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The work presented in this paper lies under the scope of a research program aiming to assess the impact of deep coal mining induced vibrations on the surface constructions. The concerned section of the program is dedicated to the study of geological site effects and their influence on the mining induced vibrations for which the experimental investigations have been carried out and developed in this paper (Part 1). The empirical methods based on H/V spectral ratios have been applied on data sets provided from mining induced vibrations recorded within private residences above the deep coalmine as well as complementary measurements of ambient noise. The results evidence an amplified zone in the southern part of the Gardanne basin where drilling data confirmed the presence of particularly fractured and soft stratigraphic units. This joint analysis of induced seismicity and ambient noise enabled to validate the method based on H/V ratios applied to the mining context.  相似文献   

This work investigates the impact of deep coal mining induced vibrations on surface constructions using numerical tools. An experimental study of the geological site amplification and of its influence on mining induced vibrations has already been published in the previous paper (Part 1: Experimental evidence for site effects in a coal basin). Measurements have shown the existence of an amplification area in the southern part of the basin where drilling data have shown the presence of particularly fractured and soft stratigraphic units. The present study, using the boundary element method (BEM) in the frequency domain, first investigates canonical geological structures in order to get general results for various sites. The amplification level at the surface is given as a function of the shape of the basin and of the velocity contrast with the bedrock. Next, the particular coal basin previously studied experimentally (Driad-Lebeau et al. [1]) is modeled numerically by BEM. The amplification phenomena characterized numerically for the induced vibrations are found to be compatible with the experimental findings such as: amplification level, frequency range and location. Finally, the whole work was necessary to fully assess the propagation and amplification of mine induced vibrations. The numerical results quantifying amplification can also be used to study other coal basins or various types of alluvial sites.  相似文献   

Numerical evaluation of slope topography effects on seismic ground motion   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper presents results of numerical analyses for the seismic response of step-like ground slopes in uniform visco-elastic soil, under vertically propagating SV seismic waves. The aim of the analyses is to explore the effects of slope geometry, predominant excitation frequency and duration, as well as of the dynamic soil properties on seismic ground motion in a parametric manner, and provide qualitative as well as quantitative insight to the phenomenon. Among the main conclusions of this study is that this kind of topography may lead to intense amplification or de-amplification variability at neighboring (within a few tens of meters) points behind the crest of the slope, especially for high frequency excitations. Nevertheless, a general trend of amplification near the crest and de-amplification near the toe of the slope seems to hold for the horizontal motion. As a result of these two findings, it becomes evident that reliable field evidence of slope topography aggravation is extremely difficult to establish. Furthermore, this study highlights the generation of a parasitic vertical component of motion in the vicinity of the slope, due to wave reflections at the slope surface, that under certain preconditions may become as large as the horizontal. Criteria are established for deciding on the importance of topography effects, while approximate relations are provided for the preliminary evaluation of the topographic aggravation of seismic ground motion and the width of the affected zone behind the crest.  相似文献   

Vertical seismometer arrays represent a unique interaction between observed and predicted ground motions, and they are especially helpful for validating and comparing site response models. In this study, we perform comprehensive linear, equivalent-linear, and nonlinear site response analyses of 191 ground motions recorded at six validation sites in the Kiban–Kyoshin network (KiK-net) of vertical seismometer arrays in Japan. These sites, which span a range of geologic conditions, are selected because they meet the basic assumptions of one-dimensional (1D) wave propagation, and are therefore ideal for validating and calibrating 1D nonlinear soil models. We employ the equivalent-linear site response program SHAKE, the nonlinear site response program DEEPSOIL, and a nonlinear site response overlay model within the general finite element program Abaqus/Explicit. Using the results from this broad range of ground motions, we quantify the uncertainties of the alternative site response models, measure the strain levels at which the models break down, and provide general recommendations for performing site response analyses. Specifically, we find that at peak shear strains from 0.01% to 0.1%, linear site response models fail to accurately predict short-period ground motions; equivalent-linear and nonlinear models offer a significant improvement at strains beyond this level, with nonlinear models exhibiting a slight improvement over equivalent-linear models at strains greater than approximately 0.05%.  相似文献   

Earthquake-induced hazards are profoundly affected by site effects related to the amplification of ground motions, which are strongly influenced by local geologic conditions such as soil thickness or bedrock depth and soil stiffness. In this study, an integrated geographic information system (GIS)-based system for geotechnical data, called the geotechnical information system (GTIS), was developed to establish a regional counterplan against earthquake ground motions in the Seoul metropolitan area. In particular, to reliably predict spatial geotechnical information, a procedural methodology for building the GTIS within a GIS framework was developed and applied to the Seoul area in Korea. To build the GTIS, pre-existing geotechnical data were collected in and around the study area, and then a walk-over site survey was conducted to acquire surface geo-knowledge data. In addition, the representative shear wave velocities for geotechnical layers were derived by statistically analyzing many seismic test data in Korea. The GTIS was used in a practical application to estimate site effects in the study area; seismic zoning maps of geotechnical earthquake parameters, such as the depth to bedrock and the site period, were created and presented as a regional synthetic strategy for earthquake risk assessment. Furthermore, seismic zonation of site classification was also performed to determine the site amplification coefficients for seismic design and seismic performance evaluation at any site and administrative sub-unit in the study area. The methodology and results of the case study of seismic zonations in the Seoul area verified that the GIS-based GTIS can be very useful for the regional estimation of seismic risk and also to support decisions regarding seismic hazard mitigation, particularly in the metropolitan area.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of VS30 in site amplifications in the Adapazari region, Turkey. To fulfil this aim, amplifications from VS30 measurements were compared with earthquake data for different soil types in the seismic design codes. The Adapazari area was selected as the study area, and shear-wave velocity distribution was obtained by the multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASWs) method at 100 sites for the top 50 m of soil. Aftershock data following the Mw 7.4 Izmit earthquake of 17 August 1999 gave magnitudes between 4.0 and 5.6 at six stations installed in and around the Adapazari Basin, at Babalı, Şeker, Genç, Hastane, Toyota and Imar. This data was used to estimate site amplifications by the reference-station method. In addition, the fundamental periods of the station sites were estimated by the single station method. Site classifications based on VS30 in the seismic design codes were compared with the fundamental periods and amplification values. It was found that site amplifications (from earthquake data) and relevant spectra (from VS30) are not in good agreement for soils in Adapazari (Turkey).  相似文献   

In the framework of the Sismovalp European project, an equivalent linear 2D code was developed to compute the response of a valley to SH waves, using the discrete wave-number method proposed by Aki and Larner (Aki K, Larner KL (1970) J Geophys Res 75:5). To overcome the frequency upper bound limitation, the Aki and Larner’s method is combined with a one-dimensional computation using a classical multi-layer method (Aki K, Richards PG (1980) Quantitative Seismology: Theory and Methods, vols. 1 & 2. W.H. Freeman & Co, San Francisco). The so-called “Aki–Larner extended method” is associated to an iterative algorithm, as proposed by Seed and Idriss (Seed HB, Idriss IM (1969) Report No. EERC 70–10, Earthquake Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, California) which accounts for the modulus and damping degradation using a linear visco-elastic model. A comparison of the results in the linear and the equivalent linear cases, for a magnitude 6.0 earthquake, shows that the account for the equivalent linear behaviour of the soil significantly reduces the amplification level, especially at frequencies higher than the fundamental resonance frequency of the site. In the case of site effects or microzonation studies devoted to produce design spectra for engineering structures, this can have a major impact on the associated results and costs, depending on the frequency of interest for the considered structure. As a first application of the developed technique, 2D equivalent linear Aki–Larner computations are used to perform the seismic microzonation study of the upper Rhone valley, in the Visp area (Switzerland), a typical 2D alpine valley. These investigations made it possible to determine site specific spectra, associated with different zones, to be used instead of the code spectra that do not take into account the local 2D amplification.  相似文献   

The paper presents recent achievements in evaluations of site-dependent seismic hazard in Romania and the capital city of Bucharest caused by the Vrancea focal zone (SE-Carpathians). The zone is characterized by a high rate of occurrence of large earthquakes in a narrow focal volume at depths 60–170 km. The database that was used for the hazard evaluation includes parameters of seismicity, ground-motion source scaling and attenuation models (Fourier amplitude spectra), and site-dependent spectral amplification functions. Ground-motion characteristics were evaluated on the basis of several hundred records from more than 120 small magnitude (M 3.5–5) earthquakes occurred in 1996–2001 and a few tens of acceleration records obtained during four large (M 7.4, 7.2, 6.9 and 6.3) earthquakes. The data provide a basis for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in terms of peak ground acceleration, peak spectral acceleration and MSK intensity using Fourier amplitude spectra for various exceedance probabilities or average return periods. It has been shown that the influence of geological factors plays very important role in distribution of earthquake ground-motion parameters along the territory of Romania.  相似文献   

In the paper the results of the numerical and experimental analyses, at a site in the Umbria Region (Città di Castello—PG), are finalized and the evaluations of site effects are shown. The aim of the work was to compare the two types of analyses and give some methodologies that may be used at the level of urban planning. Therefore a series of geological, geomorphological (1:5.000 scale), geotechnical and seismic analyses have been carried out, to characterize the lithological units and to identify the areas affected by site effects. The expected seismic inputs were provided and two-dimensional numerical analyses have been done. An experimental analysis, using the registrations of small events, has been done. The results for the two approaches were performed in terms of elastic pseudo-acceleration spectra and amplification factors. The results are given as a ratio between spectral intensity, calculated using the pseudo-velocity spectra, in the periods of 0.1–0.5 s and 0.1–2.5 s of output and input. The results have been analyzed and compared, to provide a methodology that may be comprehensive and precise.  相似文献   

The Algiers–Boumerdes region has been struck by a destructive magnitude 6.8 (Mw) earthquake on May 21, 2003. The study presented in this paper is based on main shock strong motions from 13 stations of the Algerian accelerograph network. A maximum 0.58g peak ground acceleration (PGA) has been recorded at 20 km from the epicenter, only about 150 m away from a PGA of 0.34g, with both a central frequency around 5 Hz, explained by a strong very localized site effect, confirmed by receiver function technique results showing peaks at 5 Hz with amplitudes changing by a factor of 2. Soil amplifications are also evidenced at stations located in the quaternary Mitidja basin, explaining the higher PGA values recorded at these stations than at stations located on firm soil at similar distances from the epicenter. A fault-related directionality effect observed on the strong motion records and confirmed by the study of the seismic movement anisotropy, in agreement with the N65 fault plan direction, explains the SW–NE orientation of the main damage zone. In the near field, strong motions present a high-frequency content starting at 3 Hz with a central frequency around 8 Hz, while in the far field their central frequency is around 3 Hz, explaining the high level of damage in the 3- to 4-story buildings in the epicentral zone. The design spectra overestimate the recorded mean response spectra, and its high corner frequency is less than the recorded one, leading to a re-examination of the seismic design code that should definitively integrate site-related coefficient, to account for the up to now neglected site amplification, as well as a re-modeling of the actual design spectra. Finally, both the proposed Algerian attenuation law and the worldwide laws usually used in Algeria underestimate the recorded accelerations of the 6.8 (Mw) Boumerdes earthquake, clearly showing that it is not possible to extrapolate the proposed Algerian law to major earthquakes.  相似文献   

唐山响堂三维场地影响观测台阵   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1994年7月中国地震局工程力学研究所在唐山余震区响堂镇建成了我国第一个三维场地影响观测台阵。该台阵目前有四个测点,分别布设在基岩地表、土层地表、地下17m和地下32m处。它安装了分辨率为16位的井下数字观测系统,主机和从机同步运行,系统时钟采用Omega导航信号自动校对(精度1ms),地震数据采用固态方式(CMOS)存储,每个测点均布设一组 量力平衡式加速度计。该台阵自投入运行至1997年12月  相似文献   

A series of 1 g shaking table tests, followed by the numerical simulations, is performed to investigate the effect of a circular subway tunnel on the ground motion amplification pattern. Effects of various parameters, including shear wave velocity of soil, frequency content of input motion, flexibility ratio and tunnel depth on the amplification pattern is investigated. Experimental study revealed that the tunnel did not affect free field response at dimensionless period greater than 10. Subsequent parametric study demonstrated that the amount of amplifications were mainly controlled by dimensionless period, dimensionless depth and flexibility ratio. Tunnel effect on the amplification pattern is more prominent for dimensionless period between 3 to 10, flexibility ratio greater than 1 and dimensionless depth less than 3. The study revealed that subway tunnel influences the seismic response of low period buildings, constructed above the tunnel.  相似文献   

An instrumental validation is attempted of an innovative approach devoted to the quick individuation, from macroseismic data, of site amplification phenomena able to significantly modify seismic hazard levels expected on the basis of average propagation effects only. According to this methodology, two evaluations of hazard are performed at each investigated locality: the former, obtained by epicentral intensity data ‘reduced’ at the site through a probabilistic attenuation function and, the latter, computed by integrating such data with seismic effects actually observed at the site during past earthquakes. The comparison, for each locality, between these two hazard estimates allow to orientate the identification of those sites where local amplifications of earthquake ground motion could be significant. In order to check such methodology, indications obtained in this way from macroseismic data are compared with the estimates of transfer functions performed through the HVSR technique applied to microtremors. Results concerning municipalities located in a seismic area of Northern Italy indicate a good agreement between macroseismic and instrumental estimates.  相似文献   

The relationship between the amplification ratio of earthquake ground motion and geologic conditions at Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) stations nationwide was examined to propose an estimation method of the amplification ratio that is applicable to entire Japan. The amplification ratios for the instrumental JMA intensity, as well as for the peak ground acceleration and velocity, were obtained from the station coefficients of the attenuation relationships using strong motion records measured at 77 JMA stations over a period of more than 8 years. A combined use of geomorphological land classification and subsurface geology was found to yield the best estimate of the site amplification ratio. This result suggests that these data, and hence the Digital National Land Information, which is a nationwide GIS database, may be conveniently used for the estimation of strong motion distribution over large areas in Japan.  相似文献   

Strong motion records of Turkey are studied in order to prepare a catalog to be used as a database for further studies (for instance empirical attenuation laws). The network started to be installed in 1973, and the first record was obtained in 1976. The instruments are of SMA-1 analog recorders and SIG SM-2 and GeoSys GSR-16 digital types. Out of a total of 426 records released on the web sites of the General Directorate of the Disaster Affairs and of Kandili Observatory, a set of 210 records was selected with a satisfactory quality, for which it was possible to associate correctly determined source parameters (source magnitudes and epicentral distances). Most of the records are obtained from around North and East Anatolian Fault zones, as well as from western and southwestern parts of Turkey. The main outcome of this paper is a strong motion catalog of Turkey, with the indication of site conditions, of the frequency band of the reliability of the records, peak values of acceleration, velocity and displacements, source parameters (magnitude, epicentral and macroseismic distances), intensity and finally the fault plane solutions whenever possible. The aim is to have, with other regional dataset, a homogenous and good quality dataset.  相似文献   




On 31 October and 1 November 2002, the Basso Molise area (Southern Italy) was struck by two earthquakes of moderate magnitude (M L = 5.4 and 5.3). The epicentral area showed a high level of damage, attributable both to the high vulnerability of existing buildings and to site effects caused by the geological and geomorphological settings. Specifically, the intensity inside the town of San Giuliano di Puglia was two degrees higher than in neighbouring towns. Also, within San Giuliano di Puglia, the damage varied notably. The site response in the city was initially evaluated from horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) from a limited number of strong motion recordings of the most severe aftershocks. Several microtremor measurements were also available. Both data sets indicated the simultaneous presence of two amplification peaks: one around 6 Hz, attributed in previous studies to the strong, shallow impedance contrast among landfill/clay and calcarenites, and one at 2 Hz related to the first S-wave arrivals and predominantly seen only on one receiver component. Further studies performed on weak-motion recordings also showed strong amplification on the vertical receiver component, thus indicating an underestimation of the amplification by the HVSR technique. Additionally, a 2D-model of the geology of the sub-surface was developed, reproducing the flower-shaped structure generated during the late orogenic transpressive regime. The numerical (finite-difference hybrid) simulation reproduced the two peaks of the observed data at slightly higher frequencies. The model also confirmed that the borders of the flower structure define a boundary between amplification levels, with higher amplification inside.  相似文献   

Increased structural damage caused byearthquakes on hilltops and along ridgeshas often been related to amplification ofground motion due to the presence oftopography. However, comparison betweenobservations and numerical modeling hasshown that amplification is only partlydependent on the prominent surfacemorphology. Strong effects are also inducedby soft layers, such as weathered rockmaterial or colluvium, covering thetopographies.Numerous seismically triggered landslidesare reported to occur in the same materialsthat are likely to amplify ground motions.Therefore, it can be suspected that groundmotion dynamics significantly contribute tothe observed slopes failures. Thispotential relationship is the subject ofthe present case study, the Ananevorockslide in the northeastern Tien Shanmountains. The survey included geophysicalprospecting, earthquake recordings andstructural analyses of the rock fabric. Onthe basis of the field data, observedamplification effects could be related tothe local geological conditions andparticularly to the surface morphology andto the presence of low-velocity layers –deeply weathered rocks – on the top of thebedrock. Surface layer- andtopography-dependent amplification has alsobeen studied numerically by 2D and 3Dfinite element modeling of ground motiondynamics. The present paper focuses onadditional effects that may be induced bythe presence of a fault zone and of thelandslide scarp. Further, observed andcomputed ground motion dynamics areconnected with slope failuresusceptibility: 2D numerical simulationsreveal that strain localization is closelyrelated to wave amplification in surficiallow-velocity layers, particularly belowconvex surface morphologies.  相似文献   

A criterion is developed for the simulation of realistic artificial ground motion histories at soft‐soil sites, corresponding to a detailed ground motion record at a reference firm‐ground site. A complex transfer function is defined as the Fourier transform of the ground acceleration time history at the soft‐soil site divided by the Fourier transform of the acceleration record at the firm‐ground site. Working with both the real and the imaginary components of the transfer function, and not only with its modulus, serves to keep the statistical information about the wave phases (and, therefore, about the time variation of amplitudes and frequencies) in the algorithm used to generate the artificial records. Samples of these transfer functions, associated with a given pair of soft‐soil and firm‐ground sites, are empirically determined from the corresponding pairs of simultaneous records. Each function included in a sample is represented as the superposition of the transfer functions of the responses of a number of oscillators. This formulation is intended to account for the contributions of trains of waves following different patterns in the vicinity of both sites. The properties of the oscillators play the role of parameters of the transfer functions. They vary from one seismic event to another. Part of the variation is systematic, and can be explained in terms of the influence of ground motion intensity on the effective values of stiffness and damping of the artificial oscillators. Another part has random nature; it reflects the random characteristics of the wave propagation patterns associated with the different events. The semi‐empirical model proposed recognizes both types of variation. The influence of intensity is estimated by means of a conventional one‐dimensional shear wave propagation model. This model is used to derive an intensity‐dependent modification of the values of the empirically determined model parameters in those cases when the firm‐ground earthquake intensity used to determine these parameters differs from that corresponding to the seismic event for which the simulated records are to be obtained. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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