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对CMIP6全球气候模式在中国地区极端降水的模拟能力进行了综合评估.基于CN05.1观测数据集和32个CMIP6全球气候模式的降水数据,采用8个常用极端降水指数对极端降水进行了定量描述.研究结果表明,在极端降水的气候平均态方面,CMIP6多模式集合对1961—2005年中国地区区域平均的8个极端降水指数模拟的平均相对误...  相似文献   

CMIP3及CMIP5模式对冬季和春季北极涛动变率模拟的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合NCEP再分析资料,评估了28个参加第五次耦合模式比较计划(CMIP5)的耦合模式对1950-2000年冬、春季北极涛动(AO)变率的模拟能力,并与CMIP3模式模拟结果进行了对比。结果表明,尽管CMIP5模式没能模拟出冬、春季AO指数前30年处于显著的负位相期而后20年处于显著的正位相期的特征,但是基本能够模拟出冬、春季AO指数1950-2000年显著的增强趋势以及振荡周期,多模式集合改进了模拟效果。同样,CMIP3模式没能模拟出冬、春季AO指数前30年处于显著的负位相而后20年处于显著的正位相的特征,而且1950-2000年冬、春季AO指数的增强趋势在CMIP3模式模拟结果中也没有表现出来,多模式集合没有改进模式模拟效果。不仅如此,CMIP3模式对AO指数的长期变化周期模拟不好,只是模拟出了冬季周期为2~3 a的振荡,没有模拟出春季AO指数的4~5 a振荡周期。尽管CMIP5模式对冬、春季AO指数的模拟能力还不够理想,没有完全模拟出AO指数的变化特征,但是相对于CMIP3模式,无论是对AO指数变化趋势的模拟还是对其变化周期的模拟,CMIP5模式都有所提高。  相似文献   

先前的观测研究表明,南太平洋四极子海温模态(SPQ)可以有效地作为ENSO的前兆信号.本文利用20个CMIP6模式及其对应的20个先前的CMIP5模式的工业化前气候模拟试验数据,评估和比较了CMIP6以及CMIP5模式对SPQ与ENSO的关系的模拟能力.结果表明,大多数CMIP5和CMIP6模式可以合理地模拟SPQ的基...  相似文献   

CMIP5模式对中国年平均气温模拟及其与CMIP3模式的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用CRUT3v和CN05两套观测资料,评估25个CMIP5模式对1906-2005年中国年平均气温变化的模拟能力,并与CMIP3模式对比。结果表明:1906-2005年中国平均温升速率为0.84℃/100a,CMIP5多模式集合平均模拟的增温率为0.77℃/100a。模式对20世纪后期温升模拟好于前期,仅有两个模式能模拟中国20世纪40年代异常增暖。模式对气温气候态空间分布模拟较好,但在中国西部地区存在最大模拟冷偏差和不确定性。1961-1999年,中国北方增暖大于南方。多模式集合平均可以较好地模拟气温变化线性趋势的空间分布,但对南北气温变化趋势的差异模拟过小。总体说来,在中国平均气温变化趋势、气温气候态空间分布和气温变化趋势空间分布三方面,CMIP5模式都较CMIP3模式有所提高。  相似文献   

通过对15组CMIP3和CMIP5两代模式集合平均对中国西北干旱区气温和降水的模拟能力比较,发现CMIP5模式对气温和降水的模拟更接近观测值。CMIP5模式模拟年、春季、夏季、秋季平均气温的相关系数比CMIP3模式分别提升了0.15、0.13、0.24和0.02,冬季下降了0.07。CMIP5模式对西北干旱区的平均气温变化趋势的模拟效果比CMIP3有所提高,对年、春季、夏季、秋季、冬季趋势的模拟偏差比CMIP3分别减少了0.03℃/10a、0.10℃/10a、0.01℃/10a、0.06℃/10a、0.14℃/10a。对西北干旱区平均气温年、季的模拟偏差分布上,CMIP5模式的偏差均比CMIP3低1~2℃。但是天山区年、季节平均气温的模拟与整体模拟偏低情况相反,CMIP3和CMIP5分别偏高3~6℃和1~4℃,对夏季的模拟偏高最严重,分别达到6℃和4℃。CMIP5模式整体对西北干旱区降水量的模拟结果与观测值的平均相关系数与CMIP3相差不大,均不超过0.1,而且偏差仍然较大。CMIP5模式对西北干旱区的降水量的变化趋势模拟效果比CMIP3有所降低,对年、春季、夏季、秋季、冬季趋势的模拟偏差比CMIP3增加了0.67 mm/10a、0.23 mm/10a、0.51 mm/10a、0.11 mm/10a、0.14 mm/10a。CMIP5模式对年、春季、夏季、秋季和冬季的降水量模拟的均方根误差相比CMIP3分别减少77.6 mm、25.5 mm、25.0 mm、18.8 mm和13.9 mm。在空间上,CMIP5模式对年、季节降水模拟仍然偏高,但是比CMIP3有明显缓解;CMIP3和CMIP5模式对夏季天山区年降水量和夏季降水量的模拟也与大部分区域偏高的趋势明显相反,两代模式对夏季天山区的降水模拟均偏低50 mm左右。  相似文献   

The progress made fi'om Phase 3 to Phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3 to CMIP5) in simulating spring persistent rainfall (SPR) over East Asia was examined from the outputs of nine atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs). The majority of the models overestimated the precipitation over the SPR domain, with the mean latitude of the SPR belt shifting to the north. The overestimation was about 1mm d-1 in the CMIP3 ensemble, and the northward displacement was about 3°, while in the CMIP5 ensemble the overestimation was suppressed to 0.7 mm d-i and the northward shift decreased to 2.5°. The SPR features a northeast-southwest extended rain belt with a slope of 0.4°N/°E. The CMIP5 ensemble yielded a smaller slope (0.2°N/°E), whereas the CMIP3 ensemble featured an unre- alistic zonally-distributed slope. The CMIP5 models also showed better skill in simulating the interannual variability of SPR. Previous studies have suggested that the zonal land-sea thermal contrast and sensible heat flux over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau are important for the existence of SPR. These two ther- mal factors were captured well in the CMIP5 ensemble, but underestimated in the CMIP3 ensemble. The variability of zonal land-sea thermal contrast is positively correlated with the rainfall amount over the main SPR center, but it was found that an overestimated thermal contrast between East Asia and South China Sea is a common problem in most of the CMIP3 and CMIP5 models. Simulation of the meridional thermal contrast is therefore important for the future improvement of current AGCMs.  相似文献   

Through the analysis of ensembles of coupled model simulations and projections collected from CMIP3 and CMIP5, we demonstrate that a fundamental spatial scale limit might exist below which useful additional refinement of climate model predictions and projections may not be possible. That limit varies among climate variables and from region to region. We show that the uncertainty (noise) in surface temperature predictions (represented by the spread among an ensemble of global climate model simulations) generally exceeds the ensemble mean (signal) at horizontal scales below 1000 km throughout North America, implying poor predictability at those scales. More limited skill is shown for the predictability of regional precipitation. The ensemble spread in this case tends to exceed or equal the ensemble mean for scales below 2000 km. These findings highlight the challenges in predicting regionally specific future climate anomalies, especially for hydroclimatic impacts such as drought and wetness.  相似文献   

By applying the historical-run outputs from 24 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5(CMIP5) models and the NOAA Extended Reconstructed SST V3 b dataset(ERSST), the characteristics of different types of ENSO in the selected CMIP5 models, including cold-season-matured Eastern Pacific(C-EP) ENSO, warmseason-matured EP(W-EP) ENSO, cold-season-matured Central Pacific(C-CP) ENSO, and warm-season-matured CP(W-CP) ENSO, were examined in comparison with those in the ERSST dataset. The results showed that, in general, consistent with observations, EP ENSO events in most of the model runs were relatively much stronger than CP ENSO events, and cold-season-matured ENSO events were relatively much more frequent than warm-season-matured ENSO events for both EP and CP ENSO events. The composite amplitudes of ENSO events in most of the models were generally weaker than in observations, particularly for EP El Ni?o and CP La Ni?a. Moreover, most of the models successfully reproduced the amplitude asymmetries between El Ni?o and La Ni?a for cold-season-matured EP and CP ENSO events, exhibiting an average stronger/weaker EP El Ni?o/La Ni?a regime and a weaker/stronger CP El Ni?o/La Ni?a regime. Most of the models, however, failed to reproduce the observed regimes of stronger/weaker W-EP El Ni?o/ La Ni?a and weaker/stronger W-CP El Ni?o/La Ni?a.  相似文献   

CMIP5全球气候模式对青藏高原地区气候模拟能力评估   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
胡芩  姜大膀  范广洲 《大气科学》2014,38(5):924-938
青藏高原是气候变化的敏感和脆弱区,全球气候模式对于这一地区气候态的模拟能力如何尚不清楚。为此,本文使用国际耦合模式比较计划第五阶段(CMIP5)的历史模拟试验数据,评估了44 个全球气候模式对1986~2005 年青藏高原地区地表气温和降水两个基本气象要素的模拟能力。结果表明,CMIP5 模式低估了青藏高原地区年和季节平均地表气温,年均平均偏低2.3℃,秋季和冬季冷偏差相对更大;模式可较好地模拟年和季节平均地表气温分布型,但模拟的空间变率总体偏大;地形效应校正能够有效订正地表气温结果。CMIP5 模式对青藏高原地区降水模拟能力较差。尽管它们能够模拟出年均降水自西北向东南渐增的分布型,但模拟的年和季节降水量普遍偏大,年均降水平均偏多1.3 mm d-1,这主要是源于春季和夏季降水被高估。同时,模式模拟的年和季节降水空间变率也普遍大于观测值,尤其表现在春季和冬季。相比较而言,44 个模式集合平均性能总体上要优于大多数单个模式;等权重集合平均方案要优于中位数平均;对择优挑选的模式进行集合平均能够提高总体的模拟能力,其中对降水模拟的改进更为显著。  相似文献   

张祎  李建 《大气科学进展》2013,30(3):884-907
Cloud and its radiative effects are major sources of uncertainty that lead to simulation discrepancies in climate models. In this study, shortwave cloud radiative forcing (SWCF) over major stratus regions is evaluated for Atmospheric Models Intercomparison Project (AMIP)-type simulations of models involved in the third and fifth phases of the Coupled Models Intercomparison Project (CMIP3 and CMIP5). Over stratus regions, large deviations in both climatological mean and seasonal cycle of SWCF are found among the models. An ambient field sorted by dynamic (vertical motion) and thermodynamic (inversion strength or stability) regimes is constructed and used to measure the response of SWCF to large-scale controls. In marine boundary layer regions, despite both CMIP3 and CMIP5 models being able to capture well the center and range of occurrence frequency for the ambient field, most of the models fail to simulate the dependence of SWCF on boundary layer inversion and the insensitivity of SWCF to vertical motion. For eastern China, there are large differences even in the simulated ambient fields. Moreover, almost no model can reproduce intense SWCF in rising motion and high stability regimes. It is also found that models with a finer grid resolution have no evident superiority than their lower resolution versions. The uncertainties relating to SWCF in state-of-the-art models may limit their performance in IPCC experiments.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the experimental designs and outputs of the Diagnostic,Evaluation and Characterization of Klima(DECK),historical,Scenario Model Intercomparison Project(MIP),and Paleoclimate MIP(PMIP)experiments from the Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology Earth System Model version 3(NESM3).Results show that NESM3 reasonably simulates the modern climate and the major internal modes of climate variability.In the Scenario MIP experiment,changes in the projected surface air temperature(SAT)show robust“Northern Hemisphere(NH)warmer than Southern Hemisphere(SH)”and“land warmer than ocean”patterns,as well as an El Ni?o-like warming over the tropical Pacific.Changes in the projected precipitation exhibit“NH wetter than SH”and“eastern hemisphere gets wetter and western hemisphere gets drier”patterns over the tropics.These precipitation patterns are driven by circulation changes owing to the inhomogeneous warming patterns.Two PMIP experiments show enlarged seasonal cycles of SAT and precipitation over the NH due to the seasonal redistribution of solar radiation.Changes in the climatological mean SAT,precipitation,and ENSO amplitudes are consistent with the results from PMIP4 models.The NESM3 outputs are available on the Earth System Grid Federation nodes for data users.  相似文献   

Precipitation-surface temperature relationship in the IPCC CMIP5 models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Precipitation and surface temperature are two important quantities whose variations are closely related through various physical processes. In the present study, we evaluated the precipitation-surface temperature (P-T) relationship in 17 climate models involved in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) for the IPCC Assessment Report version 5. Most models performed reasonably well at simulating the large-scale features of the P-T correlation distribution. Based on the pattern correlation of the P-T correlation distribution, the models performed better in November-December-January-February-March (NDJFM) than in May-June-July-August-September (MJJAS) except for the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, and the performance was generally better over the land than over the ocean. Seasonal dependence was more obvious over the land than over the ocean and was more obvious over the mid- and high-latitudes than over the tropics. All of the models appear to have had difficulty capturing the P-T correlation distribution over the mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere in MJJAS. The spatial variability of the P-T correlation in the models was overestimated compared to observations. This overestimation tended to be larger over the land than over the ocean and larger over the mid- and high-latitudes than over the tropics. Based on analyses of selected model ensemble simulations, the spread of the P-T correlation among the ensemble members appears to have been small. While the performance in the P-T correlation provides a general direction for future improvement of climate models, the specific reasons for the discrepancies between models and observations remain to be revealed with detailed and comprehensive evaluations in various aspects.  相似文献   

本文基于NOAA再分析逐日降水数据和22个CMIP6模式的降水模拟数据,选取了6个极端降水指数,从气候态和相对变率两个角度对CMIP6模式在中亚地区极端降水方面的模拟能力开展了评估。结果表明,在气候态方面,中亚地区降水的空间分布表现为由西南向东北递增,其东南部山地迎风侧降水偏多;多模式集合对SDII(简单降水强度)和CDD(最大无雨期)模拟的平均误差分别为-5.43%和0.45%,对PRCPTOT(年总降水量)、R1mm(有雨日数)、Rx5day(最大连续五日降水)和CWD(最大雨期)的模拟结果存在明显高估,且在中亚东南部高海拔地区误差偏高。在相对变率方面,多模式集合模拟的中亚极端降水的相对变率偏小,其中对CWD的模拟效果相对较好,平均误差为-4.78%;对R1mm的模拟效果最差,平均误差为-36.16%。模式间进行比较,TaiESM1、EC-Earth3-Veg-LR和GFDL-ESM为22个CMIP6模式中模拟能力最好的前3个模式。  相似文献   

Observed hiatus or accelerated warming phenomena are compared with numerical simulations from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) archives,and the associated physical mechanisms are explored based on the CMIP5 models.Decadal trends in total ocean heat content (OHC) are strongly constrained by net top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiation.During hiatus decades,most CMIP5 models exhibit a significant decrease in the SST and upper OHC and a significant increase of heat penetrating into the subsurface or deep ocean,opposite to the accelerated warming decades.The shallow meridional overturning of the Pacific subtropical cell experiences a significant strengthening (slowdown) for the hiatus (accelerated warming) decades associated with the strengthened (weakened) trade winds over the tropical Pacific.Both surface heating and ocean dynamics contribute to the decadal changes in SST over the Indian Ocean,and the Indonesian Throughflow has a close relationship with the changes of subsurface temperature in the Indian Ocean.The Atlantic Meridional Overturing Circulation (Antarctic Bottom Water) tends to weaken (strengthen) during hiatus decades,opposite to the accelerated warming decades.In short,the results highlight the important roles of air-sea interactions and ocean circulations for modulation of surface and subsurface temperature.  相似文献   

使用多种观测资料和43个参加耦合模式比较计划第五阶段(CMIP5)的全球气候模式模拟数据,评估分析了全球气候模式对中国地区1980-2005年降水特征的模拟能力。结果表明:多数CMIP5模式能够模拟出中国降水由西北向东南递增的分布特点,这与耦合模式比较计划第三阶段(CMIP3)的模式模拟结果类似,但华南地区降水模拟偏少,西部高原地区降水模拟偏多。模式能够较好地模拟出降水冬弱夏强的季节变化特征,但降水模拟系统性偏多。从EOF分析结果来看,多数CMIP5模式可以再现中国地区年平均降水的时空变化特征,集合平均的表现优于CMIP3。多模式集合在月、季、年时间尺度下模拟的平均值优于大部分单个模式的结果。CMIP5中6个中国模式的模拟能力与其他模式相当,其中FGOALS-g2、BCC-CSM1-1-m的模拟能力相对较好。  相似文献   

Three forms of atmospheric energy, i.e., internal, potential, and latent, are analyzed based on the historical simulations of 32 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5(CMIP5) models and two reanalysis datasets(NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40). The spatial pattern of climatological mean atmospheric energy is well reproduced by all CMIP5 models. The variation of globally averaged atmospheric energy is similar to that of surface air temperature(SAT) for most models. The atmospheric energy from both simulation and reanalysis decreases following the volcanic eruption in low-latitude zones. Generally, the climatological mean of simulated atmospheric energy from most models is close to that obtained from NCEP/NCAR, while the simulated atmospheric energy trend is close to that obtained from ERA-40. Under a certain variation of SAT, the simulated global latent energy has the largest increase ratio, and the increase ratio of potential energy is the smallest.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the seasonal cycle of the activity of convectively coupled equatorial waves(CCEWs),including mixed Rossby-gravity(MRG) and tropical depression-type(TD-type) waves,based on the twentieth century experiments of 18 global climate models(GCMs) from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 3(CMIP3).The ensemble result of the 18 GCMs shows that the observed seasonal cycle of MRG and TD-type wave activity cannot be well reproduced.The seasonal transition of wave activity from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere is delayed from April in the observations to May in the simulations,indicating that the simulated active season of tropical waves in the northern hemisphere is delayed and shortened.This delayed seasonal transition of tropical wave activity is associated with a delayed seasonal transition of simulated mean precipitation.The mean precipitation in April and May shows a double-ITCZ problem,and the horizontal resolution is important to the delayed seasonal transition of wave activity.Because of the coincident seasonal cycle of MRG and TD-type wave activity and tropical cyclone(TC) geneses,the delayed seasonal transition of wave activity may imply a similar problem of TC genesis in the GCMs,namely,a delayed and shortened TC season in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

The Siberian high(SH)experienced a decline from the 1970s to 1990s and a recovery in recent years.The evolution of the SH under global warming is unclear.In this study,41 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5(CMIP5)climate models are evaluated in terms of their ability to simulate the temporal evolution of the SH in the 19th and 20th centuries and the spatial pattern of the SH during 1981–2005.The results show that 12models can capture the temporal evolution of the SH center intensity(SHCI)for 1872–2005.The linear correlation coefficient between the SHCI from the Twentieth Century Reanalysis and the simulated SHCI from the multi-model ensemble(MME)of the 12 models is 0.3 on annual and inter-annual scales(above the 99%confidence level).On decadal and multi-decadal time scales,the MME also captures the pronounced reduction(between 1981–2000and 1881–1900 period)and the recovery(during1991–2005)of the SH intensity.Finally,the future evolution of the SH is investigated using the MME of the 12models under the+4.5 and+8.5 W m-2 Representative Concentration Pathway(RCP)scenarios(RCP4.5 and RCP8.5).It is shown that the SHCI,similar to the SHCI in the 20th century,has no significant long-term trend in the 21st century under global warming(RCP8.5 scenario).At the end of 21st century(2081–2100),the SH shows stronger interannual variability than the SH at the end of20th century(1981–2000).The increased interannual variability likely favors the increased interannual variability in winter air temperature over midlatitude Eurasia at the end of 21st century.  相似文献   

Based on 18 global climate models’ simulations of the 20th century climate, a set of experiments within phase five of the Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project (CMIP5), the performances of simulating the present climate over China are assessed. Compared with observations, models can capture the dominant features of the geographic distributions of temperature and precipitation during 1961-2005. For the temporal changes of temperature, models appear to have a good performance on reproducing the warming tendency but show limited skills for precipitation. For the regional mean temperature and precipitation over the whole of China, most models underestimate the actual temperature and overestimate precipitation. Concerning the standard deviations of simulations by the 18 models, they are larger for temperature in the western part of China, while the standard deviations are larger for precipitation in the South.  相似文献   

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