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Annie Baglin 《Solar physics》1991,133(1):155-160
High precision photometry from space is the only technique to detect the nonradial oscillations of a significant set of stars with different masses, ages, angular momentum, chemical composition, as already observed for the Sun. During an observation run of several days, a reasonably small telescope (10 cm) will collect enough photons to detect periodic signals of relative amplitude as low as 10 –6, coherent over this period. The frequency resolution necessary to distinguish the rotational splitting (0.5 H) will be achieved in increasing the observation run to 20 days.  相似文献   

The goals of the TREK experiment, now in place on the MIR Space Station, are to resolve and measure the composition of both odd-Z and even-Z cosmic-ray nuclei up to uranium, to measure the isotopic composition of Fe-group nuclei, and to search for transuranic nucleic and exotic particles such as strangelets. To collect tracks of ultraheavy cosmic rays, exterior panels holding an array of BP-1 phosphate glass 1.2m2 in area and 16 plates thick are now mounted outside the Kvant-2 module on MIR. Heaters and relays regulate the temperature of the glass at 25°±5°C. The detectors will record 103 cosmic-ray tracks withZ50 during 2.5 years. An interior panel consisting of an array 0.09 m2 in area and 32 plates thick and mounted on the inside wall of the Soyuz spacecraft (attached to the Space Station) will collect tracks of about 13000 Fe and 500 Ni nuclei.  相似文献   

We propose a next generation space instrument: the Fresnel imager, a large aperture and lightweight focusing device for UV astrophysics. This paper presents the laboratory setup used to validate the Fresnel imager at UV at wavelengths around 260 nm, and the results obtained. The validation of this optical concept in the visible domain has been previously published, with the first results on sky objects. In this paper we present new optical tests in the UV, of diffractive focusing and chromatic correction at wavelengths around 260 nm. The results show images free from chromatic aberration, thanks to a chromatic corrector scheme similar to the one used in the visible. To complete these tests and reach real astrophysical UV sources, we propose a short space mission featuring a Fresnel imager prototype placed on the international space station: during the mission this small aperture instrument would be aimed at UV sources such as bright stars and solar system objects, to assess at relatively low cost the limits in contrast and resolution of diffractive focusing in space conditions, on real UV astrophysical objects. At wavelengths from 100 to 300 nm, covering Lyman-α, we expect some scientific return from this mission, but the main goal is to increase the TRL, improving the chances of success for a later proposal featuring a full fledged Fresnel imager 10 meters in aperture or more, that would explore new domains of UV astrophysics at very high angular resolution and very high contrast.  相似文献   

Continuous access to the UV domain has been considered of importance to astrophysicists and planetary scientists since the mid-sixties. However, the future of UV missions for the post-HST era is believed by a significant part of astronomical community to be less encouraging. We argue that key science problems of the coming years will require further development of UV observational technologies. Among these hot astrophysical issues are: the search for missing baryons, revealing the nature of astronomical engines, properties of atmospheres of exoplanets as well as of the planets of the Solar System etc. We give a brief review of UV-missions both in the past and in the future. We conclude that UV astronomy has a great future but the epoch of very large and efficient space UV facilities seems to be a prospect for the next decades. As to the current state of the UV instrumentation we think that this decade will be dominated by the HST and coming World Space Observatory-Ultraviolet (WSO-UV) with a 1.7 m UV-telescope onboard. The international WSO-UV mission is briefly described. It will allow high resolution/high sensitivity imaging and high/low resolution spectroscopy from the middle of the decade.  相似文献   

Important insights into the formation, structure, evolution and environment of all types of stars can be obtained through the measurement of their winds and possible magnetospheres. However, this has hardly been done up to now mainly because of the lack of UV instrumentation available for long periods of time. To reach this aim, we have designed UVMag, an M-size space mission equipped with a high-resolution spectropolarimeter working in the UV and visible spectral range. The UV domain is crucial in stellar physics as it is very rich in atomic and molecular lines and contains most of the flux of hot stars. Moreover, covering the UV and visible spectral domains at the same time will allow us to study the star and its environment simultaneously. Adding polarimetric power to the spectrograph will multiply tenfold the capabilities of extracting information on stellar magnetospheres, winds, disks, and magnetic fields. Examples of science objectives that can be reached with UVMag are presented for pre-main sequence, main sequence and evolved stars. They will cast new light onto stellar physics by addressing many exciting and important questions. UVMag is currently undergoing a Research & Technology study and will be proposed at the forthcoming ESA call for M-size missions. This spectropolarimeter could also be installed on a large UV and visible observatory (e.g. NASA’s LUVOIR project) within a suite of instruments.  相似文献   

C10H6-Fe+ complexes were observed by Fourier transform mass spectrometry by Marty et al. (Chem. Phys. Lett. 256 (1996) 669). In this article, we present the infra-red (IR) spectra of the two isomers calculated by ab initio methods of quantum chemistry. In the past, the same approach has predicted successfully unexpected features of the IR spectra of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) cations which were confirmed by measurements in matrices (J. Phys. Chem. 98 (1994) 9187). The C10H6-Fe+ systems are models for larger PAHs-Fe+ complexes, which are believed to play a key rôle in space chemistry.  相似文献   

A detailed list of line identifications of the far UV spectrum of the O4V((f)) star 9 Sagittarii (HD 164794) in the wavelength range 1174-2000 Å is presented. The identification is based on two spectra recorded in 1981 (on 16 April—SWP 13729 and on 24 August—SWP 14805) by the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE). In the list many unclassified lines are included. The radial velocities of all lines, classified and unclassified, are measured for both spectra and the mean velocities for different ions are discussed.  相似文献   

We have performed high-speed UBV photometric observations on the peculiar binary V Sagittae. Using three new eclipse timings we update the orbital ephemeris and convert it to a dynamical time-scale (TDB). We also searched for quasi-periodic oscillations but did not detect them. Using the Wilson–Devinney algorithm we have modelled the light curve to find the stellar parameters of V Sge. We find that the system is a detached binary but that the primary star is very close to filling its Roche lobe, while the secondary star fills 90 per cent of its Roche lobe volume. We find temperatures of the primary and the secondary star to be T 1=41 000 K and T 2=22 000 K. We find i =72° and masses of 0.8 M and 3.3 M for the primary and secondary stars respectively. De-archived Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) spectroscopy of V Sge shows evidence of mass loss via a wind or winds. In addition we report radio observations of V Sge during an optical high state at 2 cm, 3.6 cm and 6 cm wavelengths. The 3.6 cm emission is increased by a factor of more than six compared with an earlier detection in a previous optical high state.  相似文献   

Surface photometry of the UV continuum galaxy NGC 838 has been carried out in theB, V system using photographic plates obtained with the 74 Kottamia telescope, Egypt. Isophotes, luminosity profiles, integrated photographic magnitudes, effective diameters and other photometric parameters are derived.The photoelectrically calibrated total apparent magnitudes areB T =13.57 with maximum diameters 1.57×1.34 (at threshold m =27.7 mag.//) andV T =12.91 with maximum diameters 1.54×1.32 (at threshold m =27.7 mag./). The integrated colour index(B–V) T =0.66 and the effective surface brightness e (B=19.0 mag./) and e (V=19.7 mag./. The major axis is at position angle =85°±1°.The nucleus of NGC 838 is quite blue (integrated colour(B–V)=0.41 forr *<0.1) compared to normal galaxies while the colour becomes redder from the nucleus outwards. The UV excess, H emission and radio continuum emission previously observed from this galaxy by other investigators may be attributed to a recent burst of star formation in the nucleus of the galaxy of duration slightly greater than 2×107 yr.  相似文献   

Abstract— The He, Ne, and Ar compositions of 32 individual interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) were measured using low‐blank laser probe gas extraction. These measurements reveal definitive evidence of space exposure. The Ne and Ar isotopic compositions in the IDPs are primarily a mixture between solar wind (SW) and an isotopically heavier component dubbed “fractionated solar” (FS), which could be implantation‐fractionated solar wind or a distinct component of the solar corpuscular radiation previously identified as solar energetic particles (SEP). Space exposure ages based on the Ar content of individual IDPs are estimated for a subset of the grains that appear to have escaped significant volatile losses during atmosphere entry. Although model‐dependent, most of the particles in this subset have ages that are roughly consistent with origin in the asteroid belt. A short (<1000 years) space exposure age is inferred for one particle, which is suggestive of cometary origin. Among the subset of grains that show some evidence for relatively high atmospheric entry heating, two possess elevated 21Ne/22Ne ratios generated by extended exposure to solar and galactic cosmic rays. The inferred cosmic ray exposure ages of these particles exceeds 107 years, which tends to rule out origin in the asteroid belt. A favorable possibility is that these 21Ne‐rich IDPs previously resided on a relatively stable regolith of an Edgeworth‐Kuiper belt or Oort cloud body and were introduced into the inner solar system by cometary activity. These results demonstrate the utility of noble gas measurements in constraining models for the origins of interplanetary dust particles.  相似文献   

Results obtained during the first six months in orbit of Ariel V with the Leicester Sky Survey are reviewed. Among 80 sources found by a scan of the Milky Way, 16 are new, and 11 UHURU sources in the scanned region are not detected. Some of these sources may be transient. The light curve of Cen X-3 in a binary cycle shows a dip between phase 0.5, and 0.75, and a secondary maximum at the centre of the dip. The dip and the maximum get progressively weaker in the succeeding cycles. These features are interpreted in terms of the stellar wind accretion model. Cyg X-1 observation for 14 days gives a broad minimum around superior conjuction. Four bright transient sources of nova-like light curves have been observed. The light curves and the spectra are given for TrA X-1 (A1524-62) and Tau X-T (A0535+26).Paper presented at the COSPAR Symposium on Fast Transients in X- and Gamma-Rays, held at Varna, Bulgaria, 29–31 May, 1975.  相似文献   

The Tissint meteorite fell on July 18, 2011 in Morocco and was quickly recovered, allowing the investigation of a new unaltered sample from Mars. We report new high‐field strength and highly siderophile element (HSE) data, Sr‐Nd‐Hf‐W‐Os isotope analyses, and data for cosmogenic nuclides in order to examine the history of the Tissint meteorite, from its source composition and crystallization to its irradiation history. We present high‐field strength element compositions that are typical for depleted Martian basalts (0.174 ppm Nb, 17.4 ppm Zr, 0.7352 ppm Hf, and 0.0444 ppm W), and, together with an extended literature data set for shergottites, help to reevaluate Mars’ tectonic evolution in comparison to that of the early Earth. HSE contents (0.07 ppb Re, 0.92 ppb Os, 2.55 ppb Ir, and 7.87 ppb Pt) vary significantly in comparison to literature data, reflecting significant sample inhomogeneity. Isotope data for Os and W (187Os/188Os = 0.1289 ± 15 and an ε182W = +1.41 ± 0.46) are both indistinguishable from literature data. An internal Lu‐Hf isochron for Tissint defines a crystallization age of 665 ± 74 Ma. Considering only Sm‐Nd and Lu‐Hf chronometry, we obtain, using our and literature values, a best estimate for the age of Tissint of 582 ± 18 Ma (MSWD = 3.2). Cosmogenic radionuclides analyzed in the Tissint meteorite are typical for a recent fall. Tissint's pre‐atmospheric radius was estimated to be 22 ± 2 cm, resulting in an estimated total mass of 130 ± 40 kg. Our cosmic‐ray exposure age of 0.9 ± 0.2 Ma is consistent with earlier estimations and exposure ages for other shergottites in general.  相似文献   

The changes in the Sun occurring at human time-scales can be pinned down to the presence of magnetic fields. These fields determine the structure of the outer solar atmosphere and, therefore, they are responsible for all the energetic part of the solar spectrum, including the UV. Our understanding of the magnetic fields existing at the base of the atmosphere has changed during the last years. The new spectro-polarimeters reveal an ubiquitous magnetic field, present even in the quiet regions. They are widespread and of complex topology, containing far more (unsigned) magnetic flux and magnetic energy that all traditional manifestations of solar activity. These so-called quiet Sun magnetic fields are the subject of the contribution. I summarize their main observational properties, as well as the models put forward to explain them. According to the common wisdom, they may be generated by a turbulent dynamo driven by convective motions. Their true physical role is not understood yet, but it may be consequential both for the Sun (e.g., in determining the structure of the quiet corona), and for other astronomical objects (e.g., if a turbulent dynamo operates in the Sun, the same mechanism provides a very efficient mean of creating surface magnetic fields in all stars with convective envelopes). I discuss the impact of the quiet Sun fields on the transition region and corona, trying to point out the UV signatures of those fields.  相似文献   

The Viking missions to Mars failed to detect any organic material in regolith samples. Since then, several removal mechanisms of organic material have been proposed. Two of these proposed methods are removal due to exposure to plasmas created in dust devils and exposure to UV irradiation. The experiments presented here were performed to identify similarities between the two potential removal mechanisms and to identify any compounds produced from these mechanisms that would have been difficult for the Viking instruments to detect. Five organic compounds, phenanthrene, octadecane, octadecanoic acid, decanophenone and benzoic acid, were exposed to a glow discharge plasma created in simulated martian atmospheres as might be present in dust devils, and to UV irradiation similar to that found at the surface of Mars. Glow discharge exposure was carried out in a chamber with 6.9 mbar pressure of a Mars like gas composed mostly of carbon dioxide. The plasma was characterized using emission spectroscopy and found to contain cations and excited neutral species including carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen. UV irradiation experiments were performed in a Mars chamber which simulates the temperature, pressure, atmospheric composition, and UV fluence rates of equatorial Mars. The non-volatile residues left after each exposure were characterized by mass loss, infrared spectroscopy and high resolution mass spectrometry. Oxidized, higher molecular weight versions of the parent compounds containing carbonyl, hydroxyl and alkenyl functional groups were identified. The presence of these oxidized compounds suggests that searches for organic material in soils on Mars use instrumentation suitable for detection of compounds which contain the above functional groups. Discussions of possible reaction mechanisms are given.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of ionizing radiation from the UV stars (hot prewhite dwarfs) on the intergalactic medium (IGM). If the UV stars are powered only by gravitational contraction they radiate most of their energy at a typical surface temperature of 1.5×105 K which produces a very highly ionized IGM in which the elements carbon, nitrogen and oxygen are left with only one or two electrons. This results in these elements being very inefficient coolants. The gas is cooled principally by free-free emission and the collisional ionization of hydrogen and helium. For a typical UV star temperature ofT=1.5×105 K, the temperature of the ionized gas in the IGM isT g =1.2×105 K for a Hubble constantH o=75 km s–1 Mpc–1 and a hydrogen densityn H =10–6 cm–3. Heating by cosmic rays and X-rays is insignificant in the IGM except perhaps inHi clouds because when a hydrogen atom recombines in the IGM it is far more likely to be re-ionized by a UV-star photon than by of the other two types of particles due to the greater space density of UV-star photons and their appreciably larger ionization cross-sections. If the UV stars radiate a substantial fraction of their energy in a helium-burning stage in which they have surface temperatures of about 5×104 K, the temperature of the IGM could be lowered to about 5×104 K.  相似文献   

BV light curves of the eclipsing binary UV Leo obtained at the Kryonerion Astronomical Station of the National Observatory of Athens, Greece, are analyzed. The analysis is based on a Roche configuration with two spots on the secondary surface. The elements of the two components of the system are calculated and the spot characteristics are given.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes an experiment in an orbiting laboratory to determine the gravitational constantG. A massive sphere, according to a suggestion of L. S. Wilk, is to have three tunnels drilled through it along mutually perpendicular diameters. The sphere either floats in the orbiting laboratory, with its center held fixed by means of external jets issuing from the spacecraft, or is tethered to the spacecraft. In either case it is free to rotate; in the second case this freedom would be achieved by a system of gimbals.Each tunnel contains a small test object, which is held on the tunnel's axis by means of a suspension system, perhaps electrostatic, and held at rest relative to the sphere by slowly rotating the latter by means of inertia reaction wheels, governed by a servomechanism. Fundamentally, one balances the gravitational forces on the test objects by centrifugal force, determines the latter by measuring the components of angular velocity, and calculatesG from the resulting balance. It is better to use three tunnels than one because their use minimizes the effects of the Earth's gravity-gradient.Many other measurements and corrections are required. The latter arise from Earth gravity-gradient, aerodynamic drag (with the tethered sphere), gravitational forces produced by the spacecraft itself, and the force reductions produced by the empty space in all three tunnels. After the consideration of these effects there is a presentation and discussion of the equations required to reduce the observations to obtainG. There then follow the extra equations, not needed in the reduction, that are required for a computer simulation to investigate the possible extraction of a test object and to aid in designing the servomechanisms.In Appendix B, I have devised another version of the experiment, in which the sphere is kept intact, but has short thin hollow vestigial tunnels attached to the outside of the sphere, along perpendicular diameters. These external tunnels would contain the test objects and the suspension systems. The servomechanisms would then have to prevent collision of a test object with the sphere, as well as extraction. This second method could allow for some inhomogeneities in the sphere, would require no accurate drilling, and would make the suspension systems more accessible for construction and adjustment.This paper was prepared under the sponsorship of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration through NASA Contract NAS 9-8328.  相似文献   

We have studied the panchromatic broad-band properties from the FUV to the MIR of a sample of 808 post-starburst galaxies. We find that in the optical and near-IR bands post-starburst galaxies (PSGs) form a remarkably uniform class of objects and that, on average, simple populations synthesis models (SSP) reproduce very well the SEDs of PSGs over a broad wavelength range, but not in the UV. We also find that, while the photometric variance in the optical and near-IR properties of the sample is small and comparable to the observational errors, both in the UV and the mid-IR the observed variance is much larger than the errors. We find a strong correlation between the UV fluxes and those in the mid-IR, indicating that the large variance in UV properties of PSGs could be related to a non-uniform distribution of dust covering the intermediate age populations. The disagreement between models and observations in the UV could be due to inadequate modelling; to the contribution of AGB and post-AGB stars; or to a non-uniform distribution of dust; possibly all three. Further progress in understanding this important class of galaxies, therefore, requires at the same time better modelling and better observations in the UV and mid-IR.  相似文献   

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