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This paper reports two species of the family Pyramidellidae (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia), Otopleura nitida (A. Adams, 1854) and Rugadentia manzakiana (Yokoyama, 1922). The former was from the South China Sea and the latter was from the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. The study was based on the collections deposited in the Marine Biological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This is for the first time that these species have been recorded in China seas. In the current contribution, we describe and illustrate these two species, and compare them with similar species.  相似文献   

Phyllochaetopterus species are widely distributed on the coast of China.Here,Phyllochaetopterus hainanensis n.sp.,a new species collected from Hainan Island(China),is reported.It is characterized by having a V-shaped peristomium,two eyespots covered by a pair of large curved peristomial notopodia(cirri located beneath the palps),13-14 chaetigers in the anterior body region,with three enlarged modified chaetae on the fourth notopodium,and more than five chaetigers in the middle body region.The modified chaeta has a slightly inflated head with an obliquely truncate end.The new species resembles Phyllochaetopterus socialis Claparede,1869,but differs in the shape of peristomial notopodia and peristomium.Twelve species of Phyllochaetopterus have been described from the Pacific Ocean,including the new species described here.An identification key to the known Pacific species is provided together with a brief discussion of the taxonomic value of the eyespots for the genus.  相似文献   

Specimens of a new species of Cerithiidae, Cerithium mangrovum n. sp., were collected during two surveys along the coasts of Hainan and Guangdong Province, China. Usually associated with potamidid snails, this species often occurs in large populations between the mid-high tidal zones in a range of habitats, including mangroves, grass beds, silt, mud, and coral reefs. C. mangrovum n. sp. has a slender and tapering shell and the straight-sided whorl bears three aligned beaded spiral cords. The thick outer lip has a wide posterior sinus. It morphologically resembles C. coralium Kiener, 1841. The shell of C. coralium is usually larger and wider and the spiral cords are not as beaded as in C, mangrovum n. sp. Its radula has a rachidian tooth with a shallow, wide, median basal projection while the rachidian tooth of C. mangrovum n. sp. has a moderately long, median basal projection.  相似文献   

In this paper,three deep-water species of the family Goniasteridae,Ceramaster misakiensis(Goto,1914),Nymphaster arthrocnemis Fisher,1913 and Pontioceramus grandis Fisher,1911,are recorded for the first time from Chinese waters based on collections deposited in the Marine Biological Museum,Chinese Academy of Sciences.The specimens examined were collected during the period 1956 to 1978 from the East China and South China Seas at depths of 184 to 472 m.Diagnosis,detailed figures,and the geographic distributions are provided.A revised list of Goniasteridae recorded from Chinese waters is proposed.  相似文献   

Three new species of Family Mitridae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the South China Sea are described in the present paper. They are Ziba aglais sp. nov. B. LI & S. ZHANG, Neocancilla daidaleosa sp.nov. B. LI & X. LI, and Mitra holkosa sp. nov. B. LI. Their systematic positions are also discussed.  相似文献   

Three new species of Batrachospermum Roth (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta) from China are described in this paper. B. yunnanense sp. nov. has long-cylindrical trichogynes with long stalks and is diagnostic of section Virescentia. Within this section, B. yunnanense is similar to B. helminthosum Bory emend. Sheath et al., but it is dioecious and has curved carpogonial branches, while the latter is monoecious and has straight carpogonial branches. It is also similar to B. transtaganum Reis, but it differs from the latter in long carpogonia,big carposporophytes and carposporangia. It is considered that B. nothocladoideum sp. nov. is assigned to section Contorta, subsection Kushiroense, because its carpogonial branches are twisted and gonimoblast filaments are loosely agglomerated. This new species similar to B. iriomotense Kumano, but with short fascicles, long-ovoid or subpyriform cells, numerous terminal hairs, long-ellipsoid trichogynes, big carposporophytes and small carposporangia. The plant is quite tough and cartilaginous and similar to Nothocladus in gross morphology, but its carposporophytes are compact instead of diffuse. This shows that it may be a transitional species between section Contorta and genus Nothocladus. So, B. transitorium sp. nov. should belong to section Contorta, subsection Kushiroense, because of its curved or twisted carpogonial branches and loosely agglomerated gonimoblast filaments, with globose or subglobose cells in fascicles similar to B. spermatiophorum Vis et Sheath, but no colourless spermatiophores. In terms of small and numerous carposporophytes, B. transitorium sp. nov. is similar to some species of section Batrachospermum. However, their other features are unique, indicating its transitional nature between section Contorta and Batrachospermum.  相似文献   

A new muricid gastropod species,L ataxiena lutescena sp. nov.,is described and illustrated. The new species was recognized during reidentification of the Muricidae collection in the Marine Biological Museum,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao. The specimens of the new species were collected from the East and South China Seas off Fujian,Guangdong,and Hainan Provinces. Lataxiena lutescena sp. nov. is similar to Lataxiena blosvillei(Deshayes,1832) in general shape,but can be distinguished from the latter by the shell sculpture and radular characteristics. Lataxiena lutescena sp. nov. also resembles Lataxiena bombayana(Melvill,1893),but differs from that species in the shell shape and anal notches and in lacking short spines on the shell.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The first published records of genus Batra-chospermum Roth in China are from Jao (1941), when eleven taxa were reported. Since then, Shi, Hu and Kumano (1993), Shi (1994a, 1994b), Hua and Shi (1996), Xie et al. (1999, 2003), Xie and Shi (2003) have described in more detail the species from China. To date, 23 taxa of Batrachospermum Roth in China have been reported, of which, B. yunnanense, B. nothocladoideum and B. transito-rium are new species of this genus, and are…  相似文献   

This paper describes a new species of Nassarius from the South China Sea,which was recognized when re-sorting the collection of Nassariidae in the Marine Biological Museum,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao,China.The shells were collected during several investigations,including the National Comprehensive Oceanic Survey in 1958-1959,and the China-Vietnam Co-Investigation on Marine Resource of the Beibu Gulf during 1959-1962.The morphology of the shell and the radula places the new species of Nassarius within the subgenus Zeuxis.It is named Nassarius(Zeuxis) nanhaiensis sp.nov.  相似文献   

Planaxidae is a family of tropical and subtropical marine gastropods that are adapted to an intertidal, rocky environment. The present study deals with three species in the family Planaxidae from the South China Sea: P lanaxis sulcatus(von Born, 1778), Angiola longispira(Smith, 1872), and S upplanaxis niger(Quoy and Gaimard, 1833), based on specimens deposited in the Marine Biodiversity Collections of the South China Sea, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The taxonomic status, main morphological characteristics of the shell and radula, distribution, and habitat of these three planaxid species are presented. We also briefly discuss their morphological dif ferences and the biogeographic distribution.  相似文献   

Based on material deposited in the Marine Biological Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Qingdao),a new species,Lumbrineris sinensis sp.nov.,as well as Augeneria albidentata(Ehlers,1908),which is recorded for the first time from coastal water of China,are reported in the present paper.The specimens examined were collected during 1958 to 1960 from the Yellow Sea,East China Sea and South China Sea at depths of 4 to 182 m.  相似文献   

Pavlova viridis sp. nov. is described on the basis of light and electron microscope observations. The material was collected from the coast of haiyang county of Shandong, China. It is characterized by 1) yellowish green to green chloroplast, 2) rudimentary short flagellum 0.3 μm long and hook-shaped, 3) long flagellum with small spherical knob-scales, 4) absence of pyrenoid and stigma, and 5) marine habitat. This new species andP. salina seem to be most closely related to each other but their colour, the insertion of their three appendages, the shape of their knob scales, and their cell periplasts are quite different from one another. Contribution No. 1879 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica  相似文献   

Dam construction alters natural flow regimes which,in turn,cause significant changes in fish communities during and after impoundment. The construction of the Three Gorges Reservoir,from impoundment of the Changjiang(Yangtze) River,China,may have affected native fish species. Thus,the status of two lotic freshwater fish species,Coreius heterodon and C.guichenoti,were monitored in the Three Gorges Reservoir,including fish abundance,individual composition,growth,condition,and mortality. Data on both species were gathered from upstream,midstream and downstream areas of the reservoir and,where available,from studies published before and after dam construction. Lower abundance,slower growth,a less diversified age structure,poorer fish condition(indicated by hepatosomatic index) and higher mortalities were recorded in sites nearest the dam compared with upstream areas. Furthermore,after final impoundment,individual Coreius species inhabiting the area changed,with young individuals becoming more abundant,while upstream of the reservoir the two Coreius species became smaller at a given age. The results show that the status of the two Coreius species was subject to dramatic changes after impoundment.  相似文献   

The family Nassariidae includes a number of species that are distributed throughout the world. Each species has a characteristic shell shape, tooth shape, and behavior. However, the classification of species in this family of the Rhachiglossa is controversial. We describe the radulae of 22 species from China in detail using optical and scanning electron microscopy. These species are considered to be representatives of two subfamilies, two genera, and 10 subgenera. Our results suggest that the morphology of the central tooth and the pair of lateral teeth and the presence or absence of a pair of intermediate accessory lateral teeth could be used to distinguish among species. We found no support for the subgeneric differentiation of the species. However, the presence or absence of the intermediate lateral accessory plate was characteristic of species divisions. We noted sexual dimorphism in the shape of the teeth in some species, and considerable variability of the shape of teeth within a single species. Based on our results, the genus Nassarius cannot be split into subgenera using radula morphology.  相似文献   

Skeletonema tropicum is regarded as a species with an affinity to warm waters and it has never been reported in seas where temperatures drop below 11°C in winter. Previous studies in China reported that S. tropicum was restricted to subtropical and warm temperate seas (East and South China Seas), but the species was recently found during August cruises of 2009 and 2010 in Jiaozhou Bay, Yellow Sea, located several hundred kilometers to the north. Here, winter water temperatures often drop below 5°C. Identification of S. tropicum was confirmed under light and scanning electronic microscopes and maximum cell abundance in Jiaozhou Bay was estimated as 1.73×10 4 cell/L. This record of S. tropicum in Jiaozhou Bay represents a significant northward expansion in the geographic range of the species. Ship ballast water was identified as a possible carrier of S. tropicum from southern places along Chinese coastline, and in addition, thermal pollution from local power stations and seawater desalination plants may provide suitable conditions for species over-wintering.  相似文献   

Male and female adult midges ofPseudosmittia aizaiensis sp.n. are described and illustrated with figures of morphological characters. The inferior volsella of gonocoxite with large lobes, the long but equal width gonostylus, and the small projection in basal part of outer margin are the characters that may separate this species from others. One larva of this genus is purely aquatic in habitat and is associated with Cricotopus bicinctus,Cardiocladius capucinus andPolypedilum sp. in the same algae debris (Spirogyra sp.) of the Dunghe River. Further, the larva's very short SI and SII bifids, its 5 pairs of lateral teeth on mentum and its absence of premandible brush are the characters that may also separate this species from any known species of this genus.  相似文献   

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