexity of geophysical and geochemical data, traditional mining methods of cluster analysis and association analysis have limitations in processing complex data. In this paper, a clustering algorithm based on density and adaptive density-reachable is presented which has the ability to handle clusters of arbitrary shapes, sizes, and densities. For association analysis, mining the continuous attributes may reveal useful and interesting insights about the data objects in geoscientific applications. An approach for distance-based quantitative association analysis is presented in this paper. Experiments and applications indicate that the algorithm and approach are effective in real-world applications.  相似文献   

The thiourea adduct, thiourea non-adduct and aromatic fractions from a series of Alberta oil sand bitumens have been subjected to field ionization mass spectrometric analyses. Field ionization mass spectra feature little fragmentation and the molecular weight distributions of compounds in the fractions are readily obtained. Using this method, the various acyclic and cyclic saturated hydrocarbons and the hydrocarbon and thiophenic aromatic materials may be distinguished by compound type and number of carbon atoms. The effect of biodegradation on crude oils is illustrated in the results from the series of oil sand bitumens and their asphaltene pyrolysis products. Field ionization mass spectrometry is potentially an important new analytical tool in organic geochemistry.  相似文献   

模糊聚类在地层分析中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张鹏  张在明  杨宇友  胡鹏飞 《岩土力学》2009,30(8):2348-2352
传统上,对于依据原始资料进行地层的划分与合并往往依靠工程师个人的经验与习惯。引入了模糊聚类概念,提出了一种根据基本物理力学指标进行土层归并分类的合理方法,物理意义明确,计算简捷,具有普遍意义。还提出了一种用参数的变异系数来检验模糊聚类结果的方法,使模糊聚类的结果与统计参数对应起来,从而使验证结果满足规范的规定,保证了地层归并的合理性。  相似文献   

以蚀变岩作为重要填图图例,首次完成了焦家金矿田构造岩相成矿图(1∶5万)。通过区域填图结合大量的巷道剖面实测,厘定了硅化蚀变带、黄铁绢英岩化蚀变带、强钾化蚀变带和弱钾化蚀变带的分带特征。对两类金矿蚀变带的地球化学特征分析发现,绢英岩化蚀变阶段是矿化元素富集的主要阶段。通过岩石矿物计算方法建立了蚀变带主要成岩矿物的交代剖面,结果显示蚀变岩型金矿主要发生硅化和钾长石化,而石英脉型金矿的形成主要伴随硅化和去钙化作用。  相似文献   

文章介绍了模糊聚类分析在石油勘探决策中的应用,选用了烃源岩9个评价参数,利用模糊聚类方法对烃源岩进行分类评价,并对评价过程进行了详细的论述.通过对评价结果与实际地质情况进行比较,评价结果与实际情况完全符合,证明模糊聚类方法用于油气资源评价是完全可靠的.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(3):419-436
Geochemical maps expressing areal distributions of chemical elements in the earth’s land surface have been published in several countries in relation to various global environment issues. The authors have applied a radiogenic isotope ratio, 87Sr/86Sr, to geochemical mapping in order to understand the geological origin, transportation and dispersion system of chemical elements in the earth’s land surface. The Sr isotope ratio is a useful tracer for distinguishing the geological origin of surficial deposits, especially in areas where surface exposure of bedrocks is low, because it is not significantly altered by the processes of weathering and transportation. Most bedrocks in the Japanese islands are covered by plants, soils and urban areas. In this study, 142 of 1219 stream sediments (<180 μm) collected from the northeastern part of Aichi Prefecture, in the central part of Japan (75 km × 30 km), were analyzed. Their Sr isotope ratios range from 0.7086 to 0.7315 with an average of 0.7129, except for one sample. This average is higher than the mean of the upper crust of the Japan Arc (the Japanese Island Crustal Composite, JICC), 0.7077. This difference can be attributed to the below-average presence of young volcanic rocks, generally having lower 87Sr/86Sr values, and the above-average presence of granitic rocks, in the study area compared with the surface exposure of the Japan Arc. The first factor controlling the distribution of Sr isotope ratios is the bedrock distributed around the sampling points. Regional variation in the 87Sr/86Sr value shows that it is higher in the western and southeastern parts, where sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks are distributed, and that it is lower mainly in the central part, where granitic rocks are distributed. The 87Rb/86Sr–87Sr/86Sr plot for stream sediments more clearly reveals the differences and similarities of bedrocks. In some locations, the distribution of Sr isotope ratios does not correspond to that of bedrocks on the geological map. One reason is the existence of unmapped bedrock, for example, small intrusive masses of granite. The other is fluvial transportation and dispersion. The distribution of the isotope ratios suggests that some stream sediments include surficial deposits from a few km upstream. Application of the Sr isotope ratio to geochemical mapping is useful for revealing both the distribution of unexposed bedrocks and the transportation of surficial deposits. Information on unexposed bedrocks will be expected to contribute to the improvement of geological mapping.  相似文献   

从区域地球化学勘查数据中提取找矿地球化学信息是目前化探工作的重要研究课题之一。地球化学背景与异常划分是提取找矿地球化学信息的关键,而地球化学数据是成分数据,具有闭合效应,使得数据在进行主成分分析和因子分析时需进行变换。笔者采用东昆仑东段水系沉积物中11种常量元素的含量数据,通过ILR数据变换后进行因子分析,根据因子分区结果,结合EDA法,对样品数据进行分区标准化,以标准化后的值来圈定异常。结果表明,与传统方法相比,利用ILR变换后的因子分区标准化方法所圈定的异常可以去除地质体中高背景值的影响,与矿床空间位置对应较好,且该方法受人为因素影响较小,实际应用效果显著。  相似文献   

为利用矿区地球化学数据进行找矿靶区预测,采用了对应聚类分析方法。以山东省平度地区旧店金矿3号脉的实例,说明该方法的实施过程和应用效果。结果表明,该方法以简单步骤和单一图件揭示了在多元地球化学数据中隐藏的核心信息,正确识别了元素含量较低地段的隐伏矿体,为隐伏矿靶区预测探索了一种新的途径。  相似文献   

新一轮全球地球化学填图:中国的机遇和挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述从1988年联合国教科文组织相继批准实施国际地球化学填图(IGCP259)和全球地球化学基准(IGCP360)项目以来,中国和欧洲在制定全球地球化学填图的方法指南及技术标准方面作出的决定性贡献。文中指出,中国的"环境地球化学监控网络及动态地球化学填图"项目、欧洲的FOREGS地球化学基准值填图项目为全球其他国家开展类似工作提供了示范,但地球化学家预期10年内获得全球地表地球化学概貌的愿望至今未能实现。挪威和中国的地球化学家通过IAHS/ICCE正在酝酿"Global geochemical mapping and the sediment-bound flux of major world rivers"重大国际合作项目,以开展新一轮全球地球化学填图。通过国际极地年,IPY317项目首先从北极地区启动。新一轮全球地球化学填图项目计划以中国提出的"全球地球化学填图的泛滥平原沉积物采样草案"和挪威提出的"三角洲中河漫滩沉积物的采样草案"作为实施方案,因而巩固和扩大了中国地球化学填图技术在全球的优势地位。论文在分析中国面临的机遇与挑战后,建议政府主管部门对新一轮全球地球化学填图给予优先支持。  相似文献   

The application of cluster analysis in geophysical data interpretation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A clustering algorithm that is based on density and is adaptive density-reachable is developed and presented for arbitrary data point distributions in some real-world applications, especially in geophysical data interpretation. Through comparisons of the new algorithm and other algorithms, it is shown that the new algorithm can reduce the dependency of domain knowledge and the sensitivity of abnormal data points, that it can improve the effectiveness of clustering results in which data are distributed in different shapes and different densities, and that it can get a better clustering efficiency. The application of the new clustering algorithm demonstrates that data mining techniques can be used in geophysical data interpretation and can get meaningful and useful results, and that the new clustering algorithm can be used in other real-world applications.  相似文献   

Sequential Factor Analysis (seqFA) is presented here as an enhanced alternative to multivariate factorial techniques including robust and classical Factor Analysis (FA) or Principal Component Analysis (PCA). A geochemical data set of 145 sediment samples from very heterogeneous, mainly riverine, deposits of the Rhine-Meuse delta (The Netherlands) analyzed for 27 bulk parameters was used as a test case. The innovative approach explicitly addresses the priority issues when performing PCA or FA: heterogeneity and overall integrity of the data, the number of factors to be extracted, and which optimum minimal set of key variables to be included in the model. The stepwise decision process is based on quantitative and objectively derived statistical criteria, yet also permitting arguments based on geochemical expertize. The results show that seqFA, preferably in combination with robust methods, yields a highly consistent factor model, and is favorable over classical methods when dealing with heterogeneous data sets. It optimizes rotation of the factors, and allows the extraction of less distinct factors supported by only a few variables, thus uncovering additional geochemical processes and properties that would easily be missed with other approaches. The identification of key variables simplifies the geochemical interpretation of the factors, and greatly facilitates the construction of a geochemical conceptual model. For the case of the fluvial deposits, the conceptual model effectively describes their bulk chemical variation in terms of a limited number of governing processes.  相似文献   

The study described herein concerns the application of selective chemical extractions on metal-bearing minerals and soils to geochemical exploration. Specifically, the study addresses itself to the detection of anomalous soils in the vicinity of a mineralized zone.A kinetic study of selectivity of partial chemical extractions-applied to minerals of Pb and Zn was undertaken in order to establish a systematic procedure (reagents, time of extraction, etc.) which could be recommended for the soils of the study area in Portugal. It is shown that: (1) NH4 acetate dissolves smithsonite, willemite, cerussite, anglesite, pyromorphite completely and coronadite, galena, sphalerite only partially; (2) hydroxylamine hydrochloride dissolves coronadite only partially; (3) H2O2 dissolves sphalerite and galena only partially; (4) hot mixed acids dissolve residual galena, sphalerite and coronadite.About 850 soil and gossan samples were collected from two mineralized districts in Portugal, one in a carbonate environment (Portel) and the other in an aluminosilicate zone (Sanguinheiro).For the kinetic study in soil samples from Portel and Sanguinheiro zones, the minus 80 mesh fraction (−180 μm) was submitted to an extraction procedure using the following reagents, in sequence: NH4 acetate, hydroxylamine hydrochloride, NH4 oxalate in darkness, NH4 oxalate under U.V. irradiation and finally strong acids.The mineralogy of the soils from the two areas is different. In the aluminosilicate zone, the products of weathering of sulphide mineralization are mainly anglesite, plumbogummite, amorphous iron oxides, goethite and hematite rich in Pb and Zn. In the carbonate area, the Pb- and Zn-bearing phases generally found in the soil and gossan are Mn oxides, lepidocrocite and hematite. The gossan, in this case, also contains smithsonite and cerussite.In soils from the aluminosilicate zone the use of NH4 oxalate (dark) given a better geochemical response for Pb than NH4 acetate, NH4 oxalate (U.V.) and conventional acid digestion. On the other hand, NH4 oxalate (U.V.) gives better results for Pb and Zn than conventional acid digestion in samples from carbonate area. The analysis of NH4 oxalate (U.V.) extractions, instead of conventional acid digestion, can nevertheless be recommended for both environments.  相似文献   

基于模糊聚类分析和模糊模式识别的煤与瓦斯突出预测   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
煤与瓦斯突出发生的内在机理复杂,突出影响因素与突出事件之间的相关规律具不精确性和模糊性,使得基于经验的传统预测方法和基于数学建模的统计预测方法的应用受到很大限制。提出了采用模糊聚类分析与模糊模式识别方法相结合的煤与瓦斯突出区域预测方法。首先采用模糊聚类分析对煤与瓦斯突出的样本集合进行分类,建立不同程度的模糊模式,然后对待预测样本进行模糊模式识别,以此来预测待测样本的煤与瓦斯突出危险程度。实例验证表明,本法预测可靠。   相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1994,9(6):689-700
Overbank sediment profiles from floodplains in England and Wales contain a record of both natural geochemical patterns and those showing the influence of man's activities. It has been suggested that this characteristic can be used to allow maps to be compiled which show human impact on the fluvial geochemical environment. Studies reviewed in this paper, however, show that a single overbank profile very rarely spans the period from before anthropogenic disturbance through to the Industrial Revolution and later. Significant lateral variations in metal concentrations occur also over a relatively small area in overbank sediments of the same general age. These, and the nature of vertical changes in chemistry, make the choice of sample sites, and sampling interval within a profile, difficult. Even sediments which appear uncontaminated may record anthropogenic influences from activities such as deforestation and agriculture. A means of dating the sediment and an appreciation of river erosion and sedimentation histories are shown to be essential in order to ensure that maps intended to depict natural geochemical variations are based on material deposited before disturbance of the catchment by human activity. These considerations and associated costs may render overbank sediment non-viable as a regional geochemical mapping medium.  相似文献   

张磊 《岩石学报》2018,34(2):495-502

地球化学数据统计分析图解是目前岩石地球化学研究工作中常用的手段。目前常用的软件或多或少都存在一些不足之处。本文提出的MATPLOT是一款应用MATLAB编写而成的地球化学数据成图软件,可以在Windows/Mac OS/Linux多种操作系统平台中运行。与现有常用软件相比,该软件更具优势:可以更方便地实现较大地球化学数据量的导入,无需对数据进行繁琐的格式整理;更便捷地对数据进行二元散点图、三角图、标准化折线图、柱状图、概率密度图和同位素演化图等6种常用图解类型的成图,以及对数据图的展示内容和效果进行各种调整。此外,MATPLOT还可以对数据进行多种平均值计算(普通平均值、图基双权加权平均值和误差相关加权平均值)和相关性分析。


地球化学块体与大型矿集区的关系——以东天山为例   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
通过在东天山15万km2的战略性深穿透地球化学调查共圈出大于1000km2以上的地球化学块体18处,其中铜-铅-锌-银地球化学块体5处,铜地球化学块体3处,铜-镍地球化学块体1处,金的地球化学块体4处,铀的地球化学块体3处,铂-钯地球化学块体1处,钨地球化学块体1处。有6处地球化学块体与已知矿集区相对应,新圈定的地球化学块体12处,其中有3处发现了新的矿床。根据这些块体与矿集区的对比得出如下结论:所有的已知矿集区都位于地球化学块体的范围之内,地球化学块体为矿集区的形成提供了丰富的物质基础;有矿集区的存在一定有地球化学块体的存在,但反过来有地球化学块体的存在不一定有矿集区的存在,地球化学块体是客观存在的,而矿集区是已经发现了一系列矿床并勘探到一定程度才能称作矿集区,因此,地球化学块体内可能会存在潜在的矿集区,这为利用地球化学块体预测新的矿集区提供了依据。  相似文献   

This paper reports on different styles of gold mineralization observed in Archean gold deposits hosted by Algoma-type Banded Iron-Formations (BIF) in southern Africa. Genetic aspects of various occurrences are discussed in the context of mineralogical as well as geochemical data of BIFs from the greenstone terranes of the Zimbabwe and Kaapvaal cratons. The study revealed that, in spite of their different provenance and age (3.5 to 2.6 Ga), the BIFs are geochemically similar, whereas observed mineralogical differences reflect various degrees of metamorphic overprint. Generally, the BIFs belong to mixed oxide-carbonate-(±sulfide)-facies. REE distribution patterns of the investigated Archean BIF samples exhibit positive Eu-anomalies, which suggest a strongly reducing nature of the solutions which also provided the distinctive element contents now present in the chemical sediments. Irrespective of their formation, gold enrichment in BIF only occurs if the S- and/or As-contents of the BIFs exceed specific threshold values, i.e. gold mineralization is always associated with increased contents of the iron-sulfides pyrite, arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite. The studies indicate that BIF-hosted gold occurrences are not products of a single universal metallogenic process, but may be explained by several different genetic processes such as primary syn-sedimentary formation, diagenetic changes, metamorphic remobilization, and epigenetic hydrothermal emplacement.  相似文献   

耿国帅 《地质与勘探》2014,50(Z1):1365-1373
因子分析是一种多元统计分析方法,以往地质研究中常用其解决复杂的地质成因及矿化叠加问题。本文利用R型因子分析对岷县寨上-马坞调查区的1:20万水系沉积物样品数据进行处理,计算因子得分,圈定因子得分异常图,并与区内的各种地质作用相联系,取得了一定的效果;利用R-Q型因子分析对寨上及附近的原生晕样品进行分析,通过对矿体及构造带样品的分析,可以划分矿化类型;通过对地层样品的分析,可以划分地层并得出各地层的特征组合元素。因此利用因子分析可以为地球化学数据解释提供重要信息。  相似文献   

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