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《Applied Ocean Research》2007,29(1-2):17-36
Finite-memory nonlinear systems (FMNS) are extensively used in establishing a simple relationship between the output and input of complicated nonlinear systems. In Part I of this paper, it was shown how the response of an offshore structure exposed to (random) Morison wave loading can be approximated by the response of an equivalent finite-memory nonlinear system. The approximate FMNS models can then be used to determine, with great efficiency, the probability distribution of response extreme values. Part I of this paper was devoted to the development of FMNS models for offshore structural response. In this part, the validity of the developed models has been investigated by examining the response of three test structures under different environmental conditions. The results are promising.  相似文献   

G. Najafian   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(17-18):2277-2288
Offshore structures are exposed to random wave loading in the ocean environment and hence the probability distribution of their response to wave loading is a minimum requirement for efficient probabilistic analysis of these structures. Due to nonlinearity of Morison wave loading and also due to intermittency of wave loading on members in the splash zone, the response is often non-Gaussian. Analysis of simulated data has, however, shown that neither of the two probability models proposed in the literature can accurately predict the tails of the response distribution. New probability models are therefore required to overcome this deficiency. This paper is composed of two parts: Part I is devoted to the development and validation of a new probability model for drag-only responses (i.e. responses due to the drag component of Morison wave loading), while Part II is devoted to the development and validation of new probability models for both inertia-only and total responses.  相似文献   

From January 9 to 17, 1981, detailed observations of the horizontal and vertical structure beneath one of the quasi-permanent semi-stationary mesoscale offshore eddy signatures in the California Current System (CCS) discussed by Bernstein, Breaker and Whritner (1977), Burkov and Pavlova (1980), and Simpson (1982) were made. The vertical sections of temperature and density show the presence of three-layer system. A subsurface warm-core eddy, whose diameter is about 150 km at the 7°C isotherm, is the dominant feature. A warm surface layer, which extends to a depth of 75 m, lies over the eddy. Between the warm surface layer and the subsurface warm-core eddy, there is a cold-core region which extends to a depth of about 200 m. There is a high degree of symmetry about the vertical axis of rotation. Vertical sections of salinity and dissolved oxygen are entirely different from sections of temperature and density. Diagrams of water mass characteristics confirm that the core of the eddy, found between 250–600 m, consists of inshore water from the California Undercurrent (CU). Below about 700 m, local waters from the Deep Poleward Flow (DPF) have been incorporated into the eddy. The observed distributions of properties (T, S, δθ, O2) are inconsistent with a single, local generation process for the eddy system. Radial distributions of angular velocity, normalized gradient velocity and relative vorticity support the use of a Gaussian radial height field as an initial condition in eddy models. Possible reasons why CCS eddies may differ dynamically from Gulf Stream rings are given in the text. At the time the observations were made, the system as a whole was in near geostrophic balance. Local geostrophic balance, however, cannot explain the observed distribution of properties and structure. The observed symmetry in the structure of the eddy system, chemical evidence (Simpson, 1984), biological distributions (Haury, 1984) and satellite images of the CC (Koblinsky, Simpson and Dickey, 1984) suggest that lateral entrainment of warm (oceanic) and cold (coastal) water into the upper two layers of the three-layer system by the subsurface eddy is a likely generation mechanism for the cold-core region. The coastal origin of the frontal structure along the northeastern quadrant and the oceanic origin of the frontal structure along the southwestern quadrant of the eddy system further support lateral entrainment as a generation mechanism for the cold core. This entrainment makes the CCS eddy system different from cold-core rings in the Gulf Stream and rather similar to some warm-core eddies found in the East Australian Current. The presence of CU water in the core of this eddy raises the question of how CU water was transported from the continental slope. Eddy generation mechanisms, other than baroclinic instability of the CC, may be required to explain the distribution, persistence, and core composition of offshore mesoscale eddies in the CCS. There is evidence that barotropic, in addition to baroclinic, processes may be important.  相似文献   

G. Najafian   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(17-18):2289-2299
Offshore structures are exposed to random wave loading in the ocean environment and hence the probability distribution of their response to wave loading is a minimum requirement for efficient probabilistic analysis of these structures. Due to nonlinearity of Morison wave loading and also due to intermittency of wave loading on members in the splash zone, the response is often non-Gaussian. Part I of this paper was devoted to the development and validation of a new probability model for drag-only responses (i.e. responses due to the drag component of Morison wave loading). This part is devoted to the development and validation of new probability models for both inertia-only and total responses.  相似文献   

An observation operator for Doppler radar radial wind measurements is developed further in this article, based on the earlier work and considerations of the measurement characteristic. The elementary observation operator treats radar observations as point measurements at pre-processed observation heights. Here, modelling of the radar pulse volume broadening in vertical and the radar pulse path bending due to refraction is included to improve the realism of the observation modelling.
The operator is implemented into the High Resolution Limited Area Model (HIRLAM) limited area numerical weather prediction (NWP) system. A data set of circa 133 000 radial wind measurements is passively monitored against the HIRLAM six-hourly background values in a 1-month experiment. No data assimilation experiments are performed at this stage. A new finding is that the improved modelling reduces the mean observation minus background (OmB) vector wind difference at ranges below 55 km, and the standard deviation of the radial wind OmB difference at ranges over 25 km.
In conclusion, a more accurate and still computationally feasible observation operator is developed. The companion paper (Part II) considers optimal super-observation processing of Doppler radar radial winds for HIRLAM, with general applicability in NWP.  相似文献   

The distribution of plankton across a warm-core eddy system in the California Current 400 km off Point Conception, California was studied in January 1981. The eddy system, about 150 km in diameter at the 7°C isotherm, was made up of a 75 m thick surface layer, a cold-core region extending from 75 m to about 200 m, and a warm-core eddy below 200 m extending to at least 1450 m. Casts for the vertical distribution of chlorophyll/phaeophytin and integrating zooplankton net tows were taken at 37 stations located about 20 km apart on two orthogonal transects across the eddy system. Vertical distributions of microplankton were determined on one section from the eddy center to beyond the eastern edge. Integrated chlorophyll/phaeophytin values were highest to the north and east of the eddy system; across the system itself, there was only a small increase of values near the center. Asymmetrical distributions of maximum concen Current water was being entrained into the center of the eddy system from the northeast. Dinoflagellates were numerically the most important member of the microplankton, especially in the deep chlorophyll maximum. Zooplankton distributions indicated the intermingling of warm and cool water species throughout at least the upper 200 m of the eddy system. Some cold water species were as abundant inside the system as outside to the north and east; their numbers were much reduced in a band surrounding the system where warm water species were most abundant. The presence of species characteristic of different water types throughout the region of the eddy system provides an indication of the mixing that had occurred since the system originally formed. The biological data, together with the physical and chemical results, indicate the importance of frontal boundary processes and lateral entrainment of surrounding water into the eddy system in determining the character and productivity of such systems.  相似文献   

The boundary-element method has been widely used as a design tool in the offshore and ship building industry for more than 30 years. Its application to wave energy conversion is, however, more recent. This paper deals with the numerical modelling of a free-floating sloped wave energy device. The power take-off mechanism of the device consists of an immersed tube with a piston sliding inside. The modelling is done using the boundary-element method package WAMIT. The model is first worked out for the case where the axis of the tube is vertical. It is then derived for the tube inclined and successfully verified against numerical benchmark data. A companion paper presents results of a detailed comparison with a physical model study.  相似文献   

Offshore wind turbines can exhibit dynamic resonant behavior due to sea states with wave excitation frequencies coinciding with the structural eigenfrequencies. In addition to significant contributions to fatigue actions, dynamic load amplification can govern extreme wind turbine responses. However, current design requirements lack specifications for assessment of resonant loads, particularly during parked or idling conditions where aerodynamic damping contributions are significantly reduced. This study demonstrates a probabilistic approach for assessment of offshore wind turbines under extreme resonant responses during parked situations. Based on in-situ metocean observations on the North Sea, the environmental contour method is used to establish relevant design conditions. A case study on a feasible large monopile design showed that resonant loads can govern the design loads. The presented framework can be applied to assess the reliability of wave-sensitive offshore wind turbine structures for a given site-specific metocean conditions and support structure design.  相似文献   

稠油油田注水开发过程中,受不利流度比和非均质性的影响,注入水沿高渗层突进,造成油井暴性水淹,严重影响水驱开发效果。针对海上稠油油田的开发特点和存在问题,对弱凝胶体系的适用性进行了分析,对影响凝胶体系调驱的关键参数进行了优化。结果表明,原油黏度影响弱凝胶调驱效果,随着黏度的增大调驱效果有变差趋势。在含水率40%以后,注入时机越晚,调驱效果越差。注入量越大,调驱效果越好,在实际生产过程中考虑注入能力和经济因素应采取合理的注入量。先导性弱凝胶试验的成功,为海上稠油油田的稳油控水工作指明了方向。  相似文献   

If the equation of state is nonlinear, a given flux of heat across a double diffusive interface causes different buoyancy fluxes in the upper and lower layers. This results in different convective activity in the two layers and can lead to preferential entrainment across the interface in one direction (i.e. a migration of the interface). In this paper we derive the conservation equations for properties (e.g. heat and a solute) across a double diffusive interface between two well-mixed layers. A nondimensional measure of the entrainment across an interface and the most suitable choice for the buoyancy flux ratio are presented. Some surprising facts emerge. First, even for a linear equation of state and in the absence of direct entrainment across the interface, the flux of water across a finger interface is shown to be important. Second, for the heat-solute system, the heat balance equations for each well-mixed layer contain terms proportional to the heat of solution of the solute and the partial specific enthalpy of pure water in a seawater solution. Third, the rate of change of gravitational potential energy of the two-layer system is shown to have several extra terms in addition to the two commonly quoted major terms.  相似文献   

Meeting the United States׳ offshore renewable-energy goals for 2030 necessitates deploying approximately 9000 wind turbines along U.S. coastlines. Because siting bottom-mounted turbines in most nearshore coastal zones is either impractical or politically difficult, turbine developers are testing floating-platform turbine technologies for deeper waters. Deepwater, floating-platform turbines have the advantages of being sited in the highest quality winds farther offshore, movable if desired, and located beyond the horizon, out of sight from shore. This paper reports on conversations with 103 coastal stakeholders at community meetings regarding development and testing of floating turbines off the coast of Maine, U.S.A. Using naturalistic field methods, this essay reports common questions and concerns of commercial lobstermen, fishermen, and coastal civic leaders. Early-stage conversations suggest that once coastal community members understand the benefits and impacts of wind farm development on their quality of life, many share specific preferences for where offshore developments could be located. Citizens׳ remarks are sophisticated, nuanced, and innovative and include robust ideas for pairing turbine siting with fishery conservation. Findings imply that when looking to site offshore turbines in public, multiple-use ocean spaces, developers, planners, and coastal communities should engage early and often in two-way conversation rather than one-way outreach.  相似文献   

We describe the development of a stage-structured population matrix model for the estuarine amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus, a sediment toxicity test organism, based on regular sampling of a natural population for approximately 2 years. Annual population dynamics were characterized by abundance peaks in the spring and fall, and low densities in the summer and winter. We use a sequence of seasonal projection matrices to capture these qualitative patterns in population dynamics. We compare two methods for estimating transition probabilities: multiple regression and truncated singular value decomposition (SVD). Overall, SVD gave more realistic parameter estimates than regression, although fecundity estimation was problematic. There were predictable trends in growth, survival and fecundity within years. The SVD-derived model provides a framework for assessing the population-level effects of contaminants on Leptocheirus.  相似文献   

The fidelity of numerical simulations of the general circulation of the North Atlantic Ocean in basin- to global-scale models have improved considerably in the last several years. This improvement appears to represent a regime shift in the dynamics of the simulated flow as the horizontal grid spacing decreases to around 10 km. Nevertheless, some significant biases in the simulated circulation and substantial uncertainties about the robustness of these results with respect to parameterization choices remain. A growing collection of simulations obtained with the POP primitive equation model allow us to investigate the convergence properties and sensitivity of high resolution numerical simulations of the North Atlantic, with particular attention given to Gulf Stream separation and the subsequent path of the North Atlantic Current into the Northwest Corner. Increases in resolution and reductions in dissipation both contribute to the improvements in the circulation seen in recent studies. We find that our highest resolution eddy-resolving simulations retain an appreciable sensitivity to the closure scheme. Our most realistic simulations of the Gulf Stream are not obtained at the lowest levels of dissipation, while the simulation of the North Atlantic Current continues to improve as dissipation is reduced to near the numerical stability limit. In consequence, there is a limited range of parameter space where both aspects of the simulated circulation can be brought into agreement with observations. This experience gained with the comparatively affordable regional North Atlantic model is now being used to configure the next generation of ocean climate models.  相似文献   

In order to reconstruct the circulation in the northern Greenland Sea, between 77°N and 81°N, and the exchanges with the Arctic Ocean through Fram Strait, a variational inverse model is applied to the density field observed in summer 1984 during the MIZEX 84 experiment. An estimate of the three-dimensional large-scale pressure field is obtained in which the solution is decomposed into a limited number of vertical modes and the mode amplitudes are described by piece-wise polynomials on a finite-element grid. The solution should be consistent with a frictional depth-integrated vorticity balance and with the density data. The global model parameters are tuned to ensure agreement between the retrieved geostrophic velocity and independent currentmeter data. In a companion paper (Schlichtholz and Houssais, 1999b), the same method, but without dynamical constraint, is applied to the same hydrographic dataset to perform a detailed water mass analysis and to estimate individual water mass transports.A comprehensive picture of the summer geostrophic circulation in Fram Strait is obtained in which northward recirculations in the East Greenland Current (EGC) and various recirculations from the West Spitsbergen Current (WSC) to the EGC are identified. It is suggested that the branch of the WSC following the upper western slope of the Yermak Plateau turns westward beyond 81°N and recirculates southward along the lower slope, then merging with a westward recirculating branch south of 79°N. At 79°N, a southward net transport of 6.5 Sv is found in the EGC which, combined with a northward net transport of only 1.5 Sv in the WSC, results in a fairly large outflow of 5 Sv from the Arctic Ocean to the Greenland Sea.The inverse solutions show that, in summer, the local induction of vorticity by the wind stress curl or by meridional advection of planetary vorticity should be small, so that, in the EGC and in the WSC, the vorticity balance is mainly achieved between the bottom pressure torque and dissipation of vorticity through bottom friction. A substantial barotropic flow associated with along-slope potential energy gradients is indeed identified on both sides of the strait.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》1999,36(2):111-146
A numerical model based upon a low Reynolds number turbulence closure is proposed to study Reynolds number variation in reciprocating oscillatory boundary layers. The model is used to compute the boundary layer for flow regimes ranging from smooth laminar to rough turbulent. Criteria for fully developed turbulence are derived for walls of the smooth and rough types. In particular, a new criterion to identify the rough turbulent regime is determined based on the time-averaged turbulence intensity. The reliability of the present model is assessed through comparisons with detailed experimental data collected by other investigators. The model globally improves upon standard high Reynolds number closures. Variation through the wave cycle of the main flow variables (ensemble-averaged velocity, shear stress, turbulent kinetic energy) is remarkably well-predicted for smooth walls. Predictions are satisfactory for rough walls as well. Yet, the turbulence level in the rough turbulent regime is overpredicted in the vicinity of the bed.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(6):725-738
The complicated dynamic processes occurring when fluvial waters mix with marine waters control the nature and the fluxes of materials exported by rivers to the sea. Understanding these processes is of primary importance in evaluating budgets. In wide-open estuarine situations these processes take place under the influence of an intense turbulence induced by tides. Conversely, the Rhone waters spread into the Mediterranean Sea in the form of an easily distinguishable buoyant plume often extending far offshore from the mouth of the river. The aim of this study is to describe the dynamic and hydrological fields on the basis of eulerian VHF radar mapping of surface currents coupled with lagrangian in situ physical or geochemical measurements. This paper focuses mainly on physical processes. Data analysis provides an insight into the typical scales of variability of the phenomena, either vertically or horizontally. It is shown that morphological fluctuations can occur (mainly in orientation and offshore extent) according to wind and outflow forcing conditions, and that the vertical structure variations can range from an almost unaltered two-layer distribution to an evolving and deepening mixed layer situation, or even to a more complex superimposed multi-layered structure. The simultaneous examination of radar maps and lagrangian drifter tracking allows the main dynamic tendencies of the Rhone plume to be sketched out.  相似文献   

This is the first of three papers on the modelling of various types of surf zone phenomena. In this first paper, part I, the model is presented and its basic features are studied for the case of regular waves. The model is based on two-dimensional equations of the Boussinesq type and it features improved linear dispersion characteristics, possibility of wave breaking, and a moving boundary at the shoreline. The moving shoreline is treated numerically by replacing the solid beach by a permeable beach characterized by an extremely small porosity. Run-up of nonbreaking waves is verified against the analytical solution for nonlinear shallow water waves. The inclusion of wave breaking is based on the surface roller concept for spilling breakers using a geometrical determination of the instantaneous roller thickness at each point and modelling the effect of wave breaking by an additional convective momentum term. This is a function of the local wave celerity, which is determined interactively. The model is applied to cross-shore motions of regular waves including various types of breaking on plane sloping beaches and over submerged bars. Model results comprise time series of surface elevations and the spatial variation of phase-averaged quantities such as the wave height, the crest and trough elevations, the mean water level, and the depth-averaged undertow. Comparisons with physical experiments are presented. The phaseaveraged balance of the individual terms in the momentum and energy equation is determined by time-integration and quantities such as the cross-sectional roller area, the radiation stress, the energy flux and the energy dissipation are studied and discussed with reference to conventional phase-averaged wave models. The companion papers present cross-shore motions of breaking irregular waves, swash oscillations and surf beats (part II) and nearshore circulations induced by breaking of unidirectional and multidirectional waves (part III).  相似文献   

Cyclic sequences occur worldwide in nearly every stratigraphic sequence; they are particularly well-developed in fluvial and deltaic sediments that have been influenced by high-frequency eustatic sea-level fluctuations. The large data base for this study (including 471 deep foundation borings, thousands of line kilometers of high-resolution seismic, and sedimentological and dating analyses) represents the most complete information on high-resolution chronostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy that is available on any modern continental shelf/upper slope. These data are used to document sedimentological characteristics and high-resolution seismic responses during three complete sea-level cycles over the entire continental shelf/upper slope of offshore Louisiana. Examination of high-resolution seismic records indicates that well-defined, high-amplitude, laterally continuous reflectors correlate with rising and high stand condensed sedimentary sequences and that the deposits laid down during falling and low-stand periods (expanded sections) are characterized by a wide range of acoustic responses. Discontinuous reflectors with high-amplitude variability, continuous parallel reflectors, and chaotic and amorphous zones are common acoustic responses. The association between a particular lithofacies and a specific acoustic response on 3.5-kHz records was found to be very poor.  相似文献   

Cyclic sequences occur worldwide in nearly every stratigraphic sequence; they are particularly well developed in marine deposits associated with large river systems. Superimposed on those cycles attributed to shifting sites of deposition are those related to high-frequency sea level changes. The large data base for this study (including 471 deep foundation borings, thousands of line kilometers of high-resolution seismic, and sedimentological and dating analyses) represents the most complete information on high-resolution chronostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy that is available on any modern continental shelf/upper slope. These data are used to document sedimentological characteristics and spatial depositional patterns during three complete sea level cycles over the entire continental shelf/upper slope of offshore Louisiana. Sedimentation during periods of high sea level is characterized by: 1) thin, slowly accumulated depositional sequences, referred to as condensed sections, 2) calcareous-rich deposits, including hemipelagic sediments and shell hashes, and 3) wide lateral continuity. Sedimentation during periods of low sea level is characterized by; 1) variable-thickness, rapidly accumulated sequences referred to as expanded sections, 2) coarse-grained elastic deposits, including abundant sands and gravels, and 3) well-defined depositional trends. Even though the data set covers only a short period of geologic time (240 000 yrs), these high frequency events are responsible for the deposition of excellent reservoir-quality facies in well-defined and predictable trends.  相似文献   

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