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受蚜虫危害与干旱胁迫的冬小麦高光谱判别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从高光谱遥感角度判别冬小麦旱害和蚜虫危害,可进一步提高遥感监测灾害的准确性.在麦长管蚜的自然危害下,通过控制其生育期水分条件形成的不同程度的干旱胁迫,监测了灌浆末期冬小麦冠层反射率对蚜虫危害和干旱胁迫的反应;并经一阶微分数据变换,筛选出识别蚜虫虫害和干旱胁迫响应最敏感的光谱波段.实验结果表明:受蚜虫危害和干旱胁迫后,灌浆末期冬小麦在近红外波段的光谱特征变化比在可见光波段的显著,可见光和近红外波段是识别蚜虫危害和干旱胁迫最敏感的谱段.经一阶微分数据变换发现,自然降水处理(灌水量相当于需水量的<40%)下的冬小麦光谱曲线的“红边”斜率最小;受蚜虫危害以及灌水量分别相当于需水量的>70%,60%~ 70%,50%~ 60%和40%~ 50%水分处理下的“红边”斜率依次变大;受蚜虫危害冬小麦光谱曲线的“红边”位置波长最短(698 nm),其他不同水分处理结果随着干旱胁迫的加重向波长短的方向发生“蓝移”.因此,“红边”参数也可以作为判别冬小麦蚜虫危害和干旱胁迫的重要参数.  相似文献   

We propose a simple, spatially invariant and probabilistic year-round Empirical Standardized Soil Moisture Index (ESSMI) that is designed to classify soil moisture anomalies from harmonized multi-satellite surface data into categories of agricultural drought intensity. The ESSMI is computed by fitting a nonparametric empirical probability density function (ePDF) to historical time-series of soil moisture observations and then transforming it into a normal distribution with a mean of zero and standard deviation of one. Negative standard normal values indicate dry soil conditions, whereas positive values indicate wet soil conditions. Drought intensity is defined as the number of negative standard deviations between the observed soil moisture value and the respective normal climatological conditions. To evaluate the performance of the ESSMI, we fitted the ePDF to the Essential Climate Variable Soil Moisture (ECV SM) v02.0 data values collected in the period between January 1981 and December 2010 at South–Central America, and compared the root-mean-square-errors (RMSE) of residuals with those of beta and normal probability density functions (bPDF and nPDF, respectively). Goodness-of-fit results attained with time-series of ECV SM values averaged at monthly, seasonal, half-yearly and yearly timescales suggest that the ePDF provides triggers of agricultural drought onset and intensity that are more accurate and precise than the bPDF and nPDF. Furthermore, by accurately mapping the occurrence of major drought events over the last three decades, the ESSMI proved to be spatio-temporal consistent and the ECV SM data to provide a well calibrated and homogenized soil moisture climatology for the region. Maize, soybean and wheat crop yields in the region are highly correlated (r > 0.82) with cumulative ESSMI values computed during the months of critical crop growing, indicating that the nonparametric index of soil moisture anomalies can be used for agricultural drought assessment.  相似文献   

朱炯  杜鑫  李强子  张源  王红岩  赵云聪 《遥感学报》2022,26(7):1354-1367
区域尺度上精准、快速的作物单产估算可以有效地为国家粮食安全相关政策的制定提供数据支撑。本文针对县级估产时相和特征类型选择问题,基于遥感、气象和统计等多源数据,通过不同时相和特征要素之间的组合分析来探索其对于县级尺度冬小麦单产估算的影响。特征要素主要考虑作物长势、环境(水分和光温条件)和农田景观3个类型;时相主要考虑由冬小麦生长过程NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)曲线特征提取的5个关键时段(P1—P5)。利用不同时相与类型特征的组合与统计单产构建随机森林回归模型,根据精度评价结果分析各组合的优劣。2014年—2017年的数据用来建模,2018年数据用来验证。对于单时相,P2、P3、P4的表现明显好于P1和P5;多时相的准确度明显优于单时相,其中P2、P4的组合效果最佳。对于不同类型的特征要素,作物长势特征参量对估产精度的影响最大,而水分影响和光温条件等环境因子的加入对估产准确性并没有明显提升,农田景观参数的加入能够有效提升估产的准确性。在最优组合的基础上,剔除冗余变量优选出5个重要的指标因子(PROP、NDVI_P2、B2_P2、...  相似文献   

项鑫  马林娜  路朋 《测绘科学》2019,44(6):212-216
针对现有植被水分反演算法在华北平原地区适用性差、反演精度低、不能实施有效监测的问题,该文基于地面实测冬小麦植被含水量(VWC)数据,基于归一化型和比值型植被水分指数这两种常见的指数类型,提出调节植被水分指数以削弱土壤背景的影响,使用多个波段反射率数据反演VWC,提高拟合精度80%以上,发展适用于华北平原的农作物水分含量反演模型。拟合冬小麦植被含水量的决定系数为0.51,均方根误差为0.95(kg·m^-2)。结果表明:调节植被水分指数能够削弱土壤背景影响,大幅度提高植被水分反演精度;同一种指数计算形式中,在水汽吸收谷内,基于更长波段反射率的植被水分指数反演精度更高;归一化型和比值型植被水分指数在反演精度方面无明显优劣,归一化型植被水分指数反演精度。  相似文献   

The significance of crop yield estimation is well known in agricultural management and policy development at regional and national levels. The primary objective of this study was to test the suitability of the method, depending on predicted crop production, to estimate crop yield with a MODIS-NDVI-based model on a regional scale. In this paper, MODIS-NDVI data, with a 250 m resolution, was used to estimate the winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield in one of the main winter-wheat-growing regions. Our study region is located in Jining, Shandong Province. In order to improve the quality of remote sensing data and the accuracy of yield prediction, especially to eliminate the cloud-contaminated data and abnormal data in the MODIS-NDVI series, the Savitzky–Golay filter was applied to smooth the 10-day NDVI data. The spatial accumulation of NDVI at the county level was used to test its relationship with winter wheat production in the study area. A linear regressive relationship between the spatial accumulation of NDVI and the production of winter wheat was established using a stepwise regression method. The average yield was derived from predicted production divided by the growing acreage of winter wheat on a county level. Finally, the results were validated by the ground survey data, and the errors were compared with the errors of agro-climate models. The results showed that the relative errors of the predicted yield using MODIS-NDVI are between −4.62% and 5.40% and that whole RMSE was 214.16 kg ha−1 lower than the RMSE (233.35 kg ha−1) of agro-climate models in this study region. A good predicted yield data of winter wheat could be got about 40 days ahead of harvest time, i.e. at the booting-heading stage of winter wheat. The method suggested in this paper was good for predicting regional winter wheat production and yield estimation.  相似文献   

冬小麦叶面积指数的高光谱估算模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以山东禹城为研究区,利用地面实测光谱数据,探讨不同植被指数和红边参数建立高光谱模型反演冬小麦叶面积指数的精度。通过逐波段分析计算了4种植被指数(NDVI、RVI、SAVI、EVI),结合同步观测LAI数据,确定反演叶面积指数的最优波段;计算了5种常用的高光谱植被指数MCARI、MCARI2、OSAVI、MTVI2、MSAVI2,同时利用4种常用方法计算红边位置和红谷,与实测LAI进行回归分析,比较植被指数和红边参数模型对冬小麦LAI的估测精度。结果表明各因子与LAI均具有较高的相关性,整个研究区归一化植被指数具有最高的反演精度,确定了估算冬小麦LAI的最优模型,并使用独立的LAI观测数据对模型进行了验证。  相似文献   

美国冬小麦产量遥感预测方法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
张峰  吴炳方  罗治敏 《遥感学报》2004,8(6):611-617
介绍了依据时序遥感植被指数数据进行产量预测的方法。通过美国冬小麦产量的历史趋势分析去除趋势产量 ,得到气象产量。利用区域作物生长过程线 ,提取曲线的各个特征参数 ,并将各参数与气象产量的值进行相关分析 ,得到美国冬小麦产量遥感敏感因子 ,采用一次线性拟合的方法建立回归方程 ,估算当年的冬小麦产量。依据此方法对美国 2 0 0 3年各州的冬小麦单产进行了预测 ,并将最终的预测结果与美国农业统计局的数据进行了对比 ,两者间的误差在 - 11 4 2 %至 11 10 %之间 ,相关系数为 0 89。  相似文献   

非监督分类的冬小麦种植信息提取模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决在区域冬小麦种植信息遥感提取过程中监督学习算法存在的需要地面样本数据支持、流程复杂、人为干扰因素多及自动化程度低等问题,本文以非监督分类为核心,结合多尺度技术,提出了一种新的非监督分类冬小麦种植信息提取模型。选取河北省辛集市为典型试验区,以2014年高分一号数据为数据源,对本文提出的模型进行实例验证。试验结果表明:该模型的Kappa系数为0.88,整体精度为94.00%;对于研究区内的冬小麦,在无需训练样本、人为干扰因素少等条件下,该模型具有与监督分类相似的提取精度,能够满足冬小麦种植信息地面遥感监测的需求。  相似文献   


In recent years, the rough set (RS) method has been in common use for remote-sensing classification, which provides one of the techniques of information extraction for Digital Earth. The discretization of remotely sensed data is an important data preprocessing approach in classical RS-based remote-sensing classification. Appropriate discretization methods can improve the adaptability of the classification rules and increase the accuracy of the remote-sensing classification. To assess the performance of discretization methods this article adopts three indicators, which are the compression capability indicator (CCI), consistency indicator (CI), and number of the cut points (NCP). An appropriate discretization method for the RS-based classification of a given remotely sensed image can be found by comparing the values of the three indicators and the classification accuracies of the discretized remotely sensed images obtained with the different discretization methods. To investigate the effectiveness of our method, this article applies three discretization methods of the Entropy/MDL, Naive, and SemiNaive to a TM image and three indicators for these discretization methods are then calculated. After comparing the three indicators and the classification accuracies of the discretized remotely sensed images, it has been found that the SemiNaive method significantly reduces large quantities of data and also keeps satisfactory classification accuracy.  相似文献   

In this study, an empirical assessment approach for the risk of crop loss due to water stress was developed and used to evaluate the risk of winter wheat loss in China, the United States, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. We combined statistical and remote sensing data on crop yields with climate data and cropland distribution to model the effect of water stress from 1982 to 2011. The average value of winter wheat loss due to water stress for the three European countries was about ?931 kg/ha, which was higher than that in China (?570 kg/ha) and the United States (?367 kg/ha). Our study has important implications for the operational assessment of crop loss risk at a country or regional scale. Future studies should focus on using higher spatial resolution remote sensing data, combining actual evapotranspiration to estimate water stress, improving the method for downscaling of statistical crop yield data and establishing more sophisticated zoning methods.  相似文献   

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