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This paper describes an uncomplicated sampling technique for ultratrace element analysis of coastal and surface seawaters (maximum depth 100 m). The sampler system is very easy to operate. To prevent contamination problems, interchangeable 500-ml Teflon bottles are used as both sampling and storage vessels. The seawater samples are stabilized in situ by preacidifying the sampling bottles. For the determination of mercury in seawater the desired system has been developed: sampling bottle = storage bottle = reaction vessel.  相似文献   

Using the stochastic approach, we analyze the effect of fluctuations of the linear feedback coefficient in a simple zero-dimensional energy balance climate model on the frequency spectrum of averaged temperature. An expression is obtained for the model spectrum in the weak noise approximation. Its features are investigated in two cases: when the frequency spectrum of the feedback coefficient is a constant (white noise) and when the spectrum contains one resonant frequency and has a Lorentz form. We consider the issue whether the feedback coefficient fluctuations can be an independent mechanism for a qualitative change in the spectrum of the climate system.  相似文献   

Predictions of association constants for ion-pair formation in seawater were compared to measured constants as a test for the existence of ion-pairs. A fair agreement was obtained in most cases, although the theoretical electrostatic calculations indicate that significant chloride ion-pairing should occur which has not been observed in most experimental investigations.  相似文献   

以海水为溶剂,采用熔融法合成了纳米粉煤灰沸石。粉煤灰与NaOH的质量比为1:1.2,熔融温度550℃,熟料质量与海水固液的体积比为1:5(g/mL),晶化温度100℃,晶化时间6h。通过仪器分析和化学方法,对产物的结构、形貌、性能进行表征。同时,研究了产物的矿物组成、形貌、比表面积、阳离子交换量及化学组成。结果表明:产物为NaX型沸石和羟基方钠石的复合型沸石,海水晶化粉煤灰通过碱熔融法得到沸石质量优于传统水热法。合成沸石的性能和各项应用指标表明,所合成的沸石具有良好的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

水体石油类物质生物-光学遥感反演模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A biooptical modeling, which is based on a radiation transfer model, can be employed to simultaneously retrieve the concentration of various colour factors by multi-spectral remote sensing data, after connecting inherent optical properties (absorption coefficient and backward scattering coefficient) of colour factor with apparent optical properties (remote sensing reflectivity). At present, this method has been used in a relatively wide range of applications in the inversion of a conventional water colour factor concentration in the case II water body: applications such as chlorophyll, suspended sediment, yellow substance. On the basis of extensive field testing data of water quality, correspondingly apparent optical properties, and the full use of the existing parametric model of colour factor inherent optical properties (with the parametrization of petroleum substance inherent optical properties established in the project) the remote recognition model for oil concentration is established by introducing oil as a new water co/our factor into a biooptical remote algorithm. The estimated value of the oil concentration was obtained by solving the biooptical model, using the data measured in May 2008 and August 2009 and June 2010 in seawater. The highly accurate inversion result promises to estimate the oil concentration in water for remote sensing.  相似文献   

This contribution describes the development, calibration and verification of a 1-D behaviour-orientated shoreline prediction model. The model primarily encapsulates shoreline displacement forced by wave-driven cross-shore sediment transport. Hysteresis effects are shown to be important and are included in the model, whereby present shoreline change is influenced by past hydro-/morpho-dynamic conditions. The potential magnitude of shoreline change increases with incident wave power and the degree of disequilibrium. The latter disequilibrium term (Ωeq  Ω) is expressed in terms of the time-evolving equilibrium (Ωeq) and instantaneous (Ω) dimensionless fall velocities and dictates the direction of shoreline movement. Following Wright et al. (1985) the equilibrium fall velocity is defined as a function of the weighted antecedent conditions and is a proxy for the evolving beach state. The decay rate of the weighting function used to compute Ωeq is a model free parameter determined by calibration against measured data, which physically reflects the degree of observed ‘memory’ of the system. The decay in amplitude of this weighting function with time is controlled by a ‘memory decay’ term (ϕ), where the weighting reaches 10%, 1% and 0.1% at ϕ, 2ϕ and 3ϕ days prior to the current calculation time. The model is applied to two multi-year (6 + years) data sets incorporating hourly wave and weekly shoreline measurements, from two contrasting energetic sites in SE Australia. The first is the relatively dissipative, straight Gold Coast (QLD) and the second is a more intermediate embayed beach at Narrabeen (NSW). The model shows significant skill at hindcasting shoreline change at both sites, predicting approximately 60% of the total shoreline variability. The Gold Coast shoreline is dominated by a strong seasonal signal. Conversely, at the Narrabeen embayment, shoreline variability (and morphology) is more dynamic, responding at storm frequency. Evidence suggests that there is a strong coherence between the shoreline position and morphodynamic state and that both have response times characterised by ϕ. It is hypothesised that optimised ϕ values in the shoreline model physically relate to the efficiency of sediment exchanges between the shoreface and offshore bars and the prevalence of one- or two-dimensional horizontal circulation. The general success of this new shoreline model for hindcasting the observed shoreline behaviour at two distinctly different open-coast sites suggests that this approach may be suitable for broader application.  相似文献   

借助GIS ArcView软件分析提取黑潮锋区域,将一定间隔的经纬度点的温度值生成等值线以此为研究对象,应用网格法计算了20°~30°N,120°~130°E范围内黑潮锋区50m和100m深处水温的分维值,100m深处的分维值波动较50m深处小,但整体上分维值较50m深处大。计算结果符合黑潮锋区强度的实际分布情况,初步认为分形维数能够表征黑潮锋强度,分维值随黑潮锋强度的增大而增大。  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2004,51(7):531-556
A simple new shoreline change model has been developed and calibrated/evaluated with several sets of high quality field data. The model is based upon the general observation that the shoreline tends to approach an equilibrium position exponentially with time when subjected to constant forcing. The model represents the shoreline response to cross-shore processes only and is extremely efficient, requiring only readily obtainable wave and water-level data as input. Shoreline changes are forced by changes in the local water surface elevation due to a combination of local tide, storm surge and wave-induced setup. The model contains three adjustable parameters, representing a baseline condition from which equilibrium shoreline displacements are calculated, and two rate constants, all of which are evaluated by minimizing the error between model hindcasts and several historical shoreline data sets. Several possible forms for the rate parameters, incorporating local wave and sediment properties, were considered and evaluated. At most sites, the model has proven successful in predicting large-scale shoreline response to local water level and wave forcing. The combination of model accuracy and efficiency, along with the minimal data required to drive the model, make it a potentially useful tool in many coastal engineering applications. As more high-quality shoreline, wave and water-level data sets become available, significant improvements can be made in the determination of the rate parameter governing the time scale of the beach response.  相似文献   

基于等时厚分层假设,建立海水温盐垂直结构的声反射回波计算模型,并对实际海洋层结状态的声反射回波特征进行了详细分析。结果表明:声反射回波幅度变化的位置和海水介质温盐梯度变化不为零的位置一致,回波幅度和梯度变化幅度成正比;而回波的极性反映了梯度变化的趋势。将该模型用于反演试验,能够直接得到海水温、盐垂直结构反演结果,效果较好,克服了以往反演算法中不便于密度和声速分离的缺点。  相似文献   

The design of thrusters inspired by the locomotion of fishes is currently investigated in many research centres for unmanned underwater vehicles. Fast fishes propel themselves in water through the rhythmic motion of their tail. Propulsion is achieved by means of the periodic shedding of vortex structures by the edges of the tail. Thrust is produced because the vortices give rise to a steady jet of fluid which leaves the tail in the direction which is opposite to the forward motion of the fish. Assuming that the fish tail can be modelled by a two-dimensional plate in steady forward motion and oscillating with a combination of harmonic heaving and pitching movements, Brown and Michael’s model is presently used to determine the dynamics of the vortex structures shed by plate edges. Numerical simulations have been carried out to investigate the effects on the flow field of varying the physical parameters of the phenomenon. The knowledge of the strength and trajectory of the vortex structures shed by the plate allows the characteristics of the jet producing the thrust to be quantified.  相似文献   

The Brønsted-Guggenheim hypothesis of specific ionic interaction is used to develop a chemical model for the major electrolyte components in seawater (Na+---K+---Mg2+---Ca2+---Cl---SO42− at 25°C and 1 atm total pressure. The model is shown to be in essential agreement with models based on the Bjerrum ion-association hypothesis (e.g., Garrels and Thompson, 1962), with calculations based on the ionic hydration and cluster expansion theories of electrolyte solutions, and with available experimental evidence.The Brønsted-Guggenheim model is computationally simpler than the currently accepted Bjerrum model and results directly in the conventional total single-ion activity coefficients that are most commonly required for calculations in seawater equilibria. The simple form of the equations should enable the model to be extended quite readily to cover a wide range of temperature, pressure and solution composition. However, applications are at present restricted by the availability of the appropriate interaction coefficients.  相似文献   

A high-temperature oxidation method is described for the accurate and precise determination of the total organic carbon (TOC) in seawater. Problems of contamination in sample storage, preparation, and oxidation which are evident in previous dry oxidation methods have been controlled. The TOC results from different areas are determined and compared directly with the results obtained on duplicate samples with the persulfate oxidation method. Significantly higher TOC values (15–20%) are obtained with the dry oxidation procedure, but the relative difference in the methods is relatively constant over depth and geographic areas. A high correlation between the methods was obtained. For accurate results, the dry method is recommended but conclusions based on profiles of TOC determined by either method should be similar if the proper precautions in analysis are followed.  相似文献   

A simple mathematical model, based on the solution of the two-dimensional problem of a vertical floating plate and on rigid body dynamics, is used to investigate the influence of different characteristics (such as mass, draft and anchoring) on the breakwater performance. The results include information about the transmission coefficient as well as about the plate displacement and anchoring forces, as functions of the plate and incident wave parameters.  相似文献   

A simple model is developed to study the initial motion of sediment on a horizontal bed under non-breaking waves. The model is derived to be A=C(TT0) based on a wide range of experimental data collected in different flow regimes, where A is the nearbed semi-excursion of wave motion, T is the wave period, and C and T0 are the coefficients dependent on sediment properties only. For a given sediment, the onset velocity of sediment motion derived from the model is shown to initially increase sharply with wave period T and then approach a constant. The flow Reynolds number Re corresponding to an initiated sediment is also calculated from the simple model and found to be a function of sediment properties and wave period. For the completeness of this study, the initial motion of light sediment under very short waves is also investigated. The present model agrees well with the available laboratory and field data.  相似文献   

Average and extreme values of the current velocity, seawater temperature, and their standard deviations are considered on the basis of measurements carried out at three moorings deployed in the Florida Strait. The contributions of the low-frequency (synoptic) and mesoscale variations of currents and the seawater temperature to their temporal variability are estimated. The kinetic energy values of the averaged current and the synoptic and mesoscale variations are given. Their contributions to the general (total) kinetic energy of currents are determined. It is shown that the pulsations of the north-east trade wind can be one of the reasons for the synoptic variations in the field of currents and seawater temperature.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

A perturbation analysis is presented in which a series of small amplitude regular waves co-exist with an arbitrarily sheared current, U(z). Assuming that the current velocity is weak, i.e. U(z)/c=O(ε), the solution is extended to O(ε2), where c is the phase velocity and ε=ak the wave steepness. This provides a first approximation to the non-linear wave-current interaction, and allows simple explicit solutions for both the modified dispersion relation and the water-particle kinematics to be derived. These solutions differ from the existing irrotational models commonly used in design and, in particular, highlight the importance of the near-surface vorticity distribution. These results are shown to be in good agreement with laboratory data provided by Swan et. al. [J. Fluid Mech (2001, in press)]. Perhaps more surprisingly, good agreement is also achieved in a number of strongly non-linear wave-current combinations, where the results of the present analytical solution are compared with a fully non-linear numerical wave-current model.  相似文献   

A correction formula is theoretically derived to evaluate the change in partial pressure of carbon dioxide in seawater upon heating. The constraints on the heating process are constant salinity, total alkalinity, and total carbon dioxide concentration. The result is
. This equation fits δPCO2/δt for open ocean seawater compositions to within approximately 9%. The almost constant 4.4%/°C effect is in agreement with that measured by Kanwisher (1960).  相似文献   

The first large-scale international intercomparison of analytical methods for the determination of dissolved iron in seawater was carried out between October 2000 and December 2002. The exercise was conducted as a rigorously “blind” comparison of 7 analytical techniques by 24 international laboratories. The comparison was based on a large volume (700 L), filtered surface seawater sample collected from the South Atlantic Ocean (the “IRONAGES” sample), which was acidified, mixed and bottled at sea. Two 1-L sample bottles were sent to each participant. Integrity and blindness were achieved by having the experiment designed and carried out by a small team, and overseen by an independent data manager. Storage, homogeneity and time-series stability experiments conducted over 2.5 years showed that inter-bottle variability of the IRONAGES sample was good (< 7%), although there was a decrease in iron concentration in the bottles over time (0.8–0.5 nM) before a stable value was observed. This raises questions over the suitability of sample acidification and storage.  相似文献   

An analysis previously developed for rough surface scattering with narrow-beam reception is extended to wide-beam or omnidirectional reception. The source is considered to be a pulsed electric dipole. The analysis includes multipathing effects on the received signal. The results are used to develop a model for the backscattered radar cross section of the ocean surface, up to a second-order approximation.  相似文献   

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