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Based on a compilation of more than 100 kimberlite age determinations, four broad kimberlite emplacement patterns can be recognized in North America: (1) a northeast Eocambrian/Cambrian Labrador Sea province (Labrador, Québec), (2) an eastern Jurassic province (Ontario, Québec, New York, Pennsylvania), (3) a Cretaceous central corridor (Nunavut, Saskatchewan, central USA), and (4) a western mixed (Cambrian-Eocene) Type 3 kimberlite province (Alberta, Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Colorado/Wyoming). Ten new U–Pb perovskite/mantle zircon and Rb–Sr phlogopite age determinations are reported here for kimberlites from the Slave and Wyoming cratons of western North America. Within the Type 3 Slave craton, at least four kimberlite age domains exist: I-a southwestern Siluro-Ordovician domain (450 Ma), II-a SE Cambrian domain (540 Ma), III-a central Tertiary/Cretaceous domain (48–74 Ma) and IV-a northern mixed domain consisting of Jurassic and Permian kimberlite fields. New U–Pb perovskite results for the 614.5±2.1 Ma Chicken Park and 408.4±2.6 Ma Iron Mountain kimberlites in the State Line field in Colorado and Wyoming confirm the existence of at least two periods of pre-Mesozoic kimberlite magmatism in the Wyoming craton.

A compilation of robust kimberlite emplacement ages from North America, southern Africa and Russia indicates that a high proportion of known kimberlites are Cenozoic/Mesozoic. We conclude that a majority of these kimberlites were generated during enhanced mantle plume activity associated with the rifting and eventual breakup of the supercontinent Gondwanaland. Within this prolific period of kimberlite activity, there is a good correlation between North America and Yakutia for three distinct short-duration (10 my) periods of kimberlite magmatism at 48–60, 95–105 and 150–160 Ma. In contrast, Cenozoic/Mesozoic kimberlite magmatism in southern Africa is dominated by a continuum of activity between 70–95 and 105–120 Ma with additional less-prolific periods of magmatism in the Eocene (50–53 Ma), Jurassic (150–190) and Triassic (235 Ma). Several discrete episodes of pre-Mesozoic kimberlite magmatism variably occur in North America, southern Africa and Yakutia at 590–615, 520–540, 435–450, 400–410 and 345–360 Ma. One of the surprises in the timing of kimberlite magmatism worldwide is the common absence of activity between about 250 and 360 Ma; this period is even longer in southern Africa. This >110 my period of quiescence in kimberlite magmatism is likely linked to relative crustal and mantle stability during the lifetime of the supercontinent Gondwanaland.

Economic diamond deposits in kimberlite occur throughout the Phanerozoic from the Cambrian (Venetia, South Africa; Snap Lake and Kennady Lake, Canada) to the Tertiary (Mwadui, Tanzania; Ekati and Diavik in Lac de Gras, Canada). There are clearly some discrete periods when economic kimberlite-hosted diamond deposits formed globally. In contrast, the Devonian event, which is such an important source of diamonds in Yakutia, is notably absent in the kimberlite record from both southern Africa and North America.  相似文献   

The temporal evolution of North American kimberlites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
North American kimberlite magmatism spans a period of time in excess of 1 billion years from Mesoproterozoic kimberlites in the Lake Superior and James Bay Lowlands region of Ontario to Eocene kimberlites in the Lac de Gras field, N.W.T. Based on a compilation of more than 150 robust radiometric age determinations, several distinct kimberlite emplacement patterns are recognized. In general, the temporal pattern of kimberlite emplacement in North America can be broadly subdivided into five domains: (1) a Mesoproterozoic kimberlite province in central Ontario, (2) an Eocambrian/Cambrian Labrador Sea Province in northern Québec and Labrador, (3) an eastern Jurassic Province, (4) a central Cretaceous corridor and (5) a western mixed domain that includes two Type-3 kimberlite provinces (i.e. multiple periods of kimberlite emplacement preserved in the Slave and Wyoming cratons). For some provinces the origin of kimberlite magmatism can be linked to known mantle heat sources such as mantle plume hotspots and upwelling asthenosphere attendant with continental rifting. For example, the timing and location of Mesoproterozoic kimberlites in North America coincides with and slightly precedes the timing of 1.1 Ga intracontinental rifting that culminated in the Midcontinent Rift centered in the Lake Superior region. Many of the kimberlites in the Eocambrian/Cambrian Labrador Sea province were emplaced soon after the opening of the Iapetus Ocean at about 615 Ma and may also be linked to mantle upwelling associated with continental rifting. The eastern Jurassic kimberlites record an age progression where magmatism youngs in a southeast direction from the 200 Ma Rankin Inlet kimberlites to the 155–126 Ma Timiskaming kimberlites. The location of several kimberlite fields and clusters in Ontario and Québec lie along a continental extension of the Great Meteor hotspot track and represents one of the best examples in the world of kimberlite magmatism triggered by mantle plumes. The central Cretaceous (103–94 Ma) corridor extends for more than 4000 km from Somerset Island in northern Canada through the Fort à la Corne field in Saskatchewan to the kimberlites in central USA. This is the first recognized corridor of kimberlite magmatism of this magnitude. The possible westward younging of Cretaceous to Eocene corridors of kimberlite magmatism could reflect major changes in plate geometry during subduction of the Kula–Farallon plate.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the development of a multi-disciplinary strategy to focus exploration for economic kimberlites on the Ekati property. High-resolution aeromagnetic data provide an over-arching spatial and magnetostratigraphic framework for exploration and kimberlite discovery at Ekati, and hence also for this investigation. The temporal, geomagnetic, spatial and related attributes of kimberlites with variable diamond content have been constrained by judiciously augmenting the information gathered during routine exploration with detailed, laboratory-based or field-based investigations. The natural remanent magnetisation of 36 Ekati kimberlites has been correlated with their age as determined by isotopic dating techniques, and placed in the context of a well-constrained geomagnetic polarity timescale. Kimberlite magmatism occurred over the period 75 to 45 Ma, in at least five temporally discrete intrusive episodes. Based on current evidence, the older kimberlites (75 to 59 Ma) have low diamond contents and are distributed throughout the property. Younger kimberlites (56 to 45 Ma) have moderate to high diamond contents and occur in three distinct intrusive corridors with NNE to NE orientations. Economic kimberlite pipes erupted at 55.4±0.4 Ma along the A154-Lynx intrusive corridor, which is 7 km wide and oriented at 015°, and at 53.2±0.3 Ma along the Panda intrusive corridor, which is 1 km wide and oriented at 038°. The intrusion ages straddle a paleopole reversal at Chron C24n, consistent with the observation that the older economic kimberlites present as aeromagnetic “low” anomalies while the younger economic pipes are characterised as aeromagnetic “highs”. The aeromagnetic responses for these kimberlites are generally muted because they contain volcaniclastic rock types with low magnetic susceptibility. Kimberlites throughout the Ekati property carry a primary natural magnetic remanence (NRM) vector in Ti-bearing groundmass magnetite, and it dominates over vectors related to induced magnetisation. Magnetostratigraphic correlation of Ekati kimberlites may therefore present a powerful adjunct to existing exploration techniques, mainly because the diamond content of Ekati kimberlites apparently is related more to the age of eruption than to any other parameter investigated in this work.  相似文献   

This paper reviews key characteristics of kimberlites on the Ekati property, NWT, Canada. To date 150 kimberlites have been discovered on the property, five of which are mined for diamonds. The kimberlites intrude Archean basement of the central Slave craton. Numerous Proterozoic diabase dykes intrude the area. The Precambrian rocks are overlain by Quaternary glacial sediments. No Phanerozoic rocks are present. However, mudstone xenoliths and disaggregated sediment within the kimberlites indicate that late-Cretaceous and Tertiary cover (likely <200 m) was present at the time of emplacement. The Ekati kimberlites range in age from 45 to 75 Ma. They are mostly small pipe-like bodies (surface area mostly <3 ha but up to 20 ha) that typically extend to projected depths of 400–600 m below current surface. Pipe morphologies are strongly controlled by joints and faults. The kimberlites consist primarily of variably bedded volcaniclastic kimberlite (VK). This is dominated by juvenile constituents (olivine and lesser kimberlitic ash) and variable amounts of exotic sediment (primarily mud), with minor amounts of xenolithic wall-rock material (generally <5%). Kimberlite types include: mud-rich resedimented VK (mRVK); olivine-rich VK (oVK); sedimentary kimberlite; primary VK (PVK); tuffisitic kimberlite (TK) and magmatic kimberlite (MK). The presence and arrangement of these rock types varies widely. The majority of bodies are dominated by oVK and mRVK, but PVK is prominent in the lower portions of certain kimberlites. TK is rare. MK occurs primarily as precursor dykes but, in a few cases, forms pipe-filling intrusions. The internal geology of the kimberlites ranges from simple single-phase pipes (RVK or MK), to complex bodies with multiple, distinct units of VK. The latter include pipes infilled with steep, irregular VK blocks/wedges and at least one case in which the pipe is occupied by well-defined sub-horizontal VK phases, including a unique, 100-m-thick graded sequence. The whole-rock compositions of VK samples suggest significant loss of kimberlitic fines during eruption followed by variable dilution by surface sediment and concurrent incorporation of kimberlitic ash. Diamond distribution within the kimberlites reflects the amount and nature of mantle material sampled by individual kimberlite phases, but is modified considerably by eruption and depositional processes. The characteristics of the Ekati kimberlites are consistent with a two-stage emplacement process: (1) explosive eruption/s causing vent clearing followed by formation of a significant tephra rim/cone of highly fragmented, olivine-enriched juvenile material with varying amounts of kimberlitic ash and surface sediments (predominantly mud); and (2) infilling of the vent by direct deposition from the eruption column and/or resedimentation of crater rim materials. The presence of less fragmented, juvenile-rich PVK in the lower portions of certain pipes and the intrusion of large volumes of MK to shallow levels in some bodies suggest emplacement of relatively volatile-depleted, less explosive kimberlite in the later stages of pipe formation and/or filling. Explosive devolatilisation of CO2-rich kimberlite magma is interpreted to have been the dominant eruption mechanism, but phreatomagmatism is thought to have played a role and, in certain cases, may have been dominant.  相似文献   


The Nxau Nxau kimberlites in northwest Botswana belong to the Xaudum kimberlite province that also includes the Sikereti, Kaudom and Gura kimberlite clusters in north-east Namibia. The Nxau Nxau kimberlites lie on the southernmost extension of the Congo Craton, which incorporates part of the Damara Orogenic Belt on its margin. The Xaudum kimberlite province is geographically isolated from other known clusters but occurs within the limits of the NW-SE oriented, Karoo-aged Okavango Dyke Swarm and near NE-SW faults interpreted as the early stages of the East African Rift System. Petrographic, geochronological and isotopic studies were undertaken to characterise the nature of these kimberlites and the timing of their emplacement. The Nxau Nxau kimberlites exhibit groundmass textures, mineral phases and Sr-isotope compositions (87Sr/86Sri of 0.7036 ± 0.0002; 2σ) that are characteristic of archetypal (Group I) kimberlites. U-Pb perovskite, 40Ar/39Ar phlogopite and Rb-Sr phlogopite ages indicate that the kimberlites were emplaced in the Cretaceous, with perovskite from four samples yielding a preferred weighted average U-Pb age of 84 ± 4 Ma (2σ). This age is typical of many kimberlites in southern Africa, indicating that the Xaudum occurrences form part of this widespread Late Cretaceous kimberlite magmatic province. This time marks a significant period of tectonic stress reorganisation that could have provided the trigger for kimberlite magmatism. In this regard, the Nxau Nxau kimberlites may form part of a NE-SW oriented trend such as the Lucapa corridor, with implications for further undiscovered kimberlites along this corridor.


The Cambrian Gahcho Kué kimberlite cluster includes four main pipes that have been emplaced into the Archaean basement granitoids of the Slave Craton. Each of the steep-sided pipes were formed by the intrusion of several distinct phases of kimberlite in which the textures vary from hypabyssal kimberlite (HK) to diatreme-facies tuffisitic kimberlite breccia (TKB). The TKB displays many diagnostic features including abundant unaltered country rock xenoliths, pelletal lapilli, serpentinised olivines and a matrix composed of microlitic phlogopite and serpentine without carbonate. The HK contains common fresh olivine set in a groundmass composed of monticellite, phlogopite, perovskite, serpentine and carbonate. A number of separate phases of kimberlite display a magmatic textural gradation from TKB to HK, which is characterised by a decrease in the proportion of pelletal lapilli and country rock xenoliths and an increase in groundmass crystallinity, proportion of fresh olivine and the degree of xenolith digestion.

The pipe shapes and infills of the Gahcho Kué kimberlites are similar to those of the classic South African pipes, particularly those of the Kimberley area. Similar intrusive magmatic emplacement processes are proposed in which the diatreme-zone results from the degassing, after breakthrough, of the intruding magma column. The transition zones represent ‘frozen’ degassing fronts. The style of emplacement of the Gahcho Kué kimberlites is very different from that of many other pipes in Canada such as at Lac de Gras, Fort à la Corne or Attawapiskat.  相似文献   

Fifteen new K–Ar ages in the range of 79–31 Ma are partially confirmed by three 40Ar/39Ar plateaus and isochron data of 64.9±0.4, 55.5±0.1 and 52.8±0.6 Ma. The new geochronological data reveal a much more detailed picture of the subduction imprint in the Hurd Peninsula. Using cutting relationships, the dyke emplacement history is divided into four episodes. The Late Cretaceous–Paleocene dykes in the range of 80–60 Ma are related to the main magmatism in Livingston Island and most likely reflect the final stages of subduction of the proto-Pacific oceanic crust. The Early Eocene dykes (56–52 Ma) fill the gap in volcanic activity 70–50 Ma ago. They are the only magmatic event manifested at this time in the region. The 45–42 Ma dykes may be related to the intrusion of the Barnard Point tonalite. Three samples of Oligocene age appear to represent the last igneous activities on the Hurd Peninsula prior to the opening of the Bransfield Strait.  相似文献   


Kimberlites from the Diavik and Ekati diamond mines in the Lac de Gras kimberlite field contain abundant large (>1 cm) clinopyroxene (Cr-diopside) and garnet (Cr-pyrope) crystals. We present the first extensive mineral chemical dataset for these megacrysts from Diavik and Ekati and compare their compositions to cratonic peridotites and megacrysts from the Slave and other cratons. The Diavik and Ekati Cr-diopside and Cr-pyrope megacrysts are interpreted to belong to the Cr-rich megacryst suite. Evidence for textural, compositional, and isotopic disequilibrium suggests that they constitute xenocrysts in their host kimberlites. Nevertheless, their formation may be linked to extensive kimberlite magmatism and accompanying mantle metasomatism preceding the eruption of their host kimberlites. It is proposed that the formation of megacrysts may be linked to failed kimberlites. In this scheme, the Cr-rich megacrysts are formed by progressive interaction of percolating melts with the surrounding depleted mantle (originally harzburgite). As these melts percolate outwards, they may contribute to the introduction of clinopyroxene and garnet into the depleted mantle, thereby forming lherzolite. This model hinges on the observation that lherzolitic clinopyroxenes and garnets at Lac de Gras have compositions that are strikingly similar to those of the Cr-rich megacrysts, in terms of major and trace elements, as well as Sr isotopes. As such, the Cr-rich megacrysts may have implications for the origin of clinopyroxene and garnet in cratonic lherzolites worldwide.



Olivine in kimberlites can provide unique insights into magma petrogenesis, because it is the most abundant xenocrystic phase and a stable magmatic product over most of the liquid line of descent. In this study we examined the petrography and chemistry of olivine in kimberlites from different tectonic settings, including the Slave craton, Canada (Ekati: Grizzly, Koala), the Brasilia mobile belt (Limpeza-18, Tres Ranchos-04), and the Kaapvaal craton, South Africa (Kaalvallei: Samada, New Robinson). Olivine cores display a wide range of compositions (e.g., Mg# = 78–95). The similarity in olivine composition, resorption of core zones and inclusions of mantle-derived phases, indicates that most olivine cores originated from the disaggregation of mantle peridotites, including kimberlite-metasomatised lithologies (i.e. sheared lherzolites and megacrysts). Olivine rims typically show a restricted range of Mg#, with decreasing Ni and increasing Mn and Ca contents, a characteristic of kimberlitic olivine worldwide. The rims host inclusions of groundmass minerals, which implies crystallisation just before and/or during emplacement. There is a direct correlation between olivine rim composition and groundmass mineralogy, whereby high Mg/Fe rims are associated with carbonate-rich kimberlites, and lower Mg/Fe rims are correlated with increased phlogopite and Fe-bearing oxide mineral abundances. There are no differences in olivine composition between explosive (Grizzly) and hypabyssal (Koala) kimberlites. Olivine in kimberlites also displays transitional zones and less common internal zones, between cores and rims. The diffuse transitional zones exhibit intermediate compositions between cores and rims, attributed to partial re-equilibration of xenocrystic cores with the ascending kimberlite melt. In contrast, internal zones form discrete layers with resorbed margins and restricted Mg# values, but variable Ni, Mn and Ca concentrations, which indicates a discrete crystallization event from precursor kimberlite melts at mantle depths. Overall, olivine exhibits broadly analogous zoning in kimberlites worldwide. Variable compositions for individual zones relate to different parental melt compositions rather than variations in tectonic setting or emplacement mechanism.


A suite of fresh, Late Cretaceous to Eocene hypabyssal kimberlites from the Lac de Gras field were studied in order to understand better carbonate, silicate and oxide paragenesis. The samples have excellent preservation of textures and primary mineralogy and are archetypal or Group 1 kimberlite. Five kimberlite localities are identified as calcite-bearing based on the presence of high Sr–Ba calcite as phenocrysts, microphenocrysts and in segregations. Three kimberlite localities are identified as dolomite-bearing based on the presence of mixed calcite–dolomite segregations containing oscillatory and banded textures of calcite–dolomite solid solution and dolomite (±magnesite). Sr–Ba calcite are characterized by high XCa (>0.95) and are enriched in Sr (4900–11,100 ppm) and Ba (3200–14,200 ppm). The calcite–dolomite and dolomite–magnesite solid solution compositions span the XCa range from 0.42 to 0.95, and typically have Sr and Ba contents in the range of 1000–4000 ppm. The carbonate, silicate and oxide mineral compositions suggest that the origin of the calcite-bearing versus dolomite-bearing kimberlites studied is related to subtle differences in parent magma composition, in particular, the CO2/H2O ratio. Formation of the carbonates reflects the latter part of a protracted magmatic crystallization sequence, in which Sr–Ba calcite precipitates from an evolved kimberlite melt. Subsequently, calcite–dolomite solid solution and dolomite is precipitated from localized, Mg-rich carbonate fluids at relatively high temperatures (higher than serpentine stability).  相似文献   

K.M. Masun  B.J. Doyle  S. Ball  S. Walker 《Lithos》2004,76(1-4):75-97
The 613±6 Ma Anuri kimberlite is a pipelike body comprising two lobes with a combined surface area of approximately 4–5 ha. The pipe is infilled with two contrasting rock types: volcaniclastic kimberlite (VK) and, less common, hypabyssal kimberlite (HK).

The HK is an archetypal kimberlite composed of macrocrysts of olivine, spinel, mica, rare eclogitic garnet and clinopyroxene with microphenocrysts of olivine and groundmass spinel, phlogopite, apatite and perovskite in a serpentine–calcite–phlogopite matrix. The Ba enrichment of phlogopite, the compositional trends of both primary spinel and phlogopite, as well as the composition of the mantle-derived xenocrysts, are also characteristic of kimberlite. The present-day country rocks are granitoids; however, the incorporation of sedimentary xenoliths in the HK shows that the Archean granitoid basement terrain, at least locally, was capped by younger Proterozoic sediments at the time of emplacement. The sediments have since been removed by erosion. HK is confined to the deeper eastern parts of the Anuri pipe. It is suggested that the HK was emplaced prior to the dominant VK as a separate phase of kimberlite. The HK must have ascended to high stratigraphic levels to allow incorporation of Proterozoic sediments as xenoliths.

Most of the Anuri kimberlite is infilled with VK which is composed of variable proportions of juvenile lapilli, discrete olivine macrocrysts, country rock xenoliths and mantle-derived xenocrysts. It is proposed that the explosive breakthrough of a second batch of kimberlite magma formed the western lobe resulting in the excavation of the main pipe. Much of the resulting fragmented country rock material was deposited in extra crater deposits. Pyroclastic eruption(s) of kimberlite must have occurred to form the common juvenile lapilli present in the VKs. The VK is variable in nature and can be subdivided into four types: volcaniclastic kimberlite breccia, magmaclast-rich volcaniclastic kimberlite breccia, finer grained volcaniclastic kimberlite breccia and lithic-rich volcaniclastic kimberlite breccia. The variations between these subtypes reflect different depositional processes. These processes are difficult to determine but could include primary pyroclastic deposition and/or resedimentation.

There is some similarity between Anuri and the Lac de Gras kimberlites, with variable types of VK forming the dominant infill of small, steep-sided pipes excavated into crystalline Archean basement and sedimentary cover.  相似文献   

The composition, structure and thermal state of the lithosphere beneath the Slave craton have been studied by analysing over 300 peridotitic mantle xenoliths or multiphase xenocrysts entrained within kimberlites in the Lac de Gras area. These xenoliths are derived from seven kimberlites located on the Ekati Diamond Mine™ property and define a detailed stratigraphic profile through the central Slave lithosphere from less than 120 km down to 200 km. Two dominant peridotite types are present, namely garnet-bearing harzburgite and lherzolite with rare occurrences of chromite-facies peridotite, websterite and wehrlite. The pressures and temperatures (PT's) defined by the entire data-set range from 28 to 62 kbar and 650 to 1250 °C, respectively, and approximately intersect the diamond stability field at 900 °C and 42 kbar. There is no apparent change in the geotherm with depth that is discernable beyond the resolution of the various thermobarometers. The peridotites can be divided into two compositional zones—a shallow layer dominated by garnet harzburgite that straddles the diamond–graphite boundary and a deeper layer that is strongly dominated by garnet lherzolite. Compositionally, the harzburgites (and to a lesser extent, the shallow lherzolites) are ultra-depleted relative to the more fertile deeper layer, irrespective of whether they reside within the graphite or diamond stability field. This ultra-depleted layer beneath Ekati continues to 150 km.  相似文献   

The Man craton in West Africa is an Archaean craton formerly joined to the Guyana craton (South America) that was rifted apart in the Mesozoic. Kimberlites of the Man craton include three Jurassic-aged clusters in Guinea, two Jurassic-aged clusters in Sierra Leone, and in Liberia two clusters of unknown age and one Neoproterozoic cluster recently dated at 800 Ma.

All of the kimberlites irrespective of age occur as small pipes and prolific dykes. Some of the Banankoro cluster pipes in Guinea, the Koidu pipes in Sierra Leone and small pipes in the Weasua cluster in Liberia contain hypabyssal-facies kimberlite and remnants of the so-called transitional-facies and diatreme-facies kimberlite. Most of the Man craton kimberlites are mineralogically classified as phlogopite kimberlites, although potassium contents are relatively low. They are chemically similar to mica-poor Group 1A Southern African examples.

The Jurassic kimberlites are considered to represent one province of kimberlites that track from older bodies in Guinea (Droujba 153 Ma) to progressively younger kimberlites in Sierra Leone (Koidu, 146 Ma and Tongo, 140 Ma). The scarcity of diatreme-facies kimberlites relative to hypabyssal-facies kimberlites and the presence of the so-called transitional-facies indicate that the pipes have been eroded down to the interface between the root and diatreme zones. From this observation, it is concluded that extensive erosion (1–2 km) has occurred since the Jurassic. In addition to erosion, the presence of abundant early crystallizing phlogopite is considered to have had an effect on the relatively small sizes of the Man craton kimberlites.  相似文献   

A comparison of the diamond productions from Panda (Ekati Mine) and Snap Lake with those from southern Africa shows significant differences: diamonds from the Slave typically are un-resorbed octahedrals or macles, often with opaque coats, and yellow colours are very rare. Diamonds from the Kaapvaal are dominated by resorbed, dodecahedral shapes, coats are absent and yellow colours are common. The first two features suggest exposure to oxidizing fluids/melts during mantle storage and/or transport to the Earth's surface, for the Kaapvaal diamond population.

Comparing peridotitic inclusions in diamonds from the central and southern Slave (Panda, DO27 and Snap Lake kimberlites) and the Kaapvaal indicates that the diamondiferous mantle lithosphere beneath the Slave is chemically less depleted. Most notable are the almost complete absence of garnet inclusions derived from low-Ca harzburgites and a generally lower Mg-number of Slave inclusions.

Geothermobarometric calculations suggest that Slave diamonds originally formed at very similar thermal conditions as observed beneath the Kaapvaal (geothermal gradients corresponding to 40–42 mW/m2 surface heat flow), but the diamond source regions subsequently cooled by about 100–150 °C to fall on a 37–38 mW/m2 (surface heat flow) conductive geotherm, as is evidenced from touching (re-equilibrated) inclusions in diamonds, and from xenocrysts and xenoliths. In the Kaapvaal, a similar thermal evolution has previously been recognized for diamonds from the De Beers Pool kimberlites. In part very low aggregation levels of nitrogen impurities in Slave diamonds imply that cooling occurred soon after diamond formation. This may relate elevated temperatures during diamond formation to short-lived magmatic perturbations.

Generally high Cr-contents of pyrope garnets (inside and outside of diamonds) indicate that the mantle lithosphere beneath the Slave originally formed as a residue of melt extraction at relatively low pressures (within the stability field of spinelperidotites), possibly during the extraction of oceanic crust. After emplacement of this depleted, oceanic mantle lithosphere into the Slave lithosphere during a subduction event, secondary metasomatic enrichment occurred leading to strong re-enrichment of the deeper (>140 km) lithosphere. Because of the extent of this event and the occurrence of lower mantle diamonds, this may be related to an upwelling plume, but it may equally just reflect a long term evolution with lower mantle diamonds being transported upwards in the course of “normal” mantle convection.  相似文献   

Northeastern (NE) China is the easternmost part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), which is celebrated for its accretionary tectonics and the world's most important juvenile crust production in the Phanerozoic era. Abundant granitoids occur in the Great Xing'an, Lesser Xing'an and Zhangguangcai Ranges in NE China. This paper presents partial results of a series of studies on the granitoids from this region, aiming to understand their role in the building of new continental crust in eastern Asia. Three composite granite plutons (Xinhuatun, Lamashan and Yiershi) were chosen for geochemical and isotopic study in order to determine their emplacement ages and petrogenesis. Petrographically, they range from granodiorite (minor), monzogranite, syenogranite to alkali-feldspar granite. Quartz and perthitic feldspar are principal phases, accompanied by minor amounts of plagioclase, biotite (<5%) and other accessory minerals. In addition, many contain abundant miarolitic cavities which suggest that they were emplaced at shallow levels with extensive fractional crystallization. Geochemically, the granites are silica-rich, peraluminous and have high contents of alkalis. They invariably show enrichment in light rare earth elements (LREE) and significant negative Eu anomalies. All the granitic rocks demonstrate the characteristic negative anomalies in Ba, Nb, Sr, P, Eu, and Ti, and a positive anomaly in Pb in the spidergram.

The emplacement of the Xinhuatun pluton took place at 184±4 Ma as revealed by zircon SHRIMP U–Pb data. This is also supported by the slightly younger Rb–Sr whole-rock (WR) isochron age of 173±3 Ma. A whole-rock (WR) Rb–Sr isochron age of 154±3 Ma was obtained for the Lamashan pluton, which is interpreted as close to the time of emplacement. The Yiershi pluton was intruded at about 140 Ma as evidenced by a zircon U–Pb age of 137±2 Ma and WR Rb–Sr isochron age of 143±5 Ma. Biotite-WR Rb–Sr isochrons and 40Ar/39Ar ages of feldspars allow us to estimate the cooling rate of each pluton.

Geochemical data suggest that the rocks are highly fractionated I-type granites. Fractionation of biotite and feldspars was the principal process of magmatic differentiation and responsible for major element variation. Rb, Sr and Ba concentrations were controlled by feldspar separation, whereas REE elements were fractionated by accessory minerals, such as apatite, allanite and monazite.  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous (ca. 100 Ma) diamondiferous Fort à la Corne (FALC) kimberlite field in the Saskatchewan (Sask) craton, Canada, is one of the largest known kimberlite fields on Earth comprising essentially pyroclastic kimberlites. Despite its discovery more than two decades ago, petrological, geochemical and petrogenetic aspects of the kimberlites in this field are largely unknown. We present here the first detailed petrological and geochemical data combined with reconnaissance Nd isotope data on drill-hole samples of five major kimberlite bodies. Petrography of the studied samples reveals that they are loosely packed, clast-supported and variably sorted, and characterised by the presence of juvenile lapilli, crystals of olivine, xenocrystal garnet (peridotitic as well as eclogitic paragenesis) and Mg-ilmenite. Interclast material is made of serpentine, phlogopite, spinel, carbonate, perovskite and rutile. The mineral compositions, whole-rock geochemistry and Nd isotopic composition (Nd: + 0.62 to − 0.37) are indistinguishable from those known from archetypal hypabyssal kimberlites. Appreciably lower bulk-rock CaO (mostly < 5 wt%) and higher La/Sm ratios (12–15; resembling those of orangeites) are a characteristic feature of these rocks. Their geochemical composition excludes any effects of significant crustal and mantle contamination/assimilation. The fractionation trends displayed suggest a primary kimberlite melt composition indistinguishable from global estimates of primary kimberlite melt, and highlight the dominance of a kimberlite magma component in the pyroclastic variants. The lack of Nb-Ta-Ti anomalies precludes any significant role of subduction-related melts/fluids in the metasomatism of the FALC kimberlite mantle source region. Their incompatible trace elements (e.g., Nb/U) have OIB-type affinities whereas the Nd isotope composition indicates a near-chondritic to slightly depleted Nd isotope composition. The Neoproterozoic (~ 0.6–0.7 Ga) depleted mantle (TDM) Nd model ages coincide with the emplacement age (ca. 673 Ma) of the Amon kimberlite sills (Baffin Island, Rae craton, Canada) and have been related to upwelling protokimberlite melts during the break-up of the Rodinia supercontinent and its separation from Laurentia (North American cratonic shield). REE inversion modelling for the FALC kimberlites as well as for the Jericho (ca. 173 Ma) and Snap Lake (ca. 537 Ma) kimberlites from the neighbouring Slave craton, Canada, indicate all of their source regions to have been extensively depleted (~ 24%) before being subjected to metasomatic enrichment (1.3–2.2%) and subsequent small-degree partial melting. These findings are similar to those previously obtained on Mesozoic kimberlites (Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa) and Mesoproterozoic kimberlites (Dharwar craton, southern India). The striking similarity in the genesis of kimberlites emplaced over broad geological time and across different supercontinents of Laurentia, Gondwanaland and Rodinia, highlights the dominant petrogenetic role of the sub-continental lithosphere. The emplacement of the FALC kimberlites can be explained both by the extensive subduction system in western North America that was established at ca. 150 Ma as well as by far-field effects of the opening of the North Atlantic ocean during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The Puttetti alkali syenite pluton in southern India belongs to the suite of felsic magmatic intrusives emplaced during the Late Neoprotrozoic-Cambrian time during the final phase of amalgamation of the Gondwana supercontinent. In this study, we evaluate the cooling history of this pluton based on various isotopic systems. We present whole-rock Pb-Pb data on the syenite which yields an isochron age of 508±25Ma. Three phlogopite separates from the syenite pluton give K-Ar ages of 454.0±9.0, 448.5±8.9 and 445.6±8.8 Ma indicating cooling age at temperatures of 415°C. U-Pb analyses of zircons from this syenite yielded an age of 572±2 Ma in a previous study. With U-Pb closure temperatures >800 o C, this age probably indicates the timing of emplacement of the Puttetti pluton. Collectively, we estimate from the isotopic age data and respective closure temperatures that the syenite body cooled at about 3.2 o C/Ma from about 800 o C to about 415 o C. The markedly low cooling rate of the syenite pluton, absence of chilled margin effects, and common occurrence of pyroxene, feldspar, phlogopite and zircons megacrysts in the rock indicate that the host granulites were at high temperatures during the emplacement of the syenite magma. The cooling history of Puttetti syenite estimated in this study is closely comparable with the 3–4 o C/Ma cooling rate estimated for a granite pluton in a previous study from Madagascar. Our study suggests protracted cooling rates for the late Pan-African intrusives emplaced within the Gondwana crust, with a long residence history in a hot crust bore they were exhumed to shallower levels.  相似文献   

右江褶皱带地处扬子陆块和华夏陆块的结合部位,区内广泛发育以基性-超基性岩墙群和超酸性岩脉为主的燕山晚期双峰式岩浆活动。对桂中都安地区的金云钾镁煌斑岩脉进行了金云母~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar法测年,斑晶和基质金云母样品均给出了较一致的坪年龄,分别为93.6±0.6Ma和92.9±0.6Ma,相应的等时线年龄分别为93.4±0.9Ma和92.7±0.8Ma,上述年龄代表了岩脉的侵位年龄。结合区内报道的同期年代学资料,进一步证明右江褶皱带及其周缘晚白垩世双峰式岩浆活动响应了华南地区燕山晚期的构造转换事件及随后大规模的岩石圈伸展减薄。  相似文献   

Reconstruction of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary ‘cover’ on the Precambrian shield in the Lac de Gras diamond field, Northwest Territories, Canada, has been achieved using Cretaceous and early Tertiary sedimentary xenoliths and contemporaneous organic matter preserved in volcaniclastic sediments associated with late Cretaceous to early Tertiary kimberlite pipe intrusions, and in situ, Eocene crater lake, lacustrine and peat bog strata. Percent reflectance in oil (%Ro) of vitrinite within shale xenoliths for: (i) Albian to mid-Cenomanian to Turonian ranges from > 0.27 to 0.42 %Ro (mean = 0.38 %Ro), (ii) Maastrichtian to early Paleocene from 0.24 to < 0.30%; (iii) latest Paleocene to early middle Eocene 0.15 to < 0.23 %Ro (mean = 0.18 %Ro). These levels of thermal maturity are corroborated by Rock Eval pyrolysis Tmax (°C) and VIS region fluorescence of liptinites, with wavelengths of maximum emission for sporinite, prasinophyte alginite and dinoflagellates consistent with vitrinite reflectance of 0.20 to < 0.50 %Ro. Burial–thermal history modeling, constrained by measured vitrinite reflectance and porosity of shale xenoliths, predicts a maximum burial temperature for Mid to Late Albian strata (∼115 Ma) of 60 °C with ∼1.2 to 1.4 km of Cretaceous strata in the Lac de Gras kimberlite field region prior to major uplift and erosion, which began at 90 Ma. Late Paleocene to middle Eocene volcanic crater lake lacustrine to peat bog strata were only buried to a few hundreds of meters and are in a peat-brown coal stage of thermal maturation.  相似文献   


The early Cambrian to late Neoproterozoic Kelvin kimberlite pipe is located in the southeast of the Archean Slave Craton in northern Canada, eight km northeast of the Gahcho Kué diamond mine. Kelvin was first discovered in 2000 by De Beers Canada. Subsequent exploration undertaken by Kennady Diamonds Inc. between 2012 and 2016 resulted in the discovery of significant thicknesses of volcaniclastic kimberlite that had not previously been observed. Through extensive delineation drilling Kelvin has been shown to present an atypical, steep-sided inclined L-shaped pipe-like morphology with an overall dip of 15 to 20°. With a surface expression of only 0.08 ha Kelvin dips towards the northwest before turning north. The body (which remains open at depth) has been constrained to a current overall strike length of 700 m with varying vertical thickness (70 to 200 m) and width (30 to 70 m). Detailed core logging, petrography and microdiamond analysis have shown that the pipe infill comprises several phases of sub-horizontally oriented kimberlite (KIMB1, KIMB2, KIMB3, KIMB4, KIMB7 and KIMB8) resulting from multiple emplacement events. The pipe infill is dominated by Kimberley-type pyroclastic kimberlite or “KPK”, historically referred to as tuffisitic kimberlite breccia or “TKB”, with less common hypabyssal kimberlite (HK) and minor units with textures transitional between these end-members. An extensive HK sheet complex surrounds the pipe. The emplacement of Kelvin is believed to have been initiated by intrusion of this early sheet system. The main pipe-forming event and formation of the dominant KPK pipe infill, KIMB3, was followed by late stage emplacement of additional minor KPK and a hypabyssal to transitional-textured phase along the upper contact of the pipe, cross-cutting the underlying KIMB3. Rb-Sr age dating of phlogopite from a late stage phase has established model ages of 531 ± 8 Ma and 546 ± 8 Ma. Texturally and mineralogically, the Kelvin kimberlite is similar to other KPK systems such as the Gahcho Kué kimberlites and many southern African kimberlites; however, the external morphology, specifically the sub-horizontal inclination of the pipe, is unique. The morphology of Kelvin and the other kimberlites in the Kelvin-Faraday cluster defines a new type of exploration target, one that is likely not unique to the Kennady North Project area. Extensive evaluation work by Kennady Diamonds Inc. has resulted in definition of a maiden Indicated Mineral Resource for Kelvin of 8.5 million tonnes (Mt) of kimberlite at an average grade of 1.6 carats per tonne (cpt) with an average diamond value of US$ 63 per carat (ct).


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