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The objective of this study is to construct a numerically dated chronology of the last interglacial paleosol (S1) in Chinese loess using luminescence dating. The recuperated optically stimulated luminescence (ReOSL) dating approach was applied to 18 closely-spaced (20 cm intervals) samples, with 15 of these collected from the S1 unit at the Weinan site, which is located at the southeastern margin of the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP). By using the multiple-aliquot regenerative-dose (MAR) approach, 18 fine-grained quartz ReOSL equivalent dose (DE) values, spanning about 249–466 Gy, were obtained. The validity of ReOSL MAR protocol was checked by dose recovery measurements and recycling ratio tests. By comparison of the dose-response curves of all the samples, we found that it is feasible to construct a standardized growth curve (SGC) for the ReOSL signal at the Weinan site. Considering the effects of pedogenesis of the S1 unit during formation, the dose rate during the last interglacial was corrected, which should be beneficial for constructing a more reliable chronology. Finally, a detailed chronology of the S1 unit was established. The results show that S1 was deposited between approximately 76–127 ka, which confirms the early suggestion that the S1 unit in Chinese loess corresponds to the whole marine oxygen-isotope stage (MIS) 5. The detailed ReOSL chronology of S1 indicates the consistency of the substrata of S1 with MIS 5a-e, but cannot determine whether they are exactly coeval. According to the present ReOSL age results, it is suggested that dust deposition is continuous at timescales larger than 14.1 ± 11.8 ky during the last interglacial and there is no hiatus longer than 4.4 ± 13.0 ky at the L2/S1 transition. Further work, e.g. minimizing the errors on ages and reducing the luminescence sampling intervals, is needed to understand the more detailed dust deposition conditions during the last interglacial in Chinese loess.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, magnetoclimatological studies of loess-paleosol sequences in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) have made outstanding achievements, which greatly promote the understanding of East Asian paleomonsoon evolution, inland aridification of Asia, and past global climate changes. Loess magnetic properties of the CLP have been well studied. In contrast, loess magnetic properties from outside the CLP in China have not been fully understood. We have little knowledge about the magnetic properties of loess in the Ili Basin, an intermontane depression of the Tianshan (or Tien Shan) Mountains. Here, we present the results of rock magnetic measurements of the Ili loess including mass magnetic susceptibility (χ) and anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), high/low temperature dependence of susceptibility (TDS) and hysteresis, as well as X-ray diffraction (XRD) for mineral analysis. Based on the comparison with loess-paleosol sequences in the CLP (hereafter referred to as the Chinese loess), we discuss the possible magnetic susceptibility enhancement mechanism of the Ili loess. The results show that 1) the total magnetic mineral concentration of the Ili loess is far lower than that of the Chinese loess, though they have similar magnetic mineral compositions. The ferrimagnetic minerals in the Ili loess are magnetite and maghemite, and the antiferromagnetic mineral is hematite; XRD analysis also identifies the presence of ilmenite. The ratio of maghemite is lower in the Ili loess than in the Chinese loess, but the ratios of magnetite and hematite are higher in the Ili loess than in the Chinese loess. 2) The granularity of magnetic minerals in the Ili loess, dominated by pseudo-single domain (PSD) and multi-domain (MD) grains, is generally much coarser than that of the Chinese loess. Ultrafine pedogenically-produced magnetic grains have a very limited contribution to the susceptibility enhancement. Rather, PSD and MD particles of magnetite and maghemite are the main contributors to the enhancement of susceptibility in the Ili loess. 3) The susceptibility enhancement mechanism for the Ili loess is complicated and superimposes both a wind velocity/vigor model (Alaskan or Siberian model) and the in situ ultrafine grain pedogenic model; the former might play an important role in the Ili loess. 4) Magnetic susceptibility enhancements of the Ili loess are related not only to the eolian input of the source area, but also to the local climate, landform, and geological background. Therefore, great care should be taken when reconstructing paleoclimate using magnetic susceptibility data from the Ili loess.  相似文献   

The high-resolution quantitative analysis of the planktonic foraminifera and the δ18O records of the section between 96.49– 137.6 mcd at ODP Site 1144 on the continental slope of northern South China Sea reveals an abrupt cooling event of sea surface temperature (SST) during the last interglacial (MIS 5.5, i.e. 5e). The dropping range of the winter SST may come to 7.5°C corresponding to 1.2‰ of the δ18O value of sea surface water. This event is comparable with those discovered in the west Europe and the northern Atlantic Ocean, but expressed in a more intensive way. It is inferred that this event may have been induced by middle- to low-latitude processes rather than by polar ice sheet change. Since the Kuroshio-index speciesPulleniatina obliquiloculata displayed the most distinct change at the event, it may also be related to the paleoceanographic change of the low-latitude area in the western Pacific Ocean. This event can be considered as one of “Younger Dryas-style coolings” and is indicative of climate variability of the last interglacial stage.  相似文献   

The KLY-4S Kappabridge and KLF-4A Magnetic Susceptibility Meter enable automated measurement of susceptibility variation with field in the ranges of 2–450 A/m and 5–300 A/m (in effective values), respectively. Unfortunately, the measurement accuracy decreases with decreasing field and it is not easy to decide whether the susceptibility variation at the lowest fields is natural phenomenon or results from measuring errors. To overcome this problem, the accuracies of both the above instruments were investigated experimentally using artificial specimens (mixture of pure magnetite and plaster of Paris) with variable susceptibilities ranging from 1 × 10−5 to 5 × 10−2. The complete curve of the field variation of susceptibility of each specimen was measured 10 times and the relative error was calculated for each field. In the KLY-4S Kappabridge, in specimens with susceptibilities higher than 100 × 10−6, the relative errors are lower than 3% in all fields and lower than 1% in the fields stronger than 10 A/m. In the KLF-4A Magnetic Susceptibility Meter, in relatively strongly magnetic specimens with susceptibilities 5 × 10−4 to 5 × 10−2, the relative error is less than 1.5% in the entire field range. While the former instrument is convenient for investigating almost all rock types, the latter instrument is convenient for measuring moderately and strongly magnetic specimens. To facilitate work with field variation of susceptibility curves, showing variable accuracies with field, the programme FieldVar was written. One of its options is plotting the measured data with corresponding field-variable error bars. In this way, a tool is offered for interpreting such susceptibility changes that are sound and reasonable from the point of view of measuring accuracy.  相似文献   

The selection of high-resolution loess sections is needed in order to determine the climatic variability of the East Asian Monsoon during the last interglacial. Two sequences of S1 on the eastern and west-ern sides of the Liupan Mountain were both composed of five paleosol layers and four loess layers,indicating that there were five strong summer monsoon events and four strong winter monsoon events in MIS5. This corresponds with other records of the East Asian Monsoon,along with NGRIP and the North Atlantic records,implying that the climate of the Northern Hemisphere was very instable during the last interglacial. Two layers of paleosols and one layer of loess had developed during MIS5a and MIS5c. Compared with MIS5e,the climate in MIS5a and MIS5c fluctuated more intensively on a millen-nial scale,whereas the climate was relatively stable in MIS5e.  相似文献   

In most Chinese loess–paleosol sequences, high magnetic susceptibility values are found in the soil horizons, with low values in the loess layers. The susceptibility signal has been widely used as a proxy climatic indicator. However, both the causes and mechanisms which control susceptibility still remain controversial. Our recent studies challenge some earlier interpretations of the magnetic susceptibility signal in Chinese wind-blown sediments. First, the prevailing hypothesis of pedogenic origin cannot totally account for the susceptibility variations in many sections. Second, in some cases, the principal carrier of the magnetization seems not to be the ultrafine pedogenic minerals, rather coarse lithogenic magnetic minerals derived from local sources can also contribute significantly to the susceptibility signal. Finally, not all the Chinese soils have higher susceptibility values than that of loess or sand layers, opposite relationships do exist. It is concluded that the source and causes of susceptibility may be different from site to site or even at different times at a given site. Any single hypothesis cannot completely account for the susceptibility variations in the Chinese Loess Plateau and its surrounding regions. Besides the previous explanations of carbonate leaching, pedogenic processes and organic decomposition, the contribution of source materials to magnetic susceptibility must also be taken into account.  相似文献   

A detailed rock magnetic investigation of loess/palaeosol samples from the section at Lingtai on the central Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) is presented. Thermal demagnetisation of isothermal remanent magnetisation (IRM) and Curie temperature measurements suggest the presence of magnetite, maghemite and hematite as remanence carrying components. Bulk and grain size fractionated samples have been analysed using coercivity spectra of remanence acquisition/demagnetisation curves, which identify four main remanence carriers in different grain size fractions of loesses and palaeosols. A linear source mixing model quantifies the contribution of the four components which have been experimentally derived as dominating endmembers in specific grain size fractions. Up to two thirds of the total IRM of the palaeosols are due to slightly oxidised pedogenic magnetite. Two detrital components dominate up to 90% of the IRM of the loess samples and are ascribed to maghemite of different oxidation degree. Detrital hematite is present in all samples and contributes up to 10% of the IRM. The iron content of the grain size fractions gives evidence that iron in pedogenically grown remanence carriers does not originate from the detrital iron oxides, but rather from iron-bearing clays and mafic silicates. The contribution of pedogenic magnetite to the bulk IRM increases with the increasing degree of pedogenesis, which depends in turn on climate change.  相似文献   

Zhang  Yueting  Wu  Naiqin  Li  Fengjiang  Hao  Qingzhen  Dong  Yajie  Zhang  Dan  Lu  Houyuan 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(9):1408-1421
Eco-environmental changes during interglacials with an astronomical background similar to that of the Holocene are potentially helpful for understanding the future climatic evolution. Marine oxygen isotope stage(MIS) 19 is similar to the Holocene in astronomical background, both being characterized by a low eccentricity of the Earth's orbit. However, MIS 19 has attracted research attention only recently and therefore less is known about eco-environmental changes during this interval,especially based on terrestrial records. In the Chinese Loess Plateau(CLP), the S7 paleosol can provide valuable terrestrial paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental record for MIS 19. Here, high-resolution terrestrial snail records from the L8–L7 strata of the Huining, Xifeng and Luochuan sequences in the CLP were analyzed in order to characterize spatio-temporal changes in climate and eco-environment during MIS 20–18. The results show that in all three sections the late part of MIS 20 was dominated by abundant cold-aridiphilous mollusc species, indicating that cold and dry climatic conditions prevailed across the entire CLP,under the strong influence of the winter monsoon. The mollusc fauna of MIS 19 were dominated by warmth-loving and thermohumidiphilous species that enable the definition of two climatic stages. The early part of MIS 19(~790–778 ka) was marked by warm and humid conditions, as evidenced by high abundances of warmth-loving and thermo-humidiphilous species. This interval was slightly warmer than today and it lasted for ~12 kyr. The climate of the later part of MIS 19(~778–761 ka) was more moderate, and increased proportions of cold-aridiphilous and warmth-loving species were recorded. The warmth of this period was similar to that of today, but the climatic fluctuations were stronger. During the early part of MIS 18(~761–745 ka), the Xifeng and Luochuan sections in the eastern CLP still maintained high abundances of warmth-loving and thermo-humidiphilous species, indicating that the moderate climatic conditions during late MIS 19 continued during early MIS 18, lasting for another~15 kyr, and that the influence of the summer monsoon remained strong in the eastern CLP during early MIS 18. However, in the western CLP, cold-aridiphilous species in the Huining section became dominant during early MIS 18, reflecting the prevalence of a cold and dry glacial climate, with the strong influence of the winter monsoon. These findings indicate that a steeper climatic gradient and a pronounced regional environmental difference existed between the eastern and western CLP during the early part of MIS 18. Comparison of our mollusc results with the variation of Earth orbital parameters suggested that climate changes in the CLP during MIS 20–18 were likely controlled mainly by insolation changes forced by the configuration of Earth orbital parameters. The unique orbital configuration during the low eccentricity interglacial-to-glacial transition could have strengthened the East Asian summer monsoon which favored the amelioration of the eco-environment in the CLP, especially in the eastern CLP where the summer monsoon exerted a strong influence. Thus we speculate that, under natural climatic conditions,the climate of the CLP may remain in a warm, humid state for another 30 kyr, although climatic instability and the seasonal differences between winter and summer could strengthen.  相似文献   

Summary Magnetic susceptibility, and its frequency dependence, are reported for 288 individual samples spanning the 8.3 m — thick S3 palaeosol/L4 loess couplet at an important site in the Chinese Loess Plateau. The resulting profile demonstrates that there is a very close link between magnetic properties and soil development: soil and loess sub-divisions recognised visually in the field are clearly reflected in both the bulk susceptibility data and in its frequency dependence. As found at all Chinese sites, the distribution of susceptibilities is bi-modal, one peak representing loess (median=0.74×10−6m3/kg), the other representing palaeosol (median=2.99×10−6m3/kg). This is the basis of the climatic proxy information. The Baoji section is the site of one of the most detailed grain-size analyses available anywhere (Ding et al., 1994), and we find a strong correlation between the resulting profile and the susceptibility data reported here. Frequency-dependence of susceptibility exhibits slight differences between the loess and palaeosol populations which we interpret as reflecting reduced transport distances during glacial intervals when the Siberian High causes stronger winds and expands southwards.  相似文献   

The dominant magnetic minerals and carriers of magnetic signals within the Chinese Loess Plateau are magnetite, maghemite, hematite, and goethite. In this study, we investigated the provenance and evolution of magnetic minerals during loess pedogenesis, using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and optical and electron microscopy, including field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Our results reveal that single- and multiphase mineral assemblages among magnetic minerals in the loess-paleosol sequence have been formed. Partial oxidation of coarse eolian magnetite has occurred in the desert source area and the oxidation degree is enhanced after deposition of the dust upon the Chinese Loess Plateau. This mode of origin resulted in a microtexture consisting of an inner magnetite core surrounded by a hematite rim, and strongly affected the magnetic characteristics of the loess. Goethite coexists with hematite in the loess and paleosol, and nanometer-scale hematite is formed upon goethite rims via dehydration. Our study provides direct mineralogical evidence of the magnetic record and paleoclimatic implications of the loess-paleosol sequence of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40772032 and 40573054) and National Basic Research Program (Grant No. 2007CB815603)  相似文献   

Rock magnetic studies of three loess-palaeosol sections from Bulgaria (Harletz and Orsoja in the NW and Durankulak in the NE at the Black Sea coast) have been carried out. Thermomagnetic analyses of magnetic susceptibility point to magnetite as the major ferrimagnetic carrier in the loess and palaeosol units. Maghemite gives a significant contribution to the total magnetic signal in the recent soils (S0), while in one of the sections-Orsoja-hematite may also be present. The effective magnetic grain sizes deduced from the hysteresis measurements and the ratios Mrs/Ms and Bcr/Bc fall in the pseudo single domain (PSD) range, but the data distributions in a Day diagram for the three different sections are shifted. This is suggested to be caused by different detrital input (e.g. different dust source areas) and varying degrees of pedogenic modification. The calculated background susceptibilities χbg differ significantly as well. The lowest value is obtained for the Durankulak section-χbg = 9.95 × 10−8 m3/kg, which is in accordance with the data from other studies of loess-palaeosol profiles from the Black Sea area. The corresponding background susceptibilities for the other two sections studied-Harletz and Orsoja-are significantly higher (33.1 and 17.75 × 10−8 m3/kg, respectively). Both parent material and pedogenesis are found to be responsible for the observed differences in the magnetic characteristics.  相似文献   

南海北部陆区岩石磁化率的矿物学研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于2517套现场测量资料,245块岩石样品的体积磁化率测量和详细的岩矿鉴定及硅酸盐全分析结果,结合单矿物磁化率特征及各岩石之间的对比研究,发现岩石磁化率主要受组成岩石的矿物磁化率控制.即岩石磁化率(κr)与组成岩石各个矿物磁化率(κi)及其体积含量(Ci)成正比.例如侵入岩磁化率,κr= -5.68×102Cq +2.86×102Cf +3.28×102Ca +1.18×104Cb +1.27×104Cam +5.35×105Cm;其中多项式各项的系数是与该矿物磁化率值成正比的常数,C为该矿物在该岩石中的体积含量,依次为石英q(κ=-1.3)、斜长石f(κ=0.01)、碱性长石a(κ=0.01)、黑云母b(κ=100)、角闪石am(κ=80)和磁铁矿m(κ=100000).对区内火山岩、侵入岩、沉积岩和变质岩磁化率研究发现,其他三类岩石磁化率与其组成矿物磁化率的关系和侵入岩的情况相同,矿物对岩石磁化率的贡献顺序为铁磁性矿物>顺磁性矿物>逆磁性矿物.其中,火成岩磁化率变化大,主要取决于岩石中磁铁矿、角闪石和黑云母的含量;沉积岩多为无磁性、弱磁性,其磁化率主要由黑云母、碱性长石及岩屑提供;变质岩的磁性变化较大,从无磁性到极强磁性,主要决定于其原岩的类型,副变质岩(沉积原岩)磁化率类似于沉积岩类,正变质岩(火成原岩)类似于火成岩类;石英岩和碳酸盐岩是所有岩石中磁性最弱的.岩石蚀变会对其磁化率产生显著性影响,通常,黑云母、角闪石等铁镁硅酸盐矿物经蚀变会因形成含铁质氧化物而使岩石的磁化率升高;长石等弱顺磁矿物的粘土矿化、绢云母化会升高磁化率而碳酸盐化、高岭土化作用会使磁化率降低;岩石的绿泥石化会增加磁化率;含铁磁性矿物的岩石风化时会因高磁性组分破碎、流失而致使岩石的磁化率降低.从岩石磁化率与其组成矿物的磁化率之间的关系,推测地质体的总磁化率与构成地质体各个岩石的磁化率-体积含量之间也应存在类似关系.  相似文献   

The magnetic susceptibility (MS) of Chinese loess showing a general proportional relationship to pedogenic grade has been widely recognized and used for reconstruction of paleoclimate by Quaternary scientists. The in-situ pedogenic enhancement of ferrimagnetic content is normally believed to be the main reason for the increase of susceptibility in soil units. However, this pattern of high magnetic susceptibility in palaeosols, and low values in loess, are not replicated in some loess deposits. Siberian loess deposits display a completely opposite susceptibility behavior: high values in loess and low values in palaeosols. This inverse relationship has been explained by the idea that magnetic susceptibility is reflecting the magnitude of an aeolian ferrimagnetic component of consistent mineralogy, the grain size of which is related to average wind velocity. Our magnetic study of Siberian samples in this paper suggests that there are notable differences in magnetic properties between Siberian loess and developed palaeosols, not only in magnetic grain-size and concentration but also in magnetic mineralogy. This evidence is difficult to explain fully through variation in wind strength alone, but implies that the low magnetic susceptibility values in the Siberian paleosol units are a reflection, at least in part, of the alteration of the ferrimagnetic content by post-depositional processes. The Loess Plateau is a very arid area where potential evaporation is always higher than precipitation; pedogenesis occurs under dry oxidising conditions. The Siberian Kurtak region is located on the edge of the tundra where it is always wet and saturation during interglacials will lead to a reducing pedogenic environment. Ferrimagnetic minerals under this condition will be destroyed, resulting in lower magnetic susceptibility. Therefore, great care should be taken when using susceptibility values for paleoclimatic reconstruction.  相似文献   

The provenance of loess in Chinese Loess Plateau, including origin, transport pathways and source areas, has long been one of the most important questions. In this study, the vertical variations of the luminescence sensitivity of quartz grains from the central Chinese Loess Plateau were investigated by using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques. Our results indicate that the luminescence sensitivity of quartz grains of paleosols can be much higher than that of loess beds. In addition, the quartz grains from the loess-paleosol sequence exhibit a temporal trend in the strength of luminescence sensitivity, characterized by higher values in soils and lower values in loess beds. The OSL sensitivity of quartz grains of the loess-paleosol sequence also shows very similar trend to the magnetic susceptibility and particle size fluctuations, implying that the luminescence sensitivity might be climatic dependent. The possible factors affecting the variations of luminescence sensitivity were discussed including particle size, natural radioactivity, and the provenance of eolian deposits. We suggest that the temporal variations of luminescence sensitivity can be attributed to the retreat-advance of deserts, the different contributions of glacial origin quartz particles associated with mountain processes, and wind patterns during glacial/interglacial cycles. Therefore, the secular variations of luminescence sensitivity of quartz grains are ultimately influenced by past climatic change through its controlling on sediment provenance changes.  相似文献   


风成黄土是陆地上分布最广泛的沉积物之一,记载了各种古气候演化信息.目前巴基斯坦的黄土研究甚少,磁化率与气候对应的变化机制研究尚未开展.本文对位于巴基斯坦印度河平原Bahawalpur地区新发现的黄土-古土壤剖面进行系统的岩石磁学研究,结合粒度和漫反射光谱(DRS)数据,讨论巴基斯坦黄土的磁化率变化机制.实验结果显示:Bahawalpur (BH)剖面黄土层主要的载磁矿物为磁铁矿,同时含有少量磁赤铁矿和针铁矿,磁性颗粒以原生的MD和PSD颗粒为主.相对于黄土层,古土壤层则是以针铁矿为主,含有顺磁性矿物和少量磁铁矿.BH剖面磁化率与成土作用关系和中国黄土高原典型剖面相反,磁化率的变化可能存在一个阈值12.8×10-8m3·kg-1,在阈值之上,强磁性矿物(磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿)占主导;阈值之下,以弱磁性矿物(主要是针铁矿)为主,这种磁性矿物的转变可能导致磁化率降低.本文可为今后利用磁化率解读该地区地层蕴含的古气候信息提供新线索.


Abstract   Magnetic susceptibility and the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility were measured on an 800-cm-thick succession of cumulate gabbro in the Sadm area of the Oman ophiolite. The section contained three distinct cumulate units. The susceptibility tends to decrease upward in each from a melanocratic layer (several tens of centimeters thick) to a leucocratic layer (a few meters thick). The susceptibility decreases in accordance with the decreasing number of magnetite grains, which are the alteration product mainly of olivine minerals. This suggests the cyclic downward accumulation of olivine in the cumulate gabbro. The apparent strain deduced from the patterns of magnetic and grain fabrics was the result mostly of simple shear, so that the layering of gabbro is understood to be formed primarily by a crystal cumulus process followed by simple shear deformation.  相似文献   

Measurements of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of natural lavas have shown that AMS varies with depth within a lava flow. We have investigated the reasons for such variation by studying the effects of temperature and strain rate on the AMS of recent lava in the laboratory. Samples of lava from Kilauea were melted and subjected to a range of strain rate and cooling histories. The results show that the degree of anisotropy is a function of both the thermal and shearing history of a sample. High degrees of anisotropy were found only in samples that were deformed at temperatures close to those encountered during eruption and then rapidly quenched. Lavas subjected to similar shear stresses at high temperatures had low degrees of anisotropy if allowed to cool down slowly without further deformation. Additionally, lava subjected to complex shearing yield a lower degree of anisotropy even when high strain rates were imposed on it. These results lead to the conclusion that only the last phase of deformation is detectable using AMS and that high strain rates will not result in high degrees of anisotropy if either deformation ends while lava is still fluid or if the orientation of the maximum shear stress varies with time. The relation between the orientation of the principal susceptibilities and that of shear is less sensitive to variation on shear with time. Consequently, flow directions can be inferred confidently with this type of measurements.  相似文献   

Correlation of strain with anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Existing correlations between strain and anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility (AMS) have been re-assessed using a single parameter to express both anisotropies. TheP parameter (Hrouda, 1982) shows potential as a powerful single expression of the intensity of strain and of AMS. Previous correlations are improved by use of this parameter. Cautious optimism is justified for correlations between strain and susceptibility in a certain strain window between a lower limit (excluding the incomplete overprint of predeformation anisotropy) and an upper limit (excluding the effects of saturation anisotropy). For successful correlations the influence of stress-controlled recrystallisation should be minimal and the mineralogical sources of susceptibility must predate deformation.  相似文献   


各向异性普遍存在于强磁性体矿物中,为研究各向异性强磁性体磁场响应特征,本文提出一种空间波数混合域三维各向异性磁场数值模拟方法.该方法首先将各向异性强磁性体磁位满足的三维偏微分方程进行水平方向二维傅里叶变换,将其降为不同波数之间相互独立的一维常微分方程;然后加载准确的上下边界条件,采用二次插值有限单元法计算一维常微分方程,得到五对角方程,采用追赶法进行高效求解;最后采用迭代法求解场分量,引入紧算子保证迭代稳定收敛;综合傅里叶变换的高效性、一维方程求解的快速性和迭代算法的稳定性,实现各向异性强磁性体磁场的三维高效、高精度数值模拟.设计各向异性椭球模型验证算法的正确性,并分析紧算子对不同各向异性磁化率模型的迭代收敛性;与COMSOL Multiphysics软件对比计算效率,表明相同节点下本文算法效率优于常规三维有限元方法,且计算节点总数越多优势越明显.重点研究各向异性参数改变对VTI、HTI、TTI强磁介质异常场响应的影响.最后采用某磁铁矿DEM高程数据模拟起伏地形对各向异性强磁性体磁异常场幅值和形态的影响,体现出本文算法对各向异性强磁性体大规模复杂地形的适应性.


通过Bartington MS2 和Kappabridge MFK1-FA两种仪器对黄土-古土壤、红粘土和湖相沉积物样品进行了5个频率的磁化率测试,并计算得到了4个频率磁化率.通过对比分析不同类型样品磁化率-频率变化曲线可知,当样品中细颗粒磁性矿物含量较高时,磁化率在较低频率即可达到峰值,而当样品中细颗粒磁性矿物含量较低时,磁化率在较高频率时才能达到峰值.因此,在黄土-古土壤等样品的应用中,成壤作用较强,细颗粒亚铁磁性矿物含量较高,Bartington MS2的低频(465 Hz)与Kappabridge MFK1-FA的F1(976 Hz)和F2(3905 Hz)频率均处于磁化率峰值区域,可以检测到SP/SD阀值区域颗粒的信息,但是对于红粘土和湖相沉积物等细颗粒亚铁磁性矿物含量较低的样品,磁化率峰值对应的频率较高,MS2型磁化率仪无法有效地检测其中细颗粒的含量,而MFK1-FA中F2(3905 Hz)和F3(15616 Hz)两个频率间的频率磁化率则可以较好地完成这一任务.  相似文献   

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