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This study presents isotope geochemical analyses conducted on water column samples and core sediments collected from the Swan Lake Basin. Water analyses include the dissolved methane (CH4) content and the ratio of carbon-13 to carbon-12 (δ13C) in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). The core sediments – sandy muds containing inorganic calcite, organic matter, and opal phases ± ostracods – were examined by X-ray diffraction, dated by radiocarbon (14C), analyzed for wt% organic carbon, wt% organic nitrogen, wt% organic matter, wt% calcite, δ13C of bulk-sediment insoluble organic matter (kerogen), 18O:16O ratio (δ18O) and δ13C of bulk and ostracod calcite. Of particular significance is the large enrichment in carbon-13 (δ13C = +4.5 to +20.4‰ V-PDB) in the calcite of these sediments. The 13C-enriched calcite is primarily formed from DIC in the water column of the lake as a result of the following combined processes: (i) the incorporation of 13C enriched residual carbon dioxide (CO2) after partial reduction to CH4 in the sediments and its migration into the water column-DIC pool; (ii) the preferential assimilation of 12C by phytoplankton during photosynthesis; (iii) the removal of 13C-depleted CH4 by ebullition and of organic matter by sedimentation and burial. The 13C enrichment was low between 3624 and 2470 yr BP; high between 2470 and 1299 yr BP; and moderate since 1299 yr BP. Low 13C enrichment was formed under low water-column carbon levels while higher ones were formed under elevated rates of biomass and calcite deposition. These associations seem to imply that biological productivity is the main reason for carbon-13 enrichments.  相似文献   

This study corroborates the hypothesis that nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria have probably occurred as an important component of the phytoplankton community in the Baltic Sea at least since brackish water conditions were initiated 8,50014C yr BP. Pigment analyses indicate that extensive occurrences started prior to a sharp increase in nutrient levels dated to 7,10014C yr BP. The cyanobacteria could have functioned as a natural trigger for eutrophication in the Baltic Sea by importing nitrogen. This is also verified by a contemporaneous drop in the δ15N values from 4‰ to around 2‰. We further conclude that the spreading of cyanobacteria was probably caused by a decrease in nitrogen∶phosphorus (N∶P) in the water mass that resulted from the intrusion of oceanic water with high P levels. The fractionation of P in sediments indicated that iron-bound P was efficiently sequestered under anoxic conditions that occurred as a consequence of the establishment of a stable stratification caused by the marine intrusion. This pool only showed minor variations around 3 μmol g−1 at the freshwater-brackish water transition. All P pools except the CaCO3 fraction showed a distinct increase around 9,30014C yr BP prior to the transition. We interpreted this increase as a change in preservation of organic matter or in the source of the sediment. Slightly after 4,00014C yr BP there was a dramatic drop in all P pools without any corresponding decreases in total N and carbon. Total P decreased from around 75 to 25–30 μmol g−1. The most dramatic drop occurred in the organic bound and the detrital apatite fractions, which decreased by a factor of 3–4. We explain this as a preferential regeneration of P, especially organic P, compared to other nutrients due to more prevalent anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

Burial Lake in northwest Alaska records changes in water level and regional vegetation since ∼ 39,000 cal yr BP based on terrestrial macrofossil AMS radiocarbon dates. A sedimentary unconformity is dated between 34,800 and 23,200 cal yr BP. During all or some of this period there was a hiatus in deposition indicating a major drop in lake level and deflation of lacustrine sediments. MIS 3 vegetation was herb-shrub tundra; more xeric graminoid-herb tundra developed after 23,200 cal yr BP. The tundra gradually became more mesic after 17,000 cal yr BP. Expansions of Salix then Betula, at 15,000 and 14,000 cal yr BP, respectively, are coincident with a major rise in lake level marked by increasing fine-grained sediment and higher organic matter content. Several sites in the region display disrupted sedimentation and probable hiatuses during the last glacial maximum (LGM); together regional data indicate an arid interval prior to and during the LGM and continued low moisture levels until ∼ 15,000 cal yr BP. AMS 14C dates from Burial Lake are approximately synchronous with AMS 14C dates reported for the Betula expansion at nearby sites and sites across northern Alaska, but 1000-2000 yr younger than bulk-sediment dates.  相似文献   

《Organic Geochemistry》1999,30(2-3):101-117
Refractory (insoluble and nonhydrolyzable) organic matter (ROM) was studied in sediments underlying the north–west African upwelling system. Two core samples: beginning of glacial isotope stage 4 (ca. 70,000 yr BP; depth bsf 360 cm) and interglacial isotope substage 5d (ca. 90,000 yr BP; depth bsf 480 cm) were analyzed, along with a surface sample. ROM, which accounts for a substantial part of the total organic matter (OM) in these sediments (ca. 20% for the two core samples and 10% for the surface sample), was isolated and examined for its morphological and chemical features using a combination of transmission and scanning electron microscopy, spectroscopy (FTIR, solid state 13C NMR) and analytical pyrolysis (Curie point flash pyrolysis–GC–MS). These studies allowed the chemical structure of the three ROMs (chiefly based on melanoidin-type macromolecules) and their mechanism of formation (degradation–recondensation of products mainly derived from proteinaceous material) to be established. Such a formation probably began in the water column and continued within the sediment upper layers. Important differences, concerned both with OM chemical structure and preservation mechanism, were noted upon comparison with recently studied sediments underlying the Peru upwelling system. These differences between the two systems, in spite of similarities in primary production, must reflect the combined influence of factors such as upwelling intensity (primary productivity), water depth and iron supply.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2004,23(3-4):261-281
The organic carbon content of marine sediments is commonly used as a proxy for export production. However, in continental margin sediments a large fraction of the organic matter may be of terrestrial origin, and it is necessary to correct the total organic carbon data accordingly. Radiocarbon dating of bulk organic carbon, organic geochemistry and isotope data (δ13C and δ15N) are used here to characterize the type of organic matter present in Core JT96-09 collected at a water depth of 920 m on the slope off Western Canada. The quantities of marine and terrestrial organic carbon are then estimated using the δ13C data. The 16 kyr record obtained from Core JT96-09 suggests that accumulation of total organic carbon was highest during the late glacial and deglacial, but geochemical data indicate that as much as 70% of this carbon is terrestrial in origin. When the palaeo-record is corrected for this terrigenous input it is observed that accumulation of marine organic matter, and presumably marine export production, increased at the end of the last glacial contemporaneous with the Bølling, and that it peaked during the Allerød. Data from other palaeoproductivity proxies (i.e., bio-barium, opal and alkenones) also indicate relatively high productivity during the deglacial. These results indicate a return to modern upwelling conditions and high marine export production at ∼14.3 calendar kyr BP and a period of enhanced upwelling, relative to the present, during the Allerød.  相似文献   

The Ratcliff Site in southwestern Virginia lies in a small second-order stream valley filled with approximately 3.5 m of organic-rich deposits that contain bones of mammoth, mastodon, deer (or antelope), logs, and plant macrofossils. Radiocarbon analyses indicate the age of the organic-rich sediment ranges from > 44,000 to 29,100 14C yr BP, a time period with no fossil remains reported in this region of the Appalachians. Analyses of field observations, textural data, organic carbon content, and plant macrofossils indicate that the organic-rich sediments contain interbedded standing-water and debris-flow deposits. Up to 6 m of oxidized debris-flow sediments bury the organic-rich sediments. The presence of Rubus parviflorus (Thimble Berry) throughout the deposit indicates the site had a boreal environment from > 44,000 to 29,100 14C yr BP. Plant macrofossil evidence indicates the uplands had stands of spruce/jack-pine forests while the valley contained ponds and associated wetlands. Three debris flows occurred at the site between approximately 38,000 and 29,000 14C yr BP, suggesting a recurrence interval for major storms of approximately 3000 yr, even though the apparent stability of the boreal environment implies a climate not conducive to catastrophic rainstorms. This conflicting combination of features suggests that during the middle Wisconsinan this area experienced generally cool climates, dominated by polar air masses, but was punctuated by relatively brief warm periods marked by incursions of tropical air masses.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dates are described from a section through Lateglacial and early Flandrian sediments at Llanilid, Mid-Glamorgan, South Wales. Comparisons between age determinations on the alkali soluble (humic) and alkali insoluble (humin) organic fractions from 12 biostratigraphic horizons reveal the extent of contamination by both older and younger carbon residues. The Llanilid time-scale suggests that for the Lateglacial, the earliest organic sediments date from around 13 200 yr BP, the early Interstadial Juniperus maximum occurred at ca. 12 400-12 500 yr BP with a marked decline some 200 years later, the main Betula phase lasted only from ca. 11 700 to 11 400 yr BP and the end of the Interstadial occurred around 11 100 yr BP. The beginning of the Flandrian dates from ca. 10 000 yr BP, the Juniperus maximum occurred approximately 200 years later, the expansion of birch woodland began around 9600 yr BP, while the first hazel arrived in the area at ca. 9300 yr BP. These age determinations are discussed in the context of radiocarbon dates from comparable biostratigraphic horizons in western Britain and the dating of Lateglacial events in the ocean core records from the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dating of the organic-rich sediments of Lake Illisarvik in the outer Mackenzie Delta indicates that formation of the lake occurred approximately 9500yr BP, with maximum expansion around 6000 yr BP. Sedimentation rates have remained relatively constant at an average of 0.3mm/yr. 13C results on biogenic and inorganic carbonates and organics indicate a change from dominantly terrestrial organics (?27 to ?28%0) to submerged aquatic vegetation or plankton (?18 to ?23%0) upon formation of the lake (9500yr BP), and a dramatic return to dominantly terrestrial organics at 5800yr BP (δ13C = ?27 to ?30%0). This latter shift is accompanied by a drastic reduction in the macroflora and fauna populations. 18O results suggest that a warmer climate than today existed prior to the shift at 5800yr BP.  相似文献   

Late Weichselian lake sediments from a site in southern Sweden, were analysed for stable carbon and oxygen isotopes, as well as plant macrofossils and insect remains. By comparison of independent data sets, general climatic changes were demonstrated. Lithological, chemical and stable isotope data reveal two significant climatic oscillations at ca. 12 200–12 000 and ca. 11 000–10 200 yr BP respectively. Continental climatic conditions, indicated by evaporative enrichment of 18O in lake marl, characterise parts of the early lake history, including the Older Dryas Stadial. Distinct variations of δ13C in organic material is discussed in terms of climatically induced changes in lake-water chemistry. Different types of photosynthetic assimilation of dissolved inorganic carbon is proposed as a contributing factor influencing lake marl δ13C. The universal application of a positive correlation between lake marl δ18O and mean annual air temperature is questioned. Quantifications of mean summer and winter temperatures based on beetle analysis show a climatic optimum around 12 000 yr BP, a marked cooling around 11 000 yr BP and a strong amelioration at ca. 10 200 yr BP. These climatic events were accompanied by distinct changes in aquatic vegetation. Plant macrofossil and insect analyses indicate an open vegetation during the entire period studied. Biostratigraphical data reflecting local limnic and terrestrial vegetation and regional climate facilitate the interpretation of stable isotope data.  相似文献   

Chesapeake Bay sediments were examined for biogeochemical evidence of eutrophication trends using two mesohaline sediment cores. Measurements of 210Pb geochronology and sediment profiles of organic carbon, nitrogen, organic phosphorus, inorganic phosphorus, and biogenis silica (BSi) were used used to develop temporal concentration trends. Recent sediments have 2–3 times as much organic carbon and nitrogen as sediments from 80 to 100 yr ago, but the increases result from both changes in organic matter deposition and time-dependent changes in organic matter decomposition rates. Despite increases in phosphorus loading, no major changes in phosphorus concentration were noted throughout most of the century; anthropogenic phosphorus deposition, though not evident in sulfidic mid-bay sediments, must occur in more oxidizing sediment environments in both the northern and southern bays. Temporal trends in BSi concentrations are much less evident and the lack of substantial increases in this century suggest that BSi inputs may be capped by late spring-summer Si limitation.  相似文献   

Studies of the δ13C of pore water dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13C-DIC) were carried out in shallow water carbonate sediments of the Great Bahamas Bank (GBB) to further examine sediment-seagrass relationships and to more quantitatively describe the couplings between organic matter remineralization and sediment carbonate diagenesis. At all sites studied δ13C-DIC provided evidence for the dissolution of sediment carbonate mediated by metabolic CO2 (i.e., CO2 produced during sediment organic matter remineralization); these observations are also consistent with pore water profiles of alkalinity, total DIC and Ca2+ at these sites. In bare oolitic sands, isotope mass balance further indicates that the sediment organic matter undergoing remineralization is a mixture of water column detritus and seagrass material; in sediments with intermediate seagrass densities, seagrass derived material appears to be the predominant source of organic matter undergoing remineralization. However, in sediments with high seagrass densities, the pore water δ13C-DIC data cannot be simply explained by dissolution of sediment carbonate mediated by metabolic CO2, regardless of the organic matter type. Rather, these results suggest that dissolution of metastable carbonate phases occurs in conjunction with reprecipitation of more stable carbonate phases. Simple closed system calculations support this suggestion, and are broadly consistent with results from more eutrophic Florida Bay sediments, where evidence of this type of carbonate dissolution/reprecipitation has also been observed. In conjunction with our previous work in the Bahamas, these observations provide further evidence for the important role that seagrasses play in mediating early diagenetic processes in tropical shallow water carbonate sediments. At the same time, when these results are compared with results from other terrigenous coastal sediments, as well as supralysoclinal carbonate-rich deep-sea sediments, they suggest that carbonate dissolution/reprecipitation may be more important than previously thought, in general, in the early diagenesis of marine sediments.  相似文献   

A Bison antiquus cranium and partial skeleton from Ayer Pond wetland on Orcas Island, San Juan Islands, Washington, date to 11,760 ± 70 14C yr BP. They lay in lacustrine sediments below peat, unconformably above emergent Everson Glaciomarine Drift (> 12,000 14C yr BP). Several bison finds in similar contexts on Orcas and Vancouver Islands dating between 11,750 and 10,800 14C yr BP indicate an early postglacial land mammal dispersal corridor with reduced water barriers between mainland and islands. New bison dates and published shell dates allow estimation of early postglacial relative sea-level trends for the San Juans, with a drop below modern datum ∼ 12,000 14C yr BP, and assist in evaluation of marine reservoir corrections. Emergence by ∼ 60 m is suggested by data from nearby areas. A tundra-like or meadow community and succeeding open pine parkland before 11,000 14C yr BP supported bison but horn-core reduction suggests suboptimal forage or restricted habitat. Expanding mixed-conifer forests after 11,000 14C yr BP contributed to bison extirpation. Dispersing ungulates such as bison must have influenced island vegetation establishment and early succession. Possible evidence for butchering by early coastal people adds significance to the Ayer Pond discovery, given its pre-Clovis age.  相似文献   

Pollen, micro-charcoal and total carbon analyses on sediments from the Turbuta palaeolake, in the Transylvanian Basin of NW Romania, reveal Younger Dryas to mid-Holocene environmental changes. The chronostratigraphy relies on AMS 14C measurements on organic matter and U/Th TIMS datings of snail shells. Results indicate the presence of Pinus and Betula open woodlands with small populations of Picea, Ulmus, Alnus and Salix before 12,000 cal yr BP. A fairly abrupt replacement of Pinus and Betula by Ulmus-dominated woodlands at ca. 11,900 cal. yr BP likely represents competition effects of vegetation driven by climate warming at the onset of the Holocene. By 11,000 cal yr BP, the woodlands were increasingly diverse and dense with the expansion of Quercus, Fraxinus and Tilia, the establishment of Corylus and the decline of upland herbaceous and shrubs taxa. The marked expansion of Quercus accompanied by Tilia between 10,500 and 8000 cal yr BP could be the result of low effective moisture associated with both low elevation of the site and with regional change towards a drier climate. At 10,000 cal yr BP, Corylus spread across the region, and by 8000 cal yr BP it replaced Quercus as a dominant forest constituent, with only little representation of Picea abies. Carpinus became established around 5500 cal yr BP, but it was only a minor constituent in local woodlands until ca. 5000 cal yr BP. Results from this study also indicate that the woodlands in the lowlands of Turbuta were never closed.  相似文献   

With the purpose of tracing the variations of the organic matter sources of sediments, a sample column (25.96 m in size) from the Hemudu Area of Hangzhou Bay was put through AMS14C dating and biogeochemical analysis. TOC and TN presented similar variation trends, suggesting the same and stable sources of organic matter; the bad correlation between the grain size and TOC content indicated that the organic matter occurrence was neither controlled by the grain size nor the surface absorption of the fine particles, but it may has something to do with the complicated sedimentary hydrodynamic force, the input of organic matter and microbial action. Judging on the basis of C/N ratio and δ13CTOC, the organic carbon in sediments was a mixture of terrigenous and marine organic carbon, testifying to the land-sea interaction characteristic of the study area. The indexes experienced abrupt changes at about 6.5 ka BP, when the lighter terrigenous organic carbon made an increased proportion to the heavier marine organic carbon. The phenomenon reflected the enclosure of the lagoon and the reduced exchange interactions with the seawater of open seas.  相似文献   

Many coastal lakes were inundated by both the Storegga tsunami (7000 14C yr BP) and the mid-Holocene sea-level rise (the Tapes transgression) in western Norway. The tsunami eroded lake bottoms and deposited graded and/or massive beds of sand, rip-up clasts, and coarse plant material. By contrast, when the rising sea entered the lakes, it deposited only gyttja, silt and fine sand, without causing much erosion of the underlying lake sediments. Storegga tsunami deposits in some coastal lakes were interpreted previously as ordinary marine sediments from the Tapes transgression. Our reinterpretation of these deposits shows that the transgression maximum phase was reached after 6500 yr BP, more than 1000 yr later than previously inferred for the coast of Sunnmøre. The new data cannot be combined in a shoreline diagram without showing the 6000 yr BP and 7000 yr BP shorelines as slightly warped. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geochemical and isotopic data for the uppermost 1.2 m of the sediments of the central Santa Monica Basin plain were examined to better understand organic matter deposition and recycling at this site. Isotopic signatures (Δ14C and δ13C) of methane (CH4) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) indicate the occurrence of anaerobic oxidation of CH4 that is fueled by CH4 supplied from a relict reservoir that is decoupled from local organic carbon (Corg) degradation and methanogenesis. This finding was corroborated by a flux budget of pore-water solutes across the basal horizon of the profile. Together these results provide a plausible explanation for the anomalously low ratio between alkalinity production and sulfate consumption reported for these sediments over two decades ago. Shifts in Δ14C and δ13C signatures of Corg have previously been reported across the 20-cm depth horizon for this site and attributed to a transition from oxic to anoxic bottom water that occurred ~350 years BP. However, we show that this horizon also coincides with a boundary between the base of a hemipelagic mud section and the top of a turbidite interval, complicating the interpretation of organic geochemical data across this boundary. Radiocarbon signatures of DIC diffusing upward into surface sediments indicate that remineralization at depth is supported by relatively 14C-enriched Corg within the sedimentary matrix. While the exact nature of this Corg is unclear, possible sources are hemipelagic mud sections that were buried rapidly under thick turbidites, and 14C-rich moieties dispersed within Corg-poor turbidite sections.  相似文献   

海南岛南岸全新世珊瑚礁的发育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
海南岛南岸的珊瑚礁,是我国全新世珊瑚岸礁最为发育的地区之一,仅次于台湾岛南端的恒春半岛沿岸。前人从生物学[1-5]、地貌学[6-8]和地质学[9-12]角度对海南岛南岸的珊瑚礁进行过较为广泛的研究。作者报道过崖县鹿回头水尾岭剖面珊瑚礁样品的C14年代测定结果[13,14]。1979年底至1980年初,作者在海南岛南岸东起小东海沿岸西至西瑁岛西岸地区进行了野外调查与采样。根据野外和室内分析资料,本文公布了一批新测试的C14年代数据,并进一步讨论了全新世珊瑚礁的发育历史及其与海岸变迁、海面变化和地壳运动的关系等问题。  相似文献   

In 1997, seismic surveys in the troughs off northwest and north Iceland indicated the presence of a major, regional sub‐bottom reflector that can be traced over large areas of the shelf. Cores taken in 1997, and later in 1999 on the IMAGES V cruise, penetrated through the reflector. In core MD99‐2269 in Húnaflóaáll, this reflector is shown to be represented by a basaltic tephra with a geochemical signature and radiocarbon age correlative with the North Atlantic‐wide Saksunarvatn tephra. We trace this tephra throughout northwest Iceland in a series of marine and lake cores, as well as in terrestrial sediments; it forms a layer 1 to 25 cm thick of fine‐ to medium‐grained basaltic volcanic shards. The base of the tephra unit is always sharp but visual inspection and other measurements (carbonate and total organic carbon weight %) indicate a more diffuse upper boundary associated with bioturbation and with sediment reworking. Off northwest Iceland the Saksunarvatn tephra has distinct sediment magnetic properties. This is evident as a dramatic reduction in magnetic susceptibility, an increase in the frequency dependant magnetic susceptibility and ‘hard’ magnetisation in a −0.1T IRM backfield. Geochemical analyses from 11 sites indicate a tholeiitic basalt composition, similar to the geochemistry of a tephra found in the Greenland ice‐core that dates to 10 180 ± 60 cal. yr BP, and which was correlated with the 9000 14C yr BP Saksunarvatn tephra. We present accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dates from the marine sites, which indicate that the ocean reservoir correction is close to ca. 400 yr at 9000 14C yr BP off northwest Iceland. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A stratigraphic succession of alternating peat and minerogenic sediments at the foot of a steep mountain slope provides the basis for the reconstruction of a preliminary colluvial history from the alpine zone of Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Layers of silty sand and sandy silt, typically 5–10 cm thick and interpreted as distal debris-flow facies, are separated by layers of peat that have been radiocarbon dated. Deposition from at least 7500 to about 3800 14C yr BP of predominantly minerogenic material suggests relatively infrequent but large-magnitude debris-flow events in an environment warmer and/or drier than today. Particularly low colluvial activity between about 6500 and 3900 14C yr BP was terminated by a succession of major debris-flow events between about 3800 and 3400 14C yr BP. Unhumified peats indicative of higher water tables, separate six debris-flows that occurred between about 3300 and 2300 14C yr BP and signify a continuing high frequency of colluvial activity. Uninterrupted peat accumulation between about 2400 and 1600 14C yr BP indicates reduced debris-flow activity; subsequent renewed activity appears to have culuminated in the ‘Little Ice Age’ after about 600 14C yr BP. This pattern of colluvial deposition demonstrates a long history of natural Holocene low-alpine landscape instability, suggests an increase first in the magnitude and then in the frequency of debris-flow activity coincident with late Holocene climatic deterioration, and points to the potential of debris-flow records as a unique source of palaeoclimatic information related to extreme rainfall events. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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