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We investigate the effect of a strong large-scale magnetic field on the reflection of high-frequency acoustic modes in rapidly oscillating Ap stars. To that end, we consider a toy model composed of an isothermal atmosphere matched on to a polytropic interior and determine the numerical solution to the set of ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations in a local plane-parallel approximation with constant gravity. Using the numerical solution in combination with approximate analytical solutions that are valid in the limits where the magnetic and acoustic components are decoupled, we calculate the relative fraction of energy flux that is carried away in each oscillation cycle by running acoustic waves in the atmosphere and running magnetic waves in the interior. For oscillation frequencies above the acoustic cut-off, we show that most energy losses associated with the presence of running waves occur in regions where the magnetic field is close to vertical. Moreover, by considering the depth dependence of the energy associated with the magnetic component of the wave in the atmosphere we show that a fraction of the wave energy is kept in the oscillation every cycle. For frequencies above the acoustic cut-off frequency, such energy is concentrated in regions where the magnetic field is significantly inclined in relation to the local vertical. Even though our calculations were aimed at studying oscillations with frequencies above the acoustic cut-off frequency, based on our results we discuss what results may be expected for oscillations of lower frequency.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a new approach for measuring the mean longitudinal magnetic field and net linear polarization of Ap and Bp stars. As was demonstrated by Wade et al., least-squares deconvolution (LSD; Donati et al.) provides a powerful technique for detecting weak Stokes V , Q and U Zeeman signatures in stellar spectral lines. These signatures have the potential to apply strong new constraints to models of stellar magnetic field structure. Here we point out two important uses of LSD Stokes profiles. First, they can provide very precise determinations of the mean longitudinal magnetic field. In particular, this method allows one frequently to obtain 1 σ error bars better than 50 G, and smaller than 20 G in some cases. This method is applicable to both broad- and sharp-lined stars, with both weak and strong magnetic fields, and effectively redefines the quality standard of longitudinal field determinations. Secondly, LSD profiles can in some cases provide a measure of the net linear polarization, a quantity analogous to the broad-band linear polarization recently used to derive detailed magnetic field models for a few stars (e.g. Leroy et al.). In this paper we report new high-precision measurements of the longitudinal fields of 14 magnetic Ap/Bp stars, as well as net linear polarization measurements for four of these stars, derived from LSD profiles.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a non-adiabatic analysis for axisymmetric non-radial pulsations including the effect of a dipole magnetic field. Convection is assumed to be suppressed in the stellar envelope, and the diffusion approximation is used to radiative transport. As in a previous adiabatic analysis, the eigenfunctions are expanded in a series of spherical harmonics. The analysis is applied to a  1.9-M  , main-sequence model  (log  T eff= 3.913)  . The presence of a magnetic field always stabilizes low-order acoustic modes. All the low-order modes of the model that are excited by the κ-mechanism in the He  ii ionization zone in the absence of a magnetic field are found to be stabilized if the polar strength of the dipole magnetic field is larger than about 1 kG. For high-order p modes, on the other hand, distorted dipole and quadrupole modes excited by the κ-mechanism in the H ionization zone remain overstable, even in the presence of a strong magnetic field. It is found, however, that all the distorted radial high-order modes are stabilized by the effect of the magnetic field. Thus, our non-adiabatic analysis suggests that distorted dipole modes and distorted quadrupole modes are most likely excited in rapidly oscillating Ap stars. The latitudinal amplitude dependence is found to be in reasonable agreement with the observationally determined one for HR 3831. Finally, the expected amplitude of magnetic perturbations at the surface is found to be very small.  相似文献   

There is an increasing theoretical and observational evidence that the external magnetic field of magnetars may contain a toroidal component, likely of the same order of the poloidal one. Such 'twisted magnetospheres' are threaded by currents flowing along the closed field lines which can efficiently interact with soft thermal photons via resonant cyclotron scatterings (RCS). Actually, RCS spectral models proved quite successful in explaining the persistent ∼1–10 keV emission from the magnetar candidates, the soft γ-ray repeaters (SGRs) and the anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs). Moreover, it has been proposed that, in the presence of highly relativistic electrons, the same process can give rise to the observed hard X-ray spectral tails extending up to  ∼200 keV  . Spectral calculations have been restricted up to now to the case of a globally twisted dipolar magnetosphere, although there are indications that the twist may be confined only to a portion of the magnetosphere, and/or that the large-scale field is more complex than a simple dipole. In this paper, we investigate multipolar, force–free magnetospheres of ultramagnetized neutron stars. We first discuss a general method to generate multipolar solutions of the Grad-Schlüter-Shafranov (GSS) equation, and analyse in detail dipolar, quadrupolar and octupolar fields. The spectra and lightcurves for these multipolar, globally twisted fields are then computed using a Monte Carlo code and compared with those of a purely dipolar configuration. Finally, the phase-resolved spectra and energy-dependent lightcurves obtained with a simple model of a locally sheared field are confronted with the International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory ( INTEGRAL ) observations of the AXPs 1RXS J1708−4009 and 4U 0142+61. Results support a picture in which the field in these two sources is not globally twisted.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, modelling of the inhomogeneous vertical abundance distributions of various chemical elements in magnetic peculiar A type has largely relied on simple step-function approximations. In contrast, the recently introduced regularized vertical inversion procedure (VIP) is not based on parametrized stratification profiles and has been claimed to yield unique solutions without a priori assumptions as to the profile shapes. It is the question of uniqueness of empirical stratifications which is at the centre of this article. An error analysis establishes confidence intervals about the abundance profiles and it is shown that many different step functions of sometimes widely different amplitudes give fits to the observed spectra which equal the VIP fits in quality. Theoretical arguments are advanced in favour of abundance profiles that depend on magnetic latitude, even in moderately strong magnetic fields. Including cloud, cap and ring models in the discussion, it is shown that uniqueness of solutions cannot be achieved without phase-resolved high signal-to-noise ratio and high spectral resolution ( R ) spectropolarimetry in all four Stokes parameters.  相似文献   

We have obtained 40 high-resolution circular spectropolarimetric measurements of 12 slowly pulsating B (SPB) stars, eight β Cephei stars and two Be stars with the Echelle Spectropolarimetric Device for the Observation of Stars at CFHT (ESPaDOnS) and Narval spectropolarimeters. The aim of these observations is to evaluate recent claims of a high incidence of magnetic field detections in stars of these types obtained using low-resolution spectropolarimetry by Hubrig et al. The precision achieved is generally comparable to or superior to that obtained by Hubrig et al., although our new observations are distinguished by their resolution of metallic and He line profiles, and their consequent sensitivity to magnetic fields of zero net longitudinal component. In the SPB stars, we confirm the detection of magnetic field in one star (16 Peg), but find no evidence of the presence of fields in the remaining 11. In the β Cep stars, we detect a field in  ξ1  CMa, but not in any of the remaining seven stars. Finally, neither of the two B-type emission-line stars shows any evidence of magnetic field. Based on our results, we conclude that fields are not common in SPB, β Cep and B-type emission-line stars, consistent with the general rarity of fields in the broader population of main sequence B-type stars. A relatively small, systematic underestimation of the error bars associated with the UV Focal Reducer and Low Dispersion Spectrograph for the Very Large Telescope (FORS1) longitudinal field measurements of Hubrig et al. could in large part explain the discrepancy between their results and those presented here.  相似文献   

This paper presents a catalogue and the method of determining averaged quadratic effective magnetic fields  〈 B e〉  for 1212 main-sequence and giant stars, and 11 white dwarf stars. The catalogue includes stars that are members of several open clusters. We have compiled measurements of the longitudinal magnetic field for those stars, which were scattered in the existing literature. A new parameter, magnetization (MA), has been defined, and we present values of MA for stars of various spectral classes. Our sample includes a subset of 610 chemically peculiar early-type stars. We confirm the conclusion of our previous study that the number distribution of all chemically peculiar stars versus the averaged magnetic field strength is described by a decreasing exponential function. Relations of this type also hold for stars of all the analysed subclasses of chemical peculiarity. Magnetization tends to correlate with the effective temperature only at high MA, for He-weak and He-rich stars.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the secular variability of the longitudinal magnetic field B e in the roAp star γ Equ (HD 201601). Measurements of the stellar magnetic field B e were mostly compiled from the literature, and we appended also our 33 new B e measurements which were obtained with the 1-m optical telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory (Russia). All the available data cover the time period of 58 yr, and include both phases of the maximum and minimum B e. We determined that the period of the long-term magnetic B e variations equals  91.1 ± 3.6 yr  , with   B e(max) =+577 ± 31 G  and   B e(min) =−1101 ± 31 G  .  相似文献   

The role of an external magnetic field in the magnetic braking of a star with a dipolar field is investigated. In a magnetic cataclysmic variable system (i.e. the primary compact star has a strong magnetic field), the field external to the braking star (a late-type main-sequence star with a dynamo-generated field) originates from the compact star. A closed field region — the system dead zone — is formed within the binary system, and it does not take part in magnetic braking. The overall braking rate depends on the extent of this region and of the open flux, and is dependent on centrifugal effects. In the case of two interacting dipoles, the dipole orientations relative to the spin axes and to each other are found to be important, leading to different amounts of open flux and therefore of magnetic braking, owing to different centrifugal effects on closed field regions. However, in circumstances consistent with observations and dynamo theory, the white dwarf's field reduces the magnetic braking of the secondary significantly, a finding qualitatively similar to the results previously obtained for two anti-aligned dipoles perpendicular to the orbital plane. In the cases where the two dipole axes are not perpendicular to the orbital plane, but are inclined in the plane that links them, the 'cut-off' in magnetic braking is less abrupt, and this effect is more obvious as the inclinations increase. Only in the extreme cases when the two dipole axes are aligned in the orbital plane does the braking increase with white dwarf field strength. We conclude that detailed evolutionary modelling of AM Herculis systems needs to take account of the inclination effect.  相似文献   

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