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基于SWAT模型的淮河上游流域设计洪水修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
变化环境下洪水序列的一致性遭到破坏,引发基于统计原理计算的设计洪水可靠性下降,亟需开展非一致性条件下的设计洪水修订研究.以淮河上游流域为研究区域,运用Pettitt检验法和滑动t检验法综合检测年最大洪峰流量序列突变点,在此基础上,采用SWAT分布式水文模型对变异前的洪峰与洪量序列进行还现,利用径流深的模拟结果修订设计洪...  相似文献   

Nonstationary GEV-CDN models considering time as a covariate are built for evaluating the flood risk and failure risk of the major flood-control infrastructure in the Pearl River basin, China. The results indicate: (1) increasing peak flood flow is observed in the mainstream of the West River and North River basins and decreasing peak flood flow is observed in the East River basin; in particular, increasing peak flood flow is detected in the mainstream of the lower Pearl River basin and also in the Pearl River Delta region, the most densely populated region of the Pearl River basin; (2) differences in return periods analysed under stationarity and nonstationarity assumptions are found mainly for floods with return periods longer than 50 years; and (3) the failure risks of flood-control infrastructure based on failure risk analysis are higher under the nonstationarity assumption than under the stationarity assumption. The flood-control infrastructure is at higher risk of flood and failure under the influence of climate change and human activities in the middle and lower parts of Pearl River basin.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis

ASSOCIATE EDITOR G. Thirel  相似文献   

The impact of interannual variability of precipitation and potential evaporation on the long-term mean annual evapotranspiration as well as on the interannual variability of evapotranspiration is studied using a stochastic soil moisture model within the Budyko framework. Results indicate that given the same long-term mean annual precipitation and potential evaporation, including interannual variability of precipitation and potential evaporation reduces the long-term mean annual evapotranspiration. This reduction effect is mostly prominent when the dryness index (i.e., the ratio of potential evaporation to precipitation) is within the range from 0.5 to 2. The maximum reductions in the evaporation ratio (i.e., the ratio of evapotranspiration to precipitation) can reach 8–10% for a range of coefficient of variation (CV) values for precipitation and potential evaporation. The relations between the maximum reductions and the CV values of precipitation and potential evaporation follow power laws. Hence the larger the interannual variability of precipitation and potential evaporation becomes, the larger the reductions in the evaporation ratio will be. The inclusion of interannual variability of precipitation and potential evaporation also increases the interannual variability of evapotranspiration. It is found that the interannual variability of daily rainfall depth and that of the frequency of daily rainfall events have quantitatively different impacts on the interannual variability of evapotranspiration; and they also interact differently with the interannual variability of potential evaporation. The results presented in this study demonstrate the importance of understanding the role of interannual variability of precipitation and potential evaporation in land surface hydrology under a warming climate.  相似文献   

2003年淮河流域致洪暴雨过程的环流背景及其前兆信号   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
分析研究了2003年夏季淮河流域致洪暴雨过程的时空分布特征及其前期和同期欧亚地区环流背景的逐日变化特征,重点分析了致洪暴雨过程发生前后乌山地区阻塞高压强度指数(UBHII)逐日变化特征及其对淮河流域致洪暴雨过程的影响.结果表明:2003年淮河流域持续性强暴雨过程均发生在鸟山阻塞高压强高峰后的减弱期,即在淮河流域发生持续性强暴雨过程之前乌山阻塞高压就发生了突变;同时发现西太平洋副热带高压加强并登陆后的,其北界的位置变化对淮河流域致洪暴雨过程的发生和持续也有十分重要的作用.因此,乌拉尔山阻塞高压异常加强后的突然减弱和西太平洋副热带高压的加强并西进登陆,是淮河流域地区发生持续性暴雨过程的两个重要前兆.  相似文献   

夏季风期间长江流域的水汽输送状态及其年际变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了长江流域夏季风期间的水汽收支和循环,着重研究了不同月份与水汽收支的年际变化显著相关的大尺度水汽输送和环流异常.流域范围的西南夏季风水汽输送以6、7月最为强烈,经向输送在5~8月造成流域水汽辐合,9月造成辐散;纬向输送在5~7月造成流域水汽辐散,8、9月造成辐合.研究表明,在不同月份,流域的南北边界处的水汽输送在流域水汽收支的年际变化中起着不同的作用.这种变化与大气环流的异常密切相关.在夏季风相对较弱月份(5、8、9月),流域水汽收支的年际变化极大地受到流域南边界南风水汽输入通道的影响,对应于水汽收入偏丰年,该3个月500 hPa高空在青藏高原东部都存在显著异常低压区,而且,8、9月在中南半岛及其以东洋面存在显著异常反气旋环流,与8月西太副高的向西向南异常伸展,以及9月副高的西伸较弱和南北范围较宽有关,这些异常环流均造成南边界的大量异常水汽输入.而在夏季风十分强盛的6、7月,流域北边界南风水汽输出极大增加,成为流域水汽收入年际变化的关键敏感通道,对应于水汽收入偏丰年,6月500 hPa高空主要受中纬度以黄海和东海为中心的异常低压系统和气旋性异常环流影响,与该区域副高偏南、偏弱有关,而7月则主要受中高纬以外兴安岭为中心的异常高压和反气旋性异常环流影响,应该是由于该区域大陆高压的频繁生成造成的,它们均造成流域北边界水汽输出的异常减少.  相似文献   

Joy Sanyal 《水文科学杂志》2017,62(9):1483-1498
Levees are not usually built to a uniform height due to the varying priority of protecting urban and agricultural lands and they are often maintained in segments. Ad hoc alteration of the heights of these segments may aggravate flood conditions. Alterations lead to complex feedback loops in velocity and depth of water that are difficult to predict. A large number of possible configurations of the levee segments renders a deterministic modelling approach ineffective. The current analysis, based on a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model involving 1000 Monte Carlo realizations of randomly varying levee heights in segments, presents a methodology of dealing with the effect of uncertainty in levee heights on the inundation pattern in a probabilistic framework. Spatially distributed model outcomes include the likelihood of inundation, range and standard deviation of flood depths and maximum speed of water. The results indicate the necessity of adopting a probabilistic approach for robust flood hazard assessment when dealing with levee segments with uncertain heights.

EDITOR M.C. Acreman; ASSOCIATE EDITOR H. Kreibich  相似文献   

云南洱海桃溪河口净化工程的设计思路及初步净化效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以太湖上游西苕溪流域为研究对象,通过分布式水文模型HEC-HMS模拟次降雨洪水过程:采用可视化数据存储系统HEC-DSS建立水文气象数据库,利用Geodatabase地理数据库技术集成流域自然属性数据库,通过距离平方倒数法对雨量数据进行空间插值,SCS曲线数法计算水文损失,运动波法计算直接径流与河道洪水演进,选用基流指数退水法模拟流域基流,并对模型中水库模拟部分进行适当修正.经模型校验,模拟结果表明,计算流量与观测流量拟合较好,效率系数大于0.8,洪峰流量误差低于4%,峰现时间误差低于2 h,该模型在土地利用变化对洪水水文要素的影响研究方面有较好的应用前景.  相似文献   

利用73个固定台站记录的163个远震事件数据,采用多道互相关技术挑选了5524条S波到时数据,并对S波到时数据进行地壳校正,在此基础上采用天然地震层析成像方法和远震S波到时信息,获得了长江中下游成矿带上地幔的三维S波速度结构模型.研究结果表明:(1)研究区域上地幔存在着明显的低速异常,且走向与成矿带相同,可能为上涌的软流圈热物质;(2)研究区域地幔过渡带和上地幔底部存在着明显的高速异常,可能为俯冲的古太平洋板块和拆沉的岩石圈;(3)成矿带上地幔的低速异常呈现由南向北逐渐变浅的空间分布特征,该特征表明软流圈热物质由南向北上涌.综合分析认为,成矿带中生代大规模岩浆活动和成矿作用的深部过程主要与岩石圈的拆沉密切相关.  相似文献   

Dust deposition onto mountain snow cover in the Upper Colorado River Basin frequently occurs in the spring when wind speeds and dust emission peaks on the nearby Colorado Plateau. Dust loading has increased since the intensive settlement in the western USA in the mid 1880s. The effects of dust‐on‐snow have been well studied at Senator Beck Basin Study Area (SBBSA) in the San Juan Mountains, CO, the first high‐altitude area of contact for predominantly southwesterly winds transporting dust from the southern Colorado Plateau. To capture variability in dust transport from the broader Colorado Plateau and dust deposition across a larger area of the Colorado River water sources, an additional study plot was established in 2009 on Grand Mesa, 150 km to the north of SBBSA in west central, CO. Here, we compare the 4‐year (2010–2013) dust source, deposition, and radiative forcing records at Grand Mesa Study Plot (GMSP) and Swamp Angel Study Plot (SASP), SBBSA's subalpine study plot. The study plots have similar site elevations/environments and differ mainly in the amount of dust deposited and ensuing impacts. At SASP, end of year dust concentrations ranged from 0.83 mg g?1 to 4.80 mg g?1, and daily mean spring dust radiative forcing ranged from 50–65 W m?2, advancing melt by 24–49 days. At GMSP, which received 1.0 mg g?1 less dust per season on average, spring radiative forcings of 32–50 W m?2 advanced melt by 15–30 days. Remote sensing imagery showed that observed dust events were frequently associated with dust emission from the southern Colorado Plateau. Dust from these sources generally passed south of GMSP, and back trajectory footprints modelled for observed dust events were commonly more westerly and northerly for GMSP relative to SASP. These factors suggest that although the southern Colorado Plateau contains important dust sources, dust contributions from other dust sources contribute to dust loading in this region, and likely account for the majority of dust loading at GMSP. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Yangtze River Delta region is characterized by high density of population and rapidly developing economy. There are low lying coastal plain and deltaic plain in this region. Thus, the study area could be highly vulnerable to accelerated sea level rise caused by global warming. This paper deals with the scenarios of the relative sea level rise in the early half period of the 21st century in the study area. The authors suggested that relative sea level would rise 25 50 cm by the year 2050 in the study area, of which the magnitude of relative sea level rise in the Yangtze River Delta would double the perspective worldwide average. The impacts of sea level rise include: (i) exacerbation of coastline recession in several sections and vertical erosion of tidal flat, and increase in length of eroding coastline; (ii) decrease in area of tidal flat and coastal wetland due to erosion and inundation; (iii) increase in frequency and intensity of storm surge, which would threaten the coastal protection works; (iv) reduction of drainage capacity due to backwater effect in the Lixiahe lowland and the eastern lowland of Taihu Lake region, and exacerbation of flood and waterlogging disasters; and (v) increase in salt water intrusion into the Yangtze Estuary. Comprehensive evaluation of sea level rise impacts shows that the Yangtze River Delta and eastern lowland of Taihu Lake region, especially Shanghai Municipality, belong in the district in the extreme risk category and the next is the northern bank of Hangzhou Bay, the third is the abandoned Yellow River delta, and the district at low risk includes the central part of north Jiangsu coastal plain and Lixiahe lowland.  相似文献   

Inorganic ions and nutrients were measured at different depths of the Xiangxi and Daninghe Rivers to explore the mixing processes of representative bays in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR). HCO3 and Ca2+ are the dominant ions. Carbonate weathering is the most important mechanism controlling the ion water chemistry; however, important differences exist between the main channel and its tributaries. Major ion levels in the TGR bays depend on hydrological mixing. Results show that the major ions of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Sr2+, SO42− and Cl show chemically conservative behaviour during transit through the bays of the TGR. This means the ions can be used as tracers in the same way that salinity is used in estuaries to explore behaviour of other non‐conservative elements and to indicate specific source waters. In contrast, nutrients are not conserved in the mixing zone. The mixing of the main channel and tributaries and biological utilization in backwater reaches were the key factor controlling nutrient distributions in Xiangxi and Daninghe Bays. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using hydro-meteorological time series of 50 years and in situ measurements, the dominant runoff processes in perennial Andean headwater catchments in Chile were determined using the hydrological model HBV light. First, cluster analysis was used to identify dry, wet and intermediate years. From these, sub-periods were identified with contrasting seasonal climatic influences on streamflow. By calibrating the model across different periods, impacts on model performance, parameter sensitivity and identifiability were investigated, providing insights into differences in hydrological processes. The modelling approach suggested that, independently of a dry or wet period of calibration, the streamflow response is mostly consistent with flux from groundwater storage, while only a small fraction comes from direct routing of snowmelt. The variation of model parameters, such as the groundwater rate coefficient, was found to be consistent with differing recharge in wet and dry years. The resulting snowmelt–groundwater model is a realistic hypothesis of the hydrological operation of such complex, data scarce and semi-arid Andean catchments. This model may also be a useful tool for predictions of seasonal water availability and a basis for further field studies.  相似文献   

洞庭湖的调节作用对荆江径流的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
洞庭湖对荆江径流有高效率的调节作用。根据长系列水文资料分析表明,荆江径流经调节后,年平均径流量,汛期径流量与汛枯期径流比分别减少了26.3%、32.9%与32.4%,年平均径流量与汛期径流量均呈沿程递减。这些在长江干流都是独一无二的。下荆江的流量最大变化幅度系数Qk为0.892,在长江干流属最小。  相似文献   

2009年7月22日上午发生的日全食是21世纪持续时间最长的日全食,其全食带覆盖了中国中部的长江流域,为研究日全食对电离层的影响提供了一次难得的机会.为此本文通过卡尔曼滤波算法实现了实时求解TEC和GPS系统硬件延迟,为实时监测日全食期间电离层变化提供了绝对的电离层TEC.采用上海和浙江区域内GPS网的观测数据,建立了实时区域电离层延迟模型,进而计算出了实时的VTEC和TEC变化率.同时考虑太阳和地磁活动参数,综合上述方法详细分析和讨论了长三角区域在此次日全食期间的TEC变化的电离层异常现象.  相似文献   

陈德亮  高歌 《湖泊科学》2003,15(Z1):105-114
近几年来,国家气候中心己经建立了中国主要四大流域气候对水资源影响评估的模式框架.本文拟进一步证明其中之一的两参数分布式月水量平衡水文模式对长江之上汉江和赣江两子流域径流的模拟能力,结果表明该水文模式对目前气候条件下径流模拟效果较好,运行稳定,可用于实时业务运行.在此基础上,利用ECHAM4和HadCM2两GCM(General Circulation Model)未来气候情景模拟结果及目前实测气候情况,对汉江和赣江两子流域的径流对未来气候变化的敏感性进行评估.经检验,两GCM对未来气候,特别是降水情景模拟存在一定差异,因此,造成径流对气候变化的响应不同,这充分反映了全球模式模拟结果不确定性在气候变化影响研究中的重要性.  相似文献   

We examine joint effects of the solar activity and phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) on modes of low-frequency variability of tropospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere in winter. The winter months (December–March) are stratified by the solar activity into two (below/above median) classes, and each of these classes is subdivided by the QBO phase (west or east). The variability modes are determined by rotated principal component analysis of 500 hPa heights separately in each class of solar activity and QBO phase. Detected are all the modes known to exist in the Northern Hemisphere. The solar activity and QBO jointly affect the shapes, spatial extent, and intensity of the modes; the QBO effects are, however, generally weaker than those of solar activity. For both solar maxima and minima, there is a tendency to the east/west phase of QBO to be accompanied by a lower/higher activity of zonally oriented modes and increased meridionality/zonality of circulation. This means that typical characteristics of circulation under solar minima, including a more meridional appearance of the modes and less activity of zonal modes, are strengthened during QBO-E; on the other hand, circulation characteristics typical of solar maxima, such as enhanced zonality of the modes and more active zonal modes, are more pronounced during QBO-W. Furthermore, the zonal modes in the Euro-Atlantic and Asian sectors (North Atlantic Oscillation, East Atlantic pattern, and North Asian pattern) shift southwards in QBO-E, the shift being stronger in solar maxima.  相似文献   

Much attention has recently been focused on the effects that climate variability and human activities have had on runoff. In this study, these effects are quantified using three methods, namely, multi‐regression, hydrologic sensitivity analysis, and hydrologic model simulation. A conceptual framework is defined to separate the effects. As an example, the change in annual runoff from the semiarid Laohahe basin (18 112 km2) in northern China was investigated. Non‐parametric Mann‐Kendall test, Pettitt test, and precipitation‐runoff double cumulative curve method were adopted to identify the trends and change‐points in the annual runoff from 1964 to 2008 by first dividing the long‐term runoff series into a natural period (1964–1979) and a human‐induced period (1980–2008). Then the three quantifying methods were calibrated and calculated, and they provided consistent estimates of the percentage change in mean annual runoff for the human‐induced period. In 1980–2008, human activities were the main factors that reduced runoff with contributions of 89–93%, while the reduction percentages due to changes in precipitation and potential evapotranspiration only ranged from 7 to 11%. For the various effects at different durations, human activities were the main reasons runoff decreased during the two drier periods of 1980–1989 and 2000–2008. Increased runoff during the wetter period of 1990–1999 is mainly attributed to climate variability. This study quantitatively separates the effects of climate variability and human activities on runoff, which can serve as a reference for regional water resources assessment and management. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

建立了考虑淹没频率和淹没水深等生境因子的水动力-生境适宜度数学模型,基于三峡水库蓄水前后的长序列水文观测数据和不同时期的河道地形资料,研究了近20年来武汉河段汉口边滩南荻(Miscanthus lutarioriparius)-芦苇(Phragmites australis)群落的适宜生境变化情况,量化了不同因素的影响.结果表明:所建立的生境数值模型能较好地模拟还原南荻-芦苇群落实际空间分布情况.与2001年前的情况相比,若维持地形不变,三峡水库蓄水后的径流过程调平、年内水位变幅减小将导致群落适宜分布带向河道方向转移,且面积减小33.24%;若保持水文条件不变,岸线利用引起的地形坡度坦化将导致群落扩张,其分布面积增加69.11%;由于后者影响占主导地位,在2种因素综合影响下,南荻-芦苇群落向低滩地蔓延的同时呈现了扩张的趋势,面积增加42.53%.进一步发现,若滩地地形变化或人工建筑位于淹没频率在5%~25%区间带内,则水文变化、地形变化2种因素会对南荻-芦苇群落生境产生迭加影响,这种迭加影响甚至会大于单因素影响之和.研究表明岸滩开发等人为干扰导致滨岸滩地改变时,可能会影响滩上植被生长条件,这值得有关部门进行岸线规划、利用和进行生态保护时重点关注.  相似文献   

Melting seasonal ground ice (SGI) in western Boreal Plains (WBP) peatlands can reduce the available energy at the surface by reducing potential evapotranspiration (PET). PET often exceeds annual precipitation in the WBP. Including this effect in hydrological models may be important in assessing water deficits. However, SGI melt and the timing of ice-free conditions vary spatially, which suggests PET spatial variability could be influenced by SGI. Understanding this potential linkage can help improve site scale PET in peatland hydrological models. The objectives of this paper were (a) to quantify the effect of ice thickness and melt rate on peatland PET; (b) quantify the spatial variability of SGI thickness and melt rate across spatial scales; and (c) assess how/if spatial variability in SGI thickness/melt rate affects site scale PET. Results from the sensitivity analysis indicated that SGI thickness had a bigger impact on reducing PET compared with the melt rate. Two SGI thickness values were used that were observed on site: 0.32 m, which was measured in a more treed area, and 0.18 m, which was in a more open area. The 0.32 m had an average PET reduction of 14 mm (±0.7), over the month of May, compared with 9 mm (±1 mm) when there was 0.18 m of SGI, which are 13.7 and 8.8% reductions, respectively. SGI thickness and melt rate, both exhibited large- and small-scale spatial variability. At the large scale, spatial patterns in SGI thickness appeared to be influenced by extensive shading from the adjacent hillslopes. Small scale, SGI thickness may be a function of tree proximity and the snowpack. Finally, net radiation, rather than SGI, appeared to be the main driver behind PET spatial variability. This work enhances our conceptual understanding of the role of SGI in WBP peatlands. Future work can use the findings to better inform peatland hydrological models, allowing for better representation of peatlands in regional-scale models.  相似文献   

Located in the Loess Plateau of China, the Wuding River basin (30 261 km2) contributes significantly to the total sediment yield in the Yellow River. To reduce sediment yield from the catchment, large-scale soil conservation measures have been implemented in the last four decades. These included building terraces and sediment-trapping dams and changing land cover by planting trees and improving pastures. It is important to assess the impact of these measures on the hydrology of the catchment and to provide a scientific basis for future soil conservation planning. The non-parametric Mann–Kendall–Sneyers rank test was employed to detect trends and changes in annual streamflow for the period of 1961 to 1997. Two methods were used to assess the impact of climate variability on mean annual streamflow. The first is based on a framework describing the sensitivity of annual streamflow to precipitation and potential evaporation, and the second relies on relationships between annual streamflow and precipitation. The two methods produced consistent results. A significant downward trend was found for annual streamflow, and an abrupt change occurred in 1972. The reduction in annual streamflow between 1972 and 1997 was 42% compared with the baseline period (1961–1971). Flood-season streamflow showed an even greater reduction of 49%. The streamflow regime of the catchment showed a relative reduction of 31% for most percentile flows, except for low flows, which showed a 57% reduction. The soil conservation measures reduced streamflow variability, leading to more uniform streamflow. It was estimated that the soil conservation measures account for 87% of the total reduction in mean annual streamflow in the period of 1972 to 1997, and the reduction due to changes in precipitation and potential evaporation was 13%. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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