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《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(9):1000-1009
We discuss different scenarios for the formation and dynamics of nanoparticles in the inner solar system. Particles up to a few tens of nanometer size, if formed at a distance larger than several 0.1 AU from the Sun, are picked up by the solar wind and therefore do not reach the regions closer to the sun. At distances ⩽0.1 AU particles of several tens of nanometer in size can stay in bound orbits and, aside from the Lorentz force, the plasma and the photon Poynting–Robertson effect determine their spatial distribution. Local sources of nanometer-sized particles in the inner solar system are collisional fragmentation and sublimation of dust and meteoroids. The most likely materials to survive in the very vicinity of the Sun are MgO particles from the sublimation of cometary and meteoritic silicates, nanodiamonds originating from meteoroid material, and possibly carbon structures formed by thermal alteration of organics. The nanoparticles may produce spectral features in a limited spectral interval, and this spectral interval varies with particle size, composition and temperature. Bearing in mind the wide size distribution of solar system dust and the preponderance of larger particles, it is unlikely that nanoparticles can be detected in thermal emission or scattered light brightness and we are unable to predict observable features for these nanoparticles. If the nanodust produced observable features, they are most likely to appear in the blue or near infrared. We suggest a more promising option is the in situ detection of the particles.  相似文献   

We investigate the method by which nearby supernovae – within a few tens of pc of the solar system – can penetrate the solar system and deposit live radioactivities on earth. The radioactive isotopic signatures that could potentially leave an observable geological imprint are in the form of refractory metals; consequently, it is likely they would arrive in the form of supernova-produced dust grains. Such grains can penetrate into the solar system more easily than the bulk supernova plasma, which gets stalled and deflected near the solar system due to the solar wind plasma pressure. We therefore examine the motion of charged grains as they decouple from the supernova plasma and are influenced by the solar magnetic, radiation, and gravitational fields. We characterize the dust trajectories with analytical approximations which display the roles of grain size, initial velocity, and surface voltage. These results are verified with full numerical simulations for wide ranges of dust properties. We find that supernova dust grains traverse the inner solar system nearly undeflected, if the incoming grain velocity – which we take to be that of the incident supernova remnant – is comparable to the solar wind speeds and much larger than the escape velocity at 1 AU. Consequently, the dust penetration to 1 AU has essentially 100% transmission probability and the dust capture onto the earth should have a geometric cross section. Our results cast in a new light the terrestrial deposition of radioisotopes from nearby supernovae in the geological past. For explosions beyond ~10 pc from earth, dust grains can still deliver supernova ejecta to earth, and thus the amount of supernova material deposited is set by the efficiency of dust condensation and survival in supernovae. Turning the problem around, we use observations of live 60Fe in both deep-ocean and lunar samples to infer a conservative lower bound iron condensation efficiency of Mdust,Fe/Mtot,Fe ? 4  × 10?4 for the supernova which apparently produced these species 2–3 Myr ago.  相似文献   

We review previously published and newly obtained crater size-frequency distributions in the inner solar system. These data indicate that the Moon and the terrestrial planets have been bombarded by two populations of objects. Population 1,dominating at early times, had nearly the same size distribution as the present-day asteroid belt, and produced heavily cratered surfaces with a complex, multi-sloped crater size-frequency distribution. Population 2, dominating since about 3.8–3.7 Gyr,had the same size distribution as near-Earth objects(NEOs) and a much lower impact flux, and produced a crater size distribution characterized by a differential –3single-slope power law in the crater diameter range 0.02 km to 100 km. Taken together with the results from a large body of work on age-dating of lunar and meteorite samples and theoretical work in solar system dynamics, a plausible interpretation of these data is as follows. The NEO population is the source of Population 2 and it has been in near-steady state over the past ~ 3.7–3.8 Gyr; these objects are derived from the main asteroid belt by size-dependent non-gravitational effects that favor the ejection of smaller asteroids. However, Population 1 was composed of main belt asteroids ejected from their source region in a size-independent manner, possibly by means of gravitational resonance sweeping during orbit migration of giant planets;this caused the so-called Late Heavy Bombardment(LHB). The LHB began some time before ~3.9 Gyr, peaked and declined rapidly over the next ~ 100 to 300 Myr,and possibly more slowly from about 3.8–3.7 Gyr to ~2 Gyr. A third crater population(Population S) consisted of secondary impact craters that can dominate the cratering record at small diameters.  相似文献   

Abstract— All terrestrial planets, the Moon, and small bodies of the inner solar system are subjected to impacts on their surface. The best witness of these events is the lunar surface, which kept the memory of the impacts that it underwent during the last 3.8 Gyr. In this paper, we review the recent studies at the origin of a reliable model of the impactor population in the inner solar system, namely the near‐Earth object (NEO) population. Then we briefly expose the scaling laws used to relate a crater diameter to body size. The model of the NEO population and its impact frequency on terrestrial planets is consistent with the crater distribution on the lunar surface when appropriate scaling laws are used. Concerning the early phases of our solar system's history, a scenario has recently been proposed that explains the origin of the Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB) and some other properties of our solar system. In this scenario, the four giant planets had initially circular orbits, were much closer to each other, and were surrounded by a massive disk of planetesimals. Dynamical interactions with this disk destabilized the planetary system after 500–600 Myr. Consequently, a large portion of the planetesimal disk, as well as 95% of the Main Belt asteroids, were sent into the inner solar system, causing the LHB while the planets reached their current orbits. Our knowledge of solar system evolution has thus improved in the last decade despite our still‐poor understanding of the complex cratering process.  相似文献   

I discuss the use of Very Long Baseline Interferometer (VLBI) phase scintillations to probe the conditions of plasma turbulence in the solar wind. Specific results from 5.0 and 8.4 GHz observations with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) are shown. There are several advantages of phase scintillation measurements. They are sensitive to fluctuations on scales of hundreds to thousands of kilometers, much larger than those probed by IPS intensity scintillations. In addition, with the frequency versatility of the VLBA one can measure turbulence from the outer corona 5–10R to well past the perihelion approach of the Helios spacecraft. This permits tests of the consistency of radio propagation and direct in-situ measurements of turbulence. Such a comparison is made in the present paper. Special attention is dedicated to measuring the dependence of the normalization coefficient of the density power spectrum,C N 2 on distance from the sun. Our results are consistent with the contention published several years ago by Aaron Roberts, that there is insufficient turbulence close to the sun to account for the heating and acceleration of the solar wind. In addition, an accurate determination of theC N 2 (R) relationship could aid the detection of transients in the solar wind.  相似文献   

A statistical study is made of the magnetic field directional discontinuities observed in early 1976 onboard Helios 1 and 2. Strong day-to-day variations of occurrence rates are found on either tangential (TD) or rotational (RD) discontinuities. No large variation (if any) is found versus either heliocentric distance or heliographic latitude. This contradicts previous findings obtained by the same technique on Pioneer 8 data in 1968–69; however, reasons are given to expect different results, under different solar conditions. The most interesting results come from the study of the morphology of discontinuities: first of all, the orientation of TD's and RD's normals (identified by a minimum variance technique) are strongly organized by the average magnetic field, following their progressive directional change when approaching the Sun. The inclination (θ n ) and azimuthal (? n ) distributions are gaussian and strongly peaked along the field lines for RD's; as regards TD's the normals are perpendicular to the average field and follow its progressive variation; the θ n distribution is isotropic in solid angle, which is interpreted as evidence of crossing of flux tubes on the order of one/hour. Implications of this interpretation in contrast with a turbulent approach are also discussed.  相似文献   

We present THERMAP, a mid-infrared spectro-imager for space missions to small bodies in the inner solar system, developed in the framework of the MarcoPolo-R asteroid sample return mission. THERMAP is very well suited to characterize the surface thermal environment of a NEO and to map its surface composition. The instrument has two channels, one for imaging and one for spectroscopy: it is both a thermal camera with full 2D imaging capabilities and a slit spectrometer. THERMAP takes advantage of the recent technological developments of uncooled microbolometer arrays, sensitive in the mid-infrared spectral range. THERMAP can acquire thermal images (8–18 μm) of the surface and perform absolute temperature measurements with a precision better than 3.5 K above 200 K. THERMAP can acquire mid-infrared spectra (8–16 μm) of the surface with a spectral resolution Δλ of 0.3 μm. For surface temperatures above 350 K, spectra have a signal-to-noise ratio >60 in the spectral range 9–13 μm where most emission features occur.  相似文献   

MacQueen  R. M.  Fisher  R. R. 《Solar physics》1983,89(1):89-102
Solar Physics - The kinematic properties of a dozen ‘loop-like’ coronal transients have been examined over the range 1.2–2.4 R⊙ from Sun center. Values and trends of...  相似文献   

The Helios 1 spacecraft was launched in December 1974 into a heliocentric orbit of 0.3 AU perihelion distance. Helios 2 followed one year later on a similar orbit. Both spaceprobes carry on board micrometeoroid experiments each of which contains two sensors with a total sensitive area of 121 cm2. To date, only preliminary data are available from Helios 2. Therefore the results presented here mainly apply to data from Helios 1. The ecliptic sensor of Helios 1 measures dust particles which have trajectories with elevations from ?45° to + 55° with respect to the ecliptic plane. The south sensor detects dust particles with trajectory elevations from ?90° (ecliptic south-pole) to ?4°. The ecliptic sensor is covered by a thin film (3000 Å parylene coated with 750 Å aluminium) as protection against solar radiation. The other sensor is shielded by the spacecraft rim from direct sunlight and has an open aperture. Micrometeoroids are detected by the electric charge produced upon impact. During the first 6 orbits of Helios 1 around the sun the experiment registered a total of 168 meteoroids, 52 particles were detected by the ecliptic sensor and 116 particles by the south sensor. This excess of impacts on the south sensor with regard to the impacts on the ecliptic sensor is due predominantly to small impacts which are characterized by small pulse heights of the charge signals. But also large impacts were statistically significantly more abundant on the south sensor than on the ecliptic sensor. Most impacts on the ecliptic sensor were observed when it was pointing in the direction of motion of Helios (apex direction). In contrast to that the south sensor detected most impacts when it was facing in between the solar and antapex direction. Orbit analysis showed that the “apex” particles which are predominantly detected by the ecliptic sensor have eccentricities e < 0.4 or semi-major axes a ? 0.5 AU. From a comparison with corresponding data from the south sensor it is concluded that the average inclination f of “apex” particles is -i < 30°. The excess of impacts on the south sensor, called “eccentric” particles, have orbit eccentricities e > 0.4 and semimajor axes a > 0.5AU. β-meteoroids leaving the solar system on hyperbolic orbits are directly identified by the observed imbalance of outgoing (away from the sun) and ingoing particles. It is shown that “eccentric” particles, due to their orbital characteristics, should be observable also by the ecliptic sensor. Since they have not been detected by this sensor it is concluded that the only instrumental difference between both sensors, i.e. the entrance film in front of the ecliptic sensor, prevented them from entering it. A comparison with penetration studies proved that particles which do not penetrate the entrance film must have bulk densities ρ(g/cm3) below an upper density limit ρmax. It is shown that approximately 30% of the “eccentric” particles have densities below ρmax = 1 g/cm3.  相似文献   

On spectrograms of the K line at quiet regions of the Sun, bright threads visible in the real continuum due to the granulations are also seen in the outer wing as far as ¦¦ 3 Å from the line centre. At the inner wing (3 Å ¦¦ 0.5 Å) bright threads are also seen, but their spatial distribution is different from the former ones. The threads at the inner wing appear at intergranular regions, and many of them are seen inside the supergranulation. Their size and number density are about the same as those of the granulation. These facts reflect that the penetration of the granular high temperature layer stops at a certain height in the photosphere, and that the intergranular bright threads at the inner wing are due to a hotter temperature layer, located at a considerably higher photospheric layer than the granulation.  相似文献   

Complex organics are now commonly found in meteorites, comets, asteroids, planetary satellites and interplanetary dust particles. The chemical composition and possible origin of these organics are presented. Specifically, we discuss the possible link between Solar System organics and the complex organics synthesized during the late stages of stellar evolution. Implications of extraterrestrial organics on the origin of life on Earth and the possibility of existence of primordial organics on Earth are also discussed.  相似文献   

We have accumulated thousands of orbits of test particles in the Solar System from the asteroid belt to beyond the orbit of Neptune. We find that the time for an orbit to make a close encounter with a perturbing planet, T c ,is a function of the Lyapunov time, T ty .The relation is log (T c /T o )= a + b log (T ly T o )where T o is a fiducial period which we have taken as the period of the principal perturber or the period of the asteroid. There are exceptions to this rule interior to the 2/3 resonance with Jupiter. There, at least in the restricted problem, for sufficiently small Jupiter mass, orbits may have a positive Lyapunov exponent and still be blocked from having a close approach to Jupiter by a zero velocity curve. Of more serious concern is whether the relation holds for purely secular resonances, and if it does, how to choose T o .This is the case of interest for the planets in the solar system.  相似文献   

Observations, from the Apollo 16 Spacecraft, in lunar orbit, of the total radiance of the K + F corona, from 3 R to 55 R are presented and discussed.

The logarithmic slope of the K + F coronal radiance, in the region r > 20 R, is found to be n = 1.93, slightly less steep than previous determinations. The photometric axis of the radiance is found to be displaced 3 ± 1° north of the ecliptic, for the region r > 20 R, and this displacement is interpreted as an annual variation due to non-coincidence of the ecliptic and the symmetry axis of the zodiacal cloud.  相似文献   

Y. C. Whang 《Solar physics》1970,14(2):489-502
This paper presents a continued study of the two-dimensional guiding-center model of the solar wind interaction with the Moon. The characteristics theory and the computational method are discussed. The magnetic permeability of plasma is (1 + /2)–1 in the solar wind flow upstream of the Moon, and it changes to 1 in the void region of the lunar wake. The gradual change of the magnetic permeability in the penumbral region from the interplanetary condition to the void condition is explained as the source of field perturbations in the lunar wake. Perturbations of the magnetic field propagate as magnetoacoustic waves in a frame of reference moving with the plasma flow. Computer solutions were obtained to show that (i) the two principal perturbations of the magnetic field in the lunar wake (the umbral increase and the penumbral decrease) are confined to a region bounded by a Mach cone tangent to the lunar body, and (ii) the penumbral increases occur outside the lunar Mach cone. Computer solutions are also used to identify the source of field perturbations and to simulate the solar wind-moon interaction under varying interplanetary conditions.  相似文献   

K. Murawski 《Solar physics》1992,139(2):279-297
The nonlinear propagation of the Alfvén and magnetosonic waves in the solar corona is investigated in terms of model equations. Due to viscous effects taken into account the propagation of the fast wave itself is governed by Burgers type equations possessing both expansion and compression shock solutions. Numerical simulations show that both parallely and perpendicularly propagating fast waves can steepen into shocks if their amplitudes are in excess of some sizeable fraction of the Alfvén velocity. However, if the magnetic field changes linearly in the perpendicular direction, then formation of perpendicular shocks can be hindered. The Alfvén waves exhibit a tendency to drive both the slow and fast magnetosonic waves whose propagation is described by linearized Boussinesq type equations with ponderomotive terms due to the Alfvén wave. The limits of the slow and fast waves are investigated.  相似文献   

David C. Black 《Icarus》1973,19(1):154-159
An attempt is made to construct a self-consistent picture of the deuterium abundance in the early Solar System based on the assumption of chemical equilibrium in the solar nebula. A recent determination of the DH ratio for the atmosphere of Jupiter is consistent with a previous estimate of the DH ratio for the proto-Sun. The high (> 1.5 × 10?4) DH ratios determined from analyses of carbonaceous meteorites imply an equilibrium temperature < 270°K, in marked disagreement with the equilibrium temperature determined for the same material by oxygen isotope cosmothermometry.  相似文献   

The present-day observed mass distribution in the solar system including the Sun is shown to be compatible with the idea of the splitting of a number of ring-shaped rotating clouds of particles in the equatorial plane of a single contracting nebula. The formation of such a nebula is discussed and it is inferred that during the course of contraction this nebula has remained a sphere of uniform density spinning with the Keplerian velocity of its surface layer. The mass of a planet is taken as the portion of this spherical solar nebula gained at the time of splitting by its gaseous ring of dimensions satisfying Roche and accretional limits.  相似文献   

A theory for the origin of the solar system, which is based on ideas of supersonic turbulent convection and indicates the possibility that the original Laplacian hypothesis may by valid, is presented. We suggest that the first stage of the Sun's formation consisted of the condensation of CNO ices (i.e. H2O, NH3, CH4,...) and later H2, including He as impurity atoms, at interstellar densities to from a cloud of solid grains. These grains then migrate under gravity to their common centre of mass giving up almost two orders of magnitude of angular momentum through resistive interaction with residual gases which are tied, via the ions, to the interstellar magnetic field. Grains rich in CNO rapidly dominate the centre of the cloud at this stage, both giving up almost all of their angular momentum and forming a central chemical inhomogeneity which may account for the present low solar neutrino flux (Prentice, 1976). The rest of the grain cloud, when sufficiently compressed to sweep up the residual gases and go into free fall, is not threatened by rotational disruption until its mean size has shrunk to about the orbit of Neptune. When the central opacity rises sufficiently to halt the free collapse at central density near 10?13 g cm?3, corresponding to a mean cloud radius of 104 R , we find that there is insufficient gravitational energy, for the vaporized cloud to acquire a complete hydrostatic equilibrium, even if a supersonic turbulent stress arising from the motions of convective elements becomes important, as Schatzman (1967) has proposed. Instead we suggest that the inner 3–4% of the cloud mass collapses freely all the way to stellar size to release sufficient energy to stabilize the rest of the infalling cloud. Our model of the early solar nebula thus consists of a small dense quasi-stellar core surrounded by a vast tenuous but opaque turbulent convective envelope. Following an earlier paper (Prentice, 1973) we show how the supersonic turbulent stress \((\rho _t v_t ^2 ) = \beta \rho GM(r)/r\) , where β is called the turbulence parameter, ρ is the gas density andM(r) the mass interior to radiusr causes the envelope to become very centrally condensed (i.e. drastically lowers its moment-of-inertia coefficientf) and leads to a very steep density inversion at its photosurface, as well as causing the interior to rotate like a solid body. As the nebula contracts conserving its angular momentum the ratio θ of centrifugal force to gravitational force at the equator steadily increases. In order to maintain pressure equilibrium at its photosurface, material is extruded outwards from the deep interior of the envelope to form a dense belt of non-turbulent gases at the equator which are free of turbulent viscosity. If the turbulence is sufficiently strong, we find that when θ→1 at equatorial radiusR e=R0, corresponding to the orbit of Neptune, the addition of any further mass to the equator causes the envelope to discontinuously withdraw to a new radiusR e>R0, leaving behind the circular belt of gas at the Kepler orbitR 0. The protosun continues to contract inwards, again rotationally stabilizing itself by extruding fresh material to the equator, and eventually abandoning a second gaseous ring at radiusR 1, and so on. If the collapse occurs homologously the sequence of orbital radiiR n of the system of gaseous Laplacian rings satisfy the geometric progression $$R_n /R_{n + 1} = [1 + m/Mf]^2 = constant, n = 0, 1,2, \ldots ,$$ analogous to the Titius-Bode Law of planetary distances, wherem denotes the mass of the disposed ring andM the remaining mass of the envelope. Choosing a ratio of surface to central temperature for the envelope equal to about 10?3 and adjusting the turbulence parameter β~~0.1 so thatR n/Rn+1 matches the observed mean ratio of 1.73, we typically findf=0.01 and that the rings of gas each have about the same mass, namely 1000M of the solar material. Detailed calculations which take into account non-homologous behaviour resulting from the changing mass fraction of dissociated H2 in the nebula during the collapse do not appreciably disturb this result. This model of the contracting protosun enables us to account for the observed physical structure and mass distribution of the planetary system, as well as the chemistry. In a later Paper II we shall examine in detail the condensation of the planets from the system of gaseous rings.  相似文献   

Prentice (1978a, b), in his modern Laplacian theory of the origin of the solar system, has established a scenario in which he finds the ratio of the orbital radii of successively disposed gaseous rings to be a constant 1.69. In an attempt to understand this law in an alternative way, Rawal (1984a) assumes that during the collapse of the solar nebula the halts at various radii are brought about by the supersonic turbulent convection and arrives at the relation of the formR p=Rap, whereR is the radius of the present Sun anda=1.422, is referred to, here, as the Roche constant. Kepler's third law assumes the form:T p=T0(a 3/2) p ,T 0 being the rotational period of the Sun at the time it attained its present radius.R p satisfy Laplace's resonance relation without any exception. The present paper investigates inter-relations among the concepts of supersonic turbulent convection, rotational instability, and Roche limit.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

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