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We point out that in the polar cap model, the visible part is only part of the cap and this fact should be taken into account when calculating the pulsar luminosity. When this is done, the calculated luminosities are in basic agreement with the observed values. Based on our calculations we give a list of 12 possible γ-ray candidates.  相似文献   

The LOw-Frequency ARray(LOFAR)has recently conducted a survey(LOFAR Tied-Array Allsky Survey;LOTAAS)for pulsars in the Northern hemisphere that resulted in discoveries of 73 new pulsars.For the purpose of studying the properties of these pulsars,we search for theirγ-ray counterparts using the all-sky survey data obtained with the Large Area Telescope(LAT)onboard the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope(Fermi).We analyze the LAT data for 70 LOTAAS pulsars(excluding two millisecond pulsars and one with the longest known spin period of 23.5 s).We find one candidate counterpart to PSR J1017+30,which should be searched for theγ-ray pulsation signal once its timing solution is available.For other LOTAAS pulsars,we derive their 0.3-500 GeV flux upper limits.In order to compare the LOTAAS pulsars with the knownγ-ray pulsars,we also derive the 0.3-500 GeVγ-ray fluxes for 112 of the latter contained in the Fermi LAT fourth source catalog.Based on the properties of theγ-ray pulsars,we derive upper limits on the spin-down luminosities of the LOTAAS pulsars.The upper limits are not very constraining but help suggest that most of the LOTAAS pulsars probably have<1033 erg s-1 spin-down luminosities and are not expected to be detectable with Fermi LAT.  相似文献   

We restudy the possible contribution of mature gamma-ray pulsars to cosmic ray positrons based on the new version of outer gap model. In this model, the inclination angle and average properties of the outer gap are taken into account, and more mature pulsars can have the outer gap and emit high energy photons. Half of the primary particles in the outer gaps will flow back toward the star surface and emit synchrotron photons, which can produce electron/positron pairs by the cascade of pair production. Some of these pairs will escape from the light cylinder and be accelerated to relativistic energies in the pulsar wind driven by low-frequency electromagnetic waves. Using a Monte Carlo method, we obtain a sample of mature gamma-ray pulsars and then calculate the production of the positrons from these pulsars. The observed excess of cosmic positrons can be well explained by this model.  相似文献   

We restudy the possible contribution of mature gamma-ray pulsars to cosmic ray positrons based on the new version of outer gap model. In this model, the inclination angle and average properties of the outer gap are taken into account, and more mature pulsars can have the outer gap and emit high energy photons. Half of the primary particles in the outer gaps will flow back toward the star surface and emit synchrotron photons, which can produce electron/positron pairs by the cascade of pair production. Some of these pairs will escape from the light cylinder and be accelerated to relativistic energies in the pulsar wind driven by low-frequency electromagnetic waves. Using a Monte Carlo method, we obtain a sample of mature gamma-ray pulsars and then calculate the production of the positrons from these pulsars. The observed excess of cosmic positrons can be well explained by this model.  相似文献   

We restudy the possible contribution of mature gamma-ray pulsars to cosmic ray positrons based on the new version of outer gap model. In this model, the inclination angle and average properties of the outer gap are taken into account, and more mature pulsars can have the outer gap and emit high energy photons. Half of the primary particles in the outer gaps will flow back toward the star surface and emit synchrotron photons, which can produce electron/positron pairs by the cascade of pair production. Some of these pairs will escape from the light cylinder and be accelerated to relativistic energies in the pulsar wind driven by low-frequency electromagnetic waves. Using a Monte Carlo method, we obtain a sample of mature gamma-ray pulsars and then calculate the production of the positrons from these pulsars. The observed excess of cosmic positrons can be well explained by this model.  相似文献   

At present, it is widely believed that anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs), soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs), rotational radio transients (RRATs), compact central objects (CCOs) in supernova remnants, and X-ray dim isolated neutron stars (XDINSs) belong to different classes of anomalous objects in which the central bodies are isolated neutron stars. Previously, we have shown that AXPs and SGRs can be described in terms of the drift model for parameters of the central neutron star typical of radio pulsars (rotation periods P ~ 0.1–1 s and surface magnetic fields B ~ 1011–1013 G). Here, we show that some of the peculiarities of the sources under consideration can be explained by their geometry (in particular, by the angle β between the rotation axis and the magnetic moment). If β ? 10° (an aligned rotator), the drift waves in the outer layers of the neutron star magnetosphere can account for the observed periodicity in the radiation. For large β (a nearly orthogonal rotator), the observed modulation of the radiation and its short bursts can be explained by mass accretion from the ambient medium (e.g., a relic disk).  相似文献   

One of the most amazing phenomena in astronomy, during the last twenty years, have been cosmic gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The duration of these events vary from a few milliseconds to hundreds of seconds. We have never been able to identify the source of these bursts in other wavelengths. These objects have also never been seen in-rays after the initial bursts although there is some very weak statistical evidence that some of the bursts will repeat (Quashnock and Lamb 1993). The standard explanation for these bursts has been that they are somehow related to neutron stars in our own Galaxy. The latest results from the Burst and Transient Source Experiment aboard the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (Fishmanet al. 1994) show clearly that there is no excess concentration of these events (743 bursts) in the Galactic plane. After this, a more promising explanation is that the bursts are related to the Galactic halo or that the origin is extragalactic. In this letter we show that it is very probable that the origin of these events is the QSOs and that the radiation comes from the same synchrotron source as in the other observed wavelengths.  相似文献   

The astrophysical importance of the negative positronium ion, detected recently in the laboratory, has been pointed out. It is found that the presence of Ps ions will contribute additionally to the width of 0.511 -ray line formed by pair annihilation. The formation of Ps ion from an aggregate of electrons, positrons and positronium results in a variable positron population in the 0.511 MeV -ray line source.  相似文献   

AGNs with hard γ-ray emission identified so far are radio-loud.III Zw 2 is a radio intermediate AGN with a relativistic jet.We study its spectral energy distribution (SED) and find that the broad band emissions are dominated by the non-thermal emissions from the jet.We model its SED through a synchrotron + inverse Compton (IC) model.The results show that the IC component of III Zw 2 peaks at a few MeV, and the flux density drops rapidly at higher energy with photon index Γ≈3.3 above 0.1GeV.The predicted flu...  相似文献   

On the basis of the properties of known γ-ray millisecond pulsars(MSPs), we have selected 77un-associated sources from the Fermi Large Area Telescope(LAT) third source catalog for the purpose of finding likely candidate MSPs. Previously, detailed LAT data analysis for 39 of them was reported,and here we report the analysis for the remaining 38 sources. We identify that among the 38 sources, 28 of them are single point-like sources with clean background and their spectra show significant curvature.We also conduct an analysis of archival X-ray data available for 24 of the 28 sources. In the fields of10 sources, there is at least one X-ray object, and in those of the other 14 sources, no X-ray object is detected but this is probably due to the X-ray observations being short. We discuss the possible MSP nature for these sources. Six of them(J0514.6-4406, J1035.7-6720, J1624.2-4041, J1744.1-7619,J1946.4-5403 and J2039.6-5618) are most likely associated with pulsars because of multi-wavelength identifications including direct radio or γ-ray detection of pulsations. To firmly establish the associations or verify the MSP nature for other sources, deep X-ray and/or optical observations are needed.  相似文献   

A replot of period derivative against period is done for about 300 pulsars, and the main features of the plot are discussed. The significance of a gap in this plot is reexamined and the existence of pulsars with nulling and subpulse drifting behaviour below this gap is pointed out. The implications of this for pulsar evolution are also discussed.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the magnetic fields of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) are ~108 G. We argue that this may not be true and the fields may be appreciably greater. We present six evidences for this: (1) The ~108G field estimate is based on magnetic dipole emission losses which is shown to be questionable; (2) The MSPs in low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) are claimed to have <1011 G on the basis of a Rayleygh-Taylor instability accretion argument. We show that the accretion argument is questionable and the upper limit 1011 G may be much higher; (3) Low magnetic field neutron stars have difficulty being produced in LMXBs; (4) MSPs may still be accreting indicating a much higher magnetic field; (5) The data that predict ~108 G for MSPs also predict ages on the order of, and greater than, ten billion years, which is much greater than normal pulsars. If the predicted ages are wrong, most likely the predicted ~108 G fields of MSPs are wrong; (6) When magnetic fields are measured directly with cyclotron lines in X-ray binaries, fields ?108 G are indicated. Other scenarios should be investigated. One such scenario is the following. Over 85% of MSPs are confirmed members of a binary. It is possible that all MSPs are in large separation binaries having magnetic fields >108 G with their magnetic dipole emission being balanced by low level accretion from their companions.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the largest -ray detector to date, EGRET, does not have useful polarization sensitivity. We have explored here some improved approaches to analyzing -ray pair production events, leading to important gains in sensitivity to polarization. The performance of the next generation -ray instrument GLAST is investigated using a detailed Monte Carlo simulation of the complete detector.  相似文献   

Observations of a large population of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) show a wide divergence in the orbital periods (from approximately hours to a few months). In the standard view, low‐mass X‐ray binaries (LMXBs) are considered as progenitors for some MSPs during the recycling process. We present a systematic study that combines different types of compact objects in binaries such as cataclysmic variables (CVs), LMXBs, and MSPs. We plot them together in the so called Corbet diagram. Larger and different samples are needed to better constrain the result as a function of the environment and formations. A scale diagram showing the distribution of MSPs for different orbital periods and the aspects for their progenitors relying on accretion induced collapse (AIC) of white dwarfs in binaries. Thus massive CVs (M ≥ 1.1 M) can play a vital role on binary evolution, as well as of the physical processes involved in the formation and evolution of neutron stars and their magnetic fields, and could turn into binary MSPs with different scales of orbital periods; this effect can be explained by the AIC process. This scenario also suggests that some fraction of isolated MSPs in the Galactic disk could be formed through the same channel, forming the contribution of some CVs to the single‐degenerate progenitors of Type Ia supernova. Furthermore, we have refined the statistical distribution and evolution by using updated data. This implies that the significant studies of compact objects in binary systems can benefit from the Corbet diagram.Observations of a large population of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) show a wide divergence in the orbital periods (from approximately hours to a few months). In the standard view, low‐mass X‐ray binaries (LMXBs) are considered as progenitors for some MSPs during the recycling process. We present a systematic study that combines different types of compact objects in binaries such as cataclysmic variables (CVs), LMXBs, and MSPs. We plot them together in the so called Corbet diagram. Larger and different samples are needed to better constrain the result as a function of the environment and formations. A scale diagram showing the distribution of MSPs for different orbital periods and the aspects for their progenitors re  相似文献   

The detection of very high energy γ-ray emission from the Galactic center has been reported by four independent groups. One of these γ-ray sources, the 10TeV γ-ray radiation reported by HESS, has been suggested as having a hadronic origin when relativistic protons are injected into and interact with the dense ambient gas. Assuming that such relativistic protons required by the hadronic model come from the tidal disruption of a star by the massive black hole of Sgr A*, we explore the spectrum of the relativistic protons. In the calculations, we investigate cases where different types of stars are tidally disrupted by the black hole of Sgr A*, and we consider that different diffusion mechanisms are used for the propagation of protons. The initial energy distribution of the injected spectrum of protons is assumed to follow a power-law with an exponential cut-off, and we derive the different indices of the injected spectra for the tidal disruption of different types of stars. For the best fit to the spectrum of photons detected by HESS, the spectral index of the injected relativistic protons is about 2.05 when a red giant is tidally disrupted by the black hole of Sgr A* and the diffusion mechanism is the Effective Confinement of Protons.  相似文献   

A review of observational properties of the Vela pulsar across a wide energy spectrum is given. Then current approaches to the modelling of pulsars and their wind zones are briefly presented. The challenges posed to the models by the diversity of Vela’s light curves in different energy ranges are discussed.  相似文献   

We report the results from our analysis of Fermi Large Area Telescope(LAT) data for the transitional millisecond pulsar binary PSR J1023+0038. The time period of the data is nearly 9 yr, and that after the source's transition, in June 2013 from the disk-free state to the active state of having an accretion disk, is approximately 4 yr. We identify a high-energy 5.5 GeV component in the source's spectrum in the active state, and find this component is only significantly detected in half of the orbital phase centered at the descending node(when the pulsar is moving towards the Earth). Considering the pulsar scenario proposed for multi-frequency emission from the source, in which the pulsar is still active and a cold-relativistic pulsar wind inverse-Compton scatters the photons from the accretion disk, we discuss the origin of the high-energy component. In order to explain the observed spectrum, a power-law distribution of particles, with an index of ~3, in the pulsar wind is required, while the orbital variations are possibly due to changes in power-law index as a function of orbital phase.  相似文献   

The beaming effect is important for understanding the observational properties of blazars.In this work, we collect 91 Fermi blazars with available radio Doppler factors. γ-ray Doppler factors are estimated and compared with radio Doppler factors for some sources. The intrinsic(de-beamed)γ-ray flux density(f_γ~(in)), intrinsic γ-ray luminosity(L_γ~(in)) and intrinsic synchrotron peak frequency(V_P~(in))are calculated. Then we study the correlations between finγand redshift and find that they follow the theoretical relation: log f =-2.0 log z + const. When the subclasses are considered, we find that stationary jets are perhaps dominant in low synchrotron peaked blazars. Sixty-three Fermi blazars with both available short variability time scales(?T) and Doppler factors are also collected. We find that the intrinsic relationship between L_γ~(in) and ?Tinobeys the Elliot Shapiro and Abramowicz Nobili relations. Strong positive correlation between f_γ~(in)and V_P~(in)is found, suggesting that synchrotron emissions are highly correlated with γ-ray emissions.  相似文献   

P. A. Sturrock 《Solar physics》2009,260(2):245-250
The histogram formed from published capture-rate measurements for the GALLEX solar-neutrino experiment is bimodal, showing two distinct peaks. However, the histogram formed from published measurements derived from the similar Gallium Neutrino Observatory (GNO) experiment is unimodal, showing only one peak. Nevertheless, the two experiments differ in run durations: GALLEX runs are either three weeks or four weeks (approximately) in duration, whereas GNO runs are all about four weeks in duration. When we form three-week and four-week subsets of the GALLEX data, we find that the relevant histograms are unimodal. The upper peak arises mainly from the three-week runs, and the lower peak from the four-week runs. The four-week subset of the GALLEX dataset is found to be similar to the GNO dataset. A recent re-analysis of GALLEX data leads to a unimodal histogram.  相似文献   

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