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Deccan basalts of west-central India are hydrogeologically inhomogeneous rocks. A proper understanding of the physical framework of the basalts within which groundwater resides and moves is a key to the hydrogeology of these rocks. Two types of basalt, the vesicular amygdaloidal basalt and the compact basalt, occur as alternate layers in the volcanic pile. Although the rocks are generally inhomogeneous, structures in the basalt, such as sheet joints and vertical joints, serve as zones of groundwater flow. In the shallow subsurface, two groundwater systems are operative. Groundwater system A consists of a vesicular amygdaloidal basalt underlain by a compact basalt, whereas groundwater system B consists of a vesicular amygdaloidal basalt overlain by a compact basalt. Groundwater system A has a better developed network of openings and, as a consequence, this system has a higher transmissivity and storage coefficient than groundwater system B. Wells tapping groundwater system A have higher yields on average and irrigate more hectares of cropland than do wells tapping groundwater system B. This simple systems concept offers a practical methodology for understanding the geometry of the physical framework that contains groundwater in the Deccan basalts. The efficacy of the concept is in its widespread utility for the region. The concept may also be extrapolated to help understand the hydrogeology of deeper Deccan basalt groundwater systems.  相似文献   

Specific yield is an essential parameter for any groundwater management plan. Volumetric analysis in the domain of groundwater budgeting for the non-monsoon months has been undertaken for a typical watershed of the Deccan basalt province. The Torla Odha watershed covers an area of over 22 km2 on a third-order tributary of the westerly flowing Bhima River. The watershed receives a normal annual rainfall of 643 mm. The entire water demand is supplied by dug wells, which penetrate a shallow aquifer. The specific yield was estimated by comparing the monthly net volume of water removed from the aquifer, with the volume of aquifer de-saturated, based on monthly water level data. The estimated specific yield ranges from 0.0019 in May to 0.0173 in November with an average value of 0.0093. A correlation of the groundwater levels with the detailed geology suggests that the higher specific yield value (0.017) corresponds to dewatering of the weathered zone within the shallow aquifer. The specific yield of the massive basalt immediately below the weathered zone varies from 0.0089 to 0.0103. The underlying vesicular basalt, which is dissected by sheet joints, has a relatively higher specific yield (0.0121). The massive basalt, which forms the base of the shallow aquifer system, has a lower specific yield from 0.0019 to 0.0022.
Résumé Le débit spécifique est un paramètre essentiel pour tout plan de gestion des eaux souterraines. Les analyses volumétriques, dans le cadre des bilans hydriques des eaux en dehors des mois de mousson, ont été entreprises pour un bassin-versant typique de la province basaltique du Deccan. Le bassin-versant du Torla Odha couvre une superficie de 22 km2, et alimente l’affluent du troisième ordre de la rivière Bhima, qui coule vers l’Ouest. La pluviométrie annuelle atteint 643 mm. Toute la demande en eau es assurée par des puits foncés pénétrant dans l’aquifère phréatique. Le débit spécifique a été estimé en comparant le volume net mensuel d’eau captée dans l’aquifère, avec le volume de l’aquifère dé-saturé, basé sur les données des niveaux piézométriques mensuels. Le débit spécifique estimé s’étend entre 0,0019 en Mai et 0.173 en Novembre; la moyenne se situe à 0,0093. Une corrélation entre les niveaux des eaux souterraines et la géologie, suggère que les débits spécifiques les plus importants (0,017) correspondent aux zones altérées de l’aquifère phréatique. Le débit spécifique du massif basaltique, immédiatement sous la zone altérée, varie entre 0,0089 et 0,0103. Le basalte vésiculaire, situé juste en dessous et traversé par des diaclases parallèles, possède un débit spécifique sensiblement plus élevé (0,0121). Le basalte massif, qui forme la base de l’aquifère phréatique, possède un débit spécifique moins important, compris entre 0,0019 et 0,0022.

Resumen El rendimiento específico es un parámetro esencial para cualquier plan de manejo de aguas subterráneas. Se ha llevado a cabo el análisis volumétrico, en el entorno de balance de aguas subterráneas, para los meses sin monzón de una cuenca típica de la provincia de basaltos Deccan. La cuenca Rorla Odha cubre un área de 22 km2 en un tributario de tercer orden del Río Bhima que fluye al oeste. La cuenca capta una lluvia anual normal de 643 mm. La totalidad de la demanda de agua es abastecida por pozos manuales que penetran un acuífero somero. Se estimó el rendimiento específico al comparar el volumen neto mensual de agua removido del acuífero con el volumen de agua de-saturado estimado a partir de datos de niveles de agua mensuales. Los valores estimados de rendimiento específico varían de 0.0019 en mayo a 0.0173 en noviembre con un valor promedio de 0.0093. La correlación de niveles de agua subterránea con la geología de detalle sugieren que el valor más alto (0.017) de rendimiento específico corresponden con el desaguado de la zona de intemperismo dentro del acuífero somero. El rendimiento específico del basalto masivo que se encuentra inmediatamente debajo de la zona de intemperismo varía de 0.0089 a 0.0103. El basalto vesicular subyacente, el cual está disectado por fracturas laminares, tiene un rendimiento específico relativamente más alto (0.0121). El basalto masivo, que forma la base del sistema de acuífero somero, tiene un rendimiento específico más bajo el cual varía de 0.0019 a 0.0022. Palabras clave: basalto Deccan. India. Rendimiento específico. Recarga de agua subterránea. Balance hídrico.

Similar Sr isotopic ratios (∼ 0.7055) for the tholeiite-spilite flow unit and the associated mineral phases, of Bombay (Deccan Traps) provide a direct evidence for the spilitic degradation of tholeiite. In contrast, a dramatic increase in the rare earth elements (REE) from basalt to spilite is rather puzzling as rare earths are considered to be relatively immobile. The geochemistry thus suggests that the process of spilitization is due to the reaction with a complex fluid having identical Sr-isotopic composition as that of the basaltic magma—thereby masking the details of the mixing process.  相似文献   

The lava sequence of the central-western Deccan Traps (from Jalgaon towards Mumbai) is formed by basalts and basaltic andesites having a significant variation in TiO2 (from 1.2 to 3.3 wt%), Zr (from 84 to 253 ppm), Nb (from 5 to 16ppm) and Ba (from 63 to 407 ppm), at MgO ranging from 10 to 4.2 wt%. Most of these basalts follow a liquid line of descent dominated by low pressure fractionation of clinopyroxene, plagioclase and olivine, starting from the most mafic compositions, in a temperature range from 1220° to 1125°C. These rocks resemble those belonging to the lower-most formations of the Deccan Traps in the Western Ghats (Jawhar, Igatpuri and Thakurvadi) as well as those of the Poladpur formation. Samples analyzed for87Sr/86Sr give a range of initial ratios from 0.70558 to 0.70621. A group of flows of the Dhule area has low TiO2 (1.2–1.5 wt%) and Zr (84–105 ppm) at moderate MgO (5.2–6.2 wt%), matching the composition of low-Ti basalts of Gujarat, low-Ti dykes of the Tapti swarm and Toranmal basalts, just north of the study area. This allows chemical correlations between the lavas of central Deccan, the Tapti dykes and the north-western outcrops. The mildly enriched high field strength element contents of the samples with TiO2 > 1.5 wt% make them products of mantle sources broadly similar to those which generated the Ambenali basalts, but their high La/Nb and Ba/Nb, negative Nb anomalies in the mantle normalized diagrams, and relatively high87Sr/86Sr, make evident a crustal input with crustally derived materials at less differentiated stages than those represented in this sample set, or even within the sub-Indian lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   


印度中西部德干高原是由白垩纪末期65Ma以前多次喷发的玄武岩形成的高原。喷发间歇期间玄武岩遭受风化,形成了多层玄武岩风化红层。德干高原就是由这样一层层的溢流喷发玄武岩和风化红层相间而成,厚度达千米以上。在德干高原和南方各地的顶部普遍发育着砖红壤,该砖红壤在德干高原发育约25m厚,被认为是从玄武岩母质基础上原地风化形成,但是实地观察发现,砖红壤与玄武岩风化红土在结构、构造以及物质组成等方面均存在明显差别。常见的玄武岩喷发间歇发育的风化层厚2~3m,存在从上到下风化程度由强到弱,最后过渡到玄武岩母岩的明显层次与颜色的变化。但是德干高原玄武岩之上的25m厚砖红壤缺乏这种渐变特征,而且平坦的砖红壤顶部洼地中还发现了风积黄土层。对德干高原砖红壤、玄武岩以及玄武岩风化红土层分别采样,测量其全样粒度和磁化率、饱和磁化强度、饱和等温剩磁、非磁滞剩磁等常温磁学参数,挑选代表性样品进行磁滞回线和热磁分析。实验结果表明:1)砖红壤样品主要的磁性矿物是赤铁矿,有些同时还含微量磁赤铁矿,粒径相对较粗的玄武岩风化红土层的主要磁性矿物是磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿;2)玄武岩只含磁铁矿,并无磁赤铁矿或者赤铁矿。因此,不论是玄武岩风化红土,还是砖红壤,它们所含的磁赤铁矿以及赤铁矿都是在风化成土过程中形成的。砖红壤以赤铁矿为主和少量针铁矿,偶有样品含微量磁赤铁矿,说明该磁赤铁矿可能是母岩中的磁铁矿风化为赤铁矿的中间产物;3)玄武岩风化红土层与砖红壤不仅在磁性矿物特征方面存在差别,而且在全样粒度组成方面也存在明显差别,前者以>100μm为主,而后者以 < 100μm为主。此外,25m厚层状砖红壤除了缺乏由上而下风化程度由强变弱的差异与层次的特征之外,也缺乏砖红壤中残留的玄武岩碎屑,难以支持巨厚砖红壤由顶层玄武岩就地风化形成的说法。砖红壤厚层均匀特征似乎需要自下而上形成过程,即不断加入物质不断地风化成土才能够形成均匀厚层砖红壤。目前刚刚发现了徳干高原黄土堆积,其西北方向分布着印度沙漠,每年都有沙尘暴发生,向德干高原提供着物质来源。因此,砖红壤由风积物加积形成或许是要考虑的重要可能性之一。


Crustal or mantle xenoliths are not common in evolved, tholeiitic flood basalts that cover huge areas of the Precambrian shields. Yet, the occasional occurrences provide the most direct and unequivocal evidence on basement composition. Few xenolith occurrences are known from the Deccan Traps, India, and inferences about the Deccan basement have necessarily depended on geophysical studies and geochemistry of Deccan lavas and intrusions. Here, we report two basalt dykes (Rajmane and Talwade dykes) from the central Deccan Traps that are extremely rich in crustal xenoliths of great lithological variety (gneisses, quartzites, granite mylonite, felsic granulite, carbonate rock, tuff). Because the dykes are parallel and only 4 km apart, and only a few kilometres long, the xenoliths provide clear evidence for high small-scale lithological heterogeneity and strong tectonic deformation in the Precambrian Indian crust beneath. Measured 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the xenoliths range from 0.70935 (carbonate) to 0.78479 (granite mylonite). The Rajmane dyke sampled away from any of the xenoliths shows a present-day 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70465 and initial (at 66 Ma) ratio of 0.70445. The dyke is subalkalic and fairly evolved (Mg No. = 44.1) and broadly similar in its Sr-isotopic and elemental composition to some of the lavas of the Mahabaleshwar Formation. The xenoliths are comparable lithologically and geochemically to basement rocks from the Archaean Dharwar craton forming much of southern India. As several lines of evidence suggest, the Dharwar craton may extend at least 350–400 km north under the Deccan lava cover. This is significant for Precambrian crustal evolution of India besides continental reconstructions.  相似文献   

The Deccan Trap region exhibits an erosional landscape over a relatively ancient and stable Deccan shield. The Quaternary history of the area has been reconstructed on the basis of evidence from alluvial deposits occurring along the major rivers. However, recent investigations have revealed that evidence for geo-environmental change during the Quaternary Period is also contained in the colluvial deposits that occur in the foothill zones. The colluvial deposits, ranging in thickness from 1 to 10 m, invariably occupy gently inclined pediment slopes. The sediments are presently deeply dissected by gullies, and the process of colluviation has almost ceased. These deposits are best preserved in the semi-arid parts of the region. Detailed textural, geochemical and stratigraphical studies at four different sites reveal similar input processes, the slight variations being attributed to local environmental factors. Scanning electron microscopy studies of some grains indicate marginal contribution of aeolian processes at the time of deposition. Mesolithic artefacts and a few U/Th dates indicate that the colluviation took place during the Late Quaternary. The properties of the deposits suggest relatively high energy conditions as well as a remarkable variability in the intensity of hillslope processes. These properties are indicative of semi-arid conditions during which the regolith was stripped from devegetated hillslopes and was deposited on the pediments. A variety of evidence indicates that the period of colluviation coincided with arid conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum. The geomorphological and archaeological evidence also indicates that incision by gully systems was initiated during the early Holocene humid phase. The environmental conditions deduced for the study area are similar to those reported for other parts of the intertropical zone. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A fossil fungus related to Colletotrichum Corda, which causes leaf spot and red rot in plants, was recovered from an intertrappean bed intersected by a well at Mohgaon-Kalan village, Chhindwara District, Madhya Pradesh. The intertrappean bed is sandwiched between the two basaltic flows and is dated as Maastrichtian on the basis of plant and animal fossils. Radiometric dating of the volcanic rocks yielded ages of 67.8–61.6 Ma. The specimens are preserved on a leaf cuticle and are named Protocolletotrichum deccanensis gen. et sp. nov. They are strongly constructed, 1–2 septate, dark brown setae, each with a slightly swollen base and pointed tip.  相似文献   

Many tholeiitic dyke-sill intrusions of the Late Cretaceous Deccan Traps continental flood basalt province are exposed in the Satpura Gondwana Basin around Pachmarhi, central India. We present field, petrographic, major and trace element, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope data on these intrusions and identify individual dykes and sills that chemically closely match several stratigraphically defined formations in the southwestern Deccan (Western Ghats). Some of these formations have also been identified more recently in the northern and northeastern Deccan. However, the Pachmarhi intrusions are significantly more evolved (lower Mg numbers and higher TiO2 contents) than many Deccan basalts, with isotopic signatures generally different from those of the chemically similar lava formations, indicating that most are not feeders to previously characterized flows. They appear to be products of mixing between Deccan basalt magmas and partial melts of Precambrian Indian amphibolites, as proposed previously for several Deccan basalt lavas of the lower Western Ghats stratigraphy. Broad chemical and isotopic similarities of several Pachmarhi intrusions to the northern and northeastern Deccan lavas indicate petrogenetic relationships. Distances these lava flows would have had to cover, if they originated in the Pachmarhi area, range from 150 to 350 km. The Pachmarhi data enlarge the hitherto known chemical and isotopic range of the Deccan flood basalt magmas. This study highlights the problems and ambiguities in dyke-sill-flow correlations even with extensive geochemical fingerprinting.  相似文献   

Available literature reveals that little work has been done on the origin of springs in a basaltic terrain. Close examination of such springs in about 2,000 km2 of the upper Koyna River basin in the Deccan Trap country of the Western Ghats (hills), India, reveals that their origins are dependent on the lithologic character of different basaltic flow units and the existing physiography. Although rainfall, its seasonality and areas of recharge, play vital roles in the recharge of these springs, their yields are also controlled by lithological variations and hydraulic characteristics of their source-aquifers. Chemical concentrations of these springs are heavily dependent on the lithological compositions of the source-aquifers and the residence time of groundwater in these aquifers. Currently, basaltic springs are classified with those issuing from other terrains. However, because the emergence of groundwater in the form of springs is largely controlled by the lithology and the resulting water-bearing properties of the formations, a new classification scheme is proposed that classifies the springs on the basis of their source-aquifers. While tapping springs for drinking/irrigation purposes, it must be remembered that they also sustain thousands of other life forms vital to a balanced ecosystem. Changes in the uses of these springs may also affect other human communities downstream. Therefore, before developing spring flow, a trade-off must be made considering local needs and downstream users. Emphasizing only local human needs may lead to severe intercommunity conflict and negative environmental consequences. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Hetu C. Sheth   《Gondwana Research》2005,8(2):109-127
Deep mantle plumes supposedly incorporate deeply subducted eclogitized oceanic crust, and continental flood basalts (CFBs) are now thought by some to be derived from such eclogite-bearing peridotite plumes. Eclogite-peridotite mixtures have much lower solidi (and produce much greater melt fractions for a given temperature) than peridotite. Fe-rich (eclogite- or pyroxenite-bearing) sources have been inferred for many CFBs. However, plumes with considerable amounts of eclogite should have difficulty in upwelling owing to the high density of eclogite. Besides, CFBs are always located along pre-existing lithospheric structures (suture zones, edges of thick cratons) and commonly associated with lithospheric rifting and continental breakup. India's major late Mesozoic CFB, the Deccan Traps, erupted through rift zones and a new continental margin that had developed along ancient suture zones traversing the subcontinent. Many Deccan basalts are too Fe-rich to have been in equilibrium with a peridotite mantle source, and have commonly been considered to be significantly fractionated derivatives of picritic liquids. However, it is possible to view them as relatively less evolved liquids derived from a source with extra fertility (i.e., an Fe-rich source). A new non-plume, plate tectonic model for Icelandic hotspot volcanism involves melting of a shallowly recycled slab of eclogitized Iapetus oceanic crust formerly trapped along the Caledonian suture. The model explains the geochemical-petrological characteristics of Icelandic basalts, and is consistent with passive upper mantle upwelling under Iceland inferred from recent seismic tomography. Based on the petrological and geochemical features of the Deccan flood basalts of the type section, in the Western Ghats, I propose that old, eclogitized oceanic crust trapped in the ancient Indian suture zones could have produced voluminous basaltic melts during the Deccan event.  相似文献   

The Koyna River basin in India drew the attention of geoscientists after an earthquake (magnitude 7) in 1967. Since then, detailed geological, tectonic, and seismic investigations of this river basin have been carried out by several workers. However, very little study has been done on its hydrogeological framework. The present work aims at filling this gap. Basalts, laterites, alluvium, soils, and talus deposits form shallow unconfined aquifers, with transmissivity of 27–135 m2/d and a regional specific yield of 0.012. In shallow basaltic aquifers, the lower part of the highly weathered and highly jointed horizon above, and the poorly weathered and highly jointed horizon below, form the most potential zone for groundwater occurrence. Well yields in the deeper basaltic aquifers are directly related to the occurrence of lineaments, whereas at a shallower level they are related to geomorphic features. Spring discharges are highly dependent on their source aquifers and areas of recharge. They have a mean winter discharge of 46 m3/d and a summer discharge of 28 m3/d. Chemically, groundwaters are dominated by alkaline earths (Ca2+, Mg2+) and weak acids (HCO3 , CO3 ); they are calcium-bicarbonate type (53%) and calcium-magnesium-bicarbonate type (27%) at shallower levels; and calcium-magnesium-bicarbonate type (29%), sodium-bicarbonate type (24%), calcium-bicarbonate type (19%), and calcium-magnesium-sodium-bicarbonate type (19%) in deeper aquifers. The Koyna River basin is characterized by both scarcity and abundance of groundwater. In the water-scarce areas in the dissected plateaus, artificial recharge of aquifers through construction of several recharge structures at suitable locations is highly recommended. In the water-abundant areas in the central valley, on the other hand, expanded consumptive use of water resources is encouraged. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in deciphering the emplacement and environmental impact of flood basalt provinces such as the Deccan, India. Observations of active volcanism lead to meaningful interpretations of now-extinct volcanic systems. Here, I illustrate and discuss the morphology and emplacement of the modern and active lava flows of Kilauea volcano in Hawaii, and based on them, interpret the compound pahoehoe lavas of the Deccan Traps. The latter are vastly larger (areally extensive and voluminous) than Kilauea flows, and yet, their internal architecture is the same as that of Kilauea flows, and even the sizes of individual flow units often identical. Many or most compound flows of the Deccan Traps were emplaced in a gentle, effusive, Kilauea-like fashion. Bulk eruption rates for the Deccan province are unknown, and were probably high, but the local eruption rates of the compound flows were no larger than Kilauea’s. Large (≥ 1000 km3) individual compound pahoehoe flows in the Deccan could have been emplaced at Kilauea-like local eruption rates (1 m3/sec per metre length of fissure) in a decade or less, given fissures of sufficient length (tens of kilometres), now exposed as dyke swarms in the province.  相似文献   

Rubbly pahoehoe lava flows are abundant in many continental flood basalts including the Deccan Traps. However, structures with radial joint columns surrounding cores of flow-top breccia (FTB), reported from some Deccan rubbly pahoehoe flows, are yet unknown from other basaltic provinces. A previous study of these Deccan “breccia-cored columnar rosettes” ruled out explanations such as volcanic vents and lava tubes, and showed that the radial joint columns had grown outwards from cold FTB inclusions incorporated into the hot molten interiors. How the highly vesicular (thus low-density) FTB blocks might have sunk into the flow interiors has remained a puzzle. Here we describe a new example of a Deccan rubbly pahoehoe flow with FTB-cored rosettes, from Elephanta Island in the Mumbai harbor. Noting that (1) thick rubbly pahoehoe flows probably form by rapid inflation (involving many lava injections into a largely molten advancing flow), and (2) such flows are transitional to ‘a’ā flows (which continuously shed their top clinker in front of them as they advance), we propose a model for the FTB-cored rosettes. We suggest that the Deccan flows under study were shedding some of their FTB in front of them as they advanced and, with high-eruption rate lava injection and inflation, frontal breakouts would incorporate this FTB rubble, with thickening of the flow carrying the rubble into the flow interior. This implies that, far from sinking into the molten interior, the FTB blocks may have been rising, until lava supply and inflation stopped, the flow began solidifying, and joint columns developed outward from each cold FTB inclusion as already inferred, forming the FTB-cored rosettes. Those rubbly pahoehoe flows which began recycling most of their FTB became the ‘a’ā flows of the Deccan.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2019,351(7):461-476
The Deccan Volcanic Province has been considered as one of the largest magmatic regions, involving an aerial coverage of ca. 500,000 km2. It is subdivided into four sub-provinces, and holds a unique position in global tectonic models for understanding earth's geodynamics and the impact of voluminous eruptions on the contemporary biosystem and climate system. Published stratigraphic data suggest that volcanic eruption took place from 69 to 64 million years (Ma) ago when the Indian plate passed over the Réunion hotspot. The main phase of volcanic activity consisting of about 80% of total basaltic lava, erupted rapidly, during a short span (<1 Ma) or even less (two or three hundred thousand years), close to chron 29R, straddling to the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary. Recent high-precision age data show that the main volcanic phase is genetically linked to the Chicxulub impact and plume-head of the hotspot, and largely contributed to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. To assess the links of the province to the K–Pg boundary, Chicxulub impact, Réunion plume, and Late Cretaceous global climate crisis, it is crucial to have a current state of knowledge of the understanding of its stratigraphy. A review of published data shows a surge in the province research that has considerably advanced the understanding of its stratigraphy. This province is intercalated with numerous infra- and intertrappean sedimentary beds that have yielded diverse biota, providing a reliable relative time control for duration of the volcanic activity. This paper presents a review of the stratigraphic developments of the province (lithostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, and chronostratigraphy) from the very beginning to the present, and discusses the role of the Réunion plume in its formation.  相似文献   

亚洲3个大火成岩省(峨眉山、西伯利亚、德干)对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
峨眉山(~260Ma)、西伯利亚(~250Ma)和德干(~66Ma)大陆溢流玄武岩是世界上3个重要的大火成岩省。大火成岩省至少具有4个通常被用于识别古地幔柱的标志:(1)先于岩浆作用的地表隆升;(2)与大陆裂谷化和裂解事件相伴;(3)与生物灭绝事件联系密切;(4)地幔柱源玄武岩的化学特征。虽然这3个大火成岩省都是来源于原始地幔柱,但是它们的地球化学特征有本质上的差异,反映其地幔柱曾与不同的上地幔库相互作用。(1)峨眉山和西伯利亚大陆溢流玄武岩的母岩浆,在上升过程中经受了与地球化学上和古老克拉通岩石圈地幔相同的上地幔库(EM1型幔源)的相互作用;(2)而德干大火成岩省没有受到地壳(或岩石圈)混染的原生玄武岩则显示地幔柱和EM2之间的Sr-Nd同位素变化。这种差异有可能制约了3个大火成岩省的成矿潜力。峨眉山和西伯利亚大火成岩省含有世界级岩浆矿床,而德干大火成岩省则不含矿。  相似文献   

Field investigations of the Deccan Trap lava sequence along a 70 km traverse in the Narsingpur-Harrai-Amarwara area of central India indicate twenty lava flows comprising a total thickness of around 480 m. Primary volcanic structures like vesicles and cooling joints are conspicuous in this volcanic succession and are used to divide individual flows into three well-defined zones namely the lower colonnade zone, entablature zone, and the upper colonnade zone. The variable nature of these structural zones is used for identification and correlation of lava flows in the field. For twenty lava flows, the thicknesses of upper colonnade zones of eight flows are ∼5 m while those of eight other flows are ∼8 m each. The thicknesses of upper colonnade zones of remaining four flows could not be measured in the field. Using the thicknesses of these upper colonnade zones and standard temperature-flow thickness-cooling time profiles for lava pile, the total cooling time of these sixteen Deccan Trap lava flows has been estimated at 12 to 15 years.  相似文献   

A review of the available radiometric and paleomagnetic data from the Deccan Flood Basalt Province (DFBP) suggests that the volcanism was episodic in nature and probably continued over an extended duration from 69 Ma to 63 Ma between 31R and 28N. It is likely that the most intense pulse of volcanism at 66.9 ± 0.2 Ma preceded the Cretaceous Tertiary Boundary (KTB, 65.2 ± 0.2Ma) events by R∼1.7Ma. The magnetostratigraphic record in the Deccan lava pile is incomplete and it is therefore possible that the lava flows constituting the reverse polarity sequence were erupted in more than one reversed magnetic chron.  相似文献   

A hummocky flow characterised by the presence of toes, lobes, tumuli and possible lava tube system is exposed near Daund, western Deccan Volcanic Province, India. The lava tube system is exposed as several exhumed outcrops and is composed of complex branching and discontinuous segments. The roof of the lava tube has collapsed but original lava tube walls and fragments of the tube roof are seen at numerous places along the tube. At some places the tube walls exhibit a single layer of lava lining, whereas, at other places it shows an additional layer characterised by smooth surface and polygonal cracks. The presence of a branching and meandering lava tube system in the Daund flow, which represents the terminal parts of Thakurwadi Formation, shows that the hummocky flow developed at a low local volumetric flow rate. This tube system developed in the thinner parts of the flow sequence; and tumuli developed in areas where the tube clogged temporarily in the sluggish flow.  相似文献   

Tholeiitic pillow basalt from the South Andaman island, an integral part of the outer sedimentary arc of the Sunda-Burmese double chain arc system in the Bay of Bengal, is characterized by the occurrence of several morphologies of quenched crystals of plagioclase and pyroxene. Plagioclase shows a swallow tail, belt-buckle, rosette and closely spaced fan-spherulites pattern while pyroxene has elongate parallel chain, dendritic, spherulitic and finely ornamented feathery spherulitic habit. Most of these textures are identical to those reported from submarine basalts, lunar basalts, spinifex textured rocks and experimentally produced textures. The occurrence of these quench textures in the Andaman basalt suggests that they were formed by rapid cooling at 30–70°C/h in a submarine environment.  相似文献   

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