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地表下行短波辐射DSSR(Downward Surface Shortwave Radiation)的准确估算在气候变化研究和地表太阳能估算等领域具有重要作用。新一代静止气象卫星葵花-8(Himawari-8)具有高达10 min的对地观测能力,为DSSR近实时估算提供了新机遇。然而,日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)对外公开的葵花-8辐射产品中,没有将其反演的云、气溶胶产品作为DSSR的输入参数,从而没有形成一整套的DSSR估算算法流程,缺乏产品输出的一致性。大气中的云、气溶胶是DSSR的重要影响因子,本文重点考虑云、气溶胶对太阳辐射的影响,基于大气辐射传输模式RSTAR构建了DSSR查找表,开发了DSSR的快速计算方法,进而将JAXA葵花-8二级云、气溶胶产品(光学厚度,粒子有效半径等)作为快速化计算方法的输入参量,计算得到了DSSR。通过与JAXA葵花-8二级DSSR产品(JAXA DSSR)对比,发现两者具有很好的空间一致性。为了进一步评价本文的DSSR计算精度,分别选取了陆地(Yonsei)和海洋(0n_165e)的观测数据验证了2016年4、7、10和12月本文计算的DSSR和同时期的JAXA DSSR产品,验证结果显示两者的DSSR在两个观测站点均具有非常高的相关性(全天空、晴空和云天条件下的相关系数R均大于0.88)。在两个站点云天条件下的验证结果中,考虑了云相态并在冰云模型中使用了非球形冰晶粒子(六棱柱)来计算DSSR,获得了比JAXA DSSR更小的偏差。本文提出的快速化计算方法能快速准确地计算DSSR,可为计算地表辐射收支等研究提供重要数据支撑。  相似文献   

陈洁  郑伟  刘诚  唐世浩 《遥感学报》2021,25(10):2095-2102
随着新一代静止气象卫星的发射,高频次和高时效的观测特性对于火点探测具有独特优势。本文基于Himawari-8新一代静止气象卫星高频次观测特点,提出有利于火情初期火点判识的时序探测方法。与传统的极轨气象卫星遥感火情监测采用的上下文法不同,时序探测法判识火点的方法依据为探测像元亮温在观测时间上的差异。研究结果显示,在无云及无异常热源条件下,相邻时次中红外亮温差异较小,当前后时次亮温差达到3K时,可判识出火点,而上下文法的阈值均在6 K以上,时序法的火点判识阈值较上下文法明显降低,探测相应的亚像元火点面积减小一倍以上,从而提高了火情判识的灵敏度,实现火点早期发现。本文介绍了时序法火点判识方法,并以黑龙江桦川县的星地同步观测实验进行验证,研究表明,时序法较上下文法在初发火点探测灵敏度方面有明显优势,时序法和上下文法的结合可提高气象卫星对火情发展过程的监测能力。  相似文献   

Himawari-8静止气象卫星具有高空间分辨率、高观测频次和高时效特点,对于火点检测具有很强优势。对Himawari-8卫星的3.9μm和11.2μm两通道亮温进行了连续时相变化研究,得出两通道的亮温在时间上的变化差值稳定且规律明显。根据两通道的亮温时相特征,考虑白天可见光对3.9μm通道的影响,并结合火点产生时引起的亮温变化特征,提出了适用于晴空条件下改进的火点检测算法。在多处进行了此算法的实验,例如2018-11-27 T 16:40(UTC时)河北张家口市桥东区一化工厂附近发生的严重爆炸起火事件以及2019-02-28澳大利亚西南部发生的火灾事件,均快速有效的检测到了火点。实验表明,改进的火点检测算法能很好的进行火点检测,并能解决晨昏交界、冰雪下垫面、常规火源点、太阳耀光等火点检测的难题。  相似文献   

Monitoring agricultural drought effectively and timely is important to support drought management and food security. Effective drought monitoring requires a suite of drought indices to capture the evolution process of drought. Thermal infrared signals respond rapidly to vegetation water stress, thus being regarded useful for drought monitoring at the early stage. Several temperature-based drought indices have been developed considering the role of land surface temperature (LST) in surface energy and water balance. Here, we compared the recently proposed Temperature Rise Index (TRI) with several agricultural drought indices that also use thermal infrared observations, including Temperature Condition Index (TCI), Vegetation Health Index (VHI) and satellite-derived evapotranspiration ratio anomaly (ΔfRET) for a better understanding of these thermal infrared drought indices. To do so, we developed a new method for calculating TRI directly from the top-of-atmosphere brightness temperatures in the two split-window channels (centered around ∼11 and 12 μm) rather than from LST. TRI calculated using the Himawari-8 brightness temperatures (TRI_BT) and LST retrievals (TRI_LST), along with the other LST-based indices, were calculated for the growing season (July–October) of 2015−2019 over the Australian wheatbelt. An evaluation was conducted by spatiotemporally comparing the indices with the drought indices used by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology in the official drought reports: the Precipitation Condition Index (PCI) and the Soil Moisture Condition Index (SMCI). All the LST-based drought indices captured the wet conditions in 2016 and dry conditions in 2019 clearly. Ranking of Pearson correlations of the LST-based indices with regards to PCI and SMCI produced very similar results. TRI_BT and TRI_LST showed the best agreement with PCI and SMCI (r > 0.4). TCI and VHI presented lower consistency with PCI and SMCI compared with TRI_BT and TRI_LST. ΔfRET had weaker correlations than the other LST-based indices in this case study, possibly because of outliers affecting the scaling procedure. The capability of drought early warning for TRI was demonstrated by comparing with the monthly time series of the greenness index Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) in a case study of 2018 considering the relatively slow response of the greenness index to drought. TRI_BT and TRI_LST had a lead of one month in showing the changing dryness conditions compared with VCI. In addition, the LST-based indices were correlated with annual wheat yield. Compared to wheat yields, all LST-based indices had a peak correlation in September. TRI_BT and TRI_LST had strong peak and average correlations with wheat yield (r ≥ 0.8). We conclude that TRI has promise for agricultural drought early warning, and TRI_BT appears to be a good candidate for efficient operational drought early warning given the readily accessible inputs and simple calculation approach.  相似文献   

暗目标法的Himawari-8静止卫星数据气溶胶反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Himawari-8(H8)是由日本气象厅发射的新一代静止气象卫星,可实现10 min/次的高频次对地观测,搭载的AHI(Advanced Himawari Imager)传感器设置有与MODIS暗目标气溶胶反演算法所需的类似波段。本文参考暗目标算法构建了针对该卫星传感器的陆地气溶胶反演算法:首先,通过基于地基站点观测数据的精确大气校正,统计得到短波红外与可见光波段的地表反射率比值关系,将此作为先验知识用于地—气解耦时的反射率估计;然后,初步假设大陆型气溶胶类型,利用辐射传输模型建立查找表;最后,通过模拟与卫星观测的表观反射率误差最小实现气溶胶光学厚度反演解算。选取2016年5月覆盖京津冀地区的观测数据进行测试,将反演结果与对应时间的MODIS气溶胶光学厚度产品进行对比验证,空间分布趋势一致、相关性较高,相关系数R达到0.852;通过与地基观测网AERONET站点实测数据对比验证,所有站点的相关系数R~2均大于0.88,精度较高。利用反演的高时间分辨率产品,分析了京津冀地区的大气空间分布和日变化情况,结果表明:采用暗目标法对H8静止卫星陆地气溶胶光学厚度反演具有一定的潜力和可行性,能反映气溶胶的高时间变化信息,有望成为大气环境污染变化监测新的重要手段。  相似文献   

针对森林火灾模型模拟、预测火灾蔓延结果精度随时间增加而降低的问题,提出了使用卫星遥感火监测数据重初始化火灾模型降低模拟结果误差的方法。使用FARSITE (Fire Area Simulator)火灾模拟系统模拟内蒙古自治区一场森林火灾,并使用375 m的VIIRS (Visible infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite)火监测数据对FARSITE重初始化,探究该方法在中国林火蔓延模拟中的应用。使用SC (S?rensen’s Coefficient)值,辅以多源卫星遥感数据,评估该方法模拟结果精度。结果显示,各模拟过程中,模拟结果精度均随模拟时间的增加而降低,重初始化的模拟结果与实际过火区一致性更高,VIIRS重初始化模拟结果 SC值最高提高56.89%,最终SC值提高了45.45%;最终模拟结果的SC值从最初的54.14%经过VIIRS火点修正后提高到78.76%;模拟过程中的VIIRS火点重初始化的模拟结果 SC值最高为87.8%。使用VIIRS火监测数据重初始化FARSITE火灾模拟系统,将火灾分为多次进行模拟,缩短模拟时间,有效控制模拟误差的传递...  相似文献   

The fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR) is a key variable in productivity and carbon cycle models. The variety of available FAPAR satellite products from different space agencies leads to the necessity of assessing the existing differences between them before using into models. Discrepancies of four FAPAR products derived from MODIS, SEVIRI and MERIS (TOAVEG and MGVI algorithms), covering the Iberian Peninsula from July 2006 to June 2007 are here analyzed. The assessment is based on an intercomparison involving the spatial and temporal consistency between products and a statistical analysis across land cover types. In general, significant differences are found over the Iberian Peninsula concentrated on the temporal variation and absolute values. The MODIS and MERIS/MGVI FAPAR products clearly show the highest and lowest absolute values, respectively, along with the lowest intra-annual variation. When considering individual land cover types, the largest FAPAR disagreements among the analyzed products were found between MODIS-MERI/MGVI and MERIS/TOAVEG-MERIS/MGVI over broadleaf and needleaf forests, with discrepancies quantified by RMSE higher than 0.30 and absolute bias higher than 0.25. These discrepancies can lead to relative gross primary production differences up to 65%.  相似文献   

We characterize the agreement and disagreement of four publically available burned products (Fire CCI, Copernicus Burnt Area, MODIS MCD45A1, and MODIS MCD64A1) at a finer spatial and temporal scale than previous assessments using a grid of three-dimensional cells defined both in space and in time. Our analysis, conducted using seven years of data (2005–2011), shows that estimates of burned area vary greatly between products in terms of total area burned, the location of burning, and the timing of the burning. We use regional and monthly units for analysis to provide insight into the variation between products that can be lost when considering products yearly and/or globally. Comparison with independent, contemporaneous MODIS active fire observations provides one indication of which products most reasonably capture the burning regime. Our results have implications for the use of global burned area products in fire ecology, management and emissions applications.  相似文献   

The validation study of leaf area index (LAI) products over rugged surfaces not only gives additional insights into data quality of LAI products, but deepens understanding of uncertainties regarding land surface process models depended on LAI data over complex terrain. This study evaluated the performance of MODIS and GLASS LAI products using the intercomparison and direct validation methods over southwestern China. The spatio-temporal consistencies, such as the spatial distributions of LAI products and their statistical relationship as a function of topographic indices, time, and vegetation types, respectively, were investigated through intercomparison between MODIS and GLASS products during the period 2011–2013. The accuracies and change ranges of these two products were evaluated against available LAI reference maps over 10 sampling regions which standed for typical vegetation types and topographic gradients in southwestern China.The results show that GLASS LAI exhibits higher percentage of good quality data (i.e. successful retrievals) and smoother temporal profiles than MODIS LAI. The percentage of successful retrievals for MODIS and GLASS is vulnerable to topographic indices, especially to relief amplitude. Besides, the two products do not capture seasonal dynamics of crop, especially in spring over heterogeneously hilly regions. The yearly mean LAI differences between MODIS and GLASS are within ±0.5 for 64.70% of the total retrieval pixels over southwestern China. The spatial distribution of mean differences and temporal profiles of these two products are inclined to be dominated by vegetation types other than topographic indices. The spatial and temporal consistency of these two products is good over most area of grasses/cereal crops; however, it is poor for evergreen broadleaf forest. MODIS presents more reliable change range of LAI than GLASS through comparison with fine resolution reference maps over most of sampling regions. The accuracies of direct validation are obtained for GLASS LAI (r = 0.35, RMSE = 1.72, mean bias = −0.71) and MODIS LAI (r = 0.49, RMSE = 1.75, mean bias = −0.67). GLASS performs similarly to MODIS, but may be marginally inferior to MODIS based on our direct validation results. The validation experience demonstrates the necessity and importance of topographic consideration for LAI estimation over mountain areas. Considerable attention will be paid to the improvements of surface reflectance, retrieval algorithm and land cover types so as to enhance the quality of LAI products in topographically complex terrain.  相似文献   

An improved methodology for the extraction and mapping of urban built-up areas at a global scale is presented in this study. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-based multispectral data were combined with the Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)-based nighttime light (NTL) data for robust extraction and mapping of urban built-up areas. The MODIS-based newly proposed Urban Built-up Index (UBI) was combined with NTL data, and the resulting Enhanced UBI (EUBI) was used as a single master image for global extraction of urban built-up areas. Due to higher variation of the EUBI with respect to geographical regions, a region-specific threshold approach was used to extract urban built-up areas. This research provided 500-m-resolution global urban built-up map of year 2014. The resulted map was compared with three existing moderate-resolution global maps and one high-resolution map in the United States. The comparative analysis demonstrated finer details of the urban built-up cover estimated by the resultant map.  相似文献   

利用4种地表类型共16个地面站点的MISR 9个角度反射率数据产品和MODIS反射率数据产品(MOD09A1), 对比两种传感器获取的地表方向反射观测数据和用BRDF模型参数产品计算的方向反射数据, 分析了这两种BRDF模型参数的外推能力。研究结果表明: (1) MISR和MODIS BRDF模型参数数据产品都具有一定的对观测数据以外方向反射的外推能力, 相比用MISR BRDF模型参数数据外推到相应MODIS观测角度方向反射的结果一致性较强。(2) 采用两种BRDF模型参数推算的方向反射率与观测数据的接近程度有随观测天顶角的增大而减弱的趋势, 在观测天顶角较小时一致性较好。(3) 所用数据处理结果显示, MODIS BRDF模型参数数据产品在近垂直主平面方向反射率推算结果相比近主平面方向的推算结果更接近观测数据。  相似文献   

Accurate and up-to-date information on the spatial distribution of paddy rice fields is necessary for the studies of trace gas emissions, water source management, and food security. The phenology-based paddy rice mapping algorithm, which identifies the unique flooding stage of paddy rice, has been widely used. However, identification and mapping of paddy rice in rice-wetland coexistent areas is still a challenging task. In this study, we found that the flooding/transplanting periods of paddy rice and natural wetlands were different. The natural wetlands flood earlier and have a shorter duration than paddy rice in the Panjin Plain, a temperate region in China. We used this asynchronous flooding stage to extract the paddy rice planting area from the rice-wetland coexistent area. MODIS Land Surface Temperature (LST) data was used to derive the temperature-defined plant growing season. Landsat 8 OLI imagery was used to detect the flooding signal and then paddy rice was extracted using the difference in flooding stages between paddy rice and natural wetlands. The resultant paddy rice map was evaluated with in-situ ground-truth data and Google Earth images. The estimated overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient were 95% and 0.90, respectively. The spatial pattern of OLI-derived paddy rice map agrees well with the paddy rice layer from the National Land Cover Dataset from 2010 (NLCD-2010). The differences between RiceLandsat and RiceNLCD are in the range of ±20% for most 1-km grid cell. The results of this study demonstrate the potential of the phenology-based paddy rice mapping algorithm, via integrating MODIS and Landsat 8 OLI images, to map paddy rice fields in complex landscapes of paddy rice and natural wetland in the temperate region.  相似文献   

可见光波段灰度熵和热红外亮温差的沙尘遥感判识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙尘作为对流层气溶胶的主要成分,对气候系统有许多影响;同时,作为环境污染物,对人类健康危害也很大。沙尘天气一般在春季爆发,对中国北方大部分区域的生产和生活有较大影响。以往针对沙尘遥感监测人们开展了许多研究,取得了一定的效果。但对于一些云和沙尘混合的复杂状况,传统方法识别效果较差,几乎不能有效识别出沙尘。采用葵花8号(Himawari-8)卫星数据,提出一种针对性的识别方法。引入了0.46μm和0.51μm反射率差值RDI,统计发现该指数在一定范围内可以表现出沙尘连续性特征,并有效地将中高云和大部分地表与沙尘区分开来。碎积云的RDI值分布与沙尘的较为相似,为此进一步引入了灰度熵方法来滤除。例举了3次沙尘过程的判识结果,并结合地面观测数据进行了验证。其中对2017年5月4日沙尘的地面验证表明,位于云沙混合区的27个站中有22个站的地面观测与判识相一致。对于一些复杂条件下的沙尘,该方法是对分裂窗亮温差的有效补充。  相似文献   

在中国东北地区,卫星气溶胶产品尚缺乏有效的验证机制,相关应用存在较大不确定性。利用2009–2011年中国地区太阳分光光度计观测网(CSHNET)沈阳站地基观测资料,借助后向轨迹模式分析了该地区气溶胶来源和季节变化特征,并同步对比了FY-3A/MERSI和Terra/MODIS气溶胶产品精度的季节差异及误差来源。结果表明:沈阳站气溶胶光学厚度和Angstrom波长指数季节变化明显,气溶胶受远程输送和区域排放的共同影响,人为源和自然源丰富。不同粒径粒子对气溶胶光学厚度的贡献因季节而异,导致卫星反演算法中气溶胶模型选择误差较大,影响了卫星反演精度。观测期间MODIS与MERSI气溶胶产品与地基观测数据的总匹配率分别为68%和83%。当气溶胶光学厚度较低时(AOD0.35),MODIS产品出现低估,MERSI出现高估,与实测值的相对误差分别为–46%—54%、7%—135%;当气溶胶光学厚度较高时(0.35—0.75),MODIS和MERSI均出现不同程度的低估,两者与实测值的相对误差分别为–34%—54%、–21%—75%;当气溶胶光学厚度大于0.75时,低估尤为严重,与实测值的相对误差可达–34%—100%、–9%—58%。能与地基观测匹配的MODIS和MERSI有效样本数春、秋季较高(春季分别为69%、80%,秋季分别为73%、70%),夏季次之(69%、73%),冬季最少(2%、49%);MODIS与地基观测的相关性总体优于MERSI;但在冬季,MODIS与MERSI产品均不具备代表性。MODIS与MERSI气溶胶产品落入误差线的比例均为春季最高(22%、25%),秋季次之(19%、16%),夏季最小(6%、5%)。MERSI对粗模态气溶胶(α≤0.5)反演效果优于MODIS,而MODIS对混合模态气溶胶(0.5≤α1.5)反演效果优于MERSI。MERSI与MODIS气溶胶产品在春、秋季可比性较好,夏季可比性较差,总体来说,春、秋季MERSI比MODIS低估更为严重。从气溶胶产品在辽宁省的区域分布来看,FY-3A/MERSI比Terra/MODIS覆盖范围略广,各季节FY-3A/MERSI与Terra/MODIS的总体空间分布特征基本一致,但对于某些地区,两者数值上依然存在较大偏差。  相似文献   

以光谱指数为趋势面因子的降尺度方法被广泛用于遥感地表温度尺度转换中,但面临构建的光谱指数难以凸显地表温度分布规律、浅层的统计模型难以精准刻画趋势面因子与地表温度之间的复杂关系的不足。为此,本文以Landsat 8 ARD 地表温度产品为降尺度对象,以Landsat 8 OLI原始数据为潜在趋势面因子,构建地表温度降尺度残差网络(LSTDRN)的深度学习模型;探索适用于Landsat 8地表温度产品空间降尺度的趋势面波段或组合,并在不同季节、不同地表类型下与经典传统方法TsHARP进行定量比较。结果表明:LSTDRN方法利用Landsat 8 OLI原始单波段作为趋势面因子就能有较好的降尺度效果,增加潜在趋势面因子的组合数量并不能提高降尺度效果。不同地表覆盖类型实验中,LSTDRN方法降尺度效果整体优于经典传统方法,且以近红外波段、红光波段和归一化植被指数为趋势面因子时,近红外波段降尺度效果定量评价表现最佳;不同地表覆盖类型的LSTDRN降尺度效果排序为:植被>建筑>水体,而经典传统方法则没有表现出明显的差异。不同季节实验中,LSTDRN方法在春夏冬3季的降尺度效果的定量评价表现明显好于经典传统方法,两类方法的秋季降尺度结果相当。因此,提出的LSTDRN对Landsat 8遥感地表温度产品具有较好的降尺度效果,整体优于经典传统方法且稳定性更强。  相似文献   

Radiant temperature images from thermal remote sensing sensors are used to delineate surface coal fires, by deriving a cut-off temperature to separate coal-fire from non-fire pixels. Temperature contrast of coal fire and background elements (rocks and vegetation etc.) controls this cut-off temperature. This contrast varies across the coal field, as it is influenced by variability of associated rock types, proportion of vegetation cover and intensity of coal fires etc. We have delineated coal fires from background, based on separation in data clusters in maximum v/s mean radiant temperature (13th band of ASTER and 10th band of Landsat-8) scatter-plot, derived using randomly distributed homogeneous pixel-blocks (9 × 9 pixels for ASTER and 27 × 27 pixels for Landsat-8), covering the entire coal bearing geological formation. It is seen that, for both the datasets, overall temperature variability of background and fires can be addressed using this regional cut-off. However, the summer time ASTER data could not delineate fire pixels for one specific mine (Bhulanbararee) as opposed to the winter time Landsat-8 data. The contrast of radiant temperature of fire and background terrain elements, specific to this mine, is different from the regional contrast of fire and background, during summer. This is due to the higher solar heating of background rocky outcrops, thus, reducing their temperature contrast with fire. The specific cut-off temperature determined for this mine, to extract this fire, differs from the regional cut-off. This is derived by reducing the pixel-block size of the temperature data. It is seen that, summer-time ASTER image is useful for fire detection but required additional processing to determine a local threshold, along with the regional threshold to capture all the fires. However, the winter Landsat-8 data was better for fire detection with a regional threshold.  相似文献   

同化MODIS温度产品估算地表水热通量   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
徐同仁  刘绍民  秦军  梁顺林 《遥感学报》2009,13(6):999-1019
基于集合卡尔曼滤波和通用陆面模型(CLM 1.0)发展了一个地表温度的同化系统。这个系统同化了MODIS温度产品, 并将MODIS的叶面积指数引入CLM模型中, 主要用于改进地表水热通量的估算精度。将CLM输出的地表温度与MODIS地表温度建立关系, 并作为同化系统的观测算子。将MODIS地表温度与实测地表温度进行了比较, 将其均方差(Root Mean Square Error, RMSE)作为观测误差。选取3个美国通量网站点(Blackhill、Bondville、Brookings)作为实验数据, 结果表明: 同化结果中地表温度、显热通量的估算精度均有提高。其中Blackhill站的估算精度改进最大, 均方差由81.5W·m-2减小到58.4W·m-2, Bondville站均方差由47.0W·m-2减小到31.8W·m-2, Brookings站均方差由46.5W·m-2减小到45.1W·m-2。潜热通量估算精度在Bondville站均方差由88.6W·m-2减小到57.7W·m-2, Blackhill站均方差由53.4W·m-2减小到47.2W·m-2。总之, 结合陆面过程模型同化MODIS温度产品估算地表水热通量是可行的。  相似文献   

The angular effects of emissivity are ignored in current land surface temperature (LST) products. As a result, the directionality of these LST products limits their further application in many fields. Accurate correction of the angular problem of LST products requires explicit understanding of the angular effects of emissivity at the pixel scale. Currently, nearly ten years of global emissivity products of MODIS are available. However, the pixel-scale directionality of emissivity has never been analyzed. By performing a statistical analysis of 5-year MODIS emissivity products over most of East Asia, we generated the empirical relationships between the directional emissivity, land cover, and seasonal variations. Two look-up tables (LUTs) of directional emissivity were created for typical land cover types and applied to the generalized split-window algorithm to modify the MODIS LST. The results showed that the angular effect of emissivity could introduce a significant bias of −1-3 K to the 1 km resolution LST. Finally, the spatial scale effects of emissivity were analyzed, and it was found that the temperature differences caused by scale effects fell within +/−0.5 K for most pixels if 5 km emissivity was used in 1 km LST retrieval. Therefore, wide use of the LUTs can be expected.  相似文献   

反照率作为一种非常重要的地表能量平衡、全球变化研究的参数,在众多研究领域中得到了广泛的应用,到目前为止已经有多种全球范围的反照率产品进行业务化生产和发布,针对不同反照率产品质量评价的研究也变得愈加重要。MODLAND团队在MODIS V005反照率产品反演算法的基础上通过改进16天周期内观测数据加权的方法生产出新版本的反照率产品MODIS V006。本文针对MODIS两个版本V005及V006的反照率产品,利用FLUXNET地面站点数据,比较验证两个版本反照率的总体精度以及在不同地表类型条件下的精度差异,同时通过交叉验证的方法分析二者的差异及稳定性。验证结果表明,MODIS V006反照率产品虽然在全反演高质量的数据比例上较V005有所下降,但是在同等条件下V006在提高时间分辨率的同时其精度也有所提高,在不同的地表类型条件下精度也优于V005,且在时间序列分布上具有稳定比例的高质量数据,可以满足大多数应用的精度需求。  相似文献   

In Africa, food security early warning systems use satellite-derived data concerning crop conditions and agricultural production. Such systems can be improved if they are provided with a more reliable estimation of the cultivated area at national scale. This paper evaluates the potential of using time series from the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer MOD13Q1 (16-day composite of normalized difference vegetation index at 250 m resolution) to extract cultivated areas in the fragmented rural landscapes of Mali. To this end, we first stratified Southern Mali into 13 rural landscapes based on the spatio-temporal variability of NDVI and textural indices, using an object-oriented classification scheme.The accuracy of the resulting map (MODIScrop) and how it compares with existing coarse-resolution global land products (GLC2000 Africa, GLOBCOVER, MODIS V05 and ECOCLIMAP-II), was then assessed against six crop/non-crop maps derived from SPOT 2.5 m resolution images used as references. For crop areal coverage, the MODIScrop cultivated map was successful in assessing the overall cultivated area at five out of the six validation sites (less than 6% of the absolute difference), while in terms of crop spatial distribution, the producer accuracy was between 33.1% and 80.8%. This accuracy was linearly correlated with the mean patch size index calculated on the SPOT crop maps (r2 = 0.8). Using the Pareto boundary as an accuracy assessment method at the study sites, we showed that (i) 20-40% of the classification crop error was due to the spatial resolution of the MODIS sensor (250 m), and that (ii) compared to MODIS V05, which otherwise performed better than the other existing products, MODIScrop generally minimized omission-commission errors. A spatial validation of the different products was carried out using SPOT image classifications as reference. In the corresponding error matrices, the fraction of correctly classified pixels for our product was 70%, compared to 58% for MODIS V05, while it ranged between 40% and 51% for the GLC2000, the ECOCLIMAP-II and the GLOBCOVER.  相似文献   

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