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According to loess and palaeosol climatic record, field observation, analysis data and 14C dating, we discuss the climatic changes and the water level fluctuations of Qinghai Lake. It is pointed out that there were four relatively warm and moist stages in Qinghai Lake basin during the Holocene. They formed in the periods from 10,300 yr.B.P. to 8,500 yr.B.P., 7,000 yr.B.P. to 3,500 yr.B.P., 2,800 yr.B.P. to 2,000 yr.B.P. and from 1,300 yr.B.P. up to now. The climate in the Holocene optimum period, from 7,000 yr.B.P. to 3,500 yr.B.P., was much warmer and moister than that today. Polypodium plant grew luxuriantly around Qinghai Lake. The annual temperature was 2.5℃ higher than that today, but there was no forest at Qinghai Lake shore. It is found that there was a good relationship between precipitation and water level fluctuation. In warm and moist period water level was high and in the cold and dry period it was low in the Holocene. There were four high water level periods for Qinghai Lake in the Holocen  相似文献   


The total organic carbon (TOC) content series from the lake sediment of Minqin Basin (100°57′–104°57′E, 37°48′–39°17′N) in northwestern China, which has a 10 000-year-long paleo-climatic proxy record, was used to analyze the Holocene climate changes in the local region. The proxy record was established in the Sanjiaocheng (SJC), Triangle Town in Chinese, Section (103°20′25″E, 39°00′38″N), which is located at the northwestern boundary of the present Asian summer monsoon in China, and is sensitive to global environmental and climate changes. Applying singular spectrum analysis (SSA) to the TOC series, principal climatic oscillations and periodical changes were studied. The results reveal 3 major patterns of climate change regulated by reconstructed components (RCs). The first pattern is natural long-term trend of climatic change in the local area (Minqin Basin), indicating a relatively wetter stage in early Holocene (starting at 9.5 kaBP), and a relatively dryer stage with a strong lake desiccation and a declined vegetation cover in mid-Holocene (during 7–6 kaBP). From 4.0 kaBP to the present, there has been a gradually decreasing trend in the third reconstructed component (RC3) showing that the local climate changed again into a dryer stage. The second pattern shows millennial-centennial scale oscillations containing cycles of 1 600 and 800 years that have been present throughout almost the entire Holocene period of the last 10 000 years. The third pattern is a millennial-centennial scale variation with a relatively smaller amplitude and unclear cycles showing a nonlinear interaction within the earth’s climate systems.  相似文献   

Based on the δ13C and δ18O fluctuation of lacustrine carbonate, CaCO3 content and sporo-pollen data, a palaeoclimatic history of Bosten Lake during the Holocene has been outlined, several stages of climatic changes are divided, and the following result es are obtained: (1) Palaeoclimatic changes revealed by carbonate isotope around Bosten Lake are basically identical with that revealed by other geological records in Xinjiang. Environmental changes presented apparent Westlies Style model: during cold period, relative humidity increased, δ18O, δ13C and CaCO3 appeared low; but in warm periods, the dry regime aggravated. (2) The temperature reflected by δ18O exist evident features being increase in the late period during the Holocene. Together with the δ13C, pollen and CaCO3 analyses, several cold and warm phases which are of broad regional significance can be identified. The warm peaks occurred at about 11.0 ka B.P., 9.4 ka B.P., 7.5 ka B.P., 5.0 ka B.P., 3.0 ka B.P. and 2.0 ka B.P.; the cold peaks at 11.5 ka B.P., 10.5 ka B.P., 8.8 ka B.P., 5.5 ka B.P., 3.3 ka B.P., 2.2 ka B.P. and 1.5 ka B.P.. (3) Several climatic events with the nature of “abrupt climatic changes” are revealed in the periods of 11.0 ka B.P. −10.5 ka B.P., 9.4 ka B.P. −8.8 ka B.P., 5.5 ka B.P. −5.0 ka B.P. and 2.0 ka B.P. −1.5 ka B.P.. (4) The results show that carbonate isotopic record of lacustrine sediment in arid area is very sensitive to climatic changes, and may be play a very important role in understanding the features and mechanism of palaeoclimatic changes.  相似文献   

A great number of geologic records has shown that the climatic environment in Xinjiang in the Holocene was mainly characterized by warm-dry, although alternated with sub-fluctuations, several important boundaries of environmental changes can also be determined as follows: 12,000 a B.P., 9000 a B. P., 3000 a B.P., 1500 a B.P. and 400 a B.P.. Since the Holocene, Xinjiang has undergone the influence of two kinds of environmental development patterns (the westerly type and the monsoon type), so the hydro-thermal disposal here was much more complicated. Generally speaking, the neoglacials of Xinjiang are characteristics of cold (cool)-humid and in the Climatic Optimal, it is dominated by warm-humid conditions in spite of being intercalated several sub-fluctuations of warm-dry intervals.  相似文献   


The rapid shrinkage of the surface area reflects the long-term deficit water budget of Qinghai Lake. Study of the yearly hydrology and meteorology in the lake catchment basin and the hydrologic factors as well as water budget led to the conclusion that evaporation exceeding the water input resulted in the drop of lake level, thai the obvious decrease of runoff to the lake and precipitation on the catchment accelerated the falling of lake level before 1987. and that increase of about 6.7% in rainfall on the whole basin will balance the lake's water budget.  相似文献   

Before the end of the Ming Dynasty to the early of the Qing Dynasty, climate was warm, and heat energy was plentiful, so double-cropping of rice in Taihu Lake basin could grow without any protection. Later the global climate entered the Little Ice Age, the double-cropping of rice was extirpated nearly, grain output decreased heavily. After the Little Ice Age, although, the global climate got warm, sometimes, the thermal condition was enough for two crops no three crops one year throughout the period. So both the area and output of of double-cropping of rice was fluctuated with variation of cold/ warm. The condition of heat energy, with the movement of climatic zone, becomes a sensitive factor effecting grain production. Recently, as CO2concentra-tion in atmosphere is increasing, climate is getting warm. With the comprehensive effect of such warming and natural cooling trend, the climate in Taihu Lake basin shows the following trend: warm in winter, cooling in summer, decreasing of annual accumulated tem  相似文献   

Two hundred and thirty-five samples collected from Weinan loess section (L2 – S0) have been analyzed by TOC (total organic carbon) and pyrolysis hydrocarbons. The curve of TOC with depth has been set up and compared well with other climatic markers. The main periods of TOC variation of the last 0.14 Ma are 67.08 ka and 18.29 ka, which is near with the periods of the variation of sunshine, showing that the TOC variation may be controlled by the variation of 65°N sun-shine. The distribution of pyrolysis hydrocarbon and its parameters shows that there are two kinds of hydrocarbon associated with climatic change. One is called hydrocarbon pyrolysted directly from organism (pHC2–1) which is in the range of T max350°C – 500°C, and associated with atmospheric water. The other is called carbonate inclusion hydrocarbon (pHC2–2) which is in the range of T max 500°C – 600°C and formed by evaporation and associated with dry climate. The formula calculating humidity has been deduced Og=pHC2–1/(pHC2–1 + pHC2–2). The range of humidity of the section is 47% – 77% and the reducing order is S1–3, S1–2, S0, S1–1, S1–4, S1–1, L1–1, L1–3, and L1–5. And the trend of the humidity is still increasing today.  相似文献   

Based on investigations of the Zhongwei Nanshan aeolian section situated in the southeastern margin of Tengger Dcsert, carbon-14 and TL (thermoluminescence) dating results and paleoclimatic proxies such as magnetic susceptibility and grain size, we inferred that the northwestern margin of East Asian monsoon region experienced abrupt climatic changes during the last deglaciation. Six oscillation events were identified: Oldest Dryas, Belling, Older Dryas, AllerФd, lntra-AllerФd Cold Period (1ACP) and Younger Dryas (YD). The summer monsoon was weaker during Oldest Dryas and Younger Dryas when the winter monsoon was stronger. However, during the B/A (BФlling/AllerФd) period, the summer monsoon strengthened, reflected by magnetic susceptibility, when the winter monsoon also became strong, which is different from the paleoclimatic pattern established in the East Asian monsoon region. Furthermore,the summer monsoon was nearly in phase with the climate changes inferred from the oxygen isotopic records of Greenland ice cores. It could be speculated that the variations of the sea ice cover in the high latitudes of the North Hemisphere affected the high pressure of Asian continent and the changes of the winter monsoon inland. On the other hand,the sea ice cover variations might have indirectly caused the occurrence of ENSO events that has tightly been related to the summer monsoon in northwest margin of East Asian monsoon region.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThedistingnishingc~teristicsofQinghaboe,thebiewstsalinelakeinCfuna,are:vastwaterm,higheleVation,closeddrinagbasinandattrativenaedland-scape.The~clakeleveldIDPsincethebegiwhngofthiscentwhascausedaseriesofenvironrnntalProblems(degenndionofghanggIaSSlandaIDunthelake,desertffica-tioninthebeacharea,aeOianerosionoftheeXposedlakebed,deCrainwaersuPPliesandincreaseinthewaterndnends).IncentalAsia,mostofthewell-knOWnlargelakes,includingla.kessuchasIssyk-kul(SeVaStyanvandSndmov,l…  相似文献   

The typical regions of the Taihu Lake Basin,China,were selected to analyze the variation characteristics of river-lake networks under intensive human activities.The characteristics of the fractal dimension of river networks and lakes for different periods were investigated and the influences of river system evolution on water level changes were further explored through the comparison of their fractal characters.The results are as follows:1) River network development of the study area is becoming more monotonous and more simple;the number of lakes is reducing significantly,and the water surface ratio has dropped significantly since the 1980s.2) The box dimension of the river networks in all the cities of the study area decreased slowly from the 1960s to the 1980s,while the decrease was significant from the 1980s to the 2000s.The variations of lake correlation dimension are similar to those of the river network box dimensions.This is unfavorable for the storage capacity of the river networks and lakes.3) The Hurst exponents of water levels were all between 0.5 and 1.0 from the 1960s to the 1980s,while decreased in the 2000s,indicating the decline in persistence and increase in the complexity of water level series.The paper draws a conclusion that the relationship between the fractal dimension of river-lake networks and the Hurst exponents of the water level series can reveal the impacts of river system changes on flood disasters to some extent:the disappearance of river networks and lakes will increase the possibility of flood occurrence.  相似文献   

1 STUDIEDREGIONANDANALYSISMETHODLocatedatnorthwesternmarginofTenggerDesertand70kmnortheastofMinqinCountyinGansuProvince,QingtuLakebelongstotheShiyangRiverDryDelta,andthealtitudeis1292-1310m.Theregionhasthecharacteroftemperatecontinentalariddesertcli…  相似文献   


遥感与GIS的青海湖岸线分维研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了TM图像以及分形几何学对青海湖岸线问题的求解算法,同时估算了不同像元尺度下,青海湖的岸线长度得出青海湖岸线的分形维数为1.0237,并探讨了其地学意义,研究表明,分形维数不仅是一种可行的表达岸线特征的方法,而且岸线分维数的计算可大大减少工作量和提高工作效率,可见遥感与GIS技术在岸线分维数的计算中,具有十分良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONInthepaper,thewetlandinQinghaiLakedrainageareameansthemiremeadowintheregion.Itsformationanddevelopmentareclosel...  相似文献   

In recent years, sedimentation conditions in Dongting Lake have varied greatly because of significant changes in runoff and sediment load in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River following the construction of Three Gorges Dam. The topography of the lake bottom has changed rapidly because of the intense exchange of water and sediment between the lake and the Changjiang River. However, time series information on lake-bottom topographic change is lacking. In this study, we introduced a method that combines remote sensing data and in situ water level data to extract a record of Dongting Lake bottom topography from 2003 to 2011. Multi-temporal lake land/water boundaries were extracted from MODIS images using the linear spectral mixture model method. The elevation of water/land boundary points were calculated using water level data and spatial interpolation techniques. Digital elevation models of Dongting Lake bottom topography in different periods were then constructed with the multiple heighted waterlines. The mean root-mean-square error of the linear spectral mixture model was 0.036, and the mean predicted error for elevation interpolation was -0.19 m. Compared with field measurement data and sediment load data, the method has proven to be most applicable. The results show that the topography of the bottom of Dongting Lake has exhibited uneven erosion and deposition in terms of time and space over the last nine years. Moreover, lake-bottom topography has undergone a slight erosion trend within this period, with 58.2% and 41.8% of the lake-bottom area being eroded and deposited, respectively.  相似文献   

以青藏高原西南部塔若错的34cm浅湖芯为研究对象,对其沉积物样品进行总有机碳、无机碳、总氮、微量元素、正构烷烃含量及碳氮比等多项指标的分析测定。采用过剩210 Pb和137 Cs计年法对该湖芯进行了定年和沉积速率研究,获得了近300年的连续湖泊沉积环境序列。在明确了各指标气候环境指示意义的前提下,综合对比分析湖芯中各项气候环境指标,并结合定年结果重建了塔若错湖区近300年来的气候环境变化。结果表明:塔若错湖区气候环境变化可分为3个明显阶段:早期为1705~1778年,该地区气候环境温暖湿润,湖区植被广泛发育;中期为1778~1860年,湖区处于小冰期末次阶段,气候环境寒冷而湿润,植被发育受阻;后期为1860年至今,为小冰期结束后偏暖干化时期。其中,后期又可分为3个亚阶段:1860~1924年,湖区气候环境稍暖且干旱,植被稍有发育;1924~1969年,湖区气候环境呈现偏冷干特点,植被发育暂缓;1969年至今,湖区气候回暖,环境干旱化有所缓解,植被开始逐渐发育。在气候冷暖变化上,该湖芯记录与古里雅冰芯记录和青海湖湖泊沉积记录都有较好的可对比性,只是在起讫年代上存在一些差异。  相似文献   

Dongting Lake is internationally an important wetland.We summarized the conception,func-tion,classification and current situation of the wetland-landscape culture in this region.The results showed that the cul-ture of Dongting Lake wetland was rich in diversity,which are the Rice Cultivation Culture,high-balustrade dwelling,Nuo Culture,Ship Culture ,Dragon Boat Culture,Chu Culture,Ancient Architecture Landscape,Wetland Foodstuff and Cuisine Culture,Civil Art.Historic Heritage and Cultural Relics,Revolutionary Sites and Ruins,and Production and Living Culture,etc.We also evaluated the eco-tourism value of wetland landscape culture,and analyzed its features and orientation.The results revealed that the south Dongting Lake wetland plays role on the Changjiang(Yangtze)River reaches civilization and Chinese civilization,even has great influence on the global civilization.We summarized that the soul of the south Dongting Lake Culture was Wetland Culture ,Water Culture,Rice Cultivation and Chu Culture.The thoughts ,principles and approaches of sustainable exploitation and utilization of the wetland landscape culture were formulat-ed and suggested.  相似文献   

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