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Much of the published literature relating to reach‐scale total ?ow resistance concentrates on alluvial rivers and little mention is made of the more extreme resistance found in bedrock‐in?uenced river systems. This paper presents the results of a detailed investigation of total ?ow resistance variation for ?ve channel types on the Sabie River, South Africa (cohesive mixed anastomosed, uncohesive mixed anastomosed, mixed pool–rapid, alluvial braided and alluvial single thread) over a range of discharges. Manning's ‘n’ and Darcy‐Weisbach f resistance coef?cients are calculated using Barnes' methodology (H. H. Barnes, US Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1849, 1967). These data are analysed at the scales of channel type and morphologic unit and the resultant resistance values are compared with the literature. Generally the low‐?ow friction values estimated for the bedrock‐in?uenced channel types are higher than any reported. Flow resistance quanti?cation of the alluvial channel type study sites on the Sabie River produced values slightly higher than earlier studies of similar morphologies. In situations where signi?cant areas of irregular bedrock are exposed (cohesive mixed anastomosed and mixed pool–rapid channel types) the high ?ow resistance coef?cients at low discharges probably re?ect energy dissipation due to hydraulic jumps and internal distortions; however, these values fall as discharge increases to values comparable to those recorded for step–pool rivers. It is suggested that the slightly elevated resistance coef?cients recorded in the alluvial channel types are the result of the vegetation roughness component, operating when the macro‐channel bar features are inundated. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Morphometric variables associated with 41 debris‐?ow and 18 ?uvial fans and their basins in the Southern Alps of New Zealand are examined. The results show statistically signi?cant differences in the area, maximum elevation, relief and ruggedness (Melton's R) of the basin and the area, gradient, and apex and toe elevations of the fan between debris‐?ow and ?uvial sites. Concavity of the fan longitudinal pro?le also differs between the two fan types, although this could not be tested statistically. Most of these morphometric differences re?ect differences in processes and environmental controls on them. Discriminant analysis indicates that basin area and fan gradient best differentiate the two fan types by process. Moderately strong correlations exist, on both debris‐?ow and ?uvial fans, between basin area or Melton's R and fan area. Correlations between basin area or Melton's R and fan gradient are generally weaker. The results of this study also indicate that on debris‐?ow‐prone fans the fan gradient and basin Melton's R have lower thresholds which overlap little with upper thresholds associated with basins where only stream?ow reaches the fan. These thresholds may therefore have value in preliminary morphometric assessments of debris‐?ow hazard on fans in the Southern Alps. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A computational study is presented on the hydraulics of a natural pool–rif?e sequence composed of mixed cobbles, pebbles and sand in the River Lune, northern England. A depth‐averaged two‐dimensional numerical model is employed, calibrated with observed data at the ?eld site. From the computational outputs, the occurrence of longitudinally double peak zones of bed shear stress and velocity is found. In particular, at low discharge there exists a primary peak zone of bed shear stress and velocity at the rif?e tail in line with the local maximum energy slope, in addition to a secondary peak at the pool head. As discharge increases, the primary peak at the rif?e tail at low ?ow moves toward the upstream side of the rif?e along with the maximum energy slope, showing progressive equalization to the surrounding hydraulic pro?les. Concurrently, the secondary peak, due to channel constriction, appears to stand at the pool head, with its value increasing with discharge and approaching or exceeding the primary peak over the rif?e. The existence of ?ow reversal is demonstrated for this speci?c case, which is attributable to channel constriction at the pool head. A dynamic equilibrium model is presented to reconstruct the pool–rif?e morphology. A series of numerical modelling exercises demonstrates that the pool–rif?e morphology is more likely produced by shallow ?ows concentrated with coarse sediments than deep ?ows laden with low concentrations of ?ne sediments. It is concluded that channel constriction can, but may not necessarily, lead to competence reversal, depending on channel geometry, ?ow discharge and sediment properties. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We explore the link between channel‐bed texture and river basin concavity in equilibrium catchments using a numerical landscape evolution model. Theory from homogeneous sediment transport predicts that river basin concavity directly increases with bed sediment size. If the effective grain size on a river bed governs its concavity, then natural phenomena such as grain‐size sorting and channel armouring should be linked to concavity. We examine this hypothesis by allowing the bed sediment texture to evolve in a transport‐limited regime using a two grain‐size mixture of sand and gravel. Downstream ?ning through selective particle erosion is produced in equilibrium. As the channel‐bed texture adjusts downstream so does the local slope. Our model predicts that it is not the texture of the original sediment mixture that governs basin concavity. Rather, concavity is linked to the texture of the sorted surface layer. Two different textural regimes are produced in the experiments: a transitional regime where the mobility of sand and gravel changes with channel‐bed texture, and a sand‐dominated region where the mobility of sand and gravel is constant. The concavity of these regions varies depending on the median gravel‐ or sand‐grain size, erosion rate, and precipitation rate. The results highlight the importance of adjustments in both surface texture and slope in natural rivers in response to changes in ?uvial and sediment inputs throughout a drainage network. This adjustment can only be captured numerically using multiple grain sizes or empirical downstream ?ning rules. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geomorphology interacts with surface‐ and ground‐water hydrology across multiple spatial scales. Nonetheless, hydrologic and hydrogeologic models are most commonly implemented at a single spatial scale. Using an existing hydrogeologic computer model, we implemented a simple hierarchical approach to modeling surface‐ and ground‐water hydrology in a complex geomorphic setting. We parameterized the model to simulate ground‐ and surface‐water ?ow patterns through a hierarchical, three‐dimensional, quantitative representation of an anabranched montane alluvial ?ood plain (the Nyack Flood Plain, Middle Fork Flathead River, Montana, USA). Comparison of model results to ?eld data showed that the model provided reasonable representations of spatial patterns of aquifer recharge and discharge, temporal patterns of ?ood‐water storage on the ?ood plain, and rates of ground‐water movement from the main river channel into a large lateral spring channel on the ?ood plain, and water table elevation in the alluvial aquifer. These results suggest that a hierarchical approach to modeling ground‐ and surface‐water hydrology can reproduce realistic patterns of surface‐ and ground‐water ?ux on alluvial ?ood plains, and therefore should provide an excellent ‘quantitative laboratory’ for studying complex interactions between geomorphology and hydrology at and across multiple spatial scales. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Due to a lack of data on settling velocities (ws) and grain size distributions (GSDs) in ?oodplain environments, sedimentation models often use calibrated rather than measured parameters. Since the characteristics of suspended matter differ from those of deposited sediment, it is impossible to derive the ws and GSD from the latter. Therefore, one needs to measure in situ suspended sediment concentrations (SSCs), settling velocities, effective grain sizes and sedimentation ?uxes. For this purpose we used the LISST‐ST, a laser particle sizer combined with a settling tube. In 2002 (twice) and 2004, we located the LISST‐ST with an optical backscatter sensor and sediment traps in two ?oodplains in The Netherlands: one along the unembanked IJssel River, another along the embanked Waal River. Measurements revealed that the SSC in the ?oodplains varied in relation to the SSC in the river channel. Smaller ?ocs dominated the SSC, while larger ?ocs dominated the potential sedimentation ?uxes. The in situ GSD in the IJssel ?oodplain was signi?cantly coarser than in the Waal ?oodplain, while the dispersed median grain sizes were equal for both ?oodplains. Therefore, the dispersed median grain size was two to ?ve times smaller than the effective one. The in situ grain size exhibited a signi?cant positive relationship with ws, although the ws for the largest ?ocs showed high variability. Consequently, the variability in sedimentation ?uxes was also large. In the actual sedimentation ?uxes, and hence in sedimentation models, in situ grain sizes up to about 20 µm can be neglected. In ?oodplain sedimentation models the relation between settling velocity and in situ grain size can be used instead of Stokes's law, which is only valid for dispersed grain sizes. These models should also use adequate data on ?ow conditions as input, since these strongly in?uence the suspended sediment characteristics. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper reports results from two scaled centrifuge modelling experiments, designed to simulate thaw‐related geli?uction. A planar 12° prototype slope was modelled in each experiment, using the same natural ?ne sandy silt soil. However two different scales were used. In Experiment 1, the model scale was 1/10, tested in the centrifuge at 10 gravities (g) and in Experiment 2, the scale was 1/30, tested at 30 g. Centrifuge scaling laws indicate that the time scaling factor for thaw consolidation between model and prototype is N2, where N is the number of gravities under which the model was tested. However, the equivalent time scaling for viscous ?ow is 1/1. If geli?uction is a viscosity‐controlled ?ow process, scaling con?icts will therefore arise during centrifuge modelling of thawing slopes, and rates of displacement will not scale accurately to the prototype. If, however, no such scaling con?icts are observed, we may conclude that geli?uction is not controlled by viscosity, but rather by elasto‐plastic soil deformation in which frictional shear strength depends on effective stress, itself a function of the thaw consolidation process. Models were saturated, consolidated and frozen from the surface downwards on the laboratory ?oor. The frozen models were then placed in the geotechnical centrifuge and thawed from the surface down. Each model was subjected to four freeze–thaw cycles. Soil temperatures and pore water pressures were monitored, and frost heave, thaw settlement and downslope displacements measured. Pore water pressures, displacement rates and displacement pro?les re?ecting accumulated shear strain, were all similar at the two model scales and volumetric soil transport per freeze–thaw cycle, when scaled to prototype, were virtually identical. Displacement rates and pro?les were also similar to those observed in earlier full‐scale laboratory ?oor experiments. It is concluded therefore that the modelled geli?uction was not a time‐dependent viscosity‐controlled ?ow phenomenon, but rather elasto‐plastic in nature. A ?rst approximation ‘?ow’ law is proposed, based on the ‘Cam Clay’ constitutive model for soils. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During bed‐load transport by overland ?ow, momentum is transferred from the ?ow to the bed via grain collisions, resulting in a decrease in ?ow velocity and an increase in ?ow resistance, herein termed bed‐load transport resistance. In overland ?ow on mobile plane beds, total ?ow resistance f consists of grain resistance fg and bed‐load transport resistance fbt. In order to identify and evaluate the relative importance of the factors controlling fbt, 38 ?ume experiments were performed on slopes of 2·7 and 5·5° using sediment with median diameters of 0·74 and 1·16 mm. All ?ows were supercritical and turbulent. This study is an extension of a recent study by Gao and Abrahams (Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2004, vol. 29, pp. 423–435). These authors found that fbt is controlled by three factors: sediment concentration C, dimensionless sediment diameter D*, and relative submergence h/D, where h is ?ow depth, D is median sediment diameter. However, a new dimensional analysis identi?es two additional factors: Froude number F and slope S. Multiple regression analyses reveal (1) that these ?ve factors together explain 97 per cent of the variance of fbt, and (2) that S controls fbt entirely through C. The variable C is therefore redundant, and a new functional equation relating fbt to D*, h/D, S and F is developed. This equation may be used to predict fbt. An advantage of this equation is that it may be used to predict fbt without measuring bed‐load transport rate. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The estimation of debris‐?ow magnitude is an essential step in the assessment of debris‐?ow hazard. Although different methods have been developed for the assessment of debris‐?ow magnitude, this is still a dif?cult task because of the complexity of ?ow processes and the lack of data to test estimation procedures in many mountainous regions. Data on debris‐?ow magnitude from 127 basins in the Eastern Italian Alps have been collected from scienti?c and technical journals, technical reports, historical documents gathered from local archives, and ?eld surveys. These data were used to develop and test different predictive approaches, encompassing regression equations, geomorphological surveys and probabilistic analysis of time series. Regression techniques were used to correlate debris‐?ow magnitude to morphometric parameters and geological characteristics of the basins. Values of the channel debris yield rate (contribution per unit length of channel), proposed in the literature, were compared with data from the study area for identifying reference values for channel stretches of different morphological characteristics. Although limited to the few basins in which suf?cient data were available, the probabilistic analysis of time series of debris‐?ow magnitude provides indications about the relations between magnitude and frequency of debris ?ows. Some observations about the capability and drawbacks of considered methods are presented and the combined use of different approaches for the estimation of debris‐?ow magnitude is suggested. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A multi‐proxy approach was used to examine the geomorphic dynamics and environmental history of an upper deltaic ?oodplain tract in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California. Three long cores were collected from the McCormack–Williamson Tract (MWT) and these cores were analyzed for bulk density, loss‐on‐ignition, ?ne (clay and silt) content, Al concentration, magnetic susceptibility, pollen, and charcoal. Radiocarbon dates obtained for the cores were converted into calendar years and an age–depth model was constructed. Long‐term vertical accretion and sedimentation rates were estimated from the age–depth model. Cross‐core relations show that coarse sediment generally accumulates more rapidly and has greater magnetic susceptibility compared to ?ne sediment. Percentage ?ne and LOI data show a strong linear relationship that indicates ?ooding is the primary mechanism for the deposition of particular organic matter on the ?oodplain and that landscape wash load has contributed a highly consistent fraction of persistent organic matter averaging 5·5 per cent to the site. Down‐core grain size pro?les show two hydrological domains in the cores, namely millennial ?ne–coarse ?uctuations superimposed on general up‐core ?ning. Coarse sediment is viewed as channel or near‐channel overbank deposits, whereas ?ne deposits are considered to be distal overbank ?ood deposits. The coarse–?ne ?uctuations are indicative of changing depositional settings as channels migrated laterally across MWT, whereas the upward ?ning trend re?ects a combination of self‐limiting overbank deposition as ?oodplain elevation increased and decreasing competence as sea‐level rise reduced ?ood‐pulse energy slopes. MWT has been cross‐cut and incised numerous times in the past, only to have the channels abandoned and subsequently ?lled by ?ne sediment. The channels around MWT attained their modern con?guration about 4000 years ago. MWT likely came under tidal in?uence at about 2500 cal BP. Wetlands have recently developed on MWT, but they are inorganic sediment dominated. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Velocity measurements carried out by an acoustic doppler velocimeter (ADV) in a rectangular laboratory ?ume having a gravel bed are presented. The velocity pro?les are measured in six verticals of the channel cross‐section having an increasing distance (from 4 to 38·5 cm) from the ?ume wall. The experimental runs are carried out for ?ve different bed arrangements, characterized by different concentrations of coarser elements, and for the two conditions of small‐ and large‐scale roughness. For both hydraulic conditions, the velocity measurements are ?rst used to test the applicability of the Dean pro?le and of the logarithmic pro?le corrected by a divergence function proposed in this paper. Then, for each value of the depth sediment ratio h/d84, the non‐dimensional friction factor parameter is calculated by integration of the measured velocity distributions in the different verticals of the cross‐section. Finally a semi‐logarithmic ?ow resistance equation is empirically deduced. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During bedload movement by saltation, streamwise momentum is transferred from the ?ow to the saltating grains. When the grains collide with other grains on the bed or in the ?ow, streamwise momentum is reduced, and there is a decrease in streamwise ?ow velocity and an increase in ?ow resistance, herein termed bedload transport resistance fbt. Based on experiments in two ?umes with ?xed and mobile plane beds and previously published data, an equation is developed that may be used to predict fbt for both capacity and non‐capacity ?ows. The variables in this equation are identi?ed by dimensional analysis and the coef?cients are determined by non‐linear regression. This equation applies to rough turbulent open‐channel ?ows, where the relative submergence is between 1 and 20 and the entire sediment load moves by saltation. An investigation of the relative magnitudes of fbt and grain resistance fc suggests that where dimensionless shear stress θ is less than 1 and saltation is the dominant mode of bedload transport, fbt/fc increases with θ but never exceeds 1. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The geochemical, mineralogical and lithological composition of modern stream bed material is examined in order to characterize sources and evaluate downstream mixing of sediments in the upper Fraser River drainage basin, British Columbia. The <63 µm fraction is emphasized for its relative mobility and ease of analysis using instrumental neutron activation. Overall, the composition of the stream sediments closely re?ects bedrock distribution. Samples dominated by limestone and dolostone, calcite and dolomite, and related elements (Ca, Mg, Sr etc.) correspond to Lower and Middle Cambrian carbonate bedrock largely con?ned to the Moose River sub‐basin. Clastic and non‐quartzite metamorphic lithologies, primary and secondary aluminosilicate minerals and related elements (Al, Cs, Rb etc.) are largely derived from Miette Group bedrock and associated with the uppermost Fraser River sub‐basin. Except in the case of the Moose River/Fraser River junction, the determination of proportional tributary contributions is complicated by variable or delayed mixing, localized ?oodplain or valley side sources, and limited contrast between source areas. At present the Moose River sub‐basin contributes a greater proportion of the total and ?ne‐grained sediment loads of the combined Fraser River than would be expected from drainage basin area alone. The imbalance is related to greater relief, precipitation and runoff in the Moose River sub‐basin; however, the spatial association of carbonate‐rich stream sediments, ice cover and carbonate bedrock exposure indicates that glaciers play a particularly important roll in generating ?ne‐grained ?uvial sediment. Since differences in glacier cover and glacier potential in the two major sub‐basins are likely to be persistent, and since relative sediment yields from the sub‐basins can be determined from sediment composition, a potential indicator of glacier variation and climate change during the Holocene is therein available. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Regulated rivers generally incise below dams that cut off sediment supply, but how that happens and what the consequences are at different spatial scales is poorly understood. Modern topographic mapping at meter‐scale resolution now enables investigation of the details of spatial processes. In this study, spatial segregation was applied to a meter‐scale raster map of topographic change from 1999 to 2008 on the gravel‐cobble, regulated lower Yuba River in California to answer specific scientific questions about how a decadal hydrograph that included a flood peak of 22 times bankfull discharge affected the river at segment, reach, and morphological unit scales. The results show that the river preferentially eroded sediment from floodplains compared to the channel, and this not only promoted valley‐wide sediment evacuation, but also facilitated the renewal and differentiation of morphological units, especially in the channel. At the reach scale, area of fill and mean net rate of elevational change were directly correlated with better connectivity between the channel and floodplain, while the mean rate of scour in scour areas was influenced by the ratio of slope to bankfull Froude number, a ratio indicative of lateral migration versus vertical downcutting. Hierarchical segregation of topographic change rasters proved useful for understanding multi‐scalar geomorphic dynamics. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tracers, such as ?uorescein dye, are widely employed to measure overland ?ow speeds by time‐of‐travel along measured ?ow paths. Among several disadvantages of this method are the involvement of human reaction time when using stop‐watches, and the relatively long travel path that is consequently needed for reliable timing. Long ?ow paths mean that local variability along the ?ow path cannot be detected. This paper describes a new optical tachometer that overcomes these limitations, as well as offering other advantages. It is based on the use of a small ?oating re?ector target that is carried on the surface tension ?lm, and which passes between two re?ective sensors mounted above the ?ow. The new device allows virtual ‘spot’ measurements of surface ?ow speed over a path as short as 1 cm, and eliminates the in?uence of human reaction time. The new device is battery powered and portable, and provides an improved alternative to dye timing in many ?eld and laboratory applications. Its use will allow the collection of more re?ned data than have hitherto been easily achievable. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On 12 August 1997, the lower part of Diadem Glacier in the southern Coast Mountains of British Columbia fell into Queen Bess Lake and produced a train of large waves. The waves overtopped the broad end moraine at the east end of the lake and ?ooded the valley of the west fork of Nostetuko River. The displacement waves also incised the out?ow channel across the moraine. Stratigraphic and sedimentologic evidence supports the conclusion that the ?ood had two phases, one related to wave overtopping and a second to breach formation. Empirical equations were used to calculate the peak discharge of the ?ood at various points along the west fork of the Nostetuko valley and to describe the attenuation of the ?ood wave. The velocity of the ?ood was also calculated to determine the time it took for the ?ood to reach the main fork of Nostetuko River. The highest peak discharges were achieved in the upper reach of the valley during the displacement phase of the ?ood. Peak discharge declined rapidly just below the moraine dam, with little change thereafter for approximately 7 km. Empirical formulae and boulder measurements indicate a rise in peak discharge in the lower part of the west fork valley. We suggest that ?ow in the upper part of the valley records the passage of two separate ?ood peaks and that the rise in discharge in the lower part of the valley is due to amalgamation of the wave and breach peaks. Hydraulic ponding in con?ned reaches of the valley extended the duration of the ?ood. In addition, erosion of vegetation and sediment in the channel and valley sides may also have exerted an in?uence on the duration and nature of ?ooding. Sediments were deposited both upstream and downstream of channel constrictions and on a large fan extending out into the trunk Nostetuko River valley. This study extends our understanding of the variety and complexity of outburst ?oods from naturally dammed lakes. It also shows that simple empirical and other models for estimating peak discharges of outburst ?oods are likely to yield erroneous results. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Butgenbach dam on the Warche River was built in 1932 in order to maintain a suf?cient supply of water to the Robertville reservoir situated 7 km downstream, for the production of hydroelectricity. During winter months, releases are made almost every day from the Butgenbach dam. From a hydrological point of view, this has resulted in signi?cantly reducing the number of discharges that are higher than bankfull. Despite the reduction in peak discharge, there is a signi?cant increase in the number of ef?cient discharges (0·6 bankfull). The impacts of these hydrological modi?cations on the bed morphology and sedimentology below the Butgenbach dam have been studied and the following geomorphological modi?cations have been identi?ed: a doubling of the width of the channel in 45 years, a reduction in the number of rif?es and pools, an increase in the number of gravel bars and islets and an increase in bedrock outcrops in the channel. Moreover, the ?nest bed particles are mobilized by the almost daily releases, inducing a signi?cant increase in bed‐material size sorting. The reduction of sinuosity and the disappearance of bed differentiation and rif?e/pool sequences have produced a diminution of bed roughness and an increase of the competence of the river. Thus relatively small ?oods can remove the armoured layer. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil surface microtopography produces non‐uniform surface run‐off, in which narrow threads of relatively deep and fast ?ow move within broader, shallower, slower‐moving regions. This kind of ?ow is probably widespread, given that microtopography is itself common. Methods used to record the properties of surface run‐off include grid‐ or transect‐based depth observations, with a single mean ?ow speed derived by calculation from V = Q/WD, and the use of dye timing to estimate velocity, with an effective mean depth calculated from D = Q/WV. Because these methods allow only single, ?ow‐?eld mean values to be derived for V or D, neither is well suited to non‐uniform ?ows. The use of depth data to derive a ?ow‐?eld mean V furthermore implicitly applies area weighting to the depth data; likewise, the use of dye speeds for V inherently overestimates mean V because dye dominantly follows the faster ?ow threads. The associated errors in derived parameters such as friction coef?cients are not readily quanti?ed and appear not to have been addressed previously. New ?eld experiments made on untilled soil surfaces in arid western NSW, Australia, explore these circumstances and the implications for deriving meaningful measures of ?ow properties, including friction coef?cients. On surfaces deliberately chosen for their very subtle microtopography, average thread velocities are shown to be commonly 2·5 times greater than the ?ow‐?eld mean, and locally 6–7 times greater. On the other hand, non‐thread ?ow speeds lie below the ?ow‐?eld mean, on average reaching only 84 per cent of this value, and often considerably less. Flow‐?eld means conceal the existence of regions of the ?ow ?eld whose properties are statistically distinct. Results con?rm that a reliance on ?ow‐?eld average depths yields estimates of friction coef?cients that are biased toward the shallower, high‐roughness parts of the ?ow, while if dye speeds are relied upon the results are biased toward the deeper, smoother threads of ?ow. A new approach to the evaluation of friction coef?cients in non‐uniform ?ows is advanced, involving the determination of separate coef?cients for threads and non‐thread zones of the ?ow ?eld. In contrast, ?ow‐?eld friction coef?cients as they are customarily derived in run‐off plot experiments subsume these distinct coef?cients in proportions that are generally unknown. The value of such coef?cients is therefore questionable. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The stability of the pool–rif?e sequence is one of the most fundamental features of alluvial streams. For several decades, the process of velocity, or shear stress, reversal has been proposed as an explanation for an increase in the amplitude of pool–rif?e sequence bars during high ?ows, offsetting gradual scour of rif?es and deposition in pools during low ?ows. Despite several attempts, reversal has rarely been recorded in ?eld measurements. We propose that, instead of being reversed, maxima and minima in shear stress are phase‐shifted with respect to the pool–rif?e sequence bedform pro?le, so that maximum shear stress occurs upstream of rif?e crests at high ?ow, and downstream at low ?ow. Such phase‐shifts produce gradients of shear stress that explain rif?e deposition, and pool scour, at high ?ow, in accord with sediment continuity. The proposal is supported by results of a one‐dimensional hydraulic model applied to the surveyed bathymetry of a pool–rif?e sequence in a straight reach of a gravel‐bed river. In the sequence studied, the upstream phase‐shift in shear stress at high ?ow was associated with variations in channel width, with width minima occurring upstream of rif?e crests, approximately coincident with shear stress maxima, and width maxima occurring downstream of rif?e crests. Assuming that the width variation is itself the result of ?ow de?ection by rif?e crests at low ?ow, and associated bank‐toe scour downstream, low and high ?ow can be seen to have complementary roles in maintaining alluvial pool–rif?e sequences. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flume experiments, in which the middle section of an erosion channel is displaced horizontally, have been conducted to assess the response of streams to horizontal displacement by a strike‐slip fault. The experimental erosion channel was developed in a mixture of sand and clay, which provided relatively stable banks with its cohesiveness. Horizontal displacement of a strike‐slip fault perpendicular to the channel is expected to add a ?at section to its longitudinal pro?le along the fault line. The experimental stream eliminated this ?at section with downstream degradation, upstream aggradation, and lateral channel shift. As a result, a roughly continuous longitudinal pro?le was maintained. This maintenance of a continuous longitudinal pro?le along channel is considered to be the principle of stream response to horizontal displacement by a strike‐slip fault. Downstream degradation was the dominant process of this stream response in the overall tendency of erosion without sand supply. When the rate of fault displacement was low (long recurrence interval), the experimental stream eroded the fault surface, jutting laterally into the channel like a scarp, and de?ected the channel within the recurrence interval. This lateral channel shift gave some gradient to the reach created by fault displacement (offset reach), and the downstream degradation occurred as much as completing the remaining longitudinal pro?le adjustment. When the rate of fault displacement was high (short recurrence interval), the lateral erosion on the ?rst fault surface was interrupted by the next fault displacement. The displacement was then added incrementally to the existing channel offset making channel shift by lateral erosion increasingly dif?cult. The channel offset with sharp bends persisted without much modi?cation, and downstream degradation and upstream aggradation became evident with the effect of the offset channel course, which worked like a dam. In this case, a slight local convexity, which was incidentally formed by downstream degradation and upstream aggradation, tended to remain in the roughly continuous longitudinal pro?le, as long as the horizontal channel offset persisted. In either case, once the experimental stream obtained a roughly continuous gradient, further channel adjustment seemed to halt. Horizontal channel offset remained to a greater or lesser extent at the end of each run long after the last fault displacement. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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