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Electrical, seismic, and electromagnetic methods can be used for noninvasive determination of subsurface physical and chemical properties. In particular, we consider the evaluation of water salinity and the detection of surface contaminants. Most of the relevant properties are represented by electric conductivity, P-wave velocity, and dielectric permittivity. Hence, it is important to obtain relationships between these measurable physical quantities and soil composition, saturation, and frequency. Conductivity in the geoelectric frequency range is obtained with Pride's model for a porous rock. (The model considers salinity and permeability.) White's model of patchy saturation is used to calculate the P-wave velocity and attenuation. Four cases are considered: light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) pockets in water, dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) pockets in water, LNAPL pockets in air, and DNAPL pockets in air. The size of the pockets (or pools), with respect to the signal wavelength, is modeled by the theory. The electromagnetic properties in the GPR frequency range are obtained by using the Hanai–Bruggeman equation for two solids (sand and clay grains) and two fluids (LNAPL or DNAPL in water or air). The Hanai–Bruggeman exponent (1/3 for spherical particles) is used as a fitting parameter and evaluated for a sand/clay mixture saturated with water.Pride's model predicts increasing conductivity for increasing salinity and decreasing permeability. The best-fit exponent of the Hanai–Bruggeman equation for a sand/clay mixture saturated with water is 0.61, indicating that the shape of the grains has a significant influence on the electromagnetic properties. At radar frequencies, it is possible to distinguish between a water-saturated medium and a NAPL-saturated medium, but LNAPL- and DNAPL-saturated media have very similar electromagnetic properties. The type of contaminant can be better distinguished from the acoustic properties. P-wave velocity increases with frequency, and has dissimilar behaviour for wet and dry soils.  相似文献   

We obtain the wave velocities and quality factors of gas‐hydrate‐bearing sediments as a function of pore pressure, temperature, frequency and partial saturation. The model is based on a Biot‐type three‐phase theory that considers the existence of two solids (grains and gas hydrate) and a fluid mixture. Attenuation is described with the constant‐Q model and viscodynamic functions to model the high‐frequency behaviour. We apply a uniform gas/water mixing law that satisfies Wood's and Voigt's averages at low and high frequencies, respectively. The acoustic model is calibrated to agree with the patchy‐saturation theory at high frequencies (White's model). Pressure effects are accounted by using an effective stress law for the dry‐rock moduli and permeabilities. The dry‐rock moduli of the sediment are calibrated with data from the Cascadia margin. Moreover, we calculate the depth of the bottom simulating reflector (BSR) below the sea floor as a function of sea‐floor depth, geothermal gradient below the sea floor, and temperature at the sea floor.  相似文献   

Seismic wave propagation in viscoelastic and saturated rock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Considering engineering practice, the viscoelastic two-phase model is adopted, seismic wave propagation in saturated rock is studied. Not only the effect of the viscosity of rock skeleton but also the effect of ground water on the propagation of the seismic wave can be considered by this model, the propagation characteristics of seismic wave in saturated rock can be understood comprehensively and the model is more reasonable than other model by which seismic wave propagation is studied. The effect of frequency, water content and viscosity constant on the wave velocity and attenuation are studied by numerical examples and some valuable conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   

SeismicwavepropagationinviscoelasticandsaturatedrockYUANQIANGCAI(蔡袁强)CHANGJIEXU(徐长节)SHIMINGWU(吴世明)DepartmentofCivilEngine...  相似文献   

The non-linear solvers in numerical solutions of water flow in variably saturated soils are prone to convergence difficulties. Many aspects can give rise to such difficulties and in this paper we address the gravity term and the prescribed-flux boundary in the Picard iteration. The problem of the gravity term in the Picard iteration is iteration-to-iteration oscillation as the gravity term is treated, by analogy with the time-step advance technique, ‘explicitly’ in the iteration. The proposed method for the gravity term is an improvement of the ‘implicit’ approach of Zhang and Ewen [Water Resour. Res. 36 (2000) 2777] by extending it to heterogeneous soil and approximating the inter-nodal hydraulic conductivity in the diffusive term and the gravity term with the same scheme. The prescribed-flux boundary in traditional methods also gives rise to iteration-to-iteration oscillation because there is no feedback to the flux in the solution at the new iteration. To reduce such oscillation, a new method is proposed to provide such a feedback to the flux. Comparison with traditional Picard and Newton iteration methods for a wide range of problems show that a combination of these two proposed methods greatly improves the stability and consequently the computational efficiency, making the use of small time step and/or under-relaxation solely for convergence unnecessary.  相似文献   


In engineering practice, the liquefaction potential of a sandy soil is usually evaluated with a semi-empirical, stress-based approach computing a factor of safety in free field conditions, defined as the ratio between the liquefaction resistance (capacity) and the seismic demand. By so doing, an estimate of liquefaction potential is obtained, but nothing is known on the pore pressure increments (often expressed in the form of normalized pore pressure ratio ru) generated by the seismic action when the safety factor is higher than 1. Even though ru can be estimated using complex numerical analyses, it would be extremely useful to have a simplified procedure to estimate them consistent with the stress-based approach adopted to check the safety conditions. This paper proposes such a procedure with reference to both saturated and unsaturated soils, considering the latter as soils for which partial saturation has been artificially generated with some ground improvement technology to increase cyclic strength and thus tackle liquefaction risk. A simple relationship between the liquefaction free field safety factor FS, and ru(Sr) is introduced, that generalizes a previous expression proposed by Chiaradonna and Flora (Geotech Lett, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1680/jgele.19.00032) for saturated soils. The new procedure has been successfully verified against some experimental data, coming from laboratory constant amplitude cyclic tests and from centrifuge tests with irregular acceleration time histories for soils having different gradings and densities.


饱和砂土液化研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据国内外文献资料,从三方面总结了饱和砂土的最新进展:饱和砂土液化判别方法、砂土液化的试验研究以及液化后分析,特别是探讨了液化对上部结构的影响。最后指出了存在的问题和今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Between January 1978 and September 1979 samples of subsurface (1 m) water and surface sediment were collected from sites in the North Sea, English Channel, Irish Sea and a number of estuarine areas. These have been analysed by fluorescence spectroscopy (UVF) in order to provide information on the levels of hydrocarbons generally present in UK marine waters.Total hydrocarbon concentrations (THCs) of water samples ranged from 1.1–74 μg l.?1 Ekofisk crude oil equivalents, all values greater than 3.5 μg l.?1 occurring inshore. In offshore areas the mean THCs were: 1.3 μg l.?1 in the northern North Sea, 1.5 μg l.?1 in the western Channel, 2.5 μg l.?1 in the eastern Channel and southern North Sea, and 2.6 μg l.?1 in the Irish Sea.THCs of sediment samples ranged from 0.27–340 μ g?1 dry weight Ekofisk crude oil equivalents, the highest concentration being in the Queen's Channel, the main entrance to the River Mersey.  相似文献   

Results of incubation experiments with marine sediments containing added amounts of lead in various chemical forms indicated that about 0.03% of lead as Pb(NO3)2 underwent methylation. Tetravalent lead, as (CH3)3PbOAc, however, was methylated nearly quantitatively in the same time span. Experiments with sediments from four different areas of the British Columbia coastline showed little variation in methylating capacity and no relationship to total ambient lead content. The results suggest that lead contained in mine tailings in particular is not mobilized in detectable amounts by this route.  相似文献   

A comprehensive analysis of steady flow patterns in saturated and unsaturated, possibly heterogeneous, isotropic soils is presented. It is shown that, at any point, the divergence of the unit tangent vector field to the streamlines is equal to the directional derivative along the streamlines of the orthogonal cross-sectional area of an infinitesimal stream tube divided by that area and also equal to the mean curvature of the surface of constant total head. Expressions are derived for the distribution of the flux, the water content, the velocity, the hydraulic conductivity, the total head, and the pressure head along a stream line or an infinitesimal, stream tube. Among the results is a simpler derivation, further interpretation, and extension of earlier work on calculating the hydraulic conductivity distribution from detailed measurements of the total head distribution in combination with measurements of the hydraulic conductivity at a few locations. In the last section, the jumps of various quantities at an interface are discussed.  相似文献   

Velocity and attenuation of compressional waves in nearly saturated soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the two-phase theory of Biot, we present exact and approximate expressions for the velocity and attenuation of compressional waves within nearly saturated poroelastic media. We use the approximate solutions to model the low-frequency compressional waves within nearly saturated soils. The model accounts for the effective stress, degree of saturation, and void ratio, and is capable of describing experimental results on Ottawa sand. The three-phase theory of Vardoulakis and Beskos and the two-phase theory of Biot similarly describe the velocity and attenuation of compressional waves in most soils. However, the former theory breaks down for nearly saturated gravels and dense sands.  相似文献   

Surveys in the dumping grounds for sewage from the City of Glasgow show accumulations of PCBs in superficial sediments, suggesting that significant quantities of these chlorinated hydrocarbons have been dumped for about 20 years with a marked increase about 10 years ago. The benthic fauna in the area is correspondingly contaminated. With restrictions on the manufacture of PCBs and the elimination of other sources in the catchment area, levels of contamination are expected to drop.  相似文献   

Summary An unsteady flow generated by a harmonically oscillating pressure distribution of frequency acting on the paraboloidal free surface of an inviscid, incompressible fluid rotating with uniform angular velocity has been investigated. It is shown that case (i), >2 , corresponds to the usual surface waves, and case (ii), <2 , in contrast to the surface waves, corresponds to the inertial waves which are originated entirely due to rotation and have no counterpart in a non-rotating fluid motion. An explicit solution of the problem related to the above cases are obtained by the joint Laplace and Hankel transforms treatment in conjunction with asymptotic methods. The significant effects of the Coriolis force and the curvature of the free surface on the wave motions have been investigated. A comparison is made between the solutions of the problems with the horizontal and the paraboloidal free surface curvature. The analysis is concluded by exihibiting the characteristic features of the wave motions.  相似文献   

TBT contamination identified in Antarctic marine sediments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report for the first time butyltin contamination of near-shore sediments at six sites in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. A very high concentration of 2290 microg Sn kg(-1) sediment was recorded in one sample. The most likely source is abrasion of antifouling paint from the hulls of ice-breakers, but this pattern of contamination is also possible following ship groundings. Antifoulant biocides, such as TBT, have not been considered or detected in Antarctica previously and represent a new challenge to environmental managers and custodians.  相似文献   

Summary The propagation of seismic waves in a micromorphic body, which is supposed to be one of the possible models of the medium in the earthquake focus, is studied by means of the two-dimensional ultrasonic model technique. The results obtained indicate that such a medium is characterized by distinct elastic anisotropy and by increased attenuation. The propagation velocity of longitudinal waves decreases and their amplitudes change considerably. The prevailing frequency of the waves passing through the micromorphic medium tends smoothly to one value which depends on the space distribution, orientation and dimensions of the elements characterizing such a medium. The obtained results are confronted with the theory of a micromorphic medium.
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AVO investigations of shallow marine sediments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Amplitude‐variation‐with‐offset (AVO) analysis is based on the Zoeppritz equations, which enable the computation of reflection and transmission coefficients as a function of offset or angle of incidence. High‐frequency (up to 700 Hz) AVO studies, presented here, have been used to determine the physical properties of sediments in a shallow marine environment (20 m water depth). The properties that can be constrained are P‐ and S‐wave velocities, bulk density and acoustic attenuation. The use of higher frequencies requires special analysis including careful geometry and source and receiver directivity corrections. In the past, marine sediments have been modelled as elastic materials. However, viscoelastic models which include absorption are more realistic. At angles of incidence greater than 40°, AVO functions derived from viscoelastic models differ from those with purely elastic properties in the absence of a critical angle of incidence. The influence of S‐wave velocity on the reflection coefficient is small (especially for low S‐wave velocities encountered at the sea‐floor). Thus, it is difficult to extract the S‐wave parameter from AVO trends. On the other hand, P‐wave velocity and density show a considerably stronger effect. Attenuation (described by the quality factor Q) influences the reflection coefficient but could not be determined uniquely from the AVO functions. In order to measure the reflection coefficient in a seismogram, the amplitudes of the direct wave and the sea‐floor reflection in a common‐midpoint (CMP) gather are determined and corrected for spherical divergence as well as source and streamer directivity. At CMP locations showing the different AVO characteristics of a mud and a boulder clay, the sediment physical properties are determined by using a sequential‐quadratic‐programming (SQP) inversion technique. The inverted sediment physical properties for the mud are: P‐wave velocity α=1450±25 m/s, S‐wave velocity β=90±35 m/s, density ρ=1220±45 kg/m3, quality factor for P‐wave QP=15±200, quality factor for S‐wave QS=10±30. The inverted sediment physical properties for the boulder clay are: α=1620±45 m/s,β=360±200 m/s,ρ=1380±85 kg/m3,QP=790±660,QS=25±10.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the reactivity of organic matter and the amount preserved in sedimentary deposits necessarily increases with total sedimentation rate. In some environments, such as deltas, where supply of unreactive terrigenous debris may vary independently of reactive organic matter input, the amount of reactive organic material preserved can in fact theoretically correlate either directly or inversely with sedimentation rate. The amount preserved can be shown quantitatively by transport-reaction models to depend on (1) the relative importance of electron acceptor concentration in the overlying water, (2) advection during sedimentation, (3) dilution by sedimentation, (4) solute diffusion, (5) initial flux of organic matter, and (6) the magnitudes of reaction rate constants. Both single reaction rate constant and multiple reaction rate constant models suggest that, at steady state, maximum preservation with respect to a given oxidant occurs when Dsk = w2, where Ds = whole sediment diffusion coefficient of the electron acceptor, k = first-order rate constant of the dominant organic fraction, and w = sedimentation rate. This is the likely basis for the reported correlation between average reactivity, k, of carbon in a deposit, percent carbon preservation, and w1.5–w2. Because of the variety of factors which determine these relationships, such correlations are probably valid only within specific classes of depositional environments.  相似文献   

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