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1 IntroductionMesozooplankton (0.2 ~20 mm) are hetero-trophic animals that inhabit almost every type of ma-rine environment (Goswami and Padmavati, 1996;Uye et al., 1996). They are major secondary pro-ducers, grazing on phytoplankton and providing foodfor…  相似文献   

东寨港红树林小型底栖动物的密度和生物量研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘均玲  黄勃  梁志伟 《海洋学报》2013,35(2):187-192
2012年2月对海南省东寨港红树林滩涂沉积物小型底栖动物进行研究,结果表明,红树林中有六大类小型底栖动物,包括自由生活线虫、桡足类、涡虫、多毛类、寡毛类、海螨.在种类组成上,自由生活线虫为优势类群,在4个采样站位中,分别占小型底栖动物总数量的95.30%,97.02%,96.45%,90.53%.东寨港红树林小型底栖动物的总栖息密度为(1 082.23±563.76)个/(10 cm2),总生物量为(764.06±511.63)μg/(10 cm2).4个采样站位平均多样性指数H'分别为0.26、0.17、0.20、0.45,平均均匀度指数 J 分别为0.13、0.09、0.10、0.23.最小显著极差法(LSR)进行多重比较分析表明,4个采样点小型底栖动物差异明显.海洋线虫与桡足类的数量之比(N/C)显示东寨港红树林受到了有机质污染.  相似文献   

This paper examines spatial and temporal variations of mesozooplankton abundance, biomass and community structure during three cruises of July 2002 (summer), January 2003 (winter), and April 2003 (spring) in the Pearl River estuary, China. Zooplankton abundance and biomass fluctuated widely and showed distinct heterogeneity in the Pearl River estuary. A total of 154 species were identified during three surveys. The number of zooplankton species richness was strongly linked to salinity. Hierarchical cluster analysis identified three zooplankton groups during this study. Estuarine, neritic and pelagic groups corresponded to the upper, middle and lower reaches in the Pearl River estuary. The difference among groups could be mainly ascribed to changes in the relative contributions of the dominant species. The fluctuations in the zooplankton abundance, biomass and community structure were determined by the interactive effects of freshwater inflow, tidal and coastal currents, chlorophyll a, salinity and temperature. Significant spatial variability in the distribution of zooplankton species, abundance and biomass can be ascribed to the virtual presence of a horizontal gradient in salinity.  相似文献   

2007年9月至2008年5月在海州湾采集15个站点的底泥样品,对大型底栖动物丰度和生物量进行调查研究。共采集到38种大型底栖动物,其中多毛类环节动物14种,甲壳动物5种,软体动物14种,棘皮动物1种,鱼类3种,扁形动物1种。春季平均生物量为3.3 g/m2,平均丰度为164个/m2;秋季平均生物量为26.8 g/m2,平均丰度为180个/ m2。本次调查与1959~1960年和2000~2001年南黄海的调查结果相比较,生物量有所下降。  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton composition and distribution were investigated by Juday net hauls in the Pechora Sea (south-eastern Barents Sea) in July 2001. A total of 66 taxa were identified. The total mesozooplankton abundance varied between 2416 ind m−2 in the northern part and 1458?935 ind m−2 in the south. The biomass ranged between 81 and 19?078 mg DW m−2. Three groups differed greatly in composition, abundance and biomass as delineated by cluster analysis. Copepod species Calanus finmarchicus, Pseudocalanus species and Limnocalanus macrurus dominated in terms of the total biomass within each single cluster. There were significant Spearman rank correlations between mesozooplankton abundance and oceanographic variables, and phytoplankton concentration. Salinity was the main factor affecting the mesozooplankton distribution in the coastal waters, while temperature had greater influence on the abundance and biomass in the central and northern parts. The mean mesozooplankton biomass in the region was higher in comparison with some previous investigations probably due to higher water temperature in summer 2001.  相似文献   

桑沟湾微微型浮游生物丰度和生物量分布的季节变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2013年4月、7月、10~月和2014年1月,分四个季节在桑沟湾利用流式细胞技术对桑沟湾微微型浮游生物丰度和生物量的时空分布特征进行了研究,并统计分析了其与环境因子之间的关系。结果表明,四个季节中桑沟湾聚球藻丰度和生物量分别为0.04×10~3~408.59×10~3个/mL、0.01~10~2.15 mg/m3,微微型真核浮游生物的丰度和生物量分别为0.21×10~3~99.64×10~3个/mL、0.31~149.46 mg/m3,异养细菌的丰度和生物量分别为3.34×10~5~50.16×10~5个/mL、6.68~10~0.32 mg/m3。四个季节中,夏季桑沟湾微微型浮游生物的丰度和生物量高于其他季节。异养细菌对微微型浮游生物总生物量的四季平均贡献为62.11%,高于自养微微型浮游生物;微微型真核浮游生物占自养微微型浮游生物总生物量比例最高,平均可达86.85%。统计分析显示温度、叶绿素a和营养盐浓度是影响桑沟湾微微型浮游生物丰度和生物量分布的主要因素。上述结果为桑沟湾生态环境的检测和评估提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

“大洋一号”调查船于2011年5—6月在南大西洋中脊14°S附近进行了7个站位的小型底栖生物采样。共鉴定出小型底栖生物10个类群。小型底栖生物平均丰度为(60.63±54.77) ind/10 cm2,平均干重生物量为(9.42±8.92) μg/10 cm2。线虫是其中的优势类群,丰度为(47.42±47.99)ind/10 cm2,占总丰度的78.21%,另外,肉鞭动物和桡足类分别占总丰度的16.63%和3.91%。生物量前3位的类群依次为桡足类、线虫和肉鞭动物。小型底栖生物密度随沉积物深度增加而减少,约73.55%的生物丰度分布在0~2 cm层内。个体大小方面,有75.32%的小型底栖生物粒径处于32~125 μm范围内。  相似文献   

1Introduction Heterotrophicmicrobesarenowconsideredtobe significantcomponentsofthestructureandfunctionof marinepelagicecosystems.Heterotrophicbacteriacon- stituteamajorpoolofbiomassinopenecosystem (WilhelmandSuttle,1999).Theyconsumealargepor- tionofprimaryproduction(Li,1998;Sherryetal., 2002;Lietal.,2004),andtheymineralizemostofthe dissolvedorganiccarbonthattheyconsume(Azamet al.,1983;Richetal.,1997;Azam,1998).Therolesof planktonicprotists,suchasheterotrophicflagellates andciliates,inmicro…  相似文献   

调查了广东红树林区水质的时空变化, 分别采集了红树林区表层水体水样旱季30个样点(2017年10月至2018年1月)和湿季20个样点(2018年7月至8月)进行分析。利用单一营养状态指数(TSI Chl a)评价红树林水质特征和营养状态, 评价标准: 050为富营养, >70为高营养。红树林区环境参数的时空变化为: 盐度(2.15‰~27.14‰)、pH (6.18~8.65)、电导率(10.87~90.52µs·cm-1)、浊度(0.0975~21.61FTU)、硝酸盐(0~127.2mg·L-1)、亚硝酸盐(0~12.0mg·L-1)、磷酸盐(0~34.5mg·L-1)、硅酸盐(1.22~2.88mg·L-1)和叶绿素a (0.19~38.08mg·m-3)。聚类分析表明, 丰水期横跨雷州半岛右侧至广东沿海东部的水质相对较好, 而左侧则处于中营养化状态。同时, 在枯水期, 红树林区水质较差, 从雷州半岛周围的高中营养化状态, 到广东沿海东部的富营养化状态。主成分分析表明, 营养盐、盐度、pH、电导率(electrical conductivity, EC)和浊度对红树林区水质状况贡献显著, 进而影响红树林生态系统中藻类群落的变化。  相似文献   

于2007年4月对山东南部近海进行了32个站位的大型底栖动物研究,共发现大型底栖动物170种,其中多毛类87种,软体动物25种,甲壳类47种,棘皮动物7种,其他类群4种。排名前3位的优势种是背蚓虫(Notomastus latericeus)、东方缝栖蛤(Hiatella orientalia)和寡鳃齿吻沙蚕(Nephtys oligobranchia)。研究海域大型底栖动物总平均丰度为1494 ind/m~2,总平均生物量为13.88 g/m~2,生物多样性指数H′、J′和d的平均值分别为:3.856、0.805和4.004。在30%相似度水平上,该海域大型底栖动物可划分为4个群落。综合H′和ABC曲线的结果,山东南部海域底栖生态环境较好。  相似文献   

During spring and autumn of 2006,the investigations on abundance,carbon biomass and distribution of picoplankton were carried out in the southern Huanghai Sea(Yellow Sea,sHS) . Three groups of picoplankton-Synechococcus(Syn) ,Picoeukaryotes(PEuk) and heterotrophic bacteria(BAC) were identified,but Prochlorococcus(Pro) was undetected. The average abundance of Syn and PEuk was lower in spring(5.0 and 1.3 × 10 3 cells/cm 3,respectively) than in autumn(92.4 and 2.7 × 10 3 cells/cm 3,respectively) ,but it was opposite for BAC(1.3 and 0.7 × 10 6 cells/cm 3 in spring and autumn,respectively) . And the total carbon biomass of picoplankton was higher in spring(37.23 ± 11.67) mg/m 3 than in autumn(21.29 ± 13.75) mg/m 3 . The ratios of the three cell abundance were 5:1:1 341 and 30:1:124 in spring and autumn,respectively. And the ratios of carbon biomass of them were 5:7:362 and 9:4:4 in spring and autumn,respectively. Seasonal distribution characteristics of Syn,PEuk,BAC were quite different from each other. In spring,Syn abundance decreased in turn in the central waters(where phytoplankton bloom in spring occurred) ,the southern waters and inshore waters of the Shandong Peninsula(where even Syn was undetected) ;the high values of PEuk abundance appeared in the central and southern waters and the inshore of the Shandong Peninsula;the abundance of BAC was nearly three order of magnitude higher than that of photosynthetic picoplankton,and high values appeared in the central waters. In autumn,Syn abundance in central waters was higher than that in surrounding waters,while for PEuk abundance,it decreased in turn in the inshore waters of the Shandong Peninsula,the southern waters and the central waters;BAC presented a complicated blocky type distribution. Sub-surface maximum of each group of picopalnkton appeared in both spring and autumn. Compared with the available literatures concerning the studied area,the range of Syn abundance was larger,and the abundance of BAC was higher. In addition,the conversion factors for calculating picoplanktonic carbon biomass were discussed,with the conversion factors which are different from previous studies in the same surveyed waters. The result of regression analysis showed that there was distinct positive correlation between BAC and photosynthetic picoplankton in spring(r=0.61,P 0.001) ,but no correlation was found in autumn.  相似文献   

Being a primary producer, Microphytobenthos (MPB) play an important role in the benthic ecosystem of mangrove swamps. The temporal and vertical distribution of MPB biomass, expressed as chlorophyll a (Chla), was investigated in mangrove swamps on the Qi’ao island and the Futian Mangrove Nature Reserve, Guangdong Province, South China. Both locations are situated in the Zhujiang (Pearl River) Estuary. For each location, bi-monthly sampling was carried out at four sites during low tide period. Except one site on the Qi’ao Island, which was in Phragmites australis marsh, all sites were in mangrove swamps. The Chl a concentration in surface (0-1 cm) sediment ranged from 0.2 μg/cm 3 to 8.3 μg/cm3 in the Qi’ao Island and from 2.1 μg/cm3 to 15.6 μg/cm3 in the Futian Mangrove Reserve. The peak Chl a concentration occurred in winter or early spring, while the lowest Chl a concentration, with a value of about one quarter of the peak, was observed in summer or early autumn. The vertical distribution of Chl a concentration exhibited an exponential decline with depth, which indicated a muddy sediment with high organic matter, and the slope of the curve was positively related to Chl a concentration in the surface sediment. The MPB biomass of the Qi’ao Island was significantly lower than that of the Futian Mangrove Reserve. Our results suggest that the overlaying water quality might influence the MPB biomass in surface sediments.  相似文献   

The study was conducted during two cruises of June–August 2006 (summer),and January–February 2007 (winter) in the Huanghai (Yellow) Sea and East China Sea.Spatial and temporal variations of zooplankton abundance,biomass and community structure and its relation to currents and water masses over the continental shelf were examined.A total of 584 zooplankton species/taxa and 28 planktonic larvae were identified during the two surveys.Copepods were the most abundant component among these identified groups.Zooplankton abundance and biomass fluctuated widely and showed distinct heterogeneity in the shelf waters.Five zooplankton assemblages were identified with hierarchical cluster analysis during this study,and they were Huanghai Sea Assemblage,Changjiang Estuary Assemblage,Coastal Assemblage,East China Sea Mixed-water Assemblage and East China Sea Offshore Assemblage.Seasonal changes of zooplankton community composition and its geographical distribution were detected,and the locations of the faunistic areas overlap quite well with water masses and current systems.So we suggest that the zooplankton community structure and its changes were determined by the water masses in the Huanghai Sea and East China Sea.The results of this research can provide fundamental information for the long-term monitoring of zooplankton ecology in the shelf of Huanghai Sea and East China Sea.  相似文献   

2009年2月(冬季)和8月(夏季)在南海北部海域(nSCS)采用流式细胞术对聚球藻、原绿球藻、超微型光合真核生物3类超微型光合浮游生物和异养浮游细菌的丰度和碳生物量的时空分布特征进行了研究,并分析了其与环境因子之间的关系。结果表明,夏季聚球藻和原绿球藻的平均丰度高于冬季,超微型光合真核生物和异养浮游细菌的丰度反之,为冬季高于夏季。聚球藻、超微型光合真核生物和异养浮游细菌在富营养的近岸陆架海域丰度较高,而原绿球藻高丰度则出现在陆坡开阔海域。在垂直分布上,聚球藻主要分布在跃层以上,跃层以下丰度迅速降低;原绿球藻高丰度主要出现在真光层底部;超微型光合真核生物在水层中的高值同样出现在真光层底部,且与Pico级份叶绿素a浓度分布一致;异养浮游细菌在水体中的分布与聚球藻类似。这些分布格局的差异,取决于环境条件的变化和4类超微型浮游生物生态生理适应性的差异。在超微型光合浮游生物群落中,各类群碳生物量的贡献因季节和海域类型的不同而发生变化:聚球藻在夏季近岸陆架区占超微型光合浮游生物总碳生物量的41%,原绿球藻在陆坡开阔海成为主要贡献者(50%),超微型光合真核生物碳生物量以冬季为高(在近岸陆架区占比68%)。冬、夏季异养浮游细菌碳生物量均高于超微型光合浮游生物碳生物量。  相似文献   

Sorting and concentration of a variety of heavy minerals along the coast between Gadani and Phornala, Baluchistan, are facilitated by the coincidence of the periods of maximum turbulence and wave activity, maximum percipitation, and sediments discharge. Sediment samples from different intertidal zones between Gadani and Phornala were collected for grain size analysis and petrographic/petrological study. Variations in grain size and mineral assemblage in the intertidal zones have been noted. Concentration of dark color heavy minerals has been noted in fine grain sediments, light color minerals are ubiquitous. The sediments exhibit wide ranges of sorting.  相似文献   

Sorting and concentration of a variety of heavy minerals along the coast between Gadani and Phornala, Baluchistan, are facilitated by the coincidence of the periods of maximum turbulence and wave activity, maximum percipitation, and sediments discharge. Sediment samples from different intertidal zones between Gadani and Phornala were collected for grain size analysis and petrographic/petrological study. Variations in grain size and mineral assemblage in the intertidal zones have been noted. Concentration of dark color heavy minerals has been noted in fine grain sediments, light color minerals are ubiquitous. The sediments exhibit wide ranges of sorting.  相似文献   

胶州湾大型底栖动物的丰度、生物量和生产量研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了研究胶州湾大型底栖动物的丰度、生物量和生产量,于2002年3月、6月、8月和12月,在胶州湾北部软底区、大沽河口、黄岛养殖区及养殖区邻域选取4个站位进行采样,对大型底栖动物进行了定量研究。共采到大型底栖动物138种,总平均丰度、平均生物量(湿质量)和年生产量(有机碳)分别为1 719个/m2,27 g/m2,2.2 g/(m2.a),初步估算,胶州湾大型底栖动物的总次级生产量为2.8万t/a。与渤海和南黄海大型底栖动物的丰度和生物量比较,丰度和生物量均低于这两个海域,但是胶州湾大型底栖动物的总次级生产量高于渤海。本研究对于了解胶州湾大型底栖动物现状及湾内养殖对大型底栖动物的影响具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The present study is a mesoscale analysis of latitude and depth related trends in abundance, biomass and body size of the four grenadier species Caelorinchus caelorhincus, Hymenocephalus italicus, Nezumia aequalis and Trachyrinchus scabrus inhabiting the deep western Mediterranean. We have analysed data from seven annual bottom trawl surveys, carried out down to 800 m depth along the Iberian Mediterranean coast covering a distance of approximately 1200 km. The objectives were to establish general patterns in the mesoscale distribution of abundance, biomass and body size of deep-water grenadier fishes and also analyse the consistency of the bathymetric distribution of these parameters along a large latitudinal gradient. Five complementary series of analyses have been completed. The first focussed on describing the general patterns of abundance and size by correspondence canonical analysis, CCA, in the area. The second and third series focussed on the existence of temporal, geographical and bathymetric trends of abundance, weight and mean size by analysis of covariance, ANCOVA and multiple regression analysis. The fourth series compared the frequency distributions of body length. Finally, the last series focussed on the patterns of abundance versus size. The total number of individuals of all four grenadier species captured in 260 bottom trawls amounted to 27,435 and their weight was 1404 kg. No general trends for the four species have been observed between years. All four species showed a general pattern of increasing size with depth, which, except in the case of C. caelorhincus, was consistent along a large latitudinal gradient. Nezumia aequalis was unique in showing the same noticeable trend of increasing abundance with depth along the entire latitudinal range, but with clear differences in the intercepts. The abundance of N. aequalis and C. caelorhincus decreased significantly northwards. Hymenocephalus italicus was the least abundant species and had a homogeneous distribution without any specific trend along the entire latitudinal range analysed. The distribution of T. scabrus in the Mediterranean seemed to be more localised. Higher abundances were found to the north and south of the latitudinal gradient with lower values between. The grenadiers studied also showed a general trend of decreasing mean size northwards, except in the case of the smallest species, H. italicus. The relation between abundance and body size differed between sectors for the whole grenadier population and species-specific variations were also observed. The relationship between individual body mass and population density fit well to a second-order polynomial function rather than to a linear regression, showing a significant trend for density to increase with increasing size until some mid-point, then to decline with increasing size thereafter. The observed latitudinal gradient in the distribution patterns of grenadiers along the upper slope of the western Mediterranean can be discussed in relation to direct and indirect factors of biogeographic, environmental and anthropogenic origin.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton samples were collected between March 2005 and November 2008 in St Lucia, the largest estuarine lake system in South Africa. St Lucia experienced an extended period of drought before and during the present study. This drought led to natural closing of the estuary mouth as a result of flood-tide marine sediment deposition in 2002. In March 2007 the mouth was washed open by exceptionally high tidal and wave conditions. This resulted in an influx of a large volume of seawater. The mouth closed again in August 2007. Before opening of the mouth salinities in the Estuary were below 10 and large parts of North Lake dried up while South Lake retained a relatively stable waterbody with salinities between 10 and 30. When the mouth opened seawater flooded the system and salinities changed to about 35. After the mouth had closed again in August 2007 salinities increased in the lakes and decreased in the Estuary. The mesozooplankton community was dominated by copepods during all sampling sessions, especially by the estuarine calanoids Pseudodiaptomus stuhlmanni and Acartia natalensis. Mean mesozooplankton densities were significantly higher in South Lake before the mouth opened in March 2007. While zooplankton density decreased when the mouth opened species richness increased with the influx of coastal marine species, especially in the Estuary. Overall zooplankton densities declined progressively as salinity increased to hypersaline levels after mouth closure. Multivariate analyses supported significant differences between the lakes and the Estuary in terms of mesozooplankton community composition. Taxa mostly responsible for the similarities within and dissimilarity between sections of the system were the copepods P. stuhlmanni and A. natalensis with the meroplankton, crab zoeae and mollusc larvae, also contributing significantly after the mouth-opening event.  相似文献   

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