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The Sun is not only a source of energy but also a tremendous source of interplanetary disturbances. The continuous stream of plasma (solar wind) is propelled by a pressure gradient near the photosphere. The pressure gradient and the Sun's gravitational field drive the plasma to supersonic velocities at the Earth's orbit. Solar activity is discussed in terms of the characteristics of the origin, x-ray flare class, optical classification, radio emission, energy particle emission and geophysical effects. Solar activities during March–June 1991 and February 20–21, 1994 are but two activities in recent times which resulted in large scale Interplanetary Waves (IPW), medium-scale gravity waves and geomagnetic disturbances. The disturbances of these activities are also discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We calculate the expected counting rate of a flat micrometeoroid detector of finite sensitivity passing in hyperbolic orbit near a planet. We assume that the distribution of particle sizes, s, can be expressed as a power law spectrum of index p, i.e. dN(s) = Cs?pds, and also that the particles encounter the sphere of influence of the planet with a certain speed v. The results of the calculations are then compared with the results returned by Pioneer 10 in its flyby of Jupiter. The observed increase in impact rate near Jupiter can be completely explained in terms of gravitational “focusing” of particles which are in heliocentric orbits; i.e., they are not in orbit about Jupiter. The absolute concentration of particles near the orbit of Jupiter is of the same order as at 1 AU: the exact ratio being a function of particle speed and spectral index. Data from one flyby are insufficient to determine a unique value for both the spectral index, p, and the particle velocity, v, but limits can be set. For reasonable encounter speeds (corresponding to eccentricities and inclinations of dust particles experienced near the Earth), the particles near Jupiter are characterized by a spectrum of index p ~ 3. The spectral index which best fits the data increases with increasing encounter speeds.  相似文献   

Cosmic-ray intensity data recorded with the ground-based neutron monitor at Deep River have been investigated taking into account the associated interplanetary magnetic field and solar-wind plasma data during 1981 – 1994. A large number of days having abnormally high or low amplitudes for five or more successive days as compared to the annual average amplitude of diurnal anisotropy have been taken as high- or low-amplitude anisotropic wave-train events. The amplitude of the diurnal anisotropy of these events is found to increase on days with a magnetic cloud as compared to the days prior to the event, and it is found to decrease during the later period of the event as the cloud passes the Earth. The high-speed solar-wind streams do not play any significant role in causing these types of events. However, corotating solar-wind streams produce significant deviations in cosmic-ray intensity during high- and low-amplitude events. The interplanetary disturbances (magnetic clouds) are also effective in producing cosmic-ray decreases. Hα solar flares have a good positive correlation with both the amplitude and direction of the anisotropy for high-amplitude events, while the principal magnetic storms have a good positive correlation with both amplitude and direction of the anisotropy for low-amplitude events. The source responsible for these unusual anisotropic wave trains in cosmic rays has been proposed.  相似文献   

行星际磁云研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从飞船的观测结果、磁云形态及演化的理论模型、磁流体动力学(MHD)数值模拟、激波对磁云的作用、多重磁云等5个方面,评述了行星际磁云的研究成果及最新进展。在太阳峰年,大部分的非重现性地磁暴都与磁云有关。最近的研究表明,压缩后的磁云往往能产生更大的地磁效应。深入研究磁云对空间天气研究有着特殊的价值,特别是对提高大磁暴的预报水平有着重要帮助。  相似文献   

Motion of the interplanetary dust particle under the action of collisions with much smaller interplanetary dust particles is investigated. The equation of motion is derived. Perturbation equations of celestial mechanics are also discussed. The results are compared with the Poynting-Robertson effect and the effect of solar wind on the motion of the interplanetary dust particles, from the point of view of observational data.  相似文献   

An effect of the solar wind on the motion of interplanetary dust particles is investigated. An equation of motion is derived. It is pointed out that the Pseudo-Poynting-Robertson effect (and its special case — a corpuscular drag) and the corpuscular sputtering represent in reality one and the same effect within the framework of special relativity. In this context perturbation equations of celestial mechanics are also discussed.  相似文献   

After observation of hundreds of Thunderstorm Ground Enhancements (TGEs) we measure energy spectra of particles originated in clouds and directed towards Earth. We use these “beams” for calibration of cosmic ray detectors located beneath the clouds at an altitude of 3200 m at Mount Aragats in Armenia. The calibrations of particle detectors with fluxes of TGE gamma rays are in good agreement with simulation results and allow estimation of the energy thresholds and efficiencies of numerous particle detectors used for studying galactic and solar cosmic rays.  相似文献   

马月华 《天文学进展》1998,16(3):237-241
宇宙尘物质是太阳系最原始的考古样品,比陨星更具有太阳系初始物质的特性,其整体成分更能代表太阳星云的初始丰度和同位素特征。初步综述了目前国内外对宇宙尘的探测、捕集和研究现状以及最新研究进展.  相似文献   

It is shown that substorm activity after a storm sudden commencement (S.S.C.) depends on whether or not an interplanetary shock wave is accompanied by a large increase of the solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling function ε. It has long been thought that substorm activity associated with an S.S.C. results from sudden conversion of magnetic energy stored in the magnetotail and that this conversion is triggered by the shock wave. However, the present result implies that the magnetospheric substorm is not a sudden conversion of stored magnetic energy, but is a direct consequence of increased efficiency of the solar wind-magnetosphere dynamo.  相似文献   

The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) changes and the associated responses of the magnetosphere on November 1, 1972, are examined. IMF Bz changes consisted of a sudden southward turning, a slow northward turning, and a subsequent steady northward sense. Magnetospheric substorms occurred throughout this period.  相似文献   

The problem of the action of the solar radiation on the motion of interplanetary dust particle is discussed. Differences between the action of electromagnetic solar radiation and that of the solar wind are explained not only from the point of view of the physical nature of these phenomena but also from the point of view of dust particle's orbital evolution. As for the electromagnetic solar radiation, general equation of motion for the particle is written and the most important consequences are: (i) the process of inspiralling toward the Sun is not the only possible motion - even spiralling from the Sun is also possible, and, (ii) the orbital plane of the particle (its inclination) may change in time. As for the solar wind, the effect corresponding to the fact that solar wind particles spread out from the Sun in nonradial direction causes that the process of inspiralling toward the Sun is in more than 50% less effective than for radial spread out; in the region of the asteroid belt (long period orbits) the process of inspiralling is changed into offspiralling. Also shift in the perihelion of dust particle's orbit exists.  相似文献   

Solar flare-generated interplanetary clouds are proposed to be treated as oblate spheromaks (oblamaks) with predominantly force-free magnetic field. The solution found for a force-free field equation in spheroidal coordinates makes it possible to describe the spheromak magnetic fields by a series of spheroidal wave functions. Comparison between theoretical and experimental results is shown in the case of the hydromagnetic cloud from the November 22, 1977 flare (STIP Interval IV).  相似文献   

The action of the solar electromagnetic radiation on the motion of interplanetary dust particle of the plane mirror form is investigated. It is shown that for rapidly rotating plane mirror the speed of inspiralling toward the Sun is about a factor of 4 lower than that for spherical mirror of the same cross-sectional area. In principle, it is also possible that the plane mirror can be expelled from the inner part of the Solar System. Presented derivation is a little more general - it is considered that some parts of the incident radiation can be also absorbed or transmitted, not only reflected.Obtained results show that the Poynting-Robertson effect is strongly model-dependent. It is suggested that for real irregular porous particles the speed of inspiralling toward the Sun can be smaller than that for perfectly absorbing sphere. Orbital plane can change in time.  相似文献   

Particle fluxes and pitch angle distributions of relativistic solar protons at Earth's orbit have been determined by Monte Carlo calculations. The analysis covers two hours after the release of the particles from the Sun and total of 8 × 106 particle trajectories were simulated. The pitch angle scattering was assumed to be isotropic and the scattering mean free path was varied from 0.1 to 4 AU.The intensity-time profiles after a delta-like injection from the Sun show that the interplanetary propagation is clearly non-diffusive at scattering mean-free paths above 0.5 AU. All pitch angle distributions have a steady minimum at 90 °, and they become similar about 20 min after the arrival of first particles.As an application, the solar injection profile and the interplanetary scattering mean-free path of particles that gave rise to the GLE on 7 May, 1978 were determined. In contrast to the values of 3–5 AU published by other authors, the average scattering mean-free path was found to be about 1 AU.  相似文献   

The relationship between solar radio emissions and transient interplanetary phenomena is reviewed. It is believed that the most significant advance in recent years has come from coordinated studies of coronal mass ejections and moving type IV bursts, where the evidence appears to favour the Langmuir wave hypothesis as the emission mechanism. Type II bursts are not generally a signature of the main energetic particle acceleration in flares. They do, however, occasionally propagate to 1 AU, and beyond, where they are normally accompanied by protons in the 20 MeV region. Apart from the impulsive microwave burst, there is no reliable radio signature associated with energetic particle acceleration in flares, although many phenomena have high correlations with radio emissions. The exceptions suggest that such correlations may be incidental. Therefore, it is concluded that attention should also be given to events with a positive absence of radio emission in order to make progress in understanding solar processes.Proceedings of the Workshop on Radio Continua during Solar Flares, held at Duino (Trieste), Italy, 27–31 May, 1985.  相似文献   

太阳风行星际闪烁(interplanetary scintillation,IPS)研究在太阳物理,日地空间物理和空间天气学研究中具有重要科学意义,经过近30年重点研究太阳风后,从90年代初开始,IPS研究在太阳风与日球观测的对比分析、行星际扰动与地磁活动预报,观测数据的层析分析三方面都取得了新的进展。  相似文献   

The magnetohydrodynamics of solar-wind flow lead logically to the formation of one warped annular neutral surface that apparently extends from ≈ 2r (solar radii) to the boundary of the heliosphere. The most likely asymptotic configuration for this neutral sheet intersects the heliomagnetic equatorial plane along four corotating arcs. The observer sees a reversal of magnetic polarity on each crossing of the neutral surface, and so interprets each reversal as the crossing of a sector boundary.  相似文献   

It is shown that the interplanetary quantity ε(t), obtained by Perreault and Akasofu (1978), for intense geomagnetic storms, also correlates well with individual magnetospheric substonns. This quantity is given by ε(t) = VB2sin4 (θ2)lo2, where V and B denote the solar wind speed and the magnitude of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), respectively, and θ denotes the polar angle of the IMF; lo is a constant ? 7 Earth radii. The AE index is used in this correlation study. The correlation is good enough to predict both the occurrence and intensity of magnetospheric substonns observed in the auroral zone, by monitoring the quantity ε(t) upstream of the solar wind.  相似文献   

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