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《Progress in Oceanography》2007,72(2-3):164-194
This paper presents an updated review of our knowledge about Centropages typicus development and growth based on a synthesis of all data found in the literature on stage durations, development rates, size, weight, and C:N ratios. Developmental and growth characteristics have been recorded during field time series and cruises, as well as in controlled laboratory experiments. A few laboratory studies have contributed to an understanding of the impact of food quantity, food quality and temperature on growth and development.C. typicus has a sigmoidal development pattern when the contribution of the different stages to total development time is considered, CIV and CV having much longer durations than preceding stages. The development times of this species are closely related to temperature with a nearly equiproportional development. In turn, food conditions, both in quantity and quality, have less effect on development than on growth rate, leading to large variations in weight within stage, even larger than those predicted from changes in length and biovolume. Actual measurements of weight and biochemical composition are required to better understand the growth of C. typicus in relation to food composition. As a consequence, our review shows that weight–length relationships obtained in particular environmental conditions may be inadequate for others.The combination of a temperature-dependent development rate and a food-dependent growth rate may explain why shelf regions are a more favourable environment for C. typicus as compared to offshore regions, as they support large females, production of more and better quality eggs, and probably better survival of the offspring.  相似文献   

《Progress in Oceanography》2007,72(2-3):259-273
Centropages typicus is a temperate neritic-coastal species of the North Atlantic Oceans, generally found between the latitudes of the Mediterranean and the Norwegian Sea. Therefore, the species experiences a large number of environments and adjusts its life cycle in response to changes in key abiotic parameters such as temperature. Using data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey, we review the macroecology of C. typicus and factors that influence its spatial distribution, phenology and year-to-year to decadal variability. The ecological preferences are identified and quantified. Mechanisms that allow the species to occur in such different environments are discussed and hypotheses are proposed as to how the species adapts to its environment. We show that temperature and both quantity and quality of phytoplankton are important factors explaining the space and time variability of C. typicus. These results show that C. typicus will not respond only to temperature increase in the region but also to changes in phytoplankton abundance, structure and composition and timing of occurrence. Methods such as a decision tree can help to forecast expected changes in the distribution of this species with hydro-climatic forcing.  相似文献   

《Progress in Oceanography》2007,72(2-3):151-163
Information on the metabolism rates of Centropages typicus and congeneric species (C. hamatus, C. furcatus, C. brachiatus and C. abdominalis) in neritic areas of the Mediterranean Sea, the North Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean are reported here. Respiration rates and excretion rates are strongly influenced by abiotic (i.e. temperature, salinity) and biotic factors (i.e. food availability and composition). Differences in the response of respiratory rates to temperature of acclimated, acclimatized and adapted individuals are clearly observed among regions of the Mediterranean Sea and the West and East shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Food supply also strongly affects respiration and excretion rates, as well as the size, sex and stage development of the individuals. The co-measurement of these two rates allows confirmation of the omnivory or carnivory oriented feeding habits of these species. The role of this neritic genus in coastal environment is also discussed.  相似文献   

Recently, aquaculture has generated worldwide interest as a result of the overexploitation of wild stocks combined with a growing international demand for fish and seafood products. Wild fish attracted to the marine fish farms, together with the presence of the farmed fish, are powerful attractants to predators that normally feed on similar or identical fish stocks in nature. This 9‐year study describes for the first time in Mediterranean waters the temporal variability of mammalian and avian predators in a coastal fin fish farm. In all, 99 months (1062 days during 36 consecutive seasons) were spent in the field. By examining the results of this study, it is clear that species as seagulls, shags, bottlenose dolphins and grey herons (considered to cause economic loss in aquaculture owing to direct predation) interact regularly with the fish farm. Although bottlenose dolphins and grey herons were not the most important of all predator species, predatory interactions with the fish farm occurred with what seems to be increasing regularity. Another result observed is the possible bottlenose dolphins’ attraction caused by the harvesting operations in the fish farm. The fish farm offers an alternative food source for predators; hunting at fish farms usually requires less effort on the part of the predator, and becomes a more attractive option than hunting wild fish over wide ranges. During the period of this study, individually identified dolphins feeding were regularly observed feeding on discarded fish from fish farm workers during harvesting operations, supporting the possibility that some individuals are habituated to this food supply. Based on the evidence presented in this paper, it is recommended that strategies for the management of both the aquaculture industry and marine mammal populations should take the results of this study into consideration.  相似文献   

《Progress in Oceanography》2007,72(2-3):117-120
We briefly introduce the different chapters of this special issue which review the current knowledge and understanding of the biology and ecology of Centropages typicus obtained over the last 30 years. The papers are grouped into two major theme areas: the first five papers review behaviour, feeding, metabolism, growth and development, and reproduction, and the four following papers have a regional focus dealing with temporal and spatial distribution in the Mediterranean Sea and in the North Atlantic shelf areas. The findings reviewed in the two groups of papers converge to explain why C. typicus is such a very successful copepod species in these coastal areas. In the different chapters, similarities and differences with congeneric species (C. velificatus, C. hamatus, C. brachiatus, C. chierchiae, C. furcatus, and C. abdominalis) have been explored where these are known.  相似文献   

《Progress in Oceanography》2007,72(2-3):195-213
The broadcast spawner, Centropages typicus, is a very successful copepod species in many coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean. This review assembles the large amount of information on the reproduction and early life history of C. typicus that has emerged since the 1970s and has made this species one of the best-studied copepods, similar in that regard to species of Acartia and Calanus. Observations on mating behavior and the female gametogenic and oogenic cycles are presented, together with information on seasonal cycles of egg production rates in Mediterranean and Atlantic populations from various regions. These studies indicate a strong latitudinal gradient, with continuous reproduction and the main spawning season occurring earlier (late winter/spring) in warmer waters such as the Mediterranean Sea, compared to northern areas such as the North Sea and in the Kattegat, where C. typicus actively reproduces mainly in late summer and fall with reproduction ceasing altogether in winter in the German Bight. These observations strongly suggest that temperature is the controlling factor for reproductive activity in this species. Egg development times are also temperature dependent but do not vary with latitude, and there is as yet no conclusive evidence that diapause egg production occurs in C. typicus. Laboratory experiments have shown that food quantity and quality both affect fecundity and offspring fitness, but most of these studies have focused on diatom and dinoflagellate diets and non-algal prey have been strongly underrepresented, despite their importance for this omnivorous copepod. Large fluctuations in hatching success and naupliar survival have been reported in field surveys and have subsequently been related to maternal feeding history and food quality or toxicity in laboratory experiments. We identify future lines of research that will help to explain the interannual variability in breeding intensity and recruitment of C. typicus in the field based on better understanding of the species’ reproductive biology.  相似文献   

《Progress in Oceanography》2007,72(2-3):137-150
Here we report on the current knowledge on the feeding ecology of the planktonic copepod Centropages typicus. We describe the foraging process of C. typicus from the detection of prey to their digestion, considering also the effects of several physical variables on the feeding activity of the species. C. typicus is an omnivorous copepod that feeds on a wide spectrum of prey, from small algae (3–4 μm equivalent spherical diameter, ESD) to yolk-sac fish larvae (3.2–3.6 mm length). It uses both suspensivorous and ambush feeding strategies, depending on the characteristics of the prey. In general, C. typicus exhibits selection for large motile prey, such as ciliates or dinoflagellates, both in nature and laboratory, and this selective pattern is enhanced under moderate intensities of turbulence. Daily rations in the field are somewhat lower than those found in the laboratory, which indicates food limitation. This fact, together with the relatively modest capacity of the species to adapt to fluctuations in food availability may explain the geographical distribution of C. typicus, being restricted to near-shelf waters. In general, it does not seem that C. typicus feeding severely impacts planktonic populations. However, the occasional importance of the species in certain ecosystems is also apparent.  相似文献   

《Progress in Oceanography》2007,72(2-3):233-248
We review current knowledge and understanding of the biology and ecology of Centropages typicus in the European shelf-seas (e.g. North Sea, English Channel and Bay of Biscay). Our study is based on observations at seven coastal time-series stations as well as on the Continuous Plankton Recorder dataset. This paper focuses on the influence of the environmental parameters (e.g. temperature and Chla) on the life cycle and distribution of C. typicus and provides a comparison with its congeneric species C. hamatus and C. chierchiae in the study area. Data on abundance, seasonality and egg production have been used to define the temperature and chlorophyll optima for occurrence and reproduction of Centropages spp. within this region of the European shelf-seas.  相似文献   

《Progress in Oceanography》2007,72(2-3):249-258
Centropages typicus and Centropages hamatus are two of the most abundant copepods on the continental shelf in the mid-Atlantic region of the western North Atlantic. Their range extends from the Scotian Shelf (C. typicus) and the Grand Banks (C. hamatus) in the north to Cape Hatteras in the south. South of Cape Hatteras they have only been observed in inshore waters of North and South Carolina and not offshore on the continental shelf or in coastal waters of eastern Florida. However, C. hamatus has been observed in western Florida. Abundances of both species are greatest in inshore regions in the mid-Atlantic Bight with C. hamatus tending to have a more coastal distribution. In this region seasonal variability is low with high abundances from late fall through mid-summer. In the north year-round presence of both species is confined to inshore areas and offshore banks such as Georges Bank, and Browns Bank, Emerald Bank and Western Bank on the Scotian Shelf. In this northern region there is a pronounced seasonal cycle in abundance with high abundances during late summer and fall. Periods of high reproductive rates are closely linked to blooms of large phytoplankton and food availability rather than temperature appears to be controlling population abundances.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of dimethylsulfide (DMS) and β-dimethylsulfoniopropionate, particulate (pDMSP) and dissolved (dDMSP), were measured biweekly in the upper 140 m of the Sargasso Sea (32°10′N, 64°30′W) during 1992 and 1993. DMS and pDMSP showed strong, but different, seasonal patterns; no distinct intra-annual pattern was observed for dDMSP. During winter, concentrations of DMS were generally less than 1 nmol l−1 at all depths, dDMSP was less than 3 nmol l−1 and pDMSP was less than 8 nmol l−1. In spring, concentrations of both dDMSP and pDMSP rose, on a few occasions up to 20 nmol l−1 in the dissolved pool and up to 27 nmol l−1 in the particulate pool. These increases, due to blooms of DMSP-containing phytoplankton, resulted in only minor increases in DMS concentrations (up to 4 nmol l−1). Throughout the summer, the concentrations of DMS continued to increase, reaching a maximum in August of 12 nmol l−1 (at 30 m depth). There was no concomitant summer increase in dDMSP or pDMSP. The differences among the seasonal patterns of DMS, dDMSP, and pDMSP suggest that the physical and biological processes involved in the cycling of DMS change with the seasons. There is a correlation between the concentration of DMS and temperature in this data set, as required by some of the climate feedback models that have been suggested for DMS. A full understanding of the underlying processes controlling DMS is required to determine if the temperature-DMS pattern is of significance in the context of global climate change.  相似文献   

In 1999, 2003 and 2007 macrofauna communities were sampled in three different areas (“Boxes”) of 10 × 10 nautical miles in the northern North Sea in order to study the temporal changes in community structure in relation to changes in temperature or changes in hydrography.  相似文献   

中国近海大气气溶胶的时间和地理分布特征   总被引:26,自引:5,他引:21  
刘毅  周明煜 《海洋学报》1999,21(1):32-40
通过对中国近海10个航次气溶胶观测资料的统计分析得出:(1)从黄海、东海至日本以南海域气溶胶中地壳元素年平均浓度明显减小,在春季尘暴多发期间地壳元素浓度离到岸距离接指数规律递减.污染元素气溶胶浓度分布与陆源排放量和离岸距离有一定关系.(2)海上陆源气溶胶浓度的季节分布为:春季最大,秋冬次之,夏季最小.受日本排放源的影响,日本以南海域污染元素浓度最大值出现在冬季.(3)Se元素浓度与海洋源密切相关.海盐元素从黄海、东海至日本以南海域浓度逐渐增加,主要受周围海况影响,与风速呈现一定程度的正相关.影响近海气溶胶浓度的主要因素有陆源气溶胶排放量、降水分布和大尺度天气形势.  相似文献   

Meso-scale spatial variability of coastal suprabenthic communities inhabiting muddy bottoms at 50–80 m depth in three gulfs of northern Sicily (Western Mediterranean) was here investigated. Although similar as concerns the hydrological and oceanographic conditions, the three areas, that encompass a large portion of the continental shelf (135 km), are characterized by different geo-morphological features. In addition, they are subjected to different trawl fishery pressures. The Gulf of Castellammare is a semi-enclosed bay, where the trawling activity has been banned since 1990. The Gulf of Termini Imerese and the Gulf of Sant’Agata are open areas, subjected to high trawl fishing intensity. In terms of density, gammarid amphipods showed differences among the three gulfs; in terms of biomass, cumaceans and amphipods were more abundant in the Gulf of Castellammare than in the other two areas. Multivariate analyses provided evidence for separation of suprabenthic assemblages between the Gulf of Castellammare and the other two gulfs. The Gulf of Castellammare seemed to host the most diversified and stable community according to α- and β-diversity indices. In the same way the low value of δ13C vs. δ15N correlation found in the gulf of Castellammare, which evidences the occurrence of several food sources, supports the idea of a higher stability in the semi-enclosed, trawl-ban area. In the other two areas δ13C vs. δ15N correlations were high, suggesting the existence of a pelagic source sustaining the suprabenthic communities. This is also confirmed by the lower δ13C concentrations found in suprabenthic species. Taking into account the homogeneous oceanographic conditions among gulfs, other factors, such as geo-morphology and trawling pressure should be involved in the observed differences among the three areas in terms of assemblage structure, diversity, and trophodynamics of suprabenthic communities.  相似文献   

The seasonal variability of tropical cyclones (CTCs) generated over the South China Sea (SCS) from 1948 to 2003 is analyzed. It peaks in occurrence in August and few generate in late winter (from January to March). The seasonal activity is attributed to the variability of atmosphere and ocean environments associated with the monsoon system. It is found that the monsoonal characteristics of the SCS basically determine the region of tropical cyclone (TC) genesis in each month.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the results from a 1/8° horizontal resolution numerical simulation of the Mediterranean Sea using an ocean model (DieCAST) that is stable with low general dissipation and that uses accurate control volume fourth-order numerics with reduced numerical dispersion. The ocean model is forced using climatological monthly mean winds and relaxation towards monthly climatological surface temperature and salinity. The variability of the circulation obtained is assessed by computing the volume transport through certain sections and straits where comparison with observations is possible. The seasonal variability of certain currents is reproduced in the model simulations. More important, an interannual variability, manifested by changes in currents and water mass properties, is also found in the results. This may indicate that the oceanic internal variability (not depending on external atmospheric forcing), is an important component of the total variability of the Mediterranean circulation; variability that seems to be very significant and well documented by in situ and satellite data recovered in the Mediterranean Sea during the last decade.  相似文献   

Analysis of 121 in-situ nephelometer profiles recorded in the waters above Nitinat Deep-Sea Fan during three cruises between 1971 and 1974 reveals a substantial degree of correlation between fan topography and the vertical distribution of suspended particulate matter within 150 m of the sea floor. Profiles recorded above different topographic provinces may be generalized into two structural classes which have retained their characteristic features throughout the 4-year observation period: the levee type, in which a thin bottom nepheloid layer consists of a single steep scattering gradient sharply capped by the overlying clearer water; and the fan-valley type, in which a bottom nepheloid layer of variable thickness and prominent internal layering dissipates only gradually into the overlying clearer water. Although the source of the particles which form the bottom nepheloid layer has not yet been definitely identified, the multi-year stability of scattering intensity, thickness, and internal structure imply that it is maintained by some combination of continually operative processes, rather than by infusions of material from episodic events such as turbidity currents.  相似文献   

The trophic ecology, energy and reproductive states of the deep-water shrimp Aristaeomorpha foliacea, widely distributed along the slopes of the Mediterranean Sea Basins, were analysed in eight areas spread along ca. 3000 km in order to identify patterns in the habitat conditions supporting the species. From W to E the areas were situated between the north side of Eivissa (39°12′N, 1°20′E, in the Balearic Basin) and off Mersin, Turkey (36°15′N, 34°19′E, in the Levantine Sea). Trends identified mainly as a function of longitude from west to east were: (i) higher δ15N, parallel to δ15N shifts in the top 200 m of the water column for particulate organic N (Pantoja et al., 2002). The δ15N trend indicates that the deep trophic web, i.e. A. foliacea at 400–600 m, reflects the δ15N signal of the photic zone; (ii) a similar significant trend of δ13C, related with exploitation of pelagic versus benthic resources by A. foliacea in each area (i.e. by local variability of terrigenous inputs via submarine canyons). More depleted δ13C was found at mid-longitudes (Tyrrhenian Sea and Sicily Channel) linked to higher consumption of macroplankton prey (Pasiphaea spp., euphausiids and mesopelagic fishes). The feeding intensity (gut fullness, F) and prey diversity (J) of A. foliacea were related, according to generalized linear models, with the temperature and salinity of intermediate waters, variables in turn associated with latitude and longitude. Both F and J were higher in areas with greater shrimp density. The optimal ecological habitat of A. foliacea appears to be located in the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Sicily Channel, where we found the highest F, the greatest trophic diversity and A. foliacea in the best biological condition (i.e. with higher hepato-somatic index, HSI). These are also the areas with the highest densities of A. foliacea. In contrast, in the western Mediterranean Sea (Balearic Basin and the southern Balearic Islands), where A. foliacea has low densities, the shrimp showed generally lower values of trophic indicators and biological condition.  相似文献   

Statistical characteristics and the parameters of the temporal variability of currents are analysed using data on current measurements conducted by five moored autonomous buoy stations over Bulgaria's shelf. Estimates of the specific contribution to the variability of synoptic (60%) and mesoscale (40%) oscillations are derived. The qualitative spectrum of the currents is defined, constituted by synoptic oscillations, short-period synoptic oscillations, inertial oscillations, and internal waves. Estimates of periods and oscillation amplitudes are also derived. The kinetic energy of the currents is calculated and the specific contribution of the energy of different-scale oscillations and their interrelations are determined.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

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