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The Tjörnes Fracture Zone separates Iceland's North Volcanic Zone from Kolbeinsey-Ridge (Greenland-Sea). Seismicity mainly occurs in swarms, often 100 and more per day, with similar waveforms and frequently offshore.We analysed three earthquake swarms between June and September 2004, recorded by 35 stations, i.e. the permanent Icelandic SIL network and a temporary setup of land and ocean-bottom-seismometers, and 5 swarms of the years 1994-1997 only using the sparser SIL network. Events occurring in the same swarm often show similar waveforms at the same station. We cross-correlated these time series by using a new approach of three component cross-correlation in order to relocate the hypocenters relative within the swarms and to precisely determine the direction and velocity of migration. Our method delivered good relocations with small spatial and temporal errors. This allows the interpretation and characterisation of the observed earthquake swarms. We try to classify observed migration velocities by comparing them to typical fluid- and crack-propagation velocities and determine focal-mechanisms and orientation of the best fitting plane through the hypocenter distribution.We separate the investigated events into two types of earthquake swarms, supposedly dike-induced and hydrothermally- or gas-induced swarms, by pointing out typical characteristics of both types and by comparing them to similar events of other volcanic regions. Based on different migration velocities, we will discuss possible mechanisms and their triggers of all single clusters within a swarm. Hypothetic models will be established, trying to explain the processes during the swarm episodes and to derive possible pre-eruptive patterns from the character of seismicity.  相似文献   

The Tjörnes facture zone (TFZ) connects the EW extension of the Mid-Atlantic ridge north of Iceland to the extension of the North volcanic zone (NVZ) of Iceland. Earthquakes up to magnitude 7 (Ms) can occur in TFZ, volcanic eruptions have been observed and large crustal deformations are expected in similar way as have been observed in the NVZ. Most of the zone is below ocean, which limits the historical information and geological observations. For studying the dynamics of the zone we must rely on interpretation and modelling based on seismic observations, especially on microearthquake observations for the last 10 years. In this paper we demonstrate how microearthquakes can be applied to map the details of the plate boundary, and how this information can be applied to find epicenters and fault planes of large historical earthquakes, also how seismic information can be applied in dynamic modelling and to infer spatial and temporal interplay in activity, and to enhance hazard assessment.  相似文献   

The October 1996 eruption within the Vatnajökull Glacier, Iceland, provides a unique opportunity to study the net effect of volcanic eruptions on atmospheric and oceanic CO2. Volatile elements dissolved in the meltwater that enclosed the eruption site were eventually discharged into the ocean in a dramatic flood 35 days after the beginning of the eruption, enabling measurement of 50 dissolved element fluxes. The minimum concentration of exsolved CO2 in the 1×1012 kg of erupted magma was 516 mg/kg, S was 98 mg/kg, Cl was 14 mg/kg, and F was 2 mg/kg. The pH of the meltwater at the eruption site ranged from about 3 to 8. Volatile and dissolved element release to the meltwater in less than 35 days amounted to more than one million tonnes, equal to 0.1% of the mass of erupted magma. The total dissolved solid concentration in the floodwater was close to 500 mg/kg, pH ranged from 6.88 to 7.95, and suspended solid concentration ranged from 1% to 10%. According to H, O, C and S isotopes, most of the water was meteoric whereas the C and S were of magmatic origin. Both C and S went through isotopic fractionation due to precipitation at the eruption site, creating “short cuts” in their global cycles. The dissolved fluxes of C, Ca, Na, Si, S and Mg were greatest ranging from 1.4×1010 to 1.4×109 mol. The dissolved C flux equaled 0.6 million tonnes of CO2. The heavy metals Ni, Mn, Cu, Pb and Zn were relatively mobile during condensation and water–rock interactions at the eruption site. About half of the measured total carbon flood flux from the 1996 Vatnajökull eruption will be added to the long-term CO2 budget of the oceans and the atmosphere. The other half will eventually precipitate with the Ca and Mg released. Thus, for eruptions on the ocean floor, one can expect a net long-term C release to the ocean of less than half that of the exsolved gas. This is a considerably higher net C release than suggested for the oceanic crust by Staudigel et al. [Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 53 (1989) 3091]. In fact, they suggested a net loss of C. Therefore, magma degassed at the ocean floor contributes more C to the oceans and the atmosphere than magma degassed deep in the oceanic crust. The results of this study show that subglacial eruptions affecting the surface layer of the ocean where either Mn, Fe, Si or Cu are rate-determining for the growth of oceanic biomass have a potential for a transient net CO2 removal from the ocean and the atmosphere. For eruptions at high latitudes, timing is crucial for the effect of oceanic biota. Eruptions occurring in the wintertime when light is rate-determining for the growth of biota have much less potential for bringing about a transient net negative CO2 flux from the ocean atmosphere reservoir.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) content and distribution was studied in the northern part of modern rift zone. All samples analysed represent slightly altered clastic deposits and hot water discharging in springs and from wells. To study PAH in present-day gas emission traps with diatomite absorbent were installed in the Skógalón geothermal field. All samples were analysed by the method of Shpol'sky spectroscopy. Hydrothermally altered deposits show the highest amount of PAH. Data obtained allow to believe that the distribution of PAH is closely associated with the dynamics of the hydrothermal environment. The fissure formation and temperature fluctuation in hydrothermal systems can govern both the processes of PAH synthesis and sorption. The evidences of PAH migration up through the Skjálfandi and Öxarfjörður sedimentary basins show that hydrocarbons associate mainly with hydrothermal minerals and deep ground waters. Studying PAH associations can be used as an indicator of hydrocarbons distribution, ways of migration and possible zones of accumulation in the land and marine sedimentary basins in active and ancient rift zones of Iceland.  相似文献   

Aeolian dune fields characterized by partly vegetated bedforms undergoing active construction and with interdune depressions that lie at or close to the water table are widespread on Skei?arársandur, Southern Iceland. The largest aeolian dune complex on the sandur covers an area of 80 km2 and is characterized by four distinct landform types: (i) spatially isolated aeolian dunes; (ii) extensive areas of damp and wet (flooded) interdune flat with small fluvial channels; (iii) small aeolian dune fields composed of assemblages of bedforms with simple morphologies and small, predominantly damp, interdune corridors; and (iv) larger aeolian dune fields composed of assemblages of complex bedforms floored by older aeolian dune deposits that are themselves raised above the level of the surrounding wet sandur plain. The morphology of each of these landform areas reflects a range of styles of interaction between aeolian dune, interdune and fluvial processes that operate coevally on the sandur surface. The geometry, scale, orientation and facies composition of sets of strata in the cores of the aeolian dunes, and their relationship to adjoining interdune strata, have been analysed to explain the temporal behaviour of the dunes in terms of their mode of initiation, construction, pattern of migration, style of accumulation and nature of preservation. Seasonal and longer‐term flooding‐induced changes in water table level have caused episodic expansion and contraction of the wet interdune ponds. Most of the dunes are currently undergoing active construction and migration and, although sediment availability is limited because of the high water table, substantial aeolian transport must occur, especially during winter months when the surface of the wet interdune ponds is frozen and sand can be blown across the sandur without being trapped by surface moisture. Bedforms within the larger dune fields have grown to a size whereby formerly damp interdune flats have been reduced to dry enclosed depressions and dry aeolian system accumulation via bedform climb is ongoing. Despite regional uplift of the proximal sandur surface in response to glacial retreat and unloading over the past century, sediment compaction‐induced subsidence of the distal sandur is progressively placing aeolian deposits below the water table and is enabling the accumulation of wet aeolian systems and increasing the likelihood of their long‐term preservation. Wet, dry and stabilizing aeolian system types all co‐exist on Skei?arársandur and the dunes are variously undergoing coeval construction, accumulation, bypass, stabilization and destruction as a result of interactions between localized factors.  相似文献   

Xenoliths from the upper mantle and lower crust are abundant in Plio–Pleistocene alkali basalts of the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (NGVF; northern Pannonian Basin, northern Hungary/southern Slovakia), representing a valuable ‘probe’ of lithospheric structures and processes. Ultramafic xenoliths have been divided into two groups: (1) Type-I, composed mostly of olivine with subsidiary orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and spinel, and (2) Type-II, containing mostly Al- and Ti-rich clinopyroxene with subordinate olivine, spinel and plagioclase. Both types often contain amphibole and, to a lesser extent, mica. The refractory character of Type-I xenoliths suggests they represent mantle depleted by prior episodes of partial melting. In contrast, Type-II series (wehrlites, olivine clinopyroxenites, clinopyroxenites and plagioclase-bearing ultramafic lithologies), on the basis of their textural features, thermobarometric histories and major and trace element variation, appear to have formed as magmatic cumulates. Petrologic and geochemical studies of Type-II xenoliths from Nógrád-Gömör suggest they crystallized from basaltic melts emplaced within the lithospheric mantle and lower crust, prior to the onset of Plio–Pleistocene volcanic activity. After their consolidation, metasomatic agents reacted with the anhydrous cumulate phases producing amphiboles and micas at the expense of olivine and clinopyroxene. The metasomatic agents appear to have been adakitic rather than basaltic in composition, possibly linked to a retreating arc–forearc system. Large-scale contamination of the lithospheric mantle can therefore be attributed to fluid and melt fractions related to subduction beneath the outer Carpathian arc.  相似文献   

Bonini (2009, Structural controls on a carbon dioxide-driven mud volcano field in the Northern Apennines (Pieve Santo Stefano, Italy): relations with pre-existing steep discontinuities and seismicity. Journal of Structural Geology 31, 44–54) presents a 2D mechanical analysis to infer the failure conditions responsible for the seismicity distribution during an Mw = 4.6 seismic sequence nucleating during 2001 in the Northern Apennines. In my view the mechanical analysis presented in this paper has some weakness or is not well constrained, in particular: 1) the assumption of a dip angle of 50°, is not consistent with the activated structures; 2) the Pf = σ3 condition, difficult to be attained along a cohesionless fault dipping at 50°; 3) the isotropic stress state, i.e. σ2 = σ3, that is not consistent with the active or recent stress field in the area.  相似文献   

Dating moraines by lichenometry enabled us to reconstruct glacier recession in the Bolivian Andes since the Little Ice Age maximum. On the 15 proglacial margins studied, we identified a system of ten principal moraines that marks the successive positions of glaciers over the last four centuries. Moraines were dated by performing statistical analysis of lichen measurements based on the extreme values theory. Like glaciers in many mid-latitude mountain areas, Bolivian glaciers reached their maximal extent during the second half of the 17th century. This glacier maximum coincides with the Maunder minimum of solar irradiance. By reconstructing the equilibrium-line altitude and changes in mass-balance, we think the glacier maximum may be due to a 20 to 30% increase in precipitation and a 1.1 to 1.2 °C decrease in temperature compared with present conditions. In the early 18th century, glaciers started to retreat at varying rates until the late 19th to early 20th century; this trend was generally associated with decreasing accumulation rates. By contrast, glacier recession in the 20th century was mainly the consequence of an increase in temperature and humidity. These results are consistent with observations made in the study region based on other proxies.  相似文献   

A modified three‐dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis (3D‐DDA) method is derived using four‐noded tetrahedral elements to improve the accuracy of current 3D‐DDA algorithm in practical applications. The analysis program for the modified 3D‐DDA method is developed in a C++ environment and its accuracy is illustrated through comparisons with several analytical solutions that are available for selected problems. The predicted solutions for these problems using the modified 3D‐DDA approach all show satisfactory agreement with the corresponding analytical results. Results presented in this paper demonstrate that the modified 3D‐DDA method with discontinuous modeling capabilities offers a useful computational tool to determine stresses and deformations in practical problems involving fissured elastic media with reasonable accuracy. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geochemical methods (major elements and Sr, Nd isotopes) have been used to (1) characterize Lake Le Bourget sediments in the French Alps, (2) identify the current sources of the clastic sediments and estimate the source variability over the last 600 years. Major element results indicate that Lake Le Bourget sediments consist of 45% clastic component and 55% endogenic calcite. In addition, several individual flood levels have been identified during the Little Ice Age (LIA) on the basis of their higher clastic content (> 70%).Potential sources of Lake Le Bourget clastic sediments have been investigated from Sr and Nd isotope compositions. The sediments from the Sierroz River and Leysse River which are mainly derived from the Mesozoic Calcareous Massifs are characterised by lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios and slightly lower ?Nd(0) ratios than the Arve River sediments which are derived from the Palaeozoic Mont-Blanc External Crystalline Massifs. The Rhône River appears to have been the main source of clastic sediments into the lake for the last 600 years, as evidenced by a similar Sr and Nd isotopic compositions analyzed in core B16 sediments (87Sr/86Sr = 0.719, ?Nd(0) = − 10) and in the sediments of the Rhône River (87Sr/86Sr = 0.719, ?Nd(0) = − 9.6).The isotopic signatures of flood events and background samples from core B16 in Lake Le Bourget are also similar. This indicates that prior to ∼ 1800, the inputs into the lake have remained relatively homogeneous with the proportion of clastic component mainly being a function of the palaeohydrology of the Rhone River. Early human modification (deforestation and agriculture) of the lake catchment before the 1800s appears to have had little influence on the source of clastic sediments.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the tectonic control on the hydrothermal system that gave rise to Sb–Hg ore deposits in the Monte Amiata area that was one of the most relevant mining district for the exploitation of mercury in Italy. The study area (Selvena mining district) is located in southern Tuscany (inner Northern Apennines) one of the most important mineralized area in the western Mediterranean region. Southern Tuscany was severely affected by Middle–Late Miocene low-angle normal faults, later dissected by Pliocene–Pleistocene faults, coeval magmatism (Late Miocene–Pleistocene) and hydrothermal activity (Pliocene–Present). The Selvena mining district is located south of Middle Pleistocene Monte Amiata volcanic complex. Our structural and kinematic study is based on the integration among fieldwork, borehole and mine data. The results highlight two Pleistocene–Holocene left-lateral transtensional shear zones linked by normal faults, defining a coeval pull-apart structure. Here, the Sb–Hg mineralization, transported by meteoric hydrothermal fluids mainly, is particularly diffuse and concentrated in the cataclasites and in damage zones of the normal faults. Furthermore, a widespread mineralization also occurs in the cataclasites of Miocene low-angle normal faults. Mine evidence suggests that ore-bearing fluids percolated through structural conduits located along the fault planes and resulting parallel to the intermediate stress axis. Geological structures and ore deposit distribution are related to a single hydrothermal circuit, with meteoric water channelled to depth through conduits parallel to the intermediate stress axis of the transcurrent shear zones; then, hydrothermal fluids mainly ascended through the almost vertical deformation zones located at the intersection between normal and strike-slip faults. Thus, hydrothermal fluids permeated also the Middle–Late Miocene cataclasites. This study shed light on the relationships between geological structures and mineralization in southern Tuscany and underlines the importance to investigate mine areas to understand hydrothermal fluids path.  相似文献   

On the basis of seismic refraction investigations and gravimetric data we have modelled the crustal structure of the southern Central Andes (21–23°S). A pronounced variation in crustal parameters is seen in N-S- and W-E-crossing seismic profiles over the entire Andean orogene, characterized by a crustal thickness of up to 70 km under the magmatic arc and backarc, strongly reduced seismic velocities and a Bouguer minimum of −450 mGal. Anomalously low velocities of 5.9–6.0 km/s in the deeper crust of the Western Cordillera and Altiplano regions lead to an over-compensation of the Bouguer minima resulting in values of crustal densities higher than estimates based purely on seismic velocity measurements. In an attempt to reconcile these differences, the behavior of crystalline rocks based on published laboratory data was studied under varying pressure and temperature conditions up to the range of partial melting. If the temperature is increased above the melting point, a rapid decrease in seismic velocity is accompanied by a slow decrease in density. For the Central Andes, a good fit of the observed and calculated Bouguer anomalies is obtained if the densities of the rocks from the low-velocity zone (LVZ) beneath the Western Cordillera and the Altiplano are varied. Model calculations lead to a velocity-density relation for partial molten rocks that allows the melt proportions of rocks to be estimated. Model calculations indicate that 15–20 vol.% of basaltic to andesitic melt at depth is necessary to explain the LVZ and Bouguer anomaly beneath the arc and parts of the backarc. High heat flow values (100 mW/m2) support the idea that large areas of the deeper Andean crust are strongly weakened by the presence of partially molten rocks, resulting in reduced seismic velocities, with the Western Cordillera, the active volcanic arc of the Andean mountain range, acting as a ductile buffer between the two more rigid crustal blocks of the forearc and backarc regions.  相似文献   

The studied area, built up by silty clayey and partly sandy sediments and paleosols, lies on the tectonically active Northern margins of the Pannonian Basin. Wavy, sagging load casts can be observed in the upper part of the Late Miocene alluvial complex and larger scale sagging load casts, flame structures, drops and pillows detected in its Quaternary cover were studied in detail, in order to understand the origins of soft sediment deformation which characterized this young sedimentary suite. Sedimentological, paleopedological and mineralogical observations suggest that:
1. One of the reasons for the soft-sediment deformation might have been the relatively low cohesive strength of the predominantly smectitic sediment covering a gentle slope similar to the actual landscape.

2. On such a surface, the down-slope gravitational component of the mud-blanket might easily have been sufficient to overcome its cohesive strength.

3. Frost action traceable in the studied formations might also have contributed to the observed deformation, particularly along the eroded top of the Late Miocene sediments.

Combined evidence from field observations and laboratory analyses support the idea that liquefaction–fluidization was of prime importance in bringing about the observed structures. In conclusion two alternative Quaternary/Holocene scenarios are proposed, which might have resulted in the unusual behaviour of the sediments/paleosols. One is a seismic event, the other is the combined effect of freeze–thaw cycles and of the sloping foothill position, which might have resulted in episodic downslope transport and the associated deformation of the eroded soil material when its water content surpassed a certain threshold. We accept that the anomalous abundance of soft-sediment deformation in this marginal position may be causally related to paleo-earthquakes, but the obvious complexity of the phenomenon requires caution. In case the proposed scenarios would not have been alternatives but acted simultaneously, the analysed phenomena were to be interpreted as the joint results of tectonics and climate change.  相似文献   

A wide variety of geological data and geological observations by numerous geoscientists do not support a two-stage crater excavation and in-fill model, or a champagne glass-shaped geometry for the 169 or 140/141 kimberlite bodies in the Fort à la Corne kimberlite field, Saskatchewan as described by Berryman, A., Scott Smith, B.H., Jellicoe, B., (2004). Rather, these kimberlite bodies are best described as polygenetic kimberlite tephra cones and tuff rings with associated feeder vents of variable geometry as shown by previous workers for the 169 kimberlite, the 140/141 kimberlite and the Star kimberlite. The domal tephra cone geometry is preserved due to burial by conformable Cretaceous marine mudstones and siltstones and is not an artifact of Quaternary glacial processes.  相似文献   

The Gföhl Unit is the largest migmatite terrain of the Variscan orogenic root domain in Europe. Its genesis has been until now attributed to variable degrees of in situ partial melting. In the Rokytná Complex (Gföhl Unit, Czech Republic) there is a well-preserved sequence documenting the entire migmatitization process on both outcrop and regional scales. The sequence starts with (i) banded orthogneiss with distinctly separated monomineralic layers, continuing through (ii) migmatitic mylonitic gneiss, (iii) schlieren migmatite characterised by disappearance of monomineralic layering and finally to (iv) felsic nebulitic migmatite with no relics of the original banding.

While each type of migmatite shows a distinct whole-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic fingerprint, the whole sequence evolves along regular, more or less smooth trends for most of the elements. Possible mechanisms which could account for such a variation are that the individual migmatite types (i) are genetically unrelated, (ii) originated by equilibrium melting of a single protolith, (iii) formed by disequilibrium melting (with or without a small-scale melt movement) or (iv) were generated by melt infiltration from external source. The first scenario is not in agreement with the field observations and chemistry of the orthogneisses/migmatites. Neither of the remaining hypotheses can be ruled out convincingly solely on whole-rock geochemical grounds. However in light of previously obtained structural, petrologic and microstructural data, this sequence can be interpreted as a result of a process in which the banded orthogneiss was pervasively, along grain boundaries, penetrated by felsic melt derived from an external source.

In terms of this melt infiltration model the individual migmatites can be explained by different degrees of equilibration between the bulk rock and the passing melt. The melt infiltration can be modelled as an open-system process, characterised by changes of the total mass/volume and accompanied by gains/losses in many of the major- and trace elements. The modelling of the mass balance resulted in identification of a component added by a heterogeneous nucleation of feldspars, quartz and apatite from the passing melt. This is in line with the observed presence of new albitic plagioclase, K-feldspar and quartz coatings as well as resorption of relict feldspars. At the most advanced stages (schlieren and nebulitic migmatites) the whole-rock trace-element geochemical variations document an increasing role for fractional crystallization of the K-feldspar and minor plagioclase, with accessory amounts of monazite, zircon and apatite.

The penetrating melt was probably (leuco-) granitic, poor in mafic components, Rb rich, with low Sr, Ba, LREE, Zr, U and Th contents. It probably originated by partial melting of micaceous quartzo-feldspathic rocks.

If true and the studied migmatites indeed originated by a progressive melt infiltration into a single protolith resembling the banded orthogneiss, this until now underappreciated process would have profound implications regarding rheology and chemical development of anatectic regions in collisional orogens.  相似文献   

Mauro Alberti   《Tectonophysics》2006,421(3-4):231-250
The spatial properties of events in the 1997 Colfiorito–Sellano seismic sequence (Northern Apennines, Italy) were investigated using coherence, a parameter derived from seismic moment tensors that quantifies the kinematic similarity between focal mechanisms. The 1997 Colfiorito–Sellano seismic sequence predominantly consists of normal faulting earthquakes, with a few strike-slip and reverse faulting episodes. This kinematic heterogeneity is possibly related to the contemporaneous activity of two different sets of faults: NW–SE normal faults and NNE–SSW sub-vertical faults, the latter inherited from the previous Miocene compressional phase. The study used two independently-derived data sets of the same seismic sequence characterized by a different number of events and by different precision of spatial localisation. Their statistical significances, assessed through a reshuffling procedure, reveal that data sets with at least some hundreds of events and good positional precision are required to obtain significant results through coherence analysis. Results from the better quality data set indicate that this seismic sequence is characterized by a rapid decrease in the kinematic similarity between earthquake pairs within 2 km of separation, particularly along directions sub-perpendicular to the normal fault strike. The decrease rate seems to be controlled by the geometric characteristics of the normal faults, given that the mean along-dip distance between fault segments is 2 km. In proximity to pre-existing tectonic lineaments the relative abundance of strike-slip and reverse faults tends to decrease the kinematic similarity between events but does not influence the coherence decrease rate. The presence of mixed focal mechanisms (normal, reverse and strike-slip) in a single seismic phase implies that mixed fault types are not restricted to polyphase tectonic histories: such heterogeneous kinematics during a single phase may be induced by the presence of inherited discontinuities.  相似文献   

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