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介绍了改进后的磁变仪标度值自动测定电路的主要特性、电路工作原理和使用注意事项,提供了电路原理图。  相似文献   

利用手工方法对磁变仪H、D和Z这3个分向进行标度值测定,从开机到工作结束大约需要20多分钟时间,加之测定期间需要进行电流调整、时间限定、电流换向等繁琐操作,使整个过程既耗时间又费精力。为改变这种现状,笔者设计组装了一种标度值自动测定仪,经台站使用,收到了良好效果。 1 主要性能和特点 (1)标度值电流和控制时间稳定。环境温度在0~30 ℃范围内变化时,电流基本不需要调整,测定时间误差小于1%。 (2)H、D、Z分向的标度值电流和测定时间可在一定范围内连续可调,方便实用。 (3)操作简单。在进行标度值测定时,只需按动一下启动开关,即…  相似文献   

1.概述过去佘山台地磁组测量磁变仪标度值一直是用手动方式进行的。控制开关包括正常仪和备用仪的共有7组,必须人为设定时间间隔按程序反复多次启闭才能完成测量工作既繁琐又易出差错。  相似文献   

一、前言水平分量、磁偏角和垂直分量的磁变仪通常安装在同一个墩子上,并用同一个记录器把三者的光点记录在同一张磁照图上(图1)。为了防止磁针之间互相影响,三者之间距离一般约大于50cm。在测量标度值时,也要把三者标度值线圈的电路分开,独立地测量各个标度值,否则当电流同时通过3个线圈时,各自所产生的电流磁场就同时作用在3个仪器的磁针上,以致使得所测标度值不准确。其后果  相似文献   

磁秤进行地磁场Z分量日变观测时,按观测规范规定:每周测定格值两次,每次使用两个不同的电流分别进行测定。为保证测定格值精度,减少人为因素造成的测定误差,我们试制了磁秤自动测定格值电路。该电路的基本功能是:按照一定的时间序列,分别执行输出格值电流,改换电流方向,改换电流大小等操作,准确、可靠地完成测定格值的任务。  相似文献   

本文讨论了标定电流对标度值测量的影响,并介绍了研制的数字表标度值稳定仪及其使用效果,该仪器标定电流在4-19mA范围可手动选定,电流稳定精度小于0.02mA,电流升,降的转换时间约30s,仪器结构紧凑,操作简便,可以满足地磁台工作需要。  相似文献   

兰州地磁台是国家基本台和国际资料交换台站之一。该台现有绝对观测仪器8台,相对观测仪器2套,通常用Askania(570422)仪测量磁偏角(D),用Askania(THM.570707)仪测水平强度(H),用CHD-6型核旋仪测量垂直分量(Z);相对观测仪器为57型,备用仪器为CB3型号。  相似文献   

前言在三分量地磁的记录中,标度值的测定一般是采取给标定线圈通额定电流的方法。由于目前使用的测定标度值仪加给标定线圈的电流相当于周期较长的矩形脉冲,磁系在线圈电流通断瞬间产生的突变磁场作用下,如磁系阻尼不足,将发生扭角较大和时间较长的阻尼扭摆。对水平分量而言,有的磁系要经过近两分钟时间才能稳定下来。这不但给观测带来困难,也给仪器的性能带来不良影响。本文所介绍的电流变换电路能产生一种线性变化的电流作为标度值电流源,从而有效地解决了上述问题。  相似文献   

提出一种高频震级标度(m): m=2log■_(kf)+3式中,■_(kf)是在震源或距断层10km处加速度傅里叶振幅谱的高频水平,单位是cm/s(平均的或其中任意一个水平分量)。可以从仪器资料或地震的有感面积来测定m。在北美东部和加州,我们规定对应于“平均”应力降的地震,m=M(矩震级)。如果M也是已知的,则m提供应力降的测量。观测的m与M之间的关系表明,对于北美东部地区地震,平均应力降大约是150bar;对于加州地区地震,平均应力降大约是70bar。北美东部地区应力降的变化又比加州地区的大得多。所提出标度的主要理由是它可用来解释有仪器记录的以前的大地震,而这些地震对北美东部地震危险性估计是十分重要的。对于这样的地震,m可以比M或m_N(Nuttli震级)的测定更为可靠,并且形成测定高频地面运动的更好基础。当将m和M作为一对使用时,则可提供为覆盖整个工程频带的地面运动的一个好的指标。如果能够给出一个地震的两种震级,那么,就可以用一个地面运动模型,如随机模型,获得可靠的反应谱和地面运动峰值。  相似文献   

减小水平分量磁变仪记录非线性的技术措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了减小水平分量磁变仪记录非线性的技术措施。选择适宜的标度值(C/M)、选取适当的入射角α_0、选择适当的记录距离R是改善水平分量磁变仪记录状态的主要途径。文中对比作了具体分析。  相似文献   

We determine the nonlinear drift velocities of the mean magnetic field and nonlinear turbulent magnetic diffusion in a turbulent convection. We show that the nonlinear drift velocities are caused by three kinds of the inhomogeneities; i.e., inhomogeneous turbulence, the nonuniform fluid density and the nonuniform turbulent heat flux. The inhomogeneous turbulence results in the well-known turbulent diamagnetic and paramagnetic velocities. The nonlinear drift velocities of the mean magnetic field cause the small-scale magnetic buoyancy and magnetic pumping effects in the turbulent convection. These phenomena are different from the large-scale magnetic buoyancy and magnetic pumping effects which are due to the effect of the mean magnetic field on the large-scale density stratified fluid flow. The small-scale magnetic buoyancy and magnetic pumping can be stronger than these large-scale effects when the mean magnetic field is smaller than the equipartition field. We discuss the small-scale magnetic buoyancy and magnetic pumping effects in the context of the solar and stellar turbulent convection. We demonstrate also that the nonlinear turbulent magnetic diffusion in the turbulent convection is anisotropic even for a weak mean magnetic field. In particular, it is enhanced in the radial direction. The magnetic fluctuations due to the small-scale dynamo increase the turbulent magnetic diffusion of the toroidal component of the mean magnetic field, while they do not affect the turbulent magnetic diffusion of the poloidal field.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection at a three-dimensional null point is a natural extension of the familiar two-dimensional X-point reconnection. A model is set up here for reconnection at a null point with current directed parallel to the fan plane, by solving the kinematic, steady, resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations in its vicinity. The magnetic field is assumed to be steady, and a localised diffusion region surrounding the null point is also assumed, outside which the plasma is ideal. Particular attention is focussed on the way that the magnetic flux changes its connections as a result of the reconnection. The resultant plasma flow is found to cross the spine and fan of the null, and thus transfer magnetic flux between topologically distinct regions. Solutions are also found in which the flow crosses either the spine or fan only.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection at a three-dimensional null point is the natural extension of the familiar two-dimensional X-point reconnection. A model is set up here for reconnection at a spiral null point, by solving the kinematic, steady, resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations in its vicinity. A steady magnetic field is assumed, as well as the existence of a localised diffusion region surrounding the null point. Outside the diffusion region the plasma and magnetic field move ideally. Particular attention is focussed on the way that the magnetic flux changes its connections as a result of the reconnection. The resultant plasma flows are found to be rotational in nature, as is the change in connections of the magnetic field lines.  相似文献   

The ongoing glacier shrinking in the Himalayan region causes a significant threat to freshwater sustainability and associated future runoff. However, data on the spatial climatic contribution of glacier retreat is scanty in this region. To investigate the spatially distributed glacier surface energy and mass fluxes, a two-dimensional mass balance model was developed and applied to the selected glaciers of the Chandra basin, in the Upper Indus Basin, Western Himalaya. This model is driven by the remote sensing data and meteorological variables measured in the vicinity of the Chandra basin for six hydrological years (October 2013 to September 2019). The modelled variables were calibrated/validated with the in-situ observation from the Himansh station in the Chandra basin. We have derived air temperature (Ta ) spatially using the multivariate statistical approach, which indicates a relative error of 0.02–0.05°C with the observed data. Additionally, the relative error between the modelled and observed radiation fluxes was <10.0 W m−2. Our study revealed that the Chandra basin glaciers have been losing its mass with a mean annual mass balance of −0.59 ± 0.12 m w.e. a−1 for the six hydrological years. Results illustrated that the mean surface melt rate of the selected glaciers ranged from −5.1 to −2.5 m w.e. a−1 that lies between 4500 and 5000 m a.s.l. The study revealed that the net radiation (RN) contributes ~75% in total energy (FM ) during the melt season while sensible heat (HS) , latent heat (Hl) , and ground heat (HG) fluxes shared 15%, 8%, and 2%, respectively. Sensitivity analysis of the energy balance components suggested that the mass balance is highly sensitive to albedo and surface radiations in the study area. Overall, the proposed model performed well for glacier-wide energy and mass balance estimation and confirms the utility of remote sensing data, which may help in reducing data scarcity in the upper reaches of the Himalayan region.  相似文献   

磁偶极子梯度张量的几何不变量及其应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
磁梯度张量系统姿态的变化将影响梯度场测量和数据解释的精度,使得具有坐标变换不变性特点的张量不变量成为磁梯度张量数据解释的研究热点.本文在对磁偶极子产生的磁梯度张量进行特征值分析的基础上得到了:测量点与磁偶极子位置形成的位置矢量、磁偶极子磁矩矢量与绝对值最小的特征值对应的特征向量垂直;位置矢量和磁矩矢量与最大及最小特征值对应的特征向量共面,且两矢量间的夹角可由磁梯度张量矩阵的特征值表示.最后,将本文所得磁偶极子梯度张量的几何不变量用于磁性目标的跟踪中,取得了较好的实时跟踪效果.  相似文献   

We examined the water balance of a forested ombrotrophic peatland and adjacent burned peatland in the boreal plain of western Canada over a 3‐year period. Complete combustion of foliage and fine branches dramatically increased shortwave radiation inputs to the peat surface while halting all tree transpiration at the burned site. End‐of‐winter snowpack was 7–25% higher at the burned site likely due to decreased ablation from the tree canopy at the unburned site. Shrub regrowth at the burned site was rapid post‐fire, and shading by the shrub canopy in the burned site approached that of the unburned site within 3 years after fire. Site‐averaged surface resistance to evaporation was not different between sites, though surface resistance in hollows was lower in the burned site. Water loss at both burned and unburned sites is largely driven by surface evaporative losses. Evaporation at the burned site marginally exceeded the sum of pre‐fire transpiration and interception at the unburned site, suggesting that evapotranspiration during the growing season was 20–40 mm greater at the burned peatland. Although the net change in water storage during the growing season was largely unchanged by fire, the lack of low‐density surface peat in the burned site appears to have decreased specific yield, leading to greater water table decline at the burned site despite similar net change in storage. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using a water balance modelling framework, this paper analyses the effects of urban design on the water balance, with a focus on evapotranspiration and storm water. First, two quite different urban water balance models are compared: Aquacycle which has been calibrated for a suburban catchment in Canberra, Australia, and the single‐source urban evapotranspiration‐interception scheme (SUES), an energy‐based approach with a biophysically advanced representation of interception and evapotranspiration. A fair agreement between the two modelled estimates of evapotranspiration was significantly improved by allowing the vegetation cover (leaf area index, LAI) to vary seasonally, demonstrating the potential of SUES to quantify the links between water sensitive urban design and microclimates and the advantage of comparing the two modelling approaches. The comparison also revealed where improvements to SUES are needed, chiefly through improved estimates of vegetation cover dynamics as input to SUES, and more rigorous parameterization of the surface resistance equations using local‐scale suburban flux measurements. Second, Aquacycle is used to identify the impact of an array of water sensitive urban design features on the water balance terms. This analysis confirms the potential to passively control urban microclimate by suburban design features that maximize evapotranspiration, such as vegetated roofs. The subsequent effects on daily maximum air temperatures are estimated using an atmospheric boundary layer budget. Potential energy savings of about 2% in summer cooling are estimated from this analysis. This is a clear ‘return on investment’ of using water to maintain urban greenspace, whether as parks distributed throughout an urban area or individual gardens or vegetated roofs. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Developing an appropriate data collection scheme to infer stream–subsurface interactions is not trivial due to the spatial and temporal variability of exchange flowpaths. Within the context of a case study, this paper presents the results from a number of common data collection techniques ranging from point to reach scales used in combination to better understand the spatial complexity of subsurface exchanges, infer the hydrologic conditions where individual influences of hyporheic and groundwater exchange components on stream water can be characterized, and determine where gaps in information arise. We start with a tracer‐based, longitudinal channel water balance to quantify hydrologic gains and losses at a sub‐reach scale nested within two consecutive reaches. Next, we look at groundwater and stream water surface levels, shallow streambed vertical head gradients, streambed and aquifer hydraulic conductivities, water chemistry, and vertical flux rates estimated from streambed temperatures to provide more spatially explicit information. As a result, a clearer spatial understanding of gains and losses was provided, but some limitations in interpreting results were identified even when combining information collected over various scales. Due to spatial variability of exchanges and areas of mixing, each technique frequently captured a combination of groundwater and hyporheic exchange components. Ultimately, this study provides information regarding technique selection, emphasizes that care must be taken when interpreting results, and identifies the need to apply or develop more advanced methods for understanding subsurface exchanges. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wetlands in the coastal catchments adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon play an important role in local hydrological processes and provide important ecological habitats for terrestrial and aquatic species. Although many wetlands have been removed or degraded by agricultural expansion, there is now great interest in their protection and restoration as important aquatic ecosystems and potential filters of pollutant runoff. However, the filtering capacity of tropical wetlands is largely unknown, so the current study was established to quantify the water, sediment and nutrient balance of a natural riverine wetland in tropical north Queensland. Surface and groundwater fluxes of water, sediment and nutrients into and out of the wetland were monitored for a 3‐year period. This paper focuses on the water balance of this natural wetland and a companion paper presents its sediment and nutrient balance and estimates of water quality filtering. Wetland inflows and outflows were dominated by surface flows which varied by 3–4 orders of magnitude through the course of the year, with 90% of the annual flow occurring during the period January to March. Although groundwater inputs to the wetland were only 5% of the annual water balance, they are very important to sustaining the wetland during the dry season, when they can be the largest input of water (up to 90%). Water retention times in this type of wetland are very short, particularly when most of the flow and any associated materials are passing through it (i.e. 1–2 h), so there is little time to filter most of the annual flux of water through this wetland. Longer retention times occur at the end of the dry season (up to 8·5 days); but this is when the lowest fluxes of water pass through the wetland. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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