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In this study, the variations of average amplitude of the very-low-frequency (VLF) signal thunderstorm origin propagating over areas of strong (magnitude >5) earthquakes are considered. Despite the non-stationary state of thunderstorms, a decrease in the amplitude of its VLF signals was usually detected 3–6 days before an earthquake, with subsequent recovery on the day of the event. The effect is similar to the attenuation of the signal amplitude of low-frequency radio stations that is observed for several days before the occurrence of an earthquake. These influences of earthquakes on thunderstorm VLF signals are recorded along different paths (different azimuths and different distances to the earthquake epicenter). The probability that an earthquake of strong magnitude will induce changes in the thunderstorm VLF signal is 60–70%.  相似文献   

Variations in the geomagnetic and electric fields and variations of the total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere recorded in the Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ) during the expeditions in 2009 and 2010 are analyzed. Synchronous bursts in the geomagnetic field on the ground and in the ionosphere, which are caused by propagation of electromagnetic disturbances (spherics) generated by the remote lightning discharges, are revealed. The analysis of the occurrence frequency of the electromagnetic disturbances at an altitude of ∼700 km shows that there is a preferred region of predominant propagation of these disturbances from the Earth-ionosphere waveguide to the upper ionosphere. When the ionospheric penetration point moves through this preferred region, the frequency spectrum of TEC variations changes, and the northern boundary of the region of spectral alteration is located at ∼54°N. The bursts in TEC that map on the zones of the main faults in the Tunka valley are identified. The results probably suggest a relation between the electromagnetic phenomena in the ionosphere and the structures in the lithosphere.  相似文献   

Effect of variations in the solar-wind parameters on thunderstorm activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Possible correlation between variations of the intensity of lightnings, which are estimated from the flux of thunderstorm-generated VLF-signals, and variations of the solar wind parameters has been investigated. The signals representing the intensity of local thunderstorms in summer and winter are received in Yakutsk (the Eastern Siberia) and in the African World Thunderstorm Center, respectively. The highest correlation coefficient has been obtained between the thunderstorm activity and variations of the solar-wind particle density. This correlation has a season-dependent sign-alternating character. The maximum positive and negative correlation coefficients are observed in August–September and February, respectively; i.e., the manifestation of solar wind density variations in the thunderstorm activity is maximal in the near-equinoctial periods. This may be associated with the peculiarities of the transfer of the magnetospheric electric field “from morning to evening,” which is induced by the solar-wind particle flux, to ionospheric heights.  相似文献   

Two methods for diagnosing ionospheric disturbances using VLF signals received on the DEMETER satellite are considered in connection with two cases of high seismic activity: the method for analyzing a signal reception zone in order to find large-scale spatial variations and the residual signal method used to reveal time variations. Based on an analysis of the VLF signal reception zone, performed in connection with the catastrophic earthquake near Sumatra, it has been found out that the signal amplitude decreased during a month before the earthquake. As a result, it has been concluded that the zone of ionospheric disturbances extends for several thousand kilometers. It has been indicated that the residual signal method showed good agreement between the ground and satellite data when high seismic activity near Japan was analyzed.  相似文献   

大地电磁信号整理分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
小波分析是具有时频多分辨率分析特点的新的信号处理方法,本文应用时间序列反映出大地电磁信号功率谱特性并比较了几种常规实验手段的分析效果,通过小波变换分离出假频所在通道并进行初步除噪,按能量强弱对信号重新截断划分.本文的目的就是尽可能的消除对各组信号不一致的影响因素(局部噪声),提取共性较强的部分并按能量的差异来划分这些信号.  相似文献   

1999年9月14日和11月30日在四川省绵竹县清平乡和汉源乡先后发生Ms5.0地震.本文通过都江堰电磁波ULF超低频观测仪震前接收到的电磁辐射信号,对观测场量的某些特征进行理论分析和估算.结果表明:理论估算是针对地下发射、空中接收的方式进行的,且针对ULF频段的磁场,与地下发射-地下接收方式的ULF频段的电场所计算的对比结果表明,此估算结果是合理的;两次地震辐射源峰值电流矩为108~106 A·m量级(平均为107A·m量级),表明两次地震的孕震体与孕震过程可能不是"独立"的.  相似文献   

Microtemperature measurements of groundwater with a relative precision better than 1/1000°C have been made in several seismically active areas in Japan. The measured temperatures show clear coseismic signals as well as a correlation with atmospheric pressure. Simultaneous observations at various depths have shown that these temperature changes were not induced by simple groundwater level changes. Also, distinctive signals occurred before several earthquakes and seem to be caused by a different mechanism than the coseismic signals. The microtemperature at some observation sites shows excellent correlation with records of nearby sensitive borehole strainmeters. Simultaneous recording of microtemperature and strain has been initiated in some boreholes.  相似文献   

The thermodynamical structure of the atmospheric boundary layer over the Deccan plateau region has been studied with aerological data for 1980 and 1981.The temperatures in the sub-cloud layer were lower on active monsoon days than dose on weak monsoon days. An opposite trend was noticed in the layer above the 900 mbar level. The moisture content on active monsoon days was higher than that on weak monsoon days. The profile of relative humidity above the 850 mbar level showed large deviations between the active and weak monsoon conditions. On active monsoon days the values of dry static stability were higher than those on weak monsoon days. An opposite trend was noticed in the case of moist static stability. On active monsoon days the magnitudes of thev components of wind were small compared with those of theu components, and the latter showed a gradual decrease with height.  相似文献   

电磁学方法是国内外公认的有良好发展前景的地震监测预报方法之一。本文提出并讨论了“地震电磁动态特征研究”课题的具体思路,供大家讨论、指正,即:通过对其全国地电场、地磁场、地电阻率、地震电磁波和GPSTEC等数据的汇集,进行数据处理方法研究,分析地震电磁场动态演化特征,定期形成“动态演化”数据产品,为相关部门分析预测地震提供背景信息;同时,积累资料和震例分析经验,为开展前兆分析方法和地震电磁效应机理等研究提供依据。  相似文献   

电磁辐射与地震关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用辽宁省沈阳市苏家屯地震台电磁辐射数字化观测资料,分析ML3.5以上地震前电磁辐射的变化,结果表明,3.5≤ML≤4.9、ML≥5.0地震前电磁辐射异常信息量、异常起始时间及持续时间与震中距、震级有关。  相似文献   

Electromagnetic oscillations generated by surface Love waves in the Earth’s crust were detected by the spectral polarization method at the Mondy and Sodankylä observatories, located at distances of 5390 and 8798 km from the epicenter of the strong Sumatra earthquake of December 26, 2004. Detailed analysis of this event is instructive because it indicates that the difficulty in detecting the coseismic magnetic oscillations predicted by theory is only due to the presence of strong noise. Observations of this type are shown to be significant for experimental studies of mechanoelectromagnetic conversions in the crust.  相似文献   

地震前兆电磁波监测仪的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了提高地方地震队伍监测能力,需要有一些操作简单、容易安装、性能好、工作稳定、不须人工经常管理而又能记录到有价值的地震前兆信息的监测仪器。最近研制出的数字记录的超低频电磁波监测仪可自动采集数据,数据可以在仪器内存贮长达一个月,平时不须管理,随时可以通过手工查阅、连接电脑或远程遥控等3种方式获取数据,适合地方地震监测点使用。介绍了仪器研制的科学依据、研制意义和仪器的工作原理,详细了仪器实现自动化、数  相似文献   

辐射参数化对海南岛海风雷暴结构模拟的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文



海南岛海风雷暴结构的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用高分辨率WRF模式对2012年7月20日发生在海南地区的一次海风雷暴过程进行模拟,探讨了海南岛复杂地形下海风雷暴的结构、发展演变过程及其触发机制.结果表明,海南岛北部向内陆传播的海风与南部受地形阻挡的海风相遇后会形成海风辐合带,辐合带能影响当地的散度和涡旋特征,为雷暴的发生发展提供有利的动力和热力学条件.海南岛受热带海洋的影响较大,当地的水汽条件和对流潜势长期保持着有利于对流发展的状态,自由对流高度始终处于较低的位置,一旦海风辐合带来的抬升运动克服对流抑制到达自由对流高度后,对流就能自主地发展起来,所以单纯的海风辐合也常常能触发当地的强雷暴.雷暴发生发展过程中对流参数存在明显的变化,其演变曲线的突变位置对雷暴的发生有一定的指示作用.海南岛的海风雷暴过程与当地的复杂地形密切相关,地形的动力阻挡作用影响着低层海风的辐合以及对流的发展.  相似文献   

8级大震预测的讨论   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
研究发现中国境内和邻区历史上的8级大震其发生的时间间隔大多数为25年和25年的倍数,鉴于我国新疆和蒙古国西部大震按25年作倍大多数落于2002-2007年,所以我们认为蒙古西部和新疆在今后5年内可能会发生8级大震。  相似文献   

Variations of shear wave splitting in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake region   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Through the analysis of S-wave particle motion of local events in the shear wave window, the polariza-tion directions of the faster shear wave and the delay times between the faster and the slower shear waves were derived from seismic recordings at the stations near the fault zones. The shear wave split-ting results of seven stations in the area of Longmenshan fault zone reveal spatial variation of the po-larization directions of the fast shear wave. The directions at stations in the southeastern side of the Longmenshan fault zone (in the Sichuan Basin area) are in the NE direction, whereas the direction at station PWU (in the Plateau), which is in the northwestern side of the faults, is in the EW direction. Systematic changes of the time delays between two split shear waves were also observed. At station L5501 in the southern end of the aftershock zone, the delay times of the slower shear wave decrease systematically after the main shock. After the main shock, the delay times at station PWU were longer than those before the earthquake. Seismic shear wave splitting is caused mostly by stress-aligned microcracks in the rock below the stations. The results demonstrate changes of local stress field dur-ing the main-shock and the aftershocks. The stress in the southern part of Wenchuan seismogenic zone was released by the main-shock and the aftershocks. The crustal stresses were transferred to the northeastern part of the zone, resulting in stress increase at station PWU after the main-shock.  相似文献   

汶川MS8.0大震前的电磁现象   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用最大熵谱估计方法(MEM)等处理了2008年四川汶川MS8.0地震震中周围电磁台的观测数据,研究了地电、地磁场变化,得到:(1) 在汶川大震前,位于青藏高原东北缘的电磁台记录了显著的自然电场变化、地电场功率谱值增大以及地磁场日变化波形畸变等电磁现象,特别是地电场周期约小于3 h的低频成分的谱值增大了3个数量级以上.(2) 在距离主震震中约500 km范围内,记录了地电、地磁场低频谱值增大为主的电磁现象,特别是距离主震震中最近的成都台地电场谱值增大了4个数量级.(3) 震前电磁现象的时空分布与青藏高原的大震活动(包括2008年新疆于田MS7.3地震)有大空间尺度的构造关联性.本文讨论了电磁现象的机理,认为在震前地下介质内部的微裂隙发展、定向排列过程中,微破裂"机-电转换"作用和地下水运移等多因素引起了地电、地磁场变化.在本次大震前电磁现象的时空强图像很复杂,可能原因是台站所在处的地下局部介质作用和震源孕育激发的电磁辐射引起了复杂的电磁现象.  相似文献   




A multifractal analysis of the Hα images for an active region has been performed; the singularity spectra and segmented images for a narrow range of fractal dimensions have been computed for them. The segmented images show the presence of singular areas where the singularity index takes on maximum values. These areas mark the active sites of flares.  相似文献   

姚安地震序列与大姚地震序列震源参数的对比研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘丽芳  刘杰  苏有锦 《地震》2006,26(1):10-18
2000年1月15日在云南省姚安县发生了MS6.5地震, 2003年7月21日和10月16日在云南省大姚县发生了MS6.2、 MS6.1地震。 这两个地震序列均发生在滇中块体, 震中位置相距42.5 km, 构造、 应力背景相似, 但序列类型不同, 时间间隔短。 为深入研究姚安地震和大姚地震序列的特征, 根据昆明区域数字台网记录的数字地震波资料, 利用遗传算法计算了2000年姚安地震和2003年大姚地震序列的震源参数。 研究结果表明, 姚安地震序列和大姚地震序列的地震矩和近震震级有很好的线性关系, 它们的地震矩M0均在1012~1014 N·m, 地震矩与震源半径之间呈线性关系。 应力降随震级变化不明显。 拐角频率和地震矩之间有明显的依赖关系, 用最小二乘法拟合拐角频率和地震矩的关系式, 利用此关系式可计算出给定地震矩的拐角频率估计值fa, 进而可分析实际计算的拐角频率与估计值之差(fc-fa)的时间变化曲线。 姚安地震序列和大姚地震序列实际计算的拐角频率与估计值之差(fc-fa)及应力降随时间的变化表现出了不同的特征: 姚安地震序列的应力降和拐角频率差值在4.3级和4.6级强余震前均有一个上升-下降过程, 反映余震区应力场有一个增高-下降过程; 大姚地震序列应力降和拐角频率差值在MS≥4.6强余震发生之前均会出现高值异常, 但在MS4.6~4.7地震之前出现的高值异常持续时间短, 在MS6.1地震前出现的高值异常持续较长。 文中结合两个地震的发震构造, 序列类型等特征进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

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