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胜利油田作业海域因受陆地影响显著,水浅滩阔且盐度较低,加之地理位置相对偏北,每年冬季都会发生不同程度的海水结冰现象,给海上油气勘探开发生产和各类工程设施造成影响。利用国家海洋局北海预报中心2005—2016年冬季的各类冰情监测数据并结合部分已有研究成果,对胜利油田作业海域的冰情进行了综合分析,给出该海域的冰情基本特征;在分析海冰防灾减灾形势的基础上,按照我国海冰防灾减灾工作总体部署和要求并结合油田海上生产作业的实际需求,提出了具体的海冰减灾对策与建议。  相似文献   

秦皇岛海域是我国主要的结冰海区之一,每年冬季都有不同程度的结冰现象,给海上交通运输、渔业生产、旅游以及油气勘探开发等各类经济活动造成很大影响,并对船舶和工程设施等构成严重威胁。文章利用卫星遥感、航空、船舶以及岸基海洋站等观测方式所获取的冰情要素数据,对秦皇岛海域的各类冰情要素进行了综合分析,得出了该海域的冰日、冰期、冰型、冰厚、海冰表面特征、浮冰密集度以及结冰范围等,同时给出了该海域的浮冰流向流速、地理分布特征等分析结果。  相似文献   

本文通过土工实验分析,发现河北南堡-曹妃甸海域沉积物主要由淤泥、粉砂、黏土和粉土组成,约占总沉积物的85%,另含有少量的淤泥质黏土、粉质黏土、细砂和中砂。综合归纳南堡-曹妃甸海域的工程地质条件,根据影响研究区工程地质条件差异性最突出的因素即海底地形地貌、潜在地质灾害分布,结合海底土质类型及其物理力学性质等条件,将研究区划为4个工程地质区,分别为近岸水下岸坡混合土工程地质区(Ⅰ)、侵蚀平原、洼地砂质土工程地质区(Ⅱ)、侵蚀洼地混合土工程地质区(Ⅲ)、陆架堆积平原细粒土工程地质区(Ⅳ)。通过海洋环境因素、灾害地质条件、地震活动性、海底土体稳定性等方面对各工程地质区进行海底稳定性评价,4个工程地质区的稳定性分别为Ⅰ区:不稳定区;Ⅱ区:较稳定区;Ⅲ区:较不稳定区;Ⅳ区:稳定区。研究成果对该地区的海底工程建设和防灾减灾具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

南堡-曹妃甸海域是渤海湾冰情严重海域之一。本文根据海上平台、陆地测点、航空监测、船舶调查及卫星遥感等有关海冰监测资料及相邻海域有关海冰监测资料,给出了该海域本年度冰期、冰型、冰厚、结冰范围、浮冰最大外缘线及海冰时空分布变化等状况,综合分析得出,本年度该海域的冰情状况接近于正常年份。  相似文献   

冀东南堡油田1、2号构造东一段(Ed1)砂岩储层在钻井过程中,钻井液漏失量较大,对油气层造成了严重污染和堵塞,造成在钻井时有良好油气显示,完井生产时没有油气产量或产能很低。在模拟地层条件下,在室内进行了酸化流动实验研究,对比评价了多种酸液体系。以实验结果为依据,综合考虑储层矿物组成和流体性质,确定多氢酸体系作为钻井液污染酸化解堵处理酸液。  相似文献   

渤海滩浅海地区是我国重要的海洋油气资源开发基地,同时也是我国主要的结冰海区之一。因此,海冰是渤海滩浅海油田海上工程设计、勘探开发及生产作业过程中必须考虑的重要海洋环境要素之一。文章以冀东南堡油田为例,通过对2005-2013年海冰监测数据的统计、分析,总结并给出了该海域的冰情基本特征;同时分析了海冰对滩浅海油田海上生产作业和工程设施造成的影响,并从工程性和非工程性两个方面提出了具体的防御对策。  相似文献   

文章以三亚小洲岛峡道整治工程为例研究了其对附近海域环境和海洋生物的影响。对海洋环境的调查结果表明,峡道整治工程施工期海水悬浮物(SS)含量显著升高,竣工后海水无机氮(DIN)、无机磷(DIP)、化学需氧量(CODMn)和石油类含量均显著高于施工前和施工期。沉积物中主要污染物含量以施工期为最高,随着施工的结束逐渐得到恢复。对海洋生物的研究表明,峡道整治工程前后海区浮游植物和浮游动物种类发生了中等程度的更替,底栖动物和潮间带动物种类组成发生较大变化,群落演替明显。  相似文献   

风暴浪对埕岛油田海域海底冲刷的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于1976、1993年埕岛油田海域测深资料,采用浅水海浪数值计算模式,风暴浪对该海域海底冲刷和岸滩侵蚀的影响,分析了海底冲刷机理,提出了采用数值模式预测海底冲刷的方法。  相似文献   

曹兵  马越  郭伟其 《海岸工程》2010,29(2):38-42
使用临港新城海域连续1 a的波浪实测资料,并依据码头不利作业标准,进行波浪影响下不利作业天数的分析论证。同时,使用芦潮港同步风资料建立相关关系,利用多年连续风资料推算的波浪影响下不利作业天数进行验证。  相似文献   

以2010~2015年的岸基雷达海冰监测数据为基础,简要分析了鲅鱼圈海域的冰期、冰型和冰厚等冰情基本特征。近年来的海冰监测数据表明,鲅鱼圈海域的冰期明显偏短,冰期内不同阶段的冰型变化较明显,鲅鱼圈海域部分时段海冰分布比例变化较大,这主要归因于该区域的海冰运动。针对目前岸基雷达海冰监测的技术发展现状,提出了岸基雷达海冰监测技术研发的主要问题是雷达像元回波值不稳定与海冰实测样本量匮乏。  相似文献   

北极地区不同冰龄的海冰厚度变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, changes in Arctic sea ice thickness for each ice age category were examined based on satellite observations and modelled results. Interannual changes obtained from Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite(ICESat)-based results show a thickness reduction over perennial sea ice(ice that survives at least one melt season with an age of no less than 2 year) up to approximately 0.5–1.0 m and 0.6–0.8 m(depending on ice age) during the investigated winter and autumn ICESat periods, respectively. Pan-Arctic Ice Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System(PIOMAS)-based results provide a view of a continued thickness reduction over the past four decades. Compared to 1980 s, there is a clear thickness drop of roughly 0.50 m in 2010 s for perennial ice. This overall decrease in sea ice thickness can be in part attributed to the amplified warming climate in north latitudes. Besides, we figure out that strongly anomalous southerly summer surface winds may play an important role in prompting the thickness decline in perennial ice zone through transporting heat deposited in open water(primarily via albedo feedback) in Eurasian sector deep into a broader sea ice regime in central Arctic Ocean. This heat source is responsible for enhanced ice bottom melting, leading to further reduction in ice thickness.  相似文献   

The Odden ice tongue developed prominently during the winter of 1992–1993, but did not appear at all during the two subsequent winters of the ESOP period. During 1992–1993 the in situ sea-ice characteristics within Odden were studied on four occasions. In addition to direct observation and aerial photography, the measurement programme included retrieval and on-board analysis of frazil- and pancake-ice samples; wave measurements within Odden; and near-surface CTD measurements to examine the effect of melt on the upper ocean (reported in Brandon and Wadhams, 1999. The near surface hydrography beneath the Odden ice tongue, Deep-Sea Research, in press). This paper reports on the characteristics of the frazil- and pancake-ice observed and sampled during this season, expanding on early results (reported in Wadhams et al., 1996 Journal of Geographical Research 101(C8), 18 213–18 235). By combining the results of in situ sampling with the analysis of passive microwave and SAR data of the sea-ice extent through the winter, it was possible to estimate the salt flux into the ocean originating from brine release from sea ice during the growth phases of Odden.  相似文献   

南堡油田保持中深层泥页岩井壁稳定钻井液研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在南堡油田中深层钻井过程中,东二、东三、沙一段泥页岩的剥落掉块经常造成井壁坍塌掉块、钻具阻卡、电测遇阻等井下复杂情况。分析了中深层泥页岩的理化特性,研究探讨了泥页岩的坍塌机理。在此基础上,提出了选用强封堵抑制型钻井液是有效抑制中深层泥页岩剥落掉块的根本措施。这一研究成果对于在南堡油田中深层开发工程中提高钻速、减少井下复杂情况发生具有重要意义。  相似文献   

南极海冰和陆架冰的变化特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
利用美国冰中心和雪冰中心提供的海冰资料和我国南极考察现场的海冰观测资料,对南极海冰的长期变化进行了研究.研究表明20世纪70年代后期是多冰期;80年代是少冰期;90年代南极海冰属于上升趋势,后期偏多,区域性变化差别大,东南极海冰偏多,西南极海冰即南极半岛两侧尤其是威德尔海区和别林斯高晋海的冰明显偏少.东南极和西南极海冰的变化趋势总是反相的.90年代后期普里兹湾的海冰明显偏多,南极大陆陆架冰外缘线总体没有明显的收缩,有崩解也有再生的自然变化现象.西南极威德尔海的龙尼冰架和罗斯海冰架东部崩解和收缩趋势明显,东南极的冰架也有崩解和收缩,但没有西南极明显.陆架冰崩解向海洋输送的冰山对全球海平面升高有一定的影响.目前南极冰盖断裂崩解形成的冰山,向海洋输入的水量可使全球海平面上升约14mm.南极海冰没有随着全球气候温暖化而明显减少,而是按照东南极和西南极反相的变化规律进行周期性的变化、调整和制约.  相似文献   

利用冀东油田作业海区2013年12月—2014年11月的观测数据,分析了东、西、南部海区的大风特征,对产生大风的天气形势作了分型,并针对风、浪的专业站点观测值和现场人工经验观测值之间的差异作了对比分析,提出了释用方法。结果表明:(1)南部海区年大风日数最多,约为150 d,西部海区最少,约为100 d;(2)大风的季节性分布整体呈两峰两谷的趋势,5、11月是大风日数最多的月份;(3)各海区大风风向均以NW、WNW和ENE、E为主导风向,呈现出非常明显的"极端化"分布;(4)低槽冷锋是产生大风日数最多的天气系统,约占所有个例的一半;(5)专业自动站观测的风力均比现场人工经验观测的风力小,可提高1~3个等级后用于实际作业,自动观测的浪高普遍比人工观测的浪高小,可通过增加修正值或使用线性关系式予以运用。  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2006,98(2-4):210-222
This study presents concentrations of dimethylsulphide (DMS) and its precursor compound dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) in a variety of sea ice and seawater habitats in the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone (ASIZ) during spring and summer. Sixty-two sea ice cores of pack and fast ice were collected from twenty-seven sites across an area of the eastern ASIZ (64°E to 110°E; and the Antarctic coastline north to 62°S). Concentrations of DMS in 81 sections of sea ice ranged from < 0.3 to 75 nM, with an average of 12 nM. DMSP in 60 whole sea ice cores ranged from 25 to 796 nM and showed a negative relationship with ice thickness (y = 125x 0.8). Extremely high DMSP concentrations were found in 2 cores of rafted sea ice (2910 and 1110 nM). The relationship of DMSP with ice thickness (excluding rafted ice) suggests that the release of large amounts of DMSP during sea ice melting may occur in discrete areas defined by ice thickness distribution, and may produce ‘hot spots’ of elevated seawater DMS concentration of the order of 100 nM. During early summer across a 500 km transect through melting pack ice, elevated DMS concentrations (range 21–37 nM, mean 31 nM, n = 15) were found in surface seawater. This band of elevated DMS concentration appeared to have been associated with the release of sea ice DMS and DMSP rather than in situ production by an ice edge algal bloom, as chlorophyll a concentrations were relatively low (0.09–0.42 μg l 1). During fast ice melting in the area of Davis station, Prydz Bay, sea ice DMSP was released mostly as extracellular DMSP, since intracellular DMSP was negligible in both hyposaline brine (5 ppt) and in a melt water lens (4–5 ppt), while extracellular DMSP concentrations were as high as 149 and 54 nM, respectively in these habitats. DMS in a melt water lens was relatively high at 11 nM. During the ice-free summer in the coastal Davis area, DMS concentrations in surface seawater were highest immediately following breakout of the fast ice cover in late December (range 5–14 nM), and then remained at relatively low concentrations through to late February (< 0.3–6 nM). These measurements support the view that the melting of Antarctic sea ice produces elevated seawater DMS due to release of sea ice DMS and DMSP.  相似文献   

本文对2000~2004年连续5年冬季老虎滩水温与渤海冰面积数据进行统计分析,得到渤海海冰面积与老虎滩水温的回归关系,对冬季海冰预报具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

The method proposed for determining the total inorganic carbon (TC) concentrations in sea ice (Arctic region, North Pole-35 expedition) based on the measurement of the total alkalinity (TA) and the pH in the melt waters without the CO2 exchange with the atmosphere is considered. It is shown that the TC/Sal and TA/TC values through the entire ice section remain similar to these parameters in the subice water. The surface snow and the uppermost ice layers are characterized by elevated TA/TC values, which indicate the reaction Ca2+ + 2HCO3 = ↓CaCO3 + ↑CO2 + H2O. The release of CO2 to the atmosphere due to the decomposition of calcium hydrocarbonate is as high as ∼20 mmol/m2. The meltwater of the examined ice is undersaturated with CO2, which may result in a sink of atmospheric CO2 (∼30 mmol/m2).  相似文献   

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