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Tourmaline in Proterozoic Massive Sulfide Deposits from Rajasthan, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have analyzed the chemical composition and boron isotope composition of tourmaline from tourmalinites, granite and a quartz-tourmaline vein from the Deri ore zone and from a pegmatitic band in the Rampura-Agucha ore body. These two Proterozoic massive sulfide deposits occur in the Aravalli-Delhi orogenic belt, Rajasthan, northwest India. Tourmaline from stratiform tourmalinites closely associated with the massive sulfides in the Deri deposit have preserved their original chemical compositions despite regional and thermal metamorphism in the area. These tourmalines have low Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios (0.19–0.30; mean 0.26) that suggest formation close to the sediment-sea water interface. The δ11B values (−15.5 and −16.4‰) are compatible with boron derived from leaching of argillaceous sediments and/or felsic volcanics underlying the original massive sulfide deposit during its formation. Boron isotope compositions measured in tourmaline from a post-ore granite and quartz-tourmaline vein in the Deri deposit indicate that boron in these tourmalines was derived from the tourmalinites produced during ore formation. The boron isotope systematics of a coarse brown tourmaline crystal from a pegmatitic band on the hanging wall contact of the Rampura-Agucha deposit indicate that 45 ± 25% of the boron within the original tourmaline was lost during upper amphibolite facies regional metamorphism. Received: 3 April 1996 / Accepted: 11 April 1996  相似文献   

Enriched13C/12C ratios with δ13C ∼3%0 (w.r.t PDB) of two Late Riphean (∼ 700-610 Ma) intracratonic carbonate successions viz., Bhander Limestone of Vindhyan Basin and Raipur Limestone of Chattisgarh Basin suggest higher organic productivity during this period. This view is supported by sedimentological evidence of higher biohermal growth and consequent increase in depositional relief in the low gradient ramp settings inferred for these basins. Oxygen isotope analysis of these carbonates show distinct segregation between enriched deeper water carbonate mudstone and depleted shallow water stromatolite facies that received fresh water influx. This shows that facies-specific analyses can be useful in understanding the depositional setting of these sediments.  相似文献   

The Gondwana successions (1–4 km thick) of peninsular India accumulated in a number of discrete basins during Permo-Triassic period. The basins are typically bounded by faults that developed along Precambrian lineaments during deposition, as well as affected by intrabasinal faults indicating fault-controlled synsedimentary subsidence. The patterns of the intrabasinal faults and their relationships with the respective basin-bounding faults represent both extensional and strike-slip regimes. Field evidence suggests that preferential subsidence in locales of differently oriented discontinuities in the Precambrian basement led to development of Gondwana basins with varying, but mutually compatible, kinematics during a bulk motion, grossly along the present-day E–W direction. The kinematic disparity of the individual basins resulted due to different relative orientations of the basement discontinuities and is illustrated with the help of a simple sandbox model. The regional E–W motion was accommodated by strike-slip motion on the transcontinental fault in the north.  相似文献   

The granulite complex at Anakapalle, which was metamorphosedat 1000 Ma, comprises orthopyroxene granulites, leptynite, khondalite,mafic granulites, calc-silicate rock, spinel granulites, andtwo types of sapphirine granulites—one quartz-bearingand migmatitic and the other devoid of quartz and massive. Reactiontextures in conjunction with mineral-chemical data suggest severalcontinuous and discontinuous equilibria in these rocks. In orthopyroxenegranulites, dehydration-melting of biotite in the presence ofquartz occurred according to the reaction biotite+quartz= garnet (Py37)+K-feldspar+orthopyroxene + liquid. Later, this garnet broke down by the reaction garnet (Py37)+quartz= orthopyroxene + plagioclase. Subsequently, coronal garnet (Py30) and quartz were producedby the same reaction but proceeding in the opposite direction.In spinel granulites, garnet (Py42) and sillimanite were producedby the breakdown of spinel in the presence of quartz. In thetwo types of sapphirine granulites, garnet with variable pyropecontent broke down according to the reaction garnet = sapphirine + sillimanite + orthopyroxene. The highest pyrope content (59 mol %) was noted in garnets fromquartz-free sapphirine granulites compared with the quartz-bearingone (53 mol % pyrope). The calculated positions of the mineralreactions and diserete P-T points obtained by thermobarometrydefine a retrograde P-T trajectory during which a steep decompressionof 1.5 kbar from P-Tmax of 8 kbar and 900C was followed bynear-isobaric cooling of 300C. During this decompression, garnetwith variable pyrope contents in different rocks broke downon intersection with various divariant equilibria. Near-isobariccooling resulted in the formation of coronal garnet around second-generationorthopyroxene and plagioclase replacing earlier porphyroblasticgarnet in orthopyroxene granulites. It has been argued thatthe deduced P-T trajectory originated in an extensional regimeinvolving either a crust of near-normal thickness of a slightlyoverthickened crust owing to magmatic underaccretion.  相似文献   

The characteristics of source rocks and weathering of Palaeoproterozoic phyllitic rock of Mahakoshal Group and Mesoproterozoic shales and siliciclastics of Vindhyan Supergroup exposed in Son Valley, Central India have been investigated by analyzing their chemical compositions. The investigations pertaining to the relationship between major-elements were carried out along Parshoi, Chitrangi, and Markundi areas of Son valley, Central, India. The studied rock strata have been classified into three categories namely phyllitic rocks, shales and sandstone.The A-CN-K ternary diagram, CIW, CIA, MIA, and ICV values indicate about the similar provenance or source rocks subjected to severe chemical weathering, under dry and hot-humid climates in a basic and acidic environment with changing lower to higher PCO2 of continental flora. Various geochemical discriminantts diagrams, elemental ratios suggest that rocks are derived from post-Archaean-Proterozoic igneous source. The igneous source was mainly granite with a minor contribution of granodioritic rock, in a passive margin setting. The sediments responsible for formation of shale and sandstones were most likely deposited in the interglacial period in between the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic glacial times. Compositionally the sandstones is distinctive of cratonic environments with their passive continental margin setting. However, the phyllities of Mahakoshal Group suggests their formation under lower weathering conditions in dry climatic conditions which were operating on more intermediate to basic igneous rocks with abundance of mafic minerals.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1987,37(4):305-321
Extensive occurrences of pseudomorphs and casts of halite in association with wave-formed shallow water structures and evidence of emergence in quartzarenites at the base of the middle Proterozoic Pakhal Group (c. 1276 ± 20 Ma) in South India point to the development of sabkha environments in arid to semi-arid elimatic conditions. Periodic inundation of the sabkha during storm and subsequent desiccation led to displacive growth of the halite and its dissolution within the sediment just below the surface. The brine pools within the sabkha seem to have developed in fault controlled topographic depressions formed at the embryonic stage of an intra-continental rift ocean or graben system.  相似文献   

A. P. Mall  R. S. Sharma 《Lithos》1988,21(4):291-300
The Proterozoic Mathurapur olivine metagabbros possess several types of coronas due to subsolidus reactions between igneous mineral pairs. viz. olivine-plagioclase, ilmenite-plagioclase and pyroxenes-plagioclase. Microprobe analyses of coexisting primary and coronitic minerals from different corona domains, indicate attainment of equilibrium. Mineral chemical data of primary (reactants) and coronitic (products) minerals from the present metagabbros and also from similar studies in the literature are critically examined to evaluate the chemistry of corona reactions by mixing calculations assuming boundary migration. The mass-balanced corona equations are consistent with the allochemical system and do not show volume imbalance. However, SiO2 and Al2O3 in olivine-plagioclase coronas remain immobile, which indicates that the corona reactions therein proceeded with minimum structural rearrangements of (Si.Al)---O bonds.  相似文献   

The macrofossils, lithology and chronology of two lake basins on Disko in central West Greenland have been investigated. Both lakes were isolated from the sea in the mid-Holocene as a result of relative land uplift. A marine-brackish-limnic sequence was recovered from the Qivittut Lake. The marine fauna is unusually diverse, whereas the brackish water fauna consists only of few species. Immediately after isolation the lake passed through a short-lived eutrophic phase, after which stable, mesotrophic conditions were established. From the second lake basin, the Fortunebay Lake, only limnic sediments were recovered. This lake record demonstrates that rather stable conditions have persisted since mid-Holocene times. Both lakes show anomalously high accumulation rates.  相似文献   

Proterozoic mafic potassic and ultrapotassic igneous rocks emplacedin the Cuddapah Basin and Dharwar Craton of the southern Indianshield are among the earliest recorded on Earth. Lamproitesintrude the basin and its NE margin, whereas kimberlites intrudethe craton to the west of the basin. Kimberlites occur in twospatially separate groups: the non-diamondiferous Mahbubnagarcluster that was emplaced at 1400 Ma and is of a similar ageto the Cuddapah lamproites, and the predominantly diamondiferousAnantapur cluster, emplaced at  相似文献   

Lead isotope ratios and associated trace element concentrations (U, Th and Pb) extracted by partial-leaching with 2% nitric acid from Proterozoic sandstones and basement rocks reveal much about the fluid evolution of sedimentary basins hosting unconformity-type uranium deposits. In addition, these techniques have great potential as a guide for exploration of uranium and other types of deposits in basins of any age. Isotope ratios of Pb in Proterozoic sandstones from basins known to contain high-grade uranium deposits are radiogenic at key geological localities and settings distal to known mineralization and particularly in altered zones proximal to mineralization. Sandstones completely cemented by quartz overgrowths typically have non-radiogenic Pb isotope ratios, indicating early closure of porosity and isolation of these rocks from later fluid events. Alternatively, the unconformity served as both a source of uranium and radiogenic Pb as well as an avenue for late-stage (<250–900 Ma) fluid flow. The mafic volcanic units, which are relatively reducing lithologies and therefore have removed uranium from basinal brines, have uranium-supported radiogenic Pb isotope ratios. Comparison of 238U/206Pb and 206Pb/204Pb ratios is useful in determining the timing and nature of U and Pb migration before, during and after mineralization in these basins. This comparison can be used to delineate the presence of radiogenic Pb isotope ratios that are not internally supported by uranium and thorium in rocks, eventually providing the explorationist with geochemical vectors that point toward sites of high potential for economic uranium mineralization.  相似文献   

The morphometric analysis of river basins represents a simple procedure to describe hydrologic and geomorphic processes operating on a basin scale. A morphometric analysis was carried out to evaluate the drainage characteristics of two adjoining, mountain river basins of the southern Western Ghats, India, Muthirapuzha River Basin (MRB) in the western slopes and Pambar River Basin (PRB) in the eastern slopes. The basins, forming a part of the Proterozoic, high-grade, Southern Granulite Terrain of the Peninsular India, are carved out of a terrain dominantly made of granite- and hornblende-biotite gneisses. The Western Ghats, forming the basin divide, significantly influences the regional climate (i.e., humid climate in MRB, while semi-arid in PRB). The Survey of India topographic maps (1:50,000) and Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission digital elevation data were used as the base for delineation and analysis. Both river basins are of 6th order and comparable in basin geometry. The drainage patterns and linear alignment of the drainage networks suggest the influence of structural elements. The Rb of either basins failed to highlight the structural controls on drainage organization, which might be a result of the elongated basin shape. The irregular trends in Rb between various stream orders suggest the influence of geology and relief on drainage branching. The Dd values designate the basins as moderate- to well-drained with lower infiltration rates. The overall increasing trend of Rl between successive stream orders suggests a geomorphic maturity of either basins and confirmed by the characteristic I hyp values. The Re values imply an elongate shape for both MRB and PRB and subsequently lower vulnerability to flash floods and hence, easier flood management. The relatively higher Rr of PRB is an indicative of comparatively steeply sloping terrain and consequently higher intensity of erosion processes. Further, the derivatives of digital elevation data (slope, aspect, topographic wetness index, and stream power index), showing significant differences between MRB and PRB, are useful in soil conservation plans. The study highlighted the variation in morphometric parameters with respect to the dissimilarities in topography and climate.  相似文献   

正The mafic dykes from the Paleoproterozoic Bomdila Group of metasedimentary rocks,Arunachal Pradesh,NE Lesser Himalaya,India have been analyzed for major and trace elements geochemistry essentially to understand their  相似文献   

Sushina nepheline syenite gneisses of Early Proterozoic North Singhbhum Mobile Belt (NSMB), eastern India suffered regional metamorphism under greenschist-amphibolite transitional facies condition. The Agpaitic Sushina nepheline syenite gneisses consist of albite, K-feldspar, nepheline (close to Morozewicz-Buerger composition), aegirine, biotite, epidote, piemontite, sodalite, cancrinite, natrolite and local alkali amphibole. Accessory phases include zircon, hematite, magnetite, rare pyrochlore and occasional eudialyte and manganoan calcic zirconosilicates. Mineral chemistry of albite, K-feldspar, nepheline, aegirine, alkali amphibole, natrolite and zirconium silicate minerals are described. The detailed textural features together with chemical data of some minerals indicate metamorphic overprint of these rocks. A new reaction is given for the genesis of metamorphic epidote. Metamorphic piemontite suggests greenschist facies metamorphism under high fO2 (Hematite-Magnetite buffer). Up to 15.34 mol% of jadeite component in aegirine suggests that the metamorphic grade of the nepheline syenite gneiss reached at least to greenschist-amphibolite transitional facies or higher. Nepheline geothermometry suggests temperature of metamorphism <500 °C, which is consistent with greenschist facies metamorphism of surrounding chlorite-biotite-garnet phyllite country rock.  相似文献   

First phase folds F1 developed in polydeformed Ajabgarh Group rocks of Proterozoic age are studied using various geometrical methods of analysis for compatibility of homogeneous strain in both class 1–3 pairs by correlatingt′ ga/α plots with existing curves for competent layers and matchingt ga/α plots with the flattening curves for the incompetent layers. F1 folds were initiated by the process of buckling but underwent [(λ21) = 0.2 to 0.7] for competent layers andR- values of 1.1 to 5 for incompetent layers. The varying flattening is also revealed by the geometry of folds. The apparent buckle shortening of folds which ranges between 49 and 67 per cent with a majority of the folds having shortening values between 50% and 55% (exclusive of layer parallel strain) and inverse thickness method strain up to 50%. Besides flattening, the fold geometry was also modified by the pressure solution. This is borne by the presence of dark seams rich in phyllosilicates and disseminated carbonaceous material offsetting limbs of buckled quartz veins in slates  相似文献   

A crustal depth section was obtained from Deep Seismic Soundings (DSS) along the Alampur-Koniki-Ganapeshwaram profile, cutting across the northern part of the Proterozoic Cuddapah basin, India, running just south of latitude 16° N and between longitude 78° E and 81°E. The existence of a low-angle thrust fault at the eastern margin of the Cuddapah basin (Kaila et al., 1979) was confirmed along a second profile. Another low-angle thrust, along which charnockites with the granitic basement are upthrust against the Dharwars was delineated further east. The contact of the khondalites (lower Precambrian) with quaternary sediments near the east coast of India seems to be a fault boundary, which may be responsible for the thick sedimentary accumulation in the adjoining offshore region.The basement in the western part of the Cuddapah basin is very shallow and is gently downdipping eastward, to a depth of 1.7 km about 20 km west of Atmakur. It attains a depth of about 4.5 km in the deepest part of the Kurnool sub-basin, around Atmakur. Under the Nallamalai ranges its depth varies between 3.5 and 6.5 km, with an easterly dip. In the region north of the Iswarkuppam dome, the basement is at a depth of about 5.0 km, to about 6.8 km in the eastern part of the Cuddapah basin. Outside the eastern margin of the basin, the depth of the basement is about 1.8 km and further eastwards it is exposed. A fault at the contact of the khondalites with quaternary sediments near the east coast brings the basement down to a depth of approximately 1.3 km.In the Kurnool sub-basin the depth to the Moho discontinuity varies from 35 km under Atmakur to 39 km under the Nallamalai hills. In the region of the Iswarkuppam dome it is at a depth of about 36 km, deepening to about 39 km before rising to 37 km towards the east. Two-dimensional velocity modelling using ray-tracing techniques tends to confirm these results.Gravity modelling of the crustal structure, utilizing a four-layer crustal model in most parts along this profile, conforms to the observed gravity values. A weak zone in the eastern part of the profile where high-density material (density 3.05 g/cm3) has been found seems to be responsible for the gravity high in that part.  相似文献   

The distributions of hydrocarbons in sediment cores dated by 210Pb (1845–1977) from San Pedro and San Nicolas Basins in the Southern California Bight have been determined by gas Chromatographic and combined gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis. The chromatograms of the hydrocarbons contain peaks of resolved alkanes and cycloalkanes, as well as an unresolved complex mixture which decrease in content with increasing depth in both of the cores. The concentrations of o,p' andp,p'-DDE are highest in the top 50 mm of the San Pedro core section. The 45–50 mm segment of this core was deposited in the 1945–1950 period when DDT (the precursor of DDE compounds) came into common use. The relatively high content of hydrocarbons and DDE in this core is attributable to the proximity of the site to the San Pedro Harbor which receives petroleum residues from shipping, sewage outfalls and industrial effluents. The presence of only traces of DDE throughout the San Nicolas core, and the low hydrocarbon content are explainable by the greater distance of this basin from anthropogenic inputs and probably a greater rate of degradation of deposited organic matter during bioturbation. δ13C, δ15N and electron-spin resonance analyses of kerogens and humic substances in these cores, indicate that most of this organic matter in these sediments is of a marine origin.  相似文献   

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